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Friday, February 26th 2016
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Friday Giggles : )
I love reading my messages on AW , I am always flattered by the time you Gents spend thinking about ME !!!!
It really is nice to get messages that are not just about 'Making A Booking' and suchlike
This particular little story made me chuckle so thought it deserved to be shared ...

Sarah has gone on holiday with her new boyfriend Simon. As simon is a keen golfer Sarah wants to learn she struggles to hit the ball the instructor says My darling the club is a delicate tool and instrument and should be used as such but please think of it as your boyfriends penis.She hits this ball like you would not believe and scores a hole in one. The instructor goes fucking crazy marvellous he says absolutely bloody marvellous but this time take the club out your mouth my dear.

Monday, February 22nd 2016
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Only Me ....
23rd February ..... Tick Tock It's Nearly MARCH !!!!

Mmmmmm where do I start ????

My Life ?
My Work ?
My Moans !?!?

I know I'll get the 'Moany' bits off my chest ( . )( . ) I actually feel I little bit pathetic that I have to feel the need to even do this but here goes .... OMG it's hard even thinking how to write this ......
Punting Forums - I very occasionally do have a little glance and to be honest if anyone has a moan , comment , opinion not just me but any Escort luckily it balances out .... Think about it we don't all like the same things so of course not every man is going to be attracted to the same type of lady BUT ... I feel the need to clarify a few things.

*YES I am 'No Gym Bunny' but I a voluptuous Gal and I do have to watch what I eat to maintain not gaining more curves than needed lol !!!! I have never been a slim Jim and it's just not in my make up , but I am not a size 16 nor do I like my pies . I am a size 12 bottom and top unless my top half clothing is fitted such as a jacket or blouse then I need a 14 as my boobs can only be described as 'big 'n' bouncy'

*Very often when / even if I expecting a phone call from a client at a mutually prearranged time - my phone goes straight to voicemail - well sadly sometimes other Gents do call me ,
Come on Gents think about it ...... Ask yourself would you really consider visiting a lady who was never busy .... mmmm lets think about it , a lady who has no regular client base ? spending your hard earned cash on a lady who no body else wants to call or see .... Think that maybe a 'NO'

*Yes 'Guilty As Charged' due to my personal experience and advice from other respected ladies in this profession I do have a procedure when arriving at my location that does really need to be followed in order for our arranged meet to take place without drawing attention to my premises - it is not so I can look at you and 'Vet You Out'
****Trust Me**** it's purely for discretion YOURS and mine ,

Next - My Work ; )

What can I say .... I am very happy and as horny as ever !!!
But I really do need to balance my world out so I am aiming to cut weekends down to the odd booking preferably hour+ appointments only and a short day with the occasional weekend off : )
Also weekdays trying to keep long/late days to a more organised , advanced arrangement - which I must say is working out rather well - hence happy Sarah makes better company !!! Win Win For YOU and ME Happy Days : )

Lastly - My Life !!!

List of things to do now work is organised - sort my bloody home out !!! De-Crapping is so overdue !
Start saving for a HOLIDAY !!!! Sunshine Needed and some R&R
Love Life - well that would be telling BUT .... No next time I will continue that one xxx

So My Fellow AW Friends it's my bedtime so I shall Good Bye for now xxx

Love'n'Licks As Always Sarah xxx
Friday, February 12th 2016
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Happy Valentines
Happy Valentines Day !!!

I do hope all you lovely Gents get some fun on Valentine's ... Just remember book the table for dinner in advance , extra grooming is a point scorer and the florists is the place to buy flowers not the petrol garage !!!
So now we are well into 2016 I am making progress in actually sorting myself out in all areas !!!
Seriously seem to have been living a life that I can only describe as 'Ground Hog Day' for the last two years .... Well not anymore and what hard work it is , plans and lists ...
Moving forward to a hopefully more rewarding , productive and a breath of fresh air in my good and happy life BUT COULD BE A LOT BETTER !!! Lol

Love as always xxx Sarah ; )
Tuesday, February 9th 2016
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Sarah Is A Brunette !
Wanky Wednesday
Well after my little road trip I am ready to embrace 'Wanky Wednesday'
Boldly displaying my *NEW* hair do !!!!
So after many hours and a few old photos of years gone by before I got heavy handed on home hair dye kits .... I am now a warm brunette - so that's brown hair with hint of auburn !!!!
I like it ... I think ??? It's quite strange really by changing your hair colour it seems to alter your skin tone , even your eye colour can look slightly different .... Don't worry I am not silly enough to state your characteristics actually physically change : )))
Silly Sarah is waffling again ....
What I am saying is when my hair was 'natural black' my complexion appeared paler , whereas now my face being framed with a warm brown hair colour my skin tone appears more olive and the brown in my eyes is brought out more by brown hair oppose to my previous black hair ....

