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MissLouiseKay's Blog
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 41 entries, showing page 2 of 3 
Sunday, August 17th 2014
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The Big Move!!

In less than 2 weeks I move!! I'm so excited, I hate moving tho the stress is insane my poor housemate must be sick of me banging on about it!!

I'm in essex but off to the midlands to live in huge house with another awesome webcam girl :)

Its so exciting for me, since my friend has moved in I've lost my webcam room as she has been staying in there. I loved my studio so dead excited to have it back, tho I have loved having her about so swings and roundabouts!

As I am gonna be offline for about 5 days I am on webcam loads at the minute.... in case anyone was wondering why! Thought I should put in the hours ;)

I move on the 29th and we get internet on the 3rd so I'll be back then!

Wednesday, March 19th 2014
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Changing The Perception Of Prostitution
So the BBC three documentary was aired yesterday. I am so so so happy with it. 30 mins before it aired I was literally shitting myself incase I was portrayed badly. Luckily it was quite the opposite. I have been so overwhelmed at the positive responses I have had from people in regards to their views on prostitution. Most people have a pre conception when the word prostitute is used and to be honest I don't refer to myself as a prostitute very much, simply because I think it is an ugly word, much like a bin man may prefer to be referred to as an "Environmental Technician" Generally a drug addict walking the streets looking a mess is what people assume a prostitute to look like. Thats not the case. Some of the more interesting and empowering women that I know sell sex for money. Believe it or not women do choose to do it and not because they can't do anything else. Me personally, I've had the normal job, I was an office clone and it wasn't for me. I learnt from a young age that sex sells and I've exploited that fact in all its glory. I will admit I never ever imagine that I would be a whore, saying that when I was in 6th form there was a joke "price list" for my services that went about! But in all seriousness I never imagined that I would actually do it and genuinely have a passion for it. The sort of whoring that I do isn't just about the sex, its hard to explain but its way more than that. Men don't come in and its wham bam thank you mam and then they leave.... I get to chat with these men, I create a connect and a rapport with them. Yes I do sleep with all of my clients, and yes that's ultimately what they are paying for, but its the rest of it what keeps the guys coming back. If I didn't have a personality I would be a very unsuccessful whore! Personality is key! I have always wanted a job where I change someones day, or I make an impact into their life, and as obscure as it is, I have that. Men leave with a smile and a glint in their eye. The feedback and field reports I receive make my job so worth while. I'm improving someones day, and I fucking love that. I think only a whore will kinda get what I am getting at! I realise there is a bad side to whoring and there are a fair few women who don't do it out of choice.... but how many people go to work in an office day in day out and don't really want to be there. They have been sucked into a role and now have no way out. Different industries yes but the same concept. To sum it up, I love my job, I love my job and I get paid for sex, I'm not ashamed, I'm not dirty, I'm not stupid nor am I a slag. I'm a human being, with a strong business sense who uses her body to create an amazing life. Not everyone can do it, but I can, and I love it, how many of you are happy to wake up every day and work.... I am. For as long as I am happy I will whore. Louise xxx IMG_9630
Monday, March 10th 2014
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Back on the game ;)
So I had a little break from escorting. After my London Tour I was pretty well pissed off to be honest, last minute cancellations and no shows, oh the glamour of my work, when you have a lovely home and you leave it to get messed about, well it gets to you!

But now I am back. Only going to be local for 2/3 days a month. I miss seeing my clients, I miss the fun and I miss the sex!

I can't wait to get back into the swing of things will be fun. I'm defo not touring anymore, that is way too much hassle!

I've already got some duos planned with girls!

Good Times Ahead!
Thursday, November 7th 2013
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Happy Blogging from MissLouiseKay
I moan a lot.... so here is a non moany excited happy positive blog.....!

My house. fuck me epic isn't the word.... I blogged before about my webcam areas and well they are slowly coming together.

I have my 2nd bedroom which is all white so good for light with bed in it. Nice basic set, proper feels like when I worked on the babe channels!

The second reception room has my pole up which is EPIC fun to play with and such good exercise. Most days I walk by it and having a little swing round it. Its right opposite the window so I wonder how long it is before my neighbour twigs and I catch him peeping ;) well could you blame him ;) Might have to get a red light for the window ha ha

So yeah the pole and I now thanks to my fucking awesome landlord have a desk up. I have already been a slutty college girl a couple of times and fuck me is that fun! I will be a naughty secretary soon I think....

