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Friday, January 7th 2022
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Humiliation the Benefits
Welcome, I hope you're all keeping well.

Happy New Year for 2022!!!

I mentioned in my last blog that I have been exploring Sexual Discipline.

I'd like to give an update on that;

I have never been sexually aroused by being humilated or disciplined, and still don't really feel sexually aroused by it.

However, I have been realising that this discipline or humiliation if I don't practice it, I feel emotionally chaotic and ungrounded.

When I do practice it with my partner Marcus, I feel this weight or burden is lifted from me, and I feel more focused and aligned with my power!

I have made a YouTube video explaining more about this it's on my channel Rosie Morrell and it's called Humiliation the benefits.

If you're interested have a watch, I explain what I like to be said to me and it's things like: "you ugly whoare, who's a waste of space".

I must add, I only practice this with my partner Marcus, as I really trust him and we have all the boundaries in place which means I feel deeply safe.

So if you are intending on doing this please ensure you do it with someone you trust.

I'd be interested in your thoughts and comments?

Wishing you all well,

Love Always,

Rosie xxxx

#sexualdiscipline #humilation #sexualhumilation #humliationthebenifits #loveyourself #ugliness #loveyourugliness #sex

Saturday, December 11th 2021
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Sex Addiction and Sexual Discipline
Welcome Everyone.

It's been a few weeks since my last blog.
I've had a few things going on.

As always I've been processing a lot of emotional issues, which, as I always say means I'm available to connect more with everyone as I have a deeper connection with myself. I always encourage all people to do this and be honest with this.

I have posted 2 new video's on both of my YouTube channel's which are: Rosie Morrell Sex Therapist and Rosie Morrell.

I have decided to start a new YouTube channel for help and advice with different sexual issues.

My first video on that channel is called Sex and Porn Addiction. Have a look if you're interested the name of the channel is Rosie Morrell Sex Therapist.

If you have any comments or questions about that I would also be interested?

My other video on my personal channel is called Sexual Discipline. The name of that channel is Rosie Morrell.


I have been discovering more about my own sexual desires regarding discipline and humiliation.

It's been highly liberating connecting with this degrading feeling inside of myself as the "gutter whore".

Marcus (my partner) and I have only been doing this Sexual Discipline and humiliation for a short while, so it is early days.

However, since practicing this form sexual activity in a safe way with appropriate boundaries, I have found it rippling out into other areas of my life in a positive way, relating to my relationship with food and my self esteem.

If you're interested, have a watch and I'd be interested if you have any comments or questions?

I hope you're all keeping well?

Any questions about anything I have mentioned, please ask or comment.

Lots of love


Rosie xxx

#Sexaddiction #sexualdiscipline #therapy #freedom #humliation #degrading #gutter

Thursday, October 21st 2021
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Clearing the clutter
Hi Guys,

Hope you're all keeping ok?

I've been enjoying the lovely sunshine today, on a walk, near where Marcus lives it's beautiful.

So over the past week, I have decided to have a clear out of clutter. It felt good but also triggered some insecurities that went back to my childhood. Having being brought up with hoarders along with financial deprivation. I have made a youtube video about it, it's on my channel Rosie Morrell.

Whilst making the youtube video, I show the inside of my bedroom and cupboard. The cupboard isn't very organised with the way everything is stored, and as I show this on the video. I'm feeling a bit ashamed of myself for having it in such a way, and showing it on such a public platform. I don't actually say this however I begin to start coughing on the video.

Although, I am pleased I have published it as I really believe it's important to be honest and transparent with yourself and all people. As I really don't believe it is good to hide in shame behind closed doors, over things that you feel "triggered" by or that you feel may not fit into the "norms" of society.

So, my issues are linked with organisation and low self-esteem, however I see this also benefits me in the work I do, as I see things differently perhaps from others, which means I am open to working with all sorts of issues sexual and otherwise.

Sexual issues can be so taboo, as in our society we find even talking about sex in certain context uncomfortable. So if we have any unusual fantasies or fetish's it can cause us to feel shame or even like an outcast. I have said this before but I believe we all have issues we are uncomfortable with, either really "dark" or maybe just a bit "different" to the "norm".

It's important to be brave and have pride in your issues as that way you can feel whole. Also if your issues are sexually related the more you embrace it in a way that is safe but with pride, over what you are doing, the deeper your orgasim or release will be! As you are not trying to hide it any more.

Have a good week guys, speak soon!

Always be true to yourself and your desires!

