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Saturday, February 18th 2023
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#024 Incalls in London 19th/20th February 2023

Dear readers,

Hope you are all doing wonderful and currently enjoying the "month of love" as what the society calls it!

This is such a very last minute blog post today to notify each one of you that I have confirmation to return to London tomorrow-19th (Sunday) and 20th(Monday) February.

As always, you can find the details in my profile, under the tab “Read This First”.

How did you spend your 14th February?

If you are like me who doesn't make a big deal about Valentine's Day - high five! lol

It's funny how we are all preconditioned by the society to make it such a very important date to make love or to take someone to dinner with. Why can we do it everyday or as often as we can? Why do we have to wait for the 14th to have a steamy, memorable and mind-blowing sex with our loved ones or lovers?

This past 14th February was certainly a memorable one! Instead of booking an expensive dinner out or going to a fancy restaurant in Mayfair, my lady and I decided to keep things relaxed and casual.

And while there wasn’t any candles-and-roses-style romance involved in this Valentine’s Day, it definitely stands out as one that is unforgettable because of its simplicity and intimacy. We may not have gone all out for this particular occasion like many couples do, but what mattered more than anything else was being able to spend quality time together without feeling pressured by societal expectations or norms. We just decided to have a meal somewhere in Central London and we talked about the highs and lows we have both faced over the years - from my health challenges to her own struggles. We discussed how these experiences have only made us stronger as a couple and that external factors pale in comparison to what we have overcome together. That’s why it will always remain special to me – even if it didn’t involve any fancy dresses or red roses!

Just in case this is your first time reading my blog post, I highly recommend scrolling down to "#013 Sapio Vee: Reborn" which I posted more than a year ago (Monday,10th January 2022).


We decided to take our conversation a bit further by deciding to open up about our ‘Adultwork Adventures’ with one of our closest female friends. It's definitely one of the most beautiful moments we experienced together recently!

Initially, our friend thought I was a porn star [I was like, "No! LMAO!"] and couldn't believe that I was actually "working" in the adult industry.

We laughed it off but she was very supportive and even encouraged us to pursue this adventure! She said, “If you both enjoy it, might as well get paid for it!... so carry on girls!” lol

As we were sharing stories with her, there was a look of curiosity in her eyes that made us think that perhaps one day she might reach out to us asking for assistance in creating an account for herself. However, knowing her current situation with her upcoming marriage in the summer it is highly unlikely that will be able to happen.

The real lesson here however is not necessarily about Adultwork but rather about true friendship and true love.

When the friendship is genuine, nothing should ever come between them and this includes exploring different ways to express themselves sexually. As long as all parties involved (including any significant others) are completely comfortable with the decision then why not? It's important for couples to remember that openmindedness and communication are key components for a successful relationship.

This was something that filled us both with excitement and anticipation, but also provided us with a newfound sense of confidence that came from being able to be honest and open with another person. It was truly beautiful how we could be so comfortable discussing something so intimate without feeling any shame or embarrassment.

All I can say is....

No matter how much time has passed our friendship has always been unbreakable and unconditional which is what makes it so special.

We hugged our friend tightly after coming out to her showing her just how much we really care about her. This shows us yet another time that if you stop chasing the wrong things you can give the right things a chance to find their way into your life!

I think the best quality of love is the feeling that somebody understands you, and you understand somebody.

I hope you've enjoyed reading this blog post as much as I've enjoyed writing it.

To each one of you, stay beautiful and have a fruitful/wonderful day whichever part of the world you are in!

....If this is the first time you found my profile please take the time to Introduce yourself when sending me your first message.

I GUARANTEE YOU that my method of asking these questions is to be respectful towards you. This is for me to evaluate if we are a MATCH.

a. Your age
b. Ethnicity/background (Ex: Half Jamaican/Half Japanese)
c. Do you smoke cigarettes?
d. Any known disabilities that I should be aware of?
e. What type of encounter do you personally enjoy? Please be honest :)
(PSE, spanking a girl, humiliation, plain GFE, slow and very sensual GFE etc.)
f. Do you mind if the lady would choose an outfit that she would like to wear during the meet or you like to request an outfit as it is "essential" for you? Please be truthful :)

No Feedback = No Meeting : Unless you transfer a non-refundable 50% deposit via REVOLUT App prior to our meeting. This app is very secure and discreet so I will NEVER know your full name. I'm happy to send you my referral link (via SMS/WhatsApp/Telegram) if you don't have an account yet.

Thank you for respecting my preference and for valuing my time!

I hope that our schedule will match either, 19th (Sunday) & 20th (Monday) February!

Friday, January 27th 2023
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#023 Incalls in London 29th/30th January 2023

Dear readers,

Hope you are all doing great and had a wonderful start to the new year!

I am writing this blog post today to notify each one of you that I have confirmation to return to London on the 29th (Sunday) and 30th(Monday) January - which is in the next few days.

You can find the details in my profile, under the tab “Read This First”.

I had a great time in my recent visit (22nd/23rd/24th January) at Old Street/Moorgate/Liverpool Street, where I got an opportunity to meet some incredible gentlemen who were sensual, humble, and kind.

One of them even gave me a compliment that having a conversation with me was like listening to an audible book!

That was definitely one of the most beautiful compliments I have received and it felt amazing actually.

Today's topic focuses on Tips for How To Have Sensual Sex and Prolonged Gentle Foreplay.

In order for sex to truly be enjoyable and satisfying for both partners, it is important that it be based upon communication and connection between both parties.

