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Wednesday, July 14th 2021
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It didnt come home!!!! :-(
Hi guys how are you all?

I hope that you are all super well and that you were not too upset that It did not in fact come home! its super sad, but lets not dwell on it too much here!!

What has been going on with me? Things have been good, Now that the football has ended it is time to get the world back to normal and back on lucy time haha! which means boobs oclock 24/7 haha! What have you all been upto?

Things have been exciting for me recently! I have decided I deffo am going to put my house on the market in october, I just need to get a few jobs to do frst! I mean we know what selling houses are like and I am quite unlucky when it comes to house sales so I deffo think that I am going to put it on the market before I try and buy my forever home!!

There are things I need to do at home, but aswell as that things i want to try and do in life now that the restrictions are hopefully lifted!! I hopefully have 2 holidays to go on aswell in august and september and I truly hope that I can go on them! I have my bakinis from like 2 years ago packed in my suitcase so i hope they still fit haha, I dont think iv put on too much weight in the lockdown which was deffo the advantage of being fat first haha!

Thankfully my ankle is now on the mend though I have yet to brave wearing heals - I have the same 3 pairs of flat shoes and even though they are kermit, miss piggy and Animal from the mupits I have started to get abit bored tbh.

For those of you that have been asking about massage, Truthfully Its not something that I plan on doing for a while, I would never rule anything out in my future at all however with the pandemic, things taking off online and my super 'Friendly' neighborhood I think that the time is to just pause on tantric massage for a while longer!

However!!!!! I am thinking about offering training to women in the industry who would be thinking about a carer change either from escorting or are thinking about starting things up all together, abit like a school!! I am not sure what or how it will happen, but I know that I loved massage and to give or ignore all of my amazing experiences is silly! I would love a whole group of ladies all to have learnt about my massage and to help each other! I am totally not sure how it will work yet though so it is totally in the early stages, those of you that have met me in person know that although I am confident in my body and in the service I deliver I sometimes lack confidence in my ability's outside of the industry! So all the cheer you can give me I would be so grateful!!!

As Always I hope that you have been catching up on my Social media, Honestly I did not think that 18 months ago I would be doing some of the weird stuff I do like twerking to the 3 lions theme or pretending to be a giant! but it sure is fun!!!

As always boys I hope you are all good, and I love reading your fan emails or messages on my other media.

Love you all
Lucy xxxx
Thursday, June 17th 2021
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its coming home??
Whats going on with me!

Hi guys how are you all? It seems like so long since I have wrote! Id love to tell you all its because iv been on a tropical island somewhere or I have been going to loads of exciting events with my business but much like the rest of the country I have just been getting on with it, Focusing on work such as the content I post through twitter etc and focusing on my webcamming, and for the most part it keeps me out of trouble.

I do have some Holidays booked so who knows if they will go ahead, I hope so! because I feel like I need a break, and If I need a break and I live a quiet life I cant imagine how the man that works 60 hours a week must feel! I have 2 holidays booked for the end of Aug, September but I am not holding much hope!!! I have had both my vaccinations now but i have no idea what will happen, I will just have to do my holiday shopping anyway haha!!! my Holidays are to Cyprus and Tenerife.

So whos been watching football? (wait what...football is on?) haha! It feels like all the men want to watch football and not have fun with me, its left me feeling very neglected!! So please let me know if you want to have fun haha! But I thought I would enter into the spirit of things and pose with the good old England flag!!! So let me ask....is it coming home? haha!

things with my house have been going well, I had some new flooring the other week and I am having a joiner put some doors in on Saturday, I had some outside electric put in the other week too but it deffo isnt as good as my old friend EM!!!! I don't really want to do to much to the house now as I am trying to save a deposit for a new house! It is such a hard choice to sell because When I got this house I really wanted to put down roots, but the more I live here and more that the vile neighbor next door shames me about my job, the more I want to move! I think that Victorian property is always for me and as fancy as it is here and what a wonderful neighborhood it is for me 1930s Architecture just isnt for me! So next year in February I will put the house on the market! it might take a long time to sell and I don't want to run the risk of loosing out on my ideal house, wherever in the city that is!

anyway boys I do hope that you are all really really well! I am sorry i havent more exciting stuff to write about haha!

