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Sunday, March 16th 2014
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Winning at Cheltenham!!!
Well what a week. Just getting over it! 2 days and an overnight with a looovvveely Irish man at Cheltenham.

Well guys I got treated so well. First class hospitality all the way. And my own room at a beautiful hotel. That's what I call spoiling me!

We met at the hotel - I drove down to Cheltenham. Checked in and went to his room and he waiting with a glass of champagne and some lovely lingerie he had bought for me! So we chatted and agreed our cover story and then I went to my room and changed into my first gorgeous Cheltenham outfit - that he had forwarded me money to go buy!

From there his driver took us to the races and he gave me a big lot of £20 notes to bet with.

We laid a few few bets then went to lunch and more champagne. Flirting deliciously all thru lunch as were a couple of his friends. Nothing like being flirted with wo make a girl feel sexy!

When the races started I have to say the sight of the sleek powerful horse flshe definitely affected my insides! And then when we had a runner in the lead and he was leaning against me I realised from the hard clock sticking into my bum he felt the same. I get it!! Horse racing is inherently sexy! Well we won the first race!! I had loads of money and a really juicy fanny that was just begging to get fucked. I really had to address the urge. I had noticed on the way into our suite there was a disable loo. Now having put one of these to good use int he past my mind into overdrive. So I went and checked it out and it was a verrry luxurious loo. So back into the suite and I whispered my plans to him. Well he lovvved the idea. So I meandered off again and went into the loo and stripped down to my new lingerie. I didnt have long to wait before there was a discreeet knock at the door!
Suffice to say I blew his mind and we both came soooo quickly.
But then we heard the next race being announced os dressed quickly and went back for me horsey foreplay!
So we did actually visit the loo again during the afternoon and this time I took some cream scones with me too!!
What a fabulously fantastic day. At the end of the racing his driver was there to take us back to the hotel - where we did this time make use of the very large bed in his room before retiring to shower and chill before the evenings fun.
Dinner and more flirting and more champagne. I felt blessed. All this and a pretty hefty fee too!!
The night all too quickly came to an end and being the gentleman he as he escorted me back to my room so I could have a good nights beauty sleep and wake refreshed to do it all again!!
So Friday - Gold Cup Day and another new outfit - full length black leather riding skirt. Very sexy with just the right nod to the horsey world I felt!!
And more lingerie. So the day was a rerun of Thursday AND he won on the Gold Cup so I'll let you imaging the celebration that went on then!! Owners enclosure, owners party wow weeeee.
Then back to hotel to recover before driving home after a very steamy session followed by fabulous breakfast. I was glowing!!!
Roll on next year!!

Monday, February 17th 2014
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Sexy Secretary
Well today I had a client who had asked for me to dress as a sexy secretary. So having been a secretary in a former life I am happy to oblige! However it set me off thinking about the spanking scene in the movie Secretary with Maggie Gyllenhaal and James Spader's. Their dominant-submissive relationship is considered one of the most arousing ever seen on screen. and somehow for it not being overtly sexual it is even more arousing.
Not sure I can post the link on here but have a look? What do you think?
Although is a client were to spank me that hard I might just object!!! I don't mind some fun spanking but not into pain!! Have a look and let me know your thoughts.
Thursday, February 6th 2014
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Squirty Sessions!!
So.... off to London again to meet sexy lawyer. Booked into fabby 5* hotel in Marylebone - near the station cos no tubes!!

