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Sunday, January 26th 2014
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Water, Water, Everywhere......But....
Good Evening AW Land,

I have had this blog going round and round in my head for the past few days but I just haven’t got around to sitting down and putting my fingers to the keyboard, however today has been such a wet and miserable day that I decided that my blog would be very apt…..so here goes……

I could actually have entitled my blog …..“It Comes In Threes”…….hopefully you will realise why I went for the “Water” option:

1) A few weeks ago, in the middle of doing my “Delia Smith” bit in my kitchen I noticed water running down my kitchen wall……it was coming from my bathroom……the bathroom sink pipe to be exact….it was leaking.…… “Superman” to the rescue….....pipe turned off……called a plumber.

2) Plumber turned up the following day, told me I needed a new connection pipe to my bathroom sink and he would come back and do the job the following day……perfect…..being the person that I am I offered him a drink…..”coffee please” he said…..coffee made…… he’s sat sitting at my kitchen table……and don’t ask me how this happened….......but…......the picture above him on my kitchen wall decided that it no longer wanted to stay on the wall….. it fell down….hit him on his head……hot cup of coffee in his hand……I am sure you can imagine the scene……ouch!……he did turn up the next day though to fix my pipe…. it must have been my First Aid talents that impressed him……“blow on a burn“? ….isn’t that correct?

3) And then we arrive at my third “water” problem……have you ever tried to get a urine sample from a dog?……let me tell you it’s difficult…..I thought my tactics were good……follow him around the garden/park holding a plastic takeaway carton underneath him every time he “cocked” his leg……first attempt at catching it…..he put his foot in the carton!…..I eventually managed it after 2 days of trying…..only to be told at the vets that they now needed a sterile sample as the first one had bacteria in it…..thank goodness I didn’t have to take that one.

So all in all not a great start to the New Year……surely things can only get better?

Take care boy’s and girl’s, enjoy the rest of your weekend……and Remember…..collect the water now…..there could be a hosepipe ban in the Summer.

Sadie xxxxx
Sunday, January 5th 2014
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Good Afternoon AW Land…….

And a Happy 2014 to you all, I hope it brings you everything you want. Thank goodness Christmas is done and dusted for another year, not my favourite time of the year and nor is it my pooches….for the 3rd Christmas on the trot he managed to disgrace himself …..last year he “threw up” on my bed whilst I was staying with friends…..that cost me a new set of bedding…..this year he “accidentally” stood on someone’s Christmas present and broke it….more expense for me, I think that maybe next year he should go on a doggy Christmas break it may well work out to be cheaper for me. I did have a super Christmas though and spent some quality time with loved ones, thats what it's all about really.

So to the title of my blog…..

Communication……on the run up to Christmas I received some lovely emails from gents that I have met over the years and even some from gents I haven’t yet met, wishing me a Merry Christmas …..I really did appreciate their kind thoughts ……(I suppose that could be classed as telecommunication). The initial communication when someone is wanting to make a booking with me is important and always gives me my first impression about you , a nice polite email including your name is always a good start and will bring out the “Best” in me…as opposed to some one liner using text language……not a good start….. and you may well find that I don’t respond ….or if your email is down right stupid you may well receive a very caustic/ sarcastic response……so gents if you are serious about meeting me please put a bit of thought into your first contact and please also respect the amount of times you contact me on the run up to our “date“………..

on the other hand….. lack of communication or responses from loved ones can be worrying…..it always makes me wonder if I’ve done something wrong and if they are ok……no pleasing me is there….well….. I am a woman lol

Think it’s going to be a cold night tonight so try and keep warm, a definite onesie night tonight me thinks.

Take care all, roll on Spring and remember……give a little thought to your Communications.

Sadie xxx

Saturday, December 7th 2013
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The Next Train Arriving & Departing... Without Me!

