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Monday, April 10th 2023
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Happy Easter
Hi guys, I hope you've all had a Happy Easter and enjoyed a bit of time off work. As you can see, I have kept myself busy with the free time I have had. I was experimenting with my new equipment to try and get better pictures. I was laid on the floor at one point and asked my helper if he could dribble jizz in my mouth from where he was stood, almost, it landed near my eye! Haha. That may take a bit more practice to get it right.

You guys are really sweet. I had a few bruises on my back from cupping a few weeks ago and you thought that I got hurt, bless you. No! I wasn't hurt but it is nice that you care. I also had quite a bruise on my side where my door handle nearly took me out, now that did hurt! Self inflicted though and it's pretty much gone now. I needed to get a new door stopper as it shut as I walked past and walked back again and this morning one of my clients brought me one. No one has ever bought me a door stopper before. It's not my usual gift but I was very thankful! It's so cute that you think of me in the little things that you do. It doesn't go unnoticed.

I'm a very lucky lady to have the pleasure of spending time with you guys.
I have so many things I could write about, I really should update you more often but I am sometimes a very busy girl. I never know what my day will bring. It brought me a door stop today!

Have a wonderful week and I'll catch up with you soon,

Lots of love, Sarah x
Monday, February 20th 2023
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Wonderful day
Hi guys! Hope you're all well. What a beautiful day it is today! I went for a long walk this morning with no jacket! Spring is around the corner. Yay!

Even though I work every day, no day is ever the same. One day it could be quiet in the morning so I start doing things around my home, keeping busy, I cleaned all my cupboards out I was that bored! And the next thing, my phone goes and everyone seems to want the same time, which obviously I can't do. The next day, I might plan to go shopping or up town and I am inundated with calls all day. It's crazy how it works, but I manage my time quite well. I could be baking cookies one minute and fucking someone's arse the next! Haha. Oh the life of a working girl, such an interesting world.

Because I manage my time carefully, it really annoys me when people make appointments and don't show up. It is also not fair to those I've had to turn away. I don't need an explanation, just the decency to let me know you can't make it. I am decent and give everyone a chance, I don't muck people around. It's not nice. I have no choice but to block them so they can't do that to me again. One good thing comes out of it though, it makes me appreciate the decent people out there even more. You guys are awesome! I will always do my best to be here for you whenever you need me.

I hope you all have a wonderful day and a good week.

Lots of love, Sarah x
Friday, February 3rd 2023
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Bottoms Up
Hello, how are you all doing? All good I hope! We've gotten through the longest month, and now we're on the shortest. Which means not long now til April, whoo hoo! Daffodils and lambs mean it's hotting up and I'm happy to welcome the warmer weather, not long now!

I have been spoiled, again! I arrived home to find some parcels of some dresses, a gorgeous jumper and some gym gear. What do you think to my new yoga pants? I love them! I mentioned I'd been doing some workouts at home, building my strength back up, so these came in very handy.

A client of mine came to see me yesterday who I hadn't seen for quite a while and he asked if I'd lost weight and said I looked extra toned. That made my day too! It's nice to know my hard work pays off.

I also received an envelope with some pennies inside and was told to treat myself to something so I bought some new lingerie and a pink satin shirt.

I am a very lucky lady, who gets to meet some wonderful, interesting people and I truly am thankful for you. You guys are the best!

Have a wonderful weekend, what ever you decide to do.

Lots of love,

Sarah xx
Wednesday, January 18th 2023
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Great start to the year.
Hi guys, hope you’re all ok. This year has started off well for me. I think my lucky red underwear has helped. I’ve met a few new lovely people and I’m sure I’ll be seeing them again, even if it is this time next year! I’ve also seen people who I haven’t seen for a long time. It’s always nice to see a friendly, familiar face and catch up.

