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Monday, May 1st 2023
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May Day
Hello my lovelies

I'm sat in my kitchen watching a little doormouse outside on my patio, he's the cutest!
Everywhere is lush and green and my garden is growing so fast, I welcome the wildness so there are a lot of wild plants and flowers which look so pretty. Today I noticed that the apple trees are blossoming and a pair of bluebells are peaking out from underneath the grass beneath the trees. I've been a bit caught up with work the past week so I've failed to notice the beauty in my own garden so later I'm going to have a wander round and take in everything. It certainly brings me a feeling of peace when I start to see and appreciate the beauty in my own back garden!

So what's new in my life?
Hmmmm well after an extended time at home as my dog wasn't very well, I really started to love being at home every day. I've 2 cats as well so being at home with them is one of my fav things. I think I'm a home bird! I'm lucky that I'm surrounded by nature and the forest is literally just 5 minutes away so my days can be spent with a mix of nature and working at home which I've discovered is my ideal day! So with that in mind I am in the process of creating more digital content, I mean it's the way of the world now isn't it so after dragging my heels for a while I've realised it's the way forward. Now for me that means creating audio, photos, erotica and the occasional video, maybe even OF is calling.....who knows where this will take me but I do now that I am excited and it feels so right.

Now that doesn't mean that I will be stopping my in person sessions. I love that work and there is so much benefit from 1-2-1 connections, it just means that my availability will be less and well like I've been saying for a while it's advanced bookings only.

It's been a bit of journey this year, it's been a year since I got the keys to my new workplace in Chester and my offerings since then have changed quite a bit. My Tantra journey is a deep personal experience too so I've really had to feel in to what I want to offer to clients in both my more 'normal' offerings and my erotic offerings. That's why things may or not appear to change a fair bit on my profile depending on how often you read it!

Time for a brew!

Wishing you all a lovely bank holiday and upcoming Beltane.

Love Sari. x
Saturday, April 1st 2023
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Hello Sari Fox
Hello to me :-)

I haven't picked the easiest name to pronounce so the pronunciation is -Sa Ree!
You can always watch my vids to hear me say it

So here I am, I've spent the past 10 years not showing my face on here but recently decided that I was sick of having to be secret about what I do, I am certainly not ashamed of it and I love this new path I am on so it's time to stand in my power and be seen!

On a different note, it finally feels a bit more spring like. The daffs, hyacinths and wild garlic are all starting to come through in my garden, the birds are starting to nest and we have more light!! Yay, I love Spring!

I've been sticking to my spring equinox intentions too. I am smashing it at the gym, some of you will remember my gym journey last time. I haven't been consistent since then - some 4 years ago, moving to the depths of Wales and being nowhere near a decent gym hasn't helped but thankfully my beloved set us up a home gym and well there are no excuses this time as I literally have to walk 20 steps to the gym!!

Looking back at some of the photos from that time, I was very skinny. I certainly didn't eat enough to fuel my body so this time round with a lot more nutrition awareness I can smash at least 2000+ calories and feed my body healthily whilst getting stronger and fitter. I love it
I will post some gym pics sometime soon....

I've decided to be completely offline on a Sunday from this week, I got in to a habit of doing this a while ago and it's great in this day and age to actually be unavailable for a day! I am going out hiking, another one of my intentions! I thought before I head up one of the big welsh mountains I would test out my fitness a bit more locally, it's still about 13k with a decent elevation so I will see how I get on.

Have a fab weekend

Love Sari xx

Sunday, March 19th 2023
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Goodbye Katie!
Hello hello hello :-)

Today I finally did something that I've been thinking about for a while - changing my name on here! The girl who was 'Katie Cheshire' does not feel like me anymore and since beginning my spiritual and tantra journey I wanted a name that felt closer to who I am now. So let me introduce you to the wonderful, the sexy, the sensual Sari Fox

'Sari' because I like the name and 'Fox' because I like Foxes and they have a special meaning to me!

So in other news.....after a little bit of time off I am back in Chester with my Tantra Massages and I'm still enjoying every minute back in this beautiful city. About a month ago I wandered down to the river and park which brought back lots of lovely memories of being there in the summer a few years ago.

