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Tuesday, October 1st 2024
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A long overdue catch up!
Hi guys how are you all?

Lonnnnng time no speak! I honestly forget to write these blogs but I know so many of you love them so I will always try and update you all on my boring life!! Honestly iv no idea why you guys like me lol all I do is talk about renovations etc but I guess that’s the real me, and pretending to some fantasy woman just isn’t my authentic self! So your stuck with my renovation stories and tales of my tragic life haha!

Anyway! I’m currently writing this on my last day of my holiday, you know, in that weird inbetween point where your waiting to go to the airport but are sitting around the hotel lobby wearing English clothes like trousers and people are walking past you in bikinis and swimwear, making you feel horribly overdressed and depressed to be going home haha! I don’t usualy feel depressed to go home though, and in this case I’m actually feeling rested enough to head home! Iv had a lovely week in Crete with my friend (female) as you know from previous blogs Iv been to Greece a fair few times but this is my friends first time, but I don’t think it would be the last, she loved the clear blue seas, the beautiful Greek food and beautiful sun! Iv eaten fresh salad every day for lunch and Iv had Greek yogurt and fruit every day for breakfast, Iv had a cheeky couple of non alcoholic cocktails in the evening and me and my friend played countless card games, it’s been so wholesome and positive, which feels so lovely! The view from our hotel was one of the best I have been too!!! Sometimes holidays can atcually make me feel really stressed, especially when I was with my ex, but now with a couple of years clarity of the situation, if your stressed on holiday with the person your supposed to love, they probably are not the right person for you are they?! But we are always learning right??

So apart from living my best holiday life Iv been fairly busy! Iv just looked at the last time Iv updated you all it was April! Wow! Ok let me write you some bullet points because I’m probably going to forget something!

1 - I started a little course that I really loved! It was just a little course to learn something new and meet like minded people! I really enjoyed it but it was hard work and due to the nature of the work was quite draining!! I didn’t know weather I should progress to the next course which is a year long, but after much deliberation iv decided to go for it!! Right now I’m full of confidence however it’s been such a long time since I was last in education so all I’m saying is take each module at a time! And that’s all I can do! It might be too much with everything elce o do in my life, but life happens on the edge of our comfort zone so I’m trying abit! Wish me luck!!

2 - The Kitchen is FINALLY FINISHED! Ok I still need to get my lovely electrician friend to fit me some outside electric but it’s done! Gosh! It took me until June to get everything done! I literally started it in January lol but due to doing a lot of the work myself, my friend helping me when he could, a few Tecnical problems and waiting on a few trades it’s done! The highlights of the kitchen include a HOT PINK boiling water tap to go with my pink smeg fridge, a devole sink (it’s my dream sink!) and wall the wall pink wallpaper & scalloped shelfs! Il probably try and set this blog pic to me in the kitchen! It’s not very sexy! But it’s me, me and my pink kitchen and a few…Emma Bridgwater items haha! Honestly I’m over the moon it’s finished and it definitely makes living in a make shift kitchen worth while! It builds character! I’m just happy to be able to eat something I didn’t have to cook in the air fryer!! I was documenting my progress on tictok and have made some genuine lovely friendships Over there, I’m so lucky!!

3 - iv still been looking after my mum but she’s doing much better!! We brought a family caravan and we have been going loads, either together or separate, meaning YES I can now officially drive on moterways! I don’t mind them for the most part, apart from when they split into 4 lanes, then I get abit confused at what’s the overtaking lane lol I guess we just have to use our common sense? Iv love for you all to message me the real answer! But the caravan is lovely and it’s lovely to have a special place to retreat, I am very very lucky and blessed to have the opportunity.

4- Content creation and massage, Yes I’m still doing both! Meaning that I’m still blessed to have a beautiful blend of being able to be in front of the camera, taking pictures, videos etc, V calls, cam shows and sexting, doing webcam shows on here and doing massages. I haven’t been doing as many massages as I did, mostly because I have such a lovely handful of regular clients that see me every week it’s so dreamy, but I am trying to let new clients book when I have the time! It’s really tricky where I live now, I want to live here forever (well not forever but I’m not selling and buying any time soon) and there’s not many houses here meaning I want to try and not ram it down my neighbours throats! Whenever I come on holiday I always get massages and facials ( not that kind! Naughty!) and it always makes me want to do more!! I love content creating but my heart is in massage! I love helping people relax and I know this is Adultwork’s meaning that yes it’s a very very sexually charged place to be, but honestly the clients that come through my door just get that it’s all about being sensual, and close to another person, about embarking on a journey together, they are in it for the tingles and so am I! There are some incredible creators and providers on this site, and what I offer iv probably so different and not remotely sexy or dirty to 99% of the people on here, but this is me, il just sit here in my pink house, me and my 1% of favourite clients! (Meaning everyone reading this blog haha) anyway! Iv never really reflected as much as I could and given myself the credit on how different my service is! I’m such a self deprecating person sometimes and i guess i should be proud of who i am and the business that i created, because it is a business, I pay tax, i have mortgages i got on my own income nobody else’s name and I pay VAT, I worked for every single holiday and every single house deposit, I proved to banks that I was a reliable asset by constantly working over years of filing tax returns and building things, long long nights and no breaks, I did it despite probably been shamed or ‘less than’ in peoples eyes, I lived and I grew in and I thrived in the grey area of life and although I would not honestly be able to have done it without some great people like my amazing accountant, builder, and even ex husband, I still showed up every single day and I tried my absolute best! And guys I’m always learning and adapting just like you all! I’m constantly winging it, but what anchors me is you all, coming back to my lovely fans and just being happy Lucy! Anyway I definitely am going off on some tangents today! Back to massage! I was saying that It works for me and for the clients that love massage, that love showers and just being in a bubble of love and kindness and chattiness and oily massage and being real and yourself! Smiles and naked showers and red lipstick and joy, I believe that massage is transformative on any level! Iv been thinking about starting some extra services while on holiday, such as NURU and cuddle therapy. I used to do nuru and I loved it, but it was quite expensive to set up so always felt I was charging so much, due to the set up and clean down. So what do you reckon guys?? Should I be the only non sex nuru service on Adultwork? I don’t know! I feel like you could get a much cheaper nuru that involves some serious naughty fun from beautiful model like women! …why must I always be so tame lol

5- my wedding business. Iv been so lucky to have had such a beautiful wedding season and I feel like I’m experiencing some of the venues for the first time now I have to drive myself to them, I appreciate every single one of the amazing buildings I get to work in, from barns to bars, castles to schools, they and the people In them are amazing and they seem to love the service we offer. So here’s to the next wedding season!!

