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Saturday, November 3rd 2012
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The Dream
She had fallen asleep, a deep sleep, and when she woke she felt exposed. She had been stripped and did not remember getting undressed last night She had met some woman in a club and she had taken her home out of concern as the woman had said her ride home had gone.

They had chatted and she had been very flirty. Now normally she would shy away from some unknown in a club but the booz had worked a little too well.

In a rather drunken state she had fumbled for keys and the woman had helped her find them. As she did she felt her hand brush past her nipple and the tingles had sent a naughty thought into her head. She got so naughty when she had, had too many drinks. In a fit of laughter she knew they had fallen through the door landing in a heap on the floor. In that moment she had looked into the woman's deep brown eyes and leaned up on impulse she kissed her.

To her surprise the kiss that came back was hot passionate and well she just melted. So strong and sexy; the door slammed shut and that was all she remembered till now. Her head felt fuzzy and she went to move, her flesh felt cold to. She realised stockings bound her wrists and ankles and her legs had been spread apart. There were straps of some kind on her thighs; impossible for her to close her legs, leaving her cunt vulnerable. Her mouth was dry and she went to shout but there was something on her tongue like a gate or a press which made her gag and then realised talking was not a option.

Panic set in; what the fuck was this? As much as she twisted and turned, and with such a bad head, she could not get away.

The door opened and in walked the woman from last night utterly naked, and no matter how much she hated the fact she was turned on but scared to death.

Very little was said. The woman ran her hands down her body, feeble attempts to escape were laughed at and she slapped her across the face. The sting sent her into shock; she had never been hit before, not even by her parents.

The woman laid next to her, the heat from her body drifted to her own and it felt good; she was getting so cold.

Her hands were wandering all over her body and she monad not sure if in terror or in pleasure.

Her fingers explored her hard cold nipples and teased them, then slowly dragging down between her thighs. They toyed with her pussy as if to tease. She closed her eyes and with dread she thought; “I just do not understand, this is a nightmare” but her body was reacting and she could feel juice making her wet.

The fingers dipped inside her and she jumped, violated. She found fight in her and tensed her muscles up.

The woman found this so very funny and pushed her fingers in deeper; fucking her with long hard movements, in and out over and over. Her body caved in; she had no way of stopping the violation and no matter how u saw this, she was being raped. Not by a man but by a strange woman. “MMMM” said the woman in a low dark voice; “That's it. Fuck on to me; go on, u want to I know you do“.

Her mind screamed nooooooo but her uncontrolled body wanted greed and it took over. She felt her hips move and her arse rise and the motion of wanting took over. The woman went to remove her hand just as she thought “Shit I am going to cum” She opened her eyes to see her standing; perky tits and a shaven cunt.

“Now for my fun” she leant down with a small object in her hand and moved to her nipple and a pain she felt was not like another she had ever recalled.

The needle entered slowly into her skin and it sent a wave into her, she felt she was melting into the bed.

Unable to move and the not knowing how many needles were placed with each a wave of pain. Yet, pleasure over took her.

Each time the woman would lean down and look at the carefully placed needle then dip her fingers in and out of her cunt; teasing so that when the pain came so did pleasure.

The signals sent to her brain into conflict and she wanted more, in fact, she could feel the greed more and more; she wanted to beg for more and plead for this strange woman, who had her at her mercy, to fuck her hard.

The needles were all over her tits; now utterly spaced from the pain and pleasure, she was lost in a world she could not explain. Almost like peace but all the time sexual wants sent her to a place of want. The woman was between her legs, licking her and fingering her. She was so lost in the pleasure; feeling the guilt of not stopping her and wanting her to carry on. Her body gave way and the hardest cum flowed, from her then weak body.

She passed out very soon after; how long for she had no idea.

Waking, she felt warm and wrapped in the bed cover. No ties on her at all, no stockings around wrists. She knew she was free to move. For a second she thought “Wow what a fucking dream how bloody scary was that” She moved slightly and her body betrayed the truth Slowly lifting the cover and looking down at her bare flesh; small pin marks in lines on her bare breasts told her, this had been no dream.
Saturday, November 3rd 2012
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Let me in
Think it I will make it worse

Dream it I will make it true

Hate it I will make you want it

Fake it I will teach you not to

Enjoy it and I will give you more

Beg for and I will make you regret it

Smile and I will make you wish you had not

Ask for mercy and I will find some thing much worse

Let me in and I will take much more then you can cope with.

Pray and it will make me laugh and fix you to my cross

Give in to me and you will be lost for ever

The thoughts of me

Mistress Clare
Tuesday, October 23rd 2012
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Being out
Being out

He had counted his blessings the day he had met her.
She was so soft and gentle and caring Her looks were of a sweet and kind natural appeal; no harsh lines on her face and a smile that melted him.
Her voice, well, always had a bit of a charm to it; not harsh ever but hidden behind its soft sound, now and then, was a tone that was not some thing you would argue with. Never in the five years of marriage had she raised it.

Life was good. He had a good job and they had put a down payment on a house she loved and looked after so well; he felt at ease within his life and family and his friends were utterly charmed by his choice in wife.
The time had ticked by and life was full of nice dinners with friends and holidays in the sun and moments of utter peace.

Until one day he asked on a sunny Sunday at a wonderful cooked breakfast laid out and cooked by his adoring wife.

