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Wednesday, March 8th 2017
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Hi Guys

Well, I’ve had a couple of weeks off from touring to have a few days to myself. I do wish this weather would warm up though, it makes me feel so much happier when the sun shines and some of you know what that means!! LOL
One morning, lying in bed I started to think about some of the things I get up to, I do have lots of fun most of the time and it’s a damned good job I am so open minded. For instance, take one weekend last year. I had a call from a friend who had asked me out for the weekend but he wouldn’t say where we were going.
It was after lunchtime when I arrived at his house. We put the cases in his car and off we went, still he wouldn’t tell me. About an hour later we pulled up at a large remote house in the country side, we were met at the door by an attractive lady who introduced herself a Sabrina, she then showed us through the rear courtyard to our accommodation. It was a self contained outbuilding with a lovely kitchen and lounge, patio doors leading out into spacious gardens and beautiful En suite bedroom. One door in the lounge was marked “playroom”. Opening it, I looked in and thought “Oh my God”. The room was a fully fitted out dungeon, there were stools, chairs, benches and tables of all designs with various straps attached. Hanging on one wall there were a variety of paddles, canes, masks, hoods, straps, cuffs and various other things. Sabrina looked at me as she saw herself out and said, “I’m sure you two will have lots of fun!”
After she went, we put our things into the bedroom and then went out for an early evening meal. My friend was very quiet. I think he was wondering if he’d done the right thing or not!!

Well it’s time for me to get myself back into work mode and show you guys a good time so as always, look out for where I’ll be or send me a mail anyway to ask if I’m coming to your area.

Lots of Love
Brooke xxx

PS. If you want to know what happened that night in the playroom then take a look at my Erotic stories.
Thursday, January 5th 2017
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Wow, what a Christmas and New Year I had, and all my presents!!! Thank you so much for them.
I’ve decided to have a few days in the sun before going back to work this year. I have been thinking about doing that for ages after Christmas and this year I finally did, and you know what? It’s great just have time to sit by the pool and relax for a few days after all festivities and the eating and drinking that goes with it. I’ve even been running every day getting myself back into shape!!
A couple of days ago lying by the pool I got a message from a friend wishing me a happy new year, it ended up with me saying something like “wish you were here xx”
Well, the next morning I got another message from him, it simply said, “I’m here!!”
Oh my God!! We had a great day, eating and drinking far too much, lovely dinner in the evening, beautiful Rioja and a very naughty night before he flew home the next day. He does some really mad things but that tops the lot and now I’ve got to get rid of all those calories he forced on me HaHa.

Still, I’ve got another day or so to keep up with the running and then it’s back to work for me. My tours for January are all posted so why not look me up and fix a date for an early New Year treat!!!

Love to you all
Sunday, December 18th 2016
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Hi Guys

Wow, I’m so excited now, only a week to go now and for once, I’ve managed to do all my shopping in plenty of time! The tree and decorations are all up and I’ve even finished wrapping all the presents. I really don’t know what’s happened this year because I’m never normally this organised. Just got to get the food shop done and that’s me ready.
I’ve had a lovely year this year, met some really lovely guys both old and new, I’ve been spoilt rotten and even whisked away to the sunshine a couple of times, bloody hell I’m lucky, but then again, I deserve it, It’s all hard work you know LOL.

I’m going to take it easy now for the next couple of weeks. I’ve got a few of my friends parties to go to so I guess there’s going to be a couple of hangovers to cope with as well. I really must remind myself not to get into the state I got in last year!! I even had to walk home one night, with no shoes on as well!! Why can you never get a taxi at Christmas?

Well, Santa’s coming next week, I’ve already had some lovely presents and I’m told there are more to come!! I really can’t believe how lucky I am but I do show my appreciation in a very nice way don’t I? If Santa’s really good to me, he may find out as well!!

That’s it for this year guys. Don’t forget; keep your eyes on my tours tab for where I’ll be in the New Year. Have a lovely Christmas and don’t drink too much!!!

