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Monday, July 13th 2015
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The Return
The journey was always so long distance was always going to be the killer but the thought of being with her was so worth it and even if it could not be as often as they wanted it was the life blood of keeping her sane between times
This time the time had not been used wisely between visits and she know she had to suffer for her foolish mistakes and she was sure Mistress would look into her soul yet again ripe it out and wash it clean so she could start again the how was always the scary thing.

The thought of her made her wiggle as she drove it was knowing that that touch how ever light would make her body cave in and in the end she would just let her mistress feast on her like some hungry panther licking the blood from her kill her mistress would devour her and she would not fight but lay there like a dear in the head lights suffering

Memories of all the visits came flooding back as she did the final mile and how many times she had said I cant or please and of course in the end the words she hated I beg you to let me cum

Every time she tried so hard not to fail but she had no choice her mistress was so skilled at making her mind close down its defenses and her body was so hungry for her touch she melted into nothing and when the pain came she would suffer so she would have the pleasure she so desired

Amazing a parking space outside she looked at the door she was going to go throw and from then on the world outside did not matter all that did was them and how she wanted it and she would do all she could to make her mistress proud
she smoked the last cig as her and stubbed it out knowing the sub she was about to become

She looked like a smoky shinning star when she opened the door like some magic fairy that brought joy into her life and yet the cover of that book was a lie and she know the black heart under that lured her in would take her hard and beat her till she could take no more then with out any thought mistress would take the self respect and balance from her of the other world she lived in and melt her to a mess to rebuild after she had made her cum so hard she would cry and beg her to stop as her body would shake and moan and shamed by how much she wanted to be taken she would give in to the fists that took her holes the lips which would tease her till orgasm and the tits she would suck till the air from her body was gone and she could not breath until her mistress let her free she know she wanted to be taken so hard she would scream please take me please let me cum please and then mistress would say beg me and at that moment the pain of begging was hard but as the fist pounded inside her she begged; she begged and begged and let go one she had permission

The star kissed her come in i've missed you

The rich harshness of passion evoked in her came flooding back Christ its been to long

she would norm have a drink and sit and fiddle but mistress took her hand and lead her straight upstairs she went to protest
and that look just was the command of silence

Mistress said spread your legs

she did and the blade of the knife cut away her cloths the steal hitting her flesh now and then cold but making her hot her knickers wet and mistress ripped them off leaving her glistening cunt exposed her tongue his and the deepest groan escaped from her like she had never been touched in this way before and pleasure was all she craved

Her mouth moved up her body to her nipples she know pain now the tease of her clit was enough for her to take the pain she braced herself

The tongue lied as it teased and as the hand between her legs teased her wetness that now was escaping with no control and then it came the bite but this time she screamed hard as mistresses teeth drew blood

Her head went back and as she was not restrained she stumbled back with one quick move her hair was being pulled down and she had no choice but to tumble to the floor

Her legs and arms restrained and her chest cavity wrapped in rope she could not escape the pushed on to her front she was lifted by the hoist a fright of this had been some thing they had played out before but never done she swung a little when off the ground and the rope pulled a little with taking her up she would of protested but the whole time she was moving up a hand was teasing her pussy lips and she was confused

Her head dropped and mistress was in front of her stockings suspenders and killer heals her softness was on show and she wanted to lick her but was unable to move

The lights were low and a peace of music playing in the back ground she knew but could not pin point as her mind was racing

Mistress slid to the floor laying just under her OH how she wanted to be lowered to her and kiss her and pleasure her she closed her eyes for one second then she felt it

The sharp steal had started with her cunt dipping in and out of her
Like a flash her eyes opened and looked into those starts eyes that now had turned black like a evil witch that had her Gretel

A nick of flesh and a release of blood came not much but enough she know she was bleeding

OH fuck she screamed what are you doing

Mistress said nothing at all and pushed the knife inside

sub went quiet and no more complaints was to be heard
Slipping the now wet cum stained blooded knife up teasing inside her thigh another nick and this time deeper she jerked moaned but not a word said and closed her eyes

The other side done the same blood dripping now flowing out of her like a tape being opened to let water flow she was being cleansed and blood was being taken

She felt her mistress suck her pussy lips and teasing the blood out drinking her as she took the knife higher to her nipples the tip of the knife cut small but enough and she sucked her nipples like a hungry dog on heat ravenous
She so wanted to cum her pain and hunger to gush was flooding in her veins and then the knife went to her throat her eyes spring open she looked down and watched the evil glint in her mistresses eyes Please please no
Mistress said one thing beg

and as she begged for her life she came all over her mistress drowning her with her shame of the other world and the pleasure of this world and her mistress laughed and took the blade from her neck
Saturday, July 11th 2015
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Giving worth to a worthy Mistress (Blackmail)
He has been watching her over and over the years he has looked at others but never made a commitment he has seen her grow and he know her power he could feel it

On occasions he had spoken to her never on the given subject he was interested in but more on her mind about all sides of BDSM and he felt her passion and was shocked by her thoughts on control every time he came away admiring her even if it made him scared but his passion was not the pain of flesh more of the mind and his life

There was a picture now in front of him a gloved hand her hand and it felt like it was ruling him he looked at it for ages and then imaging her taking his large male hand and placing it on the cash point machine and whispering into his ear as the heat from her and her perfume filled his senses
“Now press the buttons with draw the maximum amount there is a good boy or you know what will happen”
He looked around for a split second no one would know he was being blackmailed no one would care unless she went throw with her promise
He heard the bleeps of the codes going in the silence and the machine turning out the crisp 20 pound notes

The gloved hand removed the money” mm” she said “nothing like crisp notes to turn me on but we are not finished” smiling she held his hand and took him to the car

Not much was said he did not have any words he know this was to be a long day
The car stopped outside a large store he got out rushed to her side to open the door
“Oh what a gent you are but it won’t matter I am going to rape you today”
He followed like a puppy behind her she took a trolley and as he watched she filled it full of goods within the store
Reaching the till once all had gone through the check out put out her hand
He looked at her “card” was all she said he handed it to her and she punched the numbers in he watched as she used his card for her wants.
Packing it into the car and her laughing was amazing she took such pleasure in this
Once again on the road her driving with her gloves on and him sitting next to but one gloved hand was on his cock which she had taken out and she was stroking it so turned on he sat in silence and let her do whatever she wanted
He was so hard from all of this something he had wanted but she now was forcing him to do in real time

