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Wednesday, January 25th 2023
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Why Women Love Using Dildos.
Women love to use a dildo to have a great time in bed. Dildos are great for vaginal and anal stimulation and a lot of women who use them find that they not only feel better than their own fingers but also than sex. There are so many benefits that come with using a dildo. Women can use a dildo to reach a climax more quickly than they could with a penis; a dildo can also be used to stimulate the clitoris. Women love using dildos because they feel the pressure of the dildo, and this can cause intense feelings of pleasure.

There are many reasons why women love using dildos, but it’s hard to pinpoint just one. Some women find that they can literally use a dildo as a tool to help them explore their own bodies. One reason is that they can take time to orgasm. This is because most women are not able to orgasm from penetration alone, and dildos offer a way to do this. Another reason is that it’s a non-threatening way to explore their bodies. They can use dildos to experiment before they would use their partner. Some women use it for self-pleasure, but there are also some who enjoy penetration without pressure.
Sunday, November 6th 2022
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Why Women Love Sexy Lingerie.
It should not come to us as any surprise that women like to wear sexy lingerie. Whilst most men enjoy seeing women clad in sexy lingerie, women enjoy it even more. Quality lingerie can make a women feel sexy irrespective of what she is wearing on the outside. Inside, a woman will be conscious that she is wearing sexy lingerie, which in turn gives her a massive confidence boost. This feeling of sexy type of confidence is one of the many reasons why women like lingerie.

Even women who are single and without a significant other in their lives revel in lingerie. It is not only used to arouse a mate, but also as a confidence builder for any woman. A woman wearing sexy lingerie likes the way she looks in the mirror and knows that she will be desired. Just because a woman is single is no reason to give up wearing sexy lingerie. With the confidence that she gains by feeling good about herself on the inside, she will not be single long unless she chooses to be.

It is nice for a woman who works in such a field to remind herself every once in a while that she is a woman. Although she may be wearing a hardhat and jeans, if underneath she is wearing a lacy camisole, she will feel very much like a woman. It is probably for this reason the most why women like lingerie.
Wednesday, September 14th 2022
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Flowers Are Special And Make Us Happy.
Have you ever wanted to have more flowers in your life? For some, their aromas have a calming effect that is hard to find elsewhere. Flowering plants have been used for decoration in gardens and homes for thousands of years. Their origins dated back to 8,500 BC with evidence of grown flowers appearing in the archaeological sites of Mesopotamia. There are many different types of flowers that can be found in the earth, some with seven to ten petals. The three most widely recognized flower types are roses, tulips and orchids.

Some countries or regions that are cold or dry these flowers struggle to grow. On the other hand, some societies do not especially favour flowery smells such as monasteries and ghettos where they were associated with death of European Jews during Holocaust. The most commonly available flowers are the ones that grow in temperate regions. Flowering plants favour temperature conditions where their leaves can keep up with the rising and falling of temperature throughout the day. Flowers also need light, humidity, and water to grow This is because people tend to prefer flowers that smell like what they want for celebrations such as weddings or funerals Flowers also need light, humidity, and water to grow

So imagine that the sun is shining on your beautiful day. Flower petals popping in the air, as you feel their soft feeling ripple across your arm. The fresh smell of flowers- yeah, they make me happy. I don't really have one particular flower favourite or colour, I simply love a nice bunch of multi coloured mix that includes a variety of types, colours and fragrances. Flowers really can brighten up our day all year round.
Thursday, July 7th 2022
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Spiritual Uplifting With Flowers And Countryside.
Life can often be difficult, but when Spring and then Summer arrives we should not forget to feel the beautiful aspects of life. And what better way to remind ourselves of zest and vitality than with flowers. There's no denying that flowers brighten up any room, because as soon as you enter you feel calmer and smelt something refreshing. And it's not just the arrangement, it's the sun that blesses them and helps them grow by shining its light on those fresh cut stalks

Before we know it all the flowers will be gone again. Flowers symbolise life and how fragile but really strong they are; they rally come in waves filled with life energy they'll illuminate your day with jubilant colours. Nothing brings joy and happiness more than flowers. They are the tree of life, full of colour, vibrance and life. Flowers breathe hope and bring beauty to existence just by their slight touch.

Not only are the colours a delight for the eye, but their scents fill you with relief. There is not a sound sweeter than that of blooming flowers in vernal harmony. The bees shift gathering pollen from flower to flower, providing us with honey for breakfast in the morning; pollination for our food crops; fragrant air and a natural way to calm yourself down on a feeling anxious day; huge swaying oak trees whose roots hold green soil together ; and the many flowers of the purple, orange, and yellow cosmos that grow in our countryside. The bees are our good friends who help us all survive.

