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SashaPaige_TS's Blog
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Saturday, May 15th 2021
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It really is good to be back and thank you to everyone who has been so positive about my return, it really is heartwarming, thank you.

I am so glad to be back all be it on a very reduced schedule.

My profile is a bit of a work in progress right now and I really am working on creating a profile that showcases all of my services and gives as much information as possible. I know how daunting it can be to book an escort and after 13 years in the business, I know the questions that get asked and I know how a properly worded profile helps settle a potential client.

Thank you so much for your patience whilst I work to update it.

Wednesday, April 21st 2021
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After announcing that I shall be returning to incalls in a couple of weeks, my inbox has literally been in meltdown with enquiries. So with this in mind, I have decided to move the date forward to TOMORROW!!!
Things shall be a little different this time...
1. I shall only be working two days a week until further notice. I intend for these days to be the same every week allow for planning etc, however, right now there is no clear plan but I will try and give you all as much notice as possible.
2. If my phone number is displayed on my profile then I am available for a booking.
3. From now on, the minimum session time shall be 1 hour.
4. I shall only be operating on a same-day appointment basis.
I really am trying to get back to some sort of "normal", I know the new way of working isn't ideal but it is better than nothing.
If my phone number is not displayed and you wish to discuss a booking then please email me via Adultwork.
I am super excited to see you all.
Monday, April 19th 2021
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So with the Covid restrictions being lifted, there are a lot of clients questioning regarding when I will be returning to incalls. The good news is that I shall be returning to incalls from the week starting May 3rd. The bad news in some ways is that I will not be returning full-time straight away. The plan is for me to return to work two days a week.... hopefully the same two days which shall make planning a lot easier. More details shall be announced as soon as I know days/dates etc. From May 3rd my phone will only be turned on when I am working and it will be turned off at all other times. This new way of working will take a bit of getting used to for us all but it is a step in the right direction for sure. I look forward to seeing you all soon.

Sunday, March 7th 2021
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I just thought I would check in with you all, it has been a while but to be honest, like everyone else there hasn't really been a lot to say.

Many of you will know that it is almost a year until I stopped seeing clients due to the Covid restrictions and my husband working from home full time. In many ways, the last twelve months have flown by and now it seems like there may be light at the end of the tunnel with the promise of restrictions lifting by the Summer.

Since the announcement a couple of weeks ago regarding "the road map" there has been a lot of emails and calls regarding bookings. The truth is until my personal situation changes I will not be returning to incalls. It is nothing to do with vaccines or even restrictions, it is totally to do with the fact that I cannot host incalls whilst the husband is working from home. Why? Because it just isnt an ideal environement for you the client. So yes I know other girls are taking bookings, many of which have worked throught the pandemic and good for them. But my situation is relevant to me.

Thank you for all of the enquiries and thank you for your pateince. I will be returning to incalls (I am cooking up a plan so stay tuned) as soon as I can.

Sasha x
Sunday, January 10th 2021
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Belated Happy New Year
Hi there, thanks for taking the time to read my blog... belated Happy New Year to you and I truly hope that you had an amazing Christmas under the circumstances.

I just wanted to take a moment to check in with you and let you know that I am doing fine, I am well and healthy. It is so hard to comprehend that I haven't seen a client since March. Thanks again for your patience and for your understanding. For those of you who are not aware, I am unable to see clients at the moment because my partner has been working from home since March due to lockdowns and Covid restrictions. We made a decision when he switched to working from home that I would put my incall service on hold until he returned to the office. Ten months later and our dining room is still his office.

As soon as he is back in the office full time then I shall return to work. You guys have been a great support and I am really looking forward to welcoming my existing clients and new clients into my home again once the time is right.

Until then, stay positive and stay safe.

Thursday, July 2nd 2020
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Hey there, it is day one hundred and something of the current UK lockdown situation and as the country gears itself up to ease some of the lockdown restrictions, many of you have contacted me asking about when I shall be returning to seeing clients on an incall basis.

The truth is I shall not be returning to seeing clients on an incall basis anytime soon. I know that this will be a great disappointment to many of you but there is a good reason for my decision.