I have been having more fun with family and friends recently - now that we can do that sort of thing! And now with work events coming through it seems that things are starting to kind of...flow! haha

and OMG I forgot to tell you about my accident!!!! now bare in mind this is 6 days before my bloody birthday which was on the 11th of june! but basically I was in the garden on satuday and It was so hot so i didn't do much in the day, but at about 5 pm I decided to mow the grass, half way though i needed the loo, I came back and I fell forward on my flipflops, over a step, went completely over on my ankle the pain!!!! I felt so so sick! I had to crawl on my bum and managed to get to the bench and lie for about 5 mins then to my sofa but i didn't have a phone with me so i had to hop outside! then I lay down and I lifted my leggings up and the swelling was something elce, I had this giant tennis ball budge on my ankle!!! at that point I just started crying and rang my mum who took me to a&e haha! a week on and its ok, I have some very colorful bruising and walking upstairs is killing me but I will live haha!

As always you can check out my website to see more of my fun!

Love you always!!!

Lucy xxxxxx
Friday, January 15th 2021
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Dont ask me....
hi guys how are you all?

Can you believe that we are in a national lockdown ...AGAIN!!!

My first message is one of seriousness!

PLEASE STOP ASKING ME FOR A MASSAGE!!!! I dont know what anybody has to say for this to sink in but honestly it is not safe! I haven't messaged very often but I will tell you all a story as if I did still massage!

My brother currently has covid 19 because he is a key worker, He felt abit ill and went to our local walk in testing place for key worker and 9 hours later he got it confirmed - That is a true fact, it is also a fact that he can taste metal, cant taste, and is cauging every 45 seconds, he cant even go to the loo without feeling shatterd! he is 23 and fit and healthy. This is all true. what is also true that he lives with my mother who may get this, shes 62 and although healthy, shes not the MOST healthy person in the world!!!!

What is NOT true is the following - Say that I broke lockdown to go and see him last week on his birthday, Say that I just wanted to feel normal and have a cocktail and just be not bored and have some pleasure. Say that I had all the fun in the world and the rules didnt aply to me.

Then say I go home and I decide to massage people, I get naked and I give you an assisted shower and the post amazing prostate massage and lingam massage ever, Say that your naked body is near mine and our faces and mouths are so close together you can totaly smell my cherry butter I put behind my ears or the sea butter I smooth across my ass to make us feel connected...Say that we both have a great time, and say I see more than 2/3 people a day becasue the rules dont aply to me....

Then 5 days later you feel like shit, and wait...you broke the rules to see me, and maybe you broke them to do something elce, or you went to the supermarket or you went home to your wife and children....and maybe something serious might happen, or maybe you will just feel really crappy, but does the prospect for a long time feeling very unwell or DEATH worth a massage? sit and imagine and genuinely think about that!!! The first lockdown was bad but now everybody is getting this, My brother, very close family, and a few friends, I do not want this, I have crappy health, so who knows how it will affect me!! Sp honestly folks, please stop asking, Do the right thing. Be apart of the wider society, be apart of a solution. There are so many other ways you can keep yourself entertained, So here are a few things that I try. Like one of my favorite movies about a boy says Dividing your time up in 30 min units is good, a whole hour is alot and I don't know about you, but at the moment I find a whole hour alot to deal with.

1- Reading - I currently am reading mum life by louise pentland but thats not very high brow lol I cant seem to get into anything meaty right now!

2- Cooking - I have made a turkey pie, A Cheese onion and potato pie and some soups, Call me pie minister!!!!

3 - Online shopping!!!!

