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Friday, April 19th 2019
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I'm a moron but this guy WOW KING OF MORONS
Well it's official. I am a totally brain dead moron.
I had really bad rib pain and put it down to my illness. It got worse and worse until breathing became a bit of a problem (told ya I'm a moron)
I have pleurisy. I saw my Doc who gave me pills and said come back if it doesn't get better or gets worse. It got worse but unfortunately my GP is now on holiday so I get to see the locum, whose English is as good as my Cantonese (nonexistent). I try to explain what is going on but all he could say in awful English was "muscle". Below is our conversation
Doc: muscle
Me: no I have pleurisy
Doc: it muscle
Me: no check my records. It's pleurisy and it's getting worse
Doc: bad muscle
Me : beats head against his table saying "ITS PLEURISY. P L E U R I S Y. I'm already being treated for it but it's getting worse
Doc: oh ok pleurisy
Me: yes at last
Doc: hands me prescription and says good muscle cream. Oh WHEN you no longer breathe go hospital
Me: fuck me. I don't normally swear but you are dumb as shit
As I get up and hobble out

Seriously that is exactly how it went. I'm gobsmacked and unfortunately my plans to work all weekend are out of the question as I cannot breathe and move at the same time. I imagine if it gets any worse I will be back in hospital for my Easter dinner. I can't breathe and talk or breathe and move. The pain is terrible and I am also having to take very shallow breathes. I thought I was finally ok to work properly but it seams this is down to bacteria caught from someone else due to my weakened immune system.
I swear I'm going to start doing bookings in a face mask

I must ask that if you have or are thinking of booking me to cancel or not book if you have recently in past 12-14 days had any illness that can be passed on. Whilst you may feel better you may still be contagious and a small annoying bug for you can put me in hospital and tbh I have seen enough of them to last a lifetime. I will be happy to rebook you at a later date and wouldn't leave negative feedback for a cancellation as it would benefit me too. I'm just asking for a little consideration. If you had a cold sore you wouldn't go see an escort so please don't see me with any communicable infection. I know I sound dramatic saying this but your cold ends up better Ng my pneumonia. Your little cough is my pleurisy and your 24hour tummy bug is me on a drip for two weeks. Part of this is my illness and part cause is the treatment I have. It causes the immune system so be busy attacking healthy cells so they are too busy to attack unhealthy ones.

I'm gutted though as was looking forward to having a great excuse to fill my face with loads of cadburys Easter eggs but given the choice I have to choose breathing over eating. It was a very hard and clos choice though and th Cadburys eggs almost won.

So yet again I'm stuck in bed, bored off my face on a beautiful long weekend. No sunbathing for me. No BBQ either. Worst of all NO CHOCOLATE. I'm dying with sadness over this last bit

