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Thursday, February 7th 2019
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When are you comng to play?
Less frost on the ground means more play at the play rooms, by popular demand you seem to enjoy a slightly warmer environment without your clothes, being pretty heated in pvc I can't say that I notice all that much myself. Far be it for me to ignore your pleas of frost bite setting in & dithering around the gags for those who constantly complain, apparently your prayers were answered & the temperature has risen above brass monkey celsius.
So back to play, filming is back from next Wednesday with 2 dates in February (13th + 27th) & March (6th + 20th), check out my website for further details & to book an appointment.
Loads of things planned for the up coming year, starting with a rubber fest for my vacbed, a firm favourite of sensory deprivation lovers & control freaks alike. If it's something that you'd like to try feel free to give me a shout out, breath play on this level isn't for the faint hearted but is so worth a dive into the unknown.
I cater for all levels of kink no matter the newbie from the frequent visitor, Bdsm is whatever you want it to be, pain & pleasure walk a very fine line often straying across their boundaries, come & join me to begin your journey of exploration.

Mistress Wilamena - Come and play...x
Thursday, December 27th 2018
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Seasonal greetings
I hope that you are all enjoying a restful period of festivities whilst avoiding poisoning or murdering your relatives.
As many of you know I'm not big on all the Christmas over load & escape back to work as soon as possible. For me personally I prefer my celebrations to be less forced & overly gleeful.
This time of year for many can be a very lonely place, every advert & shop front is stuffed with family & the encouragement to over spend.
We are constantly bombarded with general ideas of what we should be, how we should act & being considerate of the feelings of others. Well you can imagine how I see all this & have a rough idea of where I'd like to shove those ideas.
Everyone is an individual, without exception, we have our own tastes, likes, dislikes, ideas, even those who follow others have the choice to do so. Choices make us who we are, so my choice is to be me, like it or not that's all there is.
The Bdsm community accepts me for everything that I believe & do as being part of who I am, for me , that is enough.
If I am alone that is because I choose to be, my life, my choices, I have more friends than close family because I like it that way.

The thought I'd like to leave you with is this, whoever, whatever, whenever, find the time to be alone. clearing your head & taking some time for nobody other than yourself is not selfish, it's necessary to continue being exactly who you are best at being, YOU...X
Monday, November 19th 2018
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Getting chilly
Good afternoon fellow Bdsm fans & welcome to my world.

At last a return to chillier weather & less melting in my pvc, not being a fan of the heat I am thankful that the true British climate we are used to has graced us once again.
As those of you who have visited know, The play rooms can be some what cooler even on a hot day, & so to with regularity I see the goose bumps joining a subby in a recent appointment. Not being an unkind Mistress (not strictly always true) I saw fit to ease the newbies chills by allowing him a little heat. Star jumps for a warm up, dancing & singing Jingle bells (because it amuses me), retrieving small balls from the floor with his mouth (not a euphemism, actual toy balls, juggling to be precise but that's another story), & so continued the humiliation until the subject was quite flushed.
So you see, I am a thoughtful Mistress, taking good care of those who serve me is a must, & of course being of entertainment/service/value/use to me is a must on your side, but you already know that, right?

When are you coming to play?
Thursday, October 4th 2018
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A little bit of nervous excitment is good for you.
Hello fellow kinksters,
Filming yesterday was so much fun, I love when new people attend the play rooms, it can be a little daunting for some at first but I kind of like that nervous excited feeling. When you're unsure of how people will react & how far you can push them.

The play rooms were created as an extension of my world, for people to visit & experience what Bdsm is in a safe environment. It is & will always be a celebration of freedom, escapism for the mind, body (if you're lucky) & soul.
Every time that I open the doors it makes me smile, as a lifestyle Mistress it is very much a big part of who I am. Being able to meet some great people, share in their experiences & help them on their journeys of self discovery is in itself amazing.

For those of you who I have already met, I thank you for sharing & welcome you back any time that you would like to return.

To the newbies who I have yet to meet, that little feeling in your stomach of nervous excitement, I get it as well, every time that somebody knocks on my doors.

When are you coming to play?