The decision has been made (well kinda made for me really) on the basis that my longterm partner is now working from home full time due to the Covid-19 crisis. Until such a time that he returns to work in the office then there will be no incalls. This isn't because I am keeping some sort of secret, it is because him being home doesn't create an ideal environment for my clients. I hope that you can see this and understand.

Many of you will know that I have taken a break before and that I returned when the time was right. This WILL happen again, we will session again, I just don't know when right now. When I do know, I shall update my profile and I will be shouting it from the roof tops.

In the meantime you will be able to join me on Directcam and Directchat... I look forward to chatting with you there.

Thank you in advance for your patience

Tuesday, April 14th 2020
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Hi guys, it is almost a month now since I suspended incalls due to the coronavirus. I just thought I would drop you a quick update, I truly hope that you are yours are keeping well and healthy. I for one never expected to be in this situation, I hope you are all coping with the lockdown situation and not going too crazy at home. Life sure is weird right now.

I am really missing my clients, some of you guys have been visiting me for so long now and we know each other so well, it feels weird not seeing you. I am sure we will make up for it when all this is over.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the NHS staff and the keyworkers, the bravery and the dedication is overwhelming. Thank you.

Take care of yourselves, stay safe and I hope that we will get to see each other soon.

Saturday, February 1st 2020
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One of the most frequently asked questions is "Are you discrete?"

The answer is simple...

I have been in this business for 12 years, it is in the interest of my business to be discreet. As much as I try to make this a personal service it is, after all, a business and my main source of income. If I was not discreet then I would not have a business that has lasted as long as it has and have a strong base of regular clients. I also know that words are cheap, hopefully, my online presence, reviews, and my honesty will help to put your mind at ease.

Remember discretion also works both ways.
Saturday, January 18th 2020
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Hey guys, I hope you are all doing well and coping with January. I want to write a series of blog posts that will help and inform you. I know that many of you are still thinking about visiting me, maybe your New Years' resolution it to finally bite the bullet and turn your dreams into realities. Well, I am going to be writing a collection of blogs to help you, I mean, I have been in this business almost 12 years, I understand the fear and worry that you go through before coming to see me and I really want to help as much as I can with that. I want you to be able to trust me, this is such a massive part of a session. When you trust me things get easier.

So, making a booking. Sounds easy right, just like booking into the dentist or the barbers. Well yes, it is easy, but some guys do struggle with it so here are the basics...

1. Only book when you know 99% that you will be able to make the appointment (I mean 100% is unrealistic, stuff happens and I understand that). Have a firm date and time in your head.
2. If you are looking for a same-day appointment then call as early as possible. My phone is on from 8am. If you need to, drop me a text to check my availability however calling is easier as we can chat about the session too.
3. When you call to book, have a pen and paper ready to take down the address or ask me to text it to you.
4. Once the booking is made, then please ensure that you arrive on time, if you are running late then keep me in the loop. It isn't usually a problem as long as I am kept updated.
5. If you must cancel then please do so as soon as possible so I can free up that appointment for someone else. If you cancel then I will have no problem with you booking at another time. If you simply do not show up then I will just block your number as you obviously have no respect for me or my business.
6. If you are looking to book a session for another date then drop me an email to check if I am available. Speaking of which, you can check my work schedule by clicking the new tab at the top of the page. Please note that if you are asking me to reserve an appointment for you in advance then a £50 deposit shall be required. If this is going to be a problem for you then simply call on the day and take a chance that I shall be available. It is your choice.

When you are engaging with me regarding a booking, here are a few things NOT to do...
1. Ask for photos/videos. There is plenty of content online for you to look at.
2. By all means, let me know what you want to experience but please do not engage in sexting.
3. You do not need to send me photos or videos of yourself (especially no cock pics).
4. Do not video call me to make a session, a simple call or text will be enough.
5. Do not haggle. My fee is not up for negotiation.

I think the best sessions are the ones with open communication. If you want to experience a specific scenario then tell me, just me I am unshockable. I say this all the time, confide in me, I am not a mind reader. If you let me in, trust me with your fantasy then I will try my best to make it happen. Once you have made a booking, feel free to send me a text or email if a blueprint for what you want to happen. Trust me, some guys have brought a list with them. Giving me a heads up regarding your desires is great, it gives me time to prepare. So if there is an outfit that you want, or a roleplay scene or something that you have seen in a video that you want to try... let me know.

