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Tuesday, October 22nd 2013
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Moving from Alton to Hereford
Hiya Gents,

it's been a while since I have written in the blog but I have some important news, due to a change in personal circumstances I will be moving to Hereford at the end of November. I have had an absolutely amazing time with you whilst in Alton and had hoped to be here for a long while yet. For those of you who have browsed my profile and found yourself thinking 'what if' or 'I could' .. now is your chance, I am only going to be available until the 28th November.

A special note to those of you who have been to see me before and especially those who saw me several times or even regularly..please, lets go out with a bang! It may sound silly but I will miss the times we have shared and as this is to be my last month in Alton, lets make it the horniest, sex filled month imaginable! If you arn't able to come and say goodbye but would like to, drop me a text or email as it really would be nice to hear from you before I go.

To those who see me in Andover for my yearly visit - I will still be there as normal.

I wont drag this out as I'm sure you have far more important things to be getting on with so let me round off by just saying a massive thank you for making my time in Alton such a pleasure, I hope we can meet again soon!

The Nice and Naughty, Cora x
Monday, April 9th 2012
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Two trips to Belfast in one month!!
Well March was a very eventful month for me.. not only did I go on a plane for the first time ever, but I then did it all again 2 weeks later on my own! Those of you who saw me in the weeks leading up to my Belfast tour will know just how nervous I was about going through the airport with a suitcase stuffed full with dildos, strap ons and butt plugs.. let alone actually going through the air, in a plane! Luckily I was with Emily and the whole experience was nowhere near as daunting as I thought it would be, I was giddy with excitement and as soon as we were at the airport I knew that we were going to have a fantastic time together!

We soon arrived in Belfast and got a taxi to where our rented apartment is, Emily was overjoyed when the taxi driver said 'so it is' .. this continued for most of the week and I'm not ashamed to say I was as equally easy to please! We weren't pleased however when we arrived at our luxury apartment only to be told the owner was no longer allowed to sub-let it! She was very apologetic and did offer us another apartment to stay in (with 24 hour security guard and no intercom system.. not ideal), so like any true Brit, we waited for the pub to open before we went about finding alternative accomodation.Six hours later and after some shameless flirting with the very helpful barman and a couple of pints we soon had our accomodation sorted for the week and were able to get settled in!

The showers in the hotel could fit 3-4 people, so what better way to start our adventure than a shared shower, we had been waiting patiently for over 6 hours to get our hands on each other afterall! We got all soaped up and started to rub our bodies together, paying particular attention to our nipples, before making sure that one another was cleaned suffiently with the help of a couple of probing fingers ;). If you have never shared a shower, we can seriously reccomend that you try it!

After a hard day of playing with each other we had managed to build up quite an appetite. Several people had reccomended places for us to eat but we soon found out that Belfast had an abundance of restaurants - all with delicious food and a fair price tag too! We are still working off the couple of extra lb we put on whilst in Belfast but could really do with the help of our wonderful clients in England.. aparently sex in the new aerobics? Worth a shot ;)

It was decided that during the tour we should make the most of being there and visit some of the places that Northern Ireland had to offer. We ended up doing an all day bus tour which took us through 9 glens, loads of quaint villages, coastal views for most of the journey and a stop off for an hour at the rope bridge - we were both petrified about walking across.. Emily is not a fan of bridges, heights or water and I'm not a fan of rickety rope bridges! Emily threw the camera at me and by the time I had it turned on and pointed in her direction she was halfway across!! I think I must have held my breath as I walked on the 2 planks of wood held together by wire, but I still managed to get a photo looking over the edge and straight down into the rough water below. Our wonderful tour guide told us afterwards that there has never been a human fatality on the bridge - well that's a relief! Our tour ended at the Giants Causeway where Emily and I were totally awestruck, we sat and watched the waves crashing on the rocks before collecting some seashells together like an old married couple, it was lovely!

Inbetween all of the eating and sightseeing we managed to fit in some very erotic threesomes, a favourite of ours as we get to pay each other alot of attention but still have a lovely cock to suck and fuck, it really is the best of both worlds. I particularly like licking Emilys pussy, she is very responsive and my tongue soon has her moaning and writhing as she grips the covers and clenches her fists before thrusting her hips to have my tongue swirl harder around her sensitive clit as she climaxes with her body shuddering, she can't help but hold her breath. We don't like to have all the fun though, whoever is with us is sure to have a night to remember.. I just love giving oral as you can see in my videos and photos, and Emily has a riding technique like no other!