“Are you happy?” there was no reply at all utter silence he turned and she looked at him with a smile across her face
He took this as a sign of of course I am and no need to speak.
As he turned back he heard the dreaded words
“ No, actually, I am not at all”
He nearly chocked on his bacon and he looked back at her and her face was so serious; he had thought a joke but could tell with out a doubt it was what she believed.
His heart crumbled and he sat in shock looking at her waiting for why.
She got a cloth and wiped the crumbs off the side and said nothing.
He prompted her “why?”
She stopped and looked at him and smiled
“I love our life and you know I love you but I ache inside like there is some thing missing and I must be truthful I have been taking things into my own hands so life can carry on and thought, well, it would not interfere with our life”
He almost wanted to cry shattered she was having a affair? no way!
The glaze over his face made her come to him and wrap her arms around him. He shrugged them off “you’re a slut ?”
Without a word she turned and slapped him hard across the face .
This meek mild loving woman hit him, never would he of dreamed, this was a nightmare.
“NO” she said. Not raised but a certainty in her voice “I am far from it”
“If you’re fucking behind my back you’re a bloody whore” he returned
She planted yet another slap; he caught her wrist and stopped it but, in a way, no less of a shock at her actions.

“I am not a whore or a slut and I am not fucking anyone. I have told you I love you, why would I need to fuck anyone”
He stopped and looked at her as if she was a liar “Then what the hell are you on about?”

She sat down and there she was in front of him, this soft, meek mild woman who has rocked his core of being with some dreadful nightmare that he could not understand.
“ I love my life and I am utterly content with you and we live a good life, but to achieve this I have to have a balance, and long ago I found how to manage my mind and my body to achieve this. Yes, I should have told you; but truth is, I never did think you would understand. So I thought I would handle it but I can not hide the real me any more.”

His mouth just dropped and he stared at her like he had only just seen her for the first time.
She smiled and carried on
“ I am meek and mild with you and you treat me with respect and kindness and with all that softness and love it can off set me. There are days I burn inside to be some thing so different from what you see. So while you are off and I am left to tend home I change”.
At this point he simply said “Into what?”
“A Mistress”
“A Mistress?! What the fuck; you are a slut then?”
Her look was so harsh by then “No a BDSM Mistress”.
He sat back, he knew the word but could not connect her with such a thing
This soft gentle woman whose whole being was to be soft turned into a fucking bitch with whips.
He started to laugh, the thing is it was a bit uncontrolled and he felt his head pound, as the thoughts came flooding. Naked men and women doing obscene things; and the evil side to what he knew of the acts and the harshness that would ooze from such a life style and he did not know enough to know any different.
She knelt beside him “ I love it and it’s the the balance to what you have here now and I won’t ever leave you, and though I would love you to be a part of, I will understand if you can not cope with this”

He looked down at her and stroked her hair and wanted so much to not hear the words of some thing he never even had thought of.
“I need to know more” he said “I thought you were leaving me, and that you did not want me or love what we have. How can you of hidden this?”

She smiled back and said” I am a mistress darling and I am good at what I do. You are my balance in nilla and I need and want both. But now, I want you in both and if you agree and see then you will have all of me and I will be complete”
Words he could not understand: Nilla?
But he did look at her and think: I never want to lose her and simple replied
“Show me. Show me this person I do not know and let me have my wife too and I promise I will try to please both”
A tear ran down her face and at that point she fell in love with him all over again but in such a different way.
Wednesday, October 17th 2012
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Painted Flesh to suck
The winter brought his dread; it had become every year his most hated time

Not the cold or the snow, or even the bitter winds that bit at his flesh; nor the return of his grandmothers dreadful stew.

The days were now gone that had brought passion to his heart and made him so turned on at every glance

Every walk had brought him some small glimpse of erotic pleasure. Normally he would just return to pictures or go back to a now and then situation. How he dreaded winter.

He had had the most amazing summer; his passion had been filled over and over again and he had been turned on nearly every waking moment.

He had taken the job and it filled him with so much; he was not worried about the pay as it was a long life ambition that he had worked for.

The main problem was controlling his cock so many times and making sure no one ever saw the desire that filled him over and over again and those sneaky disappearing acts that he would have to make excuses for.

He had gone to night class and, well, if he had told his mates what the hell he was doing they would have taken the utter piss out of him .

He had missed out on various footie matches and all sorts of drunken nights but he cared not; this was some thing he would remember for all his life and one day he knew he would fill his boots with the erotic fetish he had always wanted. He had walked into the collage one evening and there was not one other male in his class, he cared not.

He was going to do what he had always wanted to; a beauty and nail course. Christ even as he said it he heard the lads howl with laughter. What he was not ready for was how hard it would be. Ohhhhh not the learning but all the hands on work he would have to do followed by the actual thing he loved most; Nail art and the massaging of feet.

His poor body would go into over drive every class when he was to massage one of his class mates feet.

The woman there all looked after themselves; of course one of the reasons he loved this was that he wanted a woman who kept her feet immaculate and he wanted in the future to impress any Mistress he could with his skills. So the pain of learning mixed with the most erotic course on this earth was sooo worth it.

Every single one of these ladies craved for him to touch their sore feet after a long day; he seemed to have a knack of easing their pain. He had even impressed with his skills of painting even the smallest of nails with nail art. What he did know was that when he went home he would have such full balls he would wank all night.

In the course he had to take pictures and he could relive his sordid pleasure all week until the next class. He had passed and now again it was winter and there were no feet to pleasure; but his secret was that he had got a job in Egypt in some posh hotel. He had told his family it was just a manager's job in some swank hotel, not that he would be serving all the woman on his knees, making their feet stylish and sexy and then he would wank all night until the next day when his dreams would be relived over and over again.