Lots of Love

Sunday, December 11th 2016
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Hi Guys

Well, I’m really looking forward to Christmas now and having a little time off. I know I had a lot of holidays earlier in the year but for the past few months I’ve been on tour every week! Up north, down south as well as over on the east coast and even Wales as well. It’s even getting to the stage where I don’t even need a Sat Nav now, as I know the roads like the back of my hands.
Talking about travelling, I just got my self a new car, after all I had put a lot of mileage on my old one and I don’t like the idea of breaking down, you wouldn’t want me to let you down now, would you? HaHa.
That reminds mw, sitting in traffic the other day I noticed the car in front, a very nice little sports car and an even nicer number plate N1 CKY. Lucky girl I thought as she drove off. I’ve always wanted a private number plate but no way could I afford one like that!! It didn’t stop me looking on the Internet later that day though and it is quite surprising what you can find BB 69 was one (Ideal for Beauty Brooke) and another that made me chuckle was 69 ME, They were still far to expensive for me though. Mind you, I suppose Christmas is coming and you wouldn’t believe how great full I would be, so there’s an idea for some of you!!!! A girl can dream you know.

Well, it’s not Christmas yet so it’s back to work for me for a couple more weeks. Keep you eye on my profile because you never know, I may just surprise you and pop up in your town as a little pre Christmas treat, and yes, I have found my Santa outfit now!!!

See you all soon.

Lots of Love
Monday, November 21st 2016
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A week in the life of Brooke x

Hi Guys.

Well, I’ve been working hard for the last few weeks but I have at least managed to have most of the weekends to myself, Katrina’s stayed over a few times as well which is nice. I find myself looking forward to the end of the week and going home for a little female company and I do find her quite sexy and bloody hell, the things she makes me do sometimes!! Still, more about that another time.

Feeling a bit delicate today, bit of a party weekend you might say, Bit of? No, that’s a lie, one bloody great party weekend!! I really shouldn’t do it, It takes so long to get over it. I keep promising myself not to do it but then somehow I forget and it just happens, I’m so easily lead!! Mind you, It was bloody good fun and I did get spoilt rotten as well but I don’t think I could face another drink just yet, need to give the liver a bit of a rest! Well, until the weekend anyway HaHa.

I’m just about to start sorting out my tours for December so keep your eye out for where I’ll be. I’ve been to quite a few different places this year but I’m always open to suggestions and I do like going to new places so if you’ve got me in your hot list why not ask if I’m thinking of coming your way.

Well it’s going to be a short blog this week, Like I said I’m still a bit delicate and I have to get ready for work as well.

Take care guys and don’t forget to look me up.


PS. Wow, wow wow! Just received a picture from a friend. I know he said a week in the sun but Christ – The Maldives!!!!
Sunday, November 6th 2016
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Hi Guys,

Wow, I can’t believe it, here we are at the start of November, where has the year gone? Before we know it, it’s going to be Christmas!! Talking about Christmas, I was looking at my free picture gallery the other day, it was only then that I realised it’s been almost a year since I gave you a free treat. Yes, you got it, Miss Sexy Claus. I do like that photo!! I must put a couple of new photo’s up to tempt you and I suppose it’s nearly time to dig that outfit out for an airing again, give some of you a real life treat, it won’t be free though, after all I’ve got presents to pay for, Ha Ha.

Well, I had a week to myself last week, I’ve been working hard lately and I do need time to recharge the batteries, not that that happened. Got home on the Friday afternoon, house was perfect as usual, I didn’t get pestered for sex either, that’s all stopped now since his little trip and even if he could, I get enough cock during the week!!
Sally came round later with her sister Katrina, we had arranged to go out for a few drinks. I hadn’t met Katrina before; she was a couple of years older than me, blonde and quite attractive. She knew what I did for a living and happily took it all in her stride. As the evening wore on the chat got very raunchy, I think sometimes girls together on their own are worse than men for that. It’s surprising how all those little secrets come out after a few drinks and my, did we learn a lot about each other! Sally had work in the morning so had to leave early but Katrina and I stayed and had a few more before finally going back to my place.
I don’t know why but I asked her to stay the night, for some reason I found her very attractive and I was starting to get turned on by the thought of sleeping with her, It may have been that she has a slightly dominant character and that intrigued me. With men, I am the one that is dominant but this was staring to become a very different experience and one that I liked a lot. It only took one deep kiss and my juices started. It was time to go upstairs.
My case was still open on the floor of the bedroom from getting back home and she noticed my strap on, That was it, she picked it up along with a couple of items of clothing, changed, strapped on the cock and then blindfolded me.
Christ she fucked me senseless, I don’t know how many times I came but it was a lot, Returning the favour, I fell asleep with my head still between her thighs and with her words planted firmly in my head. “And do it again as soon as you wake up!” she had said. I did!
Katrina and I had a long chat in the morning, I think she may be moving in for a bit but we’ll see.

