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 20 entries, showing page 2 of 2
Monday, February 22nd 2016
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Selling me short
Hello again to the good people of AW.
I really should post more updates on here and know I have been a bit remiss of late.
I am also aware that I usually use this medium to air my grievances and yes you've guessed it, I am about to do.so again. Of late I have had a one or two clients who were fully aware of my prices but have tried to short change me. This is obviously very embaressing for everyone involved and is ultimately not going to end well. If you cannot afford me, please save up until you can or look for cheaper options (I do try and keep my prices reasonable though and have been the same rate since I started four years ago.) It is not all about the money as I also work full time but to me it indicates a clear lack of respect. For the information of those guilty clients, the amount is outstanding and will be charged on top of future visits upfront or service will be denied, which is awkward and embaressing for you as clients as well as your time and money spent travelling wasted. The alternative is to look elsewhere as I am not desperate for money. I am not wealthy by any stretch of the imagination, but I can afford to pick and choose. I do not want fuck buddies or friends with benefits. I see this as being used and historically the benefit has been to the man concerned and me left wanting.
On a happier note apart from the usual timewasters, Fife life is treating me well and I have some lovely clients here and hope to continue to see you all again soon and meet new clients. You may have noticed that once again Colsy72 (Did I get the name right this time?lol) has helped me retrieve some more of my pictures taken by PaulD after my profile was hacked late last year. I have so far been let down on the photography front so if anyone can help in this department please let me know.
Friday, October 30th 2015
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Taken to the limit by timewasters.....
Hi All
Once again i need to let off steam and have a rant. As if my profile being hacked for absolutely no reason last Friday wasnt enough i seem.to have once again been hit by a plague of timewasters.
Last Saturday after workig through the day in a regular job I was called out to Dunfermline only to be text 5 mins before i got there to be told "i cant sorrt". Number labelled as tw. i then went on to another village and sat outside the guys house for 10 mins to hear nothing. He would only communicate via adult work and bo numbet. Just as i was pulling away he messaged again and i turned back. i knocked on the door several times but no answer. he said he didnt hear it. this to me is totally unnacceptable. if you are expecting aomeone you should be waiting by the door especially if you are not willing to uae a phone. I was particularly annoyed as i had planned as it was saturday night after all.
Today was littered with timewasters. i would like to remind everyone that i work a full time job on shifts as well as a part time second regular job, so my time off is precious. I had a man make a booking to only cancel it 5 mins later, someone who wanted 15 mins which i dont offer then go on about neighbours like a bervous wreck and then offer me less than the price!!NO MY PRICE IS MY PRICE. NOT OPEN TO OFFERS. Speaking of which i had a lad wanting a 30 min booking for 30 quid.AS IF!!! Then to top it all off I had a booking, again last minute and when time was getting on i text to ask if he was still coming only to be told no and a story about having to get his son. A text would have taken 10 seconds to type. Its basic manners and something that seems to be so lacking. On the topic of manners i got a missed call this afternoon and so text back to be called back asking if i was another Fife escort!!!dear god if you are going to ring someone make sure you know who you are ringing!!its so offensive!!!
I realise that the above makes me sound like a bitch but i would men to know what i am putting up with on my days off as i have a life too and to be treated with such a lack of respect is just downright rude when i go out of my way to oblige and help when i can.
i would like to thank aw for restoring my profile so quickly after the hackers deleted it and once again to Colsy74 for retaining my gallery archive although it will take some time to get it where it was. a client took some halloween themed photos this week but unfortunately my only internet access is on my phone so if anyone can help upload them or add to my gallery please get in touch. all GENUINE help is gratefully received. If you just wanna pass time cos uve nowt better to do please consider playing in the traffic to keep you occupied as i have better things to do than be messed about by timewasters!!!lol.
Sunday, September 6th 2015
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Slick city sex in Aberdeen for oil week
Firstly I would like to apologise for not posting for so long. Its been almost a year and a lot has happened. I have moved to fife for a new job which i really enjoy.
However i did have an awful experience Thursday not by a Fife resident to be fair but i need to get word out so that he is stopped.
He began texting.me and harassing me at work on Thuraday. I was not due to finish til late and i wanted to drive to cumbria that evening before i came up to aberdeen the following day. He sounded genuine so i decided to stay in fife and get up early the following . He continued to text drivel and wanted to bring me a gift. I said this wasnt neceasary but insisted. I said a bottle of wine but.no gift ever materialised. Not that this was a problem.but hinted he was.full of hot air. He told me his name was Alan. He messed me about and was late for his booking. He turned up at an unnacceptable 10.30pm. He stood in my bedroom boasting how he was a divisional manager for a large hotel chain and could get me free rooms which he had already mentioned earlier in the day with his nuisance texts. He offered to provide me a room at their aberdeen hotel for the following day as i was.coming up here. I initially declined but he kept on and to be fair i said i would waive my fee in return. He kept on that he would contact me in 40 mins after he left and i had to endure kissing him and sucking his small pre cum dripping cock as he was physically displeasing and he came all over my face. He then carried on with sob stories about his wife dying in a car crash and how another lady had ripped him off. Alarm bells were ringing but as those of you who know me i gave him.the benefit of the doubt. Foolish i know. He text me 49 mins later to say the duty manager had told him the hotel was full. I had looked on a booking website and there were loads of rooms free. I told him this and he said he would contact me in the morning. He also told me his name had changed to John! He didnt contact me friday and i knew he would be in aberdeen today and asked him to arrange to meet me today. He did not. I text and tried to ring as all i wanted was my fee and he said he wouldnt pay because i was wearing jeans and a t shirt. He knew this when i answred the door and i told him before he arrived i would not be dressed up i had just done a long shift at work. He came in and did the above when if he wasnt happy he should have left. He did not and deliberately did all this to avoid payment and had no intention of paying to start with. He also said i did not perform the services he requested to his satisfaction deapite his pre cum dribbling cock saying otherwise!!Lassies i dont want this rip off con man doing this to you so if you contact me i am happy to give you his number and details. THIS BEHAVIOUR IS NOT ACCEPTABLE AND WILL NOT BE TOLERATED!!
On a happier note i have met lots of nice people in Aberdeen and hope to meet nrw and previous clients this week during the week which is oil week. The city is buzzing. Its been too long!!xx.
Thursday, September 18th 2014
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Practise makes perfect..
Hi All
Thought it was about time to write and reach out to you all again...