Here are my tips on how to achieve this:

1) Make sure both parties are relaxed – It can be hard to relax when your mind is preoccupied with work or stress from other areas of your life. Take some time out before sex to make sure both of you are relaxed and in sync with each other's needs and desires by using relaxation techniques such as stroking, caressing or soft massage

2) Set the Mood – Creating an atmosphere of intimacy is key for having an incredible sensual sex. Think about different ways to make your bedroom or other private space romantic and inviting, such as dim lighting and soft music. When you set aside time for just the two of you to explore each other’s bodies in a comfortable setting, it allows you both to relax and let go of any inhibitions or anxieties around sexuality.

3) Practice Foreplay – Prolonged gentle foreplay helps to increase arousal in both partners. Think about various activities that can help get you both in the mood like light strokes, kissing, caressing and gentle oral sex. Take time explore each other’s bodies without feeling pressure to move onto intercourse right away. This type of exploration can lead to greater trust and understanding between partners, as well as more intense pleasure when it comes time for intercourse itself.

4) Focus on pleasure rather than performance – Sex should not be viewed as a performance but rather an experience shared between two people that increases intimacy levels if done right! Pay attention to each other's reactions throughout foreplay so that there is no pressure placed upon either partner during sex itself; enjoy yourselves instead!

5) Connect Through Touch – One way to ensure maximum pleasure during intercourse is by connecting through touch with your partner before getting down! Start off by holding hands or cuddling up next one another on the bed; this helps ground each person in their own body while also allowing them room to explore one another's energy fields through simple gestures like stroking inner thighs or caressing skin! This kind of non-sexual touch releases oxytocin (the bonding hormone) which helps build trust between lovers as well as reducing stress levels so you're both relaxed when it comes time for intercourse!

6) Have fun with it - Above all else, remember that sex should be fun for everyone involved; don't take any part too seriously but instead embrace sensuality through connection between yourself and your partner where possible!

I hope these tips help make your sexual experiences even more enjoyable than before!

Remember, communication is key when it comes to enjoying intimate moments together; talk openly about what you want from each other so that expectations can be fulfilled on both sides without any pressure or awkwardness present in the room afterwards!

This is the main reason why I ask the key questions (enumerated below!) before I agree to arrange a meeting with a client.

Wishing you all a wonderful month ahead filled with passion & pleasure!


....If this is the first time you found my profile please take the time to Introduce yourself when sending me your first message.

I GUARANTEE YOU that my method of asking these questions is to be respectful towards you. This is for me to evaluate if we are a MATCH.

a. Your age
b. Ethnicity/background (Ex: Half Jamaican/Half Japanese)
c. Do you smoke cigarettes?
d. Any known disabilities that I should be aware of?
e. What type of encounter do you personally enjoy? Please be honest :)
(PSE, spanking a girl, humiliation, plain GFE, slow and very sensual GFE etc.)
f. Do you mind if the lady would choose an outfit that she would like to wear during the meet or you like to request an outfit as it is "essential" for you? Please be truthful :)

No Feedback = No Meeting : Unless you transfer a non-refundable 50% deposit via REVOLUT App prior to our meeting. This app is very secure and discreet so I will NEVER know your full name. I'm happy to send you my referral link (via SMS/WhatsApp/Telegram) if you don't have an account yet.

Thank you for respecting my preference and for valuing my time!

I hope that our schedule will match either, 29th (Sunday) & 30th (Monday) January!

Thursday, December 1st 2022
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#022 Incalls in London 4th/5th December 2022

Dear readers,

You are probably surprised to see this Incall blog post sooner than expected?

Same here! My schedule can be VERY spontaneous and unpredictable.

I received confirmation yesterday that I need to return to London on the 4th (Sunday) & 5th (Monday) December which is in the next few days.

If you've been following my profile for a while, you are aware that I ONLY travel to London because of my obligations in my line of work (not Adultwork).

When I'm in London fulfilling my responsibilities and experiencing mindblowing encounters (with selective sensual beings) at the same time, feels wonderful and rewarding!

Just in case I won't be able to write another blog in the next few weeks, I just want to thank every single one of you whom I had the opportunity to meet this year whether it is an outcall or an incall get-together. It was such a pleasure discovering each one of you in a naked manner and I truly value our time spent together, especially if I've learned something new from you.

I also want to mention the few beautiful gents who were so sweet to gift me packs of flaxseeds, chia seeds, maca powder, spirulina powder, and most importantly the only client who was so generous to get me a grounding mat!

When he opened his bag and handed me the box that says, "Earthing Mat" in it - I almost cried! lol

I got very emotional because I never expected anyone in Adultwork would EVER give me this product. I'm not sure if he will read this blog post as he told me that he might delete his account if he no longer needs it.

One of the beautiful things he said to me is he will try to implement the insights and techniques he learned from our encounter with a lady that he intends to date exclusively. He asked me various questions on how to make a female reach orgasm as he would like to make this lady reach orgasm. Apparently, she hasn't experienced it (yet) and doesn't know how to get there.

I honestly told him that I cannot help with that unfortunately because it depends on what she likes?

Only her own sexual experience(s) and open-mindedness to explore various things will help her reach her very first sensational orgasm!

I remember my "squirting moments" with my ex-gf. Haha!

That type of vaginal orgasm felt great BUT when I discovered clitoral orgasm I didn't look back! If you have witnessed me reach my orgasm during our rendezvous, you know that I can be very loud. Sometimes, I feel so sorry when a client startles especially when I shout "F**K!" loudly. I can't help it, unfortunately.

From my own experience, exploring sacred sexuality, using breath and AWARENESS for much more pleasure opens up my body and my sensuality. All of that has been extremely magnificent!

Sex should be an immersive experience full of passion, pleasure, and connection whether it is with the same sex or the opposite sex. My lifelong bedroom experiences led me to discover new levels of bliss and orgasmic ecstasy. Believe it or not, there are only a handful of selective individuals that I've met whose penis felt very "present" and healing where the thrusts are pleasurable and loving.

