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Sunday, March 17th 2024
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So what's been happening?

I've not been as productive online as I would like, but I've had some personal issues & an unstable home life. I've been traveling between 2 houses. However, things are looking brighter. I have another form of work - I'm teaching of all things .. no, not sex - English Language & Literature !

This has meant that I cam less at present until I get settled into a routine. Which will happen, I can assure you of that.

I also recently reconnected with a very close friend & Cam model. We are going to do Duo Dom Meet sessions from End April onwards. She is very experienced in this and I'm excited to be part of a duo session. These will be in a hotel or motel. Specialised meets to satisfy your every desire - Chastity, pegging, watersports, HR, Paddle, anal beads.. you name it, we've got it .

All to serve 2 mistresses x Can you handle us?

Until the next time

Lady R

Thursday, February 8th 2024
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Sooooo I've been off cam for awhile for various reasons.

I have been working Teaching of all things - this has made me feel really good, hoping I make an impact on at least one student. I've had some lovely times doing it.

That work is a bit scarce currently so I've returned to camming. It has been lovely to see so many of my clients returning to say hello ! And I have missed doing it - I simply burned out x

I can't promise yet I will do meets, but I am looking into it seriously.

I was saddened to hear of a close friend having quite severe troubles. She is the strongest person I know and I care for her deeply. I hope she is on the mend & I'm sure she is.

I am battling with my own struggles but I won't post about that.

I plan to be online daily though have yet to set continuous hours. Usually lunchtime, but I will endeavour to get back to 7 - 9 am in the mornings x

Keep an eye out for me. I shall do new content & come visit when I'm online.

I have slashed prices - we are all suffering the cost of living ! And you can see me for free much more frequently.

Looking forward to seeing you xx

Until the next time,

Lady R xxxxx
Saturday, November 18th 2023
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so what's happening ?
Soooo my life has taken an upturn the last few months, but it has meant I'm camming less.

I have a steady job teaching SEN children which I love - however it is mentally draining at times & I don't feel up to camming.

Also I'm sans abode - ie sofa surfing currently, which doesn't do much for my mental health!

Rest assured I will be ok & back to camming soon. I just need to find that balance.

On the upside, I'm off to Barbados next Wednesday - much needed time away. I've bought an action camera to take under water pics - maybe even content !! The possibilities are endless.

I'm expecting a lot of chatter as well as research for a book I'm writing! All very exciting in truth.

I will do updates & miss you all, my lovelies.

Until next time,
Lady R xx
Saturday, September 30th 2023
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I am saddened in a large part at the amount of violence apparent in today's society.

Yesterday a work colleague arrived in tears after a strange man followed her, then started speaking to her.. he eventually left but she called the police to report the matter. However, unbeknown to her, there had been 2 fatal stabbings in the nearby park the evening before.

This week in the news there has been a 15 yr old girl stabbed to death, defending her friend.

It is shocking that we have come to this. I treat people as I wish to be treated myself - love, affection, kindness & a bit of frivolity !

I'm grateful to a certain gentleman who read my blog yesterday about visiting Barbados in November & offering advice. For someone I haven't met or even cammed with, this was a lovely gesture.

I hope to relocate fully in a few weeks time - just looking for accommodation! Private rent is extortionate currently, so I hope to get social housing in the meantime. Given my age, I'm offered relatively decent housing. So long as I have a private garden, GCH and can have pets, I'm happy !

I will blog more & keep you informed. As my life settles, I will cam regularly.

Thank you for bearing with me at this time.

Until next time,

Lady R
Friday, September 29th 2023
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Life going forward

My life has changed dramatically over the last 6 months.

I have moved into a different type of work - teaching if you can believe that ! I find it very satisfying in all honesty, but it leaves me with little time to cam.

I'm also writing a book - aimed at around 11 yr olds. Watch this space.

I have ideas for a couple more books too. I'm excited that my brain is stimulated!

Shortly I have a holiday to Barbados - partly recreational, partly research for my first book as it involves Pirates !

However I'm also looking forward to sampling the local food & drink. I will be there for Barbados Independence Day so I expect a lot of dancing, street music & a general bonhomie .

Until next time,

Lady R xx
Friday, March 24th 2023
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CATS !!!

Soo, cats. I guess you are a feline or a canine person. I'm definitely a feline person.

Monday this week we rescued a little kitten. My neighbours had informed me there was this injured kitty sleeping on their doormat. They couldn't get close to it.

So, large fish net in hand outside. Around midnight. Cat sensed I was there. Dropped the net, and it ran straight in.

It put up a hell of a fight! But managed to get it into a cat crate. Gave it water & food – which was almost devoured before I'd put it down.