6 - dating! I’m single! STILL! Tragic right? Iv been 100% focused on other things I haven’t really been on any dates this year!! What I have done though is been on a few dating events in Manchester, not speed dating! (Though I think I’d be alright at that!) it’s just like a single and mingle event for people that do not do or like dating apps, and although Ive not met my person yet, Ive met some lovely lovely guys and made some genuine friendships with guys and girls!! There’s something absolutely liberating about being in a room full of everyone in the same boat, knowing that if you don’t feel a connection there are no hard feelings nobody is going to get weird with you, and also sharing the experience and everybody just understanding what it is like going through this modern dating life that we live. I also think that online dating is SO hard, especially for somebody with my belief system who believes that looks are not something that makes somebody sexy or attractive, that somebody’s essence and a conversation entering into a hidden world is what starts to lead me to curiosity, and curiosity turns to congruence and excitement and that turns to like, but unfortunately you just can’t get that level on an app, and genuinely I believe I have so much more in common with my fans and clients than guys on the apps! Anyway! If anybody is trying out a dating event please do! I went with my friend but I’d say 75-80% of people both male and female go solo, it can feel daunting but trust me, the idea is so much worse than what is in your head, and if you go, don’t manage to chat to anybody but still soak up the atmosphere and get to be out instead of watching Netflix (wait…is that just me? lol) then consider it a good night!

Anyway guys this blog is going on far too long! It was absolutely lonely to write my blog and i promise you that now I’m starting uni, il be into a more reflective period in life so for those of you that send me messages and check back here to see how I’m doing, I will be adding much more.

Iv also read back on everything Iv just said and I think the word from this blog must be gratitude! Over the past few weeks even when I had covid and couldn’t leave the house because because I was poorly Iv actually for once been in a really healthy place mentally, I can’t pin point why, although I have been focusing more on drinking water and eating more healthy food, but not a diet, just for health! Anyway I’m waiting for my good period not to happen when I start feeling anxious about uni but for the most part Iv been really good just bobbing about life and going through life’s ebbs and flows!

Love you all and thank you all

All my love

Lucy xxxxxx
Friday, April 5th 2024
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Easter, Pink kitchens and Tiktocs x
Hey guys I hope you are all well?

What is new with me? Hmmmm not much haha!! Honestly how is it April already! This time last year I was getting ready to go on my trip to Fuerteventura, I cant believe that at that point I hadn't even had any driving lessons haha! And now I'm sat in costa pretending to look busy with my little car outside the window! It needs a wash though!!!

The biggest thing that I have been upto is that I have been getting my kitchen done! my amazing friend has been helping me and we are about 40% into it now! the Floor is a sexy marble and the worktops, hob and oven are done on one side, and ALL the doors are painted and can you guess the color?! hehe! Pink of Corse! Although guys I am not going to lie to you all, I think even I am bored of painting things pink recently! Having a solid oak kitchen is amazing but fuck me its taken 2 coats of primer and 3 eggshell Farrow and ball JUST to cover it! Its crazy!! Then there is paneling and plinths!!! why cant I ever swipe a sexy joiner or kitchen fitter on bumble haha!!! Not that I have been going on any dates, With doing my garden and creating silly tiktoc videos about my garden and renovations and looking after my mum I have been on a big fat 0 dates this year! I know I need to make more of an effort but online dating is SO exhausting! By the time I have matched with somebody I like and sent a message I have used all of my energy to create any kind of illusion that I am sexy and demure! THEN the small talk comes, and I hate smalltalk!! It just takes up so much time and emotional energy that I just prefer to go on my other platforms and chat to my fans haha! I think that unless I meet somebody the old fashioned way It might not happen again for me, which is scary because even though I am 95% happy on my own, with my projects and my car and my fans and the occiashinal massage, I would like to find somebody nice who enjoys the crazy things in life that I love like living in a renovation site constantly, watching pointless, drinking costa and going on holiday! - Simple people and pleasures haha! In all seriousness though I should make more of an effort I know!!! I think the real reason though and I think alot of guys might relate is that I am worried about judgment, Obviously judgment because I take my clothes off for a living and have done since I was like 18! but Its deeper that that! I think I worry that this little life I have created for myself, This little chaotic ball of positivity and energy I have created within my home will be judged, I stay up late and I drink far too much diet coke, I wear what I want and eat what I want, I feel like if I invite somebody into this world I will get judged for how I choose to spend my time, which it so silly but having spoken to fans I'm not the only person who feels like this - Regardless of gender or occupation we all feel judgment in some way!

In other news my brother has moved to London! Which is good and as a big sister I am so proud of him but as somebody that spends time going on cinema trips and to Nandos every week with I'm going to be so so sad not to do those things! but it means that I get to go to London more and have adventures which I don't mind I guess!

Anyway guys I hope you all good and had a really lovely Easter!

Love you all
Lucy xxxxx

Friday, February 2nd 2024
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A long Overdue new year catch up xxxxxx
Hi guys, I hope you are all well,

first of all I am so so sorry for not getting back to you all, I was so gutted not to write my post Christmas post, It was so hard for me to be joyful when it felt like everything around me was falling apart. But I love to look back on my year and although Im not quite sure I have it in me to write such a long blog post, I will try even if it is for me own sake and write about my 2023 because it has been a hell of a ride!!