I often tell my other half, I do not enjoy the "hard and fast" men and she starts laughing at my stories. Well, she tells me similar stories.

If there are any straight women reading this post and you expect men to know these things instinctively, it is just impossible darling!

I truly believe that it is vital for women to know their own bodies, and to be able to communicate their needs. Men and women are profoundly different which is WHY communication is important.

Before this year ends I hope you all had lots of incredible mindful and conscious rendezvous with your lovers!.

Detach from fear. Understand that vulnerability is sexy.
Be welcoming. Be receptive. Be open to new experiences.

In entering the year 2023, may we all experience transcendental sex that is "out of this world." - Are you up for it?

PS I will not be available in the next 4 weeks, sadly. If we don't get the chance to meet this visit, there will be plenty of opportunities in 2023!

To each one of you, stay well, happy and healthy. Have a wonderful holiday celebration with your loved ones!


....If this is the first time you found my profile please take the time to Introduce yourself when sending me your first message.

I GUARANTEE YOU that my method of asking these questions is to be respectful towards you. This is for me to evaluate if we are a MATCH.

a. Your age
b. Ethnicity/background (Ex: Half Jamaican/Half Japanese)
c. Do you smoke cigarettes?
d. Any known disabilities that I should be aware of?
e. What type of encounter do you personally enjoy? Please be honest :)
(PSE, spanking a girl, humiliation, plain GFE, slow and very sensual GFE etc.)
f. Do you mind if the lady would choose an outfit that she would like to wear during the meet or you like to request an outfit as it is "essential" for you? Please be truthful :)

No Feedback = No Meeting : Unless you transfer a non-refundable 50% deposit via REVOLUT App prior to our meeting. This app is very secure and discreet so I will NEVER know your full name. I'm happy to send you my referral link (via SMS/WhatsApp/Telegram) if you don't have an account yet.

Thank you for respecting my preference and for valuing my time!

I hope that our schedule will match either, 4th (Sunday) & 5th (Monday) December!

Wednesday, November 16th 2022
Previous EntryNext Entry
#021 Incalls in London 27th/28th November 2022

Dear readers,

Hope you are all well and keeping warm in this rather cold and rainy season.

Confirmation received and I'm coming to London on the 27th (Sunday) & 28th (Monday) November.

I will be near Old Street/Moorgate/Liverpool stations (EC1Y). You can view the details in my profile, under my "Read This First" tab

In my previous visit earlier this month, I had an incredible experience with every single one-on-one sensual rendezvous.

I specifically wrote "one-on-one" as I haven't had any FFM meetings in the past few weeks due to my work schedule and other priorities in my personal life. As much as I would love to say "YES!" but if my schedule doesn't match the client(s), there is nothing I can do about it, sadly.

Just so you know, I get really excited receiving FFM queries and sometimes it does make me wet thinking about it. If you have been following my profile for a while, you are fully aware that I love exploring a woman's curves as much as any sensual individual (man/woman/non-binary) out there.

...so if our schedule doesn't match this time around, I just remind myself that if it is meant to happen, it will happen. Perhaps next year maybe?

"We don’t know what the future holds" - so I am optimistic that if the right couple comes along and our schedule matches eventually it will be worth the wait!

I hope each one of you had a lot of very intense and memorable rendezvous these past few days? Perhaps you've discovered something new about yourself?

If we've met several times before, you know that I enjoy listening to each person's life experience and learning your story. It could be your experiences living in different cities/countries, the joys and challenges of switching different careers, the unforgettable intimate experiences with your other lovers as well as those whom you wished you didn't meet and so much more.

I love this quote, “Every person that you meet knows something you don't; learn from them.” H. Jackson Brown Jr.

Would you agree that every person you meet has a purpose in your life? People who come into our life are there for a reason. Whether they're our friends, peers/colleagues, workmates, or Adultwork lovers, they serve as connections or stepping stones that help us grow and evolve.

Nothing that happens to us is by mistake!

For those of you that I've met in person, thank you for your kindness and for sharing your wisdom! Just know that I really value your time spent with me especially if you are a very beautiful sensual and sweet being.

To each one of you, have a wonderful and fruitful day!

....If this is the first time you found my profile please take the time to Introduce yourself when sending me your first message.

I GUARANTEE YOU that my method of asking these questions is to be respectful towards you. This is for me to evaluate if we are a MATCH.

a. Your age
b. Ethnicity/background (Ex: Half Jamaican/Half Japanese)
c. Do you smoke cigarettes?
d. Any known disabilities that I should be aware of?
e. What type of encounter do you personally enjoy? Please be honest :)
(PSE, spanking a girl, humiliation, plain GFE, slow and very sensual GFE etc.)
f. Do you mind if the lady would choose an outfit that she would like to wear during the meet or you like to request an outfit as it is "essential" for you? Please be truthful :)

No Feedback = No Meeting : Unless you transfer a non-refundable 50% deposit via REVOLUT App prior to our meeting. This app is very secure and discreet so I will NEVER know your full name. I'm happy to send you my referral link (via SMS/WhatsApp/Telegram) if you don't have an account yet.

Thank you for respecting my preference and for valuing my time!

I hope that our schedule will match either, 27th (Sunday) & 28th (Monday) November!

Monday, October 31st 2022
Previous EntryNext Entry
#020 Incalls in London 6th/7th November 2022
Dear readers,

Hope you are all well and are trying different hacks to reduce your energy and gas bills these days.

Confirmation received and I'm coming to London on the 6th (Sunday) & 7th (Monday) November.

I will be near Old Street/Moorgate/Liverpool stations (EC1Y). You can view the details in my profile, under my "Read This First" tab

I just wanted to write about something..... It will be brief, I promise!

