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Saturday, May 8th 2021
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Feeling Fresh!!
Hello naughties,

How we all doing??

Very long time no speak!! So I’ve just got back from a little trip to the middle of nowhere - it was bliss!!

Sorry I’ve not been around much, I’ve had a mountain of coursework (still do), and have been working extra hard on other projects. So Polly had a little crash. I needed some major time away to just relax and look after myself. So I did exactly that!!

As enjoyable and as beautiful as it was though, I’m back, feeling refreshed and eager to get beck to being naughty online with you filthy lot!!

Your likely to find me mornings/late afternoons. But feel free to drop me a message if you’d like to see me at a specific time. I hope to have some more blogs for you too!!

Much love,

Tuesday, April 6th 2021
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Please Sir - Do I Get An A?
Hey naughties,

How we all doing??

Been a while since I’ve written one of these, and will probably be a while until I write another. I have sooooooo much coursework on at the moment it’s unreal!!

But of course I will still be about, lucky for you orgasms are very stimulating for my mind (as well as other areas ), it just may be at slightly unpredictable times. But always feel free to drop me a message to see when I’m free or request a certain time.

Hope we’ve all had a wonderful Easter weekend, and enjoyed the sunshine while we had it - roll on summer - although major warning, I don’t think you’ll be able to handle my libido then...it’s already getting insanely high

Monday, March 8th 2021
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International Women’s Day
Hey naughties,

How you doing?? Been a while since I’ve written one of these.

When I saw the date this morning I felt compelled to write something about international women’s day. But I admit I have been struggling to know what to write.

My core belief is in equality, yes its something women very much lack in, but I believe men are not treated as equals in other areas to. One blindingly obvious example is, toxic masculinity. I have seen many of my male friends struggle to feel comfortable in fully expressing themselves because of ridiculous society driven expectations. And this inequality extends out to my non binary friends and those from the LGBTQ+ community.

So I wondered what does today mean to me??

And I found myself thinking about what led me to feeling like a woman. I can always remember feeling like a girl in a mans world, until one day I decided to challenge the little box I had put myself in, and take control of who I was and what was my world.

Do you know what played a huge role in that??


I know some people would scoff at that, but I’d argue they’ve never properly explored their sexuality and by default don’t fully understand them selves. And if you don’t understand yourself, how will you understand the plight of others?

One thing our society is painfully backwards in is sexual freedom. As a result, despite this fight for equality, having entire days dedicated to gender equality. Men and women in professions such as mine are left with not many rights at all.

People think it’s okay to talk to us with no respect, try to scam and con us (yet sex worker are ofter tarred with this brush) or judge and look down on. But still I love this job, I don’t let such small mindedness get to me. Because I feel I have a better understanding of what equality feels like. Because I’ve experienced it through sex.

There is no truer or more beautiful trust than that between and Dominant and their submissive. I have been fortunate enough to explore many versions of this dynamic, I have been the adoring sub, allowed my Masters to use me in extreme ways. I have been the adored Domme and pushed the limits of my subs. Do you know what made all of these experiences honest, trusting and incredible??

Mutual respect, a full understanding of consent and open communication.

If we can have this in the bedroom or in a profession that is seldomly taken seriously, then why the fuck isn’t it applied in general society!?

I’m celebrating by buying myself a new strap on, which of you is comfortable enough in your self/gender/sexuality to come bounce on it??

That’s a very attractive quality you know,

Thursday, February 18th 2021
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Hey naughties,

How’s you??

I swear everything at the moment is one big, monumental tease!! Even AW is mocking me, I mean come on,


Now I’m sat here trying to get filth out of my head!!

You know what would be really hot!? Meeting like four couples (I know, I’m greedy, sorry not sorry!!) in like a sex club, seducing and encouraging them to a big play room where the wives, and only the wives accompany me to the bed.

Just imagine, me presented with four beautiful pussies...Heaven!!

All for me to lick and pleasure while looking up and making eye contact with each of their husbands. The husbands standing by the edge, gazing, watching hungrily.

Not allowed to touch us unless I say so,

Not allowed to touch themselves unless I say so,

Not allowed to cum unless I say so.

Imagine the torture in those husbands eyes as their wives and four other women moan and pleasure each other, completely naked, rolling around kissing. The men just watching. Me the ringleader of pleasure and tease.

