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 34 entries, showing page 2 of 3 
Monday, August 14th 2023
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Is this your cheese?
Well we’re just over a week into the Fringe and mine has had quite the kick off with 16 shows under my belt! So here I am with a wee roundup including my favourites so far and one that I’m still asking myself if it really happened…

I’ve really enjoyed 14 of my 16 shows! (Which is pretty good going when you like taking a wee risk here and there with your choices!) My favourite so far has been a history walking tour with Susan Morrison! One of my favourite things about Edinburgh is the history, it really speaks to my inner nerd :p. In her show, Susan Morrison talks about some of the more illicit history of Edinburgh including some relating to sex work which obviously I just love hearing about. I would definitely recommend it even if you’re just vaguely interested in history because she is super funny.

One of my other favourite shows was Joe McTernan: Life advice that won’t change your life. I’d seen a few of his videos online but they were more sketches rather than stand up and I wasn’t sure how much I’d enjoy his show but I fucking loved it! It manages to be funny and endearing?! Definitely a nice one to fit in to pick you up :). For something a little more risque, The Confessional was a lot of fun! And if you’re reading this blog, there’s every chance you have a confession or two waiting to come to light ;).

So… what were the 2 that let me down? Well, one of them wasn’t actually bad. It’s just that it was very similar to the show we saw last year! So I’m not going to complain too much about it, it’s just that for a show that calls itself unpredictable, you may expect a little more variety but it’s still a fun show to saunter along to at 1am ;).

And show 16 of 16… I think I’m still processing! My friend and I had left the comedy striptease (definite recommend!) and thought we’d have a look to see if there were any late night shows we could get to and what do you know, there was one! Heading along to our beloved banshee and making our way to the cinema room, we spent over an hour watching what my friend called the fringiest fringe show she’d ever seen! I’m not going to say much more because I don’t want to spoil it for anyone that might like to stumble across it like we did. I thought it was awful and I would have left in the first 10 minutes. But my friend loved it and we stayed to the very end. So if you find yourself looking for a little late night curiosity, head along to banshees and let me know whether you were on my side or my friends. I was glad to be several rum and cokes deep at that point of the evening :p.

My goal this year is 30 shows so I’m halfway there. If you read this and fancy a wee blether about fringe shows or think you have a good recommendation for me, I’d love to hear about it! I’ve got some friends visiting for a Fringe weekend this week and I’m planning a few solo trips too so there is definitely time to fit in some more. I fucking love this festival :).

That’s enough of me gushing over comedy for now, time that I retreat to my newly decorated crypt ;).

Frightfully yours,
GothHarlotBBW x

PS The blog subject is a reference to one of the shows I mentioned. If you know, you know ;)
Saturday, July 29th 2023
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There's a spreadsheet involved.
Are you ready? Can you feel it? Is Fringe fever set to take hold? No? Just me? :p

I’ve spent a chunk of time since my last blog coming up with schedules. There’s a spreadsheet involved. I had pages of notes. Who has their heart set on what show. Who has to be on the last bus home. Who needs to eat every 2 hours on the clock to avoid a hangry tantrum. Who will complain if they have to walk more than 10 minutes between venues (and drinks!). But I’ve done it. Everyone is catered to and I think I’ve packed in a lot of shows for two trips for friends visiting!

Every friendship group has a planner, right? It’s definitely me in my main circle. Sometimes I have a wee moan about it but not when it comes to the Fringe. If you haven’t gotten the gist by now, I’m a fringe fanatic and it’s gonna be the main topic of discussion for a while. #sorrynotsorry. (Is that still a thing?)

Coordinating a weekend of comedy, cocktails and catching up is absolutely up my street. And you can bet that during the days in question, I’ll be putting on my best tour guide impression manoeuvring my friends around the tourists and irritated locals!

