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Thursday, March 22nd 2018
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This One's For Me!
Hello AW Land,

Now let me see.....can I remember how to do this "bloggie" thing?.....it's been quite a while since I last posted a blog.....well over 2 years me thinks....so why haven't I posted a blog for so long?......honest answer?....someone told me that my last blog wasn't up to my normal standard.

Now as an escort I do realise that not everyone is going to say nice things about me but for some reason that statement really hurt and no matter how many times I tried to put my fingers to keyboard and engage brain I never thought it was good enough, therefore I never posted again.....until now....my head is back in charge....I was never trying to write a Pulitzer Prize winning novel it was all just a bit of fun to me and hopefully to the people that read my blogs....soooo....I'm going to be back again writing my usual load of Sadie waffle.....and.....if you don't like it don't read it.....beacause.....my blogs are Just For Me....and of course anyone else that cares to read them.

Take care all....and remember.....sometimes it's nice to do things just for you.....and as Arnie said....I will be back....watch this space.

Sadie x
Tuesday, August 25th 2015
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I Fell For You

Good Evening AW Land,

I hope your all well and looking forward to your Bank Holiday weekend…..last Bank Holiday before you know what……shhhh…..don’t dare mention that word to me…..I am not a lover of it as many of you well know.

I have been known to have the occasional “Sadie mishap” during my escorting life…..a trip on wet cobbles, missing my train, getting trapped in the subway train doors, making a splash in a harbour and I’m sure a few more…..oh yes….how could I forget my asthma attack….it’s ok….my “date” thought I was panting with passion and not gasping for breath… however I have always felt pretty safe when camming…..until this morning that is.

I always prepare and dress for camming as I would a "date", this morning I had decided black was the colour, stockings, heels and a rather nice set of lingerie complete with a pair of sexy black knickers with a little frill on the back……now for those of you that have ever cammed with me or have visited me, you will know that I have a white swivel chair in my bedroom….a swivel chair is good for doing “naughty” things on…..today “the chair” turned naughty on me.

A gent came into my private cam, we did the normal “Hi, how are you?” a very pleasant gent he was…….and then I went into teasing Sadie mode, a little stroke of my boobs, a glimpse of legs and heels and then I decided to give a flash of my frilly pants….knee up on said chair…..and I wiggled my arse and leant forwards……don’t think my chair liked this as the next thing I knew my “naughty chair” toppled over forwards and yes so did I onto my bedroom floor…..not quite the sexy cam show this gent was expecting I’m sure…….so after picking myself and my “naughty chair” up and the very kind gent asking if I was ok I then dissolved into a fit of giggles and I couldn’t stop laughing no matter how hard I tried I just couldn’t…..so my very nice private cam gent I do apologise, probably not the show you were expecting but I do hope the laughs and it must have looked funny from your side of the cam…… made up for the lack of sexual teasing…..or maybe you have a “laughing fetish” and I ticked or tickled all the boxes?

Talking about laughs, I went to see The Book of Mormon last week, if you are not easily offended and enjoy a good laugh I can thoroughly recommend this show, it had me crying with laughter……but I do have a strange sense of humour…….so does my “naughty chair” too apparently.

That’s my load of waffle for tonight, I’m going somewhere hot and sunny very soon…..is my case packed?......what do you think?

Take care all, enjoy your Bank Holiday and remember…….never trust a chair they can be very naughty.

Sadie x

Monday, June 15th 2015
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Going Overboard.
Good Afternoon AW Land,
Now I’m not quite sure if Derren Brown did throw me a miracle (see my previous blog) or if it was fate that dealt me the card, but what I do know is that a few Saturday mornings ago I was definitely on the right page at the right time as 2 weeks later this Maiden was ready to make her voyage (please note that there will be a couple of sailing terms used in this blog).