Well now guys, It’s back to work for me this week and don’t worry, I’ll look out the Miss Claus outfit in the next week or so. Ha Ha.

Check out my tours for where I’ll be and book early

Take care


Tuesday, October 18th 2016
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Hi Guys,

It’s been a busy year for me this year. I know I have managed to cram in quite a few holidays but when I’ve not been on holiday I have been working very hard. Yes, it is work but I do enjoy it most of the time, it’s lovely to meet so many different people and the many diverse requests never cease to amaze me, some are more extreme than others but most of the time it’s just a bit of dressing up, I mean, take the other week, who’d have thought that two girls in tennis whites and plimsolls would have such an effect! OK, so the panties probably contributed. Ha Ha.

Well, I got a phone call the other night from someone I have known for quite some time, he asked me if I would like to go to a club with him one night. I knew the club he meant, it was a swingers club, we had been a few times before and we always went out for a meal and stayed over. To be honest I was a bit hesitant on the first occasion he had asked me but I had been seeing him for well over a year at the time so I agreed. It was a first for both of us and to be honest it was fun, the place was spotless and all the people there were nice, friendly and certainly not pushy types and that made it much easier to mix, chat, have a drink and see where things lead. Sometimes we’ve played and sometimes we haven’t but we always have a good time, it’s lovely to see so many people enjoying themselves and doing what comes naturally! A night out to look forward to I think. LOL.

At home I’ve just managed to get rid of the decorators and that awful smell of paint has gone at last. Oh, and Terry’s back on the scene looking after things again, he’s been away for a while, he really should stop annoying me, I think he’s learnt now though but that’s all in my latest erotic story.

I think that’s enough for this week, my tours are posted for the rest of this month and into November. Why not take a look and see where I’ll be and if you fancy a little fun then give me a call.

Take care
Tuesday, October 4th 2016
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Hi Guys.

Well, summer is over, October is here and it’s certainly getting colder now, pity because I love the summer, it makes me so happy. Still, Terry won’t have to cut the grass much more, not that he’s around at the moment anyway.

Let me tell you about something that happened a couple of months ago. It was a Saturday evening and Sally had popped round to my house for a couple of drinks. You remember Sally don’t you? I helped her out at that agricultural show a few months back. Anyway, I was checking my emails at one point and one caught my attention. It was from someone I had seen a couple of times before but I did raise an eyebrow as I read it. In this job I do get quite a lot of very different requests, some more bizarre than others but I do try to accommodate where I can, after all, who am I to judge.
Well, it involved a duo for the following day, which was a problem because a couple of my duo friends were on holiday. That was when I asked Sally. Although she was not an escort she had done it a couple of times in the past, anyway she agreed to help me out.
The following day arrived, it was a gorgeous summers day, we arrived at the guy’s house, a big house in it’s own grounds. He showed us in and up to a bedroom. There on the bed were two gleaming white skimpy tennis outfits complete with white sun visors and white plimsolls. Just as he was leaving the room to let us to change, he passed me two pairs of dildo panties, “Oh and these as well” he said as he left.
Sally looked at me, “You didn’t tell me about this” she said.
I smiled. We both dressed and went downstairs where he passed us two racquets and showed us out to the tennis court.
“Half an hour should do it,” he said, as he took a chair on the sideline.
Sally and I started to play. After a while playing, the dildos sliding up and down as we ran around the court started to make us very wet. He was obviously enjoying the game as well by the look of what his hand was doing!
“The things I do for a living” I thought, “Oh well, it’s harmless and he’s enjoying it.”
After the game we all went back into the house. It wasn’t long before our panties were off and we were both bent over the back of the settee and being screwed senseless, God those outfits had one hell of an effect on him. Then kneeling in front of him we took it in turns, it was Sally that got it, he just exploded into her mouth like I’ve never seen before, I knew she wasn’t at all keen on CIM but she did it anyway, swallowing as well even though I didn’t think he was going to stop cumming.
“Same time next week?” he said as we left.
“We’ll see” I replied.
We both left there considerably better off and the shopping spree that followed certainly made up for everything.

