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Monday, October 8th 2012
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Hello world!
Not sure that there is a shit load to report, but I'm trying to give you weekly updates! ;-)

Christmas getting closer! However, it's disgusting that the shops are already full of advent calender etc. Relatively speaking, it's ages away! However, I am looking forward to December when I will get to decorate. Christmas decorations are just about my favourite part, especially a huge tree (which the cats will yet again try their very best to destroy!). We're not going to get to enjoy Christmas Day at home though this year, although the inlaws have already been informed that we will not be going to theirs next year and that we would like to have Christmas at home for a change. At the moment, it looks like on Xmas day we will be getting up at 4am, driving south, then coming back in the evening. Joy of joys lol. We have two cats, so we can't stay overnight, and although someone has kindly offered to look after the little beasts, that's not really fair to them. So hey...

It's fucking freezing this past week. At the present moment while writing, I am wanting to get on cam, but it's cold in here (I don't have the radiators on in the office, because later in the day, this room does overheat totally from all my lights) and I'm waiting on the lights heating it up. Currently in jeans and jumper with stiff nipples! ;-)

Just ordered two very sexy new corsets, so looking forward to them arriving, although it'll be a week or two. Going to be some sexy sexy pics when they arrive!

Monday, October 1st 2012
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Go karting
So on Saturday past it was the boyfriend's birthday. I decided to start things off with a bit of go karting to begin the day with. We'd been to the Kircaldy (I think that was where we went) one before and loved it, but this time we went to the brand spanking new Dundee track. Not going to advertise names and prices, however, I would definitely recommend! Pretty cheap, I thought, great friendly staff, state of the art carts and a great track.

I don't actually drive yet. I know, I know... it's just not something that's ever been a great priority for me to do, although it would be great at least to know how, even if I don't get a car. It's just one of those things I keep meaning to do but have never gotten around to doing! One day!

Anyway, might be because I don't drive, or maybe I'm a nervous driver (in which case god help you all if people let me drive on the road!) but for the first half of the first 10 min set, I slowly cruise around the track at about 5 m/h, slowly getting aquainted with the track and the car. I never find these karts to be particularly responsive to me, I'll press the throttle and nothing will happen, then I'll press it a fraction of a millimeter further and it'll dart off at full pelt! But, hey, after going around the track a couple of times I was zooming around like the rest of them, and although I did have a near crash into the barrier on a hairpin corner, I never had to get the staff to come and help me. Hehe!

I wasn't bothered about my laptimes (unlike the boy, who obsesses, and who came first out of those there) but I didn't come last! :-D I just like to drive around and have fun, and I refuse to go any faster than I'm happy with! Tell you, 30 minutes is over waaay too fast. We'll be back!
Monday, September 24th 2012
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Techological madness
Me blogging again so soon?! Yes I am! I've always been so bad at doing this that I have now set up a weekly alert on my phone (that's just how organised I am!) to make sure I come and share some of my gibberish with you!

I have a netbook that I broke about a year ago - I had it sitting on the arm of the couch (stupid, I know) and I knocked it off onto the floor where it fell screen down and smashed. It has just lain around my house for the past year, because I'd heard horror stories of how much it costs to get screens fixed. Considering that the netbook itself only cost a couple of hundred, I was loathe to spend over 100 just to fix the screen.

So... the other day I thought.. how hard can it actually be to change the screen myself? I watched a youtube video and then proceeded to take the computer apart - lo behold, it's piss easy! Yay! Was so pleased that it's really easy to do and that I could do it myself (I'm no techie geek me) but then I got overexcited. Ordered the wrong bloody screen. Apparently, this model can come with two different screens, even though it's the same bloody model! What's worse is that the screen came so damn quickly (very next day, just normal delivery). I was so excited! Oh well... So sorting that out and hopefully will soon have the correct screen and a fully functioning netbook. Before any of you ask, the motherboard etc is not fried, it works fine when I hook it up to the TV to use that as a monitor.