Good Afternoon AW Land,

Well, if you read my last blog you will know that I was heading for London last weekend and as per usual on my trips away I did have a few travel problems, but just for once they were not my fault. Things started to go wrong at my local train station. Now I had been very organised…..booked my train ticket to take me to Manchester Airport (I was flying to London this time)….reserved my seat on the train (first class may I add ….you can get some good deals if you book well in advance)….taxi dropped me off in plenty of time at my local station, I did think at this point that there were quite a lot of people waiting to buy tickets…..Christmas Shoppers maybe?…..walked onto the platform…..well…. I think it was the platform….there were so many people waiting on it that I wasn’t sure where I was…..was it a train spotters convention?….. the majority of them were men and they all seemed to be wearing….….rugby shirts….. apparently there was some BIG rugby match on at Old Trafford as I found out. My train pulled into the station…..and then total chaos ensued…..now I may be a “hooker” but there was no way that this little “hooker” had any chance of “tackling” the “scrum” to get on that train….where is the “referee” when you need one? or station staff would have been helpful …..and so the train pulled away.... minus me and quite a few others too. Only one way to get to the airport now and that was by taxi, the motorway was busy, miles and miles of road works…..and the clock was ticking down to my flight time….not to mention the meter clock in the taxi which was going “up“…I finally arrived at the airport with not much time to spare…..boarded the plane….and off I flew. My next mishap happened on the underground….. I’m sure you have all seen comedy sketches where someone gets trapped in the tube doors……yes it happened to me…. a “Sadie Sandwich” ….a very nice gent though (very nice he was too ) managed to “pull me“….into the safety of the train… minus my dignity. By the time I arrived at my hotel I was ready for …..“something stiff”…..naughty…..I meant a drink….what did you think I meant?

The rest of my weekend passed by with no further mishaps….apart from putting my finger through a new pair of hold ups as I was pulling them on…..that does happen to me quite often though….good job I always have spares. The Commitments was a great show and I can thoroughly recommend it……a real feel good show with some great music. So all in all I had a fabulous time, went to some lovely restaurants, had a mooch around London, a lazy Sunday afternoon…… and you will be pleased to know that my return journey was totally uneventful…. it did start off better though….. sitting in the BA lounge with a glass or two of champagne…….it beats a railway platform any day!

So that’s my load of waffle for today……

Take care all, enjoy your weekend……and remember ……you might have to “tackle” more than you expect to get on a train.

Sunday, November 24th 2013
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"I Am A Clown"....Well I Nearly Was.
Good Afternoon AW Land,

My blog title?…I’ll explain that one a bit later…. (just realised that it’s the title of a song that my teen heart throb David Cassidy sang , I liked that song)….well what a busy week I have had….I seem to have been trying to juggle a load of balls….tut…tut…not THOSE sort of balls…well maybe a few of those too….but I seem to have had such a lot to do this past week and not enough time to do it in.

First on my list was to take my pooch for clipping…..he came out looking like a shorn sheep …. and my poor boy was shivering with the cold during our walks ….now I’m not a lover of doggy fashion accessories but I’m afraid needs must, so he is now the proud owner of a new fleece lined coat….he seems happy enough wearing it and at least he’s warm until his coat grows back a bit. Tick on list.

Then I decided that I wanted a hat….not just any hat….I wanted one of those big fur Cossack style hats….I clicked onto the “River” site….you know which one I mean I’m sure…if they didn’t have one no one would…found just the style of hat I wanted, trouble was the colours were very limited…..Purple, Raspberry Pink or Brown….after much consideration about what my hat was to go with I decided that Raspberry Pink would be very nice….button clicked, hat ordered…..hat arrives a couple of days later….unpack….put on head……OH DEAR….I looked like?….yep you’ve guessed it….I looked like a CLOWN…..I even made myself laugh and a client that I modelled it for, so goodness knows what anyone else who saw me in it would have thought…..anyone want a Raspberry Pink fur hat? Half a tick on my list.

Xmas shopping just about finished…..another tick on my list….just need to wrap everything now.