Well now boys, you see, like I said, I do get lots of requests some more odd than others and as long as it’s sane and legal you only have to ask politely, the worst that can happen is that I say no and I certainly wont laugh at you.

Don’t forget to check out my tours tab and book early if you don’t want to be disappointed.

Take Care
Wednesday, August 24th 2016
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Hi Guys,

Well, here we are nearly at the end of August, I just don’t know where the year is going to, before we know it it’s going to be Christmas!

Sorry guys, but I’ve not been around that much this month. My month started with a little holiday in Spain with a few friends, I know, I’ve had a lot of holidays this year! We all had a lovely time but my God was it hot! I suppose that’s August in Spain for you but at least I got the chance to top up my suntan. I’m saving a fortune on sun bed sessions Ha-Ha.
No sooner than I got back I was off to a forest hide away for the weekend with a friend. I had decided to surprise him though. Oh my, you should have seen his face when I turned up with a girlfriend of mine. Needless to say, the three of us had a lovely weekend, Hot tubs, Bar B Q’s, meals out, far to much wine, Oh and a little play time as well LOL.
He got me back for the surprise though, as we were leaving he told me to go home, re pack my case and meet him at the airport, Oh my God, another few days in Spain followed, being spoilt so rotten. You see, It’s all work and no play for me you know, I don’t know how I cope! LOL.

Well, I’m back home this week with my feet firmly on the ground, just finishing off a little tour now. I’ve met some nice guys old and new alike and for those of you that I couldn’t fit in, don’t worry I’ll be back! But remember, Check my tours tab and book in advance if you want to be sure. My September tours are already up there.

Now, Where did I put those holiday brochures? Maldives looks nice, anybody want to take me???

Lots of love


Tuesday, July 26th 2016
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Hi Guys

Well as you can see by my tours tab, I’m back home and working for a bit. These holidays are great but they do seem to go so quickly. While I was away though I did start to think about taking a year out and doing some really serious travelling!!
That’d put some of you guys to the test. Especially if I were to insist that you not play away while I was away!!! Ha Ha, How would you like that? You know what? The more I thought about that, the more it appealed to me. That just has to be the dominatrix coming out in me, the thought of your frustrations actually started to turn me on and I found myself day dreaming about all the punishments I could dish out for your indiscretions while I was away. I even found myself smiling as the list got longer and longer. Everything from bondage to caning was included on top of ruined orgasms. It was only when I realised what my fingers were starting to do that I stopped daydreaming. Christ sake I was lying by the pool!!

Later that evening, when I went to bed, I found myself thinking about it again. I even thought about setting up a small Dungeon with all the equipment, gags, blindfolds, hoods, cuffs and straps, and of course the odd whip and cane thrown in for good measure. I could even imagine the red welts coming up on your arses. My fingers once again found my little glory spot but this time I let them do as they pleased. The last thing I remember before I drifted off to sleep is having the most almighty orgasm while hearing your profound pleas to stop.

Well, Mistress Brooke is ready for business. Who wants to be first? I may even wear my cat suit for you – If you’re really lucky LOL.

Tours tab Boys, pick up the phone and book, you know you want to!!!!

Signing off for now.

Lots of love
Tuesday, July 12th 2016
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Hi Guy’s

Yes, you guessed it, I’m away on holiday again, I did tell you but I promise not to be too long!!