I do hope you all make the most of this wonderful weather and have a fun filled weekend. This weather never lasts long so make the most of it
Friday, April 12th 2019
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Flat mates from heaven and hell
Over the years I have rented out a spare room on and off. When doing so you get to meet all sorts of different people. Everyone on first impressions seems lovely but as I have learned, by being abused, ripped off and stolen from, they are not all lovely. I guess this job not only attracts normal women but also attracts the ones who don’t mind stealing or ripping people off as well as the really not normal ones who may well have mental issues. By that I don’t mean an illness, I mean are batshit crazy. Total psychos. I have met a couple of them. Really scary people. I have however me a couple of really genuine ladies. Veronica who still works but in Leicester. Really lovely woman. Now I have also met Juliet. She didn’t put on any airs and graces when meeting me. She was just herself. I appreciate that as then you know what you are getting. Bless her though she is forever offering to help me if I need it (cos I have been so ill). So any of you unsure about seeing her, don’t be. She is totally genuine and like me doesn’t do fake. No pretences. What you see is what you get. It’s rather nice knowing I’m not going to be ripped off or have anything mis appropriated that actually belongs to me. I for one feel a lot comfier having her around and don’t feel apprehensive about going to my own property.
Thinking back I have had a couple of real fruit loops over the years. That Jessica girl who used to try and jump on my clients then lose it when they pushed her off. Or who would flip out if I got more bookings. The other I’m not even going to post about as not only the lowest scum (thief, drugs etc) but crazy enough that I don’t want to be in her sights again. For the first time in a long while I finally feel comfy going there. Have found out why my breathing has been rather bad and why I have had awful rib pain. Turns out it’s not my illness. I have pleurisy. Saw doc today so hopefully will clear up soon
Tuesday, April 9th 2019
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Oops I upset a few people
Ok today I upset a few people as had to cancel all my bookings. A couple thought it appropriate to call me all the names under the sun. I gave as much notice as possible by texting everyone at 8.30. I didn’t want to have to go into detail about some of my medical conditions as it’s not really anyone else’s business but I guess I have to. One affects all my muscles and my brain. One of the others is hard to explain but it’s why any infection needs to be seen by a doctor immediately. In our white blood cells we have lymphocytes. Not these get raised in number when we are unwell to fight infection which is a good thing. However mine are permanently very high. This means they attack all the healthy blood cells. Infections no longer get fought by them as they are busy killing the healthy cells. It means any infection is worse than a normal person as there is no help from the body attacking the infectionThis means any infection needs hospital and IV antibiotics and a lot of them. It also causes other problems like difficulty breathing, swollen lymph nodes in groin, severe fatigue and stomach pains and many more. Today I woke up struggling to breathe. I didn’t know if was just a symptom or an infection so I had to cancel everything and see a Doc ASAP. My oxygen was at 83%. I could not work.
I am sorry that I had to cancel today but I’m also quite happy that two of you showed just how awful you would be in person by thinking you getting sexual gratification was more important than me being able to breathe. How the hell you thought I should just see you anyway as I could as you so finely put it “just lay there and let me fuck you” as apparently that wouldn’t affect me breathing. I am sure being cancelled is annoying but come on. Really? I thought I had heard it all over the years and couldn’t be shocked. I was wrong. I’m still gobsmacked hours later.
Thankfully it’s not an infection but just a return of one of the nastier symptoms. A huge Thankyou though to the more understanding clients who have read my blogs so know sometimes my real life gets in the way of work. I had 15 months off plus lost 6stone due to my health issues and now only work part time as not physically able to do more.

Anyway I’m going to try to sleep sat upright (helps with oxygen levels) as exhausted and am hoping tomorrow is a better day
Monday, April 8th 2019
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No photos until next month
Sorry again no new photos. I didn’t like any of them. Not one came out as I wanted so I’m putting new photos off until next month. Why did I dislike them all? My weight loss has left the skin on my face a little loose so I look older than I am. I will be hopefully getting this rectified in a few weeks with the help of a thread lift. Ideal for facial weight loss. It is small threads that lightly tighten the skin and help the face produce collagen so hopefully after that I will have some decent photos. Losing weight has caused far more problems than I thought it would. Why did I post this when most women deny having anything done? Simple. I vowed to always be honest with my clients. If I need a little lift then I tell them. After losing 6 stone it’s obvious I would need something done. I’m not going mad and having thigh or arm lifts but my face is different. It’s always on show and although I would not have facial surgery (seem too many bad face lifts) I will have non surgical help if needed. Botox unfortunately doesn’t help loose skin so it’s a thread lift. Whilst I don’t fancy have needles and thread shoved through my face it is necessary to look the best I can. So there you have it. No photos until next month
Friday, April 5th 2019
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Well this should make some of you happy. We know the mattresses in my flat have seen ALOT of work so tomorrow they are being upgraded for to Luxury Memory Foam Gold-Threaded Bio-Natural Mattress infused with Aloe Vera and are eco friendly made with bamboo. Ooh sounds posh lol. No seriously though there is nothing worse than trying to have fun on a spring mattress that has started creaking when you are in your knees and thrusting.
They have arrived we just needed a nice strong man or two to remove the old ones and put these on for us as we are just not strong enough as these new ones are bloody heavy.