When I switched my phone "ON" the other day, I received a lot of sweet messages asking, "Vee, I noticed you haven't been on Adultwork for a few days. Just checking if you are OK? Would it be possible to know when you are around London again? Would love to see you soon. Speak soon."

I just want to let you all know that I am absolutely fine, happy, and well!

As you all know, my Adultwork life is an outlet and will remain that way, just like most of you who are reading this post.

Every now and then, I turn off my mobile device. Therefore, if your WhatsApp/Telegram message didn't go through, that just means I am offline.

Another reason why I like to switch off my phone into airplane mode or turn it off completely is to reduce the level of Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) that my body is exposed to on a daily basis. Airplane mode decreases the amount of EMFs but doesn’t eliminate it.

When I am making a call, I always use the loudspeaker or wired earphones. When I tested myself with wireless/Bluetooth earphones for several hours it gave me a terrible headache and that's when I know my body doesn't agree with this type of technology.

I don't want you to take my word for it but I definitely encourage you to do your own research, dig deeper and educate yourself and read more about the activation of voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs) from works of Martin L. Pall, Ph.D., Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, Ph.D., Arthur Firstenberg, Patrick Wood, Christian Thomas so much more!

Use your favourite search engine and enjoy your brand-new discovery!

To each one of you, have an amazing and fruitful day wherever you are reading this!


....If this is the first time you found my profile please take the time to Introduce yourself when sending me your first message.

I GUARANTEE YOU that my method of asking these questions is to be respectful towards you. This is for me to evaluate if we are a MATCH.

a. Your age
b. Ethnicity/background (Ex: Half Jamaican/Half Japanese)
c. Do you smoke cigarettes?
d. Any known disabilities that I should be aware of?
e. What type of encounter do you personally enjoy? Please be honest :)
(PSE, spanking a girl, humiliation, plain GFE, slow and very sensual GFE etc.)
f. Do you mind if the lady would choose an outfit that she would like to wear during the meet or you like to request an outfit as it is "essential" for you? Please be truthful :)

No Feedback = No Meeting : Unless you transfer a non-refundable 50% deposit via REVOLUT App prior to our meeting. This app is very secure and discreet so I will NEVER know your full name. I'm happy to send you my referral link (via SMS/WhatsApp/Telegram) if you don't have an account yet.

Thank you for respecting my preference and for valuing my time!

I hope that our schedule will match either, 6th (Sunday) & 7th (Monday) November!

Friday, October 14th 2022
Previous EntryNext Entry
#019 Incalls in London 16th/17th October 2022

Dear readers,

Hope you are all well and are keeping warm in our current weather here in England.

Confirmation received and I'm coming to London on the 16th (Sunday) & 17th (Monday) October.

I will be near Old Street/Moorgate/Liverpool stations (EC1Y). You can view the details in my profile, under my "Read This First" tab .

I met a beautiful new client recently and he expressed his gratitude regarding the disability disclosure that I politely asks in my profile which is also written clearly in one of my FAQs (FAQ #4).

By the way, he told me I can write it in my blog post if I wish to write about it which was really wonderful of him.

He has a stoma bag (or colostomy bag) attached in his lower abdomen and he asked me if I was okay to see him. My response was like, "Why wouldn't I be? Of course I have no issues moving forward with the meeting. You just have to tell me what are certain movements/positions that we can't do so I will not cause you any discomfort etc."

We live in a beautiful BUT very complex modern society where we are exposed every second of our day-to-day lives with stressors in our external environment (such as pathogens, harmful pharmacological agents, heavy metals, pollutants, EMFs, workload, irate people etc.) that CONSTANTLY challenge our body's innate defence mechanisms to try its best to manage everything - until our body says "No!"

Then, we undergo different medical interventions to try to resuscitate and prolong our very brief existence in this world.

You might be wondering why am I writing about this topic?

This is for you to understand (especially if we haven't met) how important it is for me to know if you have any disabilities, conditions (such as asthma, chest pains, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis etc.) recent surgical procedures or any implantable medical devices such as pacemakers etc. attached to your bodies

There shouldn't be any reason for you to feel ashamed about this as I do not know your personal identity (technically) and there is no sense of commitment from us seeing each other (we see each other when it's meant to be).

Therefore, there is NO RISK (whatsoever) in disclosing this information as we may not see each other again?

It is only going to benefit us both so we can fully enjoy our time together and prevent certain emergencies to happen. I'm not going to go in details about the different possibilities - you see what I mean.

Over the years, I have met countless of clients who have various conditions, disabilities and devices attached in their bodies and this allowed me to learn more about their personal story. It is a fascinating discovery, if I'll be honest.

..so whatever it is that you have, please let me know and I would really appreciate you for doing so.

I hope I have provided some clarity why I ask this very valuable information.

To every single one of you, have an amazing and fruitful day whichever part of the world you are right now!


....If this is the first time you found my profile please take the time to Introduce yourself when sending me your first message.

I GUARANTEE YOU that my method of asking these questions is to be respectful towards you. This is for me to evaluate if we are a MATCH.

a. Your age
b. Ethnicity/background (Ex: Half Jamaican/Half Japanese)
c. Do you smoke cigarettes?
d. Any known disabilities that I should be aware of?
e. What type of encounter do you personally enjoy? Please be honest :)
(PSE, spanking a girl, humiliation, plain GFE, slow and very sensual GFE etc.)
f. Do you mind if the lady would choose an outfit that she would like to wear during the meet or you like to request an outfit as it is "essential" for you? Please be truthful :)

No Feedback = No Meeting : Unless you transfer a non-refundable 50% deposit via REVOLUT App prior to our meeting. This app is very secure and discreet so I will NEVER know your full name. I'm happy to send you my referral link (via SMS/WhatsApp/Telegram) if you don't have an account yet.