4 - Dog walking

5- DIY - You all know I love some DIY! Some days I am so productive and I bounce out of bed with tons of energy and some days It feels like I just am so tired and I am abit dull and lifeless, but If i write down what I have managed recently I think I wont be so bad on myself, This week I have - Painted my bedside tables, added new knobs and my new lamps, Orderd wallpaper for the walls (tropical pinks and purples and green for the bedroom incase you wanted to know!!! I have also added 220 black pokerdots to my dining room wall and on the wall next to it added 30 lotus flowers to my living wall, yes, Spots and a living wall, next to the pink smeg and orla kiely bin, the look that I am going for in here is Korian/japanese kitch/ cool quirky cocktail bar haha! Next weeks jobs in the dining room is to paint the rest of the walls pink Add a gallery wall (once my prints come and I need to amazon prime some frames) I have also some NEON pink paint so I may paint my dining room table!!!!! Do you think I have gone mad?? The other 2 jobs I did this week was to clear my utility room a little and clear my spare room and re attatch the door which went better than expected since Id never used a jigsaw ever! Next weeks job is to start on the garage because I let it get messy again haha! - don't shout at me!!!!

6- Being naughty and making naughty content for you all! Bathing, in bed, watching TV,I am always being a sauce pot for you all to see on my twitter and here!!

Anyway boys I hope that you are all well,

Stay safe, and happy, and you know I am always around to chat.

All my love
Lucy xxxx
Wednesday, January 6th 2021
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Happy new year x
Happy new year boys! how are you all?

Well its lockdown....again! lol How is everybody doing with it all? I guess with this being the second real national lockdown we kind of know what to expect. but Even the word lockdown can send me into panic lol! I think I have gotten my head around it I think - Slightly! I am in my new place now and trying to focus on making all of my filthy content for my fans!! I hope to have some DIY to be done in the next few months making all of my downstairs all open plan, as with all great projects In my head it is snowballing with me adding tiling and carpentry! Some might say I have a champagne taste and a prosecco budget!! haha! Although I have been looking at houses again! Which means I basically need to either marry a wealthy man (or woman) Or win the lotto! haha

So what does this lockdown mean for you? Are you going to be working from home? Do you still have to go out? I am one of the lucky ones that I can work for this part of my job from home, Still......Will I ever be able to go out!!! haha! Im taking my responsibility to entertain the masses very seriously haha!

Anyway boys I hope you are all well
All my love
Lucy xx
Friday, December 25th 2020
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Merry christmas
Hi guys Its Christmas day and I wanted to wish you all a merry christmas!

Its been a crazy year for us all hasnt it? sometimes I feel like I need to sit back and take stock to how weird this year has been for me! I feel like my life has completely changed, 99% for the better, but you know what change is like haha, you always craving that little bit of the old normal - AKA going on holiday and seing more people in my bubble but I am seriously hoping that the world will go back to normal next year!!! Christmas has been hard for me this year! I pretty much have had to spend the whole christmas near enough alone and I am starting to feel abit mad!!! SO instead of boring you all of why its been shitty, I thought that I would write a few things of why I am so grateful and some of the good things that happened this year! and then mabe a new blog by the end of the year of what I am excited for - Though this IS me, so when I say this year you never know!! I could never work on deadline!!!

1 - I have moved house!!! I have moved from the lovely home I owned to my new house That I brought by myself! At first it was super scary moving here! its so quiet and suburbian qnd normal but i Love it now! I think that the neighbors are deffo getting used to my crazy fairy castle antics which includes lotts of late night painting and many many fairy lights!!! I have let go of my old house, As lovely as it was, and I know it is in good hands! I love moving house, so who knows how long I will stay here haha!! In my next house I would love to combine a business and somewhere to live, but with just my own income and me not getting any younger or hotter - I really don't want to stretch myself, which is why being mortage free is my main aim in life!!! A job like this isnt forever, not for me! and I want something to show for my time in the industry besides handbags and shoes, though I do have a few of those haha!!!

2- I pretty much have changed carers! So without really meaning too I have changed carers!!! Obviously my Vanilla Business has been affected and covid, So once that weddings are back on I will hopefully start to be able to be active with that side of things, but with massage I have wound it down, its been a tough choice and Its not one I took lightly but I just couldn't massage in a safe environment, As clean As I wanted to be, I just couldn't guarantee my safety and yours too, So its with a heavy heart that untill there is a safe vaccine rolled out, I just cant massage!!! My carer has moved further away to the physical meets and more towards the content side of things, usually I would Direct you to my twitter but it got closed down haha! I have appealed but if i don't hear anything by the day after boxing day I will be opening a new one! Creating the content has been so much fun, It has given me confidence in myself and drive to do something new!