Hmm I wonder who will be the first to christen mine on Monday morning. Cannot bloody wait tbh as I tend to lay and read between bookings and the old one really wasn’t good for me.
So a huge special Thankyou to the client come friend (my lunch buddy) for buying both of them. I cannot Thankyou enough for all you do for me, including listening to me moan or read my long texts when I’m very unwell. All though MR (yes I know you will read this). I was going over some of our old texts trying to find the mattresses (when we thought one was lost) and noticed a comment that gets you ‘list’ added too. Remember the one from me telling you about temporary paralysis of my legs. Well I missed the bit where you commented on my being ‘legless’. You know what happens now. My god I’ll have a sore arm but your arse will be black & blue. Hell forget the blue it’ll be all black. Your list is rather big now MR.

Right I know I keep saying this but this weekend as king as I’m able to stand I will be doing a lot of new photos. I have a couple of nice outfits to wear for them so I’m ready. I will hopefully have a whole gallery full by the end of the weekend. In it you will see all the ones taken. The really good ones and the awful ones as I have always preferred men see who they are actually seeing rather than a photoshopped almost likeness
I tell the truth. It’s why my newer blogs have talked about loose skin, wrinkles(face lost weight arghh) and still a tummy even though much smaller. It’s who I am and photo shop just leads to seeing someone’s face drop in disappointment. I prefer you know upfront who I am. Yes it may put some off booking but they would be disappointed if I faked looking like a smooth 18yr old doll rather than an over 40’s woman with faults and body bits she hates. Right I’m finished before you all die of boredom. Mwahhh!!!
Friday, March 29th 2019
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Ok. I finally have my phone set up the way I like it. Dropping my work phone in the animals water bucket was a nightmare. Those who booked by phone couldn’t be contacted as I NEVER write someone’s number down so yesterday I let a few people down which I hate to do. Thankfully most were understanding although not all. I guess some thought I was just being fake or double booked or just ignored them even though they could see by the delivery time of their texts last night that my phone had not been on most of the day. Never mind. I guess I’ll not hear from them again. Im sure it was annoying for them especially those that drove to the area without the address as I was not able to confirm their bookings that morning to send my address. I don’t understand people who do that. I say we will confirm on the day by a set time when I will send my address so if we haven’t confirmed and you don’t have my address, why would you drive to the area. For advance bookings I ALWAYS say to confirm on the day by a set time (incase they change their mind or Ernie or Eric is playing up. Ernie & Eric is what I call my illness)

On a happier note I was extremely worried about coming back to work after losing 6 stone. I thought I would lose all my clients as they prefer a fuller figured woman. I have lost some BUT I have gained a lot more. Who knew!!!! I had no idea that I would gain many more clients by being much slimmer. Don’t get me wrong I do NOT have a gym fit body. I still have fatty bits and bits that look fat but are just looser skin but I am now a size 10. A wobbly 10 but still a 10. Plus I had to have boobs off and then rebuilt so was worried about that too but thankfully my surgeon put a lot of my own body fat into my boobs so they feel soft and don’t look like two balls stuck on my chest. I worried about losing size in them as again my clients liked the huge boobs. They are still big for my frame but they are not huge.

I’m just really happy that a lot of my old clients stuck with me even though I look very different. I must be doing something right for that to happen. I tend to build friendships with regular guys which I think helps. They get to know the real me. Not just the good bits but all of it. I am not a good actress and have a lousy memory so I don’t bother giving a fictional life as I know we are ‘supposed’ to. I’m a warts and all girl once you get to know me. I’m probably too honest at times. However it’s only with those that genuinely want to know me. It’s not with everyone who walks through the door as I know some guys like the fantasy, the mystery.
Right this old gal is rambling now so I’ll quit while I’m still making sense.
Wednesday, March 27th 2019
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Bloody pet = bloody lip
Hmmph. I have had to have a few days off yet again. All thanks to a bloody stubborn, bloody oversized, bloody minded bull terrier. Whilst I sat in the armchair he decided he was a lap dog and climbed up with me. As I was talking he brought his rather large and very solid head up fast, head butting my chin which caused my bottom teeth to stick through my top lip. I have had a lovely big scab so I couldn’t work. It’s almost healed with just a little bit that is more just dry than scabbed now so I’ll be back tomorrow.
I must state though that I cannot see everyone who wants to book me. It’s not possible. I only see two people a day so once those spaces have gone that’s it for the day. Putting in a complaint stating I’m not taking bookings just because you decided to leave it until last minute to try and book and I couldn’t see you is not the way to go. I am not obliged to see everyone who calls/emails/texts me. I have every right to say no. I do not have to work a 9-10 hour day. I choose who and how many people I see a day. You cannot make me change that to see you by complaining. In fact that makes sure I will never see you. Trying to get my profile removed because I can’t see you on less than an hours notice is childish and rather demanding behaviour. I would hate to spend time with someone who felt that entitled. I imagine the booking would be the opposite of what I offer as would be treated like a lump of meat, there just for your demands. Yikes!!! No thanks.
My profile clearly states right near the top that same day bookings may be available but I can’t promise it. It states if you want a set date and time to book in advance. I’m a human. I choose the data and hours I work for a reason. It’s not just to annoy you. It’s because it’s all I can do without making myself ill by overdoing it. I know what my body can manage and what it can’t.

