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Tuesday, August 13th 2024
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What a weekend
Sorry I haven’t been on here.

Since I have been back from holiday my cousin has been staying. She lost her father back in May and has been really struggling. She is an only child, doesn’t have a partner and doesn’t have many friends. She only has her mum and me.

I have been keeping her very busy with days out shopping, dog walk’s, drinking and more. There is just one problem when she comes to stay and that is she is very nosy. She kept looking over my shoulder to see what I was doing on my iPad and when my phone went, she would ask if it was my husband and what time he would be home from work.

Because of this, I haven’t been able to log onto AW and reply to any messages. I was hoping to be able to take photos and videos this week but I haven’t been able to.

Let’s hope the rest of this week is a lot more settled.

“AW view every blog and verify it before it is posted so the time this is public is not a reflection on what time I posted.”
Monday, August 5th 2024
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So sorry I haven’t been on here
So sorry I haven’t been on here but I haven’t been able to log in as I have been on holiday in Zante for the past week.

The few days before holiday were busy. I went for a wax (under arms, legs and downstairs) well, I ended up looking like a plucked chicken haha, by the time it had all settled down was time pack the car and jump on the airplane.

Once in Zante I had hoped to be able to logon and reply to messages but I couldn’t. We have been to Zante so many times and I have never had an issue logging into adult work but it kept coming up saying it was blocked even though I was using a private VPN.

We have just arrived home after a 2 hour delay. The washing is on and I need to sleep as I am working tomorrow. I will do my best to reply to all messages and make those videos and photos for those who are waiting.

“AW view every blog and verify it before it is posted so the time this is public is not a reflection on what time I posted.”
Thursday, July 11th 2024
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I wanted to give you all an update
I wanted to give you all an update after my last blog.

I have had a really good talk with my GP and he has put my mind at rest about me having type 2 diabetes, well at least 95% at rest.

So I don’t have type 2 diabetes at the moment but I am at a higher risk of getting it. They are going to keep checking my bloods every 3 months and not 6 months due to my medical background.

My doctor has put me on a diabetic awareness course but they don’t have any spaces at the moment so I have registered with an app but I prefer face to face so just need to wait for an appointment.

I am still doing Slimming World, it’s all about healthy eating and I am close to my 2 stone award so I hope that helps.

I am keeping up with my jogging and I walk the dogs every day so I hope that all helps.
Thursday, July 4th 2024
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I am a bit worried
I haven’t been myself this week but have been trying to think positive.

I had some blood tests last week and could see the results on Monday and they suggested I am type 2 diabetic.

I have a doctors appointment in the morning as I have been worrying about it all week and not sleeping. I have a background of working in care so I know the complications to uncontrolled diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes runs in the family, my grandfather and complications due to not looking after his diet and blood sugars.

Because I understand the complication, I am worried as I only have one kidney and if it isn’t controlled, I understand how this can effect them.

Since my last blood test I had were normal, I have lost a stone, following Slimming World and eating healthy. I am more active as I jog out jogging and walk the dogs every day. I also started training for the London Marathon and took part in this back in April so I dont understand why they have changed so I am worried.

Sorry to post this here but only my husband knows as I don’t want my family to worry.

“AW view every blog and verify it before it is posted so the time this is public is not a reflection on what time I posted.”
Monday, July 1st 2024
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It comes to the end of June and the start of July.
It comes to the end of June and the start of July.

I have had some great bookings this month.

Mr J, I have met many times and oh my god, he is amazing! He knows just how to play with clit and he never fails in getting me dripping wet! We have been seeing each other for a few years and have become friends over the years.

He like’s to help me out with photos, he has a very private garden with lots of hidden spots as he has so many different plants to hide behind.

I have had lots of compliments on the photos I have posted, not just on here but also on another site I am on. I always feel sexy and special when he takes the photos and when I look back, oh my, they are really good and I feel HOT in them.

I do hope to see him again soon and we have more fun in his garden.

