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Sarah Taylor 's Blog
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Sunday, April 11th 2021
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Hello again....

I thought about writing a blog during all those days we had of absolutely nothing but I was so busy achieving nothing I just didn’t know where to start .....
SO here we are it’s LICKDOWN !
Firstly I must say a massive THANK YOU to all you wonderful Gents that kept in touch with me over the past months it was absolutely amazing to randomly receive a message telling me that you were thinking of me or dreamt of our past playtimes together, truly I was and still am overwhelmed by your kindness.
When it comes to my chosen profession I am fully aware of my role in regards offering a service , being professional and basically not crossing the line in regards everything that needs to be done in order for you saucy gents to trust me in being discreet..... sorry I’m waffling away here as I just can’t believe how lucky I am in having you in my naughty life .
Words fail me in you Gents that randomly contacted me and asked if you could send me a little donation to help me keep afloat I can honestly hand on my bosom say you made me tear up on more or less a daily basis .
I would like to mention each one of you here but you know who you are .... but I must tell you about a special person who at the very beginning got in touch and said he wanted to send a little something as he had remembered that I am a bit of a crazy cat lady , well long story short this kind man frequently donated to the cat food fund x amazing kindness in every way from little jokes and positive thoughts all for me from the fantastic AW boys x

I won’t forget you and extra licks and frolicking when we meet up in flesh x

See you soon
God bless

Love Sarah x
Monday, June 8th 2020
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Sarah Loves Blowing Up Her Cars !!!
So I blew up my little convertible about 3yrs ago and a friend was selling a little convertible mini .... I bought it purely for convenience as I knew the car was reliable etc.
My very first car was a mini and it soon became one of the best cars I’d had and it made me feel 17 again !
Anyway long story short the MOT was rather costly but did what was needed as it was easier than doing the car hunt but my garage did say it was on its last lap due to oil leaks .... religiously I did keep the oil topped up as I decided just to keep it going until it died .
It continued to run well but I knew I was on borrowed time
Finally with no warning it took its last breath and as steam started rising from the bonnet I was thankful Covid19 had left the street car free from commuters.
I coasted it nicely into a parking space and literally thought how the fuck do I deal with this during lockdown.... then in a flash it came to me Ebay it .
This car needed a different selling technique so I decided let’s just be honest.
I’ve had so much interest and messages of thanks for brightening up people’s day I thought I would share.


Lovingly Destroyed - By A Middle Aged Lady !

It’s been a great relationship and this car has been fun BUT like most relationships in my life I’ve wrecked it !

Oil leaks ... & various issues including roof only now opens too sunroof setting .

Boot is temperamental but with a dainty hand you open via back seats easily.

Hood opens with a strong hand lifting !

The dashboard resembles a disco !

Every light is on !

I think head gasket has gone - although being a woman I may be wrong .

It was a bonus for me when the central locking broke on the passenger side as it meant being a single lady I felt extremely safe when stopping at traffic lights etc ... hence I never had it repaired .

Its been around the block more than a few times rather like myself #high mileage and obviously VERY NEEDY of something : )

I am listing this vehicle because firstly I can’t be bothered to mess about getting it scrapped BUT as a thoughtful person who enjoys putting a smile on mans face I truly think this will provide hours of entertainment.

This is certainly a wonderful example of an experienced lady that is top of the league when it comes to destroying something that really was great !

I actually think it would be worth buying this car just to show your friends what I actually managed to achieved !

***It’s a got a very flash gadget that includes CD , Radio , Sat Nav & ALL This Other Stuff !

This Gadget DOES Works I Think Because I Didn’t Have The Inclination To Learn About Something So ‘HI-TECH’ .

I tend to use my spare time pampering MY CATS 🐈 🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈

YOU WILL NEED A LOW LOADER To Move It (although it does start)

Currently Safely Parked On A Lovely Road *Lowering The House Prices*

Needs To Go ASAP

Bonus is when the lucky bidder collects you will have the pleasure of meeting ME !

Feel free to knock yourself out huffing and puffing whilst telling me what a wonderful job I did of breaking this car

Messages Welcome But Be Warned All I Really Know Is It’s Colour .... which is Electric Blue

#I would like to apologise if you are reading this and are offended in anyway In regards of my politically incorrectness

(but it is what it is and this is me .... and have no intention of burning my bra any day soon)

No Time-wasters Please ... I’ve wasted lots of time in my life and I probably need to be getting on with stuff like going work or bathing the cats .