So what's been happening? Well bank holiday weekend was very busy and got to meet new people, who I hope I will meet again in the near future!!! I was hoping to go on holiday next week but thanks to my knackered old car conking out (again) its not looking good so if anyone out there would like some company over the next few days and help my cause I would be eternally grateful as this is my last ditch attempt!!

It wouldnt be a blog of mine unless I then went on to whinge about.my gripes and i have a fair selection to whet your whistle this time round. FIRSTLY, I am NOT based in Carlisle but West Cumbria near Whitehaven. The first line of my profile says this but once again tonight i got a phone call.asking where was I in Carlisle? To those visiting the region, Cumbria consists of more than Carlisle.

Next whinge is do not tell me what you are prepared to pay for my services. My prices are on my profile and this is the cost of my all inclusive service. If you cant or wont pay this please look elsewhere for service. I dont go to a shop and start haggling. Insee this as an insult and lack of respect. Which leads me nicely on to the respect thing. I am not a lesser being and rudeness and being obnoxious will result in you veing ignored, same goes for wasting my time. Im very busy and whilst appreciate youve gotta have a hobby, i would rather it didnt involve pestering me. Im a busy lass so genuine queries and bookings only or expect short shrift. The other night i got accused of having an STI, which is not true but to be accused is disgraceful and insulting. I protect myself and others and to make such an accusation with no other reason than I must be cos of what i do is nasty and a slur on my character.

