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Wednesday, November 25th 2020
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Lots more toys on the way...!
I hope that everyone has been keeping well during this second lockdown. I’ve been enjoying being at home a little more as been able to work and study remotely. I have come to realise that during this lockdown, whilst the shops (non-essential) are closed, I seem to have wanted to shop more than ever online! Especially items that I don’t have to worry about returning anymore eg winter boots that don’t fit!

This was in fact validated just now when I received a special invitation to LoveHoney Unlimited. The issue I now have is that there is slightly more temptation to fill my basket with all the latest toys I find because of this new discount and unlimited free delivery offer!

Oh dear, someone please take my credit card away lol! :p
Saturday, October 31st 2020
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Happy Halloween
This evening I am heading off to a socially distanced outdoor party (let’s hope the weather stays decent!) with my ‘bubble’.

I am still deciding whether to dress in a traditional Halloween outfit - maybe a witch or black cat or whether to go for something a bit more comical / Covid themed (my friends just told me that one person is going as a toilet roll and her sister is going as an empty toilet roll tube! I love how people come up with these ideas!).

Totally gutted to hear the news of the further lockdown announcement this evening, starting again on Thursday but totally understand that these things need to be done, given the pandemic situation we are currently in.

Stay safe and hope to see you guys soon xx
Monday, October 26th 2020
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Hope you’re staying positive and testing negative!
Even during these ‘Covid times’, sexual health is so important and is still so easily accessible!

I was absolutely flabbergasted to receive this message yesterday from a client I saw in 2018 who wanted to see me again <——

45 years old
Been a member since 2013
74 feedback

I’m not here to ‘call people out’ hence why I’ve blocked the username, but it’s this sheer ignorance which really isn’t helpful.

Most sexual health clinics are operating, albeit with a reduced service. My favourite ‘go to’ London clinic - Dean Street, Soho are still offering home self sampling test kits (can send to home, office, friend etc) - totally discreet packaging, or if too tricky to send, you can walk in, register on your phone and pick up your self-sampling kit from the ground floor reception at 56 Dean Street.

I get tested every month as a matter of course, it’s in my diary pretty much like the dentist, hygienist, optician etc. is too.

Theres nothing scary about it and it really couldn’t be any simpler!
Sunday, October 25th 2020
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8 days to go....
....until the US Presidential Election!

I’m really enjoying watching/listening to anything but Covid related news at the moment and have recently got into following the US Presidential Election. I have some close friends in the US who have been sending through some entertaining election related memes too!

I had to laugh at this one <———- looks like one of the most uncomfortable dildos that ever existed!

Actually, the comments on the linked post were hilarious!

‘Trump has already fucked me enough without having to stick his head up my a**!’

‘Only way his face will get near a willing vagina’

‘For all the anti-trump people always displaying signs that say "F**K TRUMP". Here's your chance!’
Wednesday, September 23rd 2020
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This didn’t happen to me on the underground...
No....this actually didn’t happen to me on the London Underground!

One very naughty gent asked me to put my face mask on whilst I was down on my knees.

I initially thought he must mean one of those masquerade type ones (surely the ones we are wearing due to the pandemic can’t be sexy I thought?)...but I didn’t have any other mask with me...so he pointed at the one I had put on the chest of drawers next to his bed - I quickly put over my mouth and around my ears whilst he released all over my mask!

Suffice to say I couldn’t wear that one on my tube journey home lol!
Sunday, September 6th 2020
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8 Year Adultwork Anniversary!
I thought I would blog as I’ve just noticed I’ve just surpassed 8 years of being a member on Adultwork! 8 years sounds like a really long time for something that just started out as a short term idea / recommendation from a friend! I have to say it certainly doesn’t feel that long - maybe because I only do this as a ‘sideline’ to my day job, studying etc.

To celebrate, I thought I would look back and reflect on 8 things that I am super grateful for...

1. Travelling to some amazing places around the globe. An absolute highlight being backing onto and sucking the suction dildo stuck on the glass windows whilst looking out over the Vegas skyline before going off to watch a fantastic show!

2. Playing with a TS on a few occasions. Endless array of possibilities of what to do with 2 pairs of tits and 2 cocks!

3. Getting to play with some of the best female porn stars (some of whom I would now consider friends) which is kind of mad as I used to (and still do, but I don’t tell them as that would be a bit awkward?) watch their porn and never imagined I would ever meet them.

4. Visiting some stunningly gorgeous hotels in my home town of London including enjoying a wonderful evening with a lovely sexy couple in a hidden gem of a hotel that had a hot tub on the balcony. Fun times!

5. Making some genuine lifelong friends through this - I will never ever forget the generosity of one particular girl in the midlands when I was stuck for a place to stay for the night (was a sudden change of plan), who kindly stepped in (and I had never met her before!). I love keeping in touch with the girls, even those who have stopped doing this too. An annual event being getting one or two snaps for Woofies annual advent calendar and the fun we have drinking mulled wine whilst trying to hook those candy canes onto our nipples. (Clearly she wins every time!) Priceless!