Anyway, why am I blabbering on and on about this? Well, currently I cam on a large laptop (17") and I have it all hooked up with a USB fan, and an Ethernet cable etc, and I don't like moving it around in case something nasty happens. So because of this, I'm limited to what and when I can do things. However, when the little one is fixed up, I'll be able to do DirectIM with you boys again, as I'll be able to take it around the house with me wherever I may happen to go. It's actually OK for camming too, so that means we could have fun in the bathroom, the kitchen, whatever you fancy!

Caitlin xx
Monday, September 17th 2012
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So, Saturday saw me at the RAF Airshow in Leuchars. I go every year when I can. Thankfully it was even sunny and we all had a great day. It was a bit cold, but I do have a tiny patch of sunburn on my chest where my huge jumper wasn't covering it! Red Arrows amazing as always, also we got a second B52 flying (they are sooo big), the French always put on a great aerobatic display... What can I say, I love big noisy planes! Also amazes me how salesmen always have stalls selling cars and Harley Davidsons - sure, I'll just pop one in my bag until I leave! ;-)

It's getting so cold! I'm going to be giving into central heating soon, unless you boys can keep me warm. ;-)

I used to play it ages ago, but I just installed Red Remover on my phone - bad idea! I'm going to be so fucking frustrated. Although, saying that, you know what's good for frustration!
Monday, September 10th 2012
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Nights are drawing in.
Looking forward to winter! Love being cosy and warm inside while it's pissing it down outside or snowing. I love dark evenings, wine and a film. Or sex to warm up with! Or of course with you boys on cam! Then I get to put up Christmas decorations :-D. I love tinsel and fairy lights! Young at heart and a girly girl!

Still got the RAF airshow to look forward to before that (possibly the last one, again, although they do tell us that every year lol), and bonfire night. Halloween meh, not too bothered about that.

Reading an interesting book at the moment, called the Encyclopedia of Unusual Sexual Practises at the moment, very interesting. It was written in 1992 and it's funny when the author makes a vague reference to camming, stating that one must have a computer with a modem and internet connection. Lol back in the day...

Something I found rather interesting was the history of our practice of giving someone the finger. I knew that the Romans used to decorate with penises, over their doorways and such, because it was a symbol of fertility. But I did not know that that is where our giving the finger originated from. Initially this gesture was a nice one, along the lines of "peace man, fertility!", almost a blessing to whom you bestow it upon! The book also tells how gay men would use this gesture as a signal to other gay men, as to suggest that they were up for it, so to speak!

That's me done for now, must blog again soon! xx
Monday, August 20th 2012
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About time, huh?
Just a little update as to what has been happening in Scottyland! ;-)

Summertime apparently, although I've pretty much forgotten what that red burning orange thing in the sky looks like. It's been raining pretty much solidly for months. Sadly this means that I have not been aable to cam outside as much as I would have liked. :-( I had one day in May (?) where I got to take my laptop and toys outside and had an amazing show with a very horny guy. All the time looking out for double decker buses lol.

Was planning to go away on holiday in August, but sadly something happened which meant that we couldn't, then it turned out we could have gone after all but it was too late to organize. Grr! So now the plan is that we might or might not get away in October, we'll see. When I say go away, I mean go home to Greece. I never get to go anywhere else, but hey, can't go wrong with free accommodation, food and beer, huh? ;-)

This week's appearances (and next week's till Thursday) are sporadic as the man is on holiday, so I can't keep any sort of schedule at the moment. But I'll be back on Thursday properly - house to myself and no distractions! ;-) I distract myself enough without any additional help. :-S
Tuesday, May 22nd 2012
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After years and years of completely shaving my pussy bald, I have decided to try to cultivate a landing strip. Been at it for a few days now but not much difference quite yet, but do feel free to come and see how I'm getting on with it!