Summer isn't too far away as tomorrow is the spring equinox and also a new moon. So if you are into that kinda thing then it's a great time to set some intentions for the coming summer period - maybe it's fitness intentions, health intentions, business intentions etc. I find that having clear intentions helps to give me focus and clarity on what I want to achieve over the coming months.

So for this spring to summer period my main intention is to be consistent with my fitness, get my feet on the earth every day and get out hiking more. I like a daily reminder of these so I've wrote them out and stuck them on my kitchen cupboard, I know that if I focus on these 3 things everything else will great too!

Speaking of greatness I've just started watching the Elvis Film, which if you haven't seen it is definitely worth a watch. I found it fascinating that his 'wiggling' got him in to so much trouble. The female reaction to his moves obviously really scared the patriarchy, they wouldn't want to wake the women up now would they! If you know, you know.

Happy Sunday y'all (I've been watching too much Nashville!)

Sari xxx
Tuesday, January 10th 2023
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Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!

Have you set an intention for this year? Mine is to be in the moment with life - I've finally understood that it's all we really have, so I'm making the most of every moment and striving to live with love and passion each day!

I went out for a lush forest walk yesterday and I had a realisation that I have very nearly been on this site for 10 years!! Wow, what a decade it's been! As that anniversary draws a bit closer I think I might have to celebrate!! Anyone care to join me?
Things have come a long way since that first apartment with the spiral staircase and when I look back there is a definite clear path of progression which is all we can really ask for isn't it. These days with all the adult content providers it's clear that you can have a pretty decent business within this field and that's how I've always looked at it - I'm the brand and I'm very happy to be in control of my own life and body. So here's to the next 10 years and I'm excited to see what that path is going to look like, trust and flow, live with love and everything else will fall in to place. Aho!

Love Katie xx

Thursday, November 24th 2022
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Christmas Spirit.
It's been a while since I've updated this blog, so I thought I would give you a brief round up of what I've been up to since the summer.....

The main thing was that I closed my business in North Wales, the place had served me well but it was time to move on and more importantly move things back to my home town of Chester. I love Chester and being away for a few years has only made me love it more! Especially this time of year with the Christmas buzz in the city and some of you know my love for all things festive :-)
I now have a beautiful sanctuary in the heart of the centre where I mainly focus on my holistic and energy healing therapies leaning more towards bodywork and Tantra these days and of course still allowing some time for my super relaxing and pleasurable sensual massages. I did take these off the menu for a while but I recently added them back as I saw so much value in the deep relaxation that they offer and I appreciate that not everyone is going to be open for the Tantra experience but perhaps dipping your toes into the sensual massage and getting to know me may gently move you into a realm of deeper awareness and sensuality with my tantra experiences.

My personal life has seen some big changes and it's with these life initiations that real change and transformation happens so I'm focusing on the positives and staying thankful for all the love in my life. I am a big believer in focusing on what I am grateful for and whilst it takes some practise to switch the mind in to that mode it has helped me keep positive and keep moving forward. I'm grateful for that!

Now as we hurtle towards Christmas I am looking forward to enjoying the festivities, sipping on a mulled wine or 2 and getting cosy in front of the fire with the Christmas tree lights sparkling. Bring it on.

Love Katie xxx

Tuesday, July 5th 2022
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Sunshine Sally
I'm not quite sure where Sunshine Sally came from but it has a nice ring to it hey!

So I'm back from my little break away, a mix of chill and training. Deep deep training in to the shadow, the body, sexuality and Tantra. That's about all I can share really, it doesn't make much sense in the outside world but it's transformational and all part of my journey and is helping to shape my offerings and really feel in to what it is I am here for. Did I mention it was deep work!!??

Anyways I'm back in sunny Wales, basking in our summer sunshine contemplating my return to my beautiful place in Chester. As my latest movies suggest (posted today!) I'm eager to get back to it, eager to feel some sensuous bodies beneath my hands, eager to feel a hard cock or two, oh and even more eager to feel a hand or two caressing my yoni! New add on offerings listed

My latest longer movie gives you a little more insight in to my Tantra massage experience, spoken word conveys a much deeper meaning than just text so have a listen and see if it resonates.

Sunny kisses.
Love Katie xxx
Friday, May 27th 2022
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The Beginning.....
Wow what a wonderful first week it's been! My new place is gorgeous and the perfect setting for my Tantra experiences, I feel so grateful.