It spent the night in the cat crate, but desperately needed to see a vet. It had a prolapsed bottom.

I couldn't afford the vet bill, but it was an emergency, so they took it in & the RSPCA have paid for the treatment. It will stay in the vets for 7 days then go to them to be re-housed. Whether I take it in or not remains to be seen. It has been operated on & is doing well. It is a little boy kitten, around 12 weeks old.

Soooo, cats in the world.

Several countries are major cat lovers:

Malta– there are hundreds of cats. When I had an apartment with my parents we regularly saw litters of kittens. Fed them as we were likely to do. The hotels put food out for the cats & water.

The cats of Malta live happy lives with full bellies and not a care in the world. They pass their days snoozing in the sun and collecting titbits. They’ve even made it to the hall of fame, with calendars and mugs dedicated to the cats of Malta. So it is an island dubbed ‘Island of Cats',

They do have a scheme where people come & catch the kittens to get them neutered/spayed as there was a huge over population.

Also on the roadside you will often see bowls out with food and water for the cats.

Maltese cats are quite beautiful. Usually barred/tortoiseshell from my observations over the years. Very used to humans, although a "Maltese cat" is any cat whose fur is either completely, or primarily, grey or blue and of an indeterminate breed.

Rome – the Cats have overtaken the Colosseum as well as other places. There are over 300,00 cats in Rome!

Cats in Rome are protected by law and their safety in the city is guaranteed by organizations and rules aimed at keeping them as free and safe as possible.

A cat colony is a registered legal entity in Rome, with specific rules. A cat colony can be registered when there is a population of at least 2 cats habitually living in a specific area that they elected as their home.

Why so many cats in Rome?

Cats have been in Rome since ancient times. As the population of the city started to grow, so did the population of mice and rats and cats became very quickly a reliable pest control measure as well as a furry companion for wealthy Romans especially.

In Pompeii, many frescoes portray Roman women in the company of house cats and it is interesting to see that the Goddess Libertas (Freedom) was often depicted with a cat: this is said to have been in recognition and appreciation of the cat independent spirit, which ancient Roman admired.

Cats were also sacred to the Goddess Diana, Goddess of wilderness and who was believed to have gifted cats with special powers.

Hope you enjoyed the blog & a wee bit of history.

Until next time,

Lady R xxx
Wednesday, March 22nd 2023
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My new Career !
Hello lovely people.

So an interesting time ahead. Following my modelling portfolio, I have been contacted by an agency to do teaching!

Last week I spent doing training courses on Safeguarding, Prevent etc etc. Next week I have training support days at a very reasonable rate, plus travel & accommodation provided.

All in all it's making use of my qualifications. I am excited but nervous. This will be weekly pay eventually in the region £160 per day, with expenses !

I will still cam, but not as frequently. This is a new chapter in my life. One I am embracing.

Until next time,

Lady R

Wednesday, March 15th 2023
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Blogs general

Hello my Lovelies,

Soooo Blogs - These are my reflections on life and experiences.

I do not deliberately target anyone, more a generalisation. However, if I have done, and the cap fits, put it on snugly.

I like to write about what I know, what excites me or interests me. As well as day to day life.

Life isn't always easy for me. Yes, I cam to earn some money. It keeps the wolves from the door so to speak.

I have an acrimonious relationship with my ex husband that results in conflict over access to my daughter.

These are greater issues in my life rather than grammar or spelling or other things that irritate me. I can't help a bit of OCD where I pick up on these things. I'm sure we all have idiosyncracies in our life.

Camming has empowered me beyond belief. I consider myself the proverbial “Ugly Duckling”. Never felt attractive until my late 30's. Marriage, the break down of that, then Covid led me to becoming a Cam Model.

I now feel attractive, desired, wanted & for those of you who read my blogs, I am ever so grateful. You get an insight into the person behind the cam !

As always, have a conversation with me if you choose to Cam. It builds a better relationship & I'm not a performing monkey.

Until next time,

Lady R x
Monday, March 13th 2023
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Sappho Sexuality

Sappho Sexual

A confusingly similar name to Sapiosexuality, Sapphosexuality is a very different identity.

By definition : Faux lesbian, a straight woman who indulges in the lesbian lifestyle, because it's 'trendy'. A fallacy.

Born in 630 B.C., in Eresus on the Greek Island of Lesbos, Sappho was a poetess, highly regarded, but her poetry was lyrical.

Sappho was one of the first Greek poets to adopt the "lyric 'I'" – to write poetry adopting the viewpoint of a specific person, in contrast to the earlier epic poets Homer and Hesiod, who present themselves more as "conduits of divine inspiration".

