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Monday, June 17th 2024
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Reading gets the juices flowing!
I have just finished my latest book series (The Twisted Series by Ana Huang - the first 3 books were bought for me a few Christmas' ago by an online admirer & I managed to pick up the 4th from a local store in town) It has taken me probably less than a week to go through all 4 books & I am now a little gutted I left them sat on my bookcase for so long!

This series is a seriously spicy one, it has a great reading style, lots of character development with some really sweet heart felt moments as well as some absolutely filthy ones - It is the kind of book you can let your imagination run wild with & I discovered it includes lots of hot name calling (I mean who doesn't love to be called a slut & a whore with a tight cunt?!) with a little hint of rough, passionate & submissive sex! (Ticks all the boxes for me) although it has made me slightly pine for those kind of sessions where it is just rough aggressive filth! (Maybe some time soon!)

I have added lots of new books to my wishlist if anyone wants to be my 'book daddy' (Feel free to check out my special offers on cam as well if you would like to contribute & let me choose my own ) Also feel free to send me your recommendations! I don't exclusively read smut but atm it is the preferred genre

Until next time

S xxx
Saturday, June 8th 2024
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Dinner, Wine & Mozart
One of the things I enjoy about my work & life as a Sex Worker is the people I get to meet, spend time & build relationships with.

Just last night, one of my regular 'Dinner Dates' hopped on a train from London to Cheshire to spend an evening with me in one of my preferred local restaurants..... Not only did he travel up North to see me without any hesitation at my invitation, he was also spending another night away from his devoted wife at home! (Luckily for me he has somewhat of a 'homewrecking' kink & the idea of him fucking me in my marital bed was too much of a turn on to turn down!)

He is very much in keeping with my love languages, he could barely keep his hands to himself all night, sliding a hand up my thigh under the dinner table while my hand returned the favour and having more than the occasional sweep across his crotch as I casually dropped hints about my recent sexual liasons - When we got back, I had a bottle of his favourite wine ready for him to open (ever the dutiful hostess), & made ourselves comfortable and continued our dinner conversation, before the uge to have his cock in me got a little too urgent & I whisked him upstairs to the bedroom - It didn't take long before my filthy mouth & dirty talk once again had him hard as a rock & nudging at my soaking wet hole!

Being the dutiful hostess, I took him back downstairs once we were spent to polish off the last of the bottle & sent him back to this hotel room, drained & fulfilled (& hopefully rested before his journey back to London)

I woke up this morning with the bed still very much smelling of sex & images of our rendevouz flashing through my head, thinking about where & when our next tryst might be...... Do you wish this was you? Why not introduce yourself to me & see if we can be 'dinner dates'

Until next time!

S xxx
Wednesday, May 29th 2024
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Dominant ~ Having Power & Influence over others

Submissive ~ Ready to conform to the authority or will of others

Switch ~ Someone who can ssume either role, depending on their preferences, mood, dynamics or specific encounters

I am exploring what being a 'Switch' means to & for me - I have always been interested in BDSM activities, it is not something I live & breath as I am a very romantic & tactile person, I need that aspect of intimacy & sex to be fulfilled as well - However, there are occasions where I feel the urge to fall into a mindset where I crave something else. This usually means my other needs have to be tended to (At the moment I feel I am very much sat within the Dominant persona & crave a male submissive!)

I have found that being a swtich, my Dominant & submissive personas have very different wants & needs & the 2 are not interchangable, I cannot flip from being a Dominant to being a submissive or vice versa within the same 'scene' - there is a clear distinction between who I want to be at that moment in time. There is also occassions where BDSM doesn't even come into my mind set & I am very much in my romantic & passionate mood & any BDSM activities are just an immediate turn off. (Humans can be funny things!)

Domme ~ As a Domme; I enjoy humiliation, Fin Dom, foot fetish, ass worship/ass sniffing, orgasm denial, edging, chastity, homewrecking, paddling, heel fetish.

Submissive ~ As a submissive; I enjoy paddling, tie & tease, blindfolding, bound, gagged, paddling, nipple play, toys, breeding fetish, edging, facials & some more slightly 'extreme' activities that I can't mention on this blog

As a submissive, I need to have the Dominant with me in person - I can be somewhat of a 'brat' & having physical touch/quality time as Love Languages (as well as gift giving) means that I need the person with me to be able to press my buttons & push me over the edge (If I am allowed!)