Our time in Belfast was drawing to an end and the night before our flight home was a sombre afair, we began dreaming up snowstorms and various other acts of god that may delay the plane, just for a few days.. but alas, everything was running like clockwork and we were soon collecting our luggage in Gatwick airport. We did have something to look forward to though, Emily was staying at mine for a few days before she left for Newcastle and eventually Glasgow.

After nearly 2 weeks back at home I had just about settled in when Emily phoned me, there was a rushed excitment in my voice which I couldn't quite put my finger on.. that is, until she said 'Cora, I've checked the flights and hotels, I can leave on the Ferry in Glasgow and you can get a flight from Southampton to Belfast' there was a pause while I considered what she had just said, it would mean getting a plane on my own having only been on one for the first time 2 weeks prior! However I soon felt as excited as she sounded and the decision was made very quickly, I booked the flights and hotel before I had time to talk myself out of it!

When I landed in Belfast, Emily was there to greet me at the airport. It was beautifully sunny and warm, typical as I had bought a new coat to keep me warm for this trip (the last time we were there it was bitterly cold and windy). Back at the hotel and I just knew that this trip was going to be as good as before, if not better. Our second week in Belfast was much the same as the first, but there is something we did together that is making my pussy wet at the thought, so it's only fair I tell you what we did!

Whilst we were playing around together one evening, I was fingering Emilys pussy when she said 'I wonder if you could fist me', this took me completely by suprise, I consider myself to have quite big hands so I wasn't hopeful but I was going to give it my best shot! I made sure to lube up then slipped another finger into her tight pussy, I had 3 fingers fucking in and out of her now and as soon as she was relaxed enough I went for a 4th, she was soon bucking her hips as my fingers curved up to massage her g-spot.. time for tom thumb to join in I think! It was amazing to see her tight pussy stretching slowly over my fist and just past the knuckles, but we both knew she couldn't possibly take any more after she had an almighty shuddering orgasm, her pussy spasming and clenching my hand as she came.

When Emily had said 'I wonder if you could fist me' I don't think she expected me to want to try, but when she knew I was going to she made it clear that there were conditions attached to this.. I could only try to fist her if she could try to fist me! Oh sweet heaven let me have it, I love trying!

Neither of us were 100% successful, but we both had immense orgasms at the hand of the other (excuse the pun)!

We hope to be back in Belfast in June, so until next time..

Happy easter!

Cora and Emily xx
Saturday, October 29th 2011
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I've been dogging!
A lovely gent took me dogging last night and I just had to share the experience with the rest of you.

Having never been dogging before I really didn't know what to wear or what the 'norm' was, but after emptying my wardrobe I decided that my black lace baby-doll would suffice, even though it would do nothing to protect me from the cold weather!

As we left his house I was getting an increasing case of the butterflies in my stomach just knowing we were drawing ever nearer to our goal destination (a popular dogging spot off the A31). As nervous as I was, I was also getting incredibly horny and couldn't help rubbing his cock through his jeans during the drive.

As we pulled into a lay by I knew we had arrived by the number of cars parked up in it! I realized this was it, no going back now.. I took my coat off and we began to play with each other in the front of the van as one or two men strolled past, looking in the window. We both knew about some kind of dogging etiquette but didn't really know what we should do to invite people to join in, so we decided to leave the van and walk past the cars, then down a slope and into a sparsely wooded area.

I did have a wardrobe error, I didn't want to wear sensible trainers with my lace baby-doll and opted for 4" open toe wedges.. big mistake! The ground was slippery and the slope quite steep but the worst thing was having my toes stung by nettles!

We entered a slightly covered part and as we started to kiss we heard some rustling and knew we had been followed, my heart was beating so fast as I saw a couple of men approaching us. We broke from our kiss and each went to a stranger, inviting them to join us. The man I went to wasted no time in slipping his hand inside my lace knickers to start rubbing my clit, I was already wet with excitement and anticipation. Not a word was said between us as we masturbated each other. I bent over to suck his cock and another man stood behind me and started fingering me, the man infront of me came as I wanked him. I pulled my knickers down and put a condom on the man behind me, he fucked me while I was bent over, using a tree for support.