Not long now until the plane left and he watched all those sexy feet walk past; curves hidden under leather boots that held no interest, but, release those suckable toes and that soft flesh that he could sooth and he would be in utter heaven. Not long until he could touch, caress and stroke and it would all be acceptable.

What none of them would know is his greed; that one day he would meet a mistress that he could adore and show her the skills he had been able to attain for her pleasure. Mean while he was going to feed his fetish.
Wednesday, October 17th 2012
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Foot fetish
Posted by misstressclare on Wed 10 Oct 12, 8:24 PM to misstressclare's blog.

His naked body, vulnerable to her, felt so hot as he watched her walk round the room.

He could not help but sneak a glance; as he did she would turn and hit him with her purple crop

“You do not have permission to look at them”

His eyes fell and he sooo needed to touch, he felt a crave deep in the pit of his stomach and he felt the greed and desire she was well aware of.

She stood behind and he felt the tips of her toes run up and down his back; the feeling sent a shiver down his back. Oh god he wanted them in front of him. She stood astride him and each foot was against his naked thighs; she knew how to tease. He could see that she had French tiped her toe nails; so sexy and clean looking, so smart. He longed to rim them with his tongue.

She leaned over him and smiled; whispering into his ear “thank you for the treat you paid for, it was lovely to have a pedicure. They massaged my feet and painted my toes and made me feel wonderful, and the whole time I thought of you.” He sighed and wished he had been the one massaging and pampering her it was like a torture knowing someone else had such a pleasure.

She walked round in front of him, pushed him back so he lay flat on the floor. She dragged her soft toes up and down his chest, rubbing them up and down on his nipple; this just was to much, his cock hardened and she laughed.

“oh, some thing for my toes to play with, yummy” she sat between his open thighs; lifted her feet to his cock cupping them and massaging his now hard cock, her heals hitting his very swollen balls. He moaned with utter delight and he so wanted them; he griped his fingers to try not to reach down to touch her feet as he knew she would be cross if he even dared to touch without permission.

Her thighs felt closer and to his utter surprise both her feet were cupping his face, either side of his cheeks Her tease was so immense that he could feel the heat from her lovely body on his balls and he had the prize of her feet so close.

It was all too much and he turned his head like a greedy boy in a sweet shop and licked and sucked her beautiful toes.

His wet tongue caressed them taking in the flesh like some delicious sweet that he had craved for so long, hungry to have.

She laid back and allowed him to take her toes and he licked and smelled and just utterly indulged himself He moaned, “Mistress can I”

“Yes” she said as she watched his hand find his hardened cock; watched him play with himself as he gobbled and licked her feet from heal to toes like he could not get enough and he was so close when she moved them away. “Cum” she said “over my nice painted toes”

He exploded over her feet; the warm cum went between her toes and he knew what he would need to do, clean them, and he bent down and licked his own cum off his most wonderful Mistresses feet and wondered how he was so lucky to have her.
Friday, October 5th 2012
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The bath made her feel like a lobster as she eased herself in; stinging her skin as she laid back, but it felt soooo good.
The play had been harsh this eve, her mind had been thrown into utter disarray and she could not cope with the feelings and thoughts it had provoked.

Her nipples sore and marked with the bite and clamp marks; the water washed over them reminding her of the pain she had been through but OH the pleasure too.

She became brave and let her eyes drift over her beaten and battered body.

Scratch marks, bites of passion and the beginnings of bruises but she knew the ones on her back would already be a shade of purple; then they would turn that dark brown and black colour with a hint of blue in.
Her wrists had marks from rope and more marks from the rope under her bust where it had been tied.
Her fault those; she had been told she should of stayed still; a smile on her face appeared.
More bite marks on the inside of her inner thigh and of course she became aware of how sore the lips of her cunt were; Christ even the odd bite mark there.

The water filled inside her bruised pussy like it was trying to rein act the pain she had taken as the fist and various other things had entered her body. The knife blade had made her stay still and no cuts were present but the feeling returned when she looked and she clenched inside at the thought of what she has allowed.

Not too many marks on her legs, a bit like her face though recalling the stings of the slaps she was amazed not one print left; she had cried then like a baby sobbing and begging no more and still it had not stopped.
She soaped and tried to wash the marks away or was it she was trying to feel the last dregs of pain that lingered deep with in.
She has always loved her marks after a session, why? Well so many reasons; but she would, even days after, allow herself to look at them and wander back in time to recall all the thoughts and feelings; memories of the those moments in time.
She rubbed the shampoo deep into her scalp, even her head hurt, the hair had even been pulled so tight it felt like it would be ripped clean off.
The massaging soothed and made her feel sleepy and she wanted to float away; her body ached but also it had been filled over and over again and she had released over and over again.
Just as she felt the pain ease her eyes closed
She felt her body weighted down by a strong hand and her head plummeted under the water.
Utter panic; she thrashed and kicked, hands grasping at the sides to stop and her eyes came into focus on what the hell was causing this.
The shock set in as she watched and the fight left her; the water stated to fill her and then her body had life and she was lifted out of the water. Fresh clean air hit her lungs water dripping off her body she fell to the floor and all she could hear was laughter
Then the voice saying “ no matter how safe, no matter how scared, no matter what u want or need it will be what I want and I want you clean, reused now get back into that bedroom; I want you again”.
Friday, September 28th 2012
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For Christ sake she thought this bitch is driving me mad. The flesh was tied wrists ankles , thighs and even a neck brace so could not thrash.

The gag had been placed no safe wording on this and eye shields so he could not see what was coming, she had thought about ear plugs so could not hear utter deprivation but she wanted to make him hear her evil tone tonight and make him understand she was frustrated with him.

