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Wednesday, August 1st 2018
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Vanishing Gents
Hiya you lovely lot.

I do love having lovely chats with you gents be it via cam or email or even by text.

What I do find amusing is the fact that some of you disappear and I get to wondering what has happened with some of you. Have you been found out or have you decided that you have had enough.

I do hope that you haven't been found out and do feel sorry for those that have been.

But then thinking about it I find that after speaking to so many of you that it is the excitement for most of you. That thrill of doing things that you dream about and that you want to try is more of a turn on than what you have at home. That secret that you harbour and it can just be a simple one like having someone take you cock up their arse or more.

I feel really sorry for those gents that don't get their dreams turned into reality but I also know as we all do here that they will be back as their dreams will take them over once again.

Blessing MP
Monday, July 30th 2018
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Hello sweeties

Would seem what was going to be a good start to my week was not to be .

What I thought was going to be a good start to my week ended being just another timewaster.

Now I know that for some of you that you are scared and decide not to turn up, which I understand.

This gent though was emailing right up to the appointment time but then he decides to delete my messages and deactivate his account bless him.

So thanks to this very disrespectful gent, I am now very much disappointed in you gents.

This will mean that I will be asking more questions of you and that unless you let me know what you want in your first email then I may just ignore you.

I feel that I may have been to soft on you gents and that you think that you can just waste time with me, doing the email ping pong and saying 'oh I cant find the time for you'. Well gents if that is the case then you cant be that serious now can you.

So all in all not a great start to my week just hope it gets better.

Blessings MP
Saturday, July 28th 2018
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New Gents
Hello sweeties

We have all been new at one point in our lives and sometimes this might hold us back.

Now some of the escorts here don't like seeing anyone with no feedback or even negative feedback which is a shame if you ask me.

Now I don't mind as long as I know why there is negative feed back, the no feed back is that you just haven't taken the plunge just yet and that you are shy.

Now sweeties the form is not just for us escorts but for you gents too. It allows you to help us make things better for you. But it also allows us you help you too.

Feed back is good for us all in the long run don't you gents think so.

For all you shy sweeties hope this has helped you.

Blessings MP
Thursday, July 26th 2018
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You gents
Make me laugh, out loud sometimes but most of the time you just make me smile, you know the one, the one that is kinda sad.

Well someone has lost his chance to be on his knees in front of ME begging for more. You know what I don't care. He was given a chance to prove himself and he failed not ME.

We all have our doubts about doing things and to be fair you even doubt yourself from time to time. But the reality is that it is not yourself but others.

Oh yes ask all the questions that you want and need to by all means, however when it comes to doing the deed/action get that backbone straight and follow through. If things go as planned then brilliant if not then am sure that another can be found.

I have been on this journey as a full time Dominatrix for a while and have found out a lot about you gents.

Mostly you are little boys that love to dream, which by itself not bad. But when it comes to the follow through you really are like a old man that is afraid of your own shadow. That wouldn't be so bad I suppose but really after lots chit chat is it so bad that you just say I have cold feet or I don't have the money.

My regulars that I have are happy with what they have requested and come back time and again and you know what that makes ME one happy Dom. They asked the questions got the replies and they turned up and had the fun they required.

For some of you gents all you want to know is, will someone do what you want, and that is you are done. You know what that is fine and yes I know that for some of those naughty thoughts that you have there is no porn available for you to watch. However gents wouldn't you like to live out those naughty thoughts of yours, if so show up when you have made an appointment with the person you have chosen.

If you feel the need to cancel for whatever reason then let that person know why. Even if it is a lame arsed excuse it is better than nothing.

Thursday, July 26th 2018
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Sunny days
Am loving the fact that we have all this sunshine and that there will be a nice blood moon on Friday.

I feel very close to the moon as most of us women do, well according to you gents us women are witches don't ya know .

Though loving the sunshine is all well and good, we do need the rain though. I mean how else are y potatoes and other veg gonna grow lol.

I must admit that have enjoyed sitting outside and soaking up the sunshine and hopefully getting a slight tan on those bits that generally don't see any sunshine.

Have been getting in my 1000 steps each day which is hopefully getting y tummy muscles better after my operation, fingers crossed huh lol. Though I do which the surgeon had better sowing skills I really don't like the scars she left behind they suck .

Well that is all for now gents.

Come into the parlour and lets play.

Thursday, July 19th 2018
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Scary and disappointing
So lets deal with the scary stuff and then the disappointing stuff as well.

Scary so had an enquiry for a doing a beating. Oh goodie I think to myself brilliant. But then mentions taboo and I think that I know which taboo he is on about and yep is the one that all of us arbours. So advise that the beating is fine but the taboo nope not gonna happen and then nothing after that. Which is good as not really wanting to associate with ppl like that.

So the up shot of this is that I will have to update my profile to state that that kind of taboo is not something am happy with in any form.

Disappointing now and I have spoken about this before and yet it still happens. I and all of us escorts/doms work hard in the background that you gents don't see. Timing and making sure that what you want is possible getting the extras sorted etc. To have things all sorted and to be let down with no communication is insulting and just plain rude.

So this means that I now have to be tougher and harder which will mean that from now on any real time session I will now require a non refundable deposit. For you gents that do visit this shouldn't be a problem and for you timewasters well prove us all wrong lol.

Sunday, July 15th 2018
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Well this is an ongoing rant for all of us Dommes I suppose but the following has happened to me and others it would seem too.

2 of you gents contact me for some painful fun, things seem to be sorted everything that is wanted is fine with me, though one chap I had to tone down his demands .

Anyway they haven't read my profile about how to book but I give them the benefit of the doubt and get everything ready for the fun to begin.

