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Tuesday, October 20th 2015
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Finally getting my ass into gear!

I have ordered super fast broadband, an HD camera and external mic so I will be up and with you within a couple of weeks for your high quality viewing pleasure!

I'm very excited but a little nervous to start! I've done a few shows in the past and absolutely loved hearing people logging in and out knowing they're watching and cumming over me! I got so turned on! I'm a little nervous to appear solo though

I'll have lots of toys available and as always an utterly filthy mindset! Nerves aside I think it'll be a whole new world of filthy fun!

And don't worry if you want to meet me in person, I will most certainly still be meeting people regularly to get my fill I can't imagine living without all that delicious cock in my life!

I'll update when I'm set up and hopefully see you all soon!

Tuesday, September 8th 2015
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Like a good pint of beer.. ;)
So my communication can be pants, that's a message I did get!! ;)

I will start with an apology, I in no way intend to disrespect or inconvenience anyone and I'm sorry that I've been less than excellent in this area.

Unfortunately I am somehow the busiest person of all time ( <-100% accurate fact ;) ) and I receive a lot of interest which is incredibly flattering but a little hard to keep on top of!

Unfortunately my only option to decrease the number of emails I receive and improve my communication is to increase my rates, I try to avoid doing that as I appreciate I am not cheap but on a very basic level it boils down to supply and demand and I am very much in demand!

I can easily spend entire days responding to emails and arranging meetings but that means entire days where I can't actually meet anyone and frankly the actual fucking is my favourite part! ;)

I ask that you put the date you would like me if there is one in the subject box so that I can prioritise replying to messages that are urgent however if I am not available on that date that may mean I prioritise other mail, I try to prioritise people I have previously met with but also regularly meet new people, I tend to prioritise anyone with lots of good feedback but do also meet people with no previous feedback, so in other words there is certainly an element of pot luck and all I can ask is that you keep trying, give as much advance notice as possible (although I can often make short notice too) and try not to get fed up, I'm told I'm worth waiting for ;)

I can't possibly meet everyone who would like me so anyone with negatives, multiple accounts or in particular - a bad attitude, is going to go straight to the bottom of priorities.

I much prefer to have time to get to a gym and be in shape for a meeting and not be tired or run down, I want to always provide the best experience I can and whilst I absolutely adore meetings I can't devote every second of my time to it as I do also model and study currently. I think my dog is beginning to forget what I look like and I certainly don't remember what my house looked like tidy!

I rarely meet more than one person in a day unless it is a group session as I want to always be on top form! I do travel for longer meetings so can be unavailable for several days or even a week or two of a month 3 months in advance. I try to keep my 'Availability' tab on my profile as up to date as possible to help with arranging meetings so it is always a good idea to check that before sending a message!

I rarely use the number on my profile as it rings so much so email is the best option and if you'd like to speak on the phone I can arrange a time for you to call :)

I realise this is a very long post and I hope I don't come across self important, I can assure you I'm anything but!! I hate the idea that anyone thinks I am being intentionally rude or uninterested so I've been as open and honest as I can and I hope this is a reasonable explanation as to my position.

I love meeting everyone and I love fucking! I think it probably shows or I'd be a little easier to reach ;)

I will look forward to hopefully meeting you soon! ;) xXx

P.s. Sorry for the Essay! xXx
Thursday, November 14th 2013
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Spoiling myself rotten!
My apologies for my lack of availability the past 2 weeks, I have a lot of making up to do and I'm absolutely relishing the thought! ;) My gosh has the break made me horny!!!

I hope the recent uploads have been a good substitute in the interim period and I will be getting back to e-mails as fast as humanly possible!

It has been an interesting couple of weeks, busy busy busy as always! Clearly a little stress is an ideal excuse for a little stress relief ;)

I've had a lovely girly day today treating myself to a spot of shopping - I can't wait to show off my spoils! ;)

I'm looking forward to getting back into action, putting my purchases to good use and indulging myself in other areas ;)

Tuesday, September 24th 2013
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My Weekend
After a great meeting on Saturday I had a fantastic night out this weekend at my favourite bar with a few AW friends :) Maybe a few too many shots though - I really need to stop stripping off in public to show off my tattoos!!

I was not too keen on the 2 day hangover but I did manage to pull a full roast dinner off on Sunday, I'm a woman of many talents ;)

I'm now rested and recovered, looking forward to the week ahead! Bring on the filth! ;)

Lexxi xXx

P.S. I'm thinking of going back to blue hair shortly, I'd appreciate any thoughts as I aim to please! ;)

Sunday, September 15th 2013
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Thank You :)
I think it's high time I started a blog!

Today I hit 200,000 views to my profile page :) I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who's enjoyed my videos, photos and meeting me in person and for all the lovely comments I've received :)

I'm having the time of my life and it's all thanks to you guys! :)

I hope I've given as much pleasure as I've received! ;)


Apparently I have to write 100 words to post this but I've not got much more to say for the moment so I will just say that I will post again as soon as I have! :)

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