Her poetry explores individual identity and personal emotions – desire, jealousy, and love; it also adopts and reinterprets the existing imagery of epic poetry in exploring these themes.

Who, by the 'homosexual nature of her poetry' gave rise to the word Lesbian being established in the 19th century, describing 'a woman who has sexual feelings for other women'.

Sappho was supposedly married with a daughter, but led young women in a cult, worshipping the goddess Aphrodite.

Only two short poems and 150 fragments of writings survive today and many generations after her death, the philosopher Plato was said to be one of her great admirers.

Today, lesbians regularly visit Sappho's Rock on the Leucadian cliffs where Sappho allegedly flung herself into the sea to avoid getting involved sexually with a man.

Sappho was more an emancipated woman; she was intelligent, a great poetess and lived as she wanted to. Lesbianism came from the Isle of Lesbos – a group of women living together. They weren't men haters at all ! And homo erotic exploration is not a crime.

Until next time, lovely readers.

Lady R xx
Sunday, March 12th 2023
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Mocktails and Cock Tales !
Sooooo, Mocktails and Cock Tales !

A couple of weeks ago I had a day out with a girlfriend. We had lunch out & “mocktails”. However, we got rather giddy. And the conversation devolved into discussions on male genitalia in finite detail !

Now, don't be offended chaps! I'm sure ladies' pussy's come under scrutiny too. You don't want a downstairs mix up (to quote the Mighty Boosh).

My friend is into BBC. Not something I have had the pleasure or experience of – not because I'm racist, simply because the opportunity has never presented itself. She hasn't had a caucasian cock in over 7 years !

We regaled tales of various men:

Ribbon Dick:

Long & slim, balls resembling 2 golf balls in a fishing net. Highly unattractive.


A dick that is relatively not going to touch the sides, no matter how tight your pussy is.

I've had 2 of these.

One, when I worked as a croupier on the ships. Very disappointing, but he was good at cunnilingus so I'll give him a pass.

Another I met on a dating site. Lied about his height, and prowess. However, he did introduce me to anal sex. Seemed he had a penchant for it. His cock wasn't much use for anything else to be honest. And yes, I did peg him.

A little bit of scientific fact . The average size of a man's penis is between 5 ½ “ and 7 “.

Perfectly acceptable. Girth matters too. Too big & it hurts. To quote Shania Twain “that don't impress me much” if you tell me you are 9”. I'm thinking ”ouch”. Positions are restricted if your cock is too big. And it's difficult to deep throat ! Also the lady doesn't want to be stretched so she ends up like Slack Alice !

Until next time, my lovelies.

Lady R x
Thursday, March 9th 2023
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Sapio Sexual
Sooo, in my next 2 blogs I will write about Sapio Sexual and Sappho sexual.

Let's start with Sapio Sexua

What does it mean?

Sapio Sexual

By definition, a Sapiosexual is someone who finds intelligence sexually attractive or arousing and is attracted to intelligent people.

The word Sapiosexual stems from the Latin root words 'sapien' meaning wise, and 'sexualis' which means sexual.

The word seems to have been conjured by Darren Stalder in Seattle in 1998 and has been highlighted since by online chat and dating sites. Getting to know someone intensely through writing and speaking before physically meeting them is an ideal scenario.

Stalder irreverently, or even clumsily wrote "I don't care too much about the plumbing, I want an incisive, inquisitive, insightful, irreverent mind".

For people who are sapiosexual, the way another person thinks is a highly appealing quality. It is the intellect that stimulates sexual attraction.

It Starts With the Brain

Because attraction is centred on the intellect or how a person's mind works, people who are sapiosexual do not feel attraction until their mind feels stimulated by a potential partner. There is no lust, liking, wanting, or sexual gratification unless the brain has been stimulated on an intellectual level first.
Unlike gender-specific restrictions, sapiosexuality has no limitations. You can like men, women, trans people, bisexual people, or any person of any gender or sexual identity. You are free to be attracted to whomever you choose.

Personally speaking, I consider myself extremely Sapiosexual, but I think there is a blend to be had of physical and intelligence attraction. A Sapiosexual partner will highly interest me with their words, thoughts, respect and intelligence, but will also be a thoughtful, and passionate lover, willing to explore many things.

Until next time, my fellow readers!
Love Lady R xx
Thursday, March 9th 2023
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"The movies/media made me do it"
Soooo, I watched a documentary the other night. Last interview with Ted Bundy, hours before his execution.

I was quite shocked at his attributing blame to the amount of pornographic material & films that were available.

Let me be quite clear - I do not believe this to be a driving force.