Oh my I have just read what I have written .... Ha ha ha waffle waffle so I shall go to bed and tomorrow I will take a selfie and upload a new picture to this Blog .

Bye for now xxx

Love As Always Sarah xxx
Monday, February 8th 2016
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A Night Away ....
So here I am in one of my happy places 'Wales'
As many of you know I travel often to the 'Valleys'
So without boring you with endless tales of my childhood , teenage drunken nights etc etc ....
So what brings me to Wales for the night and all of Tuesday you may ask ?
My hair !!!!!
It's true I travel up to every so often in order to see my hairdresser !
It is also a fabulous excuse to go onto 'Late Rooms' or such like and and randomly pick a little bespoke type bed for the night .
I never stay in boring hotels such as 'Travel Lice' or 'Premature Inn' in fact I wouldn't go to that type of hotel if you paid me !
Unless it was a quiet day and I had bills to pay ; )
So here I am in a totally NOT what I expected small hotel advertised as an 'Inn' although briefly in the description it mentioned it's use as a monastery so thought this itself would be interesting but .... On my arrival I was greeted by a lovely young Welsh man and everything became perfect , a wonderfully quite boutique style hotel with a restaurant complimented by perfect lighting , fixtures and fittings serving superb locally sourced produce - counters displaying fish , meats and so on , cooked to order , absolutely wonderful !!!!
A night of R & R that is so so needed after a awful cold (I really need a week in the sun! But no time yet ... Easter maybe)
So after a little lie in tomorrow ... Sarah is going 'Brunette' not sure how light my black hair will go it will be a work in progress I naturally do have black hair and as a child remember my mother explaining to people that I was British.
So I am a little nervous !!!!
But hey let's see what happens X

I'm off to my dreams now which will undoubtedly lead to reminiscing about sliding down a wonderful knob wow I came so hard as I felt his hot cum explode inside me I actually screamed WOW .

Private time for me now 💋

Naughty night time relief needed xxx

Sweet Dreams 💕 Sarah 🙋🏻
Tuesday, February 2nd 2016
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Wanky Wednesday Plans ...
February Sniffles

I have the sniffles poor me .... But I have good cough medicine and some sinus / congestion pills so positive thoughts shall have me horny , healthy and ready for action by Thursday !!!
I don't suffer from colds , I actually remember when I last had a common cold !
I'm generally a healthy old bird lol .... To be honest I don't feel ill I just seem to be a bit sniffly not a sexy look so tomorrow I shall abstain from sucking and fucking but use my time to pampering me , pedicure , manicure , facial in the form of a generous load from an obliging Gent .... Oh that's funny : )
Sunday, January 31st 2016
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Hello February !!!
Hello February .... So here we are goodbye January !!! WOW what a month that was ... Everyday I found myself actually having to structure my day and evening in order to do what had to be done in my life , believe me when I tell you that my daily diary consisted of not just my standard escort bookings ,time ,duration etc but time slots to make phone calls , letter writing of the upmost brain straining official type writing

Anyway forget all that grown up sensible stuff in my life it's all under control as the saying goes so what's next on my agenda for my journey in 2016 ....
Money !!! I made the dreaded phone call to HMRC and paid my tax bill YUK !
So glad that's out the way : )
Couple of big bills to sort out this week then I can concentrate on my 'Holiday Fund' Yippee !!! Happy Days !!!

I shall continue tomorrow with this blog ... It's quarter to one in the morning !!! Beauty sleep time for me xxx

Sweet Dreams xxx
Love Sarah x
Saturday, December 12th 2015
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XXXmas Countdown !!! Updated
Tick Tock its nearly Christmas !!!!

So it's that time of year the pressure is on for everybody !

I have been getting the books ready to hand over to my accountant !!!