The car stopped and he was out opening the door she said u have a hard cock under their mind no one sees it she took his arm and walked into the bank

He felt like a lamb to the slaughter but he stood infront of the casher and put his card in and one by one yet again he pressed in his codes for his account telling the casher I need
But as he did she spoke” 500 dear “ he looked at her looked back at the cashier and just nodded
He handed her the notes and walked away with her arm in arm

Back safe unpacked shopping she produced all the cash she had made him get
Leading him to her dungeon all over the walls were pics of him in stockings and plugged with butt plugs pics of him on his knees with a strap on in his mouth sucking there were pics of him on a cross not hooded but real face

I think your safe for a while now but one last picture stripping him of all his cloths she tied him down on the cage
Every note of cash placed over his body stuffed in every crease of opening including his mouth and arse she stood laughing there you go my cash pig now see what a good model you make another pic for my wall
Gathering the money off him placing back in the envelope she untied him and walked away left there naked

He could not help it but he wanked so hard he just had to cum and with in seconds he did

Later that eve a memo from mistress arrived a file enclosed a small clip of him on the cage wanking himself shaming himself
With the words you did not ask permission YOU WILL PAY
Thursday, January 23rd 2014
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If you go down to the woods today love you are for

Cool summer eves were always lovely to play outside many a time some rope a flogger taken
They would eat at the pub chill and walk the bridle path and enjoy the sounds and smells of nature
The warm summer breeze on there skin and the laughing they did with in their bdsm filled them with joy

Never do they stop it coming in and out of their life but they always had nilla to and enjoyed the deep connection of play and norm life.
Long nights of talking with red wine or coffee and the dark thoughts would come out some of them even to them should never be done but none the less they talked of the play and how and what ifs,

But on a eve like this he felt utterly safe and a little light play was all he ever thought would happen.

She pulled him close and kissed him deep and hard and said" you know you l trust me, always remember it always know deep in your soul I am there."
He pulled back from her and looked in her eyes a strong glare made him melt and yet behind was utter love and devotion of his mistress to her sub and he would never forget how much he loved her and how much he would take from her.

That moment the darkness fell over him a hood over his head and he felt rope round his neck securing the hood he was roughly pushed to the floor and dragged like a dog away from his beloved mistress.
His thoughts rushed to her what the hell was she OK what on earth this summer night was not meant to be anything she had not hinted at any thing was this her doing.

Kicking and screaming and he was not holding back with no idea what was going he felt he should fight some thing kicked in self preservation took over
The branches scraped away at arms and legs as he kicked out at the attackers and he flet a swift thud on his chest that took him by surprise pain took him for a moment and he lost his breath.

The ground under his feet was damp but the warmth of summer had made it hard and as he was slumped down on the floor he winced.

There were voices men shouting out its here lets lift the top get this done so she can see.
He began to take note of the words and thrash in his ties but to good a knots for him to reach and tackle to escape.
Her, she can see, did they mean mistress what the fuck were they doing to her shit he thought I am a man meant to protect her and here I am bound up like a hog with no way of making sure she is safe.
He heard her scream ohhhhhhhhhhhhh Jesus my lady what on earth and silence fell
The foots steps were not quiet they crushed through the silence like a gun going off.

He felt chains lift him attached to the rope placed around his body he was cold shaking and helpless to save his mistress useless in this time of danger.
Funny enough his thoughts was not of him but her and still even now her safety.The thought of harm to her over rode any that would be fall him. At that moment he know he really loved her with out a shadow of a doubt.
All he wanted was the chance to tell her.

The rope bit in and up he went how high he could not tell disorientated and then lowered
He felt hardness as he thrashed around in what he felt was box four sides and then her heard the top go on.
Encased inside a box in the woods
The banging on the sides woke him from thought the swinging of the box as it lifted off the ground made him try and stretch out thumping feet to see what was below or above but very little room was there.
Down it went he felt the movement slow but steady down and the sound of ground under him he shock he know it felt as though he had been lowered into a pit
Christ he thought there going to fucking berry me how the fuck will i breath get out of it Christ where is she
he started to hyperventilate and he trued to calm
Dreams of this in their play had been so wow but in truth this was not fucking funny.

How if her would she of done this how on gods name would she arrange such drama if not her what the fuck was it.
The chains removed off the so called box and some thing being screwed in made him clam listening for any little sound
Recognizing the sound of a pump he all most wet him self
Dont leave me here for Christ sake it was a fucking dream

what seemed ages nothing he struggled with the ropes frantic to escape one slipped and it allowed enough slack.
He wanted to rush to take the hood off but it was scary to think what if he was deep under ground and all he saw was earth.

He had to look he had to find a way out he could not think he would end his days like this

with out telling her how much he loved her and how much he wanted to spend his whole life with her and he needed to see she was safe
Pulling it off was not frantic like a child opening a special gift frightened it was not what they wanted his hands shaking
The light blinded him and as his cleared vision come back through clear plastic he was surrounded by people
all of them he know straight off
His mistress stood and looked at him through the plastic and smiles the biggest smile and her face flushed and just a hit of evil
Tears ran down his face and the lid removed helped out as he was still shaking she covered him with her arms and embraced him
She said "is there some thing you have meant to tell me"

"I love you mistress with all my heart I am so sorry I took so long"
Thursday, January 23rd 2014
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Predicament promise
Her eyes showed no glimmer of kindness the love that he saw every day had been washed away and her manor utterly changed
she had demanded he had shaved all over not a hair on his body other then his head and he had done as she asked.

She has dressed simply and in some thing she could move in sexy but almost plain not teasing as normal not even her cleavage out.
He was a bit sad he loved seeing her flesh it made his cock rise many a time and this was almost utter frustration.
Yet she still looked yum and after all he know what was under the outfit and he know at some point he would see once again the flesh of the woman he adored.