I had been told to travel light (bit of a difficult one for me) no stockings or heels required….good job really as I sometimes have all on standing up on land wearing heels so on a boat I would have had no chance at all, what I would need however I was advised would be a pair of gloves for handling the “ropes and chains” hmm very 50 Shades of Grey I thought ….…..no problem….I have a very nice black satin pair of gloves ……nope…. not the right type of gloves…. sailing gloves were what I needed ….for any of you out there who have a fetish for a lady wearing sailing gloves please feel free to get in touch as I am now the proud owner of said items.

So I met my “date” and before you can say Cat O Nine Tails we were boarding our boat and sailing away for a week of fun, frolics and just being totally lazy……what an experience and what did I learn from my trip?

1. Going Down Below isn’t always a naughty phrase.

2. Cooking in a galley can be great fun as long as you keep it ship shape.

3. A lazy line isn’t a short chat up line such as “fancy a shag?”

4. Mastering the art of getting in and out of a dinghy gracefully is nigh on impossible and I have the bruises to prove it.

5. When getting into the above mentioned dinghy the words “be careful it’s slippery” were uttered by my “date” a moment too late much to the amusement of the people enjoying an early evening drink in the harbour we had sailed into….yep…I did… into the drink I went and then popped back up like a cork… I knew I shouldn’t have worn a white t shirt… but I did get a round of applause and asked if I would be returning the following night for a repeat performance….only one thing to do in that situation….laugh and laugh and laugh.

6. Mosquitos think I’m quite a tasty little dish as they have certainly had quite a few nibbles of me.

7. And finally…..I loved my first sailing experience….although I can’t say that I am now an experienced sailor I'm still a learner.

So with that load of waffle AW Land I’ll leave you all to enjoy your evening, be good, take care and remember…..you can’t always be Posh (my final sailing term) when you are sailing.

Sadie x
Friday, May 15th 2015
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It's A Miracle?
Good Afternoon AW Land,

I hope your all well on this lovely sunny day.

This week myself and a friend went to see Derren Brown, now purely by coincidence the date happened to be the same date that we had been to see Barry Manilow in concert last year, one of Barry’s songs is entitled “It’s a Miracle” and the Derren Brown show is called ”Miracle”, so as you can imagine we were both wondering that evening “Could it Be Magic?” for us (please note that I have managed to get 2 Barry Manilow song titles into this blog).

I am not going to tell you what happens during the show as I would hate to spoil it for any of you that are going to see it (it is very good) and I hope what happened during our show doesn’t happen during yours.

The second half of the show is where the Miracles happen… (although the first half did have plenty of miraculous happenings too, I do wonder how he does it) my friend was hoping for a miracle to take away some of her aches and pains and me?......well …..I would have been happy with any sort of miracle really……even a few miracle crumbs would have been gratefully received, the audience were instructed by Mr Brown to stand on their feet, arms by their sides, eyes closed and then we were talked through a journey…….I was so enjoying my journey….. I really could feel the sun on my face (ok it could have been the theatre lights) the sand between my toes as I walked towards the warm ocean and just as I was about to dip my toes into the water……BANG!.......THUD!......a couple of seats away from us (maybe they had got sun stroke on their journey) someone had collapsed and landed on the floor (they were ok after about 10 minutes of coming round time and a glass of water) …… but the spell had been broken for my friend and I and also for quite a few people sitting nearby, so sadly no miracles for us……..although I did manage to drive out of the city centre without getting lost, so I suppose that was a small miracle indeed for me.

So that was my excitement for this week and with that load of Sadie waffle I'll love you all and leave you in peace to enjoy the rest of your Friday.

Take care all..... enjoy your weekend …….and remember…….miracles do sometimes happen.

Sadie x
Wednesday, April 22nd 2015
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Locked In, Locked Out.
Good Afternoon AW Land

And what a lovely afternoon it is too, can't beat a bit of sunshine to put a "spring in my step"....or even a "bounce in my spring".... I do so enjoy a bit of a bounce don't you?