Although you guys are probably thinking that I am all organised with my Christmas shopping and probably even think I love to go shopping ... I would even go one step further by saying you may even be picturing me now ... Tottering around 'Selfridges, House Of Fraser' etc etc looking all girlie with my shiny boutique bags full of frills, frocks and things that sparkle , dashing out the shops to meet the girls for a lite bite along with a glass or three of chilled fine wine !!!
STOP that thought !!! I HATE Shopping ! Yes hand on heart YUK Yuk Yuk !!!
But after lunch with my accountant tomorrow (Wednesday ) I will be doing my Christmas present shopping !!!
I have my outfit all laid out and my alarm clock set , my list is written so I can be quick and organised in my gift buying leaving some ME time .... I want to buy a really pretty silky nightie and a few other girlie bits to Suprise my LOVE when I see him next !!!!
I do hope I don't have to wait to long as I am desperate to snuggle up with him and gently stroke his handsome face , just thinking about him makes me throb inside !!!
So much has been happening in our life's at the moment it seems to be impossible to find anytime for us !!!!
SO I have a plan of seduction in mind ; )
A silky soft outfit , smokey eye makeup and bedroom shoes !!!!!
Mmmmmmm I think I may be able to tempt him into taking the day of work and chores and having some R&R with ME xxxxx
I want to lay on his chest whilst gently stroking his arm working up to his face .... Slowly inhaling the smell of his skin until I finally place lips on his sweet face kissing him so gently .... I will run my hand down his body , my fingers gently stroking over the ever hardening bulge in his trousers until he whispers .... What I having been thinking from the very moment he walked in the door !!!!
Need I say anymore ; )

I really don't think I can write anymore without getting to naughty so I will leave it to your imagination all I will say is I will try not to soak the bed like last time !!!!!

Think I need to sign off now and get some sleep ready for my 8am start ...

Sweet Dreams xxx

Love Sarah x
Friday, November 20th 2015
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November not December
So Christmas is here it seems !!!! Every year it seems to get earlier . without sounding like a grumpy Scrooge I seem to remember (back in the day) nobody put their Christmas tree up until a week before and shops didn't display festive goodies until the very end of November .
So Christmas is here it seems !!!! Every year it seems to get earlier . without sounding like a grumpy Scrooge I seem to remember (back in the day) nobody put their Christmas tree up until a week before and shops didn't display festive goodies until the very end of November .
Anyway enough of that ... So I am another year older but still young at heart and feeling extra teen like and girlie thanks to you wonderful ... wonderful Gents xxxx all my little texts , aw messages meant the world to me : )
Chocolate treats and flowers even a rather shiny new VERY short PVC skirt from my Wishlist !!!! Big HUGS to you special boys xxxx
Wednesday, November 11th 2015
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HaPpY BiRtHdAy To Me !!!
HaPpY BiRtHdAy To Me !!!HaPpY BiRtHdAy To Me !!!HaPpY BiRtHdAy To Me !!!HaPpY BiRtHdAy To Me !!!HaPpY BiRtHdAy To Me !!!HaPpY BiRtHdAy To Me !!!HaPpY BiRtHdAy To Me !!!HaPpY BiRtHdAy To Me !!!HaPpY BiRtHdAy To Me !!!
HaPpY BiRtHdAy To Me !!!
HaPpY BiRtHdAy Dear Sarah !!!
HaPpY BiRtHdAy To You (.)(.)

Well I am another year older but certainly no wiser : ))))

I have had a great year !!!! Fallen in LOVE !!! But hey nothing lasts forever does it ???
But WOW what a wonderful waste of time and memories I shall treasure ... So if your reading this 'I Love YOU'

My family are growing up fast but I am not a GILF yet LOL xxx

So onwards and upwards ALL I NEED NOW is a HOT Holiday : ))))

Fingers crossed and legs Open !

Hoping for some Birthday BANGs xxx

Love As Always Sarah xxxx
Friday, November 6th 2015
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Damp November
Remember Remember The 5th Of November ....

Well that was a very wet bonfire night !!! Yuk ... Muddy , Damp & Wet !!!
I returned to my hometown etc etc .... Family & Friends , you know the score so I won't bore you to much or get all deep but 'Back in the day it was such a great night , every other person I knew , went to school with, was related to ... But tonight just it was just me and my small group , not an old face in sight lol it must be a sign of growing old : )

Love as always Sarah xxx
Saturday, October 31st 2015
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Bad Sarah
Well shame on me !!!
Not blogging for so long !!!
Lack of organising myself ! Wasting my time watching daytime tv !
Browsing eBay and various other shopping sites £££
Gossiping on my phone instead of getting on with chores that will benefit me !!!
Bad bad , easily distracted Sarah

So what's been happening in my world .....? I am still wonderfully in love with my man although nothing lasts forever and it's been well over a year so ho hum , fuck me I was so excited the other day I actually came as I was about to climb on his cock ! Yes I had an orgasm , yes I actually came in excitement , in anticipation .... The longing to slide down his firm thick long rod !!!