It’s slowed down a bit now though. Have you all got tax bills to pay? If you are self employed like me, I find it useful to put 20% of your earnings in another account every time you deposit some money and just forget about it. That way, at the end of the year, you already have the money for the tax and know what you are left with. A client gave me that advise a long time ago and it really helps.

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all of those who have been to see me. Thank you. I love meeting new people. As you can imagine, I meet all sorts of people from all walks of life and I like listening to their stories. Some of you are really interesting! It’s nice that you feel relaxed with me and are able to have a giggle.
I am comfortable around you too which is good. So much so I went for a wee during a 3 hr booking and farted whilst sat on the toilet and I just said “I knew I shouldn’t of eaten that corn beef hash last night!” I couldn’t stop laughing, I was sat on the toilet so it echoed! Hahaha. To be fair, I’ve had situations where I’ve been sucking cock and they are trying their best to hold it in that when they do release it, a fart has come out at the same time. I don’t get grossed out, I think farts are funny. 1 guy even had a crap the first time I’ve met him. A few people I’ve heard fart and trust me, I’m sat on my bed giggling and act professional when they come out. Yes I heard you! Hahaha.

The pic is of my latest pair of shoes, I know! I have loads already but one more won’t hurt….

Take care guys, and keep warm!

Lots of love, Sarah x
Saturday, December 31st 2022
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Happy New Year!
Happy New Year guys! I hope this one is a good one for you all.
I’m not going to change anything, I’m happy being me.
Thank you to all those who have visited me this year, it’s much appreciated.
I’m wearing red underwear to bed tonight as it’s meant to be lucky to see in the New Year.

I’ll leave you with a poem I wrote the other day…..

I like my job and am good at what I do,
I’m keeping the old and will welcome the new.
The arseholes and wasters can all go elsewhere,
You get one chance with me, don’t fuck it, I swear!
I don’t think twice and will block you straight away,
I won’t let anyone ruin my day.
My time is precious, I won’t get it back,
I take care of you and help empty your sack.
I am in this job as I like to have fun,
I don’t do 3sums, it’s all one on one.
I can be sweet like the girl next door,
I’ll also kick balls whilst you’re laying on the floor.
You respect me, and I’ll respect you,
I usually do what you want me to do.
So long it’s it’s safe and you don’t hurt me,
I will be who you want me to be.
Respect is the key word, I don’t mind if you’re old,
If you’re chunky, hairy, small dicked or bold.
So what are you waiting for? What’s the delay?
Pick up that phone and call me today!

All the best for 2023

Lots of love, Sarah xH
Sunday, December 18th 2022
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Bit nippy
Hi Guys,

Just wanted to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and to thank you for all the fun times we've had. I know things get a little busy and hectic this time of year for some, I understand if you can't make it before all the family stuff. Needs must, it's a special time of year and there just isn't enough time in the day for everything. I had mine all done and wrapped in November. I'm too organised. It leaves more time for fun and I don't have to go out in the cold and fight my way through shoppers who leave things til last minute. I will be chilling in the warm waiting to warm people up. The cold hands have certainly been a testing time, hahaha.
And for those who are alone, don't worry, it's all over in a day and I will still be here to keep you company or take your mind off of things. They say the best presents are the ones you treat yourself to, hehe.

I've updated my availability as there are 2 days I need to finish a bit earlier than normal so please check.

Be safe if you are travelling and wrap up warm, it's a bit nippy!

I'll catch up with you all soon,

Take care, be safe, and have a wonderful Christmas!

Love Sarah x
Thursday, December 8th 2022
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Stay warm
Hi guys, hope you’re all well. It’s getting a bit nippy out there isn’t it? You won’t get a frosty reception from me though. Some of you have had freezing hands, good job I have 2 little hand warmers! Pinky and perky, they’ll soon warm you up. I keep my place nice and toastie and there are 2 wet but warm places you can cosy into. I feel for those working outside in this. If you want a cuppa just tell me how you have it. Need a hot shower? Not a problem. Escape from the madness of Christmas? I can take your mind off that also.

