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Thursday, November 3rd 2016
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Cuddle Therapy.
I never really understood the power of a good cuddle till I started my secret Scarlet life. So many lovely gentlemen come to see me for a good long cuddle before and after any naughtiness. Whether they are living alone or have a partner who has just given up on this most basic form of affection (as they think it will just lead onto sex), my guys just want to feel close to someone for the time they are with me.

Yesterday was started and finished with a wonderful cuddle session. Full on bear hugs and spoons. There is something so wonderfully reassuring about a good long hug. Having a man snuggle into my breasts after sex as he's basking in the after glow is a very beautiful thing.

Don't ever think you cannot ask for a cuddle or think you would feel silly doing it. Cuddles are there to make you feel special and I so much love giving them.

Make today your cuddle therapy day x
Wednesday, October 26th 2016
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The C Word.
Well it's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas now with all the chocolates and pressies in the shops and the decorations going up in town.

I couldn't believe how few Incall days I have left this year whilst posting them for all my organised bunnies. I've already taken a fair few bookings for December. Some of my fabulous regulars really don't want to miss out on their pre-Christmas treat ;)

So, what do you want for Christmas from Santa? A dinner date with a very special dessert, or a hot sexy, soapy shower session after Santa has given you lashings of Christmas kisses?

My Santa suit is at the ready and I do like to make the boys happy with my naughty Christmas gifts x

Wednesday, August 10th 2016
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An afternoon of horny Striptease and more x
I had a most excellent afternoon yesterday with a gentlemen I'd seen for the third time now. He was telling me how so many services are provided for disabled people, but sex still remains a taboo subject. Disabled people still have the same needs as anybody else. He was sure his carer suspected he was seeing a lady as he was having his sheets changed on a different day than usual. Such a shame she couldn't discuss these sorts of things with him.

Anyway we went for a sexy striptease this time and I was taking my time peeling off each item of clothing in a different part of the room - sometimes close up (boobies in the face) or far away (lowering my panties to the floor bent at the hips). He was super horny by the end of it and it did not take long for him to climax during a BJ. Our second round of horny fun culminated in me giving him a long sensual hand job and being finger fucked by him. He was amazed how in his mind he was thrusting into me every time he pushed his fingers in. I had been giving him lots of dirty talk and afterwards told him that a huge part of sex is in the mind. I love getting inside someone's head and finding those sexual hot buttons to press.

Being disabled doesn't stop you being horny, it doesn't stop you wanting to talk about sex, and not being able to have penetrative sex certainly doesn't stop you having fabulous climaxes. We just have to find a different strategies to play the game of sex.
Tuesday, June 28th 2016
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What a Giggle!!!
I love learning new things and last week I learned of a new fetish.

I had a lovely gentleman come visit me in Rugby with a foot fetish, but it turned out to be more than that....he also had a tickling fetish. At first I wasn't really sure if I was the lady for him as I had memories of tickling as being an unpleasant act by bullies. Little did I realise that it could be quite a pleasurable experience when done well with someone you are having fun with. It was quite an eyeopener to find parts of me that were not ticklish at all and some which were overly sensitive. We had so much fun that afternoon. Just makes you realise you don't know what something is truly like till you try it.

So what new thing have you tried today???
Wednesday, June 15th 2016
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Adding a Little Scarlet Sunshine x
This week a good proportion of my gentlemen have seen me whilst away from home on business. I'm the first to admit I do love my home comforts and would hate having to sleep away from home night after night to earn my pennies.

For a lot of guys with families to support, the stresses of work and the constant new hotel bed after new hotel bed it can be tough. With all their commitments to others they end up realising they are not making enough time for themselves. Add this week's wonderful torrential downpours and life for some really needs that added sunshine.

I'm so glad I thoroughly enjoy what I do and seem to get a lot of guys coming back for more. I would hate to be constantly touring in order to pick up new business all the while. All my incall locations fall 30mins from home at the most and so my own bed is always mine at the end of the day :) Being able to work inbetween bookings means my days are never dull (in fact sometimes the day just goes way too quickly).

So if you've realised that your days are just getting too God damn gloomy, then take a step back and see that, despite the English weather, we can let the sunshine flood in to brighten our day.

Friday, April 15th 2016
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Starting the Weekend in the Best Possible Way.
Today started with me seeing my Adultwork profile had 69 feedbacks. 69 is so very apt and made me giggle. I have often said to people that participating in a 69 is like playing naked Twister. I am very good at playing Twister ;)

The day has only got better and better with a morning visit to one very naughty gentleman. To say it was a shagathon would be dumbing it down. I was well and truly done for at the end of the 2hrs. If policemen had shagalizers instead of breathalysers I would have been well over the legal limit.