This morning I signed up for the next level of my Tantra training which really takes things deeper. If you are also on a spiritual journey you will know that the learning and self development is always ongoing which was something I was reminded of before I found Tantra! I was comfortably settled in my Shamanic shoes thinking 'yeah this is it for me' and then when wham bam Tantra appears out of nowhere and I embark on this new path. Love it!
It's important to keep moving forward and another training I am booked on to really stretches me out of my comfort zone, it's intense, it's dark, it's shadow work - the buzz word of this year I think.

So what's my interpretation of the shadow?
It's the dark side of our soul, the wounded side, the secret side, the side we do not share with others and the side that we may suppress and reject.

'Everyone carries a shadow, and the less it is embodied in the individual’s conscious life, the blacker and denser it is.' Carl Jung

We are all a mix of light and dark energies and it's important to feel and express those darker emotions. It's not beneficial to be all 'love and light' and thankfully that is coming out in the mainstream a bit more.
So in brief it's good to look at these different sides of ourselves and by acknowledging the aspects of the shadow self it sets us on a more balanced path. There is lots of info about this online, have a google, do some thinking or journalling about your own shadow self, it's life changing!

On a lighter note I will be sharing some new photos and videos soon.

I've also made a few changes to my offerings, this is likely to keep evolving as I move along this path so please have a read.

Wishing you a fab weekend.
Love Katie xx

Monday, April 25th 2022
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Good Morning lovelies!

I've had a wonderful weekend of learning, delving even deeper in to Tantra, Energy Healing and BioEnergetics. I am so fascinated by it and the results are just fantastic! This weekend we practised some new Tantra massage techniques and the energy shift I feel from being the receiver of these experiences is really powerful. I feel Centred, Empowered, Clear Headed and Energised. The body can hold on to our emotions and things get stuck over time, the techniques I am learning to help release these through conscious touch is amazing, so powerful.
As you can probably tell I am super excited about this new path!!

I've realised that my offerings are going to be evolving over time, focusing more on the deep healing that sensual touch can bring. With that mind I have already made a few changes, mainly changing the minimum time to 2 hours as this gives you a much deeper healing experience.

I am trusting that the right people will be led to me and the fact that you are reading my blog must mean that we are vibrating in the same realm!

Over the coming weeks and months I will be uploading more content so please click the notify button for my blogs, videos and photos. In the meantime I am creating an official mailing list so if you would like to be receive an email now and again then please send me a message with your email address or alternatively I can send out information directly through the message system on here. Either way let me know if you would like to be added.

I still have a little of availability for my first week in Chester so check out the availability tab and get in touch if a date suits you.

Much love
Katie xx
Tuesday, March 22nd 2022
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Spring Equinox

The sun is shining, we have moved in to the energies of Spring and I am feeling good!
For those of you who have been following me for a while you will know that I LOVE SUNSHINE - it's a life force energy and one that we should be basking in rather than shunning. There is new research coming out that it's the seed oils that we consume that react with the sun and cause some cancers. Food for thought there, ditch the seed oils (terrible stuff that previously were used to fuel machines, not human bodies!) and see how much better you feel. You will also burn less and know that your body is absorbing all that lovely vitamin d3 plus so many other things that we are only just discovering. Enjoy the sun!

I've recently reignited my profile here, I had a lovely break discovering myself and launching my business but somehow I always come back to this. It's not just the money aspect, since I've been combining my skills of courtesan and massage therapist I have delved deeper in the sexual psyche and this has lead me on a new path of self discovery and understanding of why I do this work. My role as a therapist is to help people, something I have always been drawn to which ultimately unknowingly led me down this path. Part of my role as an escort has always been to offer comfort and to listen to my clients non judgementally, the sexual side whilst at times has been adventurous has always been a by product of providing a safe loving space to relax and connect with another person. As I move forward on my personal journey therefore I must move forward in this profession, I am no longer just an escort or massage therapist I am a woman in her power offering a sacred sexual connection and all that comes from that.

I am going to use this blog to share my tantra journey, my spiritual journey and whatever thoughts and feelings emerge relating to my offerings here.
My profile will always detail the latest updates of my offerings but feel free to get in touch if there is something specific you would like to delve in to.

Much love
Katie. X

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