Little moan over. This started as moan about what that bloody dog did to my poor lip. God I could kill him at times. He is just so thick
Thursday, March 21st 2019
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I must apologise to some of you who tried to book today. At midnight I paid to show as available today however I had a rather bad night as my legs and back decided a huge spasm that lasted until 7am would be a fun thing to do. I fell asleep literally just after 7am. Then pain stopped and was thinking 'ok! I'll get up now' but fell asleep instead. I was out like a light. I woke up far too late in the day to go to my work apartment so I truly do apologise. Although after such a rough night I really don't think I would be company worth paying for.
I'm a right grumpy old boot when I haven't had my normal 3-4 hours sleep a night so after none I would have been terrible and not my normal optimistic, upbeat and chatty self. Instead I would have been pessimistic, depressing and ignorant. That's more a wife or mother-in-law eexperience rather than a girlfriend experience.

So I do apologise and promise to do better tomorrow (fingers crossed)

I would also like to thank a few of you for such lovely feedback recently. It's so nice to get some after being off for so long. It sounds strange but I was unsure if after 16 months off I would be the same at work. If I would be any good anymore. If I would get any bookings seeing as I am no longer a big, buxom, voluptuous & busty woman and only have around 7 photos of the new me at the moment. Plus they are with my hair natural, not straightened and it can be off putting as it's a long curly thick mane
I am hoping to do more photos this weekend but it's finding the time. I have a busy life outside of work so weekends tend to be family time so getting a few hours to do a full face of makeup plus my hair (it takes over an hour to straighten) is hard. It doesn't help that make up takes so long as have to put so much on as the lights make a face look washed out with a lot of it.

I'm also thinking of getting a thread lift (when I rebuild my savings after 16moths off) as I have lost so much weight the skin on my face is a little looser than I would like. A thread lift is not surgical so can be done in a lunch break. I know I would feel more confident if I had one even though I keep being told I don't need it, I feel that I do.
I guess I'm not confident being so much smaller. I was big but I loved my body then. No loose skin at all but now 6 stone lighter I have loose skin. I'm not firm anymore apart from my boobs
I'm trying to get used to being 'slim' but it's hard as was big for most of my adult life. A tiny lift would make me feel a lot more confident. Don't care about loose skin on arms or thighs as that can be covered with stockings and robe or bolero but my face is always on show. I think we all need to feel confident in our own bodies & faces as we then act and behave more confident

Ok that's me done for today so I'll wish you all a goodnight.
Tuesday, March 19th 2019
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Shrinking slowly fading away
Well today was a shopping trip courtesy of a client/good friend. It seems I am now a size 10 on my bottom half (boobs make top part a 12). So I have lovely clothes for when it warms up a bit. Yoga pants/tights (no idea why they call them tights) to do my physio in. A gorgeous bracket with matching knickers and some go walk dollyballet pump style shoe. Go walks by Sketchers are heavenly and it’s like walking on marshmallows. Unfortunately I had to use my wheelchair but it was fun whizzing around in it although was getting annoyed with people blocking the aisles and not moving even after saying excuse me quite a few times. So anyway I’m still slowly shrinking and don’t quite know how to stop it as eat 3 times the amount of crap than I did when I was fat. I should be a size 22-24 the amount I eat not getting smaller and smaller. Although I do have a sticky out belly tonight as went to Ego for lunch for their delightful Carbonara. It really is the best Carbonara around but pasta always bloats me hence the belly lol!!!
We had a really good day out talking and setting the world to rights. He however is getting nervous as I’m keeping a tally of all his little mistakes so I can spank, whip and paddle him when the right time comes. He will be sore as hell.