Every vase of flowers has a story laid upon it and helps us try to understand the world by telling us about life. Now only do flowers bring joy and happiness, they also connect the threads and ties that bind our eco-system together needlessly. The sap that rises from each patch of ground nourishes flower bells for hours, petals in vibrant colours and all most sense with smells exotic or sweet; birds sing, bees fly bravely with purposeful wing into danger territory for such beauty's like this.

Each flower would stay on this Earth if it was its choice but life progresses like clockwork from one bright possibility to another so dependant on bees now self-flying seeking honey which provides not only mixture once upon a time pleasing, but also what's necessary literally sustenance to act as the basis for the grand amalgamation of life itself. When a flower is pollinated, it releases the sweetest of scents in exchange for a more complex process of evolution, which makes it possible for new life to continue to grow. Just like human emotions and the release of sexual tension that come with marriage, flowers are able to feel their own joy in the exchange; their scent and colour may change but they are the same flowers, because they have been made better. “The moon is a flower that blooms only once.” - a wise Chinese proverb.
Wednesday, May 11th 2022
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Every Woman Should Masturbate.
It’s totally normal for people to talk about guys jerking off, but there’s incredible cultural stigma around women and masturbation.

There’s way more to masturbation than just, you know, getting off. It can in fact improve your health in the moment and over time. “Whether women are partnered or not, masturbation can be a way to reduce tension, release endorphins and improve sleep.

Masturbation is one of the best ways to learn about your sexuality, helping you understand what your preferences are and how best to reach orgasm. And when you’re always getting the big O, well then, you’re probably feeling pretty, pretty good.
Tuesday, March 1st 2022
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Stockings Feel Great.
Stockings have been fuelling men's fantasies for decades. Once seen as the attire of dour housewives, stockings and suspenders have manage to acquire a whole new identity as a sensual and supremely sexy type of hosiery for any woman wishing to explore her femininity. But what makes men find stockings so sexy?

Stockings not only look great, they also feel great. Made from silky nylon, modern fashion stockings are silky smooth to the touch and invite the caress of a man's hand. They also feel great to the female wearer, and because they leave the upper thighs bare, they are more comfortable in warmer weather.

But as well as the sensual sensation of silky nylon on smooth skin, sheer fashion stockings are also a stylish accessory for a shapely leg. Seamed stockings give any woman a chance to be a glamorous silver screen heroine for a day, especially when worn with a form fitting pencil skirt.
Thursday, January 6th 2022
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Morning Breakfast.
After a good nights rest, first thing on my mind when I get up in the morning is what delicious food I'm going to have for breakfast. I like to go for the more healthy options, such as some smoked salmon with some aspargus or maybe I shall whip up an omlette with a few eggs and mix it with some meats and cheese!

I've got a beautiful body to look out for afterall! I do have lots of fun whilst I cook, but one thing you should know about me is in the kitchen, I am always the boss. I like to eat my breakfast at the table whilst I browse the days world news, see whats going on. A good breakfast sets you up for a good day!
Tuesday, December 7th 2021
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Sex In The Park.
I was reminiscing last night over a glass of wine (well three actually) and we were discussing our first time sexual exploits and how green we were when we both had our first boyfriends (you are number 3, honest?). Well one of my memories was me laying down naked bottom on an earthy mound that looked innocent and clean. We were both into the swing of sex and 50 percent on the way to our orgasms when I started to feel stings on my legs and bottom. I tried ignoring it for a minute or two but they got more intense and started to really hurt. I screamed out and jumped up and brushed off my bottom only to be stunned by seeing literally hundreds of ants walking all over me. I'm glad they were not bullet ants or something nasty like they have in some foreign countries but they hurt me loads. Nowadays I'm older and more refined and much prefer a luxury bed and a glass of wine with soft romantic music in the background, and the sex will then be just incredible!
Friday, October 22nd 2021
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I Love The Holiday Season.
Holiday season is nearly in full swing. Holiday parties, shopping, traveling, and (for me) lots of wine. Spending time with friends and family. Yes, this seems pretty obvious. It’s so important to spend time with loved ones. Make sure the people you love know that you care about them. Spread love this holiday season. Shopping for loved ones. We love being able to give our friends and family gifts. Of course, the holiday season is not about presents. However, it is about putting a smile on someone’s face. That’s why we love surprising our friends and family with things they enjoy. Remember, it’s always more important to give than to receive. Alright, we can’t lie. It doesn’t hurt getting gifts in return!
Thursday, September 2nd 2021
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People Are Nice After All.
As a city girl I know all about the unwritten rules – never say “hello” to someone you don’t know. Never talk on the tube or train. Don’t smile at someone random. Right? Those who live here will know that London, though densely populated, can be a very lonely place in the wrong circumstances. I should know, I’ve been there, having moved to the city as a young lady and knowing nobody.