Thank you for your time & interest


I shall keep you updated on my auction good fortune lol 😂
So far it’s slightly more financially successful than the scrapping route but it’s got a few watchers .

Fingers Crossed
Love & Licks As Always Sarah xxx

Sunday, January 19th 2020
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January 2020 Playmates xxx
Well here we are again New Year and the Lon January is dragging on !
I personally feel I can never embrace the coming year until that dreaded TAX Payment is behind me .

It only seems like a few weeks ago I was in the same position excuse the pun scratching around finding my tax payment .

Oh Sarah you are such a naughty lady and always with the best intentions you never save enough !!!!

Actually I have to say in my defence it has been a trying few months due to my elderly well loved car is on its last way round the clock so it’s been a little bit of an added expensive.

I’ve been busily organising my diary this week being super efficient and making sure that apart from just enjoying myself with you lovely naughty Gents that I had my business head on and reminding myself that I must be super sensible in regards to hitting my target figures BUT sadly it’s been a little non-event the dreaded time wasters and no shows have been out in force . Let’s hope they’ve had their buzz and will be amusing themselves in a corner wanking .

I am feeling rather like ‘Anneka Rice’ with no helicopter at the moment - as in the tax fund has been dipped into to cover my expenses the last couple of weeks .

This week I shall be thinking of myself as ‘Challenge Sarah’' or possibly 'CockHunt' rather than hunting the treasure I shall be HUNTING COCK . My advertising slogan would be just like the Military poster ‘Uncle Sam’ with the wording ‘Sarah Needs YOU’
.... Tick Tock ... Ring Ring "Hello HMRC" Bloody cheek wanting a cut of My immoral earnings.
Seriously I am 100% happy if my taxes support the NHS , Education and the Genuine people in need of support.

Positive Sarah head on - hopefully I shall be giving head also this week and as they say ‘Onwards & Upwards’ Funnily enough I am not that worried as what will be will be and I have always been at my best when working to a deadline.

So moving on to more exciting things .... I’ve been on a little bit of a self improvement kick over the last few months and looking and feeling rather FIT if I do say do myself .Dropping a couple of clothes has definitely improved my wardrobe and smile on my face so I have started replacing my outfits . Sexy Nurse is my favourite !

Feel free to let me know if you have any ideas on outfits xxxx

Anyway it's been a PLEASURE AS ALWAYS playing with you lovely Gents and looking forward to a pleasurable 202O x

Love As Always & THANKYOU
Surrey Sarah xxx

Ps polite reminder my minimum fee is £50 NOT £30 Not anything but £50 please xxx

Pps ... TAX Buster bookings are greatly received LOL xxx

*** I will be having to slightly increase my rates in 2020 by £10 but let’s get January out the way first ***
Saturday, February 9th 2019
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At Long Last !!!!!
Well here I am and more importantly it’s about blinking time too!!!!
Shame on you Sarah.....

So I shall politely and embarrassingly wish you all a belated Merry Christmas.. Happy New Year ... chased up with ... Easter Greetings... And lastly Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year for the one just past.

I think that’s me up to date with the calendar.

So I begin by wishing you ALL A VERY Happy & Stressfree ‘VALENTINES Day *Tip No Kitchen Gadgets or Guessing Underwear Sizes ... if the spouse says she wants the latest Dyson or iron obviously get it but give it after the gift that gets you the brownie points , that little silky robe with matching nightie from M&S is a safe bet classy and easy sizing THEN when you are next late home from the office or on the missing due to treating me to my Valentines gift of your COCK it won’t be a problem... ha ha spouse will be to busy vacuuming whilst wearing the new M&S outfit.

So In brief my world is still great I am blessed with the company of you FANTASTIC Gents ... THANK YOU for choosing to to keep me company ... you keep me HaPpY , make me TINGLE & most importantly fit as a fiddle ha ha who needs a ‘fit bit ‘.

So yet again I met this super , handsome Gentleman a lover a friend all was rosey in paradise until my phone rang and it was his wife to update me that her husband wasn’t allowed to come and play anymore !!!!!