So to the title of my blog.... now I suppose that what happened was partly my own fault I did know that my internal kitchen door handle was getting a tad dodgy, I should have got it fixed, I was going to honest I was, but fate stepped in and one morning last week as I was getting ready to take my pooch for his walk I closed the door behind me and then realised that I couldn't open it again.....me and my pooch were locked in the kitchen.....I pulled, I pushed and I twisted that door handle but no way was it going to budge.....ahhh....then I had a Sadie brainwave.....good old Google, I was sure there must have been others who had been in the same situation as me (and yes I know I could have called a locksmith out to rescue me, but they would have charged a call out fee....remember I'm a Yorkshire lass) so I sat down at my laptop ......now I don't know how this happened and I'm sure it wasn't my fault....I somehow managed to lock myself out, so now I'm locked in my kitchen and locked out of my laptop.....what a Sadie dilemma! Luckily I had my phone with me, a couple of phone calls, a couple of hours later and yes a few pounds lighter my pooch and I were free again.....lesson learnt.

I did have a giggle with a client recently, as I saw him approaching my door I could see he was holding something in his hand.....naughty....naughty....not what your thinking ....now I'm not one for expecting gifts from clients, but it is nice sometimes to be given a little something sometimes, in this case it was his empty cardboard coffee cup that he wanted me to dispose of for him....I suppose it's the thought that counts.

So with that load of waffle I'll love you all and leave you to enjoy the sunshine, have a nice day and remember.....if it's broken get it fixed.

Sadie x

p.s.Sticking with the "locked" theme.. I seem to have now lost the key to my heart, I'm sure I put it somewhere safe but I just can't quite seem to remember where.....oh well....I'm sure it will turn up soon in the most (I said most....not moist!) least expected place lol
Sunday, December 21st 2014
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Yo! Ho! Ho! Noooooo!
Good evening AW Land, well as you can probably tell from my blog title, full of Christmas spirit I am not (apart from the glass of red wine I have just poured)…..yes presents have been thought about, bought and wrapped….very nicely even if I do say so myself……ribbons, bows, shiny paper…..even gift bags for some…..although I must remember to think about the size of the gift that is meant for the bag……it’s been a bit of a tight squeeze with a few of them…..it’s the thought that counts though? Christmas cards?…..I don’t send them….ok….ok….I know I’m a bah humbug…..I do donate what I would have spent on cards to charity though so I’m not all bad.

Been quite a while since I did a blog……I bet you all thought I was still on holiday lol….I wish!….although I have had a few trips away since my holiday in Spain……had a spooky experience in York at Halloween…..very scary at times that one was, but I’m easily scared……then went to London for a couple of days …..very nice…..and then….. spent a night in a Castle…..yep a REAL Castle…..I felt like a proper Cinders…..although this trip did have a few hitches with my train journey (what’s new I hear you ask?)……but I can’t jest about this one…..some poor soul decided to end their life by jumping in front of a train, hence the line I was travelling on was closed……how low this person must have felt to want to end their life…..enough said.

Sooooo….I really do want to wish you all a Happy Christmas, and a fabulous New Year (I’ve got a couple of holidays in the pipe line…..ohhhh…..and on my Santa’s Wish List…..because I have been a very good girl this year….is…..a trip to see Barry Manilow in New York on the 17th June…..because….that’s mine and Barry’s birthday …..I can dream zzzzzz)

Take care all, enjoy your Christmas…..and Remember…..life is only as good as YOU make it.

Sadie xxxx

p.s. Just wanted to say thank you for all the emails I have recieved about my new pictures, a natural in front of the camera I am not.

Saturday, August 30th 2014
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Trip, Trip, Trip.
Good Afternoon AW Land and what a nice one it is too, not that I really care as I’ll be basking in the sunshine very shortly in much hotter climes than here……so that’s my first Trip that I wanted to tell you about.