Imagine when your wife kisses you after, plump, wet lips, glossy with pussy juices - the only taste you get.

Fuck I miss cucks!!

I hope this lockdown ends soon...

Frustrated Polly
Sunday, February 14th 2021
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Happy Valentines Day!!
Hey naughties,

Love is in the air...I think I’ve found the one, she’s honestly sooooo beautiful and knows how to make me feel amazing. Cupid shot his little arrow and I have fallen in love with...my vagina!!

Haha all jokes a side (wasn’t a joke), I want to wish you all a wonderful Valentine’s Day. Whether it’s spending it with your significant other, or if like me, your a self lover, I hope you have a great day!!

I have never had a valentines, and this year is no different. I will be spending it alone. But I’m not complaining (SOBS), at the end of the day, I can’t miss what I’ve never had. But what I do have is a fresh focus on some hot new ideas I’m starting to work on this week and can’t wait to share with you all. I know I’m gonna stay super focused on this as it’s so exciting!! Plus a day, at home, in my warm house (my heating broke earlier this week), appreciating my body, showing myself some self care, and getting naughty with you randy lot on here sounds simply divine...I can’t wait!!

How are you spending this Valentine’s Day??

Why not come and share some self love with me.

Soon to be,

Cum Drunk Polly

P.S. There’s a naught version of this pic in my gallery - You’re welcome x.
Wednesday, February 10th 2021
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Sexual Frustration
Hey naughties!!

How we doing??

Don’t worry I’m not going to start creaming myself over the snow, hateful stuff. But I have had to temporarily move in with my bubble as my heating decided to conveniently break - yay!?

I’m still about as usual, but I’m frustrated as I’ve not had a decent opportunity to play with my new toys!! Look at the pretty!!

However I did manage to get 40 minutes to myself this afternoon and I wasted no time to have a little (much needed) me time - I was getting g very grumpy!!

From my somewhat short time I got to play I have to say I’m very excited to get home and have some real time with these.

The blue toy, aptly named, The Kraken, certainly touched me in places I really didn’t expect.

And the pink...well, I was a little disappointed as I thought it’d be a chair, once I pumped it up I realised it’s more of a cushion. But boy does it still deliver!! I think I manages to cum 3 times, in about ten minutes!!

Polly approves

Hope your all keeping well,

Saturday, February 6th 2021
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Hey naughties,

How we doing??

I’m not going to lie Lock down 3.0 is starting to take it’s toll!! I’ve developed a new bad habit of having 100s of half done projects on the go. As I’ve started back at uni I figured I needed to challenge this habit as I don’t want it to bleed into my coursework.

Seeing as there is little to look forward to I decided every-time I’d achieved something in its entirety I’d reward myself with a spot of edging.

So, achieve X, edge myself and have a little taste of some delicious endorphins, on to the next task if I wanted some more, repeat. Pretty good idea I thought, what do you think?? Then before I wound down to relax after my busy day I figured I’d let myself cum and record it so you bunch of pervs (my favourite kinda people) could see just how much, how hard, how messily, how epically I can cum.

So I spent ages setting up, perfecting the light, finding the best angle to see everything, playing with the camera settings to ensure i got a decent HD quality image. Mapping out my best positions, deciding on angles, toys, underwear, I eventually settled on a very small thong that my moist pussy felt amazing through. I put in so much effort for a wank, just so you, my lovely clients, could have a real treat. I had been edging myself all day, you know how it is in lock down, just getting out of bed is worth a quick little reward. So I was sensitive, like, really sensitive. I could tell that when I cum I was going to explode.

You would have loved it. Fact.

I check my set up for good measure. Get my kit off and get into position. Every touch starts to become electric at this point. I’ve been waiting for the sweet release all day. The lightest touch of my fingertips sends shudders down my body. I need this.

I feel myself slip into the zone where I am completely at one with my body, nothing else matters. All I am aware of is my own delicious pleasure. I can’t help but feel myself while in this state. I feel so good!! My eyes are rolling, my body convulsing as it rides my waves of ecstasy. I can feel drip after drip start to endlessly leak out of my pussy. My breathing turning into a pant causing an already noisy wank to be amplified. Beads of sweat form, making me glow as I get ever closer to that huge, earth shattering orgasm.