Had a swim and a spa session - all on his account of course - the facial and massage just puts a girl in the right frame of mind! Then back to the room, bottle of fizz from room service - have a said I loooove hotels! Then to prepare for his delectation!
I took the lacy strappy Agent Provocateur as worked magic and wow if I say so myself the old 5:2 has worked it's magic I looked pretty damm hot! When he arrived harressed and cold it didn't take him long to relax when he saw me and got an inkling of what the evening had in store!
We had a drink and I paraded around so he could admire the view from all angles and then slipped a little black number over the top and we went to dinner. Well a girl has appetites!
Not sure though his mind was on the food - excellent tho it was and we were soon heading back to the room.
Well anticipation had kicked on my side too and i couldn't wait to jump his bones.
I just knew though he was going to make me come and come and get wet and wetter. I had the bath towel ready to slip under us. Bloody good job else I reckon his card would have got battered for a new mattress. The would have thought someone wet the bed!!
But then he always does make me squirt loads!! He loves it too when it runs down his balls! And on the subject of his balls I tattooed him with long lasting lippy! See pic!!!
So all in all another fab night with my fab sexy lawyer! Pics in gallery - what do you think?
Thursday, February 6th 2014
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Text or Call
Guys - I love you all and I love hearing from you. But I get about 30 or 40 texts a day and I really can't reply to all of them!!
Please please please ring me at least for the first time and to answer all your questions Otherwise we end up having a text to and fro and for every answer I give you I get another question. A quick phone call gets over that straightaway. Otherwise I often get fed up and stop replying!!
Once I know you I am happy for yout o text a booking time or request but initially I like to talk!!
I know you may see this as a pain but please humour me!! I promise you it's worth it!!
I sooo look forward to talking to you!!
Friday, January 24th 2014
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Anal Requests!
Well yet again I've just had an anonymous call. I did answer cos of my clients call from their office and then the number doesn't display.

But.... no hello nothing just "Do you do anal". Well I'm sorry guys but there is more to it than that! Regardless of anal someone with so little courtesy respect and manners wont get to see me anyway!!

I am fortunate in that the majority of my clients are nice men who actually want a bit more than a hole to fuck and there is no way I am extending my client base to anyone whose sole aim is a hole!!

I will on occasion do anal but it's at my pleasure. I think someone who rings and is as rude as that would probably have little regard for how i feel during the act and in fact probably is unskilled and clumsy!!

So guys - please "manners maketh a man" may be an old saying but it's a true today as its always been!
Tuesday, December 3rd 2013
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Price Comparisons!!!

So there seems to some cutting of prices going on or maybe more competition. I’d like to tell you about my prices and how I arrived at them.
Everyone has a choice in life – own brand Cola or “the real thing”, an old banger or a Jaguar, Asda or Waitrose? They all provide the same thing. Or do they? If it was just about food why would go anyone go to WaitRose and pay more? Just about getting from A to B well any car would do that so why do so many aspire to Mercedes, Jaguars and Bentleys? And If I were to offer most kids own brand cola I wouldn’t get very far!!
So £50 an hour or £130? I am the Jaguar, the Waitrose, “the real thing”. You choose to pay the extra to get the best. A quality service. An intelligent woman, well groomed, English speaking, very skilled and sexy. You want to come to a warm, cosy and above all spotlessly clean flat. Not a rented tatty apartment in a run down area. With good safe parking. Freshly laundered linen and towels. Be offered a cuppa or a glass of wine and some conversation. And see me in quality but very sexy lingerie or dressed to please you.
Yes…….. if you are regular and come often I am happy to discuss how I can offer you the best service at a good price but while remaining mindful of what is on offer.
So please look at my feedback consider my pictures and then decide if you want to buy on price alone!

Monday, October 14th 2013
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Hmm always a thorny issue I find.

But I offer an exclusive and friendly service. My feedback speaks for itself. I live in a nice flat where there is discreet and good parking. Always clean linen and towels with a shower before and after if you prefer.

My services have been honed by experience. But it's not just a quick fuck while I am looking at the clock! I'm always chatty, put you at your ease, and the time goes on well so be it. I won't throw you out mid stroke cos the times up.

However i feel this is a premium service and from what guys tell me I am definitely worth it.

So if you're going to ring me and then tell me I'm too expensive please don't bother!! And if you go to someone else cos they are cheaper you are getting a cheaper experience. Why does this surprise some of you? You will pay over the top for "designer" clothes but when it comes to where you will put your cock it seems with some of you price is the deciding factor.