He sat on a chair naked waiting and still a dim light on and she walked about looking at him inspecting him and in silence again some thing he was
most unused to.
he loved hearing her chatter and the conversation got carried away into the early hours of the morning and time was always so lost.
Not always to bed for pleasure but the warmth of her body and his was a reward in its self.

her head tilted and she sighed, "you agree to the play I want"

he looked at her he was unsure as no play had actually been discussed and he felt him self shift in the chair a uncomfortable feeling crept over him.
he could of at that point said um I do not know what you want of me, he could of just got up and run. he could of said whats the play mistress.
But he know deep down he would not ask and he would of done anything she wanted and she would do what she needed and it was how she had always been the unknown was her evil and he sank deep into the chair and replied

Even then not so much as a laugh and he longed for her laugh though at times it sent shivers down his spine.

She stood in front of him a leather strap in her hands and she bound his neck to the chair almost to chocking point
Picking up others she placed them on his upper arms wrists and thighs and to his ankles.
all so very tight and he was incapable of moving they hurt not cutting in but enough to know even if he jolted they would stop movement
She stroke his face and one word she spoke was "secure" and she was right he was but that was not what he was feeling.

Walking back towards the light barley seeing her he heard her wand and a slight moaning he know what she was doing playing making herself cum
Why now he thought and wait its my job to please her and norm done at the end of play.

Not some mega cum he thought he could of helped her so much more. But her sigh told him she had got where she wanted to be.
Steeping out he could see her flushed cheeks and she stood in front of him.
Glaring at her, she lifted her skirt soft black silk knickers on his utter favorite and his cock twitched and it was not caged tonight so lifted almost to full potential.
She moved slow teasing slipping them down over her heals
Her movements towards him were not kind she shoved the silks into his mouth and the smell of her and wetness filled his nose and mouth but how she put them in was cruel and with no care.
Another strap placed over his mouth pushing the silk deep into his mouth and tightly placed meant his breathing was only through his nose and there was barley enough air to moan as her felt the tips of her nails scrap down his now very hard cock.

He looked up at her and some how she had got a bottle in her hand like a spray one she used for cleaning and she started to spray his body wet and cold he shivered and yet he know what she wanted and it terrified him he would take so many things but this was a game he had only talked about and he had even thought would never happen
She sprayed into his mouth cold already damp silk the water tricked down his chest and the cold water sprayed on his cock sent it dancing.

she took the toy that sparkled in the light and touched a dry area on his feet he leaped with no where to go no amount of escape was going to keep him safe.

"You talk a good game at times sub and I know you could take so much for me on many levels but tonight we are going to play a little torture game"
Once again she sparked him but the wet conducted and sent searing pain into him like frying his flesh he tried to scream.
Her blackness in her eyes told him she was far from finished
His balls out and the pain went through him like a knife slitting his flesh the angry thrust of electric sent him to throw back his head and he began to gag and not breath,

She came over untied the gag took out the silk and placed a gas mask over his head pushing it roughly down at the end a canister
He Breathed the deepest breath and thought fuck poppers in the air his head reeled and his body started to feel the effects.
Then pain the electric hit the top of his cock wincing deep pain and his breathing was erratic having to fight the pain control his breathing and know the in forced poppers would send his brain into melt down.

Time and time again hit with the force of electrics over his body not being able to speak , she was not even asking questions so he could stop this torment mind u in back of mind he loved it utterly vulnerable to her cruelty.
But the no air re breathing the poppers was making him real and float and sensitive so much the pain was unreal and she carried on flicking the electric on his flesh.
The air came clean clear free mouth gasping for it.

"so now tell me what I want to know sub or this will go on and on for hours and remember you promised to keep the secret you swore you would never tell but never is a long time when being tortured"

"Tell what " he asked

"What have you bought me for my birthday sub I demand to know"

"I cant you made me promise"

"Now this is a problem you promised me and yet if you do not break this promise the pain will continue will you fail to keep your word to me sub and suffer until I take pity on your flesh?"
Wednesday, January 8th 2014
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The making of a anal slut
The thought of doing this and letting it happen was scary the body was made to have things come out not in.
But the feeling of being naughty, dirty and taken this was so erotic and a thrill.
Experimenting with fingers and lube had been the first step in the odd nilla relationship it and been toyed with and it made his mind flip over some times in nilla woman would do but did not really know the impact on his mind nor his body also the fact his dirty thoughts of more.

A utter straight male would should not think like this and he wondered why it sat in his mind was it he wanted to have a male or the power of a mistress inside him with her strap on or her fist, Making him a utter whore.
No matter what it was he wanted more and craved that feeling

The internet had got him into watching porn and the more he watched men on men or mistress with a strap on and he played with his tight arse he dream t of it being used
His cums every time were stronger more erotic and he wanted to beg to be used as a anal whore.
he played a lot on his own just teasing his arse he thought first time how naughty and he worried about if his fingers would be dirty or if it would hurt so done in the bath and a hand wanking his cock he wanted to moan and beg and be watched but he dare not show anyone so it was his secret but the wont was to Strong.

In the end he booked the session some thing he never thought in a million years he would do never thought he could do this but he wanted to be used and be stretched open like a little slut and feel power inside his body and lose control of his mind and he had found her and she had bewitched him and he would let her push his wants and dreams to reality.
The odd email back and forth where when sorted tribute he had asked questions as the thought of being ripped in half in a dream was good but in real time he was petrified.

She had demanded for 72 hours no playing with cock or arse and that if he had never done any thing her raping his virgin slut arse was going to be slow and building up to so much more but this came over time and he felt she was right and he would submit his little tight arse and had a feeling any thing else she would wont her would give.
Her wants to were him shaved more tricky but he did it never before had he shaved his cock balls and crack felt degrading like d emasculating his body but all shaven he sort of all so felt new virgin like and such a temptation to play was hard not to stroke his now virgin like cock and he ached to cum more then ever before in his life.

The ride to the session was scary thrilling and hard and even before he got to the door he thought shit im going to cum on the spot
The door opened there she was dressed to kill and he wanted to bend over there and then and beg to be taken he contained himself as she walked up the stairs her heals stockings and a rather nice arse view did not help his plight.

She sat crossed legged and latex gloves on he was in no doubt what this session was based around him and his virgin bottom should he run should he say look I cant but now as she spoke he just melted and felt her commanding him.