My second Trip……was literally a TRIP….there I am all dressed up for a dinner date, black dress, black stockings and black heels (they were my downfall)…..trip, trip, trotting like one of the Billy Goats Gruff across a cobbled bridge….now in my defence it had been raining that night and the cobbles were wet…..and I am sure you can guess where this story is going…..yep….down I went onto my knees on the cobbles…..ouch….it didn’t half hurt, but I must say that my date was very gallant and didn’t laugh….well not too much anyway.

My third Trip was a very nice couple of days spent at a very nice place with a very nice man…..wonderful food, wonderful wine…..oh and a trip to a brewery…..yep you read it right…..a brewery…. now some girls get taken to champagne and oyster bars, designer shopping…..not me….I get taken to see how Real Ale is made…..it was fun though….but the smell in that place has put me off Real Ale for life.

So that’s the tale of my three trips…..got to dash now…..I’ve got a case to pack….did I mention that I’m going on holiday?

Take care all, enjoy your weekend……and remember…..sometimes pride does come before a fall.

Sadie xx
Sunday, July 27th 2014
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This One's For You
Good afternoon AW Land,

I hope your all well on this sunny Sunday afternoon, I’m having a lazy one after having had a lovely couple of days “date” Down South ….which leads me very nicely to the title of my blog……“This One’s For You” (it also happens to be the title of one of Mr Manilows songs …..so very apt…..did you know I was a big Barry fan?) the gent in question mentioned that I very rarely mention him in my blogs ….so….with his full permission….this blog Sir is just for you…..and I’m even throwing a bit of naughtiness into this one.

Our trip started on the train….most of my trips Down South start on the train….no mishaps on this train journey though and I have to say that I do like to visit the loo on the Virgin Trains and listen to the lady telling you what not to put down the loo very thoughtful of her me thinks….especially the bit about hopes and dreams….. it makes me smile. We arrived safely at our hotel, checked in and went up to our room…..now did I say room?….penthouse suite no less…..and this penthouse suite had a very nice large wrap around terrace……I think you can probably guess where my naughtiness is going to come into this blog but you will have to wait a little while before I get to that bit.

We were going to the theatre that evening to see Miss Saigon and I was really looking forward to seeing this show again, I had seen it about 10 years ago and it had me totally entranced then (I’ve always been a romantic) and I hoped that it still had the same magic…..it had…it totally lived up to and surpassed my expectations, I can thoroughly recommend going to see it if you get the chance.
I’m going to digress again here…..people used to dress up to go to the theatre (my date and I did) but nowadays anything seems to go….shorts…..jeans etc etc….BUT…..would you really take a picnic to eat whilst your watching the show?….and I mean a picnic….a lady sitting not far from us had a carrier bag from which she proceeded to bring out and eat her home made sarnies, crisps, cakes…..I kept expecting her to bring out a thermos flask and pour herself a cup of coffee!…..impressed I was not.

Naughty bit coming up soon

…..the next day the weather started off very warm and sunny so we had a mooch around , but then dark clouds began to appear and it was obvious that a storm was approaching…..what does one do to escape a storm?……head for the nearest wine bar of course….so we spent the best part of the afternoon sharing a couple of bottles of plonk and then made our way back to the hotel to get changed for dinner which also included another few bottles of red…..the lamb tagine was very nice too …..so by this point we were both a bit merry, extremely randy and I was feeling very naughty……..guess where we headed…..yep you’ve got it…..the wrap around terrace….it was a warm night after all……so our naughtiness began and very nice it was too…..my legs wrapped around him….me pushed up against the balcony…..I was really enjoying myself (think he quite liked it too)…..but then I noticed that I could see into our room…..well I thought it was our room…..but there were 2 people laid in bed….it couldn’t be us we were outside shagging……OMG…..our wrap around terrace was for our sole use but what we hadn’t noticed was that it wrapped around someone else’s room too…..so if you were one of those 2 people laid in bed trying to watch telly, I hope you enjoyed watching our sexy antics as much as we enjoyed partaking in them……and I haven’t stopped laughing about it since……think I’d best keep my antics to the bedroom in the future.

