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Saturday, July 8th 2023
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Unleash Your Pleasure: Limited July Availability i
Unleash Your Pleasure: Limited July Availability in Huddersfield!

Exciting news for all pleasure-seekers! I want to let you know that there are only a limited number of appointments available in Huddersfield for the month of July. If you've been yearning for a memorable and indulgent experience, now is the time to secure your spot and embark on an unforgettable journey of pleasure.

Whether you're seeking a sensual escape, an intimate connection, or a chance to explore your deepest desires, I am here to make your fantasies a reality. As an experienced and passionate companion, I am committed to providing you with an unparalleled experience tailored to your unique needs and desires.

Imagine the anticipation as we meet, the electrifying chemistry that sparks between us, and the moments of pure bliss that unfold as we explore each other's desires. Each encounter is an opportunity to create lasting memories, to be fully present in the moment, and to indulge in the pleasures that life has to offer.

My discreet and welcoming incall location in Huddersfield provides the perfect setting for our intimate rendezvous. With attention to detail and a focus on creating a comfortable and inviting atmosphere, I ensure that every moment we share is filled with passion, connection, and satisfaction.

Please keep in mind that availability is limited, and these coveted appointments are filling up quickly. Don't miss your chance to experience an unforgettable encounter with me. Reach out now to secure your place and let's embark on a journey of pleasure, connection, and exploration together.

Kristina J - Huddersfield Escort, Sensual Seductress and curator of erotic encounters.
Saturday, March 26th 2022
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Exploring Intimacy and Connection through BDSM
Let’s talk about dominance and submission..

An invitation to explore the power and pleasure of true submission with an experienced sensual dominant. This is an invitation into sensual dominance and submission moving beyond the stereotypes to something more real. At the heart of everything I practice is an underlaying spiritual connection between top and bottom or myself and my visitor if it is a non BDSM meeting, not everything has to be about BDSM. In everything I do I take a simple approach to etiquette, trust and love which form the basis of connected encounters which I am committed to providing for others.

So coming back to BDSM let’s bring some awareness to BDSM as being a pleasurable, intense and exhilarating experience but ultimately it should always be loving and fun. My idea of a dominatrix is not someone who has to prove herself and comes from a place of ego it is someone who will empower you and take you on a personal journey of development to discover your true self and open up opportunities, for them that wish to embark on this journey the rewards are fruitful although just like anything else if its worth having its going to take some hard work.

As BDSM is mainly shadow work and erotic fantasy is a direct route into the shadow this gives us the perfect playground for conscious exploration. Weaving in many different skills taken form the tantric and shamanic world really gives me the ability to put a different twist on things. In my professional capacity I aim to provide loving dominance which provides a safe and caring place where you can feel free to explore ad fulfil your submissive desires with our fear of judgement.

In my approach I aim to be compassionate and supportive, patient and caring and your pleasure is always at the forefront of my mind. I don’t want to be the typical dominatix I am more that that and have so much more to offer. I want to encourage the flower that you are to open and to embrace yourself with love and compassion as you deserve that and empower you to become the true version of yourself whatever that may be. Over the years I have worked with many people to bring about self-belief and self-realisations this is the power of a true dominant to lead you gently and create opportunities for you to take.

During our session together I will act as your dominant and your teacher, guide and confidante who is there to create and hold a safe space for you to explore your fantasies and fetishes. At the heart of what I do connection and trust are key and during our time together we will build on the connection and trust using clear communication and the intimate power of touch.

Lets step away from the typical dominatrix scenes that are cold and disconnected and move into expansion and openness of expression as we explore something more meaningful.

Kristina J – Creating connection through intimacy…
Saturday, March 26th 2022
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Strap on Play with Kristina J Huddersfield Escort
Strap on and prostate massage

I often get asked if strap on service is something that I offer. The answer is yes I do but just feel to speak a little bit about this. I have been offering this service for many years so I have a collection of quality strap ons and a really lovely leather harness that I love to wear. It’s funny that this subject came up my recent course, to be honest on these courses very little is out of bounds. It was interesting to hear others perspective of strap on including how men who have been penetrated become better lovers as they understand what it is like to be penetrated.

When first trying this it is really important to take it slow and go at the receivers pace, this is why communication is so important and I will take my time to check in with you as enquire how it is and if you would like slower, faster or as we are. It’s important that you feel held and acknowledged in such a vulnerable state and also have some trust in me that I will not overstep your boundaries and respect your no.

Quite often I hear the statement that I like strap on but I am not gay. Now I know that, and I always notice that the statement has come from the receiver not me, which says to me the receiver has some processing to do around this. Speaking from experience I would say about 75% of men I see are into or have curiosity about trying anal play whether that be prostate massage or strap on play.

Prostate massage is always such a good introduction into anal play, and I always do this before commencing to strap on play. I just feel to be clear what prostate massage is as there are some people who don’t know. It basically involves some external anal touch before I gently and consciously insert my finger into your anus and feel for the prostate, I then start to gently work around the prostate and play around with a little bit of pressure. All the while checking in with you to see how it feels for you and taking my time, baby steps for baby feet. If you are enjoying this I will then move onto inviting you to explore strap on but only if this is something you want to do. I will open the conversation in such a way that you are encouraged to communicate back to me. I have several different sizes and just recently found a good smaller size which is a really lovely dildo for my harness. Again, I check in with you and take my time with this and you are very welcome to try different positions. I will take it your pace whatever that may be.