Standing naked in front of a utter stranger let alone infront of someone in stockings that he has dreamed about wanked to the pics of her was one of the most difficult things he has ever done and his body was shaking.
Her black latex glove inspected his body moving around to his bare bottom
running a finger down his crack and laughing "mine mmmmm " she said his heart leaped this was it

Told to move to her play room she tied his wrists light not enough he know he could not escape though not easy to his head forced down "mmmm now then this virgin slut arse what shall we do with it?" she laughed
He said" Mistress please be gentle please its a slut arse and yours but please don't hurt me"

The lube was cold and she smeared it up and down on his arse and slowly he felt himself tighten as if he was about to be raped and he had to stop it and yet he wanted it why did his body want it so much and his mind
looking down he saw his cock hard and his balls free and aching and to his horra pre cum glistened and was weeping from his pathetic cock.
" Listen to my voice slut as I am about to take you and you will let me or it will hurt Breath in and out in and out just keep listing deep down to the pit of your stomach and go with my rhythm"
He could not speak his mind on her and what was happening his legs wanted to buckle and his mind was empty other then her voice.
With in seconds her fingers were inside investigating him probing him and taking his virginity and he let her his hips wanted to swing on to her fingers and he felt such a whore
" Go on then push bk on to me slut come on show me what a whore u want to be for me"
He did as commanded and he wanted it deeper and pushed on to her

fingers and he rocked bk and forth arse out legs wide and he wanted he got greddy and he wanted more and more
She laughed.
Her power was her pushing deep into him but then it changed he felt himself widen and more fingers in Ohhhh god he thought it hurts now not so fast to push and he slowed ,

But she moved in harder more force

"now I am raping you oh you thought you could take it well now I am showing u how you will be my slut and you will need a lot more training by the time I have finished with you you'll be fisted so hard one day that you will beg for mercy"

He begged now he pleaded and yet he wanted more he wanted to be trained he wanted to hers to do with what he wanted and he would come and do what ever she said so one day he could be her anal slut.
Monday, November 4th 2013
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Coming home to her
He took pleasure in her art, marveled at what she so liked to create
The main prob was every time was new and not knowing how or what would happen when arriving.
Over time the pleasure and the erotic side had grown and they took pleasure in the darkness of the play her moods make him excited and the way she structured the game made him horny before getting there and after he was always pleased it had left him breathless and her filled with power and him with pleasure of pleasing her, she was his world and she should have all he can give.

He heard soft music before he even entered the house now days he has a key a utter honor
click and in, meet by the dog who just nosed him with approval.
Dim light music and smells of cooking she liked it when he came she showed off her latest conquest recipe and he was her ginnie pig.

He sipped wine but knows the rules none till after she always wanted him pure and to see his reactions to her game.

He approached the door to upstairs a note pined to it

It looked like it had been written in blood one word


No thinking he striped and left his cloths folded and moved up slow she had not called down nor demanded him upstairs there had not been a note about going up but he still went hoping it was the right thing to do.

The music came from the dungeon it was like waterfalls and that odd music u got in massage places he did not think he would be that lucky some how,
Candles every where flickering in darkness burning wax and the warmth of the room greeted him.

There she was laying half sleepy on top of the cage layed out as if she had done nothing all day he know better.

Her head turned and she smiled at him.
No words spoken and he moved over to her hands behind back
He closed his eyes and waited
Her mouth covered his nipple soft wet he so wanted to moan and drop to his knees all day he had waited for her touch no matter what it was.
The pain came she bite into his soft flesh he has learnt this is her thing and he wanted to take her sharpness no matter how painful.
She licked the blood she has managed to spill out of him even if only a little she shared it with him.
she pulled his hair close and his head rested upon her breast that over flowed out of her blouse.
Whispering in his ear he know this was no light play tonight he feared when she was quiet.

Her words made him turn and the rope was placed around his body he was forced to he floor pushed into position.
The hoist was lowered and he know he would now not escape her plan he struggled a little against the rope he did each time why he never know he would not escape nor does he want to deep down.

Rope secured and chain for safety he thought all of him would hang but only his feet pulled up slow and steady lifting his body off the ground.
swinging like a lab-rat in mid air he just excepted his fate.
she walked in front of him his head at her cunt and he smelt her excitement, she was wet already and no real play fuck he thought what was her mind doing, what was she going to do to him.
The blind fold went on tight and he was hanging in the dark with tricking music and water falls blending in the back ground he really should of guessed she had given him a clue.
Then the collar it was so rare she put one on but this was not the norm play one thicker more straps he know what it was she must of ordered one bitch not telling him a posture collar.
The fact he was upside down in the dark now no head movement he was starting to fret a little he had told her a few dreams was this about to be one of his wants?

The sound of some thing heavy being dragged under him made him jump as he has got lost in his thoughts.
her hands started to wonder over his body his cock had no chance of not being hard and how utterly vulnerable to her was like rock.
The shrink wrap was being placed all over his body for Christ sake did she think I would get out of this why was this also part of the play ?
Heat and panic and erotic thoughts span around mind, he smelt her perfume he felt he body press against his as she covered his flesh.
By the end he was like a wrapped bit of lamb on a hook waiting to be sold, "Who would by this sad bit of flesh sang in his head."
He tried to thrash but no movement could be found she has done this so well wiggling toes and fingers was all he could manage.

At last she spoke not loud but clear and he heard and feared her words.

" Whore I have been thinking and never have I thought so hard. I have tried to correct your dirty mind and filthy thoughts and your flesh still wants naughty filthy sluty things.
Never are you pure and clean never are u clean of mind
So this is some thing I think we need to try and see if it will cleanse you of the fifth in your mind." Her laugh hounded his brain

"Let the washing of your mind begin" she said and he heard the hoist slowly go on and him lower and lower into the water beneath.
He did not realize water no time to hold breath the cold took his breath to he cold water made the blind fold heavy on his face and he spluttered with shock

The hoist let him up and time to breath his thoughts would need to gather fast as already the sound was lowering him into the water dunking him clean.

"Dirty whore needs a wash" she said making sure his head went deep into the water she stroked his cock as he was under the water this time he was ready for it.
He could not think much she was making him want to cum but same time the water for god sake the water what if he could not hold his breath longer
The hoist took him up and he thrashed around she was laughing "OHHHHHHH
no I can see dirty whore has not learnt what is this on the cock more into your slutness then how ur going to live".