A task had been set and though he had done so well he had not completed it and this was just not good enough and he needed to realise to fail her on a task was not good enough.

Not only that he had been in training after buying a butt plug and pumping his arse at least three times a week learning to be her whore so she could enjoy raping him she needed to find out how well he was doing.

He had arrived all smiles now his limp body was pressed against the wood his face into the leather head rest side ways so she could watch the pain on his face.

His olive skin now sore and red from the flogging and the light and dark red marks showing nicely.

The candles were burning and ready to hit his cock if he fails, this test one failing was enough for today and my god he will know to train his arse much harder if he failed.

Deep down she enjoyed his failure never really some thing she admitted but the opportunity to punish him gave her a sense of utter evil pleasure. Oh she loved building him but by god she craved him in pain the moans, and heat from him the disappointment in himself in his own failings, she always loved to see his eyes a little sad meant he wanted to please her more then himself and she adored him for that, but never would he get pity from her.

He came willing to do her bidding and wanted it more every time she teased him so much and he craved her attention from her giving him pain to the utter pleasure. When she had him wanting to cum in her presence, he felt utter peace and well he had to admit it was the most horniest and erotic feeling he had, had.

He wanted to please her with every fibber of his body.

His legs felt like they would buckle and he could not see what she was doing but her heard it the sound he loved and hated.

She reached for the black latex gloves she blows into them so much easier, he hears her pick up the lube and pump a amazing amount her know into her gloved hand.

The cold hit is warm skin the movement of her gliding across his flesh slowly almost unreal as he could feel every slight sensation running through his body it was indescribable how fucking turned on he was when she did this and even though she might not see it he know she would know his cock was now like rock.

The it began just a pushing the checks aside not harsh just that firm hand saying “open up and let me in slut” she never said a word no need he know no matter what was said at that moment his body will give in and she will take what she wanted and he was ready he had trained more then he told her he had been a slut over and over as often as he could to prove he could take it no matter how much he would not fail.

He had pumped his arse with his butt plug and he had not told her but he had used other things , a wave of shame hit him humiliation at how much he wanted to prove to her his worth.

The latex finger moved in felt like it was gliding in a smirk on his face then he thought all it is is a finger not yet, don't smile yet.

The lube worked so well the power she felt and she entered him just her whore who she so wanted to prove was not good enough well not yet.

She inserted another finger they entered with hardly any resistance, deeper he never even flinched, BASTARD SHE THOUGHT. Her movements more rapid not more fingers was he ready for that pumping him in and out faster and faster his body riding up with her raping him you could see his body reacting she know he was horny as fuck and she know he was going to try his best.

But he never moaned once , the frustration in her built and with that she open and closed in side his arse you will moan for me bitch and she even said this out loud.

He was on tip toes and she then demanded “fuck on to me slut show me how well you have been training“

Slowly he backed on to her hand at first he doubted his own ability but no he was loving it felt so amazing he built it harder and harder her had pressed deep inside his body, Christ her arm never gave way not once.

She then pushed further well past her wrist she was deeper then ever before nearly past her glove, “OH slut come on do better then that for me”

He wanted to cum he could not with out asking and the gag prevented that how would he control it he know how by letting her.

She had become frustrated his cavetti had opened up and his little arse stretched well and he had worked so hard to please. But when she had just thought Ill find a big fucking dildo shove it so hard Ill make him scream

She heard the music she loved and the heavy deep almost a tear jerking moan escaped from his body. The inner smile came and slowly she removed her gloved hand always such a clean slut she thought.

She undid the gag and the eye shields “Thank you mistress please , please can I cum” "Yes slut though you have not finished your training you have indeed pleased me." With that his body exploded with out a doubt the best cum ever.
Sunday, September 16th 2012
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Office party
He sat polishing his shoes another works doo, that he felt he should attend every time the sun came out someone at work held a BBQ.
It was Ok he thought at the mo life was pretty boring, the new job was going well the house he had bought in area was up and running a few boxes left to unpack but on the whole seems to fit what he needed.
Not many friends in area at all a old chum from secondary school but most of the people were from work a nice bunch all got on well not so much office clicks her felt in this job and he was content.

Ok bottle of plonk in hand picked up the car keys and smiled yer life was OK not anying wow but ok.
That night was the last night he would ever feel that way the world changed in one night and he never even know it was going to change.

One of the little girls in the office has asked if Mark was coming this eve, he had been invited by his boss but did not commit to it now driving there he thought I wonder if its going to be a chilled out eve or a stuffy if it was going to be like that he would make a quick escape.

AS he pulled into the drive he thought hey this is nice.
Iron gates leading down a short gravel drive a few out houses on one side with rather heavy locks on the doors bit odd he thought but hey might have a few bob so a few nice cars inside maybe.

The doors were open he heard voices and followed the sound, the house was smart but it was old nice furniture though a bit medieval which surprised him. His boss seemed so modern at work actually she always looked stunning heals and skirt not to short but very elegant and though not some thin thing, she had a good arse on her, he giggled to himself.
He walked into a big kitchen lots of people mulling around and he just froze.

Shit he thought no one fucking told him fancy dress bloody hell he felt a twat.
There they all were in outfits , must be some Vickers and tarts thing he thought.
Bollocks there he was in a suit lol he sort of laughed out loud and then a voice shouted “Hi Mark do u want a drink?”.
WOW there she stood the little girl from the office in a fucking amazing outfit a teal basque with the most sexy pair of stockings and heals black and the smallest G string in the world.
Jesus christ his cock went rock hard and he felt his balls fill like he had never felt before.
He just stood like some lemon as she walked over infect more strutted over like some vision of naughtiness.