Today I got a nurses outfit which I LOVE so cannot wait to be naughty nurse kay!

So yeah basically its all coming alone nicely. I cannot express how much fun it is being about to theme my days and have a set. Its a tad geeky I will admit but fuck it. It makes me happy. I have always enjoyed working and now I LOVE it even more!!

I went to the clinic to get certed on wednesday so I FINALLY will be shooting more content. Hopefully getting Marc and Summer Rose over soon to my house to play with ;) I have also been talking to Lee Saint, Big Johnny and Pascal White. Hopefully Yuffie Yulan and Lucia Love will be in the pipeline too.

So finally I am heading in the direction I have been wanting to for ages and I cant express how awesome it is.

Oooooo and by the end of this month my right sleeve should be complete and my neck piece done.

Thanks to all you guys for tolerating my wonkiness this year has been a fucking roller-coaster at times but hope you've enjoyed the ride!
I love most of you and appreciate you more than you realise.

Best get back to work ;)

Thursday, October 10th 2013
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Thats not a webcam room THIS is a webcam room!!
Wow I had a epic rant earlier!!!

I hate being negative about my work, after the moan I had three awesome clients which slightly made up for the shit!

I received a bloody lovely field report and peace has been restored!!!

So what I was going blog about: My new project! My webcam room!

So I have moved house into this epically nice house, which has 2 bedrooms and 2 receptions rooms. One of the bedroom and reception room is going to be used as my webcam area.

I plan to have a desk, pole, sofa and bed to use whilst camming....

so far the reception room has the pole up. The sofa is next on my list to buy. The bed and mattress have arrived I have just been lazy and not put it up yet! I need a TV up there for the rare occasions that cam is quiet so I can watch tipping point or maybe a naughty movie ;) Then the desk and I REALLY want an iMac, which will come in the new year after the shitty tax man has all my money!!

So yeah its going to be rather epic, I'm buying more outfits, stockings shoes etc. Really investing in my business.

I don't need all that but it sure as hell will be nice to have the option of different sets every day. Rather than always being on the bed!

Its better for you guys! I fancy showing off my pole tricks or slipping on my school uniform and bending over the desk for you!

I love my work and I want it to be fun for me and fun for you!

So keep watching out for all the changes its gonna be fun!!
Tuesday, July 2nd 2013
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Book Early To Avoid Disappointment.....
Well helloooo.

Its been a while since I have done a blog on here I think the last time I was super excited about my Tour!
The tour has been and gone and was cut short due to food poisioning which was pretty lame! It meant that I missed out on my Glasgow dates which sucked!

I'm heading up there in september now which I can't wait!

For now on I will be touring one city a month for 3-4 days so you have to get in their quick with me! I get so many emails from guys wishing they had booked earlier so I don't under stand why they dont!

Well hopefully you naughty boys will now!.

I am still LOVING escorting despite a few blips it is bloody awesome. I'm am enjoying meeting sucking a fucking all you naughty boys!

Long May It Continue!

Miss Louise Kay

Wednesday, June 5th 2013
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Tour Du Whore!! Excited!!
Well its nearly time! ahhhh I am so excited, my escort journey is going well so far, its had its ups and downs (literally) but ion generally I am loving it!
When I first started I said I would only be escorting a few times a month but my appetite for sex has escalated beyond belief!

Hence my tour! Next week I travel to portsmouth, birmingham, manchester, newcastle, glasgow and leeds! so exciting!
I'm going to do a couple of nights in my home town of chelmsford then I am off to liverpool!

I'm going to be covering a lot of mileage and hopefully sucking and fucking a lot of cock! I hope to see some of you naughty naughty boys on my tour du whore!!
Wednesday, April 24th 2013
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Direct Chat... Huge Face Palm!
Well I am a grade A wally! I have just discovered that my Direct Chat Number has been incorrect for well over a month!nearly 2 I think!
I just checked my call log and have pages of missed calls!

I cannot express how sorry I am to everyone who has tried to call me but it has failed! Its all sorted now.

A few people will know that I had my phones and Ipads taken off me by the cops in January due to some idiot using my bank details during a kidnap and ransom case, So I had to replace my phones then.

It appears when I got my stuff back I completely forgot to change it!

Better late than never!