So if you have curiosity around strap on and prostate massage and want to explore this with someone who can empower you to communicate your boundaries and has respect for your body then please feel free to reach out I would be delighted to introduce new sensations for you.

If you are an anal play lover then bring it on lets play and see where it leads us, either which way you are very welcome to dive into this world on sensual play.

I very much look forward to hearing from you and playing together.

Kristina J Huddersfield Escort and lover of erotic expression
Wednesday, March 23rd 2022
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How to be the best lover possible....
Hello sexy followers

I have spent the last four days on a course in South Africa and I just felt to share some of my experience and learning from the course. It was fascinating to watch how people inter relate with each other, especially when it comes to boundaries asking for what you would like and saying no.

This really is such a big subject and so important especially when we are relating to each other from our most vulnerable place which is through our sexual expression. I just want to talk about the importance of being able to communicate your desires, what you would like, what you wouldn't like and what you would like to do with me as well as the empowerment that comes from knowing your boundaries and communicating your no.

I sat there for four days and watched people really struggle with this, and while you may think it was such a simple concept actually putting it into practice brings so many challenges. Fear of asking for what you want a fear of being rejected and hearing a no to what you want, thoughts of what the other person will think of you because you have asked for what you want. Questions around is it safe to ask for what I want and what if I offend the other person in my requests.

A fear of hearing a no from someone else and making the mistake of turning it into something about yourself. To exemplify I ask someone if they want to give me a massage and they said no, it would be foolish for me to think this no is personal and turn it into something about me. This would be a very shadowy behaviour, what I did witness is that people then project they're shit all over another person which is not conclusive to clean behaviour.

What I really want to bring to your attention to is the need for a very clear concise boundaries, the need to be able to communicate these boundaries and the need to be able to hear and accept other peoples boundaries without making it about yourself.

If you imagine playing a game of tennis where there are no guidelines on the floor, there is no court mapped out and there is no net. Can you imagine how chaotic that game would be and how it would not flow as it should. You would have two people playing a game with no rules of engagement. This for me is very similar to having intimate sexual contact with another person with no rules of engagement. It creates uncertainty, insecurity and miss trust, and when these things come into play it is sure to affect the quality of how we relate to each other and the quality of an intimate enclounter.

There was an experiment done with children in a sandpit and this relates to boundaries. When the children in the sandpit didn’t have a clear boundary of where the edge is the tended to bunch up in the middle. As soon as a boundary was put around the sandpit the children knew where the boundary was and felt safe within this boundary and thus within the safety it enabled the children to spread out and explore the whole of the sandpit.

Let’s just take this example of the children in the sand pit and use it as an example of intimate sexual engagement between two adults and let's remember that we are indeed adults. If we have set boundaries around a sexual encounter, it enables us to feel safe, and it is in this feeling safe that we are able to expand and explore. And this is why it is so fundamentally important understand how to communicate and how to hear another person’s no effectively. This is why it is important to be able to ask for what you want and take a chance, that the other person may say no. I know this sounds scary as we are making ourselves vulnerable to rejection, but it is in this vulnerability that we find our power to play.

There are so many times and we don’t effectively communicate and it causes confusion. I am going to give you one of many examples that I have. I've been out with a guy and we pull up outside his house and he asks me if I want to come in for coffee. This statement ‘do you want to come in for coffee?’, can be muddy. So quite often what the guy would mean is do you want to come in for sex or a kiss and cuddle, but it is been wrapped up in asking do you want to come in for coffee. I could be quite naïve and think I was going into his house for coffee only to find that he thinks I have said yes to kisses and cuddles and sex. Do you see how this could be very confusing? What happens is a game starts playing out. This isn't a good place to be in my opinion. I would much rather when I pulled up outside the guys house have him state his clear intention. If he was to say do you want to come in for kisses and cuddles, and sex, I don't know exactly where I stand I can either make a full empowered yes or a full empowered no. Thus there is no game playing out and no one is trying to second guess the other.

This brings me neatly on to the Wheel of Consent by Betty Martin and I will share a link to some of her free videos at the bottom of this article.

This is such an important piece of work and really take syou into the difference of serving and accepting and taking and allowing. I will share with you I have met many a person who has tried to convince me that they are giving when I know they are taking. This is yucky and is is probably one of the biggest challenges I see. While I understand that this concept can be very challenging for some, it is in that challenging that we open up into learning and developing new skills to relate safely and effectively to other people.

I bring you an offering, a three hour explorative session to explore the wheel of consent with me. To learn how to communicate your boundaries and also look at what lies behind your struggle to communicate your boundaries. To learn how to hear a no without your own personal judgement and projection, and to understand what lies behind your personal judgements and projections should they come up. We will explore the wheel of consent and Andrew Barnes Relationship map in tandem.

We will spend three hours together exploring asking for what we want and been met in this within the other persons boundaries.