So First of all lets look at my year, Well lets just say, It was the best of times, it was the worst of times! Gosh I started my 2023 sat in my mums spare room which also doubles up as a utility room, I was 4 weeks into the worst breakup of my life and the house that I had single handedly purchased for me and my then future husband felt so big and old and felt impossible to live alone in! Gosh guys, that was probably the worst I ever felt in my entire life! I did not know that heartbreak could possibly hurt THAT much! I think the reason it hurt so much because deep down I knew it was the right thing to do, that we were just total opposites, me positive and him negative, but I stayed and I tried to make it work because I am not a quitter, if something is hard, I persevere, but eventually it all came to an end, it was hard, this was the man I was supposed to be married too! it was even harder when I found out that he had cheated on me and got somebody elce pregnant behind my back! Fuck it was hard! Looking back on those few months I honestly dont know how I got through them, I had absolutely zero self esteam, I felt deserted, it was bad! Why would somebody cheat on me when all I ever tried to do is take care of them and give them eveything they ever needed, it was so stressful and hard, harder because he took our dog, he took our life together away and for the longest time I believed it was all my fault, it was me working too long a hours, it was me wanting to create a beautiful and creative home, it was me being upset and over reacting when he came in every sunday morning at 6am stinking of booze teling me how shit I was, it had become so toxic and messy - looking back it was the best thing ever to happen to me, But I knew that I needed to dig deep and look ahead! I created a Vision bored, I ordered new windows to keep my new house cozy and warm, and with the help of some AMAZING talented people, I started to create and craft my new future & the home I can grow in!

What a journey it has been! there has been Fireplaces ripped out, Windows and shutters, alot of paint, alot of dust, cameras and lifting washing machines upstairs and sitting on the floor eating pizza by myself! There were times I wanted to give up, and times I doubted my creativity! Times when I just needed just one more bag of compost after using 50 and times when my back was literally broken for being up a ladder, and times when I just didnt want to live in this old house! But again, I did not do it alone! but we got there! and today I am sitting in my lovely home! Its still not done! I have BIG plans, but it finally feels like home for me and my little cat, its pink, and its as happy as it can be, full of fary lights and its all mine! And.... theres a car parked on my driveway!

I Started to learn to drive in April and FUCK it was hard! I would do every lesson and genuinely think how do people have this super power of being able to drive? I am never ever every going to get this! I know everybody says this, but guys that self esteem I was talking about was shot to pieces, my ex was so negative and just a really toxic person he would moan constantly about bad drivers, and being stupid, and have really toxic driving habits that made me absolutely convinced that this was never going to happen for me, as well as that I also am Dyslexic, Dyspraxic and ADHD so can you imagine what it is like when you do not know your left and rights, I pretty much had imposter syndrome for most of 2023! I felt I had absolutely zero choice but to go on a fast track to Kings lynn, Now, Kings Lynn was beautiful, the park was lovely, Norfolk is along way from me and picked the hotist 2 weeks to go! and it was HARD! after 40 hours I STILL did not know how to drive!!!!! I couldn't reverse to save my life 40 hours and I STILL could not work out in my dyslexic mind reverse parking!!! I thought that an intense Corse would solve my imposter syndrome, but it just made it worse not knowing my way around, so I failed the test because of a slight situation on a mini round about lol and home to stoke I came! But I learned alot in good old kings lynn, Starbucks and costa and subway basically became my life, I woke up every day and ate breakfast in some wierd hotel, Did 6 hours driving, Went to starbucks, costa, Subway, Watched love Island, did some spicy online work and went to bed! I walked through the lovely park, Listened to podcasts and really found myself in a weird way! So although at the time It was a huge bubble filled with anxiety and doubt, my take away words of that time are Self discovery and nandos!!!!

SO back home for MORE lessons, 4 hours a week, sometimes 6! My whole summer looking back was kind of lovely but worrying, I couldn't get a driving test till October and I was no where near ready! but I got into a really lovely routine of doing my volunteer work, 2 lessons a week, having my DIY friend help me one night on the fairy castle and working doing vanilla events with my wedding business, A few cheeky and unsuccessful dates thrown in, (you don't really want a post year dating analysis do you? lmk if you do because some are just funny)! and a trip to turkey with my brother and we are in October and I sneaked off to try my luck at a 9am driving test! When it came to it, I was not nervous, in fact, this whole year I have learned a lot about my mental health, for me, the anticipation on what is about to happen that makes me nervous, those situations where the pressure is happening - its happening! I'm fairly cool as a cucumber!!! And I passed!!! I genuinely didn't know how I did it, but I did! So far I am absolutely loving driving, I had no idea how much freedom it would give me and on another level, I always knew that this was for my family, to help my brothers and my mum. every lesson I was like, This is for my family, They need this, they need me! Telling my mum in person and jumping around the room is probably the one of happyist moment of my life!!!

Sadly though about 3 weeks later, after buying my first car and everything, she was at a friends house in derby and she suffered a cerebral vascular accident aka a stroke, because she was visiting friends she was admitted to derby hospital, guys, It was horrible! My brothers were in total bits! My younger brother was so upset and my older brother was too, I Instantly knew that my role in that situation was to hold it together as much as i could and be the glue! I pretty much spent the whole of December walking about with some strange detached feeling! The doctors told us that we needed to modify and add parts to the house and my incredible friend pulled through and did it for my mum, he dropped everything and I am just so so grateful that he did! My mum is doing so much better now! She's talking and hobbling about and is making the best of her situation! So I did spend my December 2023 sleeping in that same utility room, but I was focused on my family and not so much on the prick that broke my heart .

So there we have it guys, a crazy year of boiler buying and window buying and colour and creativity. red dresses and red lipstick, Holidays and gardens, There's been sadness and hurt, there has been laughing till I cant stop, and there has been so many cinema and nandos tips!!! and the most important thing - my mum did not die!

So in true Lucy style - If you look back on your year and it doesn't bring you tears, either of sadness or happiness, consider the world wasted! And by god as there been some tears!!