He went down to the water again and he felt his body fill and his balls full and all he wanted was to cum or breath air his mind filled how long was this to last?.
That point he felt him self cum and as his cum came his mouth opened and the water rushed in he was drowning.

The hoist lifted him out of the depths and her laughing was heard and his body and mind blown and this is why she was his and why he loved coming home.
Monday, September 2nd 2013
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Happy Birthday to me lol
Ok summers hols over and new cage being built I have also built a new web site which I never thought I could do.
I have been out with a nice sub to river cottage and Ill add a nice nilla pic of me I took and Ive seen my fem sub for some rather kinky fun well hey when you have a fem in bed 28 and blond what other sort of fun is there to have lol

I am off on friday with Mistres Angel for massage and lunch as we share the day for out birthday and will be a lovely day chilling.
I am fingers crossed doing some new pics this month and also a Bi session with two very naughty subies lol
From the first of October I am doing a deal on two hour sessions so look out for it its only for October x

I hope to see new and already used subs now the holidays are finished and you can confess how naughty you have been xx

Thursday, June 27th 2013
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What you wanted
She stole a look in the mirror and her body was covered up, no one would know.
Brushed her hair, as well as she could with her hands; why did she not have a brush in her bag one of those things all woman should have she cursed. She felt air as she moved her legs, this made her conscious of the fact no knickers on. They had been torn and she felt exposed. She moved to the door and looked round at the room thinking; thank fuck I am not cleaning in here as her gaze fell upon the blood stained sheets the site almost made her feel sick; that was her blood.
The email had come and she had left knowing what was to happen, her cue as they say. Her mind had raced about like a mad woman's, her body hot from the thought and her need had grown every second she was driving to the hotel. Her mind had wanted this and her body needed it; why she did not know, no past that was abusive, no lack of self esteem but she wanted it and she told him and that meant it would happen. She had learned that over the last two years,her dreams no matter how sordid, how strange, was his delight to make come true and he filmed it and watched it over and over and on many occasions had her there sucking on his dick while he watched and stroking her hair or clawing her back or even beating her as he watched her. She loved the way it turned him on, almost gloated that her acts made him turn into this sex lust creature and he would use her or he would show her how bad she had been, how dirty she was, and only he had the right to do such things and would teach her to be good. Even at the thought she got wet and could not wait for this night and the thought of how much he would want her after, even if it was in jealousy or in utter rampant rage. He would take her over and over till she became numb and all she was , was flesh for his pleasure and her body a vessel for his use. But after he would hold her and she would be clean again all new like a new penny until the next time her crave came back to haunt her and he would arrange the next session.
Unlocking the hotel room a dark seedy place she had thought she flicked the switch and gazed round the sheets looked clean enough silly what you think. She took out the bottle of scotch she had placed in her bag and found a plastic cup in the bath room cheap but she had been told to drink so drink she would. An old tv she turned to a music station, top 40 playing, sort and gazed at the latest sound track playing, it would stick in her head for ever. She had no phone no way of calling him and no safe word, a chill filled her and a tear ran down her cheek why do I want this, sips more and lay on the bed.
Her hand reached down to her cotton knickers and she brushed her fingers over them clean white cotton, new, virgin like and she felt damp she had been told to play but no cumming the scotch was making her warmer, her fingers got rougher but never inside the cotton
The handle went on the door and opened and a man walked in She did not know him smart looking clean shaven she smiled, mid 50s with a bag not a word was said as he looked at her he did not even smile. She moved her hand fast and he smiled. Unpacking the bag was what she did, know her masters tri pod and camera and he set it up at the end of the bed. She gulped more of the scotch it was rushing to her head now, scared she just watched his movements. He walked to the bed, looked at her laying there; she looked like a doe in the head lights and no escape. A grin on his face made her turn her head and his hand reached down to her blouse, button by button he undid the buttons slow and with no rush. She shifted slightly and a firm slap hit her face; she stayed still with shock of the impact.From some where, maybe when she turned her head, he had a knife and with it he cut the middle of her bra; she moand and he smiled.Her soft white breasts escaped falling out from the little protection the cloth had given.The blade of the knife traced along her flesh and across to her nipples with no hope they reacted; pert and mound forming they came out .
The man got on the bed legs either side of her, still dressed his weight pressing her lower back down and pinning her.She wanted to close her eyes but she knew this was not allowed;he has told her, I want you to see every single thing and know what a slut you're going to be.Leaning down the man sucked her tits soft and gentle and she laid there breathing like this was not so bad.The scotch and diversion had made her unaware of any thing else. She saw him when it was too late, someone had come in and before she even had time her hands were being tied, she almost screamed, two of them. Christ. Tied and weighted down by the other meant she had no chance and she felt a hand undo her skirt pulling it down roughly. The man on top still licking and teasing her tits as if not even seeing the other man. A cold sensation hit her and she realised a knife had cut her knickers away and caught her flesh. She was getting a bit panicked and tried to wriggle.Rough hands invaded her cunt; no warm up straight in, probing her and the wet just came she moaned and though she felt violated she was turned on.The hand pushed inside her as the other man tried to kiss her and she turned her head, he grabbed her hair and pushed his tongue into her mouth she had no choice but to allow his intrusion.Pushing her body in rhythm the other man started fucking her cunt with his hand, she could not even see him as he was behind the man placed on top of her. She began to give in to the sensation and she got wetter and wetter both men started to moan and grunt quietly she felt the one on tops hardon through his trousers and almost wanted his cock out. Just as she thought that she felt a body next to her and kneeling on the side of the bed was yet another this one, naked balls so close to her face, big full and a hardon cock. Her jaw dropped and as quick the hard throbbing cock filled it. Almost chocking she started to suck and lick, her cunt filled and her tits being sucked her body was being used and her mind a blur in it all.
The man on top lifted off her and her body was in shock from no pressure and she was pushed with force by the hand now deep inside her utterly drenched cunt. It was hard and fast as was the cock in her mouth her spit was running out as she tried to please him. She looked down at the man in her cunt to find a young looking, boy like, lad grinning from ear to ear giving it all he could. The other man undressing, watching the two men and now looking up saw who was fucking her mouth.A man of what must of been 80 giving it his all and moaning like an old bull raping a cow. She winced but he kept shoving his cock in her mouth in and out making her take.
The hand came out and in its place the other mans cock was thrusting into her and her legs pushed up so he could ride her hard it did not take long for him to cum and she thought not much of a cock to handle. She felt his spunk run out of her and she had not cum even with him thrusting hard.As soon as he was out the younger one pushed in he was not big but more then the last and he was not being kind; he moved over her kissing and biting, drawing blood and he pushed in grunting and saying the odd word of yer come on im going to give it to u, he took a while and her climax was close but no gold star. He was out and the mouth fucking had stopped. The spunk oozed out of her but yet again she felt her cunt filled. His body, heavy over hers, and his mouth was all over her. She lifted her head to try and escape but he grabbed her head his hard cock entered her hard thrusting so deep she screamed, this seemed to excite him and over and over he thrusted, no mercy or care and her body felt bruised. She wanted to cum, he wanted to hurt her, he was more scary then the others. As she looked round the other men were not here only him and her, she might get away fast when he was finished But at that point the door opened and three other men walked in. NOooooo,she screamed. At that point he came. Her head held tight she was flipped over legs held and she felt the first enter her from behind rapping her unused arse over and over her wet juice used to lube her.The other two wanking at the side and saying come on hurry up she was taken in her cunt again and by this time no fight left just let them and it will be over. She felt legs under her entering her cunt and a cock in her arse they were playing with her and taking any way they could; both in the end cumming together and laughing. Both left with out a word. Left covered in cum and wet and blood she was left laying there it took time for her to move it hurt. She scrambled to the shower and felt the water wash the dirt off her and filthy feeling but she touched her cunt an played and came with such force she fell back in the water. Packing the camera in the bag, leaving the room, going to the car and thinking I have been had by six men and he will see it; how they used me, how i did not even fight. She unlocked the car and took the evidence of her wants to him, her need, and he would see and show her what he had let her be.
Wednesday, April 24th 2013
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Wow not writen for ages and lots going on
Just posted new pics of me on my wonderfull new torture chair and I so love it made by my DIY sub do love a man with skills lol
Now I have been on a bit of a diet 22 pounds gone few more to lose but feeling good on it.