We will explore the difference between giving and taking. And with this exploration will come to the realisation of why a lot of intimate relationships fail. For anyone who wants to become a better lover this work is for you. We will explore the difference between allowing and receiving and how this feels in your body. We will look at how we relate to each other from the masculine and feminine energy.

I did a massage with another person attending the course who had not come into contact with a woman who can ask for what they want. I spent 90 minutes asking him for what I wanted and been met in that within his boundaries. At the end of the session this person said it was an absolute revelation be with someone who can ask clearly and concisely for what they want and be comfortable with his no.

I really believe that if you want to be a better lover, move on from watching porn on the Internet and thinking that is how sex happens because it’s not. If you don’t believe me look at how a porn film is made. If you really want to be a better lover whether you are male or female I firmly believe that once you understand how to interrelate with another person effectively without bringing in the shadow and have the ability of clear, concise, communication without fear, shame, judgement or worry of rejection then everything else will flow from there.

Once you have the communication the technique will flow, because what you will find happen is that when you encourage other people to communicate effectively with you this will open up opportunities to develop technique.

You will also find that through communication you will create a safe space and as I have previously said when people feel safe they open to exploring. It’s that age old saying paradoxically that the safer you feel the higher you will fly.

Throughout this a three hour exploration of the wheel of consent I will also give you tips of how to open the other person up to be able to communicate effectively.

So here is the invitation all you people out there want to be a better lover and have more fulfilling sexual encounters I invite you to explore with me the Wheel of Consent and go on a journey of spreading our wings a little further and flying a little higher.

When I have done these sessions in the past it has been so beneficial but we have also had so much fun and so much laughter and many realisations.

If anyone has anything they wish to ask me about or clarify on then please feel free to reach out to me as always I am open sensible, timely communication.

Kristina J – Erotic adventurer and creator of safe play spaces.
Wednesday, March 23rd 2022
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exploring intimacy and connection through BDSM
Let’s talk about dominance and submission..

An invitation to explore the power and pleasure of true submission with an experienced sensual dominant. This is an invitation into sensual dominance and submission moving beyond the stereotypes to something more real. At the heart of everything I practice is an underlaying spiritual connection between top and bottom or myself and my visitor if it is a non BDSM meeting, not everything has to be about BDSM. In everything I do I take a simple approach to etiquette, trust and love which form the basis of connected encounters which I am committed to providing for others.

So coming back to BDSM let’s bring some awareness to BDSM as being a pleasurable, intense and exhilarating experience but ultimately it should always be loving and fun. My idea of a dominatrix is not someone who has to prove herself and comes from a place of ego it is someone who will empower you and take you on a personal journey of development to discover your true self and open up opportunities, for them that wish to embark on this journey the rewards are fruitful although just like anything else if its worth having its going to take some hard work.

As BDSM is mainly shadow work and erotic fantasy is a direct route into the shadow this gives us the perfect playground for conscious exploration. Weaving in many different skills taken form the tantric and shamanic world really gives me the ability to put a different twist on things. In my professional capacity I aim to provide loving dominance which provides a safe and caring place where you can feel free to explore ad fulfil your submissive desires with our fear of judgement.

In my approach I aim to be compassionate and supportive, patient and caring and your pleasure is always at the forefront of my mind. I don’t want to be the typical dominatix I am more that that and have so much more to offer. I want to encourage the flower that you are to open and to embrace yourself with love and compassion as you deserve that and empower you to become the true version of yourself whatever that may be. Over the years I have worked with many people to bring about self-belief and self-realisations this is the power of a true dominant to lead you gently and create opportunities for you to take.

During our session together I will act as your dominant and your teacher, guide and confidante who is there to create and hold a safe space for you to explore your fantasies and fetishes. At the heart of what I do connection and trust are key and during our time together we will build on the connection and trust using clear communication and the intimate power of touch.

Let's step away from the typical dominatrix scenes that are cold and disconnected and move into expansion and openness of expression as we explore something more meaningful.

Kristina J – Creating connection through intimacy…
Monday, November 22nd 2021
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How to pleasure a woman
Hello lovely readers,

First of all thank you to all of you who take the time to read my blog, it means a lot to me. It also adds to your time with me if you take the time my blog as you have a good idea of who I am, what I do and what to expect.

I have been thinking about a few conversations and experiences I have had with some Gentleman lately and I really feel to bring forward an offering of experienced learning of how to pleasure a woman.

I have come to realise that the majority of people’s sex education is very little or what has been seen on a porn movie. I have also come to realise that a lot of men really want to give pleasure but because of the lack of hands on experience and honest feedback this gives you guys a really impossible task. It also creates a polarity of the desire to please a woman but the not knowing how to do it, which can then throw up all sorts of conflictions.

Here is the invitation.

Together we learn and discover how to touch and caress a woman’s genital areas as a two way co created session. Using a series of pre-recorded videos that teach real technique rather than what we see on porn films of the juggernaught penetration of fingers which for some woman can be uncomfortable.