So Friday is finishing off what has been a wonderful week for me. I have enjoyed the company of some fabulous people and got those endorphins flowing (once again). I met someone who I knew from the 'real' world a few days ago and had such a laugh finding out what a naughty pair we really are. The same day I had a gentleman who I've known now 4yrs (and who now lives abroad) fly back to England to see me and grab a night of positivity. I could not believe he'd travelled all that way just to spend a time with me.

Anyone who thinks escorting is for drug addicts and losers is so very much mistaken. The ladies who enjoy what they do and bring joy to others help reduce the day to day stresses of life and bring much needed positivity to those who need it. I love my naughty world and I'm so glad others have fun in it too.
Tuesday, April 12th 2016
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Special Moments :)
Spent a wonderful afternoon yesterday with a lovely gentlemen I'd not seen in a while. As he was coming up my way on a day I didn't do Incalls he booked a hotel in order to see me. I couldn't believe the time had gone so quickly when the 3hrs was up. Sensuous, sexy and utterly relaxing - just what he needed before carrying on with his journey up North. With a spring in our steps we left the room key in the room (no need to check out as the room was paid on arrival) and walked to the station together before parting. We all need a bit of self-indulgent time every now and again to recharge the batteries.

I have had a number of gentlemen ask for incalls at times I'm not doing them, and booking a hotel room is the perfect way of seeing me if a visit to your home is out of the question. With so many affordable hotels around I can always advise on where to book. Paying on arrival, or in advance means checking out is not needed at all. An hour, or 2, or 3 in the company of someone who makes you feel special and you can walk out of the hotel (leaving the key in the room) having had a positive boost to the mind and body.

I always love adding a special Scarlet moment to a dreary day x
Friday, March 4th 2016
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A Good Giggle.
I do like a good giggle and I did have to laugh yesterday evening. They say that things come in threes and they certainly did on the way home from a naughty meet at Eastmidland's Airport.

Firstly I got back to my car in the hotel carpark to find the car next to me had a very apt bumper sticker. It read "I Solemnly Swear that I am up to No Good". Gosh, I need that on a plaque in my house lol.

Second chuckle was heading home. I do like to see interesting licence plates on cars and last night I saw the perfect one for me - "Miss BJ".

Finally as I was flicking through the radio channels to find some good tunes on the way home I came across a song I'd not heard in some time - "The Son Of Hickory Holler's Tramp". For all those those who haven't come across this Kenny Roger's classic, the chorus is...

"Oh, the path was deep and wide from footsteps leading to our cabin
Above the door there burned a scarlet lamp
And late at night a hand would knock and there would stand a stranger
Yes, I'm the son of Hickory Holler's tramp."

Maybe I'm just fine tuned to see naughty stuff around me. Keeps me happy, that's for sure.
Tuesday, March 1st 2016
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A Huge Thank You.
I just thought I'd use this blog post to say a huge thank you to all my wonderful gentlemen who have bestowed presents on me over the years. I always feel so honoured when someone has taken the time and the thought to get me something and I hope everyone who has given me something has realised how much I appreciated what they gave me. 

Not just a wonderful array of chocolates (chocolate pizza is amazing), flowers and drinks (one home made brew from a very special guy); I have had a soft toy version of my favourite TV character (who sits by my bed) and some awsome sex toys. Of the more unusual, but just as appreciated gifts I've had a cinnamon gob stopper, some wood for a project I was doing, a garden gnome and even some carpet underlay. 

Today I received a miniature character model of myself in a little glass box. I had not seen this super gentleman for a while and it really touched me that he would think to do that. 

Last week I had someone ask me if there are days when I think "Oh, I can't be arsed to see anyone today". After pondering the question I could not think of a single instance when I thought that over the past (almost) 6yrs. My gentlemen meets are something to look forward to, especially after a difficult day with my usual work. The presents are a fabulous bonus, but just seeing my gentlemen old and new gives me a buzz and lifts my spirits however I've been feeling. 

So this is a big thank you for all your gifts big and small and a big thank you for being such wonderful guys. Hugs and kisses to you all xxxxxxx
Monday, February 8th 2016
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Blast From The Past.
Got a lovely booking lined up this week with a fabulous gentleman I've not seen in over a year. He had been a regular for some time and then he suddenly disappeared.

As an escort who is there to provide utmost discretion there is no way I would ever call or text to see how people are when they stop coming to see me; but I do often wonder what happened to them.

There are the odd ones I know - like one guy I'd seen for nearly 5yrs who was in the process of losing his job and home when he went AWOL; the gentleman who was going through his final stages of a terminal illness and one of my gentlemen who I saw in the newspaper had moved down South and started his own company :)

But then you get the delightful surprises when ones do reappear. One of my gentlemen had had a major car accident and been out of action for nearly 8mths, another had gotten himself a girlfriend (which hadn't worked out); and another who'd been going through a very messy and expensive divorce.