I have been on a bit of a shop with new outfits and new toys cut throat razor for one and soon to arrive a purple and white single tail lots of practice before I use on flesh but watch this space lol for pics of

I am off on my travels soon to Essex and Manchester and maybe even Brum
But will only be there a very short while so if any one wantin to book
please contact me soon.

I have had a fab year with so many lovely subs and had some wow sessions and I hope even if the sun comes out so do subs
I really must remind that I do need notice as bookings are thick and fast
and so getting everyone in when needed is difficult though always worth a quick memo in case.
I would like also to thank those who have been to see me for the flowers and wine I am so spoil t

I would also like to add I know many are worried about seeing a BDSM mistress but its not all harsh it is erotic sensation to so be brave xx
Enjoy summer everyone and do say hi and if you come and chat do not forget feed bk thank you xxx

Monday, April 1st 2013
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phone chat
danh56 phone

Well, where should i start. I have had a few telephone sessions with Mistress Clare and I just have to say she is just pure stunning. Her voice is so sexy yet stern. Her gorgeous curvaceous body, beautiful long legs in stockings, and sexy boots make you want to get down and lick them clean for Mistress. When she commands something, there is no way You could ever refuse her instructions because You just don\'t ever want to make Mistress Clare angry.

Mistress Clare has such a way with words and she truly makes you feel like the worthless slave you are, and puts you into your true position. She is very inventive and creative in her domination ideas and honestly Mistress Clare has my mind running in circles. She immediately makes my dick hard and sometimes does not allow me to touch my cock or orgasm.
As soon as I finish a session with Mistress, my mind just keeps thinking about the next time I can have a phone session with Mistress Clare. I think im just becoming addicted and my thought are always about Mistress Clare and my penis is constantly hard and I just cant stop playing with myself!!

Obviously, a slut cannot reach Mistress Clare\'s expectations but this worthless piece of shit on the bottom of Mistress Clare\'s boots, is trying his best to tribute and please Mistress. I hope i am pleasing Mistress Clare!
Monday, April 1st 2013
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hi mistress clare

firstly can i thank you very much for Wednesdays session

i must admit that when i left i was thinking in the car that i might have got it out of my system and that that in counter might have been the first and last

especially as i trembled like a leaf most of the time and i was so nervous that my breathing was all over that place (as you pointed out)


the more and more i replay the evening over and over again the more and more i like it

i loved being blindfolded and having my ass played with and the weights and clips on my balls and being made to watch myself in the mirror just gets me hard the more i think about it, i think i will defiantly have to if you let me of course visit again, i would love to explore more and try and get my amber threshold up to a higher level

i was not aware that i would be aloud to have any of the closeness of being next to your amazing body or even be aloud to cum so much at the end

i hope that you had fun too and that i did not disappoint too much

so i will try and work out another time and if you accept i will visit again

thanks once again x x x new slave
Monday, March 4th 2013
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The blood felt warm running out of her. She was so chilled
out; each one had been pumped a little and she felt it ooze from her body.

The fact, at one point, when one had been placed in the flaps of her cunt it had made her cum was so humiliating she nearly cried as
the laughter rang in her ears.
Every time a point bit into her skin she tensed and let go a little more into it; the pressure seeped out of her body and she could not help
melt further into the bed.
The first ones were like stings that she hated then the pain took over and it cleared her mind; all she knew after a while was it was happening.
All over her back the needles had been placed she could not see the pattern and really did not care
She had tried counting how many were being weaved into her flesh but had to give up as the fog took over with pain and pleasure.
Every now and then she felt her body was like a dead weight and even if she had tried to move she felt there was no way she could have.
Mind you, there was the added extra that her ankles and wrists had been placed in restraints and at the end of day she would be punished if she had even tried.
The gag made her drool; again this was a humiliation, and she laid still slurping back as much spit as she could.
She loved the touch of her dom on her body and the smell of her as she lent down to whisper words in her ears.
Your being so good and then the ripple of her fingers entering inside her and the moan she could not help escaped from her
Then another needle placed and she blanked out the pleasure to secure taking the pain.
The evil bit was just as she relaxed domly one twisted and pulled ever so slightly on a few of the needles and that wave came over her and her mind blanked out
If she had to hold a conversation now she could not; just as well gagged
At last there was nothing in her head and the pain and pleasure had come to a end

Still, quiet and in utter peace of mind she lay waiting. She moved and she felt them but not as individual needles just as one.
None pulled at her none made her hurt but she was aware they were there; some did feel deeper in her than others.