“um no one told me fancy dress” he managed to stutter she laughed she know she had blown him away and placed a hand on his shoulder.
“that’s ok we do this now and then I should of warned you”. “I tell you what why don’t you come with me and we will jazz you up a bit”

They walked down a hall way to a bathroom.” I don’t know how your going to jazz me up but is everyone dressed here like this what is it a tarts and vicks party??”
She turned and stood in front of him sliding his jacket off , his cock was so hard with her touch he could not move incase he brushed any part of himself on her and she would know her effect.
Slowly and he was sure a bit of a tease she undid his shirt buttons loosened his tie and slowly pulled his leather belt from his trousers.
The removed and the belt was fitted round his neck her fingers rippling over his back as she did this and he felt like he melted there and then should he turn face her make a move or stay still?
“No Mark it’s a BDSM party”

She just laughed the look on his face must of said it all but she had taken the end of the belt and lead him down the hall back to the kitchen as they walked in his boss stood and my fucking god he felt his knees buckle a leather suit with thigh boots and the most wicked under basque some thing you would see in porn films.
Bloody hell this is so not what he thought he was coming to, and his brain was so blown he was not sure he even wanted to be here.
“Well you scrub up well” as she walked round his body sizing him up the room was silent like they were watching her give him the OK.
He just sort of mumbled “thank you”
The room exploded into laughter and he just looked felt so humiliated he wanted to dig a ditch.
“for christ sake get him a drink poor thing he has such a long night ahead lol”
Long night what the fuck did that mean as he knocked back his scotch.
For about a hour every one even if dressed in well lets say attire that one would blush at he viewed people he had been working with in a utterly diff light were quiet norm office chat and laughs jokes and just like a norm party and he began to relax.

The slight ache in his head actually woke him, what the fuck had happened?
He was aware he felt cold looked down in the dim light to find he was naked.
His hands tied and his ankles in some sort of metal band, he could not move and whats more his mouth was clamped wide open.
He struggled for about ten mines or what felt like ten mines the dark seemed to wrap round him and the panic well fucking hell he felt scared not some thing he had felt in his life he had never had to be.
His muscles ached a little with his attempts to struggle, he must of blacked out because when he woke again the room was flooded with people everyone from work and they all stood round him looking laughing, sniggering, his flesh was on show all of him his cock and balls layed flaccid and he felt so small not just in his body.
The sound of heals came and there she stood the little thing from the office.

“OHHHHHHH you will do very nicely! she said, He could not reply but the look in his eyes said what the fuck is going on let me go.
Ignoring it she came closer and she smelt so good he felt the heat off her body as she traced the outline of his nipples with her fingers.
He was starting to wake a little the drug and it must have been a drug not just booz was wearing off.
Her fingers ran all over his body he nearly jumped when she touched his cock and fondled his balls with her soft white hands.
He heard soft giggles in the back ground. His cock reacted hard now so fucking hard it hurt.
There was clapping they were clapping at his erection, he was so confused and wanted out venerable to theses people who he sat at desks with.
Ohhh fucking bloody hell what the fuck was going on.
Two men came over office lads he has not even given a second look at, he was well above them at work nothing people nice enough but not on his scale.
OHHHHHHH fuck they were naked and he was in no position with a hard cock to fight bk even if hands were free.
They knelt down in front of the girl take him she said I want him harder.
Each male took it in turns to suck his cock licking his balls and he closed his eyes in shame horror and yet utterly turned on as they took his manhood she touched his flesh biting his nipples the pain was unreal the softness of their mouths was making him want to cum but he refused no way was this turning him on he fought it in his head they cant have me no no no.

The laughing and jering round the room was louder now and he was aware of others more they were playing with each other erotic moans from each corner and woman and men with sounds of pleasure and pain.
His mind could nto take much more of this torture the pleasure was getting to much he was being turned on against his will and his vunrable stupid body just reacted and he was sinking with no control of what was happening.
They stopped no warning she has told them to stop and yet I am just on the edge of wanting to cum, shit I want to cum.
He almost wanted them to carry on.
He opend his eyes and there she stood in leathers and the room was silent again though the odd sniffle or moan escaped in a dark corner,
The two men undid catches on the cross he had been restrained to it tilted back and was locked into place.
Her leather clad hand hi his straight across the main buld of his cock the pain sent a wave through his body and he jerked pulling against the restraints.
All he wanted was to shout stop but his jaw ached from the device keeping it open.
She walked around to his head and leant down to his face her hair cascades down on to his and she whispered “ohh slut you are so mine.”
A cold liquid was being rubbed on to his arse the office girl laid under the cross rubbing it closer and closer to his hole and he tried wrigering to get away he know what she was going to do and he had never had that done and he was screaming no in his head no not that.
The pain as she pushed in a dildo was like no other and every muscle tried to fight it, but it made no difference in and out with a rhythm his cock was aching and the pain was slowly turning into pleasure and he just gave in he could not fight .
His leather boss came in front of him and she had stood watching him being raped a smile on her face in her hand was a short whip like thing she raised it and the stings over and over again hit his flesh he could not cope his arse being taken and the pain on his flesh as she whiped him no way of stopping this and in some bizzar way he was enjoying it all yet not understanding any aspect to it.
When it came to a end the beads of sweat was dripping off his body.
Fatigue and helplessness over whelmed him he could take no more all he wanted to do was beg to be let go.
Then slowly every person in the room lined up and came forward touching him all over his body some just soft and gentle some touching his cock and balls like a new toy some punched his flesh some just looked at him with what he thought was either lust or disgust.
He was beign used almost by everyone in the room for their own reasons that he has no idea about and was so in shock he could not reason.
The last of the line was the office girl he had not realised she had gone from under the cross even though his arse ached and he felt utterly degraded, she still looked amazing, and he steered as she came forward.
She smiled so sweet and she stroked his face, then she mounted him not a word said she got on top of his cock and fucked him like no one had ever done before she rode his swollen hard aching cock so hard he thought it would snap he could not thrust he could not pleasure her it was her taking him in any way she wanted and she was over and over while the room watched him at her mercy and even though he wanted to lick her soft white tits that were bellowing out of her Basque he still was clamped and his mouth his tongue longed to enjoy her he was so turned on he could not help it he exploded just as she rose off him the spunk shot up almost hitting her face and people laughed and shouted and jeered the shame the humiliation no control he could not control himself any longer.