“But Holly, that must mean you’re all fringed out? 2 weekends of Fringe shows? And an extra evening here and there?” I hear you ask… Of course not! :p My energy and enthusiasm for the fringe cannot be diminished! So here is the part where I remind you that I am available as a date to check out some shows. My tastes are predominantly comedy, anything spooky and I enjoy the odd cabaret or magic or burlesque shows too! Here are a few shows that haven’t made it into my schedule yet:

The Stand-Up Horror Show
Pierre Novellie: Why are you laughing?
Board Game Smackdown
Arron Jones (either show)
Alex Farrow: Wisdom of the crowd

If you like the look of any of these (or any of the shows on my last blog), or if you have any ideas for other shows just drop me a message. I’m totally up for being a date to a show or just blethering about what shows I loved and what was keich! Also, if you just want to support my love of the fringe and help me out with buying a ticket or a wee drink while I’m at a show, drop me a message to find out how. It’s so appreciated!

Before I disappear, since I’ve had a few messages about this recently. I don’t have any updates on my touring schedule after August but I’m still hoping for an Inverness and London trip. Things are a bit tight just now so once I can afford to book stuff, I’ll confirm dates. I am definitely coming to Aberdeen next week though! I’m ready for a rowie!

Time for me to scuttle off and find some old clothes to do a spot of DIY this weekend. My creepy crypt is getting a wee makeover!

Frightfully yours,

GothHarlotBBW x
Friday, July 14th 2023
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Fringe Fever: 2023 Outbreak
August is only a couple of weeks away and what does that mean? The Fringe is almost here! Unlike some of my fellow Edinburgh locals, I fucking love the Fringe! If you read any of my blogs from last year, you’ll know I like to get stuck in and see as much comedy as I can handle.

I’ve taken some time to go through the programme and I’ve a long list of shows I’d love to see. Some are comedians or performers I know I love and others are just shows I like the sound of. I think the Fringe is a really great experience to explore and see new performers you might not usually. Plus the energy in the city is just addictive :).

I’ll be taking a few days off here and there in August to catch some shows with my friends but if anyone is looking for a date to a show, I am totally up for it! I know going to shows solo is sometimes intimidating or just not as fun so I’m totally game to be a plus 1 and scope out comedy with you. Here is a wee list of shows I really fancy seeing but I’m also really open to suggestions:

Billy Kirkwood: Show me your tattoo
David O’Doherty: Tiny Piano Man
Ew Girl, You Nasty
Huge Davies: Whodunnit
Sex Job
David Alnwick: Necromancer

This is really just a small selection of shows I’ve picked out that I’m interested in seeing. As I said, I’m totally open to other ideas too :). Give me a shout if you’d like to talk about all things Fringe, whether that’s to go to a show with me or if you have recommendations or just a general blether :).

Now, a wee shout about touring before I disappear for a weekend of cocktails and shenanigans ;). I’ll be in Aberdeen at the start of August if I get enough advance bookings and genuine enquiries. I cancelled my Glasgow tour at the start of July because I didn’t. Honestly, I really love touring but sometimes I can’t afford to risk the loss in money on expenses if sessions are quiet.

I am hoping to come to Inverness in September and I was hoping to try and get to Glasgow too but my accommodation options are looking quite expensive and the dates are limited so I’ll try and figure that out soon. I’m still trying to make London happen in October! Drop me a message if you want to help me towards my touring costs or make any plans for sessions.

That’s it from me for a few days. I have a rare few days of socialising plus hopefully a bit of tree hugging ;). Maybe that’ll be a topic for a future blog!
Frightfully yours,

GothHarlotBBW x
Monday, July 3rd 2023
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Farewell June.
Ugh. June. I’m glad she’s gone. While it was a month with some definite highlights, it also had plenty of shite moments! I should have known it was going to be a shitshow when my phone packed in and I had the expense of replacing it…

So what’s been going on? Excluding the phone fiasco, it actually had a pretty strong start. Reacquainting with someone special, seeing a few of my favourites and making plans with more plus a camping trip to look forward to. What more could I ask for? Cue me waking up ill. Some exciting plans got cancelled and I spent a few days in bed.

But I bounced back! I had my Inverness tour and my camping trip to get me back on my feet! Even a 4 hour bus journey in the sweltering heat with aircon that only seemed to blow hot air around was not going to diminish my enthusiasm for visiting one of my favourite spots and I had a lovely few days in Inverness albeit if it was a bit quiet with a few cancellations along the way. I’m so grateful to the folk that did come to see me and really made my trip :).

