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Wednesday, August 12th 2020
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August already?!
So who's braving it back at the gym? I am super keen to get back but my gym has imposed shorter hours and reduced sessions to 45 minutes only which unfortunely makes it very difficult for me to get to the gym on non peak hours and I usually work out for a good two hours minimum with breaks in-between. I guess I could just use the rowing machine as a all body warmup workout and then focus on arms, abs and legs. Thing is when I am at the gym i hate having to rush. I enjoy feeling the burn and sweat dripping down my body. That's how I Know i've done good. I mean I have to drag myself to the gym but love it when i'm there. (Well after a walk past all the beautiful men and women that look soo perfect).

I am still waiting to register with my GCSES, can't wait. But the A levels - god help me... I have to do a set number and no idea which ones to chose.

Getting use to wearing a mask now, it has its perks... Although its impossible to read people and everyone either talks super quiet or super loud.

Yesterday I had to call an ambulance for a lady, passed out from drinking. I hope she gets the help she needs and it's shame everyone else just walked past her. I think sometimes we all get wrapped up in our own lives we forget other people are human to and that everyone needs a little help from time to time.

I hope your all doing okay in this mad 2020. I'm just waiting for the next insane thing. Dam it has been super hot! I took my car to get re-gassed yesterday which i'm pretty sure I was conned out of fifty large. It doesn't work. The guy wanted to charge half to remove the gas. I was like, i'll keep it thanks. Then he went on to say I will need a new radiator and air compression as the air con doesn't work. Sounds like expensive bullshit to me. No idea about cars but for real? Guess i'll just continue to sweat with the windows down like they did in the old days. I really need a 4x4 my poor little car acts like an off roader though.

Here's a photo of me driving a tractor, which I do when looking after live stock. Yep, that's right a girl bouncing around in a tractor on the open roads. :D

I don't know if anyone really reads my rambling blogs but ii hope you all take care and stay safe.
Tuesday, July 7th 2020
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July 2020

Hope your all behaving? ;)

I've not been up to much lately just looking after live stock.

It's nice that we are all getting back into some form of normality although some places still aren't open and everything is one way system, ques (I hate them), hand sanitiser and masks. The joys of masks but remember these are put in place for everyone's safety. I appreciate some refuse to wear them and I can see the reasoning as they are horrible to wear and make me feel like a puppy with a muzzle on not to mention trying to understand someone who is speaking with a heavy duty mask on.

I've been to the dentist finally got that evil tooth nearly fixed but got to go back again. My dentist looks like an evil doctor with all the PPE.

Weathers gone a bit to shit and I could do with a nice holiday. Man 2020 has been one insane year! Literally made the earth stand still.

Anyway I hope you guys are good. I so can't wait for the gyms and nail bars to reopen.

Check out my new bra (picture attached). I actually need to go bra shopping as my current ones are ugly and super uncomfortable plus they dig in my underarm :(

I went to osteopath yesterday had my shoulder fixed, my back lady usually maintains my shoulder but due to Covid19 I had three months of bad shoulder.

Until next time, stay safe and happy.
Saturday, June 13th 2020
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Hi Guys,

Hope all is well? I've spent my days at the farm looking after animals, driving tractors etc.

I am trying to secure my future by looking at uni. The course I want is very long and very difficult which also means resitting some GSCES and also doing three A levels which are super expensive!

I have missed you guys those and I can't wait to see you all again but this depends on the lockdown rules and is out of my hands as I am not going to do any illegal stuff, (sorry lads, its just not worth getting into trouble).

Anyway I am looking pretty unattractive at the moment and feeling it to! But lets hope things go back to normal and so I can get my nails done and that always makes me feel sexy.

Stay safe, see you all soon - miss you guys.
Wednesday, April 15th 2020
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Hey guys,

Hows it going?

So I've been busy in the garden painting the fence, removing weeds and now I'm pretty bored.

I would like to paint the house but I don't have any paint and I can just imagine the mess i'd make so I think i'll leave that.

I've been busy with live stock and actually thinking I might go and resit my GCSE's when all this is over and try out for uni.

I've had a lot of messages and calls (even though I took my number off AW and wrote on my profile i'm not working) but still some of you are asking. Please don't ask as you already know the answer... (No).

How was your Easter? I do love chocolate !

I've brought a nail kit online to fix my own nails as the nail stores are closed so done my own nails... I would not recommend it, hats off to the professionals. But it will do for now.