Thank you for respecting my preference and for valuing my time!

I hope that our schedule will match either, 16th (Sunday) & 17th (Monday) October!

Wednesday, September 28th 2022
Previous EntryNext Entry
#018 Incalls in London 2nd/3rd October 2022

Hope you are having a fruitful and amazing week so far!

Confirmation received and I'm coming to London on the 2nd (Sunday) & 3rd (Monday) October.

I will be near Old Street/Moorgate/Liverpool stations (EC1Y). You can view the details in my profile, under my "Read This First" tab .

During my last visit in the City, one of my regular clients asked me a playful but very entertaining question...

"Vee, what are your Top 3 Most Interesting facts of Sapio Vee?" and this was my response (Adultwork context, of course)...

1) I have never put my profile in "Escort of The Day" section.
2) I have never spoke over the phone with any of my clients before our meeting - everything is written using the Adultwork internal email.
3) In my early years, I used to require every client to send me a photo of themselves before I agree to meet them.

My reasoning would be the following:

1) There are many profiles who use this section and are willing to pay the amount required (can be expensive) for their profiles to be known to thousands of 'potential' clients browsing the home page. You will also notice that it's familiar profiles being shown all the time. You know why? Because, it is VERY effective (bring more clients) and that's why they will do it OVER and OVER again. Why won't I grab the opportunity? If you've been following my profile and read my blog posts for awhile now, you should know by now that I don't have any intentions to attract everyone. I would like to be unnoticeable to the majority. Unfortunately, the majority have an impulsive behaviour of sending vague messages without even thinking before pressing the "send" button. That is a fact, sadly.

2) Many profiles in AW only accept bookings over the phone and I'm fully aware of this. Most of them, specifically write that they do not respond to emails and texts. This method is great but not for me, unfortunately. All my regular sensual clients are aware that receiving phone calls is not a discreet option for me and that all of our correspondence should be written and recorded that way. I also think that expressing yourself in an effective written communication is so sexy! ...Yes you got it right - it can make me WET!

3) Before venturing my Adultwork journey, I had no interest (whatsoever) in dating men, sadly. I exclusively date women and I was only comfortable making love with women. Until my world went upside down when my family decided that they are no longer interested in lending me money to pay my tuition fee (just when I needed to transfer the funds to the institution) for my MSc. They said, they can only give me the funds for my airfare expenses returning back home. Long story short, my other half proposed that I see men in exchange for money and it was NOT an easy decision back then, if I'll be honest. We then talked about it (very strategically!) and I told her that I would only meet them if they send a photo of themselves and we would meet in public vicinities. Believe it or not, the gentlemen that I met back then actually appreciated me for asking their photos before agreeing to meet.

I am extremely certain that each one of you who are here in Adultwork whether you are seeking or providing services/experiences have your own version of "Top 3 Most Interesting Facts of ________ (your name)!"

Whatever it might be, I hope you are enjoying your experiences in this platform as much as I do - with no regrets!

On this note, I'm going to end my post here because it's getting really lengthy. lol

Enjoy the rest of your day and make it count!


....If this is the first time you found my profile please take the time to Introduce yourself when sending me your first message.

I GUARANTEE YOU that my method of asking these questions is to be respectful towards you. This is for me to evaluate if we are a MATCH.

a. Your age
b. Ethnicity/background (Ex: Half Jamaican/Half Japanese)
c. Do you smoke cigarettes?
d. Any known disabilities that I should be aware of?
e. What type of encounter do you personally enjoy? Please be honest :)
(PSE, spanking a girl, humiliation, plain GFE, slow and very sensual GFE etc.)
f. Do you mind if the lady would choose an outfit that she would like to wear during the meet or you like to request an outfit as it is "essential" for you? Please be truthful :)

No Feedback = No Meeting : Unless you transfer a non-refundable 50% deposit via REVOLUT App prior to our meeting. This app is very secure and discreet so I will NEVER know your full name. I'm happy to send you my referral link (via SMS/WhatsApp/Telegram) if you don't have an account yet.

Thank you for respecting my preference and for valuing my time!

I hope that our schedule will match either, 2nd (Sunday) & 3rd (Monday) October!

Saturday, September 10th 2022
Previous EntryNext Entry
#017 Incalls in London 18/19 Sept 2022

Hope you are well!

I just received confirmation and I'm coming to London on the 18th (Sunday) & 19th (Monday) September.

I will be near Old Street/Moorgate/Liverpool stations (EC1Y). You can view the details in my profile, under my "Read This First" tab .

During my last visit in Liverpool Street, I had a one new client who asked me...

"Vee, what type of girls do you like?" and I responded, "Those who wear less make-up, independent (pays her own bills etc.), open-minded, calm, tactile, respectful to other people, intelligent (most importantly!) and humble (THIS makes me WET!)." I'm not even joking! lol

This is my struggle on a regular basis because I am surrounded with these types of women in my line of work as well as the venue where I currently study.

Thankfully, I have learned to control myself and I am able to talk these "horny feelings" and sexual urges to my other half. She just laughs at my desires-haha!

I must admit, I always get excited when I come to stay in London because of these types of conversations.

I get the opportunity to meet new sensual beings and spend time with my wonderful sensual regular clients! I always have an incredible time with each beautiful individual.

....if this is the first time you found my profile please take the time to Introduce yourself when sending me your first message.