I do get the gentlemen who are passing through the area and who I never see again, but on the whole I get guys returning many times over. I may be an escort, but I do care about my gentlemen and enjoy getting to know them. I only hope that the ones who do fall off the radar are having a wonderful time and are happy and healthy.

My booking this week will be like catching up with an old friend and I'm so very much looking forward to it.
Monday, January 11th 2016
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Boudoir Bupa.
I'm writing this blog because I have a booking this week with someone who is suffering from a life threatening illness. He has realised that injecting some fun in his life will help with his self-healing.

I see (and have seen) many gentlemen who have had cancer, heart attacks or have lost someone close to them. It has truly been a 'wake-up' call for them; a realisation that we are not on this Earth forever. For these gentlemen they have the need to add as much fun as they can to their days. For me personally the death of a close friend brought it home to me that life is precious and I needed to do things that made me happy. Being an escort is so much fun and I get to meet so many wonderful people I would not otherwise get spend quality time with. I've always loved making people happy and for many gentlemen I see they say that spending time with me is far better than any NHS care. Maybe I should call myself Boudoir Bupa lol.

Funny how we can just amble through life and take everything around us for granted. Sometimes we need a wake up call to get us to appreciate what we have and can have.

So, if you are just getting by in the day to day grind of life give yourself that wake-up call now and fill your days with as much fun stuff as you can muster - good music, good food, whatever gives you even one moment of happiness. Life is to be lived so inject some therapy into your day xxx
Wednesday, November 25th 2015
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I do love a geek and I see many a scientist, engineer & IT whizz. I think it is because they crave perfection, and that goes for their sexy side too.

It does make me sad though that so many guys tell me they have been pouring over my website for months on end before plucking up the courage to call me. To me talking to, and meeting new people is easy; for me it's techy stuff that has me out of my depth. I'm so glad I have so many geeky friends who I can call upon if I have a problem with my phone, computer or dishwasher. Having someone help you make that first call to an escort is just out of the question, the courage has to come from within. You just have to focus on the end result and hopefully when you hear my soothing voice and encouraging words you'll realise that phone call was not the scary thing you thought it was.

Just think, wrapped in my arms with soft kisses and slow caresses the wait was totally worth it. We waste so much of our lives worrying (I know I have in the past). The good times come when we push ourselves out of our comfort zones and get to enjoy the things we have been longing for.

So, what are you going to do today to get what you want from life?
Monday, November 2nd 2015
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Starting to get a bit Christmassy.
Today I have had my third enquiry as to what will be my last working day before Christmas. When I had my first enquiry last week I really hadn't thought that far ahead; but with only 7.5 weeks left till the big day I can understand why my regulars are getting that Christmassy feeling already.

I must admit it's getting me all excited to be able to get my Santa's outfit out of the wardrobe again. I do feel very naughty wearing it and it always brings a smile to guy's faces when they see me in it. I've had many a gentleman sitting on my knee telling me what they would like for Christmas ;) I doubt though I'd getting away with being Santa at a local department store with the amount of cleavage and leg I have on show.

So for any of you also wanting my last day before Crimbo for outcalls, it's 23rd December. Incall dates are all on my profile. Looking forward to being your naughty Santa already!!!
Tuesday, October 27th 2015
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My Secret World.
Visiting a hotel yesterday for a new gentleman I was in one of those hotels that is a real rabbit warren. Fortunately the directions were spot on to his room and I navigated several corridors and floors with ease.  On the way I passed a maintenance guy knocking on a door. He was holding a can of WD40 and I couldn't resist saying "Lubricant is always the answer for most jobs", with a big smile on my face. He didn't quite know how to react as I looked like your usual business woman in my low heels and plain clothes. Little did he know there was suspender belt, corset & mountains of bosom under my smart tailored coat. 

Looking back over the month I've had an awful lot more Outcalls than normal. On top of the usual house calls I've had some of my regulars booking their own hotel rooms for days that have been more convenient or when my Incalls are not in their area. 

I love going off to people's homes or hotels. Dressing conservatively as I head to their front door or hotel room I have that naughty thought in my mind that I'm going to have a very sexy and sensuous time and any onlookers will be none the wiser. 

So many people I know in the 'real world' think I'm so very boring. The odd person does a double take when I use a double entendre. Many don't think I swear FFS!!! I'm sure that if I told them I was an escort they'd just laugh at me, thinking I was telling them a joke. 

My secret world is often a source of amusement for me, especially when I'm hanging my undies on the washing line ;)

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