So all in all I’ve had a busy week, spent today sweeping and bagging up leaves, it drives me mad as I don’t even have a tree in my garden! ….a trip to the tip looks to be on the cards at some point tomorrow….oh and talking about trips….I’m tripping off to London next weekend, going to see The Commitments, I’ve heard that it’s very good and I’m sure that I will manage to find plenty other things to occupy my time whilst in the Big Smoke.

That’s an abridged version of my week, I hope you’ve enjoyed yours as much as I enjoyed mine.

Take care boys and girls, try and stay warm….and remember if you see a mad woman wearing a Raspberry Pink fur hat in London next weekend…it’s not ME….I’ve got a black one now lol

Sadie xxxxx

Thursday, November 7th 2013
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Staying True To One's Self
Good Evening AW Land,

Well it’s the 7th of November and the fireworks are going off again tonight and to say that my pooch has had enough of them is an understatement…..how many more nights will he have to endure the bangs and flashes lighting up the sky?….enough now please.

I’ve been a busy Sadie today…not on the “Escorting Front” I hasten to add…..I decided that today I would have a “day off” and have a damn good clearout of my clothes…..I don’t know about other ladies but I did seem to have amassed a large collection of clothes that I deep down knew that I would never wear/fit into again (I don‘t think my boobs are going to shrink lol)….so a trip to the Charity Shop for me tomorrow……plus a trip to collect some new items from a rather lovely shop that I have found….just “my sort of shop” .....and after all I have got a lot of empty wardrobe space to fill lol

That’s one of the nice things about my Escorting Life, that if I choose to have a day off I can. Right from “Day One” of being an Escort I decided that I would only “work” when I wanted to “work” and “date” (that’s my preferred term for my bookings) who I wanted to “date” and I have stuck true to myself…..maybe some of you may think “who does she think she is?”…..”she’s a hooker”…..and yes gents I am……but I’m a “happy little hooker”….who still loves her job, loves the life I lead and thoroughly appreciates the “gents” that enjoy sharing my “Sadie Experience” with me…….and as Dr Seuss said:

“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go...”...and I have.... and I do!

Enjoy your evening boys and girls, please stop the fireworks now, my pooch doesn‘t like them…..and remember….there is only “YOU” that can look after “You”

Sadie xxxx

Sunday, October 20th 2013
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Out Takes and Takeaways
Out Takes and Takeaways.

Good Morning AW Land,

How are you all on this sunny (well it is at the moment) Sunday morning?…..me?….well to be honest I’m a little bit tired, I didn’t have a very good nights sleep….all my own fault really…..let me explain….it’s not very often that I have a takeaway, but last night I decided to be lazy and order a curry, must say I really enjoyed it…..but in the early hours I had… (please note I am trying to be very careful as to what words I use)….what I can only describe loosely (loosely is a good word) as a “Superman” moment…..I had to “fly” as quickly as possible to the bathroom on more than one occasion. All I can say is that it will be a long, long time before I eat another curry!

Talking about takeaways leads me on very nicely to my next subject……“out takes“….for those of you that read my blogs you may remember that I mentioned a while ago about doing some filming with one of my clients, well the clips have all been edited and a couple of them are now on my profile with the addition of an "out take" clip, it’s not really a sexy one, more to show how things don’t always go right during a shoot……hope it makes you giggle like it did my client and I.

Enjoy your Sunday boys and girls, have fun and remember……there is always a right way and a wrong way to do things, try and make sure YOU get it right lol

Sadie xxxxx

Wednesday, September 11th 2013
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Lost and Found.
Good Afternoon AW Land…..

Well it’s not really a “good” afternoon, it’s raining here in Yorkshire quite a miserable day weather wise to be honest, Summer seems to have definitely gone and maybe that’s why yesterday I felt as though I had lost my Mo Jo……so I put fingers to keyboard and typed up a little ditty about my missing Mo Jo….I hope it makes you smile….

Has anyone seen my Mo Jo?
I think it ran away
I just couldn’t find it anywhere
And I looked for it all day.

I had a peek under my couch
Where crumbs sometimes hide
And when I told my pooch “it’s gone”
Well…..he just sat and cried.