6. My toy collection has almost outgrown my apartment! I am so grateful for all of the wonderful and wacky toys that I have been gifted - it’s always nice to have variety and some of them I would never have thought to have tried myself.

7. The parties and group sessions that I have been involved in. They are always such fun and I just hope that one day once all of this tides over we can perhaps do one or two more :p

8. ...and finally! My lovely clients who have been there through the good times and the bad. The bad thankfully never being that bad fortunately - I remember one time back when I first started out, my hairdresser had got a bit excited and decided to cut my hair much shorter than I’d ever had it before. I cried when I got home from the salon! I turned up to a ‘regular client’ who was like ‘wow your hairs short’ and I burst into tears! We had a cup of tea and all was fine, he didn’t realise I was a bit sensitive about it. Thankfully it has grown back and I never went back to that salon again.

I am so grateful to all my clients - whether that be those I have only seen once to those who I have seen multiple times and who have been kind enough to leave me field reports / reviews / feedback etc.
Thursday, August 13th 2020
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Toys Toys Toys
Did you know that during the lockdown, sex toys have become some of the sellout products of recent months?! (alongside eggs, loo roll and flour of course).

During this time I’ve been researching some new brands (alongside my beloved Lelo toys) and have recently discovered Smile Makers Collection - there’s a device for every whim and I love the names - The Ballerina, The Frenchman and The Tennis Coach!

I took along my Lelo Hula Beads (remote control) to a recent overnight meet where we also enjoyed a lovely dinner. Wore them throughout the meal but the remote for the Lelo isn’t as discreet as some others now on the market and so I’m looking for something Bluetooth enabled that can be linked to a smart phone! Do let me know if you have tried and tested any as there are so many out there to choose from!

I’ve also been listening to the Lelo Come Together: Sex Talks podcasts hosted by reality stars Bobby Norris and Olivia Atwood. It’s fascinating and witty listening to them quizzing their guests as to what gets them off. Guaranteed to get you in the mood!
Wednesday, August 5th 2020
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UCL Research
Researchers from UCL – Institute of Education are conducting research which aims to explore the world of the adult business from the perspective of the professionals involved.

In particular, they are interested in how modern online technology has facilitated and improved our professional experience, what types of precautions are taken for the safety, health and well-being, and how age and culture affect the dynamics and the interactions between us and our clients.

As a first step, you will be asked to fill in a short questionnaire online. The researchers will then contact you to arrange a 20-minute interview that can be done either in person or through the Internet (e.g., Skype). Interviews are audio-recorded for subsequent transcription and analysis. Anonymity is ensured throughout the process as individual responses will not be presented at any point in this research and in any publications that will derive from it.

This project has been reviewed and approved by the UCL IOE Research Ethics Committee [REC 1256, data protection registration number Z6364106 2019 08 34].

If you are interested, please contact me and I’ll provide you with more details of who to contact etc.

Thank you!
Tuesday, May 26th 2020
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Happy International Masturbation Month :)
I hope everyone had a nice bank holiday weekend and enjoyed the lovely weather.

Did you know that it’s National Masturbation Day this week? 28th May to be exact. In fact, the Day has since been expanded to include the entire month of May as International Masturbation Month!

Talking of which, I cannot wait to get back to meeting clients again - regular and new. I’m sure you’ll agree, it’s not quite the same playing on your own! The good thing to come out of having had all of this time on my hands is that I have managed to choose (test and compare along the way of course) my ‘top 10’ toys that will be coming with me to future meets.

I had a bit of a ‘proud moment’ when I recently read on: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-52469841, that the makers of my favourite sex toy (the Doxy - of which I’m now onto my third one!) were using their 3D printer to make ear savers for the NHS masks. Massive shout out to them for doing their bit to help in the pandemic!
Monday, May 18th 2020
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Mental Health Week (18-24 May)
Just finished watching Odd One Out (BBC Iplayer), a documentary about Little Mix star Jesy Nelson and her rehabilitation as she opens up about the abuse she has suffered at the hands of cyberbullies and the effects it has had on her mental health.

Isn’t it funny when you look back over the years - Marilyn Monroe, size 14. Considered one of the most attractive women of the 50/60's.

Jesy Nelson, Little Mix, size 12. Constantly being referred to as "the fat one" and has had numerous comments about her weight in the media.

Not that I’m Little Mix’s biggest fan (although I have to admit to liking a couple of their earlier songs!), it was sad to see what Jesy has been through with those horrible trolls that often just sit behind keyboards:

What is wrong with society? What has made it so mucked up to the point that a size 12 is "fat" ?

We all come in all shapes and sizes and as long as you’re happy and healthy that should be all that matters :)
Sunday, May 10th 2020
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Lockdown Update No2
It feels like it has been a very long 7 weeks so far (some of my batteries in my toy collection have had to be replaced!). I’m anticipating what will be said tonight at the PMs announcement at 7pm.