On a final note, it took a while for me to get it sorted but i am verified again and last weekend me and my photographer attempted to do some videos which didnt quite turn out as hoped but it was hilarious trying and will have another go shortly, so with any luck there will be some more videos for you to feast your eyes on soon!!
Sunday, August 3rd 2014
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Glorious Gloucester
Hi All and here I am fresh back from my Gloucester tour. Overall it was great and I met some lovely people and will go back again when I have got over yet another bad experience and easily the worst I have had as an escort yet. I was pleased with the hotel in its city centre location and no passing reception to get to the rooms and nuisance key cards for lifts. I did have one idiot go to the wrong hotel tbough which amazes.me as I had text him the hotel and he still got it wrong. Discretion is key i this business and to go to the wrong hotel is careless stupid and puts everyone at risk.
However, I digress. You all want to hear about the wanker who spoilt the week. It started on the Monday night where he asked.me to.go to Cheltenham for a 3 hr outcall. After asking how far it was.to walk from the station. He said 10 mins.I checked my phone and it was 40 mins walk.I said no. The next day he asked if i had my.car today. Thinking what a brain dead idiot i said i was hardly gonna go back to Cumbria to get.my car for him. I said i would get a taxi and so the real trouble began. He asked if he could pay by cheque which of course i said no and he assured me he would pay cash at 5pm part way through the booking. Foolishly I agreed. He had described himself as good looking but was shocked at the receeding hairline chav i white tracky pants before me. He wasnt wired up right at all and as the afternoon went on was convinced he must be on day release from the local asylum. He said he was house sitting for a tenant who was on holiday but had left her washing out??then he wanted to go to the pub claiming money wasnt an issue. He forced me to get 200 oit for his entertainment as he was throwing tantrums i public and said i would be paid it all. He blew my money in a bandit.then in another pub disappeared.after going back to the rental house he said he had got cocaine to sell from a dealer to pay me but the police had followed him so he threw it away and now the dealer waa after him.he forced me to take out the last 40 i had to pacify the dealer but the dealer nevermaterialised.
I left the next day after being promised my grand fee at 8am and 12pm to no avail. He said his mummy was collecting him as his drug dealer brother had rung gis mum to tell on the idiots actions. I kept chasing my money to be told i should be underdranding that at 29 yrs of age his mummy had confiscated his bank cards and he was stuck in the middle of Hereford without a cigarette!!!Never mind i struggled to pay my mortgage as a result of his bullshit and lies!!! He then said i should rememberi am a prostitute and he was gonna call the police for my tbreatening behaviour. I asked him to let.me.know when they were coming so i could explain about the drug dealing of him.and his brother and have a chat with Mummy about jt all. He told me I would have somw money at the end of the week but I dont hold.my breath. I have a theory which will be brought into play shortly....I may be an escort but i am not a lying thieving scumbag who lives off handouts from Mummy.pitiful human being. Oh and i forgot to say i refused to have sex with him as he was covered in an unknown rash. I said i was protecting myself and my clients eugh!!!!
But thanks to Dave my cider fairy, he followed the drama and was a great support
I have made a new friend and those cider afternoons were great as was the sex in the toilets!!!xx.
Tuesday, May 20th 2014
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cock in a haystack
Hello Everyone!
It appears that my blogs have been missed and encouraged to write them again. I was a little hesitatant after my last profile was deleted.
I came back from York last week whereby I sadly didnt get to find the cock in the haystack as i did last time I was in York but am assured I have a willing volunteer for my next visit. You can take the girl out of the country but you cant take the country from the girl.....
Looking at visiting Gloucester in July. I always get inundated there and never have time to see everyone as I tend to be there on regular work so I will be devoting my time to you Gloucester boys this Summer!!
I must also find the time to go back to Aberdeen/inverness. I really love it up there.
Apart from that not many tales to tell. The usual timewasters really annoying me. If you have no intention of meeting me please dont contact me. Im too busy to play silly games, listen to contrived stories for free phone sex/text chat etc. Whilst I think its great you have so much time on your hands, i sadly dont and therefore would rather you found a new past time!!lol.xx

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