This is an offer to all the Gentleman who really desire to bring pleasure to a woman and take away some skills for life in regards to female genital touch and stimulation. We will take our time and explore as lovers would do in a relaxed, friendly environment, sitting together we will watch the videos and talk about them and then practice each move until you are happy you have mastered it. We will talk about how it feels to receive the touch and how it feels to give the touch, what challenges or resistances come up and how to overcome these.

I have a few lovely visitors who have really taken the time to learn and master female genital touch. One of these always arrives at mine with a lovely jar of coconut oil and the first thing he does is lay me down on the bed to pleasure me using some learnt technique. We have had conversations over the years about what works and what does not work and he has taken the time to listen and learn. It is through the listening and learning that he is able to truly give skilled pleasure to a woman. There is such a difference over someone who says they want to give pleasure and just carries on doing what they want regardless thinking they are giving pleasure and them that take the time to learn skills and touch consciously. As a receiver and allower of touch I can always tell the difference and also the intention of the touch.

It is with this in mind that I make this offer to you to learn some skilled female genital touch through watching, listening, communicating, experiencing, exploring and being open to feedback. This opportunity will give you learnt female genital touch which will form the basics of giving pleasure. As each woman is different you will have a number of moves to draw on not just the rubbing of the clit or the in and out of the fingers. We will also talk about how arousal manifests in the body and what the blockages can be to stop it. The one thing I have found lately is the more I understand the blockages to pleasure the more I can work to release the blockages and take people to higher levels of pleasure and arousal. During this session I will also share some of my experiences with you that will leave you shocked. I will also give you tips on how to read a body adndknow when the woman is expanding into pleasure or contracting out of pleasure. If you wish to go forward and learn more then I am also happy to set up sessions and give you resources to help you develop your learning even further.

For those that wish to join me on this fabulous and relaxed journey of discovery it will be offered over a minimum of three hours as I do not wish to rush this and the more we take our time the more you will get out of it. It won’t be mixed with any other of my offerings except the girl friend experience as the focus need to be on your learnt techniques.

So if you are interested and wish to go on a voyage of discovery and unleash the fire in the valley then please do reach out and let’s get started on this exciting and valuable learning experience of sexual pleasure skills for life..

I very much look forward to discovering together..

Kristina J Huddersfield Escort xx
Sunday, November 29th 2020
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Here is guide on how to book to me to make it as easy and straight forwards for you.

Calling me

I do confirm all my appointments by 10am each day, any appointments not confirmed by this time will become open to same day booking so if you are looking for a same day booking then please contact me between 730am and 930am and I will let you know if anything comes available. it is the people doing this that are getting the same day bookings

If you wish to call me the best time to do time to do this is between 730am and 930am on my working days. I don’t answer the phone when I am with someone and I put my phone on silent so outside these times it is rare to get hold of me unless we have pre agreed a time for you to call. I will try my best to answer the phone between bookings but it is not always possible.

If you call me and I don’t answer and you wish me to call back then please leave a message but it may take up to 48 hours to return your call. Please note I do acknowledge all missed calls with a text which is a gentle reminder of the best time to call me.

Booking Me

I would suggest contacting me for my avaialblity this can be done by text, what-sap or email or if you prefer to phone the best time to call is between 730am and 930am on my working days which can be found here - (working days). My availability is list of appointments by day and times that are available and does change rapidly it usually runs up to 2 months in advance.

Once we have agreed a time and date I will invite you to call it may be the next day between 730am and 930am or if I have a window in the day where I can take a call I will let you know.

Please note I don’t hold appointments until we have spoken on the phone so please don’t assume that we have a made an arrangement on text as the appointment won’t have been booked.

Once an appointment booked you will receive a text, whatsap or email with a confirmation on which will confirm the day and time of the booking, the fee, and how to confirm the appointment the morning of our pre arranged booking plus invite any booking requests.

As so many people are booking weeks and sometimes months in advance I will contact you one week before the appointment at 8am to check in, please note that if you do not reply to this message your appointment will be cancelled and I will send a message to this effect.

On the morning of your lisasion I will text you at 8am to confirm, I request a confirmation back by 10am that day to keep your booking, once confirmed I will send you clear instructions of how to find me.

I know there are a lot of steps here but I really do believe in very clear communication as to avoid any mistakes or missed bookings. My time is very much in demand and I am finding that this level of clarity in communication is really working for my visitors.

Hope this is clear enough and very much look forward to hearing from you and meeting you.

Kristina J Huddersfield Escort
Saturday, August 15th 2020
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Change in working hours and fees
Hello lovely visitors

I am announcing a few changes in the way that I work this has been brought about by a few things in my private life which requires I spend a more balanced time between work and private life.

As most of you know I have worked weekdays 10am till 10pm and I am getting increasing requests for weekend working which I can understand so in order to incorporate weekends I need to let go of some days in the week. I have thought long and hard about this and looked at different ways of working and with effect from 1stNovember this year I will be working a different pattern starting with nine days off followed by 12 days on.

This kind of goes a bit to pot at Christmas and for my courses next year but for now my availability will be as follows. Bristol and Newcastle lovely people I have not forgotten about you I will be building in some tours when things are a bit more stable with the cooked 19 infection its all a bit all over the place at the minute.