So used to having it shaved, so easy to maintain too! And I'm used to how it looks. Wondering if a landing strip will piss me off, or how soon it will piss me off. I might well just take a razor to it one day if it's annoying me. Like those guys with 'artistic stubble' as I call it.
Thursday, May 10th 2012
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Here's some more drivel from me.
Wasn't here much last week. Had a friend over from Ireland who I haven't seen in ages! So too much drinking, staying up late and general debauchery. Two day hangover resulted. Wow, I miss being 18, and drink having no effect whatsoever. Going to bed at 4am plastered, getting up at 8am for Uni, then library, then work, then more drinking. Ach, those were the days.

I've been at the dentist each Monday past few weeks, hence I'm consistently not on on a Monday at the moment. She's busy raping me of all my money. Had an hour long appointment this week and my jaw is suffering from it. And today is Thursday! I still can't open my mouth very wide at all! So no gagging/blowing shows I'm afraid. :-( Don't worry, the boyfriend isn't amused either. Lol. So I don't think I can manage hour long dentist appointments, I'm going to insist on half hour at a time now on.

I'm always having pet problems! Lost one of the little bastards this week. Last saw him on Saturday, come Tuesday, I put up posters and immediately got him back. We thought he was lying dead somewhere, but no, he was living in the lap of luxury in somebody else's house. Little shit.

PS: one of my favourite ass pics added for you pleasure. x
Sunday, April 22nd 2012
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Me and my blogs
I hope you don't mind my rambling, complaining, sometimes tedious blogs! If you would prefer me to make up stories about fucking five guys and a three legged unicorn behind a bus shelter, please let me know, and I will create such fictitious stories for your reading pleasure. However, I'm hoping that my blogs are somewhat refreshing and give you an insight in to who I am, aside from the naughty, dirty Scottish lass you see on cam. ;-)

Dentist tomorrow midday so unlikely I'll be around for much after that. Unless of course, you don't mind me not having my head in the frame, or if you get off to hamster faces! Non visual dirty chat will probably be the limit for me.
Saturday, April 21st 2012
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So what's been going on?
Well I moved house. Most of you who have visited my chat room will already have noticed, but you never know... It is not unknown for you guys to be distracted from the surroundings, unless I leave the frame completely! ;-) Loving the new place, and I'm totally settled now.

It's amazing for camming, as I get to have all my clothes and shoes, etc, right at hand should you want something else - I don't need to go running around the house! Plus, I have mirrors behind the bed. However, I have not fully utilized them as of yet and I am a bit unsure of how to! You would see more of the reflection if I had the webcam at an angle and higher, but I don't like that! I like to be able to look directly into the camera when I'm talking to you (and stare down the lurkers in freeview!). We shall see...

Moving didn't go completely without a hitch... (boring paragraph, beware). When we had decided to move out I sent notice to the estate agent and also the landlord c/o the estate agent (as the long expired lease said to do). A couple days later I phoned the office to confirm that they had received it. They assured me that closer to the time they would send me out a letter detailing end of tenancy arrangements (keys, deposit etc).

So moving day arrives... Last day of the old house arrives... No news. The first day of the house house not being ours was Easter Monday and the estate agent was shut. Grr. The next day they informed me when I called that it was up to me and the landlord to arrange things. "No way", I said, as we had gotten the keys and been shown around by the estate agent. Plus the fact that the landlord was a very flaky sort, he hadn't been paying his mortgage, owed a couple hundred grand on it, never answers his phone, and never gets anything fixed (we knew about the debt as we had started getting official letters about it ourselves).

Blah blah, ex landlord kind of went AWOL on us, not answering his phone, messages, emails. He only phoned me when the estate agent threatened to go around and take the deposit from him. His set up a meeting with me, and didn't bloody show up (when I phone demanding where he was he said he was sorry, he'd forgotten and was in England). Fucking raging. I had taken along witnesses and everything. Next day, new time. I was just about to leave when he showed up (15 min late). Grr. Anyway, after all that hassle finally got my deposit back. Not even from him, he'd brought some random bloke with him who gave me the money. Not a smart move, random bloke, you'll never see it again!

Yes, I wanted that money back, but it wasn't just about the money. What a fucking tosser. It had gotten to the point where I was happy to go to a lawyer and have them get it for me, even if the entire amount would go towards lawyers fees. Rather anyone have the money than that dickhead.

