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Monday, February 5th 2024
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MissLusciousLorna ~ Why would you want to?
Hi there

There are some topics that I take a while in deciding whether to write about on here, will it be interesting enough or will it be a turn off? This is one of those and I've changed my mind a few times over the past days. Needless to say I've decided to go for it regardless Mainly because while I was watching an episode of QI the subject of anal bleaching came up.

I've been asked a few times if I do anal bleaching, the first time I was shocked wondering why someone would ask me that and why would anyone want to put bleach down there
I'd never heard of it and didn't know it was a thing. I decided to google it and searched images (I wouldn't advise it if you're thinking of doing the same ) and there it was! At first I thought it was mainly porn stars and I can kinda understand that but it seems to be far more popular than I realised. I still don't understand why anyone would want to but then this is coming from the woman who doesn't indulge in botox or fillers, hasn't gone under the knife or even a fake tan! (although I'm still considering that one )

So I decided to find out why I was being asked this, it's not as if I look round there very often lol With some contortions I managed to get a mirror in place and saw that it looks very pink and healthy and nothing at all like those I found online!

Now I'm not about to go around asking folk what theirs looks like to find out if mine is any different but if there is a reason why mine looks cleaner than normal I can only guess it's because I douche regularly, daily actually......well I do love anal afterall and I try my best to be nice and clean

Lorna x
Monday, January 29th 2024
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MissLusciousLorna ~ Something a little raunchy!
Hi there

A while ago I decided to buy a couple of feather boa's, if you take a peek you'll find a couple of pictures I took with them. They were pretty cheap as I didn't think there would be much difference between one feather boa and another......how wrong was I!
They were jaggy, scratchy and feathers fell out all over the place the minute you touched them

Well, they have both disappeared The red went first then the black one.....a complete mystery! So I decided to splash out on a new (bit more expensive) one, just the one as I want to make sure it is a better quality than the last. It looks lovely, soft and fluffy in the picture.....here's hoping it's the same in reality. Either way I'll be looking to do something a little raunchy with it

Lorna x
Tuesday, January 23rd 2024
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MissLusciousLorna ~ It's all in the eyes!
Hi there

I like to think of myself as an upbeat kinda person who always tries to look at the positive in every situation, so when it comes to surviving January I need to work even harder at that. It's such a long, dark, difficult month to get through and this year seems to be more of a struggle The awful weather has definitely made things much worse, surely we're due a break sometime soon!
I think I need cheering up big time, perhaps if you're feeling the same way we could cheer each other up Or perhaps I could go to the cinema lol

Going back to the blog before where I spoke about talking dirty, I've had a couple of people say I don't need to talk dirty as the naughtiness in my eyes make up for that....they do get a twinkle about them when I'm having fun

I hope you're all staying safe and managing to get through this month also......the end is almost here.

Lorna x
Monday, January 8th 2024
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MissLusciousLorna ~ Life is what you make it to be
Hi there

I hope you had a lovely Christmas and a good New Year, whatever you were doing.
I had a very nice time, busy Christmas with lots of family and a quiet (ish) New Year.....just the way I like it

So many people I've asked that question have told me 'Oh it was ok, it's not what it used to be' but that sounds almost defeatist. Fine if you're happy with it being ok but it'll only be like it used to be if you make the effort. Different if extenuating circumstances have made it that way of course but life constantly changes and moves on. If I'm having a quiet Saturday night in on my own I can find ways to make it special for myself, watching a favourite film, treating myself to my favourite snack....(chocolate ) and putting my frame of mind to spoiling myself.

Life is what you make it to be.

Lorna x
Monday, December 18th 2023
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MissLusciousLorna ~ My favourite Santa dress!
Hi there

This past weekend I was in town on a night out with a very good friend, just dinner, a few drinks and a good catch up. Nights like that are good for the soul
While we were waiting on George Sq for a lift home we were doing a bit of people watching, town was jumping and there was a great atmosphere. Suddenly I spotted a guy across the road happily walking along sporting a very fetching sexy santa dress and hat and, lo and behold, it was the same as the santa dress I used to have.....the one I loved but haven't been able to find again! Well, obviously I just haven't been looking hard enough. I felt like running across the road and asking where he got it from

I hope you've managed to have a catch up with friends recently or, if you haven't, maybe you could even give someone a call.

Lorna x
Monday, December 4th 2023
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MissLusciousLorna ~ Caught in the Headlights!
Hi there

I've been thinking back to my previous blog and how I can be extremely dirty and realising I am still pretty rubbish on dirty talk. I have gotten a bit better, especially if I know I'm going to be doing it ahead of time but when I'm suddenly asked to I'm like a 'you know what' caught in the headlights! I open my mouth to speak but nothing comes out and my eyes are wide with panic Is it only me who feels silly just stating the obvious? lol
I'm definitely more a doing person than a talking about it person

Well Christmas is not that far away and very soon Santa will be on his way I used to have a sexy santa dress but it eventually had one wash too many and came out of the washing machine in bits! I haven't been able to find another that I like since until now.....yes, I've been shopping again......watch this space. Mind you, I haven't tried it on yet but hopefully I'll still like it. Then the big question will be will you?

Lorna x
Monday, November 13th 2023
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MissLusciousLorna~Don't judge a book by it's cover
Hi there

You know what people say about first impressions? But then there's also the one about not judging a book by it's cover. Well I definitely fall into the latter. What I'm actually like can be very different to the way I sometimes come across at first.

Today was a perfect example of that when someone told me I'm actually very dirty (not in a smelly unwashed kinda way ). I was a little taken aback at first as I thought that was a given but then they went on to to say I don't come across as being as dirty as I actually am. It made me laugh as I know exactly what they mean, it's definitely a case of just how dirty would you like me to be?