Slowly she relised she had not been touched in a while and mistress had gone. She wanted to move to look around the room but her head was so spaced.
Then the smell of her perfume was near and then the cold burning sensation hit her; ice being run up and down her body in and out of the needles
It was so weird and every now and then she winced as the cold hit a tender area
Her cunt then was alive with heat. Something had been rubbed onto her; the heat was burning her. Between ice and heat and needles she moaned and a tear escaped.
Sensations that were so alien to her and her head could not compute all of them at once. She closed eyes and just drifted to the dark calm place and was unaware of any thing and any thing could have happened in those seconds and she would have been powerless

The pain of them being removed was not bad but the pulling them out felt like a slight dragging inside her flesh. But it was ok as she knew what would happen after.
The blood came and she just could not believe how it felt not even she could explain it. There were no words; she just loved the small amount she knew was coming out.
The blade scraped between the droplets of blood smearing them over her back the sharp point now and then digging in and making it painful
Mistress was drawing using a knife with blood on her flesh and it was like nothing else. Blood play was some thing for unknown reasons Mistress loved to do
Not so there was mega pain but the sight excited her and she also know it made her want more and more; she loved to watch but this time could not see
Mistress would take pics and she would marvel over them.
Warm hands moved over her body and her arse was raised slightly dipping fingers in and out soothed her and the slow movements making her so wet the heat from her cum washed over her and she felt so small and lost in all of it
Monday, February 4th 2013
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Tick tock the clock wont strike, he watched the time on the wall.
Naked, cold; the steel bars surrounded him. He was crouched in the small space,
a bucket and a drinking bottle next to him and a towel laid under him; he felt a chill
not really cold but apprehensive.
He moved his leg and the cage rattled; padlocks held the two gate like doors closed.
There had also been locks placed on the fold down sides, not even prizing them open would
be an option.
The bottom of the cage was solid so any thoughts of lifting that enough to get his body out was just stupid.
He knew too that if he drank too much he would need to pee and the thought of being stuck in here with a bucket filled with piss was hardly a good thought.
Too much movement meant a small amount of pain no matter how he moved. The butt plug that had been pumped up inside him hurt; not a bad pain, just made him more than aware that it was there.
The chastity device on his cock was locked in place, he almost felt like none of him was free other than his mind.
Even that to a degree was caged; he knew he would stay here and not call out. He knew that if he did
and she came it would mean so much more than a simple request to escape his cage.
So he was to wait to see if she felt some pity for him.
Time moved by slowly; he dozed for a while and as he did he could hear sounds in the background, small giggles and scraping of chairs.
He jolted but still seemed to stay asleep. Was there something in the water? No, she would not drug him, he must just be tired.
His eyes felt so heavy and his head fuzzy.
The room became dark. Had he slipped into sleep for too long? She had not come to look to see if ok, well not that he knew.
He moved and there was no pain; the butt plug had gone. How he had not woken at all and was sure he would have felt something even if asleep.
Shaking his head he looked around the cage, crackers and cheese had been placed in a small silver bowl in the corner.
She had been here and he never knew. There must have been something in the water, what the hell was going on?
No sounds from down stairs; had she gone to bed planning to leave him there all night? There was not even a blanket and he had started to get cold.
He moved enough to get the crackers and nibbled on the cheese and sat with no pain as he looked down at his caged cock. She could have done anything to me and I would not have known.
This as much frightend him as excited him; he tried to stroke and the pleasure brought pain as the metal cut into him as his cock grew.
The room was so dark now; he could only hear the ticking of the clock.
The sound of the clock slowly stilled and he felt his head hit the cage and was out for the count.
The haze and thumping in his head was horrific and he had no idea what was happening; laughter and screams of more were rushing to his brian.
He had been removed from the cage and was lying face down on what he knew to be her bed;
his neck and head restrained, his mouth gaged and his arms, legs and ankles bound.
There were others in the room but he had been blind folded and he thrashed to try to gather where the sounds had come from.
More, what did they mean more? And then he realised he was wet all around his arse and it hurt and he was frightend and thrashing even more like a wild animal trying to get away, trapped in a corner and fighting.
Pointless, of course, “More, more come on give it to him again” the voices chanted.
Men’s voices as well as women’s; some he thought he knew, some he was unsure of.
Then his arse was spread and a dildo plunged into him and he was raped over and over; he took as much as he could with out screaming.
“More, more, they laughed and chanted, go on ride him.”
He thought for a moment it was his mistress taking him when suddenly a body leant over him and a mans voice said " I hear you want the real thing, shall i take this strap on off? let my cock take you? At the moment its going in you slut, as the dildo is hollow, but I dont mind riding you for real you’re a right whore and you would let me doing any thing in the state your in.”
He fell into a cloud of confusion; what was going on? Why this? Why him? Why would she want to humiliate him like this? A male taking him, even if not utterly bare back into him, a hollow cock filled with a real cock was that not the same? Was he not being taken by a man ?
Sunday, December 30th 2012
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Winter sun and black bottom bikini
She had done enough. Now it was time to fly to the sun armed with no toys, just a bottle of sun cream to smother her rather now pale flesh that had looked ok under her corsets. Even though she knew how pale she had become, a year of domming had taken its toll, but enjoyment from it also hit her mind as she reached the airport.

The subs in her world had made her smile so much; she had beaten cocks of all sizes and hit balls full until they emptied. She had tied and taken their breath and she has made so many cum; she chuckled as she got to her seat. She kicked off her high heels, stretched out and laid her head back. Flashes of flesh and looks from subs; of laughter and fear and the sexyness she has been involved in over the last year.

The air hostess came over and asked if she would like a drink; she opened her eyes to a rather sexy red head, nice enough boobs under her white blouse and waist coat with a little waist and a bottom that begged to be spanked. No she thought, it's a holiday. "wine please” she replied.