So I decided I'm not gonna do the erotica writing it's not something I want to do right now.

Although I might finally read those game of thrones books now aha.

Take care.
Monday, March 30th 2020
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Corona update
Hi beautiful,

I hope your all doing okay? I know this is a very trying and worrying time for us all. I'm keeping busy with my horses (classed as essential travel). I am keeping myself busy and tried a homework out and I am still dying from it three days later!

I have been dealing with 'hate' on social media a lot since the lock down. Seems people forgot the 'be kind' very quickly. So guys and gals remember to be kind and try and hear each other out. Sure make your argument but do it in a reasonable manner.

Anyway safe and keep busy.

I cant wait to see you all soon. I know we are worried especially moneywise this is a whole new territory. But we will be okay, we are stronger together <3 and we are all doing our bit to keep each other safe.

You should see my mask I use when I go out (gloves to). I look like a fetish queen!

Thank you for all the emails and messages, if anyone would like to chat my inbox is open.

Here's a picture of one of my little whore subs, I enjoy going through old photos and videos and laughing at my poor subs expense - why not humiliate them a bit more ;) I know he will love it really.

Take care.
Tuesday, March 24th 2020
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Hey guys,

I hope your all hanging in there? (My inbox is open if you need to chat).
I know its a very difficult time especially for those of us who are self employed.
All plans have been put on hold and I do feel for a lot of people (those getting married for instance).

I have found it very hard to stay at home. I'm a very active person, and struggling without seeing my family.
I've also been eating my feelings so I feel like a fat oaf!

However I am now going to start homework outs (I got the ball and mat but no weights so I can't target toning areas like I do at the gym.) but I am struggling with food as all the stuff I've been eating is now non existent due to the panic buyers, so having to buy the left over products which are high in calories plus boredom eating.

Luckily I do have a Gaudian angel and I am very thankful for all you have done to help me during this time.

Please be safe guys, as much as I miss playing there is no way to do this safely. So lets ride this out (excuse the pun) and when we all get the all clear we can go back to what we enjoy.

For now its so important to stay safe, stay indoors and follow the advice given <-- use your hand ;)

If you are feeling lonely your welcome to email me. I've taken my number off for now as I am not going to add to the risk (it would be irresponsible of me and you as well.) Together we can beat this virus.
Saturday, March 14th 2020
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The after party

So if you've been to see me lately you'll probably notice I've tided the house of all the random crap I've managed to gather over the years. Still a few more bits to go - mainly clothes but I want to hang on to them to see if I can start wearing them again.

So when I went bra shopping I noticed something, all the beautiful bras are for smaller sizes, yes my tits are huge but I would like to buy pretty bras and matching pants, not the granny style bras :(

Weight loss is still happening (happy days). Although I must confess I haven't been to the gym. I lent my friend my ear buds and they lost one (turns out it got run over) so now I need to buy a new pair.

I have the dentist on Thursday (was meant to be last week but dentist lady was ill). I'll be glad to get that over and done with.

I've had a wonderful time with my clients this week. I really enjoy playing ;)

I've also sorted out my private gallery (that took some doing).

Now the real issue... I went food shopping in a big well known store and I couldn't find a roll of toilet paper, not even the expensive stuff. I mean I hate to say It but toilet roll isn't gonna save you and its selfish to buy more than you need as the rest of us suffer. Personally I think this virus thing is being blown way out of proportion unless you are young, old or ill I don't think its that deadly (although I could be wrong but so far flu and mental health related deaths are higher than this C19).

I had an awesome night out the other week, dancing and singing to my hearts content. No care in the world. It felt amazing! And I felt free. And that dress was amazing, I had my hair straighten to, Killer red lipstick, glow sticks draped around my body and men falling at my feet (just how I like them to be). Now I feel like I need a holiday, somewhere hot where I can sun bathe topless.

I got my nails done this week, long sharp pink beauties.

I'm thinking I might try writing some erotica, loosely based on real experiences but with a lot of fantasy thrown in to make it into a sexy story.

Anyway have an awesome weekend!

Friday, February 28th 2020
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This dress though
Hey guys,

So since my last post I haven't really been to the gym much (luckily i've managed to keep the weight loss).

Unfortunely the cold weather makes my teeth so sensitive. Especially going from cold to warm. But luckily I have a dentist appointment next week so my dentist can help me with the issue so I can get back to the gym and continue my weight loss journey. But I've been good not eating to much crappy food and being selective plus calorie counting.