I had a look behind my fridge
It’s been there once or twice
I’ve even found it a couple of times
Just chilling with the ice.

I looked inside my microwave
Because my Mo Jo’s really HOT
I thought that surely it would be there
But I’m sorry to say …..it’s not.

I went up into my bedroom
And looked under my bed
Nope…..it’s not there either
So….I stood and scratched my head.

If you have found my Mo Jo
Please send it back or call
Because a Sadie without her Mo Jo
Isn’t a Sadie at all

Enjoy your afternoon boys and girls…..and remember ….keep a tight hold on your Mo Jo, it’s no fun without it.

Sadie xxxxx

p.s.I’m pleased to say that I found mine, woke up this morning and hey presto it was back….amazing what a good nights sleep can do!

Wednesday, July 31st 2013
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Birthday Treat.
Good Afternoon AW Land…..

And can I just say….“Rain, rain….go away…. I want the sun to come out to play”….I know it’s not the correct words but I am missing the sunshine, although I think my garden has been grateful for the recent showers so I suppose that’s one good thing.

So birthday treats….no it’s not my birthday again, there is only HRH that is lucky enough to have 2 birthdays in a year….I’m referring to the fact that I am helping to celebrate the birthday of a very Super Man next week we’re going to have a party….a very intimate party just for two. I’m going to put on a bit of a spread...... no I don’t mean me spread on the bed…..that comes later....I mean a few nibbles..... and then I thought that maybe we could play a few party games…what do you think?

Pin the tail on….The Sadie?

Blind Man’s Muff?

Postman’s Knock is a definite.

I don’t think that Hide and Seek is a good one for my list as I won’t be hiding anywhere……nor is Sleeping Lions.....my snores can beat any lions roar lol

All in all I think we’ll have a very nice birthday celebration, thank you kind Sir for allowing me to be your Birthday Treat.

That’s my waffling finished for today, take care all, stay dry…..and remember…..It’s good to party sometimes.

Sadie xxxx
Saturday, July 27th 2013
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Decisions, Decision's
Good Evening AW Land,

It’s a bit of a “humid” one here tonight in West Yorkshire…..gosh….it’s not often I get to describe a night in Yorkshire as “humid”…..apart from those other kind of “hot, sticky nights” that I do so enjoy from time to time……

So….Decisions….Decision’s …and the reason for my Decisions?….(some pictures I have been sent today for a video shoot that I did a few weeks ago…..thank you Mr Prodder for the preview…..I hope that I don’t take your viewing figures down )

I did have a couple of other titles in mind for this blog….. all dependent on what picture I decided to attach to it….

It could have been…

”How do you eat your’s”….and I would have waffled on about oral


“Come up and feel me sometime”…..I’ll leave that one to your imagination


“Fanny”……Think Irn Bru advert


“Wrinkles”…..Wrinkled Stockings…..Norah Battye look or not?

So….me being me I plumped for the more safe “Sadie“ option …..the Wrinkled Stockings picture….although I have put the other 3 pictures into my private gallery……much safer there me thinks.

I hope you enjoy my Wrinkled Stockings look, that is the only drawback when wearing Fully Fashioned Stockings….but…….. they do feel sooo nice against one’s skin.

That’s all my waffle for tonight you’ll be pleased to hear,……enjoy your weekend….and remember if you have a “Decision” to make….take the easy option ……it’s usually the Best one to take.

Sadie xxxx

Sunday, July 21st 2013
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Burnt?....No, honestly it's not.
Good Evening AW Land,

A bit of a cooler one tonight, but never mind the hot weather is forecast to return tomorrow before the thunder storms, I do love to watch a good thunder storm as long as I’m "undercover at the time"…..no…....not ….“under the covers“……maybe I should have said..... “sheltered at the time".