I also had a great booking with Mr B. I have seen him twice this month and both occasions were amazing. He is a lovely gentleman who is very easy to talk to and get along with.

I had a great time on his very big bed! Like Mr J, Mr B knows just how to play with my clit and he got me very wet! I do hope he enjoy his time as much as I did.
Monday, July 1st 2024
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What a Monday!
What a Monday at work!

At the start of the year, after more surgery on my arm, I was able to reduce my hours with my “normal” job and I’m so glad I have. My job is ok but I really miss working in care.

For the past 5 years I have had an office job, before that I worked in care. Because the problems with my right arm, my surgeon told me I could not carry on working in care as it would be detrimental to my arm.

An office job is not what I want but I need to work and I can not carry on in a job I love as I could risk more problems with my am. I am hoping I have had found a happy medium by reducing my hours so I can spend more time on adult work and some other sites.

Over the next few weeks I will taking photos of me wearing my panties and uploading them to sell. I have really missed wearing my panties for someone who wants to purchase them. I have cotton white panties, cotton black panties, thongs, G strings and more. I can also wear other items to sell, socks, tights, gym tops, gym bra or if there is anything else you would like me to sell please ask.

I will also be taking orders for custom made photos and videos but I will not show my face in these. I have done in the past but have since regretted it and will not be put in that situation again. If you want any custom made content then this will not include my face. Unfortunately if you have purchased content from me in the past with my face in, I will not be doing this again. I’m sorry if this upsets you but I need to look after my self and my mental health.

I am on adult work because I want to be and not because I need to be. My “normal” job pays my bills and my adult work is for me to have a confident boost and to be able to treat myself to something just for me.

The last lot of money I saved, I was able to get myself a new tattoo. I am thinking what to save for next.

“AW view every blog and verify it before it is posted so the time this is public is not a reflection on what time I posted.”
Sunday, June 30th 2024
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Hope you all had a good weekend
Hope you have all had a good weekend.

Last year applied for a charity place to take part in the London Marathon and I was so lucky to get a place. I really enjoyed fundraising and all the training.

The morning of the marathon, I was so nervous as I had never done anything like it before, I was used to jogging 5k and 10k. Throughout my training, my trainer had me pushing my comfort zone and my limits.

I was so strict, I stuck to my training only missing a few days due to family commitments and a few minor injuries. 2 weeks before the London Marathon, I took part in Southampton half marathon and loved it so I had high hopes for London.

London did not disappoint and I had an AMZING day. So much so I applied for the ballot for this year but unfortunately I didn’t get a place. I have applied for a few charity place but I wont hear till August. I am hopeful I will get a place so I have carried on jogging.

I went for a jog on Thursday, it was so hot I struggled but I did enjoy a jog this morning. Some people think I’m crazy and others admire me for wanting to do the London Marathon again and for doing it in the first place.

I just wish I was a little slimmer so I could run with no top on and just my sports bra lol
Friday, June 21st 2024
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Hong Kong
Hong Kong

8 nights in Hong Kong and it wasn’t what I was expecting.

After a long flight we arrived at our hotel, checked into our room and unpacked. I packed some sexy underwear to take some naughty photos while we were away.

Unfortunately things didn’t go to plan as 2 days later I started to feel unwell with a sore throat and a cough. This then developed to shortness of breath and loss of appetite. I was really struggling with the shortness of breath and thought I had a chest infection and needed to see a doctor.

Before I went to find a doctor, I thought I should do a COVID test, I did and this was positive! This put a dampener on our holiday as I stayed in our hotel room. I have always said, if I have COVID then I will not go out as I do not want to risk giving it to anyone else.

I didn’t get to take any naughty photos and I didn’t get to explore Hong Kong as much as I wanted to. A few days after we returned home I tested negative but developed an ear infection. A course of antibiotics later and I’m all better.

Now it’s time to have some fun and get some photos.
Monday, June 3rd 2024
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Life is starting to feel a bit more “normal”
Life is starting to feel a bit more “normal”, thats if there ever was a “normal”.