I do really value my lovely, sweet genuine clients. This week I've been unin-dated with some horrible people. I never really understood why people think its okay to be mean or to let you down. Its very frustrating for me as I make sure i'm ready and then I get ignored (I wouldn't mind but I always say if you can no longer make It please send me a text stating that). I guess some people are just arrogant?

Still they lose out as I just black list there number, and then they miss the opportunity to get a cracking blowy, play with my big pert tits or to taste my beautiful, sweet pussy. - I really can't be doing with time wasters or those that try continuously to boundary push.

I'm out this weekend for a friends birthday so I will enjoy that, brought a beautiful white dress to go out in as well. Been bra shopping to. Spent an eye watering about of money on a few bras (who said big boobs where cheap lol).

I think sometimes we all forget to be nice to each other, life is to short so please be kind. There are days where we all feel like crap and peoples words can really play a big part on our mental health. Its okay to take time out for yourself. Its okay to need to talk. We could all use a friend every now and then.

Also check out this sexy dress, wearing this beauty this weekend!

until next time - also can it be summer already? Fed up off the cold, wind and rain now.
Thursday, February 13th 2020
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The Gym Update XD
Okay so I've lost 2.8lb (don't ask me where from because I can't really see a difference).

But i've been busting a nut in the gym. Imagine my skin tight leggings clinging to my legs and ass as I do my lunges, squats and dead lifts (30kg deadlifts - pretty proud of myself).

Now remember the aim isn't to lose weight but to tone and sculpt my body (I wouldn't look good thin and nor would I ever want to be, that said i'm happy to lose two or three dress sizes over the next year. Slowly wins the race and all that jazz...)

I've brought myself some sexy leggings (pink soda) and another sports bra to hold my girls in as they are huge and love to be free at any given opportunity - not that I can blame them. I love walking around the house nude.

So the point of this blog was to let you guys know i'm still working out at the gym and boxercise. I had a nice, hard sports massage yesterday to help with any muscle tension and fingers crossed the results will start to show within the next three months. I've started to notice a little arm muscle. Now I don't want to be a female body builder or anything. Rest assured I love my curves.

If you have any tips feel free to share.

Until next time,
Stay sexy.
(I will try and upload a photo at some point).
Thursday, January 23rd 2020
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Another Gym Update ;)

I hope all is well with you?

So I've been a good girl, i've been at the gym since my last blog going weekly and hitting it hard (the last two weeks). I'm starting to notice small positive changes to my body.

Although I would like to shed a few excess pounds I am looking more into toning everything.

So I am pleased to say I think its starting to pay off.

I am so looking forward to seeing how I look in eight weeks.

Fingers crossed it all goes well. But I've found a new love for the gym and the exercise. I sweat, go cherry red in the face but I have a huge smile on my face when I've finished. I've made my own gym training schedule and its working well as well as using the gym machines. Plus I also go boxercise one/two days a week.

I've also changed my diet (1700 calories) and eating cleaner. Drinking a lot more water and walking 6k steps daily.

I am set on turning my body into a beautiful masterpiece (not that I don't love myself, its very important to love yourself and your flaws - that's what makes you, you).

That's all for now, brought some nice leggings but deffo need a new sports bra!

Can you see the sweat dripping off my face? My tits firmly held in against their will in my sports bra! My clothes sticking tightly to my sweaty, aching body. Oh what fun the gym is ;)

Take care, until the next one.
Thursday, December 12th 2019
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The diet has began
Hey guys,

So over the last few days I have been on this lovely new diet. Avoiding any of the nice tasty stuff and eating the healthy not to tasty stuff.

I am on a calorie defient of 1,700 but doing around 1,500 and burning 1,800 by walking and home workouts ;)

I do have a gym membership and need to get my ass back there but for now homework out seem effective and aren't so scary. (Nothing worse then people staring at you in the gym - probably doing it wrong lol).

I am hoping to drop around 3 dress sizes but I am no rush and this is more of a lifestyle choice I am making to be healthier in general.

Now my body is detoxing and the sugar crash has been and gone I do feel so much better, my skin feels healthier and I feel more awake and have more energy.

Wish me luck, I am doing this for me.

I also have a mat and ball which can be used for all kinds of exercise ;)

Heres a pic of me in a sports top (no bra) that's more like a dress i'd wear on a night out....

Until next time, stay sexy.

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