Soooooo that was that .... I MISS HIM so Sarah has had to mend her heart by keeping busy doing the best thing for a girl in this situation, which as we all know is SUCKING COCK , it stops a girl talking and keeps me focused ha ha xxxx

Thursday, April 13th 2017
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HaPpY Easter ... I like to SUCK mine out !
HaPpY Easter Fellow AW Folk !
So Spring is finally here .... HAPPY Pills NO Longer Needed x
These fresh light mornings and my daily dose of SUNSHINE is making Sarah a happy lady : ) topped off with light evenings keeps that energy topped up.
So how's life going my end you may ask ?
Well it's been one hell off a month but all good , my love is finally on the road to recovery after a very sudden hospital stay. My family are all plodding along nicely. My only discontent is the last month has caused to much worry for my mouth so it's curve maintenance time YUK ... SO NO EASTER EGGS or SUGAR please Gents ONLY protein lol x

But on a positive for us curvy Ladies -
According to their research, chubby women make their men ten times as happy as thin women. And we all know that happy people live longer.
The study also indicated that chubby women are better at anticipating their partner’s needs.
So maybe those few extra pounds aren’t fat – they’re love and tenderness!
Lol food for thought ha ha xxx

Anyway Gents I must get on so hopefully see you over the Bank Holiday x

Love Sarah xxx

Ps Polite ask ... I am discrete in my choice of visitors and I do not meet those that don't respect that , I give clear and very simple instructions for a reason x
I am also sick of so called Men giving me verbal when I say I would prefer them to have positive feedback before I commit to meetin them especially after my lucky escape a few months ago. Why is being an Escort becoming psinf it never used to be like this ... any other ladies experiencing this ?
Saturday, February 25th 2017
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Bad Sarah ... Needs To Pull Her Finger Out !
Hello Fellow AW Folk ...

Well it's been a while and loads to say but as per usual my days and nights seem to FLY by .... because I am a very LUCKY lady and you Gents keep my hands full ; )
So BIG THANKYOU Hugs as always.
Extra kisses to those guilty of *Wishlist Gifts* All my lovely Christmas pressies , Valentine Gifts and general gifts for no reason but just because you do xxx bringing flowers , gorgeous perfume such as 'Chanel 19' I LOVE IT ! My goodness lots to say Thankyou for , candles , creams , lotions and potions and not forgetting my fabulous GLASS butt plug OMG how did I ever get by without it !
Seriously you make my world a better place xxxxx
Anyway I have a few funny things that I have read and thought I would share - so until I put some time aside to update you on me I thought I would leave you with some smiles HaPpY reading x

*Why do they name hurricanes after women because when they come they are wet and wild and the leave they take your house and your car with them.

*Man invites his mate back home for dinner.
His wife screams at him, "I've not done my hair, not done my make up, not done any housework, not done the dishes & can't be bothered with cooking! What the f**k did you invite him round for?"
"’Cos he's thinking of getting married."


The missus bought a Paperback,
down Shepton Mallet way,
I had a look inside her bag;...
T'was "Fifty Shades of Grey".
Well I just left her to it,
And at ten I went to bed.
An hour later she appeared;
The sight filled me with dread.
In her left hand she held a rope;
And in her right a whip!
She threw them down upon the floor,
And then began to strip.
Well fifty years or so ago;
I might have had a peek;
But Mabel hasn't weathered well;
She's eighty four next week!!
Watching Mabel bump and grind;
Could not have been much grimmer.
And things then went from bad to worse;
She toppled off her Zimmer!
She struggled back upon her feet;
A couple minutes later;
She put her teeth back in and said
"I am a dominator!!"
Now if you knew our Mabel,
You'd see just why I spluttered,
I'd spent two months in traction
For the last complaint I'd uttered.
She stood there nude and naked
Bent forward just a bit
I went to hold her, sensual like
and stood on her left tit!
Mabel screamed, her teeth shot out;
My God what had I done!
She moaned and groaned then shouted out:
"Step on the other one!!"
Well readers, I can tell no more;
Of what occurred that day.
Suffice to say my jet black hair,
Turned fifty shades of grey!!
Wednesday, November 30th 2016
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Hello December !!!
Hello December !!!!!