Ariving at the hotel the warm hit her. She threw her lugage down and hit the shower drying her body all over and massaging oil into her skin. She sat on the balcany looking over the pool and wondered how long will it take to take this snow white body into the sun godess she liked to be. Late afternoon she looked down in the cool blue water of the pool and she watched a woman wash off the chlorine under a fresh water shower.

She wore a black bikini and her olive skin was so tanned she could not stop watching; wishing she was already brown. The water cascaded down her breasts; plump, full bodied and bulging over the top of the blackness.

Dipping in and out of her sides, running down between her thighs; not thin but shapely and strong thighs again brown deeper than the rest of her. Down to her toes, well painted in bright red mmmmm she thought sexy; but what she noticed most was the long jet black hair, so wet from the water, almost down to her arse that could be plated and used to restrain she thought. Still unable to stop the train of thought she watched the woman wrap up in a white bathrobe and wander off to where ever she had come from.

Not knowing why but watching had made her so horny and she layed back on the sun lounger she was on and dipped in and out of her cunt with her fingers making her wet. She was alone on this trip and though she wanted it this way she almost wished a sub was here to service her. She came gently and dressed for dinner.

Small bars all over with so much choice but tired she went to the nearest and sat ordering a meal and wine and sat back watching the world of holiday makers and island people coming and going.

Two glasses of wine and worn out she slept well. The sun woke her and she pulled back the curtains to find winter sunshine and warmth and felt fab; coffee made she slipped on her bikini and sat watching the pool. No black bottom bikini this morning she thought.

Wandering for the day from shop to shop on the beach front; buying trinkets and the odd sangria and felt relaxed; mind you she could of done with a sub carring the bags. She returned to her room, dropped the bags, poured a glass of wine and sat out on the balcony and there was the woman in the bikini. Back and forth in the pool she swam like a dark shark in the water, amused she watched her and with no shame she again watched her wash off the chlorine.

This time though she played with her clit as she watched utterly turned on; the womans hands running over her golden flesh, over her plump boobs and down the inside of her thighs flicking her long jet black hair over her shoulder. It was so fucking sexy, like a spy watching her. The heat in her cunt was making it hard to watch and she lay back closing her eyes and came so hard she moaned. When she opened her eyes she was gone. To her surprise she had gushed every where on the lounger and got up and went for a shower.

The next morning she booked a nail apointment and returning in the afternoon she waited for the lady to do her nails. She looked up when the voice said" hello" Thigh long leather boots and a short black skirt was in front of her. Gazing up was the black bikni woman her hair now dry and flowing down her back wild and free and so very long. She rose and even with the thigh boots on height for height she met her gaze and that made the woman step back.

Her look made her smile but also a blush. Moving to the table to sit and manicure the nails that were placed in front of her; her soft touch almost turned on the Mistress. In a very small conversation she said she loved her boots and she herself collected boots. The woman smiled but her gaze was low with the deepest brown eyes now and then flashing a glimps at the blond she was servicing.

A thank you and not much else was said. The day carried on at the beach until it was too hot and then back for a cool shower.

Lighting a cigerette she looked at the pool and here again was the woman from the nail bar and again she felt horny watching this vision. But this time she had felt her hands on hers and knew her smell and as she watched her shower this time she could imagine her hands deep inside her cunt and with that the afternoon cum was amazing; but this time she almost thought, she knows I am watching.

The movments of her washing seemed more sexy and slow as if to tease. Could she see i was watching? she wondered; and the nails deeper in her cunt made her cum hard and fast for the second time.

She stood up with cum down her legs; moving to have her own shower when she heard "hello" The same voice she had heard earlier in the bar. The woman shouted up to her and she stood looking over the balcony wet with her cum from watching.

"Hello". she called down "You come for a swim tomorrow, Ill meet you here?" more a statment then a question "OK" she replied.

Good food, wine, watching the world, a DVD and a restless horny sleep made her play with her vibe that night making her cunt sore with how many cums she had. In between going out on the balcany to have a cig each time made her think of the swim the next day and each time it made her horny. Shopping and lunch with a touch of excitement even a new red bikini bought and when back put on her flesh which was slow at tanning but it was much better; not golden yet though.

With a towel wandering down to the pool she found the woman swimming. She stood up and her breasts seemed even bigger now close up and the nipples poked out so much she almost wanted to lean over and bite.

Slowly dipping her toes in the water the woman laughted and put out a hand, she guided the mistress into the water "warm once in" she said but the water was not that warm and hit her own nipples and the instant cold made them pop through the thin material; the woman looked and giggled. shoulders under and the warmth came slow mmmm drastic change from the air she had spent all day shopping in and relaxed.

"where you from "she asked "England" she had no idea why she was here and the idea of chatting to a utter stranger; it was odd as her line of work and fun was not something she would just casually say. she smiled "you live here ?"

“yes and work here now and love it from a diffrant part but settled now" a strong voice but almost too soft for her look.

Both got out and both went under the shower; a porn film could have been shot at that point; blonde and jet black women with cascading water falling off their bodies.

Her mind was so wrong at this point. She turned her back and with no notice she felt hands on her hair and the woman was washing shampoo into it massaging; teasing was what it felt like and though not shocked she was unsure what to think mmmmmm off balance not a normal reaction for her.

Rinsing the shampoo off she looked at her with a question in her eyes and the woman looked down "I like your blonde hair, sorry" Well Mistress can never be on holiday and the sorry and the look kicked her right back in.

"Do you indeed" she said and the girl looked up. Her hand reached the jet black hair and she twisted her fingers in it "so long "she said and with just a bit of a gentle tug the girl moved her head and went "yes good to tie".

A little silence and the mistress asked "would you like a drink ?" the woman looked at her and said "yes"

Wine poured; both drying on the balcony with warm air caressing their bodies and a heat unspoken between the two women.

The mistress leant for her sun lotation and black bottom bikini reached for it; a smile no words exchanged. Her caress over her was amazing and when her hands reached down between her thighs she grabbed the long jet black hair and pulled her down to her cunt. Slowly she moved the red bikini and her tongue diped in and out of the mistresses cunt.

Looking over the balcony being serviced; no black bikini woman in the pool just now between her thighs and she was gushing and making her wet.

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