Here is a BIG THANK YOU My fans on every platform, My Readers, My Massage Clients, My driving instructor, my Incredible hunky and talented friend that helps me create spaces I Love, and more importantly thank you to my body, because my size 18/20 body created this life, Its helped me buy and sell property, its helped change my familys life, create my life, - and isnt it just a perfectly perfect work in progress.

SO here is to another year full of adventires and goals and here are a few things on my vision bored,

Here are mine:

Go to Bali,
Get a new kitchen,
Try open water swimming,
Drive to the sea
Go on a solo holiday
Buy a new property for my retirement
Do a corse
Create a wrapping paper draw (dont ask!!)
Me in a home interior publication

I am off to Spain on Sunday for a photoshoot for work, wish me luck guys!

Love you all guys
Lucy xxxxxxx

Sunday, November 5th 2023
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I DID IT!!!!
Hey Guys I hope you are all well?

Wow what a few months! .... Well what a year!! I Mean, we aren't at the end yet so I cant really give you my crimbo limbo post year break down just yet...but I am not quite sure I can cram anything else into my year haha!

So as you all know In my last blog I was just about to go on holiday, but had failed my driving test, and that had me pretty sad - but I was still positive!

Well something amazing has happened!

I only went and PASSED MY DRIVING TEST! I cant quite believe I am sitting here in my lovely pink house, with my Kitty here on my lap, The candles on, and radio 2 on that I would ever ever write those words but I am!!! I PASSED MY DRIVING TEST GUYS!!!!

The past 6 months learning to drive have probably been the hardest of my life! Driving isnt something that I thought I would ever do! Iv stopped and started over the years, but because I simply am such a slow learner and my dyslexia is so shocking that I just couldn't stick at it! Then when the beginning of the year came I created a vision bored and on it was so many pictures of driving that I knew that along with my house, it would be a priority!!! When people say that they have bad dyslexia I think people just shrug it off abit, But when I say I have dyslexia and Dyspraxia I mean that it is such a part of my life that I built my whole life around the things I can do, its probably one of the main reasons why sex work works for me! And the things I cant do, Well.... I tend to avoid those things!.... Like driving! haha!

Learning to drive ment I needed to understand and process things quicker than I ever needed to before, and for a long time I just couldn't learn or get simple things such as literally read the words on the road sighs and know my left and rights, Its not that I cant read, in fact, I am a pretty good reader, but when under stress and nervous the words on the road signs just jump about and I just cant focus at all! Even If i was a tiny bit tired or anything I just couldn't focus at all! Even a few days before my test I was messing so many things up and I just didnt think that passing was going to be possible! My nerves were through the roof! Then something really weird happened! On the morning of my test I woke up really really early, The house was so quiet and it was dark outside, It was like 6am! which for me is EARLY! and I was calm, quiet, in fact, looking back now it was pretty magical! I came downstairs and put a positivity playlist on, I had poached egg, and brioche ;-) and I just did my make up, and was calm! It was as if I just told myself, This is where we are, this is what is happening and the only thing you can control is the way you feel, the rest, is down to luck because dyslexia will choose how and when you can function, it will choose how you react, but the thing you can control is your behavior and your nerves and that's that I did!

The actual test itself was mega easy truthfully! I took it slow, When I made mistakes spoke out loud, checked my mirrors and just figured, I can take it again if I failed, so concentrate on just making myself happy that I did everything in my power to try and make it happen!

When the instructor said Id passed I said ' are you serious?' I was totally gobsmacked! I got 6 minors which I dont think is that bad!!!

So watch out boys because Lucy jones is on the road!!!!!

This past week I have been in abit of a daze! in one way I have been so happy because I have been so focused on learning to drive since april, all I have done this year is focus on a set routine of doing my massages, having 2, 2 hour lessons a week, and once a week my wonderful friend has been coming round to help me with the renovation jobs and then at the weekend I have been working on my non sex work business, and not forgetting my volunteer work, But now that my lessons have finished Iv been feeling abit down, like, What am I supposed to to now? In my many ways learning to drive has given me such a huge distraction to my heartbreak, given me something to concentrate on and has given me a fixed point, but I guess like a very wise therapist said we are always adapting, always growing and always learning. I will find another new normal because I am versatile and I am strong, and I am so so lucky.

Things I am grateful for this week:

Passing my driving test!

That I am able to have this amazing job and platform that not only has given me the opportunity to buy my home, but now buy my first car! I will be forever grateful! to my body, but also my fans, my clients, Everybody reading here!

That I have a wonderful warm home because I had to have a new boiler also! Urlgh yes I had to have a new boiler! this is an expensive 4 weeks! painfully victorian housed expensive! but it its done now, its warm, and now I have more room in the kitchen and you know that only means 1 thing!! KITCHEN RENOVATION IS HAPPENING NEXT YEAR!!!!

I am so grateful for my amazing friends and support network! I do not have a huge inner circle of friends, but the handful of people I keep around me are so perfect, so humble and so amazing! From taking me car shopping, telling me I can do it, to helping me renovate my lovely home, listening to my crazy (mostly pink) Ideas, helping me with heavy lifting, and telling me I am worthy of a beautiful life. Helping me create my safe, amazing princess castle, I wouldn't be who I am without my small but amazing inner circle! they know who they are, they know what they mean to me, and I hope by now they know the real me - without the boobs or red lipstick (sometimes)!

So guys there we go, the blog I didnt think I would ever write!

There are 56 days left of this year - Lets smash this!!!!!!

The question is this though - What the hell am I going to get upto next year?!!

Love you all

Lucy xxxxxxx
Wednesday, August 2nd 2023
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I Failed my driving test :-(
Hey boys!

Happy August how are you all?

What Has everybody been upto?