So…..how has your weekend been?….mines been a good one…..spent yesterday with friends, had a spot of “girlie shopping” which always puts a smile on any “girlies face“.....…..did I buy anything?….....not much really….....a couple of pairs of shoes.....yes....two pairs....…..ohhhh….and a dress….....like I said….“not much“….and then it was back to my friends house for a barbecue that her hubby was cooking. Did I say cooking?…cremating more like …now if you are cooking you have to watch what you are cooking…. especially on a barbecue, the meat needs turning regularly, you can’t go off and watch sport gents…..so the finished result wasn’t far from the picture attached to my blog….lesson learnt by said friends hubby….and we all had a good laugh about the burnt offerings….and of course when he asked the question “Is it burnt?”….we all said….”No, of course it’s not….it’s lovely”

I always think that if you “give it” you have to be able to “take it” too….and I’m not talking sex here….so I am holding my hands up to my “Faux Pas” of the day. Replying by text to a client that I am meeting this week I ended my message with…. xxxx ….as I pressed the “send” button I realised that the xxxx had somehow turned itself into Xbox…..how did that happen?….it was 9.00am this morning so I can’t blame it on alcohol….at least the gent concerned has a sense of humour as his reply ended in…..“Regards From Mr Nintendo“….I suppose at least he knows that I’m “game” for a good time lol

Maybe me thinks I need a few days away to recharge my “text fingers”…….I’m dreaming again….zzzzzzzzz

So with that load of Sadie waffle I’ll leave you all to enjoy your Sunday evening,

Take care all, enjoy the storms…..and remember…..if it’s “hot” you have to keep your eyes on it.

Sadie xxxxx

Sunday, July 7th 2013
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Whoops a Sadie!

So there I am, it’s Saturday night, poured my first glass of red of the evening and I fancy some olives……no….not some of Olive’s…..you know the green and black olives….. I am very partial to them….so through my kitchen I go….towards my utility room (that’s where my fridge is)…..and what do I spy on the floor next to my pooches water bowl……a blinking FROG!…..now for those of you that read my blogs I am sure you will remember that this is not the first time I have had a FROG in my house (yes I am beginning to develop a complex) and on a Saturday evening too…….what is it with these FROGS?…..do they tell their FROGGY mates that it’s party time at Sadie’s house on a Saturday night? ….no problem I’m an expert (well I’ve evicted one FROG so that does give me some experience)…..dustpan and brush at the ready…..but…..this FROG has attitude, he was prepared for brush assault…..and guess what he “jumped” behind my washing machine…….he obviously fancied a “wash and blow” (hmmmm…maybe a new service to offer you gents?)……I won’t bore you with the details, but it did take me over an hour to get rid of this little blighter……anybody know if you can buy a FROG catcher….it seems it would make my life so much easier.

Sunday dawns bright and sunny…… I think I need a new sun lounger….off I trot to purchase one…..set the lounger up in my garden (easy peasy that)…..towels placed on the lounger ( a girl can’t be too careful….you never know if a FROG is going to pinch it do you?)…..ahhhhh…..ease my body down onto said lounger…..and then guess what?…..I hadn’t set the blinking thing up properly……the top and bottom of the lounger collapsed and I was trapped in the middle of the blinking thing…..have you ever tried to roll elegantly out from the middle of a sun lounger?….it can’t be done….trust me…..luckily I don’t think that any of my neighbours noticed my predicament….well I hope they didn’t……how much do they pay on that programme for funny videos?

So all in all, what for me was going to be a relaxing weekend has turned out to be a very funny weekend….well….funny ha ha at least.

Hope you all had a less “funny” weekend than mine…… have a good week…..and remember …..“A jump a day keeps the doctor away”…..or maybe you’d be more satisfied with….. “A toad in your hole” ?

Sadie xxxxxx
Saturday, July 6th 2013
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For...um or Against....um?

Happy Saturday sunny evening AW Land……WOW……Summer has finally arrived……how long will it last?….who cares…… just enjoy it while it’s here. I must admit that I have been a very laid back Sadie today, so has my pooch …..we have both just been lazy in the garden….me in the sun…..him in the shade…….oh I did manage to slot in a bit of fun….. a ride in a very nice car……and a trip to…….B & Q?……it’s not all glamour being an escort.