Mmm well and this is the bad side to this job, gents saying they want x,y and z and seemingly up for the fun they contacted us for and then just not following through.

Well gents would seem that some of you even with your good feedback are just time wasters and for this you are spoiling the fun of others.

What really disappoints ME and other Dommes am sure, is the fact that we try and contact you to see if your ok and nothing bad has happened but you read our mail/text and don't get back to us.

Now that is just plain rude and really shouldn't happen. Why are you so rude when it is not needed. Just a simple reply would be enough from you to say why you cant come and play.

Now we do understand that is frightening and if you need reassurance then contact us and we can put you mind at ease. Also if your demands seem to be too much we can advise you of what would be better for you, we are all experienced enough to give you that high that you seek without going to hospital afterwards.

So am sorry gents but from now on you will be doing a booking for me and feed back will be given even if it is negative and you give me some back to.

I don't like the blocking feature but I guess am gonna have to use it from now on so gents communicate or have to go further and pay more for that high that you want.

Thursday, July 12th 2018
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A first and a downer
Well this is a first for me anyway

Chatting to a new client who wants something that I a...was thinking of but had never done before and has now been added to the list that I offer hehe.

Tell him that things are brewing nicely away and that if he wants this to happen then needs to be soon. He turns up and though am nervous about doing it soon happens and seems to go on forever lol, the price of a full bladder huh. Well I am impressed with myself and then the rest of the dirty fun happens. Too soon is over but am happy that everything went to plan and worked out.

Now things are in the wash and everyone is clean again.

the only down side is my car which didn't pass its MOT but hopefully getting it fixed and then it can pass

Wednesday, July 11th 2018
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Getting what you want
Hello to all of you gents.

To those that have me on their hotlist thanks gents is nice that I seem to have such a great fanbase.

For those that have subscribed to my photos again thanks for that and if any of you want a lil something special let me know.

Have had lots of good feedback on my profile which is brill and helps me out loads as I know am doing good.

Cant wait for the game today and fingers crossed it goes our way the only thing is that am gonna miss the first half but hey such is huh lol.


Monday, July 9th 2018
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Well the day started good but went down hill for a bit after I got in the car.

After finally getting in the car after chatting to my neighbour about bits and pieces and me worrying about going on a journey in this heat and the car going bang due to over heating!!!!! So I set off keeping one eye on the temp gauge and the other on the road I get caught in a jam bang goes my easy drive to derby lol.
So up goes the heating in the car which means am melting even with the windows down lol.

Finally get to Derby and fun was to be had lots of pain dished out and asses examined and goodness what a load of fun I had.

Friday, July 6th 2018
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Well is another weekend lol.

Lets hope that it will be a good one and Saturday goes better than the Tuesday, what a squeaky bum time that was ay gents. I will be cheering on the boys and hopefully it wont be a dirty game like the last one huh.

Well it has been a interesting week again and I suppose will be for next week too. The tan is coming on but cant seem to spend too much time outside as is too hot lol. Geez we would complain if it was raining too huh but lets be honest wouldn't a bit of rain be nice lol.

Well time to get things sorted for my trip to Derby so getting the nails and hair and my toys ready for them gents that wanna play at the attic.

have fun over the weekend watching the game and the weather.

Friday, July 6th 2018
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Well now then you gents don't half know how to ask for things which is good and I like to see how your kinky and twisted minds works.

Most requests are common and doable which is great, there are some that take a bit of planning and time and invention which is even better.

Some are plain out there and downright crazy and even just a tad dangerous. Now these ones need to be considered with great thought. Then the decision is made to advise that that something cant be done, due to reasons that makes it undoable.

Well I have had one of those that is to dangerous to be done and could cause great harm. I have no doubt that the gent wants what he wants but it will never happen for him due to the harm it could cause. I think he was born in the wrong age as what he wanted would have been done back in the 1800's.

I hope that I let him down nicely but have a feeling he will go to many escorts to see if his wish can be granted.

Wednesday, June 27th 2018
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What a lovely day

Wow it is hotter than hot outside am sat inside in just my bra n knickers hehe.

For those gents that have me on your hotlists be brave and come and say hi

Well decided that I need to start my day abit earlier than I usually do. So was up at 6.30am got myself sorted with a nice cuppa and then logged on AW saw lots of names pop on my cam but they decided they couldn't chat lol. Love that some did chat for abit lots of wood around .

Well was then time do some shopping and fill the car what a brill time to go shopping the shelves are full and you can whizz round really quickly woop. So got my salad stuff as yeah I know it is summer and I am trying the healthy eating along with exercise as well as sitting in the sun to give my pale body a healthy glow. Wish me luck gents that it goes ok and I can stick to it .

When am on cam I need just let you know that I don't show anything as am a clothed female and if that is not for you then that is fine I understand. I get you wanna see what is under the clothes so it helps with your fun but gents that aint what I offer. I like fucking with your heads and keeping that mystery as that works way better don't ya think hehe.

Monday, June 25th 2018
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Afternoon of fun
I had fun yesterday with the bf and will tell you a lil bit about it.

He popped over just before the game, now he aint a big footie fan but endured the game with me and wow what a game it was 6-1 just blew my mind . While the game is on the roast is being done n lets just say it was yummy hehe.

So the game finishes and we then scoot upstairs to the bedroom and have 4 hours of fun, hot delicious fun. There is a vid and a couple of photos of said fun, only thing is not of me but of him but hey I always have fun. Though am paying for it now though with that pleasant ache when you know you have been used and abused in the most fun way .

Anyway back to the funniest work I know today and am loving the weather as it makes you lovely gents nice and horny and oh yeah me too hehe.


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