On the Friday I left, I was sitting by the river enjoying some shade when Frankie Boyle walked past me… As a bit of a comedy groupie, it had me more than a little excited! It felt so random. (Although since he was doing a gig there that night and given the size of Inverness… I guess it's not so random :p.) I spent most of the weekend naked on a beach further north and I even made it for a dip in the sea when it was warm enough. It felt amazing. I love getting naked in nature!

What didn’t feel amazing was waking up on the Sunday rough as fuck. I honestly didn’t know if I had a mad hangover or a sudden rush of allergies or what but I can tell you the return bus journey to Edinburgh was even worse. By the time I made it home, I crashed into bed and stayed there for about a week!

I’m happy to say though that June did end on a high with some fun sessions and an afternoon of cocktails and nattering with one of my besties!

July is off to a great start and I’m excited, the countdown for the Fringe is on and if you read any of my blogs from last summer you’ll know I’m all over it! Prepare yourselves for some Fringe fever coming soon!

But for now, I hope your June was better than mine and until next time…

Frightfully yours,

GothHarlotBBW x
Tuesday, June 6th 2023
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Back in business!
Following my last blog, I am happy to confirm that I have a phone again! So far, the only snag I have is that I have lost some bits and pieces off my old phone that wasn't properly backed up. There were also messages in the couple of days I didn’t have a phone that seem to have been lost to the ether so if you’ve tried contacting me Friday 2nd/Saturday 3rd and I haven’t replied to you, please drop me a message or give me a wee chase up and I’ll get back to you now :).

But I am happy to be more easily reached again and I am hoping that it’s going to be a bit of an upgrade to my future content too… Keep an eye out for that!

While I’m here, a quick note on touring! I’ve started keeping note of usernames when folk drop me a message enquiring about touring somewhere. This is mostly for me to gauge interest when deciding where to visit. This info is just for me. When I book dates for a tour, I always message people I’ve met in that location before to let them know that I’m coming back. This is always done through AW messages. I will do the same for people that have shown interest in a particular area. So if you’re reading this and are thinking that you’d like me to tour somewhere near you, do drop me a message and it’ll help me decide :). I am still really hoping to make it to London in October and maybe somewhere else I can stop for a couple of nights between London and Edinburgh :).

Speaking of upcoming tours… I’m in Inverness next week and I can’t wait! Also, I’ve booked my next Glasgow and Aberdeen dates and I’ll be posting them soon once I’ve been in touch with people I’ve met before :).

Frightfully yours,

GothHarlotBBW x
Friday, June 2nd 2023
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RIP Phone
Don’t worry - this blog is just a quickie!

So my phone has finally given up and shuffled off this mortal coil. Lucky thing. I have ordered a replacement but I'm not sure how long it’ll take to arrive so for now, if you want to reach me, the best place is through AW.

I do have an email address on my AW profile too for those that want to contact me there. You’ll receive an auto reply. If we’ve met before, please make that clear in your email and confirm your AW username for reference. If we haven’t met before, give the auto reply a read but in short, I’m currently only taking new clients via AW and not through email.

And if you want to help me out with this unexpected expense, I’d be beyond grateful! Just drop me a wee message to find out the best way to do that. I’ll update here when I am with a phone again :).

Frightfully yours,

GothHarlotBBW x
Monday, May 29th 2023
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Nature is the perfect tonic
I love camping. I love daundering about among trees and listening to whatever is going on (or not going on). I love the simplicity of being sat round a fire pit with friends and just enjoying the fire and the chat. Or simply just enjoying the fire. I love going to sleep after watching the sky darken across an evening and knowing that there are only some layers of canvas between me and everything around me.

Does that surprise you? If we haven’t met or maybe we’ve just not gotten to the topic of the great outdoors yet in our chats, it often does leave folk a little surprised that the sun-phobic goth girl loves skipping about the forest trails, hugging trees before settling down in a tent for the night! Or maybe I’m falling deeper into some sort of alt girl cliche for you? Either way, I love it!

