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Saturday, August 31st 2024
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Gym bunny
Hi guys, hope you're all well. Apologies for taking longer than usual to do a blog but those who have met me, know that I love the summer. I don't even have to be out in it, I am just happy that the sun has been shining. I have also been trying to balance my life a bit by looking after myself as well as you guys. I go to the gym 5 days a week and have recently taken up running the last two months. It's done me the world of good and I am fitter and happier. And don't worry, I'm not loosing too much weight, there's not enough on me which is why I've been doing weights as well. I've also spurred people on and they've taken up walking more or cycling. Well done you guys, keep up the good work! Health is important and it's good to look after yourself.

Once again I have met a few new people and I'm pleased to say they are sweet and respectful, just like most of you, Thank you so much for my trainers, roses, flowers and other gifts, you are too kind! I love my trainers, they are so colourful and I was unable to get them here, so I really do thank you so much.

I also appreciate those who keep in contact even though you're unable to get here. Some of you are like friends as I've known you for years and it's nice to hear how you are doing. Life goes too quickly sometimes but you always send your wishes.

I have a couple of clients who always ask me to mention them in my blogs, it's a little difficult, especially if they have a certain kink as I don't want to get them into trouble. If I give too much away someone might click who you are! So... here is your mention, in a subtle way. You know I'm thinking of you x

I hope you have all enjoyed the holidays, and if not, they are almost over and things can resume as usual.

I'll catch up with some of you very soon!

Have a great weekend whatever you do,

Lots of love,

Sarah xx

Wednesday, May 8th 2024
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Lil Miss Independant
Hi guys! How are you all doing? I bet you're out in the garden or enjoying the lovely weather! It's been beautiful hasn't it?

I've had a change around in my front room and decided to sand down and paint my mirror...in the front room! Not a good idea! The mess the sander made! Well... I made the mess. Haha, lesson learned, dusting and polishing followed after I'd already done my cleaning! I was bored. I do like to keep busy. I didn't make a mess with the paint though so all good. I did giggle to myself as I was wearing this little number (favourite of mine, simple and sexy) and tried to hang the mirror back up (it's heavier than I thought) so a few swear words later and self encouragement, I finally got it in place. I did however, loose grip of one side, I couldn't catch it as it goes behind the sofa so I used my body to stop the fall and once hung I realised there was an imprint of my tittie and nipple on the mirror, haha. I tried to take a picture but the light wasn't right. I did consider leaving it there to see if anyone notices (I have guests round tomorrow morning) but decided otherwise. I like a clean home.

As some of you know, I love a bit of DIY, especially flat packed stuff. I like figuring it out and having it all come together. I have 3 fans to install before summer but that's something I won't mess with, electric. No thank you! Gonna wait for my electrician to do those. See... I can be sensible! (sometimes!)

There's a new feature on here where you can pre book your availability, I gave it a try but unfortunately it encouraged people to call during the night and early hours as it comes on at midnight and doesn't go off til midnight. I'm not that kind of girl. You can see the times we work, obviously haven't read the profile properly or understand how it works. Good job my phone goes on silent in the evening! I must remember to start turning it off when I'm done.

On the plus side, I have had a few new clients recently, one travelled an hour to see me and what a nice guy! Respectful, polite, well kept. I love it when people appreciate me, it turns me on when you get all quivery and shy to look at me. They may be nervous and excited when they come through the door but that soon melts away within minutes. It's like we have an unspoken mutual connection and you know you are safe with me. It's lovely.

Thank you for coming to see me and sending thoughts when you can't. It's much appreciated .

Take care of yourselves, love Sarah x
Saturday, April 13th 2024
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Whoo hoo! We finally have some good weather, love it the sun shines, makes most people feel better.

I've been away sorting some family stuff and it done nothing but poor it down and even snowed! Not the kind of white stuff I like!

It is always good to be home in your own bed, boy, have I missed cock! Good to have some and see some old faces! And new ones. I really am a lucky girl to be around so much dick. I'm sure I've had more pricks than a second hand dartboard! It's all good though, people love to fuck, and it's the oldest tradition, been going for years. I'm helping keep history alive haha.

Sometimes, my clients just want a massage or to have a cuppa and a chat, feel a woman next to them. But most of the time, you let me play with your cock and empty your balls, which I appreciate and enjoy. I love making people feel good, no matter what stage they are at. I'm always respectful and won't jump on you straight away... unless you want me to!