Lots of love
Rosie xxxxx

#true #honesty #desires #sex #shame #clearingclutter #freedom #societynorms #fittingin
Thursday, October 14th 2021
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Do Men Prefer "Larger" Ladies?
Hi guys,

How are you all?

So I'm currently on a calorie controlled diet, as I have put on about 4-5 pounds. This has made me consider about weight and how in our society the way we view weight: is "skinny" better? So I then started thinking about the data that I collect, and I have realised that the highest category that I give therapy to men is regarding their mother. So I have done a you tube video where I talk about my weight and this issue on my channel Rosie Morrell. The video is called "Do Men Prefer "Larger" Ladies?". Have a look, if you're interested.

I've also been for another October swim, it was beautiful, and I have actually lost 2pounds in weight since last week, being on my diet! So that's good, I really don't like loosing too much weight as I really do not like looking too skinny, and I love my breasts actually when I'm a bit heavier as they look more fuller.

The other evening I was walking home and the moon light with sea was beautiful I've taken a picture to show you all. Also I came home and saw a huge spider in the porch, I actually really like spiders. From a spiritual perspective I looked it up and it can mean good luck. Apparently the bigger the spider the bigger your luck, so I took a picture to show you all. It honestly was huge!!

Hope you're all keeping ok?

Lots of love
Rosie xxxx

#Largerladies #men #biggerisbetter #diet #skinny #sex #loveyourbody #isskinnybetter #freedom #loveyourself #spiders #luck #love
Wednesday, October 6th 2021
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Having Sex with yourself
Hi guys, hope you've all been ok, since my last blog, which was roughly a week ago.

So I've been watering the plants in my partner Marcus's conservatory, I absolutely love plants.
I also find it so fascinating that they basically have sex with themselves to recreate themselves, it's amazing!!
To me that is the greatest form of self love to be able to have sex with yourself and create life from it!

So along that theme of having sex with yourself, or even having Taboo family thoughts. I may not have mentioned on this blog before that Taboo family fantasy is the one of the highest that I see, and I really understand it from a therapeutic psychological perspective. I actually feel when I work with clients with this particular fantasy it's deeply healing for them when they really enjoy the fantasy in a more conscious way, instead of it maybe being fulfilled in a way that afterwards can make them feel guilty, ashamed or like they are trying to hide something. I really love it too, and it's actually my favourite fantasy to work with, as it can really turn me on and I also feel like it can be healing for myself too, and I don't believe it is anything to be ashamed of.

My latest you tube video is available on my channel Rosie Morrell. It's called: More Revelations Connecting with the responsibility of ALL of your choices.
I talk about how I personally have had a big revelation, regarding how I lacked integrity.

As always keep being true to yourself and love yourself as much as you can.

Lots of love

Rosie xxxxx

Tuesday, September 28th 2021
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Valuing ALL parts of yourself
Hi guys,

Hope you're all keeping ok?

So since my last blog, I have been for 2 sea swims, it's beautiful swimming in the ocean, I am so lucky living so close to the sea. It's so exhilarating swimming in the autumn. It can feel like it really clears the cob webs and is such a great start to the day!

My latest you tube video is available on my channel Rosie Morrell. In this video I really talk about how I have had more deeper realisations about valuing ALL parts of myself. For me it's my silly toilet and rude humour that I really needed to take seriously or value. Which I resonated at a deeper level that I wouldn't be able to do my job as sex therapist if I didn't have this lude part to my personality.

If you're interested check it out on You Tube.
What I would say though, please value all parts of yourself even the taboo or sexual things you may feel are too perverted or just not "socially acceptable", you must value it All! As it makes us all human.

Hope you're all well, speak to you soon, enjoy the sunshine if it's shining where you are!

Lots of love

Rosie xxxxx

#value #rosiemorrellsextherapist #taboo #dontshyawayfromanything #rosiemorrell #sextherapy

Thursday, September 23rd 2021
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Connecting with the responsibility of your choice
Hi guys,

Hope you have all been well?

So yet again I have been processing and have had more realisations, since my last blog.

I have really been connecting with the power of aligning with the full responsibility of all your choices.

As I have said before, I believe we create our whole reality and we choose at a spiritual level every aspect of our lives. Even the things we consciously feel we don't choose.

Recently I really connect and resonated with this truth for myself about all of choices in my reality.
I had this realisation through the covid jab.
I explain it more deeply in my latest You Tube video, which is available now, and is called: "Connecting with the responsibility of your choices".
If you're interested please check it out on you tube, my channel is called Rosie Morrell.