Mistress Wilamena
Tuesday, September 18th 2018
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Happy birthday...x
With a birthday coming up it feels like that time of year again to want to take stock, see where I am as opposed to where I wanted to be at this point in my life.
The same happened last year & the year before that, Well just like previous occasions, I'm not buying it!!
For almost 44 years my life has been a mirror, the image has changed a little but nothing drastic, I can honestly say that it has served me well. What I have put in I have in turn got out, when I've worked harder the rewards have been greater etc, etc, etc
In my experience people regret far more what they haven't done in comparison to regretting what they have. A life with regret is a life sat on the fence, that may well be a good vantage point to watch from the side lines but whoever had life changing experiences from just standing by.
All the lines about making lemonade when life deals you lemons are ways to help us justify a raw deal, I for one find them sour & if I want lemonade I'll go out & buy it.
My advice to myself is exactly as it has always been, let nothing stand in the way of what I really want. Not material gain, those aspects come & go whatever, I'm talking of things that I can control within my life, ways to feel that I am doing myself justice in my choices.
So there it is, get off the fence & live for today, make the choices that you can follow through & achieve.
Whatever, where ever, when ever, just do it!!!
When nobody is watching you can stand tall & say to yourself, yeah I did that, be proud of your greatest achievement, YOU...X
Thursday, June 7th 2018
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Trust your gut...x
In all walks of life trust can be an issue, once broken you never get the same level of respect or openness from either side.
Within the Bdsm realm it is the biggest deal breaker that I come across all of the time, where people have had bad experiences with previous partners or professionals, they never forget.
Building any relationship is a matter of stages, add in the meeting for the first time nerves & expectations & it is a veritable mine filed.
So why do we bother?, putting ourselves out there, laying our most private secrets on display...
Hope, such a simple word but sometimes it's all that we have, & may be that's all that we really need. Without it there is nothing, no choices, chances, risk, & no progress on our journey.
To grow as individuals we need to find the connections that help us to believe in ourselves, if you're not putting yourself out there those connections will never be made.
Start by trusting in your judgement, a gut feeling can lead you out of potential harm before it has the chance to play out, it can also light a spark that gives you the chance to grow.
If the only time that we stop growing as people is when we die, we must keep putting ourselves out there, for the good, the bad & the ugly that life has to throw at us, finding somebody & something to believe in allows us to believe in the most important thing of all, ourselves....
Thursday, May 31st 2018
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A big fat thank you...x
My profile has just turned over 63000 hits!!...
So a very big shout out to all of my supporters, fans, guests, browsers, direct chatters, cam viewers, private gallery purchasers, friends old & new.
You make us what we are by supporting our choices & encouraging us to do what we do best, entertaining you kinky lot.
I have had so much fun & laughter with you all by my side, & at my feet, & some under them.

Thank you for almost 4 years of very happy memories, & may there be very many more yet to come.

Keeping it kinky, safe, sane & consensual.

Mistress Wilamena
Tuesday, May 29th 2018
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Ready when you are...x
The floor paint is barely dry but at long last we have finished our refit of the prison block.
A few eager guests have already tasted the delights of incarceration behind the bars of steel, nothing says secure better than 26 restraining points. A place where there really is nowhere to hide, free standing away from the walls so that I can reach you without even being inside.
The sensory deprivation box is rather snug, just right fore those seeking an internal place to experience the darkness in all its forms.
We offer a large range of equipment to cater to your twisted tastes, & I'm always on hand to put you through your paces.

Mistress Wilamena

Come and play
Monday, May 14th 2018
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Come & play...
5 months since we started our refit & creation of the prison block, it's taken longer that anticipated but the wait has so been worth it.
The prison cell is now complete along with its internal cage, 26 restraining points, what's not to love?
Interrogation table cage & restraining bench are both being put through their paces, also having added restraining points to both, you never know what or who I might need to secure.
Frame work for the vertical sensory deprivation box is complete, just awaiting its wooden external casing, & of course I'll be accessorising it with internal restraining points.
Then the floor will be painted & we'll be done, for now, as we are always evolving, something else might pop up.
Creating play spaces isn't the easiest & certainly not the cheapest of things to do, you are my inspiration, come & let me be yours, I go further so that I can take you to the places that you dream of, & far beyond...x
Tuesday, May 8th 2018
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Long over due for an update...
I can't actually believe that May is here already, but here we are.
For the sun lovers amongst you I'm sure that you are basking in the recent high temperatures, not being a worshipper of heat waves is lucky for me as I spend an awful lot of my time inside at the play rooms.
The prison cell has been well & truly christened, a big thank you to all those who have visited, I have very much enjoyed punishing each & every one of you.
Still many things to add in the coming year, as we are always evolving & coming up with darker more creative ways to keep you on your toes, or your knees.
Our interrogation table cage has had some lovely prisoners under lock & key, as well as a few spread eagled for strip searches, I know how eager you all are to get your clothes confiscated & be down to your bare essentials.
Keep your great messages coming for ideas to add to your appointments, looking forward to seeing more old friends & breaking in some newbies.
Play safe & stay safe

Mistress Wilamena
Tuesday, March 13th 2018
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The Prison cell...x
Very excited to announce that the Prison cell will be available to book for appointments as from Monday 2nd April...
The electrician visited yesterday & has now fitted a total of 6 new lights - 1 for the cell block - 1 for the corridor & 4 for the play room.
Watching the refit take shape has been a learning experience with a twist, the prison cell has grown into the space & transformed the room with its very presence. The feel of the old parlour has grown & changed with the progress, just being in there brings me to a darker head space that I am very much looking forward to spending more time in.
Although it will be a darker play space it won't be everything that we are, every part of the play rooms is for escapism, to free our minds from our every day life, to live out the fantasy.
All that remains is for you to decide...

when are you coming to play...?