He had become the office whore and he would have tp face them all on Monday them knowing what they had done to him and the next time he was invited to a office party he would go and he would never think twice about it he was part of the click forced to be but wanted it more then he had ever wanted any thing in his life before.
Monday, September 3rd 2012
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Black Widow dreams in purple

Inspiration was some thing she loved, no matter what her daily life was or where she went with in her BDSM world she would find it.
From small desires to own a peace of equipment to a role play she wanted to rein act.
Was not often she did not get in some shape or from her dream.
Over the time she has meet so many that had helped her achieve her goals and this yet again this was some thing she wanted and had got. The bonuses was it was purple and that was her own mark she loved to spin.

Now she has always thought of herself as a bit of a Black widow, drawing her subs in and devouring them in the nicest of ways of course but none the less in one way or another she left a mark on their lives.
But to be a Black Window she needed more some thing that caught her dreams and her imagination.
When she saw it many years ago she know she had to have one and one day use it in her world to cause pain and scare and to tease with no mercy just like the spider she so was.

With the help of a talented Dom friend he had indeed made her dream come true, in its glory in her dungeon she looked upon it and pride filled her, “I have it at last” that evil smile crossed her face now all she needed was a worthy fly.

The purple spiders web made from rope hang across her dungeon its knots and silk like spaces were for restraining the fly.
The height and width meant she could bind a sub with ease and the fact the fly can be corseted to it was a joy.
Her rope work needed lots of work but now she had the tool to improve it.
Now the fly needed to be in cased in her trap, some one who could take a hit someone who would melt someone who know her ways.

She needed to incarcerate there flesh slowly with her rope such a slow thinking process. With verbal teases and warnings to head fuck the fly.
The fly must enjoy rope, must desire her touching his body from top to toe, he must want restraint and have patience and enjoy the mind set she was in.

Of course must want the pain she wanted to inflict once caught.
The thought of threading rope round naked flesh their warm body pressed with her weave, made her moan with delight the biting of the rope into areas that she know would cause pain made her evil smile appear, their hard cock through the bars of her web awaiting its fait, for when she needed to abuse it made her wet.

Stroking the areas not in cased to tease the poor fly, sending shivers of delight down to the soul, made her want it more.

Then the act of your mine hit her head, no escape and the torture she could do to the fly almost like plucking the wings of and slowly with no mercy inch by inch of a subs body, knives, strapons, floggers, wands, weights leaving marks on all un roped flesh, what ever she wanted this has nothing to do with what a sub wanted this was her game and how she wanted it.

The dark would fill her mind and she could so do what she wanted and the fly would just except its fate.
She would watch as his body take more and more for her the strain on the web supporting the weight of the used bruised, abused flash a mass of rope flesh and pain and if lucky a hint of pleasure when she was being kind.

Now all that was needed was the Black widow to hunt her pray and capture him .

Wednesday, June 27th 2012
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RED silk
The soft silk lay on the side, ripples of red lots of material draped carefully so it did not fall.

The black silk rope rolled up neat on the bed that would be married with the red silk material so well.

She sat at the mirror applying her soft red ,blush lipstick as she looked at her new blackend lashes she smiled a evil smile tonight she was going to show sub a soft but scary side to her. It made her quiver inside and lowered her hands to her cunt why this turned her on so much she had no idea but then its what made her tick as a Mistress. Not just the thoughts not just the looks or the planning the dressing up not just the subs looks or wants or reactions it was the deep down feeling she got from her life that switched on her body and her mind the thrill of what she could do make a sub do want to do feel and be when her senses went into full dom mode.

The candles were black they will look wow with the silks, she lite them so the pool of wax would form the bowl of water ice melted in it just in case, a soft cheese cloth to use and a cold steel bladed knife lay next to all of it , in the light it glistened and she yet again smiled.

Orders had been give sub would arrive in her red corset and black suspender belt and black stockings with lace tops no knickers. Black high patent shoes and perfume make up done.

The order was silence and to do as told not even a good eve to be said, walk straight to the bedroom and wait.

The door went the victim was let in and in silence went to the bedroom, not to sure if she should sit she stood in the middle of the room waiting it did not take long till her Mistress arrived.

There she stood in virtually the same out fit as the sub any one looking would be unsure of who the sub might be at first glance. But the way her Mistress carried herself the way she walked forward with such confidence there was no doubt who was in charge even with out a word uttered.

Around she walked inspecting the clothing, make up making sure it looked right now and then moving a strap, brushing fingers across skin, flicking a stray hair back into place.

While in the silence sub melted so close and knowing that tonight she even before coming here know her Mistress wanted to play and by god when she played she played well. Never just the play or the equipment that was there, it was knowing she had thought about and evoked the most erotic feeling from her sub even before the play began.