I’ve just spent the weekend on my first trip of the year. And it was everything I needed it to be. I love living in a city but I need to escape a bit more often. Get that fresh air in my lungs and get my hands on bark and moss and grass and all that good stuff. It feeds my soul a wee bit :). Not to mention… usually leaves me feeling energized and somewhat frantically horny :p !

Speaking of frantically horny, I’d like to drop a wee thank you here to the guys that came to see me on my recent trip to Glasgow! It was a lot of fun :). I’m thinking of trying to make a Glasgow trip every 2 or 3 months :). My next planned tour is back to Inverness!

That’s me for now, better go pack away all the kit from the weekend and start thinking about where I’ll be pitching next time…

Frightfully yours,

GothHarlotBBW x
Saturday, May 13th 2023
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Time for a catch up, where have I been?
Hello! It’s been a while… have you missed me? If you haven’t, just pretend you did for my ego's sake :p.

So where the fuck have I been and why haven’t I been filling my corner of the internet with my shite writing? Well what can I say… It’s been a busy year so far! Plus… I might have gone through a lazy spell for some of my absence but I’m back and I’m gonna tell you what’s been going on with me since my last blog!

Early February was taken up with planning a weekend away for my friend’s birthday. We went to York and it was such a great trip! Cocktails, spooky stuff and lots of mooching about the old streets and did I mention cocktails? So many cocktails. It was a great couple of days and I would love to go back again this year. Wandering round the shambles and exploring the walls is a gorgeous way to spend some time. In between aforementioned cocktails.

After a couple of weeks to recover from York, I was packing my bags again for my first tour of the year to Inverness! After feeling disappointed over cancelling my Glasgow tour in January, I was absolutely ready to get up to mischief in a change of scene and Inverness is my favourite place for that! It was a great tour and I’m excited to be back in June!

In March, I had another birthday weekend to plan. Yeah, in my close group of friends, I am generally the social planner so I often get tied up with making arrangements and coming up with ideas. This weekend was Edinburgh based which might make you think that makes life a bit easier for me but I have an awful habit of reorganising my entire flat when I have guests coming to stay with me and for this weekend, I added to the stress by building some very wobbly flatpack furniture! So far it’s still up but it definitely wobbles! But after dodgy flatpack building, panic cleaning and making what felt like 100 different reservations, my friends arrived and we just had the best weekend. More cocktails, creepy stuff, spooky themed cocktails, a trip to the zoo and a show at the stand. I do know how to plan a weekend ;).

Literally a day after that weekend of shenanigans ended, I was off on another tour. It was a fairly sleep deprived few days to be honest but totally worth it. I had a great time in Aberdeen! Got up to more sexy fun and fit in a few socials with some friends which was just the ideal way to spend my time there. I am hoping to be back in July for anyone that fancies seeing me in Aberdeen :).

By comparison, April was pretty quiet yet somehow time still flew by! Originally I’d planned to be in Glasgow in April but I procrastinated too hard on booking so by the time I decided my dates, finding accommodation was just not happening! But it meant a whole month at home and I got to chill a bit which I really needed. I love socialising and spending time with people but I need that downtime too, don’t we all? I did get my ass in gear a bit and started taking the gym a bit more seriously. I joined a gym last year and I’ve not been the most consistent. I’ll have a good few weeks then I’ll lose motivation. I know, it’s a common story! But in the last couple of months, I’ve been trying harder and getting better and I feel like recently I’m finally starting to feel some progress which makes me feel so fucking good!

Ok, that’ll do. If you’ve made it all the way through, you’re a real trooper. I promise I’ll try to be more interesting in my next blog and not just chatter away about my shite furniture building and weekend planning skills. Maybe there’s something you’d like me to chat about? I’d love suggestions if you’ve got them :). For now though, I hope you’re having a great day and I’ll be back soon!

Frightfully yours,

GothHarlotBBW x

PS This blog is dedicated to my favourite golfer, thanks for the encouragement :) x
Tuesday, January 31st 2023
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It's my birthday!
It’s my birthday! Or it is at the time of writing… As always, I’m never quite sure how long moderation takes…

I love birthdays! I basically just think that birthdays are a great excuse to be the centre of attention, to get spoiled and just treat yo self! I love being spoiled and I love spoiling my friends and folk I care about. For example, in between birthday night outs and redecorating birthday cakes for myself (check my latest free video for more on that!) I'm planning a surprise trip away for my friend’s birthday next month and I can’t wait to treat them! So it’s not all about me.