It's quite handy being so close to town as I get a few last minute calls and can be ready in 10. I like it like that. Sometimes when people book in advance they end up having to cancel as something crops up or they forget, or oversleep. I do understand that some people are very busy and need to plan time out of their day. I've always wondered how they will know that they will be horny or Thursday at 10am for example, so I asked, his reply was " it doesn't take long to get horny being in a room with you" How sweet. Most of my bookings are on the day. If I'm free, I'll always answer. It's quite exciting not knowing what the day will bring. And sometimes when it's quite I plant go do something and then my phone will ring. I make sure I'm up and out early and get done the things I need to do.

It was nice to see clients I hadn’t seen for a while. It's always nice to see a familiar friendly face and carry on from where we left off, even if it has been years! I still remember you x

And thank you to those who have given me gifts and sent cards. Was very kind of you. Lingerie, alcohol, flowers, sweeties, chocolates. You spoil me! You guys are feeling fruity and festive! One of my clients refers to his manhood as “Little Timmy” and he said Little Timmy had got me a present but can he have a shower 1st. After his shower he kind of hid himself with the towel and told me to put my hands out. I did so and Little Timmy gave me a present which was my favourite perfume. I have never been handed a present by a cock and balls before! He did make me laugh. I do appreciate the effort some of you go to but your company is more than good enough for me.

Massive thank you to those who never muck me about and are always respectful. I block those who aren’t anyway. Life is too short, enjoy it and be kind to one another.

Have a wonderful month, stay warm and safe and for those who are poorly, get well soon!! I’ll be here when you’re better.

Lots of love, Sarah x

Monday, November 7th 2022
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Semen Extraction Specialist
That’s what I could be known as! My accountant said he’d changed my work title from “escort” to “entertainer” I asked why and he said it just sounds better. I am what I am *shrugs shoulders* I’ve had a few good jobs in the past but I kinda like this one, I’m good at it and it pays very well!! I like meeting new people and I can read them pretty well as to what they like and don’t like. I meet all sorts of people. I like listening to their stories. I have a good memory, which helps a lot so I never forget a face or what they are into.

I remember many years ago a lovely older gent, very well spoken came to visit me a few times. During our ‘encounter’ it was like he was a completely different person, possessed perhaps, face distorted and cursing throughout (which I find hilarious when older people swear, especially posh ones, I managed to keep a straight face though) and afterwards he switched back to the polite old gent. “Thank you very much, that was very pleasurable, enjoy the rest of your day” When he left I thought “what was that?!” Haha, bless him. I’m almost sure that was the guy who said “hello babe’ and jumped on the bed, sliding across the silk sheets and smacking his head on the wall. Again I did not laugh! Well... I did when he’d gone! And I also learnt that day that silk sheets were perhaps not practical for work purposes! As lovely as they are.

As I’m writing this, it’s getting dark, it’s only 4.30pm! The only good thing about these dark nights is that I will be at home in the warm! Cooking, watching a bit of tv and entertaining myself… or someone else! Have a nice evening and I’ll catch up with some of you, very soon.

Lots of love, Sarah x
Wednesday, October 26th 2022
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Love Autumn.
Hi guys, hope you're all well. I know my pic isn't of me this time but I do love this time of year, there is so much colour in the leaves, they fall like snow when it's windy yet it's not cold, it's pretty, and it makes me smile.

Also, I wanted to remind you that the clocks go back this weekend which means you get an extra hour in bed so don't be turning up to work an hour early next week! Time is precious, use it wisely.

I've managed to finish and pass my course since my last blog and have been busy working. Seen a few old faces from a long time ago which was nice, people have been busy but it's nice that they still make time for me which I appreciate. I've been spoilt too, chocolates, flowers, my favourite perfume, lingerie and a big bottle of Baileys from the guy mentioned in my previous blog. He really didn't have to, the thought was there bless him. I appreciate the time you take out of your day to come and spend time with me, that's good enough for me!