Where the hell did November go ????
I have to firstly send a massive thank you KISS 💋to all you sweet and thoughtful Gents who took the time to message via AW or text me on my Birthday ... I am extremely flattered xxxxx
It really made my day xxxx
And I am totally blown away that I am still getting messages and texts about my horrid experience back in September ... seriously TRUST me when I say I am ok

Onwards and upwards x it's made me appreciate you real men even more than I do already xxxxx
So XXXmas is on its way and I will be playing all the way to Christmas Eve and back playing from the 27th HaPpY Days xxxx
Monday, November 7th 2016
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Birthday Bangs !!!!
So here we are .... I experienced the first frost on my car which also is probably going to die this winter ! Friggin cars lol
So what's new ?
Well my ribs are all better HooBloodyray !!!!
But I have to say a huge THANK YOU to all you lovely kind Gents who treated me gently and helped me get straight back on the horse when I fell , as the saying goes ; )
It is very sad that I can't really commit to seeing new clients at the moment that are not AW members or already know to me but FUCK I don't need the worry of who I am opening the door too : (
Anyway let's not dwell on things that aren't worth wasting precious time on
So it's my Birthday on FRIDAY 11th November and I will be 45yrs Old !!!!
But I still feel flexible and don't ache in the morning so hey life is a blessing to me .
The Goose is not getting very fat at the moment so I need to start doing the Lottery ha ha especially if my car 'Peter' is about to join scrap yard heaven !
As some of you have noticed or experienced I am now keeping 'OFFICE Hours' what does this mean you ask ?
I am always around from 10am ish (give or take 30mins) and I am around ALL day but if you want after 5.30/6pm you need to let me know DURING Office Hours - then I will stay on ..... apart from this being a good way to balance my work and personal life it is needed at the moment as I have new family commitments in my life .... you know the story I am sure - adult kids returning to nest , parents relaying on your help etc etc .... so I have been updated my profile intro as needed DAILY so if it say please book by 4pm for later it really does mean if you call at 6pm it doubtful I can see you poor me and poor you : (
Whereas if you contact me daytime I can arrange my personal chores accordingly HaPpY Days : )
Weekends I do tend to work now by advance notice do if you are thinking of playing at the weekend let me know and I am ALL YOURS !!!!
I've been thinking as I have had a few nasty surprises recently it would be fab to get some nice ones .... so how about if you visit me this BIRTHDAY week any gentleman that comes with a little NICE treat for MOI gets a little REWARD of eXXXtra minutes ; )
Mmmmmm Sarah's LUCKY Dip ... rather exciting I think x

Anyway my books won't do themselves and my expectant gentlemen callers cannot SUCK themselves so Sarah better get her rather LARGE arse in gear xxx

Bye for now xxxx Love Sarah xxx
Wednesday, September 14th 2016
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Summer time
So my holiday has been and gone .... Although only a few weeks have past it seems like a life time ago !
But wow what a wonderful holiday , perfect in every way , superb hotel , fabulous weather , amazing beach and the company of a handsome man !!!
Mexico was a romantic dreamy escape PERFECT !

Time has passed to quickly this Summer !

Such wonderful fun in the work department lots of old faces and new so thanks again Gents for making my world a better place xxx

I enjoyed the last bank holiday weekend by booking a caravan beside the Seaside revisiting my childhood memories of days gone by !!!
Oh what a giggle 17 of us all meet up !!!!
Sun , Sea and Sand Everywhere all served with alcohol , ice cream and far to many chips ; )
So although our Summer is coming to an end I can't complain.
So what next ..... New photos for you gents is needed so I will work on that ASAP : )
But until then I better get my curves in order ; )
Come and help me by keeping my mouth busy lol xxx

Love Sarah xxxx

Ps I am always HUNGRY!
Monday, May 30th 2016
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Sarah's Holiday Fund !!!!!!!

So now May has passed in a FLASH and I have decided that I am WELL OVERDUE A HOLDAY !!!!!
Oh the thought of sitting on a Caribbean Beach was just to much of a tease for me so without any question of being sensible I popped to the travel agents and threw caution to the wind and I am jetting off VERY SOON !!!!
I cannot wait to lay in the hot sun melting in all that lovely suntan oil ohhhhhh my , so I think I need to get busy in the bedroom .
Cum help me out Gents as I have been very frivolous BAD Sarah silly as always and so very weak when it comes to being sensible !
Holiday Fund Help Wanted Please xxxxx
I promise to be very accommodating to anyone that makes a little space in their busy life's to pay me a little visit : )
Wish me luck people or poor Sarah will be a very sad Sarah : (
The rent must be paid one way or another lol xxxx

See you soon I hope X

Love As Always Sarah X

Fingers Crossed X Legs OPEN !!!!
Tuesday, April 12th 2016
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Blue skies !