But today… it is :p!

All month I’ve wanted to write a blog about resolutions and goals and plans for the year, I think I even said I would in my Hogmanay blog but January has just passed me by in a heartbeat! But birthdays are kind of like your own personal new year aren’t they? A good opportunity to take stock of where you’re at and where you want to be. Things you’ve done, things you haven’t, things you want to.

No? Is it just me that treats birthdays like some big event? I’m sure I’ll grow out of it one day :P.

In honour of hitting a new age, I’ve decided to set myself some fun goals for the next year. Experiences I’ve never had but want to check them off before I complete another orbit around the sun… 3 sexy and 3… less sexy? But feel free to find them all sexy! Here they are in no particular order:

Get fucked in a castle - ruins, NTS site or one that’s been transformed into a fancy hotel, I don’t mind!

Get a (professional) massage

Get DP’d by 2 men - I love using toys but honestly… The thought of two dicks at once is a huge turn on!

A (professional) boudoir photo shoot - Maybe this sounds daft since I (try to) take sexy pics of myself all the time but I’d love to do a set with someone that actually knows what they are doing! And before anyone offers, I have a photographer in mind already :p

Get dominated by a woman - I would accept being dominated by a couple or with another male sub too!

Get naked in a forest - I love being surrounded by trees and I loved getting naked on the beach last year so what’s not to love about some naked forest bathing?!

If you share any of these goals or want to help me tick one off the list, I hope you’ll drop me a message and we can have a chat about it! Other than that, I’m looking forward to another year of being a voluptuous gothic harlot and seeing what shenanigans I can get up to and I’m sure I’ll be reporting at least some of them on this blog along the way :).

Frightfully yours,

GothHarlotBBW x
Thursday, January 26th 2023
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Sorry Glasgow - Tour Cancelled
I’m a little sad to say that I’ve decided to cancel my upcoming tour to Glasgow. I was supposed to arrive Monday the 30th and head home on the 2nd but things aren’t quite aligning how I’d hoped and I’ve decided not to go ahead. I didn’t want to just cancel with no explanation though so here I go with my reasons for anyone Glasgow based that might like to know. (And I guess this may apply to future tour stops as well!)

Touring, in my limited experience, requires a few upfront costs that can add up quite a bit. Reasonably then, when touring the pressure is on to make sure you cover those costs as a minimum and ideally go home with a little extra. It’s always a risk to some degree and I have to decide how much of a risk I can afford to take when organising tours. For a mid priced whore* like me, it’s unlikely that I’ll cover my costs in a few bookings, especially since I don’t increase my rates by much when touring. Getting advanced bookings is ideal because it gives me a little more confidence that I can cover my costs and advance bookings with deposits are even better. When I don’t get advanced bookings or at least genuine sounding enquiries, it doesn’t make me very confident. Especially when it’s a location that I don’t have established regs or people I see already.

The other thing is that my first Glasgow tour didn’t fill me with confidence. I had a great time and met some lovely guys but honestly, it didn’t go as well as it could have, which makes the risk right now feel especially high. It’s been an expensive few months for lots of people and I’m no exception to that. Unfortunately, right now I’m just not in the position to take the risk.

A last little note, I understand that not everyone wants to book in advance and maybe there are folk who just haven’t seen my tour dates listed yet. I do get that. I also wonder if my timing just isn’t great for this trip, as I know it’s been an expensive couple of months. So I will still be planning a return trip to Glasgow but I’ll hold off until things feel a little less risky.

So I’ll be at home in Edinburgh all next week now! It’s my birthday on Tuesday which I’ve already been celebrating but I’m ready to celebrate some more! Who fancies a session of orgasms and cake? I’ll supply the orgasms, you bring the cake :p !