Once again, thank you for choosing me, and I hope to see some of you very soon!!

Lots of love, Sarah xx
Tuesday, March 5th 2024
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Hi guys, although I've put up a pic of my feet, I wanted to give you a "heads up" that it's Mother's Day this Sunday. So this is your reminder for those who need to know!

I never done a blog February! I know, I'm bad aren't I? January seems to last forever and February was gone in a flash! At least we have more daylight now, another month and we'll have even longer days, whoo hoo!

I've been busy with work and other commitments, got a busy weekend this weekend, and I know for sure my phone will ring when I've got stuff to do! Haha, it's always the way. It's been a bit quiet recently so I have found some time to do some work on the laptop and give you guys something to look at.

So... how are you all? I hope you're all doing well. I have a few clients who have foot fetishes so have been busy taking pics for those as I realised I don't really have many. Some like actual feet, some love heels. I like my feet played with and sucked, I can even wank with my toes! I like wearing heels too so I'm happy with that. Bring on the foot fetishes! hehe I still regret throwing out my old faithful heels, I miss them but cannot find a pair like them anywhere! Boo hoo!

My new clients have all been lovely, respectful and fun. I'm sure I'll be seeing them again soon and it is always lovely to see clients who I haven't seen for a while pop back up.

Thank you all for being decent and choosing to come and see me. It's much appreciated.

Have a good week, until next time!

Take care of yourselves, Love Sarah x
Tuesday, January 23rd 2024
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Tan lines.
Hi guys! Hope you're all well, some of you are ill so I hope you feel better soon!

I am back from an island where there were white sandy beaches, clear skies, huge gorgeous blue waves and 28 degree heat. What a shock to the system that was! Getting off the plane was like walking into a walk in freezer! Think I've just about adjusted and then it's gone all wet and wild! Not the kind I like either! Haha.

I have been a good girl whilst I was away, no cock, no flirting just having fun riding sand buggies, in the water with sharks, saw a big mud crab and sea turtles, floated in the salt lake and relaxed in the heat reading my book. It's so nice to have a break away every now and then. I just love the sun, everyone is happier when the sun is shining. Well, I certainly am!

I'm never away for long though, miss cock too much!

Have a great day whatever you do,

Love to you all, Sarah x
Tuesday, January 2nd 2024
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Happy New Year!
Hi guys, just wanted to jump on and say Happy New Year! I wish you all happiness, health and wealth. I hope it is a good one for you all.

Yesterday was a nice day but urgh... it's miserable and wet today. Still... can't complain, at least we haven't had snow! I'm counting down the days for some sunshine! (excited!)

Thank you to all of you for your support last year and your kind words. I truly do appreciate you guys and am happy to be of service to you!
I've met lots of decent people and it puts my faith back into humanity. All men aren't c@nts haha.There are still the odd Aholes out there but I think I've blocked most of them. Would you believe that people were calling in between 1am and 5am at Christmas?! Really...?! Glad my phone goes on silent at 8pm!

It's been lovely spending time with you, I have had a few blasts from the past recently and a fair few new clients who have all been lovely! I'm a very lucky girl indeed!

Have a nice evening and I'll be seeing some of you very soon!

Lots of love, Sarah x

Saturday, December 23rd 2023
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Merry Christmas!
Hey guys!!! Just wanted to wish you all very Merry Christmas, I hope you all have a wonderful time with loved ones and for those who are not really feeling it, enjoy the peace and quiet! It's all over with and will be back to normal before you know it. If you're lucky enough to have time off over the festive period, enjoy that too!

Thank you to those who have sent gifts, money, cards and for those whose sacks I've been able to empty. Thank you for choosing to spend your time with me and for your thoughts and wishes.

I'm very organised so will be chilling until the family stuff on Christmas Day. And then I'll be counting down the days for my winter sun!

Have a wonder time, what ever you do!! Some of you will be doing me! Haha,

Take care of yourselves, lots of love, Sarah xx
Thursday, December 7th 2023
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Wet and warm
It might be wet and cold outside, but it's wet and warm here! Haha. I don't like being cold so always got the heating on and can just about cope with the cold hands, if they are on my little hand warmers, hehe.

So... what have you all been up to? A lot of you are busy with work so it's nice that you take some time out for yourselves and have some "me" time. You'll be looking forward to some time off at the end of the month, if you're lucky! Some poor people have to work over the Christmas period. I get it though, I like being kept busy. Drives you insane sitting around with nothing to do.