My natural personality is Dominant, I fall into that role rather easily it does allow me to sit in a space where an urge is being fulfilled however when I am in that head space, I am unable to move out of the space quickly, meaning potential dominant sessions (whether that be in person or online) would be purely dominant only sessions.

I do enjoy being in a submissive role as a way of stress relief & letting go - having someone taking control is not only a huge turn on but has become somewhat of a need of late as well.

Teaming the submissive with the romantic, playful girlfriend could be an interesting way of exploring an extended session as I feel these could be moved between rather easily (& would possibly help with coming out of sessions as well)

Let's see if we make a good team

Until next time

S xxx
Wednesday, May 22nd 2024
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New Pictures & Videos?
Good Evening All

How are you all doing?

I have been thinking about making some new videos for my video gallery...... My Bad Dragon Dildo or my Ejaulating Dildo haven't seen the light of day for a few weeks now & I miss the feel of them, they are quite large toys so they do offer a some stretching out when I insert them plus they have rather large syringes to hold plenty of 'Cum' lube as well..... They are very good at showing the 'full & leaking' look!

As summer is nearing, I keep thinking about booking myself a little place somewhere out in the country, quiet & secluded so I can spend some time with my toys & books - I have a few little breaks booked for the summer (Amsterdam in June & various parts of England in August & September), I am sure I could fit in one or two more in that time.

Maybe one of you could join me & help with the lighting or camera angles

I did take some candid selfies this week which I will hopefully get edited & uploaded to my private gallery by the end of the weekend for your viewing pleasure

What are your Summer plans?

Until next time

S xxx

Thursday, April 25th 2024
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New Content & Erotica
Evening All

I have added a few new pictures to my PG over the last week or so, all very natural & candid pictures, just to keep things up to date & a little spicy! I am pondering booking myself a little cabin get away for a few days when Summer actually decides to make an appearance - something in the middle of the wilderness, quiet & serene, maybe with a balcony so I can read in the Summer evening, enjoying the sunset with a glass (more like a bottle) of wine - Use the time to make some content as well while I am in a different kind of surrounding (taking pictures outside of your own space gets the blood flowing I have found - I should of ask my photographer client to take some pictures of me while we were in Berlin, however we were a little preoccupied most of the time! ) I have a little list jotted down on the kind of content I would like to do, it's just finding the right environment in which to do it in.

I have also uploaded a new erotica story to my profile as well, I actually wrote it for another client turned acquaintance/lover - It is something that is very much up his street & being a big reader, I decided to write something he could really sink his teeth into (& no doubt get him him get off to as well) - I feel it has a good build up to it & very much puts you in the space as it is happening, maybe I might let the creative juices flow & write a few more stories..... If you happen to read it, let me know you're thoughts on it!

Enjoy this little sneak peak & view the rest of the pictures in my PG & hopefully there will be a few more pictures being uploaded soon!

Until next time

S xxx
Wednesday, April 17th 2024
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Wishlist Wednesday
** Wishlist Wednesday **

It has been going around the socials for many years now, it was something I used to partake in quite alot when I was on the socials for my 'work ego' over the last few years (although that ship has well & truly sailed & my god my mental health is much the better for it!) - I am now apart of several book groups online & these groups also take part in Wishlist Wednesday, so I scrolled through & choose a few wishlists to purchase book related items from to send off to their recipients (Having 'gift giving/receiving' as a primary love language plus doing a random act of kindness certainly made me feel better after having a few shitty days of being well & truly under the weather!)

Having to actually post my wishlist as well, I decided to add a few 'book related items' to my wishlist as well, having recently gotten back into reading (currently partaking in 'socially acceptable fae smut'), I decided to give my wishlist some TLC as well as little update on things I would actually enjoy having (like books - I have even given my bookcase in my office a little revamp to make more space for new books, having seen every one elses gorgeous bookcases I was having a little 'FOMO' moment)

I have added a kindle & a few new books to my wishlist, hoping to be having a well deserved long haul holiday later in the year, I feel a kindle is going to be much better for my baggage allowance than a dozen plus books!

I am also open to welcoming a 'Book Daddy' into my life Morally Grey ones are especially welcome Or if you are the bookish type & simply enjoy women having access to & reading smutty books, I will happily accept book gifts from one & all! To make things easier, simply head to a well known online shopping website (just like the rainforest!) & search for Gift Lists using the name Steph Cheshire or simply email me for a direct link

Happy Reading!

S xxxx
Thursday, April 11th 2024
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Auf Wiedersehen Berlin!
Auf Wiedersehen Berlin!