Yeahhhhh light evenings are here !
At long last I feel energised rather than my whole body feeling tired because my eyes are seeing it's dark outside ....
It's true don't you think ?
For example you leave the office at 5.30pm and you travel home in the dark , you hurry home without a thought your just glad to get in and settle down whereas being greeted by sunshine and blue skies as you leave work there seems to be all the time in the world creating a feeling that you seem to have spare time to actually do something !

Anyway enough of that ... My weekends are becoming more of my own which is welcomed.
I have been playing in a Saturday till mid afternoon and some Sunday afternoons after Church !!!
So thanks to you Gents letting me know in advance if your thinking of popping in 💋

So I shall love you and leave you know xxxx
Hope to DO YOU SOON !

Love Sarah xxx
Friday, March 25th 2016
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Easter Sunday
Happy Easter Bank Holiday !!!

Well it's officially Springtime !!!
For those of us the remember 'back in the day / old skool Easter'
Easter weekend was ALWAYS the same ... No mater rain or snow on Good Friday we always knew and could guarantee that on our waking Easter Sunday it would be blue skies , sunshine , a fresh breezy temperature BUT you could feel the Suns warmth literally kissing your face if you stood by the side of the garden shed or to the left of your front doors porch !!! Lol

Happy Easter Bank Holiday !!!

Well it's officially Springtime !!!
For those of us the remember 'back in the day / old skool Easter'
Easter weekend was ALWAYS the same ... No mater rain or snow on Good Friday we always knew and could guarantee that on our waking Easter Sunday it would be blue skies , sunshine , a fresh breezy temperature BUT you could feel the Suns warmth literally kissing your face if you stood by the side of the garden shed or to the left of your front doors porch !!! Lol P
Friday, March 18th 2016
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Cocktails & Easter
Easter Holidays !!!!

Tick ... Tock ...Tick ...Tock it's nearly that time folks .
Family gatherings , school holidays , maybe your off on holiday ... Oh Sun I really need you !
Well as for me I don't have any plans in the pipeline so I shall be winging it easy come easy go as the saying goes .
I shall probably spend Easter Sunday and Bank Holiday Monday with my family I may even have a few cocktails , actually I am having a few cheeky cocktails this coming Tuesday in glorious London with a lovely girlfriend of mine , a few drinks inbetween shopping for some new undies ; )
I am thinking with school holidays only days away that many of you gents may need a little treat , a boost to get you through your extra marital chores ; ) I have an excellent remedy that involves the use of stockings , massage oil and orally administered .... Oh i am getting confused the first two things , stockings and oil are for you the orally administered bit is for me oh Sarah
Monday, March 7th 2016
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Sarah Is Feeling GRRReat ; )
Yippee ... Light at the end of the tunnel !!! It was still daylight at around 6pm tonight ... Ok so it's still gloomy and far to cold for me but at least it's not pitch black by 5pm anymore .... Spring is on its way and it's nearly time to change our clocks : )
It's funny really when I think about it due to the fact it's always time for bed in my world lol ... Blinds shut and lamplight in 'The Boudoir'
So Sarah is back on curve control so please NO Chocolate or Booze for me : )
What else is happening in my world ????
Well I am still enjoying my romance I must say he really has a special place in my heart but I won't go all slushy ; )
Moving on - easing down on my office hours seems to be working out , weekdays 'All Day Everyday' so short notice is great and 'Evening Players' letting me know in advance win win situation leaving my weekends open if I choose to amuse myself and you lovely men letting me know during the week if you are thinking of seeing me at the weekend hence I can jiggle my plans if I know who's thinking of having a wiggle and randy wriggle with me : )
I must say I am still curious to why I still get phone calls from 'unknown / withheld' numbers ... Seriously such nicely spoken gentlemen still not grasping why meeting them does not appeal to me .... Really ???
Anyway HAPPY and very Thankful to you lovely guys who trust me : )
Let the horny times roll on and on and onnnnnnn xxx

Anyway I am my holiday saving mission now so feel free to help me lol xxx I really need to give my whole body a good oil and soak up some SUN !!!
Maybe I should do some 'SPRING SPECIALS ???'
Thoughts and offers more than welcome xxx

Love and sunshine kisses Sarah xxx


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