I'm still out there walking whatever the weather. I hate being stuck indoors and this crap weather won't stop me. I'm always finding things... or people, to do! Haha.

I've had a few blasts from the past recently, nice to catch up. I often wonder what happened to clients when I haven't seen them for a while. You know I'd never message out of the blue. I always wait to hear first.

I had warned you guys about being careful and the scammers and yet it happened to me, twice! Both regulars. You never truly know someone do you? You can't seem to trust anyone these days. It's a shame, but not everyone can be decent or honest I guess.

I am truly thankful for the decent clients I have. I appreciate you!
I enjoy the ones who always come up with new things to try too. I thought I'd seen and heard it all! I'm not very often surprised, fun though.

Right, I've got a client due and then I'm off to the gym if my phone doesn't go again. Gotta keep busy, gotta keep fit.

See some of you very soon,

Take care of yourselves,

Love Sarah x

Monday, October 16th 2023
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Warm up
Hi guys, hope you're all well. It's certainly a little bit chillier these last few days. I put my pyjamas on for bed last night and had the heating on today. We can't complain though, it is the middle of October and it has been pretty decent for this time of year.

It's also the time of year that people get colds and flu, I can give you TLC after you're better, not during! I don't want to get ill, I do my very best to keep myself and my clients safe.

One thing I love about this time of year is the horror movies all come out, yay! My phone will probably be on silent at 8pm as I'll be engrossed in a film, wrapped up warm in my fluffy socks and dressing gown. Unless it gets too hot in here and I'll walking around naked as I do in the summer. Note to self... people can see in when I have the lights on! I can't see them though because of the reflection.

Anyway, I hope you are keeping well and don't get ill. Catch up with some of you soon,

Love Sarah xx

Sunday, September 24th 2023
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Naughty Temptress
Hello everyone, I hope you are all well.

Today I'm going to talk about my work, the type of clients I like and what turns me on...

I am up early and like to have a coffee before I switch my laptop on and check my phone. I then go for a walk. I can guarantee my phone will go when I'm out, no matter what time of day it is, it's always the way. I could be sat in all day and nothing, but the minute I plan to do stuff..."are you free now?" Haha, I'm used to it. I try to plan my days carefully and never go far incase I need to get back. Unless it's a family thing and then I will take the day or half a day off as family are important. I don't work late as I need my beauty sleep and have learnt over the years the people who prowl at night are less desirable to me and are better avoided.

I absolutely love shy/nervous and intelligent guys. The shy ones make me feel powerful and it's kinda cute watching them squirm unsure of what I'm going to do next. I will always respect boundaries and never do anything you don't want to do. It is also nice to see them become more confident and relaxed. I love helping people. One of my clients asked me to do something which he'd always wanted to do but had never done. He was so thrilled and had a smile on his face all week thinking about it! I'm happy to help.
I find intelligence attractive, I like the nerdy look.I have learned a few things over the years from listening to your stories. One of my clients always says I'm too good for him, I told him not to be silly, I'm just a woman, bit of a naughty one who likes to have fun. No one is better than anyone else. We are all individuals.

I like that you trust me and feel comfortable with me. I am thankful for all of my lovely clients. I'm always a bit wary of new ones as I don't know how they are going to be but I use my intuition and let that guide me, it's never wrong. I even know when someone is likely to not turn up, it goes 15 minutes past the time and then they are blocked. I don't chase, I don't need to. My phone will go again. I'm a very lucky lady. I like my regular clients who pre book, I get excited knowing they are coming, I start to feel the wetness gathering between my legs. I do appreciate you guys so much.

Enjoy what's left of the weekend, I shall see some of you very soon!

Take care of yourselves, Love Sarah x
Friday, September 8th 2023
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Hi guys, so glad the holidays are over and typically, now the sun shines! I'm not complaining at all, everyone seems happier when it's summer. At least it's a bit cooler today for those that can't stand the heat, and things are getting back to normal.

I've had a lot of new clients recently and they have all been very sweet and lovely. I won't see anyone who isn't! Some of you have been seeing me for years! I like that you still enjoy my company and feel safe with me. I had a wonderful surprise popped through my letterbox yesterday and it will definitely come in handy, thank you so much! You guys really are thoughtful and kind.