3- I have been so grateful for the help from people and special friends!!! You all know who you are but I wouldnt be here if it wasnt for your help! thank you all soooo much!!!!

4 - I am so grateful for health and that of the health of my friends and family!!!

anyway guys I am at 9% battery and my turkey is in the oven, So I will leave this here!!! Love you all soooo much and have a lovely christmas x

Sunday, December 6th 2020
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Santa baby!!!!
Hi guys how are you all?

It is now the first of december and we are out of lockdown - YAY! Not that much will change for me because here in NUL and Stoke we are in teir 3 meaning that not much will be happening! but this does mean that I can get my eyebrows done as I am starting to resemble big bird from sesame street or some other fictional puppet lol

What have I been upto? Well I have been keeping myself busy uploading lots of content for you all which can be seen through twitter and snapchat, I aren't sure that I'm allowed to post that sort of stuff there but if you type my adultwork username in google it probably will turn me up hehe! It honestly has been so much fun making so much content for you, This month I have been Schoolgirl lucy, Office girl, Vintage girl lucy, Iv videod personal Q&As and Some very very naughty blowjob videos, I am absolutely loving it! Now I am thinking about new ideas so If anybody knows of anything please let me know!!

In other news the house is looking so lovely for christmas! It was the first Christmas in my new house and I was feeling so worried that all of my decorations wouldn't fit, but they look better!!! I love how they make the whole house feel cozy! not that anybody can really come over right now haha! In true Lucy fashion I have decorated every single room again, from the bathroom to my bedroom, Kitchen and content room, there is christmas EVERYWHERE!!!!! How long will it take for me take it down though haha!! Maybe to the 31st of jan lol

This year I have really gotten into baking and have so far made home made mince pies and I made leek and potato soup the other day aswell, Its so much fun and I had forgotten how much I love to cook, It truly is the best form of mindfulness in these troubling times! What have you all been doing to stay mindful and stress free? have you started your christmas shopping yet? I have to get my mums and my brothers and then I'm done, This year I am just so organised haha! it only took me a global pandemic to begin haha!

I just wanted to mention my Vanilla business as I know alot of you ask about it, It has been very quiet as all weddings with more than 15 people have been postponed, but I have just been seeing it as a positive because I have been able to miss it, and missing it has made me see how much I love having another business outside of the sex industry that makes me feel good. Working in the industry is so so empowering, its great but I cant help but worry for the younger girls who are so beautiful and full of life, I cant help worry that they will give everything to the job and then they will get to 27 like I did and think 'what now?' I am so so lucky that I saw a little opportunity and I went for it, And now I have lots of little jobs that make me happy, and to me, joy and happiness is the most important thing. Id love to help other girls that are in a similar position than I was and help in some way, We all need a little help sometimes!!!

Anyway guys I Hope you are all keeping well and that you have an lovely lovely december And I will try and post tomorrow because I have been getting into my motivational mondays and I would love to give you a lucy cheer for the day!!

Love you all

Ps hope you enjoy my red dress! xx
Friday, November 20th 2020
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Christmas, Lockdown and Slutty outfits!
hi guys How are you all? I hope you are all super good? I am currently curled up on my Peacock blue sofa right now with my cup of tea, my pug, and the twinkiling lights from christmas because guess what.... its christmas in lucys house!

Yes the spare room isnt entirely finished yet (i need to learn how to plane a door, Acquire a plane from somewhere) and then add a new (vintage type wardrobe and a bookcase for my Shoes, a blind and then I have prettymuch done this year, Next year I would like some wallpapering done but I think enough is enough for a year haha! It feels as if i spent most of 2020 covered in paint and dust and when I wasnt i was in lockdown limbo of not being able to come to the house and finish the job before I moved in! But the jobs will be done when they are done I tell myself, and I am just so happy that my colour and creativity has returned to normal because I was starting to worry that my superpower was left at my old house never to return again..however the love for colour has returned and I have all sorts going on in my new home!- In true lucy style though, it will never be done haha!