We stayed for about 3 hours and while we weren't keeping track we think that about 10 men came and went, we didn't leave until everyone was seen to ;)

By the end of it I was freezing cold, dirty from kneeling on the ground and covered in cum.. but I loved every minute of it!
Thursday, August 4th 2011
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Well we did it!
After all the stressing and worry over the gangbang, we did it last night! We would have loved to have more people come and join in but thank you SO much to those who did.. you know who you are ;)

I was feeling very nervous and didn't really know what to expect, but as soon as we had a drink and got ourselves in the bedroom all those worries drifted away during a lingering kiss with one of the gents.

Emily and I enjoyed playing with each other and the gents while the men fingered our pussies and sucked our nipples. I got to toss 2 men off while licking Emilys clit - WOW what an experience! I loved watching Emily fucked from behind and she took a photo of me being fucked while sucking cock, as you can see though, it didn't come out too well as we were in motion and weren't going to stop for anything!!

We took a break inbetween so everyone could refill their glasses and freshen up and then got back in the bedroom for some more fun! All in all we had just over 2 hours of play time but I was STILL ready for more.. I'm terrible! haha

Id love to do another but don't want to be arranging it - far too much stressing lol

Cora xx
Saturday, July 30th 2011
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Finally going to POP my gangbang cherry??
Oh my gosh I'm sooo excited, I'm finally going to pop my gangbang cherry!! I have wanted to have a gangbang for a long long time but never been able to arrange it. Emily is visiting next week and she mentioned that she'd like to do it.. well, as you can imagine.. that was all the motivation I needed!!

We want as many guys as possible for our greedy girls party, we don't want to do anything by halves! hehe

I don't know if any of you guys have thrown a party before, but why did no one tell me it was sooo stressful? I have a horrible feeling that no one will show up.. and if they do, well.. lets just say I'm going to need as much cock as possible to alleviate the stress of organising this party!! haha
Tuesday, May 17th 2011
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Our trip to London!
Well Emily and I had another good time in Hounslow. I think we only skipped 1 dinner this time, we even splashed out on a full english breakfast at the hotel!

We went swimming again this time and Emily took great delight in stealing my hair clip and chucking it so I had to dive to find it - y'know, like we did in school with the rubber brick? I dragged Emily around the pool by her feet - a fantastic way to get a cheeky look at her wonderful breasts with everyone else none the wiser ;)

Both of us were on a mission to save money this time, so we avoided town most of the time..we could quite easily spend a fortune in ann summers alone! So instead of shopping we had to think up other ways of entertaining ourselves..

Whilst I was out having a ciggy, Emily phoned me and said "run across the road, quick! I'm standing naked in the window". Having spent a fair ammount of time watching the deadly traffic lights outside the hotel I knew I would have to pick my moment to cross wisely..and quickly if I was going to get a glimpse of Emily in the window! When the traffic had slowed and I was almost deffinetely confident that I wouldn't be run over, I dashed across. It was sunny and there were alot of people walking around, so when I skimmed the building with my eyes trying to find which room Emily was in I didn't really believe she would be stood in the window. That was until I saw the curtain to her room being pulled across.. there she was, with not a scrap of clothing on with her naked body pressed against the glass.. WOW, it was worth risking life and limb at the traffic lights to see that! I got a photo so I could share it with you too ;)

We met some lovely new gentleman aswell as some who saw us the last time we visited. So a big thank you to those who made our trip worthwhile, we really enjoyed it!

We will be back ;)
Sunday, May 8th 2011
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London here we come!!
Emily and I had such a fabulous time in Hounslow last time we just can't wait to get back there tomorrow! The hotel has a swimming pool but we only took advantage of it once before so we've agreed we must make full use of the pool and spa this time!

Hopefully we will be enjoyed by lots of men whilst we're there, we particularly enjoy the threesomes and I've made sure I pack the strap on for such occasions ;)

We must remember to eat this time, last time we were there we were so horny we completely forgot to schedule in a time for dinner! Oops

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