I don't get it!!

So for the discerning amongst you who don't rate everything on price I look forward to hearing from you and for those that judge on price and then ring me to tell they had a bad time - sorry but better judgement next time!!

Monday, September 9th 2013
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Stylish Swinging!
Well ... the lawyers at it again!

He really is a sexy bod and loves new experiences. So.. his latest whizz was a stylish swinging party in Mayfair. Now we all know I am stylish and I love sex so of course I'm def up for it!

I even had an invitation from another client to go to the same party!! We did discuss going as a 3some but unfortunately that's not allowed. What a shame turning up to a gig with 2 men - that's my idea of fun!!

But anyway back to the evening - I deliberated long and hard what to wear and did have an offer to go shopping first but didn't have time (now that's bad!!). So settled for fave Agent Provocateur. See pic - hope you agree it was a good choice!

Now it was a HOT evening in London so put a short strappy and slinky LBD over the lingerie passed on the stocking this time - went for bare suntanned oiled legs and heels.

So we got there and I was served champagne by a rather gorgeous man with just a little pinny and the lawyer had to settle for a rather lovely lady with amazing boobs pouring his drink. We chatted to a number of people while eyeing up the talent. I have to say I do love the attention I get at these parties! Makes a girl feel tingly all over.

Then things started to warm up as we went out onto a secluded roof terrace. I had to make the decision to leave the Agent Provocateur on or strip to get into the rather large jacuzzi, What do you think I should have done?

I stripped!! Well it was hot in London! And I was nicely smooth all over with just a little landing strip to focus the mind!

So we got very steamy. Hands coming from all angles. OOoo!

I then had a lovely man with a very impressive cock standing very upright ask if if would accompany him to the bedroom. How could I resist such a polite request! So with lawyer in tow we moved back inside.

Now I will leave it to your imagination as to how things progressed from there on. He did however pour champagne all over me and covered me in chocolate and strawberries first!

Needless to say by the time we left I was tingly and tired and starving!

Next stop - Mcfatty's! Well it was just up the road - and the lawyer was still feeling randy - had his fingers where they really shouldn't have been in a burger bar!!

I had to take him back to the hotel very quickly before I came all over him on the floor - I do get verrry wet when he plays with me and not sure the staff would have enjoyed!!

So all in all a VERY enjoyable evening. Shame there only seems to be parties like that in London! I do feel champagne and sophistication lends an edge to sex!!

Friday, August 16th 2013
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"Girlfriend Experience"
Hmmm This has to be the biggest misnomer in the porn world!

Most guys come to me for sex cos their girlfriends don't perform! So how I wonder to myself did visiting an escort get to be known as a girl friend experience.

I am soooo tempted when a guy is adamant that's what he wants to answer the door in my track pants, let him in and then sit on the sofa, ignore him and start to watch Eastenders or whatever is on!!

How many girlfriends out there answer the door in stockings and suspenders, a gorgeous little very tight short dress, made up with a beaming smile and a kiss and hug as soon as you get in the door. And are genuinely pleased to see you!!

The money part is more of a girl friend experience I guess - handing over your hard earned cash but at least you know what you are paying for here!

So what I offer I guess is a glorified girl friend experience! I am dressed to please, happy to see you and happy to accommodate most of your desires. I'm not cooking or cleaning though and certainly not ironing or picking your clothes up off the floor!