Press the right buttons and I can be extremely dirty in the best possible way

Lorna x
Wednesday, October 25th 2023
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MissLusciousLorna ~ Old fashioned paranoia!
Hi there

I recently had a minor health scare, I didn't think it was serious and neither did my doctor but tests were arranged just to be on the safe side.
Now, despite the fact I wasn't worried about it as the tests came close my head began to imagine the worst possible outcome. I'd be going about my business and before you know it I'd have dreamed up some horrendous scenario in my head and I'd then have to give myself a good talking to! I'd like to think it's some way my subconscious is preparing me but, in reality, it's just plain old fashioned paranoia.

Thankfully I got the results very soon after and all is good All the bad thoughts just melted away.
Unfortunately I know far too many people who have not had such good news. I never take good health for granted.

Lorna x
Wednesday, October 18th 2023
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MissLusciousLorna ~ Productive Day Off!
Hi there

Due to having something to attend to in Glasgow today I decided the best option was to take the day off. Bit of a long lie was very nice then I had some time to spare in the afternoon.
I decided to catch up with some shopping that I have been meaning to do for a while. I'm not a fan of traipsing round shops but today I knew exactly what I wanted so there was no messing around. I'm not looking forward to the dreaded Christmas shopping although I do tend to find more nice things for myself than for others so that's always a bonus

I also managed a bit of sexy outfit shopping which I have been needing to do for quite a while and actually found there were a few new ones to choose from for a change!

So that's me had enough of shops for a while I think.....until the weekend when I'll have to do the supermarkets

Lorna x
Sunday, October 1st 2023
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MissLusciousLorna ~ Crazy, hectic times!
Hi there

Recently life has been a little hectic, full on and extremely busy which has caused me to have to have a few days off. It's all good but I'm sorry for not being around quite so much.
It's quietening down nicely now and normal service will be resumed.....well, almost. A couple of exciting and fun days are coming up but they shouldn't cause too much disruption.

I feel, since I've come back from holiday, life has been full on and I wonder if events could perhaps space themselves out a bit instead of landing all at once Mind you, I keep reminding myself to embrace all this and the madness too as you just don't know when it all might just be taken away from you

Lorna x
Sunday, September 24th 2023
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MissLusciousLorna ~ Flinging Four Custard Pies!
Hi there

I recently had the honour of helping someone fulfill the fantasy they've had for years and I had so much fun doing so! In a way it was almost fulfilling one of mine, well I wouldn't quite say a fantasy but more a curiosity. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to throw a custard pie in someone's face?

This lovely gent asked me to dress him as a slutty clown, ridiculous clown make up, restrain him and throw custard pies in his face.
I knew exactly what kind of clown make up I wanted to do and I was given free range in doing so.....it was certainly ridiculous looking lol

There were four custard pies in total, two with whipped cream and two with shaving foam. I then restrained him to the bed and, one after another, hit his face with them. It was a great experience for me to do this, the visual effect was fantastic and I was assured he was thoroughly enjoying the experience! Four custard pies all layered up, splattered across his face.....they made great pictures for him.

As you can imagine there was quite a mess afterwards but I was well prepared with lots of towels and in no time at all you wouldn't known there'd been custard and cream all over the place

Lorna x
Sunday, September 10th 2023
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MissLusciousLorna ~ A little bit risque
Hi there

My usual blogs tend to be very chatty and vanilla so I thought I'd put a warning with this one as you may find it a little risque. If you're of a sensitive nature you may want to move on

As time goes on I have discovered a lot about myself sexually, my likes and dislikes. Needless to say the likes far outweigh the dislikes (thank goodness!) and I probably prefer sex to be pretty full on. The more passionate the better to be honest although moments of slow teasing can build up tension to an amazing crescendo!
I have been discovering what truly turns me on and oral is way up there as one of the top. Especially having a tongue flick and suck on my clit while a finger or two have slid inside probing my g-spot. Just recently, however, I discovered that having those fingers ever so gently tease and tickle pretty much drives me crazy! I think it's the promise of what's in store that drives me insane.

Needless to say I love that I can constantly find out new things about myself and what turns me on and that goes two ways. Every day is a day I can learn something new about a person, what turns that person on, ticks those boxes. Even if I think I already know everything about a persons sexual desires, there may be a new spot to touch, kiss, lick or maybe a new fetish to explore

Lorna x
Tuesday, August 15th 2023
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MissLusciousLorna ~ So Many Amazing Experiences!

Have you ever had one of those holidays that are filled with one amazing moment after the other? The kind that makes you want to pinch yourself to make sure it's real as there are so many big wow moments?
Well that's the kind of holiday I've just had It was so much fun and loads of amazing experiences.

In amongst all that there was cake and ice cream but I did have the occasional salad and I walked miles but I'll be glad to get back to a normal routine again and straight back to the gym tomorrow!

Lorna x
Wednesday, July 12th 2023
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MissLusciousLorna ~ Feeling Like Me Again
Hi there

If you happen to have seen me recently you would be forgiven for thinking the hairdressers had closed again.......heaven forbid!
Thankfully not but I have been delaying a visit as I am going on holiday in a couple of weeks and I wanted to wait until as near the time as possible.
So tomorrow is the day, first thing in the morning I'll be heading there and will be feeling like myself once more As I'm writing I realise that by the time you read this I'll already have been but I don't want to tempt fate by pretending otherwise. Knowing my luck I'd take terribly ill overnight and have to cancel lol

I'm a natural blonde but decided to try out different colours when I was younger, I never really felt like me until I went back to blonde. Brunette was most definitely not me, didn't ever think my own hair would feel like a horrible wig

Lorna x

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