Anyway I better go as there is a packet of biscuits calling out to me to eat them and I can’t refuse as it would be far too rude
Wednesday, March 6th 2019
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I shouldn’t have to say this
This is something I should not have to blog about but it seems I have to due to a rather spiteful escort spreading very malicious rumours about why I have had 15 months off. So here we go

I have a few illnesses that cause disabling symptoms. Some dats I cannot move or feel my arms and/or legs. Other days I may be suffering from spasticity of some body parts. This is extremely painful and leaves me unable to get out of bed, let alone walk or work. I suffer at times with extreme fatigue also

None of my illnesses or conditions can be transmitted in any way at all. They are all illnesses that affect the brain, central nervous system and immune system (my body attacks it’s own healthy cells so can’t fight infection well as so busy attacking the wrong cells). That condition is an auto immune disease that again CANNOT be transmitted in any way at all.

Yes I had 15 months off as had breasts removed and 12 months later rebuilt. I also had some majors surgeries on my lower abdomen area (part of bowel removed). I will not give the names of my illnesses publicly as it’s a personal matter between me, my GP and half the bloody hospital staff

I do NOT have a certain illness someone is maliciously spreading (no idea why, perhaps she is jealous I have lost so much weight so thinks I’m now competition for her. I have no idea but she shouldn’t be jealous of my weight loss as it’s not intentional and I want it to stop badly (another part of illness is extreme weight loss).
It’s rather sad and very silly to want to destroy someone’s work. To be so vicious as to spread awful rumours. I could understand if we were school age but at our age. Oh please get a grip sweetie.
I’m not going to respond in kind as I’m far too polite to play games.
Perhaps take a look at yourself and find out why you feel the need to do something this terrible. Perhaps you lack confidence and think bringing someone down will make you feel better. Perhaps you just want the attention. I don’t know as could not comprehend your intent or why you would feel this is acceptable behaviour for a woman of your age.

Back on topic. Yes I can only work part time as working full time would leave me bedridden for weeks. I only work when I feel capable.
My illnesses would not impact our bookings in any form bar one. Some days I may not be able to do cowgirl. That’s it

I feel rather sick having to explain anything about my personal , private life. Medical files are private for a reason. So every Tom, Dick or Harry cannot read or discuss your health. I have had to do this to counter rather childish behaviour. It’s upsetting to feel I have to publicly blog about my health. It’s quite cruel to be honest. However I have posted so everyone knows how my illnesses affect me and that not one of them is contagious in any way, shape or form.

I’m sorry if this is too much information for some but it has to be done.
This rumour had me in tears as it was a case of ‘what if people believe it as I had so long off work?’ When you spend every day in pain fighting illnesses, hearing this is heartbreaking. Life at the minute is hard enough without this childish behaviour. Thankfully these illnesses have given me an inner strength I didn’t know I had. I don’t let most things hurt me or affect me as I can’t change what has happened. I am much tougher now and I’m a fighter so having to post this is another part of my fight.

Thankyou for reading this and I do apologise for having to post this bleak blog.
Monday, March 4th 2019
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Doing DUOsagain as Juliet has moved to Long Eaton
Hi guys
Just to let you all know that Juliet Savanahh has moved to Long Eaton and will be available with me for DUOs.
Her profile link is at the bottom of my profile
That’s right I’m finally back offering them at last. Juliet has not worked Derby before as she more of a Notts lass and a bit far out for some of you but she is now in my area and we have decided to team up to give you guys a fantastic time.

We are two very different ladies. I’m average height a 10-12 with very long dark hair and medium boobs whereas she is taller and fuller in the hips and boobs (yes I miss my old big boobs). Personality wise she is definitely more outgoing than I as I seem to have gotten quieter and more laid back over the years whereas she is vibrant and very friendly. Seriously if I got anymore laid back I think my family & friends would check me for a pulse.