But the service you get in the bedroom - well that's just wow!!!
Monday, August 5th 2013
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Cheap Men!!
So... you've checked me out. You've read my reviews. You've looked at my pics.
You decide to call so you talk to me, discuss what you want, tell my I sound great and then.............you want to barter!!
What is it with some men? Mostly my rates are not queried but it always seems to be posh sounding men or Asian guys who think I am a local market stall.
Please if you are going to insult me by wanting to barter don't call in the first place!
I do offer special rates to regular clients - after all there are some guys I love to see but if I don't know you why should I do that!! I like to know you and know I want to see you again before I do any deals!!
It's weird cos the majority of guys I see are lovely and totally appreciate the exclusive and quality service they are getting. Guess there are always the few who are cheap skates!!
Tuesday, July 16th 2013
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Hot Hot Hot!!
Well that's me! In more than one sense of the word. Only a few weeks ago I still had the heating on!
Now I have a hot body that is always hornier in the sun and I've been lying in the garden. Not sure my neighbours appreciate it buy hey so what!! At intervals I come inside to my nice cool flat have a cool shower and catch up with mail. I'd love to welcome you here after a hot day working!
And a nice cool shower to refresh you before and after. Iced drink and a fan - what more could you want!!
Fortunately I am not in London this week but I am missing the swinging party but I feel that may be a tad sweaty this week!!
Wednesday, July 3rd 2013
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Musings of an Escort....
Well we are now in Summer and what an odd year it has been overall so far.
I have had my worst times ever and my best timess ever so you're obviously not suffering from the so called recession too much. My best times have included a weekend in Paris, a few days in London, the Races a couple of times, an exclusive adults swinging party in a penthouse with a fab roof terrace overlooking the Thames. And my worst have been guys trying to barter for the sake of a tenner! I am so not a market stall girl!
No rhyme or reason that I can see.
There does seem to be a lot of very young guys out there wanting to experience a mature very sexy confident woman. I feel sorry for teenage girls! And I am talking young - 18 often and I think they are fibbing then. Sadly for them I like mature confident successful men in bed or out of it with me!
So I wonder what the remaining 6 months will bring..... So looking forward to it. Maybe I may get taken somewhere we can do sex outside - and it not be raining!!!
Vain hope... I'll report in December!!
Saturday, June 15th 2013
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Well - the naughty lawyer is at it again!

He rang me to say he's seen an upmarket swinging party advertised and did I fancy! Well as if I woudl say no to good food, champagne and good company with whatever naughtiness happens.
So Thursday I troll off to meet him at yet another 5* hotel near the party venue. He is good to me - left me a message to go to the spa when i got there and feel free to do whatever I fancied to get ready for the evening!
So I got spoiled and very chilled!
Then he met me and we had a little tipple before dressing to impress.
Tottered off to the party in venue in gorgeous shoes, stockings and the LBD.
There were a lovely group of people of there, lots of chat, fizz and smoked salmon. Yummy.
Then as if by a magic signal everyone disappeared to the bedrooms.
Hmm what fun! Then I went to the loo and got followed in and asked to pee on a guy! So I obliged! We then went back out to the bedrooms and got it on!Then one of the ladies joined in. She had lovely tits - I just had to taste!
About 2 hours later suddenly as it started it all stopped and we got dressed, chatted a bit more and left.
Quite a bizarre night but great fun and great sex. Back to the hotel with a bag of chips on the way and a cuppa in bed. Perfect!!!
Thursday, May 30th 2013
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Sex on the Beach!!
No... not a drink!
I had a mad weekend down in Cornwall with a lovely client with the whole idea of sex on the beach!!
He booked us into a fabulous hotel with hot tubs on the cliff top. Seriously cool - champagne hot tub and sun set. So after an hour or so of getting hot and horny in the tub we snuck off to the beach. I think we should have stayed in the tub cos the wind was cooooolllddd! Cooled my ardour somewhat but not his! He had earlier int he day set up a beach shelter in a secluded spot - this guy was determined!! Anyway out of the wind things got hooottt very soon.
Needless we fulfilled his fantasies in a rather stupendous way - good job no-one was around to hear!
Then back to the hotel for more champagne, posh frock and late dinner with 2 very big grins going on!!
Next morning we had breakfast in our room overlooking the sea and did it again on the little terrace we had overlooking the sea. Fortunately not overlooked but maybe over heard!!
What fun!!

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