This week is going to be hard as it’s my uncles funeral on Thursday and I have to drive 2 hours there and 2 hours home again in the same day. I haven’t been wearing my arm brace but I think I will have to because when I drove last time to be with family, I was in a lot of pain with my arm.

It is also going to be a busy week as I have the doctors tomorrow and Slimming World, meeting someone on Tuesday, the long drive on Thursday and we go to Hong Kong Saturday, as well as my “normal” job. That doesn’t leave a lot of time to iron our holiday clothes and pack.

I will do my best to reply to messages but please do not be cross if it takes me a while.

For those of you who have been following me, might remember I joined Slimming World about 5 years ago and lost almost 3 stone in weight. I then had treatment for something and then COVID and look down hit. I really struggled and went into a very dark places and had a bit of a breakdown.

Thank goodness, with the support of my husband I got there and with my husband by my side I carry on and fight for another day. Throughout all of this, I did try to carry on with Slimming World but ended up putting just over 2 stone back on. I am focused, enjoying life (just), love jogging and am really trying to lose the weight again. Last week I had lost 1 stone 9lb loss so far so I am heading in the right direction. Let’s hope I have a loss tomorrow.

Wish me luck for weighing tomorrow xx

“AW view every blog and verify it before it is posted so the time this is public is not a reflection on what time I posted.”
Monday, June 3rd 2024
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Mr J

A very lovely gentleman knows how much I love our time together and he knows just how to find my clit! It’s amazing how some can never find it!

Mr J however, always gets me wet just by kissing and cuddling on the sofa and when we get to the bedroom……… wow! My clit just pops out! His words not mine. He knows just how to hit the spot.

He knows I have had a hard time but he is a true gentleman, respectful, kind and understanding. It has got to the stage we call each other friends and that is so nice. He has always been like a friend, especially when I have not been myself, had surgery or been unwell - who knew you could still have sexy time even when I have a full length cast on my arm - all the way from my fingers, right up to my armpit. Oh the fun we had that day and in your garden!!

Cant wait for the sun to come out and we can have some more fun.

“AW view every blog and verify it before it is posted so the time this is public is not a reflection on what time I posted.”
Saturday, June 1st 2024
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What a week

What a busy week I have had!

I shouldn’t have to explain my personal life but sometimes, some people make me feel like I need to.

My father-in-law is 85 years old, he went in to cardiac arrest late last year, although he is doing well, I have to support him, check in on him and support my sister-in-law with the support we give my father-in-law.

I have been supporting my own parents since COVID as my mum has a lung disease. When she is poorly, my parents can not leave the house and I have to do their shopping, collect their medication and anything else that involves them leaving the house as I can not risk my dad picking any germs up and taking them home.

My uncle has recently passed away and yes we are close. We used to live next door to each other. When I say we lived next door, I mean we were the semi. Mine and my cousins bedrooms were next to each other and if we shouted loud enough, we could hear each other. I am very close to my cousin, she doesn’t have many friends and I am the only who is here for her. My uncle’s funeral is next week and it is going to be the hardest day of her life and I will be by her side.

My ‘normal’ job has been crazy this week, I have had lots of work as its half team and half the team have been off with their families. I had to reduce my hours a few months back due to medical reasons but they still give me the same amount of work as a full time person. So please forgive me if I don’t read your message right away or I do read it but don’t reply right away. Sometimes my “real”life gets in the way.

AW IS NOT my full time job, it does NOT pay my bills. AW is something I enjoy and something I want to do. I have met some lovely people over the years I have been on here and some have become friends.

Do not take advantage of me or my genuine kind nature, honesty and empathy. I am not here for you to take advantage of me or abuse my trust. Ashleigh soon as that happens then, I’m sorry, we have to call it a day and say good bye.