So kind Sir...... thank you for my London trip.... I loved every single minute ……and I hope you have enjoyed reading my blog …… as it was.... just for YOU......and....of course.... anyone else that cares to read it.

Take care all, enjoy the rest of your weekend……and remember…… be careful where you have sex….you never know who’s watching you.

Sadie x

Sunday, June 29th 2014
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Here You Come Again
Good Evening AW Land…….

I hope your all well on this not too bad Sunday evening…..me?……I’m verrrry well thank you…… fully recovered from my detox in hospital (5 days with no wine, not much food…..sorry NHS but your food didn’t tempt me…..apart from the cornflakes, soup and cheese and crackers)…..so I have lost a few pounds in weight….I’m sure I’ll put them on again very soon.

Soooooo……“Here you Come Again”…….the title of my blog……. now I must say that I am not a person that has ever had the inclination to attend the Glastonbury Festival (mud…..mud…..glorious mud springs to mind!……not to mention…..”where are the toilets?”…….and……“where have you gone?”……I’m sure this is the spot where I left you?……or maybe it was the one over there?)……but I would have sacrificed the mud and needing a pee to watch Dolly Parton……WOW!….what a talented lady/business woman, singer, musician, writer, actress….and not forgetting……how good does that lady look for her age?( not sure what it is but 50 years as a singer?)….so thank you Dolly for putting a smile on my face today…….and thank you also for your song…….Here You Come Again……it has had me bouncing along and smiling every time I listen to it…….just a thought Dolly….would you mind if I changed the title to “Here You Cum Again”?…..as that would fit in so nicely with my line of work?

Have a good evening AW Land…… it’s not too long before Friday…..and remember…..if you “Cum Again” thank Your Lucky Stars……and Dolly is one of them lol

Sadie xxxxx

p.s. I’m off to London next month, going to see Miss Saigon……I can’t wait!

Saturday, June 21st 2014
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Best Laid Plans

Good Evening AW Land,

Last weekend when I found the attached picture to go with my blog I had every intention of telling you all about how my dishwasher door had flown open mid cycle in the middle of the night, leaving my kitchen and not to mention my pooch very wet indeed (yes..I‘ve bought a new dishwasher….and no….my pooch hasn‘t shrunk) ……but sometimes life plays a strange hand……and so I’m not blogging about that I’m actually writing my blog to say “Thank You” and “Sorry” to certain people…..who I am sure will know who they are.

I have spent the past week in hospital……and please don’t think this is a “poor me” blog because it’s not…..I’m fully recovered and back to full Sadie “bounce”…..but my stay in hospital did mean that I had to do something which I have very rarely done during my time as an escort…..I had to cancel bookings which I hated doing……so my apologies and thanks are to you gents…..thank you to all of you for being so understanding and more importantly thank you for keeping in touch with me and asking me how I was…..you were not intruding and I was very grateful for your concern.

Also apologies for being slow at replying to emails that have been sent this week, I think I have replied to them all now……but if I haven’t give me a “nudge” and I will reply.

So that was my week, not the one I planned, nor did I plan to spend my birthday in a hospital bed (I had other bed plans for that day)…..but such is life….it doesn’t always go as planned…..but at least I’m fit and well again and for that I’m grateful.

Take care all, enjoy this lovely balmy Saturday evening and remember…….“Best” laid plans don’t always work.

Sadie xxxx

Tuesday, May 20th 2014
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A Bedtime Story
Good Evening AW Land…….

Are we “ all sitting comfortably”…… ( you oldies will know what I mean )….then I’ll begin with my bedtime story:

Once Upon A Time…… there was a woman….. her name was Sadie (No!……it’s not her real name…..it’s a story remember) …..for whatever reason she needed to earn an income and so she turned to the “Big Bad World” of Escorting, no one made her do it, forced her into it …..it was her own decision……and do you know what?…..although she may have been a tad scared at the start of her new journey she loves it…….loves the people she has met, loves the places she has been and enjoys each and every one of her “dates” and loves the “happy ever after” too….(I thought that that sounded nicer than a “happy ending" lol)


What Sadie doesn’t enjoy are the following …..