This means I will be available in Huddersfield the following weekends

Saturday 14th November and Sunday 15th November

Saturday 5th December and Sunday 6th December

Saturday 19th December and Sunday 20th December

Saturday 9th January and Sunday 10th January


A lot of you will know that I have been booked up weeks and weeks on end with the demand for what I do far outstripping my ability to meet the demand I am only one person, one body, one mind and one pair of hands so I have decided after thinking long and hard to increase my fees. I have not increased my fees in 14 years so this is long overdue and as such my fees for all appointments booked to take place on or after 1stNovember will be as below.

In call same day booking and all advance bookings between 5pm and 10pm

1 hour £140.00

90 minutes £200

2 hours £250

3 hours £350

each additional hour £100

In call advance booking that fall between 10am and 5pm

1 hour £120

90 minutes £180

2 hours £230

3 hours £330

Each additional hour will be £100

Out call

2 hours £270

3 hours £370

Each additional hour will be £100

There is no advance booking discount for out calls and all outcalls require a deposit which can be paid by paypal or bank transfer

I will still be applying advance booking discount to all in calls only between 10am and 5pm the rules are the same and applies to appointments booked by 10pm the day before and our meeting time falls between 10am and 5pm as I have changed my working hours I will be extending this to weekends also.



The best way to contact me is to phone between 8am and 9.30am on my available days as this is when you are most likely to get me on the phone. I don’t answer the phone when I am in session so if you call and there is no answer please either leave me a message and I will get back to you.

I hope this makes sense any questions just feel free to ask I try and make it as clear as possible as I know there are some that only read what they choose to read and forget the rest please don't be one of these people..

Kisses Kristina J Huddersfield Escort
Monday, June 15th 2020
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Save the Date....
Hello my lovely visitors.

I am making plans and taking bookings from Monday 20th July. A few people have asked if anything has changed, well apart from my hair growing longer not too much but will out line in this blog. I will add I hope to get to the hairdressers before I return so I will be looking my fabulous self again. I will only be available weekdays only with no weekend dates as yet but these will come back in due course.

I am also not planning any tours until later in the year so I will be spending an unusual prolong period of time in Huddersfield as all my training is also cancelled until February next year.

So here is the plan, I am now taking bookings for my return and although I am coming back on Monday 20th July I am limiting appointments through till September so I really do advise booking in advance if possible. I will be available my normal times between 10am and 10pm with only a few appointments available each day.

The protocol will be on discretion and hygiene and I will be doing temperature checks also and you will be able to check my temperature, may mind wandered off into naughtiness of having my temperature being taken... Back on track...

There will be hand washing and sanitising station on the way in this sounds really grand what it means is warm soapy water in a bowl and sanitising gel available just outside the door for you to use. If it's raining it will be inside, please do feel free to use it.

I have purchased air purifiers with UV filters to clean the air as much as possible and these will be in all the play rooms.

So there are the basics, I am very excited to get back to a new normal and having some long over due fun, some sensual connections and giving you a cuddle before we indulge in some mutual and sexy fun...

Looking forward very much to seeing you in the very near future it has been way too long.

Kisses Kristina J - Huddersfield Escort and Sensual companion
Monday, June 8th 2020
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Planning my return after lockdown
I have recently being thinking about a return in July which I now feel ready to commit to if everything else opens that is planned to open in July.

I have come to this decision after thinking long and hard, I had planned to stay in isolation longer but a few things have changed my mind. Firstly is that I feel that the Government is no longer following the science and I have lost all faith in what they say, I could go into politics here but I won't what I will say is that there has to come a time when quality of life comes ahead of risk as with everything I do. I know in my industry there is a lot of judgement about when someone comes back but its everyones personal preference. As such I only invite visitors who feel comfortable to visit towards the end of July and respect that some may do and some may not and either way is just fine.

In the first few weeks back I will be seeing less people for two reasons, one I don't want to throw myself in and burn myself out after a long rest I need to ease in gradually and slowly for my the sake of my body and mental health. Secondly I want to keep it very low key throughout the summer so will therefore be limiting appointments.

So the invitation is open to everyone who had an appointment cancelled to contact for the date and if they feel to they are welcome to re book, if you choose to wait longer then that is just perfect with me.

I am holding back pulsing the date until such a time people who had appointments cancelled have had the opportunity to rebook.

After this then appointments will be open to people I have met before or are known to me this is because there have been a lot of time wasters around and I do not want to take the risk on wasting my time so only people I have seen before can pre book for my return.

Once I have returned then I will be open for all bookings as normal and invite people who are new to me but I will be limiting my bookings until the end of summer.

Sorry there is a bit of hierarchy here but I need to be fair to my regular visitors and them with appointments cancelled to give them a chance to see me first.

Any questions or comments just drop me a line.

I look forward to reacquainting with you in the very near future.

Kisses K xx
Monday, May 18th 2020
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Its not my work its my passion
What I offer is not just a job or a service its a passion and a life work of understanding and enhancing erotic, sexual and intimate encounters.

I was speaking to a prospective new client this last week who said to me its refreshing to see someone who is passionate about what they do.