I really hope you're all keeping ok, remember to always try and connect with the power of your choice in each moment.

Lots of love

Rosie xxxxx

#choice #proud #proudtobebritish #british #britain #covid #connectingwithresposiblity #responsiblity #rosiemorrell #rosiemorrellsextherapist

Wednesday, September 15th 2021
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Finding Purpose in Shame or Suffering!!
Hey Guys,

Hope you're all doing ok?

So since my last blog I've been processing a lot.

My latest You Tube video is available, where I talk about some realisations I have around shame, suffering and purpose.

I actually believe we create EVERYTHING in our reality, even the suffering, pain and shame! I actually believe it all has purpose and the more "difficult" times show us even more gifts, lesson's or blessings about our life and purpose, if we surrender to the suffering and allow it to show us it's purpose.
I know this is easier said than done, but if you can step into the suffering or shame through a meditation and hold the pain of it, through visualation, or feeling the purpose of it may present itself to you! Once you have the knowledge of the purpose of it in your consciousness, I believe you can get through it!
Of course there are often different layers of this, which may occur at different times after you have processed one layer.
My latest you tube video is available: Finding Purpose in Shame or Suffering means you can get through ANYTHING!!! If you're interested please check it out on my you tube channel Rosie Morrell.

I hope you're all keeping ok?
Remember try to be proud of
all aspects of your life and that will always serve you.

Lots of love
Rosie xxxx
Tuesday, August 17th 2021
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Integrity, Truth, Transparency and Humility
Hi guys, it's been a few weeks since my first blog, I've been processing a lot personally and busy with my work which I absolutely love.

Due to the nature of my life where I do a lot of inner work with my partner Marcus, which is like a training program for myself and him, so we fully understand all types of behaviour sexual and otherwise within ourselves.
It means that when I'm processing different issues that can be very difficult and shameful, I can feel very tired. These are issues that I believe everyone struggles with to a lesser or greater extent. But the good thing is when I process those issues within myself, I'm very comfortable to deal with any issues that come up that are "dark, twisted, strange or taboo" within my clients. I haven't heard one thing yet that has phased me, and I have heard a lot!!
This is why I haven't been blogging for a few weeks.

So my most recent YouTube is now available it's called: Integrity, Truth, Transparency and Humility. I talk about some incidents that have happened to me recently, where I was in a shop and I turned down a free 5p bag, as I felt I was encouraging steeling.
I was also was advised my a train ticket sales person, not to buy a ticket as there would be no one at the other end.
These incidents seem quite trivial, but I believe they affect your whole being and your energy.
Have a watch if you're interested in my You Tube channel it's called Rosie Morrell.

So, I always say to my clients and all people, that honesty is key especially in relationships, but really it's good to practice it in all areas of your life and even with the more "trival" things it is still important, as I believe all those small things can effect you and even effect your enjoyment in the bedroom! So remember that please and I believe the more you practice honesty the more of a fulfilling life you'll have all round!! XXX

Lots of love,


Rosie xxxx

#truth #integrity #transparency #humility
#goodsexandhighintegrity #love #taboo #dark #sex #rosiemorrell #rosiemorrellsextherapist
Saturday, July 17th 2021
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My first blog
Welcome to my first blog.

I have been working on Adult Work for nearly 2 years now and, I absolutely love it!

I've decided to do a blog on here, to connect with even more people, give you some insight into what I'm about as a person and how passionate I am about what I do on Adult Work, as a cam girl and a therapist.

I don't know know if you're aware how spiritual I am. It's so important to me, to have my spirituality. I actually believe we create every aspect of our reality, and I feel spirituality and science combined really shows that!

Recently I have had even more insights about myself. Realised at an even deeper level how important it is to communicate your truth and not repress your emotions if you're feeling anxious, upset or frustrated it is so important to be honest and tell the person how you feel. I realised this from my relationship with Marcus, and how I felt too affraid to express myself, and it actually made the situation worse.

I also absolutely love and have a great connection with crystals. I have taken a photo with myself with one of my favourite crystal Angels. It's called crystal healing quartz from Brazil.

Also, it's so important to please yourself. The other day I had a really good orgasm from masturbation on the webcam, it felt so liberating and deep, as I had not had an orgasm for about a week or so before this. So guys and girls make sure you're giving yourself that release ;-)

Speak or see you soon!

Enjoy your weekend, be honest and enjoy yourself by giving yourself pleasure ;-)

Lots of love
Rosie xxxx

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