Back to telling you all about christmas anyway! I was getting really worried that my christmas tree wasn't going to fit in my new house and all my decorations would look naff but i am super happy with them all! god knows where they will all go when I have to take them down haha! but I will just have to think about that nearer the time haha! I probably post pics of my house on twitter as I show more of my personality over there and less focused on my adult content so if u wanna see silly lucy, or sexy lucy, or house renovation lucy, thats the place to find me!!

Just a note on lockdown quickly, Thank you to everybody that has checked in on me, I am well, This lockdown isnt as hard as the last, mainly because I am so much more settled in my new home and I have lotts to keep me busy, I am in such a better place compared to the first lockcdown and I am so happy that I put the mental work in and recognised my wellness tools and what gets me and keeps me emotionally happy. But I want you all to know That my inbox is always open for those who want to talk or are lonely. I will try my best to reply xxx

In other news I really have found my mojo with creating content for you all! So far I have done Schoolgirl lucy, then a cool photohoot with a basque thingy and I am just getting ready to do a secutary lucy (i just need the slutty shoes) I keep forgetting people dont check my twitter so I will deffo be posting them on here too which is what is going to keep me busy in the next few hours. If anybody has any ideas please please let me know as I would love love to create more content for you all.

Anyway guys as ever I hope you are all well


Lucy xxxx
Thursday, November 12th 2020
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A big Hello from me xxx
Sooo, Lockdown is on us again - It honestly doesn't feel like 5 mins ago that the first lockdown was on us, however things are so different for me as I am now spending lockdown.2 in my new house. I absolutely love it here! It still feels weird being in such a small house compared to my last house but It is so peiceful and quiet here and a really lovely home, I think the thing I love the most about it is that I can put my own stamp on it because It is completely mine, my own mortgage and everything! My very own fairy castle, This week I have been doing so much, I am currently turning my spare bedroom into my filming/dressing/webcam room, its a small room and has so many Purposes as I have over 40 pairs of Irregular choice haha! I have some flower panels left over from my vanilla business so I think I will get creative on the walls untill I get the room re plastered next year! I Will share pics on twitter when it is done :-) just as I will of other rooms in the house if anybody wanted to see.

In other news, I have started to resume motivational Mondays on my twitter, mainly for myself, because its hard to stay sane and motivated in todays current climate! I like most people in the country feel like I have had to find new ways to work as Massage really has been a no go, Its been a risk paying for advertising and doing things differently but I have really enjoyed it and I feel so grateful that I have a few great websites that I work with, Adultwork being one of them!

Anyway guys I am gonna write another blog full of favorates very soon,

All my love
Lucy xxx

ps I have been keeping busy with creating some amazing content for you! I am currently waiting on a few bits and bobs from shein so I can take some new pics from you all! The first 3 on my list are Schoolgirl lucy, Sectary Lucy and Nurse lucy So keep your eyes peeled! If there are any other outfits youd like to see me in please please let me know! I will be posting my wishlists soon too as I know some people Like to get me gifts at christmas, It would mean the world to me!

All my love
Lucy xx
Wednesday, September 23rd 2020
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Feeling meah - Cheer me up xxx
Hey boys how are you all?

I had written another blog but It seems to have deleted itself before I had the chance to publish it! My bad!

Anyway, how are you all? I'm good, I think hehe! I am really settiling into my new home and its weird to think that it is almost the winter times, the dark nights are closing in and I will have to start to think about christmas in my new home, its going to be relay different this year, different setting to put all of my decorations up, not as much work on in the way of my other business, everything is just super up in the air isnt it :-( I know what I am the queen of positivity but tonight im just feeling realy glum about covid and things. I know I should feel lucky, I know that being healthy etc should be enough, but it just feels like everything is on hold now, my normal everyday business has essentially been halted and who knows if or even when it will go back to normal :-( It is absolutely crap to see something that you work so hard at being halted just when It was at its height of success, I hope and pray that it will get back to how it was, but truthfully I do not know if it ever will be :-( now is important for me more than ever to get back on cam and on twitter and continue with some kick ass content...that or find a sugar daddy, chance would be a fine thing! it always seems that those things seem to come along when I least expect it! And now I want/need a friend to make me feel happy, and positive and good about myself nobody is about :-( sometimes life can feel so so loanly and sad.