Most frequently asked questions:
Q: Do you offer a girlfriend experience, I am not looking to be dominated or into pain?
A: YES!!! I started out as an escort 12 years ago and I have always offered a sensual, erotic girlfriend experience. Tell me your fantasy and let me bring it to life.
Q: I am looking for you to take control, to be in charge but I don't want any pain or bondage?
A: I call than an assertive girlfriend experience. Imagine we are on a date and as the date unfolds I take control and lead you down a path of dark desires where we unlock your submissive side. Sound about right?
Q: Do you offer roleplay? I am really shy and don't know how to tell you what I am into.
A: Hold it right there, I understand how daunting this can be. Yes, I offer roleplay and I love it. I have achieved some amazing sessions whilst in a roleplay situation. The best thing for you to do is to email me your fantasy and then I will be able to create a bespoke session for you. Don't worry, I am unshockable and I really get off on roleplay.
Q: I see that you make videos, this worries me. Do you film with clients?
A: NO, NO, NO. The videos that I make are with guys that I know personally, they are not clients. I keep the two very separate. I run a very professional business, I would not have lasted this long if I filmed with clients. With this in mind please do not ask to take photos or videos when you are with me, discretion works both ways.
Q: Are you discrete?
A: 100%. This is a full-time business for me. I want you to relax and enjoy your time with me and most of all I want to build a relationship with you where you return again and again. I have worked hard over the past 12 years to build up an excellent reputation and discretion is one of the cornerstones of my business.

If you have a question, please ask.

I really hope that this blog post helps. There will be others based around this theme so keep an eye out for them. I look forward to your feedback too. Thank you for reading and I hope to see you soon.
Wednesday, December 25th 2019
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Merry Christmas...
Well, the big day is here... Christmas Day!!!

Christmas is one of my fave times of the year. I love the build-up to it, the whole Christmas vibe. I would like to thank all of the clients who visited me in December. Over the years it has become evident that some clients treat themselves to an incall session before Christmas, a kind of gift to themselves, and that always makes me very happy. I would also like to thank everyone who has sent gifts via my wishlist, subscribed to my Onlyfans and cammed with me via Skype and Adultwork. The support that I get from you guys is amazing and I am truly grateful.

The festive season is always an important time for me. I focus my attention on spending time with my family and friends. I always try and unplug a little from the business side of things so that I can be fully present and enjoy the time with my loved ones. I say that with a smile as I am currently typing this in the kitchen as I prep veg and cook the turkey. Please forgive me if there is a delay replying to emails over the next few days and please forgive the lack of content on social media and on my Onlyfans.

I would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas, I hope you are surrounded by love and laughter. Enjoy all that Christmas has to offer, take time to look after yourself and most of all make some memories that you will be able to cherish. If Christmas for you isn't a great time, then know that I am thinking of you and that I wish the best for you... be strong and reach out to those who can help and support you.

Merry Christmas and thank you as always for your love and support.
Monday, December 9th 2019
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"I'll do anything to keep this job"
Roleplay is an excellent way to get into a session, if done properly it can take away any awkwardness and even nerves. I have to admit, I do love roleplay, some of my best sessions have involved roleplay of some sort.

First off the roleplay has to be believable, this is key. I think scenes such as secretary, boss, head mistress, auntie etc work well because they can all be worked into a domestic setting. Secondly, both parties need to buy into it 100%. There is no point me setting it all up for you not to play along. I once had a client who wanted a James Bond roleplay scene with him as James Bond and me as the evil villan. When he arrived he was in a fleece and jeans, it kind of ruined the scene.

I have seen some clients really take to roleplay and they have been able to step outside of their regular lives and step into a fantasy world where they have been able to push their boundaries and open themselves up to new experiences.

One of the most popular roleplays is "I'll do anything to keep my job." In this scene I play the managing director of the firm that you have worked for for a few years. There has been a number of complaints made about your conduct at the last staff party where you made several suggestive comments to a couple of the females from the office whilst you were drunk. You have been told to meet me at my home as our head office are being refurbished. You have been told to bring a copy of your expenses with you (this is the session tribute in a envelope). On arrival we make small talk and I offer you a coffee and then we sit in my living room and we start to discuss what happened at the staff party. I then discuss your poor sales report and comments from our customers about your lack of commitment to the job. You make your case and you apologise but I tell you that the board have met to discuss the situation and we have decided to let you go with immediate effect. I ask you for your laptop, car keys and company phone. I recommend that you use my phone to call your wife to come and collect you, you can explain to her exactly why you have been let go.
You the say "But honestly, I'll do anything to keep this job"
And I say "Anything? You did say anything right?"
And then I take control... whatever happens next will determine if you keep your job or not.