I have recently got back from a long weekend in Berlin with one of my 'regulars' (Although, after over 10 years of being a 'regular' it feels like I should use a better term for him) - I flew out on Friday morning & spent the day taking in some of the city while I awaited for 'the photographer' to arrive - Having been to Berlin before & having been on a number of European trips with clients over the last couple of years, making the most of being in a new city (while waiting for my company for the night/weekend arrives to meet me) is quickly becoming an enjoyable way of enjoying some time alone & taking in the city & the scenery.

The whole weekend seemed to fly by far too quickly (as it often does), from visiting the Brandenburg Gate, The Photography Museum, Saturday's art market & taking in some of the Berlin half marathon, before I knew it, I was back at the hotel packing for my early flight back first thing Monday morning & unfortunately came back to horrific weather (after enjoying glorious sunshine the past 2/3 days)

I still haven't found a way to get over the 'holiday blues' yet (though booking another trip as soon as you get back from one does seem to make things a little easier on the Wanderlust)

If you have a trip you have always wanted to do & don't want to go alone (because your wife doesn't see the appeal of bothering to leave home), you know where to find me

Until next time

S xxx

Sunday, March 31st 2024
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Toilet Selfie = A MUST!
Happy Easter Everyone!

I hope you have had a wonderful day however you have chosen to spend it - last night I went out to a lovely local italian, enjoyed several glasses (more like bottles) of prosecco had a great meal & a generally relaxed (slightly drunken) evening.

As I was waiting for my lift home to arrive, I took myself off to a little cocktail bar to finish off the night with a large glass of Sauvignon (5 years ago it was never something I would dream of doing - I just wouldn't have the confidence to sit alone in a bar, but having over the years ended up going on holiday alone and spending time alone in European cities making the most of the long weekend with a married man) this felt like an absolute doddle!

I finished off my glass & took myself off to the ladies, being slightly 'squiffy' (although very merry might be a better term for it) I became inspired by the rather spacious WC, somewhat clean background & large wall mirror infront of me & snapped one or two 'toilet selfies' - Very much taking me back to my late teens/early twenties (before the smart phones we have today) where going out 4/5 nights a week was my norm, always having a digital camera hanging off my wrist to take pictures & toilet selfies were ALWAYS the theme of the night! Plus the lighting in bar toilets tend to be some of the most 'sobering' and 'unforgiving' lights known to man, however I do feel like I was able to pull of the selfie rather well....... What do you think?

Are you open to taking a sneaky 'toilet selfie' with me

Enjoy the rest of your bank holiday!

S xxx
Tuesday, March 26th 2024
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Socially Acceptable Smut
I have recently got back into reading (I tend to do a lot of reading when I am on holiday but not so much when I am at home), randomly about 18 months ago, what I like to deam as 'socially acceptable smut' started appearing on my socials - I am not sure where the content had come from but it peaked my interest & I decided to take the plunge & move away (slightly) from my beloved serial killer & real life crime books and my god! I am so glad I did!! I have read ACOTAR (A court of thorns & roses series for those who don't know what ACOTAR is) & I absolutely loved the series (I have even started delving into ACOTAR fanfiction as well ) I am currently 6 books into the TOG series (Throne of Glass) and have an ever increasing TBR list!

I keep adding books to my amazon wishlist whenever someone recommends a book to me (a lot of people are raving about Fourth Wing atm) & I am even contemplating purchasing a kindle so I can have all of the books I want to read ready to go (my birthday is next month if anyone wants to treat me ) & it would take up a lot less space in my cases as well when I need a little something to read when I am out & about across Europe or further afield (Although I can't decide if a kindle falling on my face will hurt more or less than a book - Can anyone confirm which is worse?!)

Also, if you have any 'spicy smut' recommendations, feel free to throw them my way!

S xxx
Wednesday, March 20th 2024
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20th March - Who Knew It Was So Special!
Good Evening all

I hope you are doing well....... 20th March - Who knew it was such a special day!

Firstly, it is the first day of the Spring Equinox - Here's to the first day of Spring, brighter mornings - brighter evenings (I was able to put the roof down on my car earlier & just enjoy the late afternoon sun on my face which felt amazing, just cruising with my music blaring & my Ray Ban's on - Perfect!)