You know, when I don't hear from people who I used to see regularly, I worry if they are ok, or if I've blocked them by mistake,( you know I hate iPhones and can only do the basics!) and I daren't contact them as I don't know what people have got going on in their lives. That's why I appreciate people dropping a text just to let me know they are ok. I might do what I do for a living, but I do have a heart, and a little bit of a naughty mind at times hehe.

I am also a little concerned about the scammers going around at mo, I've heard a few stories these last 2 weeks and it saddens me to know you've been targeted. Please be careful, do your research, never send money prior to a meet and be careful what info you give people about yourself. Do what you can to protect yourself, you never know who you're dealing with.

Thank you to all the good, decent guys out there, you know who you are,

Take very good care of yourselves, or let me do that for you!,

Love Sarah x
Monday, August 7th 2023
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Sexy shoes
Hi guys, hope you're all well. I am fed up of this rubbish summer so have been keeping myself busy. I have finally got rid of my old faithful shoes, they were the best pair of stilettos I have ever had and unfortunately the time had come to say goodbye. They were falling to bits and not sexy anymore so I begrudgingly threw them in the bin. I broke them 1st incase I was tempted to change my mind. Oh, such a sad moment for me.... haha. I have loads of shoes and am always on the lookout for more. You know what us girls are like!

I have also been making a few videos and have quite a few pics to upload but every time I do, there seems to be a problem, so bare with me, I am trying, believe me, it's frustrating! It used to be so simple and now I keep getting the error message nearly every time.

So... what have you guys been up to? Been away anywhere nice, stuck at home or work as usual?

I have had a few clients lately that I haven't seen for a long time, it's always nice to see a familiar friendly face and hear about what's been happening with you. Thank you for the flowers, very thoughtful and sweet. They brighten up my front-room and put a smile on my face. I've also had a few newbies lately whom have all been very pleasant. I think it's very sweet when you are all nervous, there's nothing to be afraid of with me, I'm a good girl who likes to be a little naughty now and then, but in a nice way!

Oh... and I was today years old when I figured out how to delete lots of messages on the iPhone! I was doing them one by one which seems to take forever and all I had to do was press edit and can delete loads in one go! Hahaha, at least I know now! I don't like constant messaging, just call me! I get too many people who just want to talk out of boredom. Or make an appointment and not show up. I'm a busy girl! I appreciate the genuine guys out there, thank you! Decency and respect go a long way.

Have a wonderful day, whatever you do,

Speak soon,

Lots of love,

Sarah xx

Saturday, July 15th 2023
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What happened to summer?!
Hi guys, hope you're all well. Sorry for taking a while to do a blog, had lots going on and been on holiday but unfortunately I do not have any white bits as it was far too hot, I stayed in the shade, put my suncream on and wore protective clothing. It is nice to have a tan but not nice to be peeling or get heatstroke. What a shock to the system to get back to rain! I've got soaked 3 days in a row! I had my hair done, looking all pretty like a princess then ended up looking like a drowned rat! Hahaha, not a sexy look I can assure you!
I like going away and having a little break, especially when it's a beautiful place, but I also like being at home. There's nothing like your own bed . And the fact I've missed sexy time! So come get me! Rescue me from doing my housework, tell me what you've been up to and let me empty your balls. I've missed you!

Take care guys, speak soon, lots of love, Sarah x

Tuesday, May 30th 2023
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Feeling cheeky.
Hello hello! How are you all? It's been a bit quiet recently and then I realised it's been a lovely bank holiday weekend and half term. I bet you're all out enjoying the sunshine and pre occupied. I myself had a picnic in the park over the weekend with loved ones. It was nice. Not like today! The heating is back on haha. It never lasts long does it? Enjoy it whilst you can.

Some of you had thought I was away on holiday, no, not yet, soon though. I can do with a break, this month has been a tough one. You have made me smile with the beautiful flowers, gifts and birthday messages. You guys are too kind. Even when you haven't seen me for a while you let me know you're thinking of me, it's very sweet. Respect and decency goes a long way. I won't tolerate anything less. I soon learned very quickly to put my phone on silent at 8pm, I honestly don't understand why someone would call at 3 or 4 am and expect me to answer. I'm not that kind of girl.

I have said it before and I'll say it again, I am very lucky to have met such lovely people. Men have feelings too you know, and need to feel loved, listened to and cared for. It's not all about sex, it's sometimes about having a connection and feeling good. I have put a smile on many faces, listened to you and given you a cuddle. It makes me happy making you feel better. I love my job, my decent clients and am very thankful.

Have a good week, lots of love, Sarah x


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