I've also met a few new people which is always fun. I like meeting new people and getting a feel for them. One was amazed that I looked just like my pictures and enjoy my job, he was having a conversation with me as he walked in and as I dropped my dressing gown his jaw just dropped and said "never mind" I said "no, tell me..." he said "it doesn't matter anymore" hahaha, you guys do make me giggle at times. All you need is a bit of TLC and that I am always happy to do.

Have a good week, lots of love, Sarah xx
Saturday, October 1st 2022
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New Flashy Shoes
Hello guys, hope you are all well. Firstly I'd like to apologies because I have done 2 blogs since the last one showing and have only just realised that they haven't gone on for some reason. I'm not sure why, had no notifications to say I'd done or written anything wrong so have no idea what happened. I did do them as I know some of you like to check in and see what I've been up to. I can't remember what I'd written about and didn't keep a copy so here I am writing another one.

Again I have had a fair few new clients and they have all been really lovely, bringing flowers which brighten up my front room and one even played some music. Very sweet. I was also given a bottle of Baileys but it was that out of date that when I opened it, nothing came out! Haha, bless him. The thought was there.

There was one who needed to be kicked out and 2 weeks ago I've had the regular time wasters and no shows that have all been blocked. Perhaps they will find some decency for the next girl. Manners don't cost a thing. I'm a very busy girl and it's not fair to those who I have had to turn away.

I am not just a pretty face, I'm slightly intelligent I'll have you know ;-) I have been doing some online courses and use my time very carefully. I have passed 2 assessments and have one more to go before I move onto my next course. I like to keep busy and don't appreciate being mucked around.

I also seemed to have a week of people wanting spanking!. Which suited me fine as I took my frustration out on them which they thoroughly enjoyed. Win win situation. There would of been a few naughty fellows walking around with red butt cheeks last week, hehe.

I purchased these new shoes which flash when I walk, yes I'm a little immature but it's the little things in life that make me happy. At least you'll know where I am if the lights go out! Haha.

On a brighter note, at least the rain has stopped and the sun has been shining although I fear the summer has now officially gone. Have a lovely evening, whatever you do, and enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Lots of love and appreciation.

Sarah x

Wednesday, August 10th 2022
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Beautiful weather!
Hey guys, oh, what glorious weather we have! Unfortunately I've not been out in it much, I'm out early before it gets too hot, which is probably what's kept some of you away. I'm not a silly girl, I keep it nice and cool in here, my air cooler and the ceiling fan have been a godsend! So is the air con at the gym!

It's a bit weird when I have free time, not sure what to do with myself, however I always find things to do to keep myself entertained. At the moment I'm doing an online course, got to keep your mind active as well as your body.

I have found a lady in Peterborough who does this weird but nice massage. She does it with electric gloves that makes your muscles spasm. It burns the same amount of calories as a 6k run. Hmmm... run or massage... haha, I know which one I prefer! You have the remote in your hand to control the level and I had mine up quite high, I'm getting braver! I remember when I put a shock collar round my neck to see if it hurt, it did. I didn't like that one bit! Definitely not into pain. I'll happily dish it out though.

Anyway guys, I'm going to make some lunch, just thought I'd pop on and say hi. Take care of yourselves, Love Sarah x
Friday, August 5th 2022
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Good morning you sexy people! Hope you're all ok.