Life has been going well for me and I have been certainly been keeping nice and busy with life! As you all know I am renovating my house and I have added some absolutely wonderful additions to my home and my bedroom is finally finished! The project took me alot longer than I thought as I had to have some lighting moved and shelves put in and once that was done I thought why stop there! So I added a pink carpet, pink walls and basically pink everything to match! Its truly magical in here and even though I have done things to every single room the bathroom and bedroom are all done including all of the 'hard' messy jobs, I can honestly say I am so happy with it! Walking on a new carpet is so lovely! I cant actually believe I have been here a year now! I have so many projects Big and small to keep me occupied for the next year, I need to just keep going with it and enjoy myself too! I have some wonderful people who help me and I will be always so so so thankful for there help! Working in this industry can get so loanly, but having great people you can trust and rely on just makes me feel so happy.

In other news! I failed my driving test! :-( I know guys!! it was an absolute nightmare!! Those of u that know me know that I struggle real bad with dyslexia and I was struggling with learning here in stoke, Not only was I finding it hard just learning a couple of hours a week but I knew it would be hard to get a driving test booked in here, So I decided to go to Kings lynn for a fast track driving week, Well it was 2 weeks! guys it was HARD!!! It was like being at a training camp or something! every day at 8 am I had to get up have breakfast and learn to drive till 3:30, it was mentaly and physically exhausting! Anybody that has learnt to drive knows how hard it is, but add that I essentially am the MOST dyslexic person you know! I don't know my left and my rights even with a huge L and R on my hand, So here I am, walking around kings Lynn, dazed and confused with huge L and Rs on my hand, I can imagine I looked SO SO sexy it was unreal!!! haha! The hardist part for me learning on my fast track as getting lost and loosing all direction! I know its called learning to drive, and I dont know if many dyslexic and dyspraxic people an relate but I don't think I am learning anything most of the time, I mainly feel like I go though life simply remembering how to do things and trying not to mess it up over and over again until it becomes simply imprinted on my memory, at least, that's what it feels like to me anyway!! So remembering how to drive was pretty easy at certain points in my process, but trying to not forget...this is where the problems come! I would do the same round about over and over and over again and get it right, and then simply the instructions or way to do it would go out of my head, - I never got as bad to go the wrong way at the round about, but if there was no other cars on the road and my mind was truly scrambled I wouldn't put it past me!! Ultimately though the thing that I struggled the most was Independent driving and this is where a fast track let me down, for 2 weeks I had absolutely no idea where in the frecking world I was! and this reflected when following the road signs for my independent driving, It was hard!!! When driving here in stoke even though I dont fully know the road signs, I know where about i'm going, so I can worry about getting into the correct lane and because its a city, its not mega fast, in KL the speed was much much faster, it was a huge struggle! Test day came and I was convinced that if the instructor took mercy on me and asked me for the satnav and not to follow the road signs I may be in with some luck! Alas I got the road signs, but...in a stroke of luck there was for once loads of traffic and heavy rain so i was able to give myself plenty of time to follow the road signs, however, There may have been a little situation with a mini round about and he had to put the breaks on, but my test wasn't abandoned, but my head had totally gone and i messed up my reverse parking more than I think he Thought I did! I ended the test with 10 minors (3 of which not checking my blindspot) but 2 majors! :-( so my kings lynn adventure after 2 weeks and about 50 hours driving was over and I got home to stoke to start learning again!!! and here we are!! taking my weekly 4 hours a week and trying to book in for another test!! Overall I don't regret doing my fast tract, it was mentally hard for me, after my break up I have had alot of self doubt and It felt most days like this is just another thing I cant get right, and sayin sorry 40 times a day because your brain just cant filter simple instructions is just soul destroying, I had to be so kind to myself and my brain, and I tried the best I can, but overall I have come home a better driver and alot more confident. I actually miss driving every day and I am manifesting the way that my new car feels, and sounds, and smells and looks, the keys in my hands, I infact can 100% say that manifestation has gotten me to where I am today and I know that the day will come where I can drive and I want you all to see it for me because I will pass one day....soon I hope!

apart from my disaster driving, my very pink renovations life has been ticking along for me quite nice! I have been to the cinema to see the barbie movie - Which probably needs its own blog post because it was just AMAZING! on both a visual but also a deeper level I'm sure nobody reading cares about, but essentially it was all about equality and I know all of the guys are reading this are also into equality and choice also! Tomorrow I am going to see oopenhimer which I am excited for. I have been having some truly lovely events with my wedding business and I am truly excited for when I can drive and expand the way that I would like.

Anyway, I cant think of any other news to tell you all about my life!! I am going on holiday to turkey with my brother in September which I am so excited about because I have been so hard doing massage, managing everything social media etc doing webcam shifts here sometimes and just generally being a very naughty bbw redhead!

I hope u like the pic I have attached, x

And thats me, signing out....

Nurse lucy will see you now!

All my love
Lucy xxxx

Tuesday, June 6th 2023
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Birlthday Girl xx
Hi guys how are you all?

I cant believe we are now in june! Like - How fast is this year going? I hope that you have all been well and that you all have been good boys!

Whats going on with me? Well at first glance it seems like nothing has changed with me, but I guess so much has!!

I guess the first thing is that I have started massage properly, I only do 1-3 massages a week depending on my other commitments outside of massage such as my other platform based work, but its been such good fun meeting new clients and catching up with old ones, some of who I haven't seen for many many years! It makes me so happy and warm knowing that you all have been thinking about me throughout the pandemic and knowing that you all have waited on my return makes me feel so humble! thank you all!!

In other news who has been enjoying the sun? It has been so nice out in my garden! this is the second year in my garden and it truly has been so lovely! it was my first spring in the garden and it feels so weird thinking that I have now spent every season in my garden! There has been so many beautiful hidden gems in my garden, so many allium and tulip bulbs that it was just a huge treat when they all came up to greet me! There honestly is no grater joy than going outside with my lovely cup of tea and looking at the wonderful garden nature has given me! I have had to do alot of work out there such as painting fences, jet washing and taking loads of sexy selfies...all in a days work ;-)

I have also been doing so much work in my house and It has been so nice to show it off to my clients and family, and for my lovely handyman that helps me SO much in my lovely home, thank you so much!!

today is the 6th of june and on the 11th it will be my birthday! Can you believe that I wil be 35! HOW DID THAT HAPPEN haha! I cant believe I first joined AW when i was 20 years old!! Its so weird to think that I have had so many varying jobs in sex work, online and physical! but I am so happy I am here today and so happy that I met you all!!