To be honest I needed it after the last week of touring. It was whistle stop tour of a number of towns and cities. I do admit I met a number of really nice guys and really enjoyed their company but to be honest by Friday I was really knackered.
Talking about Friday, Wow, what a day – and night!!! It all started well, got up, had a nice leisurely breakfast, even had my hair done, then met up with a friend. We had every intention of being sensible but I suppose starting off in the afternoon with two cocktails (because they were a bargain) was where it all started to go wrong. We had a lovely meal accompanied by my favourite wine and the most wonderful sticky toffee pudding for desert (really need to go on that diet now). Then it was port with cheese a biscuits, more drinks in the bar and even sambuca before we left! Taxi back to town, then night club (more drink) then another pub (more drink) and eventually the hotel bar, and yes, another cocktail!!!
Oh my God, what a messy night – I’m never drinking ever again!!! And don’t even ask what happened the next day.
The worst thing about a night like that is when, over breakfast somebody asks, “Oh, do you remember doing……” And you answer, “Oh my God, I didn’t did I?”
Ah well, at least it was a night to remember. Or forget more like. Ha-Ha.

Well, It’s gorgeous here; I’m lying by the pool with my bottle of water! The suns out, it’s 28 degrees in the shade and I’m loving every second. Anybody fancy joining me???

Well I’ll sign off for now, back in a couple of weeks. Don’t forget, Tours Tab for where I’ll be and book early or you’ll miss me.

Take care and lots of Love

Monday, June 27th 2016
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Lying by the pool a couple of weeks ago, soaking up the sun on the last few days of my holiday, I thought about something that happened a few weeks ago. I made a big mistake, I did learn a lesson though and one that I wont forget in a while!!
It all started when I was out with a friend I have known for some years. We were having dinner at a very nice quiet little restaurant when the conversation got around to things he would like to try out in the bedroom. He told me he’d love to try a little BDSM, as he’d never done it. Well I do sometimes get asked to tie you guys up and do as I wish with you so I told him I would be happy to tie him and or spank him or whatever, as he pleased. He then told me that he didn’t mean on him. I didn’t comment any further and we started chatting about something else.

When we got back to his place later in the evening over another few glasses of wine, he mentioned that I had not commented on his remark earlier. I thought quietly before answering. When I did, I told him that I didn’t normally do that as I felt I always needed to be in control, some of you will know that from reading my stories. However, like a fool I relented and agreed that he could paddle my bum and then give me six strokes of the cane. (Bloody wine)!! Well anyway, later in the evening I ended up naked, kneeling on the bed trussed up like a chicken, gagged with a penis gag, totally unable to speak or move and thinking to myself “What the hell have I agreed to”,
It was then that I felt the paddle resting on my arse and gently tapping. I had fooled around with a paddle before so I wasn’t that worried except that this time, and in my predicament, I had no control over events at all and what was worse, I couldn’t move or say anything. I vividly remember wanting to change my mind at that point but I couldn’t speak. Then I remember him saying “Six it is then”.
Then it happened, Bloody hell did that first one sting, I made some sort of garbled noise through the gag but the remaining five still followed in quick succession. My bloody arse was on fire then. Then out of the corner of my eye I saw him picking up the cane, it was then that I tried to roll over out of the way, but the way I was tied I just couldn’t.
I felt the cane resting on my arse and now I was really worried and I didn’t want what was coming next. Instinctively, I griped the bedclothes as hard as I could. The first stroke came and I instantly sobbed into the gag. The five remaining strokes were all well placed to cover my entire arse and bloody hell did it hurt, I’ve never felt stinging like it in my life.
My friend didn’t realise just how much it had hurt until he took the gag out but when he did he was genuinely apologetic. I forgave him but it was hard.
So the main thing to remember if you get into any sort of BDSM is: - ALWAYS HAVE A SAFE WORD OR SIGN!!!
I wont forget that night in a hurry, I couldn’t work for a week and I will think very carefully about caning in the future!!! I’ll happily cane you though Ha-Ha.

I’m back on the scene now boys, my tours are all listed for July. Some of you have already booked but for those of you that haven’t, get on to my tours tab and check out where I’ll be.

See you soon. Oh. And don’t ask to cane me!! The answer will be no.