Do you have a phone number?”…..“Sadie’s response….”Yes thank you”

I have, I think, enough information on my profile about me……. the kind of “date” you can expect from me and also about “how to make a booking with me”….I have no number displayed on my profile….I’m not a cheapskate …..it’s just how I prefer to work…email introduction first please gents….yes I sell my body but it’s my choice who I decide to meet.

Feedback for bookings that I have not done?…..I have recently received a feedback ….albeit nice feedback saying how well I kiss…..about a booking that never took place?….how can anyone know how I kiss when they have not met me?……I don’t want false feedback thanks.

I have thought over the past few weeks that maybe I should up date my profile…..but to be honest…… it is me Sadie…..so I think I will leave it just the way it is…….although hopefully I will be adding a few new photos soon. …..I have a Superman photographer to take them for me ( on second thoughts though….Superman is a cartoon character….so probably best not to mention him in a bedtime story…..he may be off to save the planet tomorrow and not be there for the happy ending )

And so to the end of my bed time story……

Tonight I have received two lovely emails……(if this was a “real“ fairy” story I would have said that I had received "hundreds" of emails tonight……but I’m not a “fairy”..... I am Just Me…. Sadie)…..from gents that had read my profile properly and then sent me such lovely emails that made me laugh and made bookings that hopefully we both will enjoy.

So that’s my bedtime story for tonight…

I hope you all have a good nights sleep,…..wake up in the morning all bouncy ….. bright eyed and bushy tailed……and remember….Every Fairy Story does have a Happy Ending……well the one’s I read do.

Sadie xxxx

Tuesday, May 13th 2014
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Bits and Bobs of a Blog
Good Afternoon AW Land,

Well I have just got absolutely drowned walking my dog…. just as we stepped foot into the park the heavens opened and down came the rain……one wet pooch and one very wet Sadie…..not the type of “wet” that I usually enjoy I must admit.

It’s ages since I did a blog so this is just a load of “bits and bobs” about what’s been happening to me……now where shall I begin?…..oh I know…..

An overnight booking in York…..a very nice night it was too…..the gent in question had put so much thought into where we stayed and where we ate…..everything was just perfect……well…..apart from me nearly catching the wrong train (nothing new there though)….me nearly falling down the stairs into the hotel foyer as we were on our way out (no…..I hadn’t been drinking)…..oh and the handbrake burning out in the taxi as we were on our way to the restaurant (we had to wait for another taxi to come and collect us)…..and I’m not even going to mention the asthma attack I had in the middle of the night….so all in all just quite a normal “Sadie Experience”…… bookings are never boring with me…..and thanks to the gent in question for putting up with me.

I’ve had some work done in my house recently, don’t really know why I do it, I can’t stand the mess and upheaval whilst it’s being done …… I am pleased with the finished results…..but why oh why am I now thinking about what I’m going to have done next and putting myself through it all again?…women eh?

I recently attended a wedding…..a very nice “do” it was too…even the sun came out for the happy couple….it took me ages to find an outfit to wear but find one I did…..I even got one of those “feathery thingies” to put on my head…..

Oh….and talking about “feathery thingies” to wear in your hair…..guess who I’m going to see this weekend?….yep….Barry Manilow….I could wear my “feathery thingy” and be a proper “Lola”…..I wonder if Mr Manilow would appreciate my efforts….maybe not…..but I am so looking forward to his concert and my girlie weekend away….you can’t beat some good girlie time.

So that’s my little Bits and Bobs Blog…..or in other words…..a load of Sadie waffle!

Take care all, be good and remember…….if you see a mad woman with feathers in her hair singing Can‘t Smile Without YOU…..it’s ME!