I wanted to tell you about my recent trip to the salon. Now, I have red cheeks sometimes, my beautician said she can fix that for me with her facial machine, I've had many facials before, (all types, hehe) and she asked me to come in for a consultation. So I did. I thought she was going to put some creams on me to see if I reacted (as I have sensitive skin) but then she said "I must warn you, this isn't your usual type of facial, you have to communicate with me and tell me the level of pain on a scale 1 being ok, 10 uncomfortable". That doesn't sound good does it? I never signed up for pain! Then she bloody zaps me with this thing that I can only described as an electric fly squatter type thing. I said " woah, what the fuck was that?!' And she's giggling and said "communicate with me" she did it again and I said "fuck sake, I don't like that!' She is still giggling at this point and I'm laughing too, not sure if it's fear or nerves and she did it again and said "what level are you at?" I said "10! 10! Fucking 10!" She's still laughing at this point and said "I'm sorry, you're so funny, I've never heard you swear" "Funny?! You're zapping my fucking face to bits, I said I didn't like it, surely all the fucks would give you a clue it's not nice, I'm sure you're getting off on hurting me " She said "but it will make you're face look better, just give it a chance" I did go back and somehow managed to get through an hour of that torture and bloody paid for that pleasure too! No, pain is not for me. She's lucky I like her, haha. I tell you, us women go through pain to look good for you! Sit having our hair done for 3 hours or more. Wear heels that we know will hurt our feet, just to look sexy. You guys have got it easy!

And just to remind you, no I don't do facials with clients. Clean and safe with no regrets. There's only 1 special person in my life who gets to do that.

Take care of yourselves, until next time, Sarah x
Sunday, July 31st 2022
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Hot hot hot
Hellooo! I know, it's been a while. Apologies but I've been a busy girl and had some time off enjoying the wonderful weather. Well... apart from that ridiculously hot day! People still wanted to meet incredibly, hell no! It was like a sauna in my room, I went to the gym because they had air con! Far too hot for sexy time and I love the heat usually. I was very appreciative of the rain and cool breeze afterwards. I went for a walk in it in just a dress, no underwear. It was refreshing.

I have had a few new clients lately, all have been wonderful. All into sensual, slow sexiness. Just my cup of tea. I love to tease and I love meeting new people. It's interesting talking to people and finding out you have a few things in common too! I"m also thankful for my loyal regulars. You guys are awesome! One of them asked me to wear his sunglasses during our meet. They did suit me actually and one even rang to ask where I get my feet done as he wanted his doing too. I have enjoyed going for walks and going to the cinema it makes a nice change to get out and about with clients.

Have a great month ahead and I look forward to catching up with you real soon, lots of love, Sarah x

Tuesday, May 31st 2022
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Don't be a dick
Good day you lovely people! I hope you're all keeping well. I was away by the coast for a week, no tan unfortunately as it bloody rained! Oh well, always good to get away for a bit. I pretty much work every day so a break from time to time is good. I'm a very busy lady, not just with work, which is why I find it extremely annoying when people make appointments and don't show up. Why? What if you came and I didn't answer my phone to you and your sat in your car with a raging hardon that you have to get rid of yourself? I just wouldn't do it. I always go above and beyond to meet the needs of my clients. I do my very best to accommodate you and meet your individual needs. It also isn't fair to clients that I have to turn away who I know would of turned up. I give everyone a chance, and you'll only muck me about once as you'll be blocked. I get that people have nerves and bottle it, which I completely understand and accept, just do the decent thing and let me know. I have plenty I can be getting on with. Rant over.

On a more positive note, thank you to the good, fun, sexy and respectful guys who chose to spend some time with me. You guys really are sweethearts. Thank you for my gifts and birthday wishes and presents. You spoil me. I'm a very lucky lady to have met some thoughtful, caring, and wonderful gentlemen.

And I still haven't learned to answer my door with clothes on, to be fair I was expecting clients when I answered the door to the postman, delivery guy and a scammer trying to come and look at all my rooms and loft sent from the council apparently when this is privately owned, with his little bit of paper he printed out himself and scruffy fleece, yeah, really? Of course, come on in.... not! I don't like when people insult my intelligence either, I'm not just a pretty face you know!

Anyway, must dash, have people to please, I'll update you on some stories soon, have a wonderful day,

Sarah x

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