I GUARANTEE YOU that my method of asking these questions is to be respectful towards you. This is for me to evaluate if we are a MATCH.

a. Your age
b. Ethnicity/background (Ex: Half Jamaican/Half Japanese)
c. Do you smoke cigarettes?
d. Any known disabilities that I should be aware of?
e. What type of encounter do you personally enjoy? Please be honest :)
(PSE, spanking a girl, humilitation, plain GFE, slow and very sensual GFE etc.)
f. Do you mind if the lady would choose an outfit that she would like to wear during the meet or you like to request an outfit as it is "essential" for you? Please be truthful :)

No Feedback = No Meeting : Unless you transfer a non-refundable 50% deposit via REVOLUT App prior to our meeting. This app is very secure and discreet so I will NEVER know your full name. I'm happy to send you my referral link (via SMS/WhatsApp/Telegram) if you don't have an account yet.

Thank you for respecting my preference and for valuing my time!

I hope that our schedule will match either, 18th (Sunday) & 19th (Monday) September!

Friday, August 26th 2022
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#016 Incalls in London 05/06 Sept 2022

Hope you are having an amazing day whenever you see this post!

Update: Schedule organised and I'm coming to London on the 5th (Monday) & 6th (Tuesday) September.

I will be near Liverpool Street/Aldgate/Aldgate East stations (E1). You can view the details in my profile, under my "Read This First" tab .

I had the opportunity to meet several incredible, humble and kind gentlemen in my previous visit in Old Street/Moorgate/Liverpool Street and it just made me miss my mind-blowing sensual experiences in London.

This is exactly the reason why I am coming down at least twice each month in City of London.

I'm not sure if my schedule would permit me to do more than that, but we'll see in the future?

Just to give you a hint..... I am a girl next door-type who enjoys a slow and sensual love-making.

Therefore, if you don't enjoy what I enjoy, I ask you politely to browse a different profile who enjoys what you want. I think it's only fair that way.

....if this is the first time you found my profile please take the time to Introduce yourself when sending me your first message.

a. Your age
b. Ethnicity/background (Ex: Half Jamaican/Half Japanese)
c. Do you smoke cigarettes?
d. Any known disabilities that I should be aware of?
e. What type of encounter do you personally enjoy? Please be honest :)
(PSE, spanking a girl, humilitation, plain GFE, slow and very sensual GFE etc.)
f. Do you mind if the lady would choose an outfit that she would like to wear during the meet or you like to request an outfit as it is "essential" for you? Please be truthful :)

No Feedback = No Meeting : Unless you transfer a non-refundable 50% deposit via REVOLUT App prior to our meeting. This app is very secure and discreet so I will NEVER know your full name. I'm happy to send you my referral link (via SMS/WhatsApp/Telegram) if you don't have an account yet.

Thank you for respecting my preference and for valuing my time!

I look forward to spending time with you on the, 5th (Monday) & 6th (Tuesday) September!

Tuesday, August 16th 2022
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#015 Incalls in London 21/22 Aug 2022
Hope you are enjoying your week so far!

I've finally organised my schedule and I'm able to host in London 21st (Sunday) and 22nd (Monday) August.

I will be near Old Street and Liverpool Street stations (EC1Y).

Although many of my clients have complimented me that I look like a porn star in flesh. However, I simply do not enjoy a Porn Star Experience, sorry.

I am a girl next door-type who enjoys a slow and sensual love-making.

Therefore, if you don't enjoy what I enjoy, I ask you politely to browse a different profile who enjoys what you want. I think it's only fair that way.

....if this is the first time you found my profile please take the time to Introduce yourself when sending me your first message.

a. Your age
b. Ethnicity/background (Ex: Half Jamaican/Half Japanese)
c. Do you smoke cigarettes?
d. Any known disabilities that I should be aware of?
e. What type of encounter do you personally enjoy? Please be honest :)
(PSE, spanking a girl, humilitation, plain GFE, slow and very sensual GFE etc.)
f. Do you mind if the lady would choose an outfit that she would like to wear during the meet or you like to request an outfit as it is "essential" for you? Please be truthful :)

No Feedback = No Meeting ➔ Unless you transfer a non-refundable 50% deposit via REVOLUT App prior to our meeting. This app is very secure and discreet so I will NEVER know your full name. I'm happy to send you my referral link (via SMS/WhatsApp/Telegram) if you don't have an account yet.

Thank you for respecting my preference and for valuing my time!

I look forward to spending time with you on the, 21st or 22nd August!

Friday, August 5th 2022
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#014 Incalls in London 12 Aug 2022
Hope you are all well.

This blog post will be very brief just to let you know that I am hosting (finally!) in London on Friday-12th August.

I will be near Cannon Street Station (EC4N).

I am thinking of doing another one in the next few weeks but I have to check my work schedule first, if it allows me.

My intention is to have once or twice Incalls monthly in London depending on where I have to be.

I highly recommend that you tick the box next to "Send me a free email when Sapio Vee posts to their blog" so you will see my future announcements regarding my next Incall dates.

As always, I ONLY want to be naked with individuals who enjoy the same type of experience as I do!

....so it's important to ask yourself this question - "What do I really want to get and experience with Sapio Vee's time?"

If we have met several times before, you know exactly what I enjoy!

....and if we haven't met before please take the time to Introduce yourself when sending me your first message.

a. Your age
b. Ethnicity/background (Ex: Half Jamaican/Half Japanese)
c. Do you smoke cigarettes?
d. Any known disabilities that I should be aware of?
e. What type of encounter do you personally enjoy? Please be honest :)
(PSE, spanking a girl, humilitation, plain GFE, slow and very sensual GFE etc.)
f. Do you mind if the lady would choose an outfit that she would like to wear during the meet or you like to request an outfit as it is "essential" for you? Please be truthful :)

No Feedback = No Meeting ; Unless you transfer a non-refundable 50% deposit via Revolut/PayPal prior to our meeting.

Thank you for respecting my preference and for valuing my time!

I look forward to spending time with you on the, 12th August!