Okay so I am now feeling very sad and negitive and we cant have that can we, lets list some things I am happy for and about :-)

1 - My house is looking lovely
2 - I have people that love me
3 - I have some amazing clients (and some that just block me for no reason when I thought they were my friend, with no explanation - but hay ho I am used to feeling disposable on that count)
4 - I just got 6 new bamboo trees for my house for a bargin
5 - I am going to paint my bedroom green soon!

Anyway guys I hope you are all super well

Love you all
lucy xxxx

Sunday, August 23rd 2020
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A little Sunday update
Hi guys how are you? this must be the longist time since I have written a blog, things have been so so well everything so stay tuned! its gonna be a long one!!

First let me start with talking about the house! Its been over 6 weeks since I finally moved in and I am loving it now! Anybody that has ever downsized and moved to a completely new area, to a renovation project, doing it all on there own income will know how many emotions and fears go in and out of there heads on a daily basis! As you all know I am no stranger to hard work, I have done 2 renovation projects before, but never on my own back, it never was just my sole responsibility! I imagine this is what having a child is like - iv not experienced that and i'm glad because renovations are expensive ahem i ment stressful enough! But things at home are good, there is still so much to do before it is my fairy castle, but I just have to do little bits here and there, things its been harder this time because of covid! its been difficult being inspired on how to decorate and structure my interiors because I haven't really been going out and becoming inspired, though I have been out a few times in the past few weeks which I will tell you about later haha! Life at the moment feels like it is full of little triumphs and that is what I have to focus on, the big stuff will happen when it happens!! There are big plans I have, such as wanting to add outside electric, patio doors, having a wall knocked through and new flooring, and I am thinking about wallpapering my ceiling because I reckon I am weird enough and wacky enough to get away with it!! The room I am loving mostly in my house is my bathroom, When it was fitted I liked it, then during lockdown I had decided to get it re tiled in white marble and I loved it, and now that there are fairy lights added and loads of lovely plants I am just totaly in love with it! the thing that would make it perfect would be a pink Neon sign but the one I want is about £350 and I have more important things to spend and save for lol you have to pick your battles right?

The next thing that I want to talk about is my health! how is it? honest answer now is that its been better. At the moment I just feel tired all the time, my back hasnt been feeling great, (why now when I have been fine for years) my mental health is good, and bad lol, every day I try my hardist to be positive and just stay happy, because it is a choice I know, but I just cant seem to stay that way all the time, there arnt as many distractions as there once was, So I am hoping that when my volunteer work is started back up,that my mood will be better! its not very sexy is it huh? talking about my mental health, but I feel like its important! Its important to know that everybody manages mental health - Even if they do have huge boobies!

So what have I been upto right now? work wise? Well I do all sorts! Thankfully things have been getting busy with my social media, and everything that involves, I update on many different platforms such as twitter and snapchat, it helps me connect with clients and create content that I know people enjoy and that I make. Webcaming - I do still cam yes, but I have far more strict times that I am online! There is nothing to stop people messaging me on here when they'd like me to hop on, nothing at all! I really have been more daring recently with the content I am making, underwear I am buying etc, Vintage is still my first love (I have my long hair again now yay) but I have been investing in more body stockings etc, I am enjoying dress up hehe It deffo makes a change than being coverd in dust, etc,

Anyway in other news? has anybody eaten out to help out? I might need to go on a diet soon because I have been to some yummy yummy places! I am going for afternoon tea with my friend next week too, what dress should I wear!