Secondly (or maybe this should be firstly thinking on it now), it's also the first day of the Astrological year, meaning we have spent 1 whole day in the sign of Aries (which just so happens to be my astrological sign as well - For those that have gotten to know me a little better over the last few years will probably see the similarities between me & the traits of an Aries!) That might also explain why today has felt a little different, optimistic, confident, passionate and aggressive just happen to spring to mind now I think about it...... Anyway My birthday is also 2 weeks today (I will be celebrating my birthday all week & spending the weekend in Germany, which means I will be MIA for a week or so but I will be sure to be back & ready to get back online when I get back)

It is also International Happiness Day as well....... so let's celebrate & start Spring with a bang!

Until next time

S xxx

Thursday, March 7th 2024
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Missed Camming
Good Evening all

I hope you are doing well! Unforunately, I haven't been able to get on cam as often as I would of hoped the last 2 weeks, I have been struck down by this dreaded cold/flu that everyone seems to be catching atm..... I even lost my voice for a few days at the beginning of the week as well (I am sad to tell you it wasn't a sexy kind of rasp, more of a whisper with the occasional squeak thrown in!)

I do seem to be thoroughly on the mend now though & hopefully my normal camming hours will resume next week - I do hate to disappoint my regulars by not being online when I said I would however I will be sure to make it up to you when I am next online

Until next time

S xxx
Sunday, February 18th 2024
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A Much Needed Update!
Good Evening all!

How are you doing? I feel like I need to give abit of an update on where I am, where I have been & what I have been doing (If anyone is at all interested that is!)

Firstly, you might of noticed a few changes around here, starting with my overhauled profile - I have made some amendments to the written content, hoping it will give people a better & clearer idea of who I am & what I am offering (Although, as always the best way to do that is definitely in person!)

A lot of my personal content has been removed, this is simply because a lot of it was several years old (and although I feel like not much has changed in that time, a lot has!) plus I didn't want people to assume that I offer in person what they could see on my profile. My face pictures are still available to view in my Private Gallery however they will not be viewable without subscribing.

I am still camming & offering meetings - am my profile states I am available on an outcall only basis, I did have plans to start offering incalls however other things cropped up within my professional life & I felt I would of been a fool to pass up on the opportunity. This means, there will unfortunately be no chance of me touring or offering incalls while I am still working within the Sex Industry.

I can't wait to begin to reconnect with my regular cam clients & hopefully begin to build relationships with new regulars as well!

I also hope to keep you all updated on my little life as well, I have a few trips booked over the coming months with Belfast for St Patrick's Day & a weekend in Berlin for my birthday in April (Which I am very much looking forward to) - I am also contemplating getting a new car! I have had a lot of fun with my current sports car however I feel I might need something a little more practical (I can barely fit a weekly shop in the boot but it does look good in topless season!)

That's enough of my little ramblings for now, hopefully I will be able to catch up with some of you online soon

Until next time

S xxx
Sunday, January 1st 2023
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Happy New Year
Good Evening one & all!

First of all 'HAPPY NEW YEAR'

There is something a little special about a New Year beginning at the start of a New Week...... The fact the sun was shining down this morning as well just puts more emphasise on 2023 being the absolute best year yet!

2022 was incredible, I did so much & I lived - I did so much that made my heart full & happy - I am really feeling like I am on a path that I am very happy to walk along & these past few weeks alone have really solidified that fact for me.

I already have the making of an incredible year - My personal travel dates are beginning to fill with exciting adventures, my work diary is also beginning to fill up with social & private dates as well as an overnight or two booked in This year is going to be more focussed on the in person aspect of SW, if you ever wanted to spend time with me - THIS IS THE TIME TO DO IT!

Let's make this year one that we will never forget!

Until next time

S xxx
Sunday, October 16th 2022
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Hotels & Dinner Dates
What a fantastic week I have had!

I was in Manchester on Wednesday for a dinner date & an overnight meeting & the evening was just perfect, very good food & prosecco, exceptional company & fantastic sex to finish it off (quite literally!) Can I have more evenings like that please?!

I was able to take a few pictures on Wednesday evening as well which I have added to my profile for you to peruse over, as much as I love my slutty cam outfits, there is something incredibly sexy about wearing a 3 or 4 piece matching set - I just need some suitable Louboutins to go with them now

My diary is wide open for the rest of October, limited dates are available in November & December PLUS I will be available for dates in Preston, Manchester & London in December as well before I take some time off over Christmas < More information can be found on my Incalls Tab on my profile!

Very much looking forward to seeing what the rest of the year brings!

Until next time

S xxx


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