Thursday, January 18th 2018
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Urethral sounding...x
No fetish really ever goes out of fashion, it simply dips below the radar for a while. On this note Urethral Sounding/Urethral play/sounding rods seem to be the in thing according to the amount of you that are asking about it in appointments.
I have added a few general questions & answers that cover the basics but as with everything, if in doubt give me a shout.

Q - Do you do Urethral sounding play?
A - Yes

Q - Does it hurt?
A - Experience is the key, when done properly it doesn't hurt, make sure that you find an experienced person that will talk you through the basics, take your time, remember safe, sane & consensual.

Q - Do you have sounding rods that I can use?
A - I have new & unused complete sounding rod sets that come in a case, along with a tube of sterile lubricant & sterile wipes.
To use these you would need to add £27.50 to the cost of your appointment which is the cost of purchasing a kit. you would then have your own kit to use in appointments, this can be left with me or taken with you when you leave.
Sounding rods are classed as personal equipment & should never be used by more than one person, they need to be sterilised & handled with surgical gloves to keep the play safe & reduce any chance of infection. Remember that they are being inserted into a very sensitive area that needs proper care.

Q - What is Urethral sounding/stretching?
A - The penis is basically a muscle, as with everything designed to stretch it needs to be taught. Urethral sounding is the insertion of items into the urethral canal (the hole where you urinate/ejaculate from), Urethral stretching is inserting said items to stretch the Urethral canal. Specially designed rods called sounding rods are offered up to the urethral canal & allowed to slide down the canal inside the penis. Gravity then takes control, the rods are weighted to give them a natural flow when sounding. Each rod varies in size & are usually double ended to allow 2 sizes per rod, the ends of the rods are tapered to allow easy insertion & stainless steel versions in my opinion are the best to use. The rods should never be forced as this can cause discomfort, pain & tearing.
Like everything new, slowly does it.

Q - Can anyone do sounding?
A - Males & females both have Urethral canals so the answer is yes. In women it is slightly more complex because the area is smaller but generally if you are wanting to give it a go then don't just dive into it. It is classed as medical play which like all things new in Bdsm means do your homework.
Read up on/research/join discussion groups/ the more the better, you can damage the Urethral canal quite easily if you are not careful, if in doubt, give a shout out to somebody who has experience in this area.

Safety first......
*NEVER insert anything into the Urethral canal that is not designed to go in there. (If you ignore this I want to see photos, I do enjoy a laugh whilst having a coffee)
*ALWAYS use Lubricant, preferably a sterile lubricant designed for medical use.
*Sterilise everything, submerge sounding stainless steel rods in boiling water & remove with forceps/tongs. Allow to drain/dry/cool naturally before insertion, stainless steel retains heat pretty well, if in doubt put your penis on a radiator that's been on for a while, you'll soon get the idea.
*Safe, sane & consensual or it shouldn't happen, stay safe, play safe, & above all else, have fun with your fetish...x
Wednesday, December 27th 2017
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2018...We are coming....x
There is nothing that we like better here at The Lincoln Play Rooms than a new project, we certainly have something coming that is pretty special.
We are indeed having a prison cell built in the old parlour, full sized solid steel cage with a reinforced cage within the cell that will act as a bunk bed for those who are planning on spending a longer stay with us.
That's just for starters, did I mention the 26 restraining points for the bondage lovers?, Or that the inner cage will be big enough for more than one person?

The fact that I am always thinking about the next project doesn't make me flakey or unfocused, it just means that whatever your fetish/taste/role play/wish/desire/longing/imagination - can create in your fantasy world, We are already bringing to reality...x

When are you coming to play?

Mistress Wilamena x
Tuesday, November 28th 2017
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A little bit of what you like does you good...x
I get asked a lot of questions on a daily basis, some the common garden variety & others pretty off the wall, with that in mind I thought that I would share a few here with you on my blog...

Q - What turns you on?
A - Depending on my mood it can be the simplest of things like looking into the eyes of a subby & witnessing their pain, spanking or flogging somebody who deserves it, manners/politeness & a true gentleman....

Q - Can I touch you?
A - Not if you value your limbs, freedom, ability to breath, unbruised face, you get the drift...

Q - What is it like to be a Mistress?
A - Absolutely amazing, on the scale that I am able to pursue my passions for Bdsm it is sublime. There is nothing in the world that I would rather do, every day is different, every person unique, I have had the pleasure to meet some of the nicest people on the planet & help set them free.

Q - What is your favourite thing to wear?
A - Pvc mainly, latex & rubber close seconds but Pvc is my winner, my pvc catsuit is my favourite of all, comfortable, powerful, curvy & shiny black from neck to ankle...

Q - Do you like strong men?
A - Physically strong men, come on who doesn't like them?, emotionally & head strong men, absolutely. There is something about owning the body I agree but owning the strong mind is heaven, being able to bend a person to your whim, use, abuse & push them to their breaking point, only to have them come back for more, priceless & a real Mistress pleaser.

Mistress Wilamena

Come and Play

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