Frightfully yours,

GothHarlotBBW x

*an affectionate term from one of my regs ;)
Saturday, December 31st 2022
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Hogmanay is a ritual I can get behind :)
Hello and happy Hogmanay! :)

Or at least it’s Hogmanay at the time of writing… if moderation takes a while, happy new year instead :p.

I’ve been in a funny little headspace this week and my nocturnal sleeping pattern has been creeping back in which doesn’t make for a very productive harlot. I’m really sorry if you’ve tried contacting me and I’ve been slow on replies or not replied at all. I’ve just not been quite myself for the last week but I’m happy that I’ve found my mojo again and ready for 2023!

I know it’s all a bit arbitrary, the thought that the strike of midnight on the 31st of December suddenly gives you a fresh start and a shiny new year to embark on but it’s a ritual I am quite fond of :). I love the idea of crossing the threshold from one year to the next where you can shake off negativities of the last year while looking ahead to all the potential a new year might bring.

Overall, it’s been a pretty good year for me. Nothing wildly exciting, no records set or particular goals achieved but I have some really great memories and I survived the not so great which is good enough for me. Some highlights for me of 2022 have definitely been my surprise birthday weekend planned by my friends, planning a chaotic henny, getting naked on a Scottish beach and the continuation of covering my body in ink!

I’m already planning fun stuff for 2023 and setting myself some resolutions and goals. Oh yes, that’s all part of the ritual as well and don’t worry, I’ll be back with a blog in the not too distant future about things I want to happen next year! Are you setting any? I’d love to hear them :).

For now, I’m signing off for a few days to spend time with friends and soak up the final moments of 2022! January brings a lot of excitement for me because as well as the new beginning and fresh start it offers, it’s also my birthday month! So you can expect I’ll be celebrating all month long ;).

I sincerely wish you all the best for 2023. Lang may yer lum reek and remember, while coal is traditional, I always found shortbread to be a more enjoyable first footing gift ;).

Frightfully yours,

GothHarlotBBW x
Monday, December 5th 2022
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C-bombs away!
I know it's not been long since my last outpour of blog nonsense but bear with, I got things* to say! (*not important things by any means, but things nonetheless :P)

In some ways, I love December. I love the long, dark nights that really suit a nocturnal creature like me. I love the cold temperatures and an excuse to get super cosy! Nature has slowed down and there is so much peace in that which I love :). Seriously, a walk in the woods with frost sitting on the ground or watching snow fall from a cosy window seat, all that shit sings to me. But in other ways, I fucking hate December and the dreaded c-bomb. Christmas can be a right cunt.

I want to caveat this whole blog with the message that if you enjoy Christmas and if you love everything that it brings with it, then I am super happy for you and I genuinely hope you have an awesome time :). But if like me, it sparks feelings that don't resemble joy in any way, I entirely empathise. Between the financial pressures, the stress of coordinating (and attending!) social events or just feeling a little bit shitty over feeling like something is missing or not like it used to be, Christmas can be a really difficult and isolating time for people.

I stopped celebrating Christmas several years ago and it was probably the best decision I made :). I used to force myself to go through all the bullshit, work events, secret santas, panic buying gifts, helping in the kitchen for hours only to spend almost as much time cleaning up. Watching how much got wasted from food to packaging to gifts that just were thrown at the back of a cupboard. (The waste at this time of year especially winds me up!) For me, stepping away from it all meant a breath of fresh air and when I hear my friends talk about the Christmassy things they have going on, I wonder if I ever enjoyed any of it because I certainly don't miss it. But I've never really been one for following along with the crowd :).

Where this brings me in this blog is that if you are looking for a little respite from the Christmas spirit this December, you will find it with me. There are no decorations, no Christmas songs and honestly no mention of it in my flat or wherever you come to see me. I won't bring it up unless you do. Not because I mind talking about it, I'll happily blether away but mostly because I think for a single day it dominates far too much of our lives! (And that's not the kind of domination I'm into :P).

I've posted all my available dates for December on the first few lines of my profile which include the day itself so if you are looking for escapism, drop me a message. And if you think you can turn this grinch into a happy wee elf, challenge accepted. You've nae chance ;).

However you find December and the coming festivities, I hope you have a lovely time and take care :).