Anyway guys I am off to a driving lesson tonight and then I am going to a quiz with my family! Wish me luck on both parts! I am not sure which one will be harder! haha! Honestly trying to master reverse parking as a thirty something dyslexic is hard!!

I hope to update you all on everything I have forgotten haha!

Love Lucy xxx

Saturday, March 18th 2023
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Positivity for all x
Hi guys I hope your all well! Just a message to say that you are all amazing and beautiful and whatever Is happening In life you know I’m here to listen!! Rather than rambling here every week I’m just going to write the good old dyslexic style bullet points! So here we go:

What went well this last couple of weeks :

Iv done an amazing massage with a lovely time, he chose my VIP package which includes 2 assisted showers, because I’m still only fitting in the massages around my other work it was lovely to welcome a new client. I think the one to 2 clients a week ratio is working really well.

Iv done some amazing v calls and cam work and sexting with some amazing guys, honestly you guys know how much I love chatting to you all, my cam shows can get so naughty with so many toys and lube used but then on other levels I get to chat about other things with my fans, each and every interaction is loved and it’s all different. It’s so fun to hear different Fetishes.

I booked my driving test but it’s not till wayyyyyy back at the end of the year!

I went live on tictok

I had my hair and eyebrows done

Iv been to the gym a few times and not just used the treadmill! My brother showed me the fancy Machines that mega fit people use, and although I’m using the gym to help keep my head right and for well-being I have noticed a big improvement with my lower back which is very good news!!!!

Iv been to see 2 movies! Campions and hallelujah! They were both very Good! I love movies and I’m really happy that Brandon Frazier won for the whale as it was a truly amazing piece of cinema and it made me cry buckets! Why my brother book me to see that 2 months out of a break down I don’t know because I almost had a mental breakdown! But it was fab!

I attended a new volunteer session

I screwed my very first curtain rod in all by myself and the curtains are still up!

Iv almost finished painting my bedroom pink, im going for something called colour drenching which means painting everything the same colour…. And can we guess the colour?!?!

I’m going on holiday in 1 week! Yay

Obviously still going through my breakup things are still hard at times, I can go days and not think about my ex, then suddenly have a super hard couple of days of non stop questions in my head and feelings of not being good enough. But When those moments come, I try and hold on the facts. The truth and not the anger or speculation and I keep telling myself that everything always works out for me, and that I am very very lucky all because of my amazing fans xxxx

Anyway guys I think that’s it for now!

Thank you for reading my positivity lost

Love you all

Lucy x
Thursday, March 9th 2023
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I Hope you are staying warm!
Hey Boys,

I hope you are all well!

Can you believe this snow, but I kind of am sad that its not sticking as much as I thought, I live really high up so its so nice to see the snowy rooftops of alsager and further afield!

This week has gone quick and my weekly goal of pacing myself is going ok, I have managed to paint my bedroom, have naughty online fun on cam, look after my nephews, go to the gym and go to the hairdresser! Tonight I was supposed to be starting a course but it has been pushed back because of the snow! grrr! Hopefully tomorrows volunteer work wont be canceled because I will be sad!

I have had loads of messages about massages too, I was worried that you were all going to be mad at me for having so much time off so I am so happy you all still love me!

This weekend is really chilled out! I am going to the cinema with my brother, (did I tell you we literally go to Nando's and the cinema every week??) and I need to get my eyebrows done! I live rock and roll! haha! Okok I may be a little bit naughty too!

Hope you are staying nice and warm
Love lucy xxxxx
Tuesday, February 28th 2023
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Sunshine and sparkles xxxxxx
Hi guys how are you all?

I hope you are all well, happy and healthy!

Its been another month gone almost and I wanted to catch you all up with what I have been upto!

I have been keeping busy with my online stuff and having so much fun on tiktoc etc, its been so much fun to show my creative and naughty side with you all! So if you are not already tuned into to that part of the the internet you are certainly in for a treat!!!

In other news I am now fully back in the swing for a massage now, I don't work as often as I used to as online still takes priority however I am very much enjoying the beautiful and healing massages that I do. I have had so many lovely complements over my new bathroom too, I am just blown away by it all! Thank you all so much!

As for my mental health and how I am doing with regards to the breakup, I have been ok but truthfully guys its been hard! I have never been so sad after a breakup be4, but I am getting there and learning to be at 'one' with myself again, its a long process with sad times, happy times, and fun times. But I will get there in the end especially with you all cheering me along from the sidelines!

I have been certainly feeling a little bit brighter now that the sun is shining a little brighter and the daffs are starting to come up, I have been to the cinima so many times with my brother and even been to the regent theater to watch a few musicals - trying to be positive is the best thing that I can do!

Wishing you all sunshine and sparkles
Love always
Lucy xxxxxx
Monday, February 27th 2023
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As happy as I can be xxxxx
Hey guys I hope you are good!

I am still not ready to write a big long arse message about how my ex was emotionally cheating on me for months and about how he got her up the duff and moved in with her the week we broke up, then how he got a full time job when during our relationship he 'couldnt' work, I am totally not telling you all about how even though I really have been struggling with the the feelings of being second best, I am feeling quite positive most days and most days are good enough for me right now.

I have been doing more and more massages which has been amazing, I have absolutely been loving skin on skin and getting oily and I think my clients would agree that the bathroom is the pinkest I have ever seen hehe!

anyway guys - Keep booking those massages, Keep being happy and naughty, and most importantly - Keep being you!

All my love
Lucy xx
Monday, January 30th 2023
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Things are getting better!
Today I am grateful for

My heated throw - That is keeping me warm while sitting in my FREEZING cold lounge, because I am having my windows replaced so there are great big holes in walls haha! In all seriously my house is so old the windows were all sash single glazed! and as much as I tried to get secondary glazing etc, the cost was too high and the frames damp, so sadly it had to be done! but seeing these sash beauty's coming out is sad!