For those of you who don't know, Ted (Theodore) Bundy brutally butchered & raped many woman in the 1970's in the USA. Highly intelligent, good looking too. The exact count is unknown, but is in the region of 30 at least.

Bundy was often regarded as charismatic and handsome, traits he exploited to win the trust of both his victims and society as a whole. He typically approached women in public places, either asking for help by feigning a physical impairment such as an injury, or impersonating an authority figure. Once tricked into being led away, they would be bludgeoned unconscious and taken elsewhere to be sexually assaulted and killed. Bundy frequently revisited the bodies of those he abducted, grooming and performing sex acts on the corpses.

Bundy was a true Narcissist, something I've blogged previously about. He defended himself in Court believing he was more intelligent than qualified barristers.

Now, in his last interview it blamed the prolific amount of pornography and violent films that were available "for people like me". They made me do it. Sorry *cough* BS.

Back in the 1920's the Penny Dreadfuls were blamed for inciting young boys into criminal acts.

The 1980's saw the introduction of the Bright Bill, banning so called Video Nasties for fear people would pause, rewind & play repeatedly scenes of sex or violence.

My argument is this: Yes, we have access to this material. However, if you have a predilection towards murder/violence then you may well use what is available to you to "fuel your desire" so to speak. Much like anyone else who puts on music for say a romantic mood or getting ready for a night out. To "enhance your mood" for want of a better term.

One could also equate what us Cam girls do. I rather like to think we provide an outlet for certain men, offering a service.

I was severely disappointed in Bundy's blaming others. For someone who was supposedly so intelligent. He was a ruthless killer. He showed no remorse and cited that there were many men like him who could turn into serial killers because of the amount of media/pornographic/violent content that was readily available. In my opinion it is a cop out.

I could go on for ages citing numerous incidents where the Movies/media/songs have been blamed for inciting people to commit horrific acts. But then that would turn into a dissertation!

Soon I will post a light hearted blog - Mocktails & Cock Tales !!

Until next time,

Lady R xx
Friday, March 3rd 2023
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Things that irritate me
Sooo, I’m pretty much a placid, easy going person but some things really irritate me in our world today.

Having had a good education, top of the list has to be bad grammar, bad spelling and lack of punctuation. The penchant for typing in capitals is off putting as it screams “angry”. Text speak which is all to prevalent today. All of that I find very irritating.

I also find the need to label people as various gender specific irritating. Surely this highlights issues, rather than addressing them. The term Special Snowflakes comes to mind. I’m sure we all have troubles, mental health issues etc, but we do not need labelling to make everyone aware. The comedian Steve Hughes has something to say about this “about being offended”. It is an amusing watch. He doesn’t like it, mate!

Incorrect speech. Replacing or pronouncing “th” with “f” – I fink, not I think. However, a rather popular band, Die Antword did produce a song entitled “I Fink you’re Freaky”. Not everybody’s taste but I rather like the band despite their political views.

Other forms of social adeptness or lack thereof also irritate me – people who eat/chew with their mouths open or talk with their mouths full of food. Hold a hand up, chew, swallow & then chat.

Liars or people who exaggerate their own successes. We should be true to ourselves and measure our own success by our standards. Sometimes, just getting out of bed for certain people is a huge achievement in a day. Money does not buy you happiness, although admittedly it does assist.

At the risk of being offensive, I also find unintelligent people irritating. I have previously written about living with Gilles de la Tourettes and a very high intelligence. Mundane chatter, boring tv does nothing for me at all.

I like courtesy, a good chat. When people come into my room you’ll get far more from me if you actually say hello rather than pinging in & out. Whilst I’m aware of what I’m offering, there is a person behind the screen, an intelligent & interesting one should you care to find out.

Until next time,

Lady R xx

Wednesday, February 22nd 2023
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2023 so far
Sooo, 2023 started a little rocky for me.

However, things have significantly improved, I'm thankful to say.

I passed the modelling test in December 2022., my profile went live on 19 January and I've secured 2 jobs already and a potential shoot abroad! Things are definitely looking up on that front.

I will be starting touring from Mid March - I will post on my profile when & where I'm going to be.

I've struggled with alcohol for several months due to a lot of non cam stress - ex husband, not seeing my daughter etc. However, over the last 2 + weeks I've really made tremendous efforts & am now not drinking. I feel and look a whole lot better for it.

I have a month's holiday booked next January - to escape the nastiness & gloom of Britain.

Holiday planned for June also this year - whether that coincides with the potential modelling shoot or not, we shall see. 2 birds with one stone etc.

If this year continues to be positive I'll be very happy indeed !

Until next time

Lady R x

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