But being an escort is fun and I do still love this life I lead... I suppose I’m not the Best at Twittering and Tweeting as I don’t have a Twitter page…..maybe something to think about in the future….. however last year I did join a West Yorkshire forum, I dithered about and kept taking a “sneaky peek” at the aforesaid forum and then I began to get quite involved with the “ posts and threads” some I didn’t agree with, some made me laugh and some of them made me really cross……but….all in all….I’m glad I joined…so….. are you AW Land For.... Um or Against... Em?

Just heard the weather forecast….it’s going to be another hot day tomorrow……enjoy.

Take care all….…have fun in the sun…..and remember ……if you’ve got your “top off”…… slap on that factor 50.…it’s not a good look being “pink”

Sadie xxxxx

Thursday, June 27th 2013
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Camera, Action.....Lights?

Good evening AW Land……a rainy one tonight and a rainy day too…… “Rainy Days“…. (reminds me of a Carpenters song “Rainy Days and Mondays“…..yes I know another oldie song….can’t beat the “oldies“…..get back to your BLOG Sadie….)…ok where was I…..ah yes walking my pooch in the rain, nothing at all romantic about bringing a wet doggy home….although I have trained him to “shake” before he is allowed back into my house.

So to the title of my blog….. very rarely do I allow any filming during a booking…..(I prefer now to have my movie clips/photos shot by professionals, I need all the help I can get at my age lol ……check out the attached picture to my blog ……Jim Prodder meets Aunty Sadie will be on a certain site very soon)…..sorry I’m digressing again……. ….however….a certain gent who has been a regular client since I first started escorting 4 plus years ago , asked if he could do a movie with me. At first I thought he wanted the movie for his own personal use….but no this gent wanted the movie/clips to be on my AW profile for all to see, so tomorrow is the day of our shoot….he’s got the camera….. I’m sure we’ll have plenty of action….and as for the lights?….it’s daytime fun! So hopefully the fruits of our labour will be available for all to see very soon…..whatever the outcome…..outcum?… I’m sure it will be a very fun afternoon.

So apart from movie fun what else is new with me?……I’m saying nothing….my lips are sealed….but maybe….just maybe….I may be ticking off another place on my bucket list of places to visit…..a girl can dream…….zzzzzzzzzz

I’ve waffled enough now…..

Take care all, have fun……and remember…..you don’t need the camera and lights to have “ACTION”

Sadie xxxxx

Tuesday, June 18th 2013
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It's My Party.

Hello AW Land

I’m not really having a party and nor am I going to cry (old song title for those who haven't got a clue what I'm talking about).... however it is my Birthday this week and don’t worry I’m not on here begging for presents …….in fact I don’t even have a Wish List, that’s just not my style…..(check out the picture though…. I do love Haribo sweets). So another year older and am I any wiser?…..I think the answer to that one is a definite….. NO.

But what I have noticed as I was looking through some new pictures that I have had taken for my Private Gallery, is that I am getting a little bit of middle aged spread and I don’t like it. Now I don’t mind that my boobs seem to have got a little bit bigger, after all some ladies pay to go up a size or two, but the bits I don’t like are the extra few pounds around my tummy and hips. I suppose that I have always been fortunate enough never to have to go on a diet, the way (or should that be spelt “weigh”?) to loose a few pounds is a mystery to me, I don’t even own a set of weighing scales…. so where do I start?…..good old Google….. I typed in “diet plans” and literally pages and pages of them came up, but the one that jumped out at me was the 5.2.….why did this one jump out?…..because I’m 5’2”…… I thought it was aimed at people who are my height lol After reading through the information I realised it wasn’t just aimed at us “little people”, it’s 5 days eating normally (not sure if that includes wine?) and then for 2 non consecutive days (fasting days) calories are restricted to 500 per day, so I’m going to give it a go, wish me luck and any advice from anyone who has tried this diet would be much appreciated.

So that’s the end of my waffle for today…….

Take care all, enjoy your week……and remember….age is but a number……but it does keep going up every year.

Enjoy your week

Sadie xxxxx


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