I am also grateful for....

My friends and family, wait - Correction, my Amazing fiends and family! Who have helped me so so much this past 2 months, from things such as listening to me cry, driving me places, doing some amazing house things for me and helping me create my perfect home!!!

And finally...

My fans and clients! Because honestly you guys are the best, from people that buy my content online, try and come for a massage (give me time guys there is a list, a long list!) or just the people that watch my stuff on Instagram or tiktoc it means the absolute world to me!

Love you boys xxxx

Saturday, December 31st 2022
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Its been abit shit - but happy new year!!!! xxxxxx
Hi guys how are you all? I hope you are all doing really really well and have had a wonderful christmas and are getting through crimbo limbo and are ready for the new year!

This Christmas has been very different for me, and those of you that follow me on social media and my platform know that I have been going through a pretty crappy break up that happened about 3 weeks before Christmas, Guys break ups are hard and this one got me big time! I think that because of the house I just brought and the fact that I don't feel 100% comfy here yet and it is abit of a project means that everything's felt abit worse so I decided to stay at my mums untill some of the big jobs are done such as getting the windows ordered and replaced! They have been orderd now so I figure by the time I have done some feeling and healing, They will be ready to go in!!

The 2 lucky things are that I A - Can stay at my mums for as long as I like, although I am staying in a sunflower themed utility room, (its nicer than it sounds haha) and B - I purchased my home all by my self with no help from my ex, who would rather go back to his childhood home and be a man/boy, but - thats a story for another blog when I am not in the anger stage of greif haha!

But yes the past few weeks have been very very hard and Those of you that I speak to have been so so lovely to me!

As it stands, massage is when I feel upto it and I am so so sorry I cant be more specific, There's no timeline for when I will feel better because this is the worse breakup I have been through, So much time wasted and lost, so many dreams and memorys down the drain, But guys you know how strong and positive I am and every day feels better and more positive, every day brings new adventures and I know that if you want a better life and a better more positive life, then you have to hurt to become something all together better and better - nobody said it would be easy, but thats why I have all of you guys reading my blogs and messaging me, reaching out, following my platforms and being amazing!!!

As always I want to recap on some of the amazing things that have happened to me this year, its hard because right now looking back brings me sadness, But, this year I have successfully Sold a house, And successfully purchased a house, I saved a HUGE house deposit just from my lockdown earnings, I did so many events with my wedding business, I went on holiday, saw some amaizing musicals and gigs, I went though heart wrenching tremendous pain, but I loved, I laughed, I smiled and I loved myself!

So guys with that, the 2022 lucy jones is over and here is to an amazing 2023, full of the unknown, the creativity, the colour and naughtiness!

to all of my amazing clients, past present and future - Happy new year!

I will leave you with my favorite quote which I post most years here, If you look back on your year and it doesn't bring you tears for the good or bad reasons, consider the year wasted!

Love lucy xxx

Wednesday, August 10th 2022
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When it doesn't go to plan! Smile anyway!
Well, After my last blog things didnt go as planned.... :-(

But the first thing you should know is that I am okay and after the initial shock of things, I can now talk and laugh about things the best I can!

So My gigs went amazing and I had such a good time in Bristol with my friend, Iv never been to Bristol and the gig was at the harbor side, paulo nutini was amazing and honestly if you haven't already seen him but like his music, Iv seen him 3 times now, ourdoor and at indoor gigs! he really does not disappoint!

Anyway! Time for the bad news, at the time I thought it was the END of the world, and I have lost a lot of money that I know I will never see again :-(

For those of you that have traveled to the USA you will know that you have to have an ESTA before traveling to the USA, before booking my trip to Vegas I had applied to the ESTA and got everything accepted, this was in may, Then I booked my holiday etc I changed my money into dollars and everything was ready, THEN 3 days before I travel I get an email from the ESTA department, my ESTA had been revoked and I was denied access to to the the USA! I was devastated! not only because I lost so much money but the USA gave me absolutely zero reason what so ever! I have traveled to the USA previously and never overstayed my visa, have zero criminal record, nothing! the whole next day I had to travel to Bristol with my friend but in the car I was doing everything I could to try and get it sorted, calling my travel insurance and travel opp, trying to get through to the US embassy, it was a NIGHTMARE! Honestly in the end I had to relise that nothing could be done!

So I dint get to go on my trip :-( I still wonder why I was denied entry to the USA, is it because of my job? i have no idea! I do have an appointment in December at the US embassy, but im worried because they are going to ask me about my job etc, its not like im worried about what people think, i mean I just got my second mortgage by myself and was extremely honest about everything job wise, but still, its a worry! Anybody reading that has had a similar experience please let me know!!!

Anyway! After the most anxiety ridden 3 days with the trip I rolled straight into packing the house up and made preparations to get moved! GOD i has forgotten how expensive it was! When I moved into my last house I was only buying and moving out of my old place I had with my ex and into the house Id got by myself and because my ex had been a good egg about me staying in that house during lockdown while the work was being done to mine the move was slow and gradual and STRESS FREE! but this time I was not only buying on the same day but selling! OH MY GOD it was stressful because there was a 9 yes NINE! person chain! there was even days before the moving day where one of the vendors almost pulled out! it was so bad! and lets talk about expense! has moving house ALWAYS been so expensive? I swear in 2015 when I moved removal company's were not THIS expensive! but maybe because I wasn't paying for extras like mortage end fees and stamp duty! Anyway! Remember that HOT heatwave, not the one now but the first one where it felt like you was going to die? yes THAT day! I moved house in that! it was unbarebale and the chain made everything so slow! BUT I got in and finally got to sit in a NEW box fought in my new house at about 11pm! BUT I FINALLY MOVED!!!!!!