So I’m very excited to announce this new adventure. DANI & JULIET together should cover all bases. Laid back, vibrant, quiet, chatty and both love pleasure. What more can a guy want.

I think these bookings are going to be great for guys who don’t treat sex as a serious business as it will be sexy but also a good few laughs along the way as Juliet & I get used to each other’s likes/dislikes plus you all know I never take anything seriously and it looks like Juliet is the same. Good company, good sex and good fun. The perfect booking

We won’t be available everyday as we are both part time but WEDNESDAYS, THIRSDAYS AND FRIDAYS look good for duo bookings.

See you soon guys xxxx
Friday, March 1st 2019
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Room to rent. Long eaton. Derby & Notts border clo
I have a two bed flat in long eaton and I have a room to rent on a monthly basis from March 2ND onwards. I am rarely there so you would often have the place to yourself as I only work a maximum of two days per week I’m not looking for an occasional renter but someone who is looking to rent on the longer term

It’s a nice newish build that although only a few minutes walk from long eaton town centre is quite quiet and private as only three apartments in my building. The room is yours to do as you wish with ie moving furniture around or changing the decor to suit you etc
There are ample parking spaces and the building is hidden from the street.

I’m looking for someone who is discreet. A deposit will be needed
Wednesday, January 30th 2019
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Website & delay of pics
Apologies yet again for the delay in pics. I have been off a year so didn’t notice my website had been removed (the company have closed down). So instead of sorting photos I have been making a new website.
It has took a while as I forgot how to do one and was unsure what to put on it as I’m no longer a full figured voluptuous BBW. I am so used to finding nice ways to describe being fat I can’t work out how to describe myself now I’m a lot smaller. I’m not gym body, I’m slim but still have wobbly bits. How do you describe that? The skin doesn’t shrink down with the loss of fat so the skin isn’t tight so it’s wobbly. I can’t out slim but wobbly on my website as hardly flattering. So I’m struggling describing myself. Am I still classed as busty? I’m a 36E. Is that busty? They are in proportion to my body and are very pert but is that size busty? I’m struggling. Being fat was so much easier. There are so many flattering terms for being fat. Rubenesque, voluptuous etc yet being a 10-12 there are not really any flattering terms unless you are gym fit ie tight skin and abs. I have abs you just can’t see them. My legs are skinny I still have hips and boobs but there are no flattering terms for my build. Why is that. Why is there only flattering terms for being obese or morbidly obese?
I’ll get there I’m sure. I have to get back to work so I have to get everything sorted by this weekend one way or the other
Sunday, January 6th 2019
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Apologies for the delay with pics
I must apologise for the delay as I promised some of you that I would do them Saturday. I had full intentions of doing this and even went to flat to do them. Unfortunately it wasn’t possible. As some of you know I have been off for over a year now due to a few surgeries. Those who have visited me know my flat is always spotless. So after having a year off I was shocked to see the state it was in. I couldn’t do photos knowing the place looked that bad. It took two of us two full days to get it back to being presentable. Everything was disgusting. I have no idea how someone can use a toilet in that condition. Seriously. It was vile. The bathroom was awful. How do you not see a thick build up of brown scum all over a white bath, sink and toilet?? Every carpet had to be properly cleaned with one cream one in particular looking like someone had stripped an engine on it. One wall had black feet marks all over it. How the hell do you do that? Rub your feet in dirt then walk them up the walls???
I actually had someone come to look at it this week and she got to see some of it and even she couldn’t believe anyone would leave someone’s property in such a state. The wall footmarks were a cause of some mirth as we both wondered how the hell they got where they were.

It’s all finished now though thankfully. Everything is clean and up to standard again. Some mistakes are best forgotten and put to one side. The future is what counts so I will be definitely adding new photos next weekend. I have put pics off because I keep losing weight but am hoping to not lose any more now. I have lost more than I am happy with tbh. I liked being curvy. So being slim is a bit daunting as I’m used to posing and outfits that flatter the fuller figure not the smaller one so am a little nervous about getting them right.
So again apologies but I will get them done ASAP

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