It’s been quite a boring time for me, as I’m sure it has for most. On reflection, I have realised that i’m a bit more of a social butterfly than I thought - preferring a nice glass of wine at dinner with friends v. staying in and watching Netflix (although I must say I have enjoyed getting through a lot of must-see series that were on my list. Tiger King was interesting and a little bit crazy - worth the watch!

I had almost forgotten that myself and Woofie35 had a mini photo shoot (a very artistic and tasteful one) a few months back and I finally got around to having the opportunity to check out the photos.

Although they were taken for personal use, I couldn’t help but share..

<— this is one of my favourites!

Wrapping my legs around Woofie and pulling her close to me with the strapless strap on inside of her - pleasure for both, what a delight!

Credit to FirconeSexy Photos who made the photoshoot so enjoyable and captured us at the best angles - I adore these bodyscape style ones and hope that if some of the lockdown restrictions are lifted then at some point perhaps I can have some pics taken in those poppy fields (the ones taken for Woofie in her gallery are amazing!).
Friday, April 10th 2020
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Self-isolation Update (day 26 of no sex!!)
Thank you to everyone who has checked in with me and made sure I’m keeping well, sent me the top 100+ porn site links (that should keep me going!) and discussed plans and ideas for our post quarantine meets (I really cannot wait to get back to doing what I most love and enjoy!)

So what’s it like being on day 26 of no naughtiness and day 19 of lock down?

I am fortunate enough to be able to work from home in my normal day job, so luckily that’s been keeping me busy, along with being able to finish off some of my studies.

Albeit, sometimes the studying has been put to the wayside as I am incredibly horny - I’m masturbating up to 5 times a day! I’m lucky I have an arsenal of toys to choose from to mix things up a bit (but nothing beats the real thing!).

I have been doing a little bit of online shopping - I almost got carried away and considered purchasing a Sybian machine as I was fortunate to play with one that a client somehow hired (!!) - it made me gush so much. I then realised that that would be quite selfish as it’s far too big to carry around on outcalls so I’ve settled for a couple of recommended new toys from LoveHoney that will fit into the ‘bag of tricks’.

I wanted to buy a couple of new sexy lingerie sets but found that Victoria Secrets are not offering online ordering :( so I’ve been eyeing up a couple of sets from other favourite shops - Honey Birdette and AP.

My pubic hair has grown quite a bit and I am now closely catching up with my good friend Woofie35 (however I will probably shave it off not before long - as shaven is my preference, I’ve just never had a chance to let it grow this much!).

I’ve also been catching up on a bit of Netflix - I’m half way through Tiger King! Hard to believe it’s a real life documentary!

Hope everyone is staying safe and fingers crossed this will all be over soon.

Hugs and kisses until we meet again, when it undoubtedly will include more than just that!

Kristen xXx

PS. Saw this image on twitter and had to laugh <———
Wednesday, February 19th 2020
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Happy Valentine’s Day
Just writing this blog having realised that I have just reached 600,000 page views - can’t believe that many people have had a sneaky peek at my page :p thank you!

This month has been soooo much fun - I ticked off 2 firsts! Just goes to show after this much time there is still so much left to explore.

First up I saw a lovely, fun naughty couple - Jasmine and James I think is the name that they go by. Jasmine is super hot and an absolute highlight was seeing her on her knees with her partners cock one side and the clients the other side sucking on them both whilst I was doing her from behind with my brand spanking new (check it out - ‘babes n horny’) hand made, hand poured silicone strap on!

The second experience was that I had the pleasure of meeting the Romain sisters! I am always so excited to meet porn stars (particularly those who I have previously had a cheeky solo fiddle to hehe!), and they were just such genuine nice girls. Totally lived up to my expectations - was so sexy being in the middle, all 3 of us passionately kissing as we decided who was going to take our client first (and in which hole!).


Ps < saw this funny meme and couldn’t resist. My new silicone dildo strap on looks pretty much like this one on the 3D printer !
Thursday, January 9th 2020
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T-girl escapades!
I don’t normally say too much about my escapades but with expressed consent from my client I couldn’t wait to share this naughty experience!

I have met several T-girls before and had some really fun times but this girl (Anna - she isn’t a ‘working girl’) and the naughtiness that ensued totally topped it. Anna is gorgeous - so so feminine, soft smooth skin with an incredible womanly figure!

I even ticked off a few firsts! I didn’t realise quite how horny it would be to see my client holding onto Anna’s breasts whilst we both sucked her cock, taking it in turns to share. Anna then wanked her cock and the clients together - was so much fun to watch!

A highlight was Anna bending my client over and fucking his ass whilst I was underneath licking 2 pairs of balls and watching him take a good pounding. Anna then hopped on top whilst he returned the pleasure with his cock in her ass whilst she was bouncing away playing with her cock - she was finding it very hard not to cum!

When she couldn’t hold it any longer she shot her load all over my face whilst my client continued to fuck her.

Such a naughty evening!!

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