Deep breathe....

So yes, that was all rather stressful! But now it's all sorted and life is gooood! ;-)

PS: I've lost 4lb! Yay!
Tuesday, March 27th 2012
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A big thank you
To the sweet guys who have taken the time to message me after reading my last blog entry. Thank you for your comments and that you like me just the way I am! It was very sweet of you, those who did so. Thank you.

But you shouldn't worry guys, we're not talking about drastically altering me in anyway, just some tightening up and toning. No fake tits, no extentions, no acrylics - it's all me, I just want there to be slightly less of me! Haha! Not only an appearance thing, but a health thing too.

Going not too bad so far. I've gotten into the habit of 3+ litres of water a day, and no fizz, not even cordial. A LITTLE wine, late in the evening, less sugar in my coffee. No junk (chocs, crisps, whatever), sensible meals, smaller portions, less in the way of carbs. Exercising daily (lol not just what you see on cam!).

So far it's really not proving to be a struggle at all. I'm quite into it and finding it pretty easy to say no to bad things.

Anyway, that was a pretty boring blog entry, so I should find a nice photo to add, for some added interest. Hold on...............

There you go, a nice bit of ass. :-)

PS: why is it that sunshine makes people hornier than normal? Is it just because they are more cheerful altogether? Or is it the vitamin D? Or perhaps some other chemical reaction? Mmm... I've definately been hornier these past two days, and who bore the brunt of it?? Poor guy. Lol. Seriously, it was 20'C today - WTF??
Sunday, March 18th 2012
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Sad times
Goodbye alcohol (almost)
Hello lots of water (till I burst)
Goodbye junk food ( :-( )
Hello small portions of healthy (er) food
Goodbye being lazy
Hello exercise

The time has come. Just realised that it's been a year still I stopped working in a fast faced physical job. No wonder I have put on a little bit of weight. But I really want to get back to where I was before. I know you guys don't care, and like me anyway, but I'll feel better. Even not appearance wise, I've gotten so unfit during this year.

I am posted this here so you can feel free to ask me how it's going, and guilt me into keeping it up!
Monday, March 12th 2012
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Hello mid March
I may not write here very often but I'd rather not have to make up fictitious tales of gangbangs just so that you have got something to read. I prefer my blog to reflect the kind of person that I am, whether that is me complaining about various things and issues, or me telling you what is going on in my life. I like my fans to get a glimpse behind the naughty girl they see on webcam! I'm oh so very naughty, but I'm also very approachable and normal. Scratch that, I'm definitely not normal in any sense but you know what I mean!

Today has been very productive so far. Between constantly uploading more videos I have been cleaning, blitzing, washing, cooking, painting, and make a start on my packing. Oh, I took down my stripper pole. That was a funny one. Took the pole down, all that was left was the ceiling mount. Took out those four screws... yeah, it's still firmly attached to the ceiling. Nothing keeping it there. Must have been sticky or something, but it's seriously not coming off. The boy can do it later. ;-)

Enjoy today's DIY pic <---
Tuesday, February 14th 2012
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Happy Valentines day to those who do it.
I don't. I know people will say the same of Christmas, but Valentines Day is just so commercialised and it means absolutely nothing to me. Never has. I have gone through the motions in the past from time to time but it's not something that warms my heart. Besides, our fifth anniversary is on the 16th, so we go out and celebrate then, celebrating something that means something to us personally. Look at it this way, if my boyfriend only made me happy one day a year I'd be a grumpy, miserable bitch!

If you do do it, have a great time and I'm happy that it's something you enjoy. If you are single, please don't be upset - nothing to be upset about today. If you're like me, hope you have a great day getting on with whatever you are planning.

I'm just out the shower and writing this with my second coffee, before getting out the war paint to beautify myself (lol, not that anyone has ever complained first thing!). Like I said, no Valentines for me, so it's wanktasticness as usual here! I'll see you later, although I may make a small tribute - maybe something red, or a rose (maybe a thistle?) between my teeth!

Have a great day!

Caitlin xxxx

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