This got me thinking as I just do what feels right but then I thought about how passionate I am about my work and how much more I offer than just a basic escorting service. I have a real desire to get into and play with erotic content and bring to play some interesting concepts and theories around sexual and erotic excitement. For me the thrill is in the understanding and through the understanding comes the ability to play out complex scenes around arousal and excitement. This is what I love the deep thinking of how it all works and fits together based on years of studying and desire to know more coupled with a curious mind. For me a basic escorting service is you turn up have sex and leave which does not really do much for me I much prefer the play the quality interaction, the sense of touch, touching and being touched along with supporting anyone who dares to deeper into their erotic and sexual selves, whatever that may mean to you.

It is a passion and I set out every year to make a difference, a difference to myself an my journey and also more importantly a difference to the lovely people who visit me. I recognise that every one has a different reason for coming to see me and some will share their reasons other won't and either way is ok, but I set out to do my very best and deliver some ah ha moments long the way. You see the passion for me is not the sex or the thrill of the sex it's the ability to unpick scenarios and build them back up again into something individual and meaningful. The passion is about the you the valued visitor and how I relate to the you. Its about using my skills and knowledge in order to open doors that you may have walked passed before, tis about making you safe enough to feel aroused and its giving you a taste of true excitement and the possibilities. To do this I spend hours studying different concepts that go way beyond just sexuality and then applying them concepts. Every course I go on there is always an ah ha moment of oh so that how that works and wow I can use that to do that. It is just endless and a lifetimes work of really understanding how people relate to each other in sexual and erotic encounters.

Most of all what I do is delivered with real reverence and from a place of compassion and understanding without being pushy or taking you somewhere you don't want to go this is really important to making you feel safe enough to let go.

I do this because I want to share with you my experience and my knowledge, I want to give you the best possible experience possible and I want you to go away thinking wow that was outstanding. I want to you feel fulfilled and also expanded, I really want you to feel valued and have had a positive experience. I would love it if you learnt something about yourself along the way also, no matter how big or small that is. I guess that's my primary focus to share my knowledge and skills to enhance your knowledge and skills and create them ah ha moments. This is why I am passionate about what I do as its more than just sex for the sake of sex its has a meaning attached to it and a value and that's what makes such a difference to me. It is all about the experience and the whole experience form start to finish rather than just wham bam thank you ma'am.

Kisses Kristina J - Huddersfield Escort
Monday, May 18th 2020
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Lady Kristina of the manor
An erotic story written by one of my lovely visitors about the highly arousing fantasy play based on power dynamics.

I love it when I receive erotic stories written by my lovely visitors even ore so when I can publish them on my blog so a big thank you for working and allowing me to share this wonderful encounter...

Titled - Lady Kristina of the Manor

Lady Kristina lived in a huge country mansion with a fearsome but also sensual reputation of dominating men, especially those who betrayed her!! I was hired as the gardener who foolishly decided one day he desperately needed to use the bathroom. Once upstairs, all kinds of dirty and horny thoughts got inside his head and noticing Lady K's bedroom door was open, he thought he'd poke his head inside to have a look around. No sign of anyone, and he then noticed on the bed was a box full of what appeared to be his boss' underwear and stockings. It was at this moment, the employer and employee relationship would change forever...

He walked over to the box, lifted the lid and began to explore the delights that lay inside. White silky thongs, black g-strings, red lacy knickers as well as seamed stockings got his attention and soon made hims powerless to resist unzipping his trousers and beginning to stroke. Picture the scene - the gardener now with bulging cock in hand with his boss' knickers in the other held close to his face and nose and imagining more. But then, "waking" him from his imagination, goes a booming voice "What the fuck do you think you're doing?!!". His heart was now pounding as he stumbles to turn around and trying to remove and hide the lacy panties from his head and put his hard cock away whilst stammering no response. Lady K's face was one of anger. "Pick the ones you want to wear" she said. "Wh, what do you mean Lady Kristina?". "Oh, well, you enter my bedroom and start looking at my knickers, you must want to wear them!". His face dropped and just as he was sorting his clothes out, Lady K in a stern, unforgiving voice instructs him to strip. The gardener stuttered again, only for Lady K to furiously pull down his trousers down to his ankles making his cock dance. He started to realise she meant business and was about to teach him a proper lesson.

"Now strip. You are going to wear those panties and be a good boy otherwise you're getting sacked and with a young wife and child, you cannot afford to lose this job can you?. "And if I do sack you, you will be walking home naked." As he pulled up the black lacy panties, Lady K had a devilish twinkling in her eye and pulled out some polka dot stockings. "I think you want these on too don't you; stand on one leg, I will help put them on. She pulled up the stockings making sure when she reached the top, she would brush her fingers against his balls tucked into the tiny knickers and letting out a quiet moan. "Now, follow me into my playroom". The playroom was her dungeon and he was made to stand and face a daunting St Andrews Cross. He started to tremble with fear.

Blindfolded and placed with a ball gag, Lady K laughed as she said "Oh where to start with you". With a whimpering "I'm very sorry Mistress I'll never..." "Sorry, we'll see how sorry you are". Thwack, there went the first flogger, which led to further strokes, Lady K only stopping to admire the rapidly reddening buttocks as well as stroking the front of his tiny panties. "Hmmm, I think you're enjoying this, your cock is getting harder", at which point Lady K tugged at the front and his cock appeared outside of the panties. She then forcibly fed him precum and gave further punishment for making her panties wet.