Anyway guys I must go, I love you all so much! I want to say thank you for all of your support, love, and everything, I think you are all amazing! there are always relay special people that support me so much and are my life cheerleaders, and without them my home wouldn't be possible! I will write again soon because I want to write about what I have been watching on netflix and stuff,

All my love
Lucy xxxx
Saturday, July 4th 2020
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I finally moved in xxxxx

Sitting here on on my laptop in my new house, my new fairy lights twinkiling, the radio is on (its absolute radio) and I have my favorate jo malone candle burning I am reminded of how increadably lucky I am to be sitting here!

Its such a strange feeling because in a way it feels like the end! the end of a huge change in my life, the end of moving out of my lovely home into an even nicer one! The end of getting ubers here every week to steam wallpaper, the end of preparing myself to move, I was all ready before lockdown and then lockdown happened and I couldn't move, my made to measure blinds were on hold and I had no carpets upstairs! Anybody who is a cam girl knows that made to measure blinds are totally essential haha! Then I went and did something good, but also really silly because I decided to get my kitchen and bathroom ripped out haha! I am such a stickiler for punishment! Anyway my dear friend EM replaced the bathroom and kitchen for me and it looks absolutely amazing! The plan was just a quick makeover of the kitchen and to have a new one in a year but I decided to go for marble tiles and worktops, Grey doors, Gold knobs and the most amazing instagramable wrap around shelves ever! topped off with my pink smeg dishwaster and pink fridge/freezer! It truly is the kitchen of my dreams! Obviously any house of mine wouldnt be mine without fairy lights and I have a few...... ok ok I only have 5 sets so fair, thats not loads right? haha but there is so much more to come!!

anyway guys I have to go and make dinner! but I just wanted to say a big big HI! and to let you know I haven't forgotten about you all! I hope your enjoying the new content I have been adding and of coarse twitter is the place to be for upto date news and pictrues of me! Some are steamy pics but some are just of me, doing my own thing, in my home, out and about etc...I know im not the steamyist girl here on AW, I know that! but I cant be something I am not! And what I am is just me!

I will write again soon I promise!!

Love lucy

Saturday, June 6th 2020
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A new love of my bottom xxx
Hey lovelies how are you all?

So sorry for not getting on here, With everything going on in the world with covid, me doing my new house up, and me focusing lotts more on my twitter and instagram and less on here, its been a crazy crazy time for me. But I know some of you might not follow me anywhere elce but on here and I do love writing these blogs too - When my brain isnt feeling too mushy! Which isnt often, I am as mushy as a tin of mushy peas most of the time! interesting fact about me, last week was the first time Id ever tried a tin of mushy peas....and the verdict, I liked them! I splashed out and went for the 50p market leader, but I might try the 15p ones next time, just for kicks youknow! haha

The new house is coming along amazingly! The kitchen is almost done, it looks AMAZING! my lovely lovely friend has done an absolute ineradicable job and I just adore it just one final push with it and it will be done! and then I can start doing my favorite thing and add fairy lights and lovely beautiful things! I need to find some made to measure floating shelves and then the kitchen will be done! The blinds for the bathroom are here so I am just hoping that the ones for the lounge and the bedroom are on there way as I cant move in untill they are in place! - I dont want my new neighbors getting an eye full! Or do I haha

I have decided that next week I am going to try and get on here and do a few nights web camming, its been a few weeks since I cammed on this site and I cant wait to talk to some of my lovely regulars! Its been so long since I have posted any content on aw either so keep looking for it!

I havent got too much to say, I have had abit of a mussy head for about a week now so I have kinda had to just try and take it easy as much as I can, nomater what I do I still manage to feel tired lol so I wanted to write a few things that I have been loving and things that have been making me happy.

1- Special fairy gifts and Diet coke outsude my door every day!

2- Listening to lilly alan or robbie williams while cooking - I especialy Love robbies swing albums

3 - Seing my new house coming together

4 - BBQs and seing my friends even if it is at a distance!

5 - TV, I got 6 months free britbox so I have been watching some good stuff on there, Iv watched Appropriate adult (about fred wests appropriate adult) The mooreside (about the Karen Matthews thing) The widower (about this crazy guy called Melcome who poisoned and defrauded there wifes) and I'm currently on the loch which is a Scottish drama - kind of reminds me of a mix of taggot and cracker, its good!