But something incredible has happened during this pandemic – people are opening up. Londoners are opening up.

Suddenly, strangers are walking past me and wishing me a ‘good morning’. I’m waving at the same old couple I pass every morning, without fail, on my walk. We don’t even know each others’ names. As each new person passes by, we smile and nod, because we know both of us need some more happiness in our lives right now.

In fact, being kind to others can boost your serotonin, ease anxiety and reduce stress. No wonder we can’t get enough of it.

The world is coming together as one big community, united in the fight against COVID-19. And I’d like to believe that this attitude toward each other – that a stranger isn’t strange for saying hello – will stay.
Monday, August 9th 2021
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Should We Bring Sexy Back?
Beautiful, which has a broader meaning than sexy, is perceived as flattering if it refers not merely to physical appearance, but also has a broader meaning, indicating a kind of beauty in the inside. Telling a woman she is sexy often refers to brief interactions; she is the woman you want to spend the night with. Beautiful is broader and can indicate a more serious attitude; she is the woman you may consider marrying. Beauty is deeper than sex (or lust). Sexy is often associated with being “hot,” that is, the heat is felt by the perceiver. Being beautiful can be associated with being “cold,” which implies some distance from the perceiver.

Sexual attraction goes further than just staring—it attracts the agent to act as well. Sexual desire increases your action readiness and pushes you toward actual joint interactions. In this sense, sexy is indeed more conducive for initiating a romantic bond. People are more likely to approach a sexy person than a beautiful one. Being sexy is seen as a kind of invitation, while beauty imposes some distance.
Monday, July 5th 2021
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Life Is Returning To Normal Now.
Only a short time left until things return to some sense of normality again. Its great to see that the clown Hancock has gone and now been replaced by someone who has no interest in perpetuating this forever state of perpetual lockdown. How did it take so long? Hancock should have been forced to resign on many occasions for various code breaking reasons but there is little honour in government. The one good thing the government has done is to vaccinate so many people at least once and in increasing numbers twice (yes I'm part of the double jabbed group thankfully). So soon we can look forward to intimate moments together in our more normal settings, such as a pub, club, restaurant, cafe, hoefully without any dividers between us any more. Yes some will catch covid and some with die (as they do daily from many diseases) but life has to go on and we have to learn to live with it as best we can. I'm also looking forward to being able to do simle things like walk around my local garden centre and smell the flowers without hsving to continually slide my mask up and down. Lets get England back to normal again and never return to what we have just all been through.
Friday, July 2nd 2021
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The Power Of Sexy Lingerie.
If you think that buying sexy lingerie is for turning men on, then think again, for you have it all backward.

Buying and wearing beautiful lingerie isn’t about guys. There is a lot more to it than just trying to provide some eye-candy to any male who is lucky enough to see you in it.

It’s about being powerful. It’s about claiming our own sexuality. It’s about feeling sexy, not just looking it. It’s about women turned on by our own existence.

There is empowerment in wearing comfortable underwear. It says loud and clear that we refuse to comply with the expectations that the societal beauty standards are pushing onto us. It claims that a woman can be sexy without lace and silk. And it’s true! Our sexuality doesn’t come from silk or lace, it can be embraced just as much in plain cotton panties.

But just because something is sexy, it doesn’t need to mean that it is uncomfortable. It doesn’t need to mean that we are doing it to please others. It doesn’t have to be associated with self-objectification.

Sexy lingerie can also mean that we embrace out sexual self — and this self can be highlighted by silk, lace or cotton just as much. It can be an act of self-care and a confession, that we get turned on by ourselves, that we allow ourselves to feel sexy or even sexier in pretty bras and tiny panties.
Tuesday, May 11th 2021
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The Benefits Of Living In A City.
Life is full of excitement and happiness. I've always dreamt of living in a beautiful built up city like London. Some people aren't a fan when it comes to living in the city, but I really enjoy all the exciting benefits in London. There are so many different fashionable clothing outlets and pretty lingerie boutiques about. The choices are endless when it comes to shopping for women! The biggest issue I have is there is almost too much choice when it comes to looking around all these wonderful places. Also not to mention so many desirable, lavish restaurants offering so many varying types of cuisine to chose from too!


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