So moving on its my Birthday on the 11th Novembet so I have been busy adding goodies to my 'WishList' ohhhhh will Sarah get lucky ?

Lots going on in poor Sarah's personal life so I need cheering up and need to be distracted by keeping BUSY !!!

LOL .... So I will love you and leave you know till next time xxx

Love as always Sarah xxx
Wednesday, July 15th 2015
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If Dear Deirdre Become Dear Derek ; )

Just For Fun ...

'If Agony Aunts were replaced by 'Agony Uncles'

Q : My Husband has too many nights out with the boy's ?
A : This is perfectly normal behaviour and it should be encouraged . The man is a hunter and he needs to prove his prowess with other men. A night out chasing young single girls is great stress relief and can foster a more peaceful and relaxing home.
Remember nothing can rekindle your relationship more than the man being away for a day or two ( its a great time to clean the house too ! )
Just look how happy and emotional he is when he returns to his stable home . The best thing to do on his return is for you and a friend to perform Oral Sex on him and cook him a nice meal.
Q : My Husband doesn't know where my clitoris is ?
A : Your clitoris is of no concern to your husband. If you must mess with it do it in your own time or ask your best friend to help .
You may wish to film this and send to your husband to ease your selfish guilt , on his return home perform Oral Sex and cook him a nice meal.
Q : My Husband wants a threesome with my best friend and I .
A : Obviously your husband get enough of you ! Knowing that there is only one of you he can only settle for the next best thing your best friend .
Far from being an issue this can only bring you closer together .
Why not get some of your other girl friends involved ..... If you are still apprehensive maybe you should let him be with your friends without you.
If you are still not sure then just perform Oral Sex on him and cook him a nice meal while you think about it .
Q : My Husband continually asks me to perform Oral Sex on him .
A : Do It ..... Semen can help you loose weight and gives a great glow to your skin . Interestingly men know this.
His offer to allow you to perform Oral Sex on him is totally selfless .
This shows he loves you. The best thing to do is to thank him by performing it twice a day and cooking him a nice meal .

Until Next Time xxx

Love 'n' Lick's Sarah xxx

Saturday, July 11th 2015
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Dear diary
Dear Diary ...

Why is it that when I am driving, drying my hair, standing in a queue or some other random moment whilst not actually thinking of anything in particular I seem to find myself listening to this little voice inside my head and smiling away at a little story or suchlike .... then unaware of anything else or time passed I am rudely interrupted by my hand turning the hair dryer off , or the fellow driver behind me beeping as the traffic lights turn green etc .... And I am back in the room !!! Lol .... Thinking 'fuck me that was good I must write that down before I forget'
What happens next ???? You may ask , Me to !!!! I wish I knew it seems that no sooner as my random moment of genius writing skills surface they also disappear without even the slightest memory that I even had them !!!! until maybe hours or days later I pick up my iPad and decide to write .... It's gone , mind a blank , in fact in all honesty even the ability to spell or start a sentence zero in every possible way !
Truly it physically hurts my poor brain ,my fingers even spasm as I strain to type using the touch screen but then it get worse as I decide that I miss my laptop keyboard and think to myself ' A-ha lets fire the old beast up '
Oh My Goodness as the old girl fires up I hear the noises of times gone by , a labouring grinding of a laptop .... A lap top that isn't that old but in the 'Tech World' it compares to a cassette recording made in the 80's of the Top 10!!!!!
Resulting in another hour wasted and remembering why I didn't use my laptop anymore due to its a mess !!!! Reminding me that I need to seek advice on ...
*** GETTING ALL MY PHOTOS OFF MY LAPTOP (have 3 old laptops that have photos on that I want printed) Help needed ???****

I then decide in future to note points old school and promise myself from now onwards I will carry a notebook and pencil (as if ) structure my thoughts then write constructively !!!!!!

My Love Life ...
My Family Life ... Verse 'The Life Of An Escort'
Being A Tax Paying Escort ,
Keeping A Sensible Head ,
Working In A Professional Way Without Making Problems.
Working Hours , Location .... What I Hope ( LOL)

So moving forward .... Today I am out on a girlie shopping day .... I shall buy maybe a notebook , pen ....

Onwards and Upwards .... Sarah shall get motivated xxx

Love as always xxxx

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