You can see how roleplay can get you into a scene where your fantasies can come to life. Maybe you have a hidden fantasy and you are craving to live out... let me know.
Sunday, November 24th 2019
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Authenticity, friendship and connection
I love it when clients tell me they feel comfortable talking with me and sharing intimate things about their lives. I love getting to know my clients, in all their complexities. Creating a safe space of authenticity, friendship and connection is so important to me. I am super proud of the relationships that I have nurtured with my long term clients. These relationships can often be so complex and unique, bound by clear agreed upon limitations from the start. Because of this, I have seen them reach new levels of fulfillment and happiness.

Our time together is equally enjoyable and appreciated for the incredible value that it brings to us both... thank you for putting your trust in me and for connecting with me with both mind and body.
Tuesday, November 12th 2019
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G'day Adultwork...
G'day... I am finally back from my holiday and today is my first day back to work. For those of you who don't know, I have taken almost a month off to travel to Australia for a vacation and to visit family. I have had an amazing time exploring Sydney and staying in the wonderful town of Manly. To be honest, I have never been one of those people who fall in love with a place but I think it is safe to say that I have totally fallen in love with Manly itself, the way of life and the and everything about it. I really cannot wait to head back next year.

Anyway, back to business... I would just like to say a massive thank you everyone who has streamed my videos whilst I have been away. You support means the world to me. I would also like to say a huge sorry to everyone who have tried to book a session with me over the last few weeks. The good news it that I am back now, fully recharged and ready to go!!!

Thank you as always for your endless support and I look forward to seeing you all soon.
Thursday, August 22nd 2019
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Am I Mistress because of Flash Gordon?
Flash Gordon (1980) is one of the first films that I remember seeing at the cinema with my parents. I remember going to see it and then I remember watching it again on video and then again and again and again. Now you need to know that I do not watch films twice apart from with two exceptions... Star Wars movies and James Bond movies. All other films get watched once and then that is it. Flash Gordon is different, this film did something to me. So it's 1980 and I was five, so it is hard to say what it did to me but it did something. By the time I watched it on video there were certain scenes that resonated with me.... the dungeon scene below was one of them. I know now that it was the darkness, the muscles, the helplessness of Flash being in chains and in the hood, the vulnerability and the sheer erotica of it all. There were other scenes too like when the Princess gets whipped by the dominant commander. I was also attracted to the high glamour, the catsuits, the shiny latex, pvc and leather outfits as well as the air of dominance regarding certain characters. Like I said I have revisited the film several times over the years and I can clearly see where the film has influenced me in so many ways and I love it even more for that. There are so many BDSM elements to the film which at the time I had no idea what they all meant but today I do and in some ways you could say this was the first introduction that I had to the world of being a Mistress.

Years later when I was 13 years old I used to have a "den" in my parents garage where my friends and I used to hang out. I used to have a freind called Louise and she had an older brother called Rob. One day Rob was in the garage and he asked me to tie him up and whip him with skipping ropes. Rob was about 16 and he was mega sporty and hot!!! My hormones where everywhere, Was this a trap? Was I being set up? Anyway he insisted so I did it. He removed his tshirt to reveal his toned body and I tied him (badly) to the beams in the roof of the garage. I whipped his back with skipping ropes, gently thinking this was just play but he wanted it harder. He was telling me to really whip him and I did. I whipped him so dam hard it marked him and he loved it. He loved it and he was aroused. I loved it too... my head was spinning and I was also aroused. I untied him, he put his Tshirt on, told me to tell no one and he left. I never saw Robert again after that day, he just never came round again and he never said hello in the street. That day changed everything for me... the power that I had over him was everything that I wanted. The scenes that had stirred my imagination in Flash Gordon has come true in my parent's garage and I loved it. The power exchange between the two of us was the biggest turn on... and so my journey to becoming a Mistress began.


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