You look wonderful the mistress thought .Ill enjoy having u this eve. And with that she punched the sub in the stomach she crumpled up in shock as well as pain. The Mistress walked behind stroked her hair and pulled it pulling her head back feeling off balanced, the hands wondering inside her corset finding the tips of her nipples and how it hurts when they are teased not in a nice way sharp digging in of nails twisting and turning the nipples, her hair firm in Mistress grip so no getting away just a moan from her made her Mistress laugh. The release from the pain was sweet and she took a deep breath not light play this eve then.

A vale of red covered her face quick soft silk covered her face and she felt rope round her neck, she swayed , it was tied off and the silk spun round her body and rope followed tight around her torso. The silk seemed to cocoon her and for some thing so soft it was tight and the rope restricted her moving and to her amazement her breathing as the rope went round and round her chest cavetti that had already been hit. The red silk and been split in the middle she heard the rip and on each side of her thighs the silk and rope wrapped round. It then hit her the only part not wrapped was her cunt. She could breath but not as well as normal. For some reason the red and feeling of rope had made her wet and the fact she now could not see her Mistress only turned her on more and all the time the silence not once had there been a soft touch. In the middle of the room she had been captured and willingly.

The blade slipped over the red slik not cutting at all but she was aware of it and thinking she cant see me Christ it might cut me as well as the silk, now and then the sharp tip pricked and she winced. She was still in her corset so felt protected when the blade ran down between her legs she felt weak and she felt her juice seep from her cunt. .The blade was not so cold now which was worse as its warmth travelled closer and closer to her cunt lips flat against them she clenched . With a almost almighty scream Her Mistress seemed to go on a frenzy Silk being thrashed at , ripped with the blade thrashing tearing at the silk between the rope. Like she was desperate to get to her and she had to slice away the silk to get to her flesh.

Once or twice she felt the corset be cut and her breathing became erratic, hwo she was still standing she did not know she kept twisting to where the blade next attacked..

A hand landed on her back she fell forward but she seemed to be caught and gentle lowered to the floor. On her knees head on the floor. The silk was cut straight down her back. Her gasps as her Mistress placed a hand inside her cunt teasing her and playing with her and rubbing her wet soft flesh now and then the tip of the blade felt as though it would enter. .Every time it did the biggest orgasm hit her and she let out a scream. She was shattered but still it went on her thighs ached and she could feel the silk soaking wet from her body. The silk felt cold against her hot flesh. Then the fire came hot fist pounding her cunt over and over and she could nto help cumming again and again a small moan of no entered her head but the rule was not a word was to be spoken even through this she would obey. Every thing stopped and she felt her self fall to the side and curled into a ball, the knife cut the rope right up to her head then it stopped. Legs pulled apart the air rushed to the hot wet flesh and with no warning with not seeing, the hot heat warm as it cooled on her cunt made her jump. Slight sting then warmth, hardening as it cools she laid back and let her cunt be sealed up by the delicious warmth. The cold hit her flesh that was not been hit with wax and its was horrible she had felt warm and safe with in the heat the cold was like a shock. Then the scrapping the knife again was attacking her but this time with a purpose of taking layer after layer of wax off her skin, so close to her cunt again a power inside her forced her to scream and the loud NOOOOOOOOOOO came out and she felt herself cum with force she had never felt.

The only sound she heard then was You have broken my rules no speaking in play, next time will be worse if you do not do as told then silence and she was left alone on the floor. Or so she thought.

Mistress sat on the bed watching this mess of red silk, tattered ropes and wax splinters all over the place and smiled, then laughed and sub know her Mistress had loved her play and she lay silent and happy.
Wednesday, June 6th 2012
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What she wants

Do not move

Stay silent

The trail of her nail runs down his back, he quivers. There is a thrill in his stomach he cant control and his cock it is wanting to spring in to action with no control from his mind its just reacts. He straightens and hears her words.

“MY wants My needs we agreed”

He whispers "yes”


“There is no need to reply I am not interested in your replies nor your thoughts, this today is all about me and that is the agreement.

I do not need to have you reply all I need is you to do what I desire and command”

She walks over places a head harness made of leather places around and over his head. The strapes are tightened and the lock on the buckles is clicked shut.

The cock gage is rammed in hard forcing his lips to open and his teeth to unclench and its press studs firmly pressed so can not be removed.

In one movement she is behind him a collar is placed round his neck a small buzz sound heard and a vibration makes him uneasy.

“ The collar is electric it has a warning vibration and then a electric jolt if you do not do as told in time or if you fail or if I just want to press it”

He looks down and with out even realising his cock is hard actually rock hard a throbbing so intense he is shocked, inside he moans and his want to touch is unreal and yet he knows with out a doubt he would have ot ask for permission but with the cock gag in he can not speak.

He is aware she moves round and shackles placed on his ankles the snapping shut of the cold steel makes him wince,.

Both legs are confined only able to move with the chain that is attached to both a few inches of movement possible so he would need to shuffle if he was to walk.

Her hand moves over his body warm soft and gentle it smoothes across his nipple his now throbbing cock needs more then a touch.

Her fingers play with his very erect nipples some times soft some times hard.

His hands are still free and he wonders what will happen with them.

She leans down her soft lips touch his skin, he melts with pleasure from her wet lips licking his flesh. OH god he thought can I get any harder.

She reaches for a hand and pulls it to her cunt pushing his fingers in on her rubbing them slowly over her shaven pussy.

He can feel pre cum ozz from his cock and shame hit him that he could get so excited.