She then moved his legs apart and pulled down the panties to insert a vibrating butt plug and continued to hit him with a flogger and feed his precum "Your cock is rock hard, what are we to do with it" and ordered him onto his knees over her bench. Lady K removed her dress but said under no circumstances to touch her. She then removed her underwear, and tantalising teased him with her delicious arse just inches from his face. "I want you to lick my clit". He licked and sucked away at her clit, desperately trying to please her, at the same time the butt plug probed his arse, his cock rock solid, dripping with precum, which Lady K would occasionally scoop onto her fingers and shove into his mouth to lap up. "My arse needs some attention too slave, get that tongue in and lick my arse".

Lady K then got up and turned him onto all fours, removing the butt plug and remarked how the staff would like to see the gardener on all fours on her bench, arse in the air wearing her polka dot stockings. The gardener was silent, wondering what she was going to do next. He didn't have to long to wonder, as she pulled out a strap-on cock. She pulled it on and faced him, lifted his head and instructed him "Suck". He pulled a face so she slapped him with her cock "Suck it well slave otherwise this will hurt your little arse even more!". As he eagerly sucked her rubber cock, she mocked him "You're my little dirty cock slut!" Then it was time for him to be fucked with the cock. Pain and pleasure, he was trying to hide the fact he was being humiliated but he was loving it but he was desperate to turn the tables and for him to be fucking Lady K.

Next, it was time to go to her bedroom, but lady K made very clear she was in charge, strapping him to all 4 corners of the bed, and still with the blindfold on. The edging continued with hot wax and ice being poured over his body, then more torture with electrics, followed by a fleshlight. He was writihing in ecstasy, squirming over the bed, and wondered how much more he could take.

"How much do you want to fuck me" she whispered in his ear. "very much mistress" came the breathless reply. "Don't you dare make a single thrust, I'm going to ride you, and don't you dare cum, if you want to keep your job". She climbed on top and pushed his cock deep inside her and slowly rocked up and down. His cock was throbbing, desperately not wanting to cum. Not being allowed to move was killing him, he just wanted to loosen himself from the shackles and turn her over, but he was completely powerless. She would go fast and hard, taking his cock deep, then easing off and slowing down to further torment him, laughing at him "You so want to cum don't you", he simply nodded. "Tell me how much you want to cum". "yes mistress, I'm desperate to cum". "haha, not yet, you've not satisfied me" and on she went sliding up and down on his pulsating cock that was leaking precum like a waterfall.

She got off, shoved her arse on his face and demanded more licking. He inhaled the sweet aroma of her pussy and lapped up her juices, whilst she enveloped his cock in her mouth where she sucked him frantically until he could take no more "Oh God, I'm going to cum" he cried, and his cock exploded into her hungry mouth, erupting like a volcano. She then reached around and snowballed his load and snogged his face off letting him taste and wear his cum. He laid there breathless wondering what the fuck had just happened. He had never experienced anything like this before, never been the submissive male but he knew he had loved every minute.

"Hmmm, have I taught you a lesson slave? I might just let you keep your job and use you as my new toy said Lady K licking her lips tantalisingly...
Monday, May 18th 2020
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Kristina J Hudderfield Escort - when wil I return
I have just been asked a really good question that needs to go on my blog about. The questions is, when will I know when it is safe to return and what ae the triggers that I am watching for?

What great question that so much so it really does deserve a blog so that all you lovely people out there who are awaiting a return to some fun have an idea of my thoughts on this.

With a very slight lift of restrictions and the Governments announcement of the road map out of lockdown I have been thinking about when it will be right to return. The problem for me is that most other industries will be given very lear indication of return dates. For sex workers its a bit more tricky I have read between the lines. I am sure Boris is not going to announce during a press conference ok so Sex Workers cannot return to work, kinkiness resumes go forward and have some fun... I just can not see it happening, so here are my thoughts.

Looking at the road map and this all does depend on the R number that Boris keep talking about it is looking like July at the earliest but more likely August if not September. I have to balance when people are allowed to visit other peoples houses with also the willingness of people to visit other peoples house and to come and visit me. I also have to keep myself legal as I don't want a visit form the police which has been happening to some people who have continued to work though the lockdown. I have also got to take into consideration not returning too early and damaging my reputation of being safe with not leaving It too long. I am also looking at when other industries who offer one to one services where you have to be within 2 meters of another person such as massage therapists, driving instructors, talking therapists, hairdressers, beauty therapists have their restrictions lifted. Onto of this I am seeing what is been said in my peer groups and what other people with a good reputation are doing. I will however post a blog in advance with dates and I should have a better Idea in the next month or so with a bit of luck

I had thought of offering a service where a lucky someone can ask with me for an hour and pick my brains on all the delights of sexual theory and what it alls means for them as well as talk about any challenges they have in regards to sexuality like a walking sexual therapy session but went of that idea..