Monday, January 10th 2022
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#013 Sapio Vee: Reborn
Sapio Vee: Reborn

Does the title sound like a Matrix movie? Lol

I actually saw The Matrix Resurrection (2021) recently and even though I enjoyed it, The Matrix (1999) is still my all time favourite sequence.

The title has "Reborn" in it because that's exactly what happened to me when I recovered from a very challenging life- threatening condition in summer of 2020. The specialists that I have been working with said that most people die within around 6 months with this condition if their respiratory system is compromised. At the time, I told myself that if it is my time, I am willing to surrender my entire self and just feel grateful that I have seen and experienced so many things in life which most people would only dream of.

For the record, it wasn't related to the overhyped SARS CoV-2 (Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2). Most people became obsessed with this virus and they have forgotten that there are other various debilitating & life-threatening diseases on our planet, which need more attention, in my own opinion. That's the power of indoctrination for you.

Moving forward here...

It started in autumn of 2019 with an extreme itchiness in both hands, extreme sensitivity in my gums to the point that I struggled to eat because it was too painful to chew. When my dentist prescribed me an antibiotic (haven't had one for years) I had no idea that one of its side effects is severe joint pain and muscle weakness. The condition had progressed severely so I was extremely weak, I was walking so slow just like an 80-year old person, my other half would end up feeding me because I couldn't hold anything (my hands were too sensitive and it was too painful to hold anything). The medications that I was taking were making me feel worse and I was even developing peripheral neuropathy symptoms and that's when I told myself ENOUGH is ENOUGH.

This is when I completely changed my approach to dealing with the condition. I told myself that if I am going to look at different modalities, these pharmaceuticals will just lead me into another illness because of the side-effects attached to it prolonging the suffering even more. "There must be a way!", I told myself.

I didn't find anyone who survived this specific condition online and believe me, I looked everywhere.

When I met this beautiful Homeopath in her 70s, I didn't expect anything. I was just extremely open to the process and just paying more attention to my body's response to her remedy. I also had to go through a very strict nutrition protocol and I didn't have any issues with compliance at all. When you want to achieve something so bad, you will do WHATEVER it takes to get it, isn't it.

I'm currently studying a similar modality (yes I enrolled myself in College) and I am fully aware that the path is rough with Homeopathy & Evidence-based Nutrition - "It will get worse before it gets better."

Oops, I noticed that this blog post is getting lengthy so will try to wrap it up soon...

After this very challenging event, I never thought that I would be logging back into Adultwork EVER - haha!

But here I am, taking my time to write this blog post and publishing it on a website where most people are looking for a sex service.

Why did I even bother, right? Lol

I guess I just wanted to share what happened to me to empower a few individual who happen to read this.

With the current times, I think it's important for me to share what I know and hopefully this attracts the type of clients that I would like to meet.

At the end of the day, you want to share your time with someone who releases similar frequency.

Living in the love vibration is our birthright, so me sharing this here is my way of raising the frequency of love vibration.

That is it for this post, stay beautiful, have lots of sensual mind blowing encounters and enjoy the rest of your day!

Sunday, April 14th 2019
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#012 How Do You Maintain It?

Recently, one of my dearest clients asked me, "How do you maintain everything...like your body, your smile, being so enthusiastic/positive, passionate and just your overall well-being despite of this very stressful world? I don't know how you do it but it would be nice if you could share some of your secrets to me, Vee."

Before we begin, I would like to dedicate this blog post to several gents who have recently opened up to me about their personal struggles in their private lives. These are related to wanting to end their current relationship with their partner, lose weight, being unable to ask out a person who they like at work because they are too scared of being rejected, wanting to stop seeing a friend/family member that is very toxic to be around and just having questions about their overall well-being.

When an individual opens up to me about these things, it is absolutely flattering because it means they value what I'm about to say and share with them. These people are from different walks of life - I met them via Adultwork, business gatherings, social events and those whose services I use, such as bespoke caterers, domestic cleaners, engineers (software/hardware) etc.

I'm going to share with you the things that have worked for me and I do apologise in advance if they may make you feel uncomfortable.

If you are someone who likes to grow and is constantly seeking to improve yourself to become a better person , then this blog post will be very valuable to you (in my own opinion at least).

Otherwise, I strongly recommend that you stop here and carry on with what you were doing beforehand.

Q: But Vee, that's a lot of stuff. How are you going to break it all down?
A: Well, in this blog post I am going to focus on one topic which is "Ending Relationships/Divorce" and then I shall share some insights into the other topics of my future blog posts. Let's take one step at a time, love.

Topic "Ending Relationships/Divorce - Overcoming your fear of breaking up with someone you love...."

Ladies and gents, grab your favourite drink, get some popcorn and enjoy this read!

This is a very sensitive and personal topic for everyone so I don't want to offer any advice, but rather I'd like to share with you my personal experience when ending my previous relationships with women (not divorce though). I hope it will be insightful for you...

Jealousy has been one of the main reasons why I had to end them especially as I was not giving my partners any reason. I found a quote perfect for this: "A competent and self-confident person is incapable of jealousy in anything. Jealousy is invariably a symptom of neurotic insecurity." - Robert A. Heinlein

I had an ex gf slap me in the face when I was looking at another girl. I was like, "What was that for?" and she said, "Why were you looking at her?" I replied, "I love her dress! Can you please stop being so jealous." Her behaviour towards these little things was absolutely draining and one day I had a talk with her and said, "I want to be completely honest with you and I hope that you'll find it in your heart to respect what I'm about to say. I cannot continue this relationship with you if you are not willing to work with your insecurities. This is preventing me from focusing on my exams." - I ended it in a cafe where there were other people present and obviously she didn't take it lightly! She got aggressive towards me and a guy actually had to hold her down so I could get away. It was crazy though! She was shouting, "You cannot do this to me. You are mine. No-one can have you apart from me etc." - Thankfully, she didn't know where I live so that was the last time I've seen her.