I had the smallest moment of clarity before it happened. I started to wonder if my body could take it. Then wondered how many of you would actually be able to hold yourself to cum with me, I think the majority of you would have found it very hard.

And bliss.

It was a moment that was so worth the wait. The whole days hard work had lead up to that moment. I could feel myself gush, my body spasm and temporary Synaesthesia exploded in my vision.

Too good for words.

I laid for a few seconds just giggling at what had just happened. Then realise I was suddenly really hungry. So decided it was time to sign off. I went round to stop the recording and thought, that looks closer than I thought...

I skipped back through the video and found I hadn’t tightened one of the adjustments on my tripod properly. When I was undressing it fell and with the light focused on me I hadn’t noticed.

I worked out 32 minutes and 59 seconds of me just in pure ecstasy, I can’t tell you how much I cum, it was unyielding.

All perfectly focused on my knee.


So that’s how February’s going for me so far. Hope it’s working out better for you haha!!

Let’s edge together sometime,

Tuesday, January 26th 2021
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Hey Naughties,

How we all doing??

January is almost over!!

Haha I’ve made it no secret my sever dislike of this month, cold, boring, long, BORING!! But I will say this, it’s been crazy on my sexual fantasies hehe!!

I was talking to a client, you know who you are and we made up a few new fantasies that have, to be honest, really stuck in my brain and gone wild!! I’m just gonna say one now because I feel I have to...

I wanna fuck in a Church!!

Oh my gosh, just picture it; one of us on the alter, the other on their knees, light streaming through the stained glass windows behind, the echoes of our moans around the beautiful, stone structure. Not to mention how sinful it would be.

It would be fucking angelic!!

So what naughty fantasies have been keep your lock down boredom at bay??

Maybe we can live them out

Take care,


P.S. Is it weird that I’ve fantasied about this more in the past 24 hours then I have about getting married at the alter, in a church, ever!?
Thursday, January 21st 2021
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Hello naughties,

Hope we’re all well??

Hasn’t this month been dragging!? Oh January...please end soon.

I took a bit of impromptu time away for my mental health, but don’t worry, I haven’t been idle. I have a few little projects on the go. I’ve been trying to figure out how to upload my spoken erotica and was wondering, should I throw in some funny sex stories too?? Would that be something you would enjoy??

I’ve also been working on my blogs, in fact I seem to be writing three at the same time haha. So I wondered if you could tell me which one I should finish first. 1) Submission 2) Penis Envy Part 2 3)My Kinks and Why I Like Them. And of course any and all suggestions are welcomed.

During my time away I’ve had a move around of my room and have been changing my set up, so come and tell me what you think. I’d love to be able to get a 4K cam if anyone would like to come and help me towards that ;)

Hope your all surviving January and keeping well.

Look forward to hearing from you.

Friday, January 15th 2021
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Opinions - HALP!!
Hello you naughty lot!!

How we all doing??

As has been touched on in my last blog, January just kills me for inspiration (I think the brat in me throws a tantrum at the lack of sunshine and warmth), but I am determined to be proactive none the less so, I figured why not get you lovely lot involved!!

I love my profile picture, the pink PVC is by far my favourite outfit. For me it’s a bit of a classic. But that’s my personal choice. What do you think?? Is it time for a new pic?? Or should I just freshen up the other two??

Content, I have so many ideas, but such little hope uploading anything longer than a minute on to here...so short ideas?? Should I persevere with trying to upload the longer videos here?? It really is a frustratingly slow process and I often loose the quality.

Outfits, I want more outfits, it’s time for some new outfits, but so many issues with this, what should I get!? Can I justify spending that much?? If you have any suggestion of what you’d like to see me in and wish to help me buy them you will be rewarded handsomely. I promise.

Blogs, what do you wanna hear me waffle on about. I’ve take requests before and really enjoyed them so don’t be shy!!

Do I do some spoken erotica?? I’ve seen it on here before, and I know I have quite a nice voice, I think it would be fun to tell some of my sordid stories for you guys to jerk off to...but is it something that you, my lovely clients enjoy getting off to??

Well I look forward to hearing some of your thoughts, I really do love getting clients involved. I like to try and put out the best of me and have you all drained, crossed eyed and satisfied. It really bring me a lot of pleasure. So please let me know any thoughts you may have.

Looking forward to it.

Take care,

Thursday, January 14th 2021
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January Inspo Appreciated
Hey naughties!!