Love to you all
Wednesday, June 1st 2016
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Hi Guys,

A couple of weeks ago I did one of those full weeks away. I don’t often do five days on the trot but I did that week. I suppose I needed to really because like I said before “It’s my holiday year!!” But I still need to keep earning in between times. And guess what? I’m still away on holiday, very much to the annoyance of one or two of you!!! (Yes you know who you are).
Well that week was a whistle stop tour of the highlands, I love it up there and it was so good to meet up with so many of my friends old and new alike, I promise to try and make it up there more often.
I love it when friends I have met before open up a bit and tell me about the things that really excite them. I know that many of you tell me things and ask for things that you wouldn’t dare tell or ask your wives. I don’t understand that really, I am not married but I’m pretty sure if I was and my husband asked for something in the bedroom then I would want to accommodate. Just knowing that it was making him so excited and happy would make it even better for me; I get really turned on knowing that my partner is so turned on.
The variety of your admissions though still amazes me but it in no way fazes me. From kissing and sucking toes to using a strap-on on you. Dressing up? Just pick an outfit, that’s what I’d say, Latex, leather, PVC, Silk, Nurse uniform just name it, The list you all come up with is endless really and there is little I wouldn’t to make a partner of mine happy, and you guys too but make sure you check my likes list.
Thinking about it, it’s a good job your wives don’t accommodate all of those requests or I would be out of a job. Ha-Ha
The other thing that interested me that week was just how many of you told me that you like to read my Blogs, I’m trying to do one every week now but it does take up a little time so I am really pleased that you read them and my stories too.
Talking about stories, I think I’ve just about sorted things out at home now with Terry as well. He has moved back in and I think it’s going to be a very long time before steps out of line again!!! And I did test something out on him just before I came away. But you know where to read all about that.

Well it’s going to be another week or so before I’m back on the scene, this is my main holiday of the year but don’t forget, if you want to see me when I get back then my tours are all listed so book early. I had to disappoint a couple of old friends a couple of weeks ago because they forgot to do that!!!!

Lots of Love
Wednesday, May 25th 2016
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Hi Guys & Girls

Yes, that’s what I said, “And Girls”. After all, my profile says I’m Bisexual, doesn’t it? I don’t get that many girls ringing me for an appointment on their own but it does happen sometimes and it did happen last week and what a lovely girl she turned out to be. I’d say she was in her late twenties, blonde hair a bit shorter than mine and quite full breasts. When she arrived she was extremely nervous so we chatted a while until she was a little more relaxed. She told me it was her first time with another woman but it was something she had wanted to try for a long time. When she was comfortable on the couch I kissed her first and then slowly undressed her, it wasn’t long before we were both totally naked on the bed caressing and fondling each other before finally savouring each other’s womanhood. Wow, did she cum, I didn’t think she was going to stop!! And you know what? That got my love juices going as well, I just love making people happy, and boy was she smiling when she left. I somehow think she will return!

That appointment got me thinking at the weekend, about my first time. I would have been in my mid twenties, I was at a party a little tipsy and chatting away to a girl a bit older than me. We were getting on quite well when out of the blue she kissed me properly. Shocked at first I backed away but only for a second or two before I realised I had quite liked it. As we continued to chat my mind wandered and I felt myself becoming aroused. Needless to say we ended up in a spare bedroom and I lost my Bi virginity. I think the drink had a little bit to do with it but I have no hang up’s about it and I did enjoy it.

Somehow it’s different having sex with another girl, we instinctively seem to know the right and wrong places to touch, how to caress and when to build up the excitement. I have a couple of good friends that I duo with and there are occasions, when we’ve been working away on tour and we’ve been feeling a bit on the low side, that we have slept together just because we wanted to. Bloody hell we have some good sex together.

Don’t worry Guys, I absolutely love having sex with men as well, it’s just that I am truly Bisexual and sometimes I enjoy the company of another woman, after all, “A change is as good as a rest” they say Don’t they?

I’m on holiday now for a couple of weeks (told you it was going to be my holiday year) but keep looking at my tours tab and book early for when I return. I’m already getting booked up on some days!!!

Love you all


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