Sadie xxxx
Monday, March 3rd 2014
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Slow Hand....or Maybe...Sloe?
Good Evening AW Land,

I hope that you have all had a nice day….and enjoyed the sunshine…..I know I have.

Over the past couple of weeks I have had some very thoughtful gifts from the lovely gents I have had the pleasure of spending some time with…… I don’t have a Wish List on AW….because for me it just doesn’t “sit right“……. you pay me for my time and the service I offer……but…… when someone takes the time to bring me a gift, I do so appreciate the thought that has gone into it…..for example:

The Commitments DVD……I went to see the show.
Downton Abbey boxed set……I have never watched the series, but had discussed it with this certain person.
Flowers…….I do so love flowers…….and my Valentines delivery was just so gorgeous……and tulips from Amsterdam….perfect!
Wine… you all know that I love a tipple……especially the “sparkling variety”

And today’s gift?…..a bottle of Sloe Gin……..now…..I do love the rendition from The Pointer Sisters …..“Slow Hand“…..but Sloe Gin was a new one to me, the gent in question assured me that you just drank it neat in a “shot glass”, but after realising that it was 28% proof I decided that a couple of shots of that would mean I would be “flat on my back”………ok…..ok…..I know that’s what I’m paid for lol ……however... after having a look around good old google I have found a recipe that I think will just suit me fine:

A Slow Comfortable Screw Up Against The Wall
1 oz Sloe Gin
1 oz. Southern Comfort
1 oz. Vodka
1 oz. Galiiano
Orange Juice…….plenty of it me thinks!

I’m going to try making one or ….maybe two……practice makes perfect after all…….wish me luck……and the person that shares it with me.

Take care all, have fun and stay safe……and remember…..a Long Sloe/Slow Screw could have you flat on your back in no time.

Sadie xxxxxx

p.s. The attached picture is of Sloe Berries.......new berries to me.
Friday, February 28th 2014
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Suck it and see.......
Good afternoon AW Land and what a lovely one it is , the sunshine has put a big bounce in my step today.

Sorry to disappoint if you thought that this blog was going to be a rude one about blow jobs, the full title should have read “suck it and see….where’s it gone?” I always take my car to be washed at one of those drive in places and once a month I really treat my little motor with a full valet (I know, I know…. I spoil it) so earlier in the week I dropped it off for it’s pampering session, returned after an hour, they hadn’t quite finished cleaning the inside, so I sat in the sunshine to wait……one person is cleaning the windows and the other is vacuuming the carpets…..all of a sudden I heard a rattling noise…..I thought the vacuum had broken…..but no…… it turned out that the little foreign chap who reminded me a bit of Manuel out of Fawlty Towers, had managed to suck up my car cigarette lighter…….well….after a further wait of 45 minutes in which they dismantled the vacuum cleaner, sifted through all the rubbish in it, flushed out the vacuum hose with the jet washer there was no sign of the lighter, so now I’m left with a hole……any ideas as to what I can fill it with?

Yesterday I took my pooch for his 6 weekly pampering session, I had decided to take him to a different grooming parlour as where he normally goes he always seemed to come out looking like a shorn sheep. Now the new place cost me twice as much as I normally pay but it was definitely worth the money……he looks like a “proper posh pooch” now and he smells gorgeous, our walk in the park today has taken twice as long as lots of people wanted to stroke him as he looks so soft and fluffy and extremely proud of his new look……so sometimes I’ve decided it is worth paying that little bit more to get a good service.

Tomorrow it’s my turn for a spot of pampering, although I suspect that I may be asked how I managed to get the bruises on my lips, I can hardly tell them the truth that a certain gent got a bit too carried away in the height of passion with his kisses….. mind you I certainly wasn‘t complaining at the time……I might have to say that I’ve had some lip fillers if I do get asked....... I suppose thats partly true.

So that’s my car, my pooch and I, all thouroughly pampered …..good weeks work me thinks.

Take care all, enjoy your weekend……and remember….keep an eye on what your sucking or should that read….whose sucking you lol

Sadie xxxx


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