Not long ago, I had a break down and I had to take a step back from life and EVERYTHING. I had to seek help or I wouldn’t be here today. I have learnt, I need to look after myself, look after number one because no one else is going to. I dont need negativity in my life from other people and sometimes I need to cut ties and let go.

I do NOT want another break down, I do NOT want to be crying myself to sleep every night, I do NOT want my hair to start falling out again and I do NOT want to stop eating or over eating.

I shouldn’t have to share this with AW but some people have made me fell I need to. Now it’s time to move forward. I’m ready to meet new people and I’m also ready to meet some of my regulars who I haven’t seen for a while and also take fulfill photo and video requests.

“AW view every blog and verify it before it is posted so the time this is public is not a reflection on what time I posted.”
Saturday, June 1st 2024
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I have had such a busy day but a great day.
I have had such a busy day but a great day.

Hubby has had the day off and it’s not often we get the day together so it’s been really nice.

We moved to this house 3 years ago, it’s in a small village and I hate it. We are getting the house ready to put on the market, hopefully in the next 6 to 8 weeks. To my regulars, please don’t be worried as we wont be going far so I will still be able to see you.

I had a really nice message today from a lovely gentleman who I have know for about 5 years. I have never met him but I can say he is a true gentleman. He often buy’s me gifts and checks in to make sure I’m ok if we haven’t messaged for a while. If I have posted a blog, he can tell if something is wrong and will check in and he did this today.

I have been taking request for personalised photos for him for a while and he is always so understanding and patient. He never rushes me for his photos, he wants to wait till I am ready and in the mood even if he has paid.

He knows my uncle has passed away and he wanted to let me know there is no rush for his next set of photos. He wanted to make sure I was ok and he wanted to make sure I knew he wasn’t putting any pressure on me - a true gentleman.

What’s the point in taking photos or making a video if I’m not in the mood? The simple answer is, there isn’t. The moment I stop enjoying this then that is the time to no longer be a member of AW. I have said this so many times but it’s true, I am on here because I want to be, I don’t need to be on here. I am lucky that I can pick and chose who I meet and if its not right then I wont meet you or I will stop seeing you.

“AW view every blog and verify it before it is posted so the time this is public is not a reflection on what time I posted.”
Saturday, May 25th 2024
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Thank goodness it’s Friday.
Thank goodness it’s Friday.

What a week I have had.

Emotionally is an understatement! We have a date for my uncles funeral and I was so worried I wouldn’t be here as we go away soon but I will be here to support my cousin. We are very close and I need to be here for her. Some people don’t understand or respect that and that is their problem not mine. My family means the world to me and they come first followed by my ‘normal’ job.

This weekend I need time to relax as I am so tired, got a banging headache and am completely drained.

I want to say a massive thank you to those who have messaged me to check in to make sure I am ok, not put any added pressure on me and just being a true gentleman.

Over the next few weeks I will do my best to post more and up date you all on what I have been up to.

I am trying to stay positive, having my favourite drink and am off to bed in a bit.

AW view every blog and verify it before it is posted so the time this is public is not a reflection on what time I posted.
Tuesday, May 21st 2024
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I haven’t been on here much over the past 5 years
Life has been very hard over the past 5 years and I have had a lot to copy with. Some really personal things have happened and my life hasn’t taken the road I thought it would.

I have had a few emails over the past 2 weeks that I haven’t been unable to replay to. My uncle was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer and 16 days later he passed away. I have been supporting my cousin and trying to come to terms with it. I am very close to my cousin, my auntie and uncle, my heart is breaking for them.

So I am sorry I haven’t replied to message and only been able to tonight. I explain I’m sorry and my uncle has passed away so to get a reply just saying “whatever” is very disrespectful.

I am on here because I want to be and I pick and choose who I see. If you cannot be a respectful gentleman then I am not the lady for you, so please move on. It cost nothing to have manners and be respectful and over the years of being on adult work I have met some lovely gentleman and hope to meet some more.

I do hope to met up with some of the gentleman I have already met as I have enjoyed my time with them and hope to have more fun.

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