I hope you are all well

Louise xxxxx
Wednesday, April 17th 2013
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Back Due To Popular Demand!
Well the escorting continues! Today I was in Aldgate, which I have LOVED I havent actually had much time to work as I went to the football, but my phone was going mental!
So I have added another aldgate date!

I am uber happy that adultwork is all back up and running. Its an amazing site and I was so bored not being able to entertain the masses when it wasn't working!

I am so lucky to LOVE my job and I hope I can continue doing it for a long long time.

I never thought I would be so happy being a whore but I really think I have found my calling!

Hope to see some of you naughty people soon!

Tuesday, April 9th 2013
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Countdown to the BRACE!!
Hey guys and girls, I hope you are all well! I'm so much better since my last blog/rant!!

I am on a weeks countdown to my brace! Its going to be tooth coloured so wont be so bad but my god am I worried about what I will look like!!

I have had emails on here saying that men won't be bothered but well you know its still a worry! I'm kind of excited at the same time its all a bit mad!

I have just added a few more London dates before I get my brace. So if anyone wants to sample me before the brace you have the chance!

I really had better hope that I don't eat anything that might stick in the brace, Imagine opening the door to a smiling escort and seeing spinach in her teeth!! That's a definite no no!!

I'll stick a picture up after wednesday of my brace....
Thursday, April 4th 2013
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Being Ill Sucks!
Grrrrr I hate being ill, I haven't webcammed for a week and Ive cancelled 3 incalls days :-(
I honestly miss working sooooo much! I love my job and being ill isn't for me!
However I am now better :) I've just planned a escort tour in june which I am SUPER excited about and tonight I'm going to get back on cam for a couple of hours.
I feel for people who don't love their work, coz it must really suck.
I love my job, I love my clients and I love the friends I have met through work.
Its definitely a Carlsberg job :~)

Saturday, March 30th 2013
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Massive Rant!
Now I warn you this is gonna be me having a rant as I'm ill. Covered in hives and got a fever :(

Yesterday I was suppose to be escorting but since I was ill I had to cancel it, not good when I had paid to be member of the day on adultwork.

I text one of my bookings telling him that I am ill and that we will have to rearrange, everything was fine at that point. Now I have boyfriend, I'm very open about this, if anyone asks me I will always say that I do. Many of my clients are married men so it's not like it's an issue. Now the booking I cancelled follows me on twitter and I got a tweet saying that he didn't know I had a boyfriend and that he couldn't of seen me, and that I should stay true to my man.

Maybe it's coz I am ill that this has pissed me right off but yeah I'm so annoyed, why does me having a boyfriend affect an escort booking ? It's like me saying I won't see married men! My other half knows what I do for work and it's not an issue. When I escort I'm Louise Kay when I'm with him I'm someone else.

I think the real reason this annoyed me is that what if he would of asked half way through the booking if I had a partner, would he have stayed or left or demanded his money back?! Lots of escorts have partners I do not know why it's an issue!

Tell me what do you think, would it bother you that an escort you saw has a boyfriend?

Rant over

Monday, March 25th 2013
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I Have Missed Escorting! Bring On The Cock!
So I've had a couple of weeks off escorting, I didn't realise how much I would miss cock!! and the men attached to them of course!!
I have enjoyed every moment of it and I'm looking forward to the next few weeks as I have London, Chelmsford and Heathrow coming up!
I have picked to work on Good Friday in London so I am hoping some of you naughty boys are in a good mood and wanna to see a tattooed slut ;)
I'm going to start picking places to tour soon i'm sooooo excited! I'm going to be getting cock from all over the county!!
Life could not be better! ;)
I question why I didnt move to the dark side sooner, I'm happier, I'm horny all the bloody time and I just feel AMAZING!!

Hope to see some of you filthy men soon xxxxxxx
Sunday, March 24th 2013
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Half Marathon
I am a very happy albeit very achy lady, as today I completed my first half marathon. I was proper emotional about it, I never thought I would be able to complete such a race so its a big achievement for me!

I loved every minute of it, even tho it pissed it down, I was soaked before it started and it rained heavily on and off thoughout!

I'm pretty open about the fact I suffer with depression and running has been the best thing for it. When I am running its just me and the music in my ears. All the stress just leaves me its mad.

I remember when I split up with my last boyfriend and I went for a run, after that run I felt fine and I just carried on as normal. Its just mad how good it is for your mental health!

I'm off to bed now, I could do with a massage ;)

Night xxxx

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