So in the mean time I will keep reading the theory about sexuality and learning and discovering through some very interesting conversations and I also hope to be working on my new website very soon too. I will be very excited to return to my new normal just as soon as I can.

I am very much looking forward to spending some time with you

Kisses K - Kristina J Huddersfield Escort

Monday, May 18th 2020
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First timers
I often get asked if I see first timers the answer is yes you would be very welcome here is some information that you may find both helpful and useful

Every adventure begins with a first step...

We all have to start somewhere and I recognise everyone has a different reason for coming to see me. Some to get sexual needs met, others to be in the company with a woman, others to explore their sexuality, she in need of connection and touch, some even don't know why they come they just do. The one thing that I do say is you will only make it to my door when you are ready. I have known people read my blog and follow me on twitter for years before finally making it to see me. It does not matter what the reason is I just want to say all is welcome.

I understand it can be nerve racking meeting someone for a sexual liaison or erotic encounter for the first time, nervous excitement is natural and perfectly normal response. Fear of the unknown, fear of being naked and intimate with a stranger, not knowing exactly where you are coming to all the questions that run through your mind, so the purpose if this blog is to out your mind at rest and give you some reassurance.

My intention is put your mind at ease as well as to give you some resources so you can check me out and make sure I am really who I say I am. A lot of people who have never visited a lady like myself have many assumptions that the work I do is seedy, you will be seeking up a back alley to see me and worry about walking past people. The house will be a mess and I won't be the person you have seen on the website an whole load of other thoughts that go though your mind acting as a barrier to enjoyment and pleasure. These thoughts could not be further from the truth. So lets start with me I am passionate through and though about what I do and about my reputation that I have built up over the years below is a link to my adult work site with over 800 positive feedback and over 80 field reports. I would urge anyone who has any doubt about me being who I say I am to take the time to read through the feedback and field reports.

Adult work page adult work profile

Now that's just the start I would also advise that you check out my trainers the sexuality exerts across the world who I have trained with, this will give you an idea of the quality of service you will receive especially if you have an interest in Tantric massage, erotic massage, BDSM, Kink, and fetish play.

My training - Training

Also check my listing in the Urban Tantra Professional Training Directory - This is for people who have completed the Urban Tantra training and are part of the Urban Tantra community an international community of people who work in the sex industry.

Link to - Urban Tantra Professional Training Listing

Also check out my website designer and the other people who he has worked with. My site is professionally put together I invest a lot of time and money into it and if I am not who I say I am would I work so hard to create such a fabulous resource of erotic stories, fun blogs and educational content?

Link to - 69 design my website provider

So I hope that gives you some assurance that I am who I say I am and I offering a professional escort service and also I have some credible training behind me to really deliver a first class escort service and not only that but I am endorsed by one of the world leaders in sexuality Barbara Carrellas the founder of Urban Tantra and author of many books including Urban Tantra and Ecstasy is Necessary.

So let's come one to address the myth that you will be scuttling up a back alley in a dodgy area and everyone will know where you are going. This really is a myth with me and again could not be further from the truth. You will be coming and welcomed to my beautiful home. It's quiet and discreet and there is no one hanging around outside. You can park pretty much directly outside my house and no one will notice you come and go and its not over looked in any way, totally private which really allows for your discretion. Once inside its safe and secure with just the two of us there, its immaculately clean and has soft music in all the rooms we will be playing in. It is the perfect environment and really has the wow factor as well as setting the scene for what will be such a special time together.

There is a map on my website of the approximate location and I don't give my full address out until you have arrived at the location, there are not people turning up randomly and its not on a busy hight street or in a town centre. I am located in a lovely part of town in a residential area but with no one over looking me and this is really quite special.

Map - Location

So back to me I am just a normal average lady who happens to know a lot of sex and sexuality I am down to earth, really easy to get on with, kind hearted, open and honest and I do invite you to ask me anything you feel during our time together. I am open about what I do and have a support network of friends and family around me. I have an all encompassing non judgement approach and welcome everyone as a human being with respect and integrity. I allow you to be the person you really are and even year set a goal that if I can have a positive impact on just one person I am doing what I set out to do.

I don't discriminate against age so older gentleman are very welcome I do have a lower age limit of 21. I also don't discriminate against race we all human after all and will be treat with compassion and humanity whatever race you are. I don't discriminate about height either so if you are taller than me shorter than me it makes no difference. I also don't discriminate against body size and looks that's really not important what is important is the human being beneath it all, the person and the individual that you are. All I ask is that you are polite and courteous to me and I in turn will be polite back. it's not much to ask but in this game it sometime does appear so. I really want to spend quality time with lovely genuine people and have amazing encounters its as simple as that.

So if you are new to this you are very welcome and will be welcomed as an old friend and recognised as a human being with sexual and sensual needs and put at ease almost as soon as you arrive by a lady who knows and understands your desires and creates a safe space for you to explore.

I have said it before but I will say it again. I singly love, as I get to know my lovely visitors and create a special professional relationship with them it really is like seeing my lover and one of the things I am really looking forward to after all this is over is reconnecting with my special loves and welcoming new lovers into my wonderful safe and sensual world.

Kisses Kristina J - Huddersfield Escort


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