How we all doing??

What is it about January that is so uninspiring!? Ive made so many attempts to take photographs for you horny lot, but the lights not been right, I’ve lost momentum with the idea, guys have let me down or AW have been up to their usual tricks of not uploading/doing it in an awful quality. I’m seriously considering posting else where.

I also have so much new underwear, on its way to me, I can’t believe how quickly you pervs cleared me out, and I fucking LOVE selling my underwear. It seriously brings out the major perv in me too. I love wearing them thinking about how their going to be used once I’ve sent them, I love seeing how much of a mess I make in them especially if it’s for a client I’ve got to know. I get so excited popping them in the post. Sometimes I lay in bed wondering if they are being played with/sniffed/worn/sucked on (I’m getting horny!!) while I’m laying there thinking about them - I usually end up playing with myself in the process. But AW have suddenly got issue with me selling my panties too. If any of you have any useful suggestions. Please message me.

It’s not been all bad though, I’ve been a very good girl and kept on top of my daily work outs, so much so I’m in desperate need of a massage. It’s true what they say, my body may ache but on the whole I have so much more energy and my mental health is getting to a better place, so I’ll happily take the aches!! Just means you owe me a massage hehe!!

How’s your January going so far?? Have you been inspired by something?? Do share

You still wanking with my underwear?? Hehe


P.S. Not normally one for filters, but you know lockdown boredom got me pratting about, long story short, don’t I like cute with lil’ horns!?
Saturday, January 9th 2021
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Calm THE FUCK Down
- Just a bit of wisdom from my swear calendar haha!! Not sorry.

How we all all doing??

Well so far it been a month. Now I’m not saying I’m the best planner in the world, but ever made plans and then they all completely go ku-put!? No matter how hard you try to keep them on track? Well that describes my past week and we’re still going strong.

Regardless one must go on and hope for the best because at the end of the day, it’s January. January always SUCKS!! Yes, I’m blaming the time of year, but come on, you know what I’m talking about.

But something I’ve found January good for manifesting, sarcasm, and who doesn’t fricking love sarcasm!? So come have a giggle with me. We can stick two fingers up at January, Covid, plans not going to plan and let’s see how many we can get inside me I am an expert at it after all.

A rather pointless blog don’t you think!? Totally not an excuse to show off my cleavage...

Wednesday, January 6th 2021
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Coffee in bed??
Morning naughties,

Hope we’re all okay??

Look at this morning face...bed hair to the max...who doesn’t love bed hair!?

So first of all I’m sorry I’ve had a three day absence without saying first, I really burned myself out over the festive weeks and just really needed some time to chill.

But I wasn’t completely idol in my time off as my creative juices got flowing!! I brained stormed a lot of new ideas, some for on here. So expect to see a lot of changes going on on my profile, some are just experiments I got curious about. Others I know you’re gonna love!!

I’m also having a play about with my hours - don’t worry, I still fully intend to mix in my usual times so those of you I see regularly will still get to see me. But one of the things I love about this job is the variety of people I get to meet!! So if you’ve seen my profile, or decided to check it out off the back of this blog and decided you will have a great time with me (let’s face it, you will) don’t be shy about popping me a message if there’s particular times you’d prefer to see me!!

I’m working on some ideas and set up for some more professional content...but for more details on that you will need to speak to me directly also if you have any ideas of scenarios you’d love to see me in, please pass them on.

Now - the elephant in the room, it’s lock down again. We’ve done so well to survive this far, we must remain strong and keep going. But I just wanted to send out a reminder again - if any of you are struggling don’t be afraid to get in contact, I may only be able to lend an ear, or suggest better avenues for help. But know that you are not alone <3.

Take care and stay safe,

Thursday, December 31st 2020
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Happy New Year Naughties
Hope we’ve all had a great festive time!!

2021 is so nearly here, and what a year it’s been!! For me personally there’s been some incredible ups and downs. But in all honestly, the friendships and connections I’ve made on here has been one of the best things to come out of this year!!

We’re moving on into a new year with so many positives and potentials just around the corner (and let’s face it, things can’t get any worse). I look forward to experiencing and sharing them with you

So roll on 2021, may it bring us hope, freedom and orgasms - lots and lots of orgasms!!


I’m about all night...let’s roll into the new year the right way


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