6 - My birthday, even though It will be lockdown it will be on Thursday June 11th, its going to be a super super weird birthday this year, I had an event for my birthday with my business but things with that have all been postponed, But hopefully things will go back to being ok after these crazy time, People still have to get married right??

7 - My fans! this time has been hard for every person in content providing and escorting and obviously massage, Most people like myself decided to take a step back from the massaging and other physical things and just focus on content to keep ourselves safe, and sane, and its been so lovely meeting new people and being creative about the things I have been putting out there.

8 - My bum! I am not confident with my bottom! but I have learnt to love the lumps and the bumps and the imperfections!

Anyway guys I hope you are all good,

all my love
Lucy x
Sunday, May 17th 2020
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Peachy Bums, Marble bathrooms and amazing friends

Going for my bouncy red blowdry with my irregular choice and a little shop for flowery dresses and then a costa and kindle was probably my favorite part of my week! But I know that I will get it back soon, maybe with a new pair of shoes? haha! I have seen the most amazing Japanese inspired ones on the IG website and I have promised myself to buy them when this is all over and I am settled in my new house.

Things have still been strange for me in lock down, but good in a way, I Cant really believe I'm saying this but lock down has been good for me, At first It was hard, I felt soooooo trapped! I couldn't do anything and I felt like I had no control of anything, but the longer it went on, the longer I have connected to things I used to do but stopped like coloring and reading, I have been able to focus soaly on making content for you guys, on here and via my twitter too. I am really enjoying making the content for you but im getting stuck now, because I have no idea what you all want haha! So please let me know! i'm up for filming any weird or wonderful requests!

Things at my new house have been going AMAZING thank you to my amazing friend EM - EM is amazing, good with his hands, cleaver, intelligent and has totally re done my bathroom to an amazing standard! it looks like a hotel! I have gone for a marble bathroom and I just think its amazing! It is so rare in this industry to find good friends but I am just so lucky I have such a good friend, he really is helping me create my very very own fairy castle, Words can not describe how happy and grateful I am for I am feeling so optimistic about moving but still so nervous as theirs so much to do still. But I know that with good people around me I will be happy and safe in my new home.

Anyway, apart from home improvements you will see via my twitter that I have been posting lots more photos for you guys, Especially ones of my bottom - I hate hate hate my bum! but because of the lovely comments from you guys I am starting to love it a little more! So thank you very much xx

I have another blog to post tomorrow with what I have been watching and reading and wearing etc but for now, I hope you enjoy.

All my love
Lucy xxxx
Sunday, May 3rd 2020
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A fun Little thing I found online!
Hi guys how are you all? I thought that Id post a funny little thing that I found online!


Here you go:

Worst physical pain you ever had?
2 Slipped discs in my back, I did this gardening, and I was in bed for almost 3 months, But on the upside I did get the idea and inclination to start my new business which I am very happy about!

Favourite place you have been?
New york for entertainment or Grecce for beauty

How late did you stay up last night?

If you could move somewhere else, where would you move.
Hmmm, Good question! New york in the winter and Greece in the summer!

When was the last time you cried. Thursday

Who took your profile picture. - They are all selfies! So meee!

Three of your favorite films? Lost in Translation, The Departed, Pulp fiction, Fight club, Love actually, Sister act 2, Farther of the bride 2 - Okay okay that was more than 3, shoot me!

What's your favourite season :

If you could talk to ANYONE right now: My nan :-(

Are you a good influence?

Yes deffo!

Does pineapple belong on pizza?
mmm yes!

You have the remote, what show would you be watching right now ?
Sex and the City, Grey's anatomy, Location, Location, Location!

Three people who you think will take part.
My |Amazing Friend that has done my bathroom,
My lovely clients that do this type of thing

First concert.? S Club 7

Favourite food?
Chops, Lamb, Chinese,

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Chiropodist / podiatrist

Any pets? 1 cat - Minnie mouse her name is!

Thank you guys

Love you all xxx

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