The rest is happier! I really LOVE my new house, I haven't got many neighbors but the ones I do have all sent me a card and It felt nice to feel welcomed but for whoever knows of my situation in the cauldasac It was nice that they sent a card said hello, then kept there distance! I know it might seem like i'm anti social but I just don't really like chatting loads to my next door, i like to say hi, but I don't want to be chatted to every time i took the bin out like in the cauldasac of doom! my new house is in a village setting so the houses don't really have a community feel like caulasac living does, don't get me wrong the cauldasac was NICE and it was a desirable place to live, but its not for me! I think the issue was with my old next door, apart from spreading hate about me, was that they had lived there for 40 years, they were in there own little bubble and nobody had really challenged them or said no to them, So when your favorite red head turned up with her pink fences and garden gnomes, she did not like it!!

Anyway! yes its lovely here! quiet, quaint, and Victorian meaning high ceiling's and creeky floors, my dream!!!! In true Lucy style I am getting the bathroom done in September once I return from my holiday.....this time I am going to Egypt with my mum!!!! Please cross your fingers I make it onto the plane!

I probably have LOTTS more to tell you but my hands hurt, its so hot the fan is blowing my hair everywhere and there are so many red lines about my dyslexic spelling AND they are just the words spellcheck picks up! but you all know how to read my terrible spelling haha!

I mean that if anybody is still reading this blog? or is everybody just watching tictok instead?

Love you all

Lucy xxxx
Monday, June 20th 2022
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Moving house - Again!
Im baccccck!

Well I didn't really go anywhere hehe! Literally I look at my last blog date and I cant believe that it was 2021! What HAVE I been doing?

Well obviously I cant mention everything I do because it mentions different websites etc but lets just say my main focus for now has come away from massage and onto social media and more the digital side like webcamming on here etc, it was supposed to be just during the pandemic and while I renovated and settled into my new house but ALOT has happened!

The first exciting thing that happened was that my social media
has bene going super well for me, Okay i'm not like Kim Kardashian or something! but it seems that people reading my blogs etc on here got people interested in me and my crazy little life so for that I want to thank you all!!!!! to say that it is hard though is an understatement! In fact massage was so easy compared to it, having so many people watching what I am doing and having to run everything myself at first was SO hard, im talking 16 hour days!!! but I got into the grove, as you all know I love to chat, be happy and a lil naughty so its deffo good fun!!!!

The second exciting thing is that I am moving house in 3 weeks! Its been going on FOREVER!!!! I am not even joking!!!!! the first house that I talked about in my previous blog didnt happen, it was HUGE and okay probably was a dream lucy house, but it was expensive and in reality a little large haha, so sadly it fell through! BUT then in February the day after telling the buyer of my current house that I was pulling out of the sale because there was just nothing on the market I LOVED a lil Victorian house came up!! Its perfect! well it will be perfect once I am done with it!!!! It has taken this long though to get it going through as I am self employed and single and there are 6 people in the chain - 2 more are self employed!! As you all know property has boomed recently and thanks to rising value in my house to which I STILL owe a huge thank you to everybody that helped me renovate, so thanks to the value and thanks to covid helping me to save I have managed to save enough to move! The new house does need work but like the old house i massaged from I am able to live in it and do work when I want to, my plan is to add value by adding a kitchen extension and trying to legally change the status of the loft to a bedroom, you guys have literally ALL heard this before from me but this house COULD be my forever home but you know me!!!!! this will be my 4th house sale in 10 years but only my 2nd by myself so we will see, I am not getting any younger and the possibility of being mortgage free before my boobs hit my knees is certainly alluring!! There isnt long for the boobs thing though so I better get going! haha

I Know I am so lucky to be able to have gotten another house sale and purchase under my belt and sometimes I have to pinch myself that this size 20 red haired lass from Tunstall has done it - I am living my dream of owning, creating and living in my bubble full of glitter and color! every single step I have been on AW has helped along the way, from my very very early days of escorting, to my long carer offering tantric massage, many many amazing nights camming and now branching away and focusing more on social media I never ever take any of the amazing guys I met, massaged or performed for granted and truthfully it is because of you ALL that I am here living my best life right now...well most days depending on what side of the bed I get out of!!

In other news it was my birthday last week! WOOP WOOP! but I am getting old now, I am 34 but you know I dont mind feeling and getting older! I feel like eveybody that has read this blog has grown up with me, age is a privilege and some people arnt as lucky as to grow old, ask me if i mind getting old when im 70 though and u might get a different reply! I probably will still be writing these blogs haha!!! To celebrate me and my bro went to see Ed Sheeran in Manchester and he was amazing! It was such a lovely brithday!

So now I write this email from u sitting in what only can be described as a fort - well a sexy fort of card bored boxes! I started packing early because i have a busy busy week and having not written here for a year writing here is probably a result of my procrastination haha! The reason I am packing early is because of thursday me and my friend are going to bristol to watch paolo nutini who I have seen before and LOVE!!!! my friend has not though she is very excited!!!! the day after coming home from bristol I am getting a taxi to London because I am going on holiday to las vegas with another friend! I have never been to las vegas and I am so excited!!!! its been like 10 years since I was in the USA so I am super excited to visit again!!! THEN when I get home I have 7 days to pack, 2 events with my wedding business THEN I can move house!!! THEN I CAN SLEEP FOR 10 THOUSEND YEARS!!! haha!

My wedding business is going super well and to all of the lovely guys i see at events and pretend not to notice Hiiii! I am super happy with how its going and I couldn't be happier with it right now!!!

And thats it!!! WHAT AN UPDATE!!!!

I need to write this blog more because I litrilly can not write another essay again! I feel like I am doing GCSE english! this blogging is hard for a dyslexic girl with ADHD you know!!!

Anyway boys,
Like me on all of the platforms if you want smaller updates!!!

Sorry for the spelling because I literally cant read everything back haha! Welcome to my mind!! writing more frequently certainly makes u better at writing because structuring a sentence is hard when you are out of practice!! Less love island and more writing me thinks........

BUT LOVE ISLAND IS SOOOOOO GOOD!!! I am such a typical girl!!!

Bye for now boys

Love Lucy xxxxxxxx

Ps - hope u like the pic, its the kind of thing I post every day on my social media xxxx


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