After that, I had another one and another one like this... Then, I asked myself - how can I possibly stop attracting women who are so jealous? I knew that I could not handle another jealous partner, so when I met my lady (the one I'm still with right now), I asked her at the very beginning how she would react if she saw me looking at another girl. She said it would not bother her at all as she knows I'm with her and no matter who I look at, we would still be going home together at the end of the day. That was music to my ears and motivated me to keep asking her out.

We've been together for several years now and obviously had our ups and downs throughout our journey together. Our greatest challenges were during the first 3 years and I am glad they all happened that early in our relationship as we were able to really get to know each other and move past our differences. My partner once said to me: "No matter what happens in the future, you will always have a special place in my heart" so we don't know what the future will bring but we're working on our personal differences one step at a time with full transparency and make sure we talk to each other whenever a problem arises, no matter how small or big it might be.

To summarise this topic, letting go of someone you love, especially if you have children with them, is the hardest thing ever but ask yourself this question... "Do you see yourself growing with this person for the next 6 months or a year?" You're the only one who knows the answer to this.

If the answer is no, I highly suggest that you book a discussion with your partner and preferably somewhere public and where you can hear each other. I wrote "book" because we all have very busy schedules and as this is something very important, you must put in the time to discuss it. If you're not going to do it soon, you will definitely suffer the consequences.

Have the courage to live a life that is true to yourself, not the life that others expect of you.

If you are currently going through something similar, all I can say is - whatever you decide to do, I sincerely wish you the very best! #fingerscrossed

That is it for me ladies and gents, hope you enjoyed reading this and it was insightful for you.

Until my next blog post in the next few weeks, stay passionate, have lots of sensual mind blowing encounters and enjoy the rest of your April!

Monday, December 10th 2018
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#011 How Is It Possible?

The full title of this blog post is "How is it possible for a woman to have a mind-blowing sensual encounter with a man when she is not physically attracted to him?"

I would really appreciate it if you could read this until the very end, especially if we have not met before. I think it will help you to make your mind up about whether to send me a query to arrange a meeting or otherwise...

Discovering what compels and pleases you on the physical front is surely something to experiment with rather than worry about. I’d go as far as to say it’s admirably human to explore beyond the confines of any limited horizon. The complexities of our species have been illuminated and explored in art and literature, music and poetry over millennia, so none of us should be surprised to find that we have hidden depths and desires.

Finding one sex or the other more to your physical tastes is also not a finite choice. Plenty of people go through life convinced their sexuality runs one way, only to find a chance encounter leads them in another direction. It’s true that the majority of us have clearly defined overriding impulses but even so, there are still nuances left to play with. Neither is it a positive thing to separate the body you’re compelled by from the brain it’s attached to in the manner you outline. The way human beings attract each other is an infinitely more complex and fascinating area than you give it credit for.

Defining your taste on the basis of body type seriously narrows the field of playmates/lovers you can choose from. Men and women come in myriad shapes, sizes and sensibilities. There will be plenty of times in your life when you surprise yourself by your romantic leanings and that’s all the better. How dreary to spend a lifetime attracted to brunette boys/girls with washboard bellies and die never having known the fulsome embrace of a chubbier specimen. Sexual attraction isn’t just about limbs, physique and gender-defining attributes – reduced to such prosaic elements, the whole copulation dance would eventually grind to a standstill, quite literally.

Question: Okay Vee, I get your drift but can you please explain why your Orientation on your profile states Bisexual yet you don't meet female clients or even collaborate with other hot female escorts for DUOs?
For example, it's always been my dream to be with 2 beautiful women, a latina and a south-east asian girl like you?
Answer: First of all, I do apologise for the confusion. Bisexual is the closest I can pick, since I am definitely not Straight. Also, I am very comfortable without labelling my sexuality as labels are limiting & isolating. I refused to be confined. lol

About the latter, my significant other & I agreed not to meet any women to avoid unintentional comparisons.

So here's an example just so you understand what I'm trying to say.

For example, after having an intimate encounter with a female client, my beautiful lady "might" ask me questions like "Is her pussy delicious? Are her boobs bigger than mine? etc." - As much as possible, I would like to prevent these types of situations to happen as they can be a problem. lol

At least if we only meet men, these types of scenarios won't happen as you cannot compare a penis with a vagina.

Question: Cool, do you have a preference in terms of a man's height, age, ethnicity etc.?
Answer: To be very honest with you, it doesn't really bother me that much whether you are taller/shorter, younger/older, which country you were born and raised in.... what matters to me is that we both enjoy the same encounter in the bedroom. However, judging from my personal experience so far, I find that gents who happen to be shorter than me are absolutely beautiful lovers.

An example of this is if the man is on top in a missionary position and he licks my nipples gently at the same time - OMG, this for me is an ecstatic sexual experience! #explosive

Question: Alright, but why do you ask all these questions before you agree to see me? Why can't we just be straight to the point?
Answer: This profile wouldn't be called controversial for no reason, so my sole purpose of asking them is to get a rough idea about you and whether there is any sign that we have a lot in common.

It is extremely important that you are honest with yourself in terms of what type of encounter you genuinely enjoy (e.g. PSE, spanking a girl, humilitation, plain GFE, slow and very sensual GFE etc.) as this will prevent an awkward situation when we are face-to-face, wasting your time as well as your resources & vice versa.

As mentioned previously, I respect and value other peoples' time and would really appreciate it if you do the same for me.

That is it for me ladies and gents, hope you enjoyed reading this blog post as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Until my next blog post in 2019, stay passionate, have lots of sensual mind blowing encounters and enjoy the rest of 2018 with your loved ones!


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