She urges him to push his fingers deeper inside her and then the cold laugh filled his ears.

The sharpness of her laugh and the evil tone behind it.

“Oh you wish slut but your not my pleasure whore today all you are today is my pain slut and with one swift movement his hands forced behind his back and the turn on he had felt was short lived.

It was what she wanted today and what she wanted was a pain slut another day might be a pleasure whore and if he could serve her in any way he know he would.

He would please her in any way she desired for she was his and she owned him with no questions no argument it just was.
Tuesday, May 22nd 2012
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Needle play
Had a fab week already
A new shower is being putting in and cant wait to run hot water all over my body also means subs can shower after sessions.

Yest a Master and his sub came to play I was teaching needle play very pretty adding feathers she was a very good girl all day.

the weather is fab here today and so can not wait for out door play lunches out and walks with mistress in the woods one never knows what mistress will do lol

Roll on summer xxxx maybe you can escort mistress out to lunch and walk on her lead xx
Monday, April 16th 2012
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I am sure many have different wants from sub in chastity
I am writing from my minds point of view as a Mistress
I want the power that comes with it where is the power having a man thrust into chastity with no means of escape other then at my command
Knowing you can have them bend to your will is the power knowing u control the need that man takes for granted
That not only can he not obtain pleasure but at any point they are lured by another woman he would have to explain a chastity device that he himself had wanted fitted to show homage to his Mistress and the fact that this woman may want him to please her she can not have I want that power of
To hold the keys to his sex that can only be unlocked at my will
Knowing when he thinks all his dark thoughts of wanting others or to serve his Mistress pain will be inflicted at his naughty, erotic mind I wants to control that as well as his mind.

I want his thoughts only to be with me he can try and direct his attentions to other woman he can lust after but never get to them. Unless I unlock and allow to have.
That utter control over him.
The satisfaction that in waking or sleeping moments when his sex wants to rise it can only do so with my command is a utter
To humiliate a mans manhood to have him understand he is worthless with out permission form his Mistress
To tease him when he is in her presence her scent her look her sexual wants to use to control him and tease his body and mind and each time he wants he is reminded he is her whore her slut only for when and if she chooses him to be allowed to please her.
For him to beg to be let free to think what if I have not pleased her how long can she be so evil to keep me in a state of utter frustration.
Putting her on a pedestal higher then any other woman knowing he gave to her his most prized part of his manhood.

This to me is a honour that he would give as he has found the Mistress of dreams
She will show him his worth and his lust is just a small part of what he is and so easy to be taken from him if she wished it to be so
The crumbs she allows he will be great full for her to throw at him for him to be allowed to please her in any way she wishes she is all to him and he will do his best to please her at any cost, not only for her but so he to can regain his manhood, prove his worth to her.

Keys are kept safe as a prize to hold and cherish to show ownership of those locked away for her.

Tuesday, April 10th 2012
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Thought Id pop a review on as many bookings taken in a diff way from adult work, and as much as I have tryed I can not link it though I do advertise adult work, if anyone knows how i would love the help to.

Dear Mistress,

Here is my review as requested

It had been nearly 2 years since i had last seen a Mistress but the draw to serve again was getting stronger in me. Then one night while self locked in chastity, feeling particularly weak and submissive i found Mistress Clare\'s site. i sent a message asking if She would consider me for a session and told Her about my leaning towards chastity. She agreed, i sent the deposit and She was kind enough to exchange several emails before hand. i think chastity is different for many subs, i served one Mistress briefly who had a slave in chastity for well over a year with no relief and he seemed to be ok with it while i suffer terribly from the frustration after just a couple of days. i prefer a Mistress to be able to direct a session and not to give a list of things i want out of it and i wanted Mistress Clare to decide on my chastity.
A couple of days before the session, Mistress had me phone Her and beg Her to allow me to lock the device on having already sent Her the keys. This ensured that on the day i would already be in a state of frustration. i was also instructed to wear some items of femine underwear on the day.
i arrived wearing stockings, a basque and panties and, of course the device. The site that greeted me when the door opened caused me to involenarily drop to my knees in reverence, Mistress Clare was absolutely stunning wearing a black blouse, red skirt, black fishnet stockings and heels. Her pictures do not compare to the real thing! Mistress took me up to Her play rooms and gave me an introduction to the way She likes to do things. As a lifestyle Dom, She differs from the usual \'grab your money, whack your arse and kick you out\' type and it shows right from the start. i was shown an array of bdsm equipment that She likes to use before being told to strip and the play started. Mistress was very careful to observe limits, though, i could sense that these would be pushed in time. Mistress led a very teasing and sensual session (the memories of which still cause discomfort when locked up) which only furthered my frustration, especially being given the honour of massaging Her bare skin. In no time at all it seemed i was at Her feet kissing and worshipping them along with Her legs and begging for some relief which She eventually and very kindly allowed. i expected to have my cock locked up straight away but was lucky enough to be allowed my freedom.
i am now looking forward to going back very soon and placing myself at Her mercy once again. Mistress has made it clear that i may have to beg for chastity again, a humiliation in it\'s self but i want Her to know the power to own my sexuality is Hers to take and use for Her amusement without care for my frustration. It would only be for me to thank Her for the honour of wearing the device. i don\'t know if i will leave the next session with the same freedom, that is for Her to decide. my feeling is that only real men can expect to enjoy the freedom of sexual pleasure, a sub must accept the whim of his Mistress.
i cannot recommend this beautiful and skilled Mistress highly enough, though you must make every effort to please Her as She deserves.

Mistress, i look forward to being at Your beautiful feet again and offering myself for Your service.
with respect

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