Frightfully yours,

GothHarlotBBW x
Sunday, November 27th 2022
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What? How? Almost a month since my last blog? When? Where did the month go? October was a crazy month for me with lots going on in my personal life and November was shaping up to be pretty chill by comparison but somehow it feels like it's just slipped by in a heartbeat. Hence my hilariously clever title of this blog. Aren't I a proper wee wordsmith? [If we haven't met before, please know that that was dripping with sarcasm ;)]

The highlight of this month was definitely my trip to Glasgow! After talking about a tour to Glasgow for months, I finally managed to make it happen! I'm not going to bullshit you, I was pretty stressed about it. I really love touring but there are always extra costs with tours and when it's a place you haven't been before, I'm pretty nervous I'm going to end up struggling to cover my costs at the very least. I'm used to getting at least one or two advanced bookings when I tour but I didn't get any for Glasgow and it was stressing me out! Buuut it all turned out great in the end and I had a lot of fun, met some lovely guys and I will be coming through again! No firm plans yet but I'll definitely return in 2023 ;).

The other side of my Glasgow trip was catching up with some friends! I got to visit one of my friend's in their new place which was pretty lovely and I got to spend a night reliving my younger days in the Catty with some of my very favourite humans. It was so much fun to be back! I used to love trips to Glasgow and spending a night in the Catty, getting up to mischief ;). The saddest thing was just how much I was suffering the next day for it though, I'm definitely not as well practised as I used to be! But the night was worth it, just please nobody mention jager to me for a while ;).

I'll be thinking about new touring destinations for next year soon so if you've ever fancied seeing me and think I'd have some fun in your city, please drop me a message. I can't promise that I'll make the trip but I genuinely do love hearing from folk and hearing ideas for where to visit!

My last 2022 tour is going to be back north to Inverness. I'm slowly falling in love with Inverness to be honest, it has such a lovely atmosphere and on this trip I really want to have an escape into the highlands if I can make it happen. I love spending time in nature and despite the cold, winter can be such a beautiful time to explore :).

Enough from me for now but expect an update soon on how I tackle the upcoming festive period like the gothiest grinch ever :P!

Frightfully yours,

GothHarlotBBW x
Monday, October 31st 2022
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Happy Halloween!
Happy Halloween and all the Samhain blessings to anyone that may stumble across these written ramblings!

What a day! I don't celebrate other holidays so Halloween is a big deal to me. I love soaking up the spooky vibes and getting up to daft nonsense with friends. I'm the creepy goth girl that wants to go to the necropolis after dark and sign up to daft events with jump scares round every corner! And yes, I've enjoyed both of these things recently!

My first taste of jump scares this spooky season was at the Spirits of Scone event. I'd done it before and spent the whole queue laughing with my friends, full of confidence but as soon as the steward let us set off through the woods, the panic set in and I grabbed my bestie's hand waiting for my first scream of the night. It would not take long...

For anyone that doesn't have any idea what I'm talking about, it's an event that is a bit like a walk through ghost train but instead it's set in the grounds of Scone Palace. You follow a lit trail that winds through the trees unveiling horror characters and nightmares ready to jump out at you screaming and chase you through to the next haunt. I fucking love it! I get totally into it every time and I scream like every slasher movie bimbo!

As well as the Scone event, this year I also tried out a similar event at Kelburn estate which was based on a similar storyline to the Purge movies. It was so well done and really made use of some amazing settings and props! Again, I was the classic horror movie bimbo screaming at the slightest movement in the trees. I even screamed when my friend disappeared round a corner but put his head round to check I was ok and keeping up... despite the fact I knew I was following him, I leapt out of my skin at the sight. But then, he's pretty scary all year round ;).

Both events were awesome fun and totally hoping to be back at them next year! But I love shit like this and would happily do it all year round. If you fancy a trip to the dungeons or a ghost walk down into the vaults or just a late night cemetery visit, I'm your girl. If I don't scream, then there are other ways to get some noises out of me ;).

I hope you have a great Halloween and remember spooky vibes are for life, not just October ;).

Frightfully yours,

GothHarlotBBW x

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