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Friday, May 24th 2013
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Explaning myself ;-)
Some of you will have noticed that I'm not online on DirectCam as much as I was. This week I've only been on a couple of hours! I have however been available for bookings, so do take advantage of those. I'm not able to be online for DirectCam much sadly, as there are other things I need to be doing at the moment. Remember though that you can always email me as I am about, and if we have played a lot before then there's a good chance I'll be able to come on over if you're trusted by me! ;-)

All is well though, I'm great, I've just had to make some changes to how I do things. I am definitely not disappearing and I am definitely still here. Talk to you boys soon!

Caitlin xxx
Monday, May 6th 2013
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Boys: how to make your Skype experience better!
This is a repost from my actual blog, as I thought some may find it useful!

This is for the boys who get Skype shows. Do read it because it will most likely make your time more fun overall, both for you and for me. Especially for those fellow exhibitionists who like two way cam, but there's tips here for the shy guys too! You don't want to waste the time you have booked with technical problems - it's unrealistic for you to expect a camgirl to act as your computer technician (that's not our job!) and totally unrealistic to expect her to not take that out of your allotted time.


Make sure you have the latest Skype updates. When you open Skype on your computer, click on Help at the top and you'll see the option "Check for updates". When you choose that you'll be prompted to install any updates. Older Skype editions can have problems when there's a newer version available, so this is important.
Try to limit what else you have open on your computer while you're in a Skype show. Especially important if you have an older machine, or if your internet connection isn't the best. Most importantly close things that take up a lot of resources, eg. Itunes, games. Ideally, shut down everything else.
If your internet connection is known to be unstable or limited, the best thing you can do is get closer to the router or connect an Ethernet cable between the router and your computer. This means less chance of us being disconnected.

Two way cam:

I don't expect you to have studio lighting and a great webcam! However...
Try to be well lit! Good lighting helps even the shittiest webcam. Plus, you know, I'd quite like to be able to actually see you!

Two way audio:

Sometimes during two way audio, we can experience feedback problems. I am yet to fully understand why this happens, but as it's normally not a problem, and only happens with a few guys, I can only assume it's something to do with their set up. It's something to do with your mic picking up on your speakers and causes an unholy cycle of noise like cats screaming. I do not know how you can fix this. All we can do is for me to turn off the audio coming from you. So you'll still be able to hear me, but you'll need to type.

Although making sure you have the latest updates will minimise the chances a LOT, occasionally Skype is just a pain and you and your girl may need to restart it. But this is rare.
Monday, April 29th 2013
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Ever wonder what the worse thing is about my job?
Every job, despite how much you enjoy it overall, also has it’s cons that piss you off. Admit it about what you do!

I love my job, from getting to tease and frustate you on cam, to masturbating more than the average Jane Doe, to coming up with ideas for videos, and taking photos etc etc… I also love the flexibility I have, and that if I’m tired, I can just stay in bed for another hour. No harm done. I love learning more and more about editing, about how websites work and everything else that I do.

So, what do I hate most though of the cons? Is it the guys who come and chat to me on Skype without any intention of getting a show? Is it the guys who send email after email about how much they… ahem “enjoyed” my gif for a certain video that they haven’t bought? Is it the variability how how busy vs quiet it can be?

Nah, it’s trying to decide what to wear each day. That’s what really throws me! I have so much stuff now too, and that’s made it even worse! A whole wardrobe of cam gear, 3 drawers of underwear… Nightmare! I have contemplated starting to decide in the evening for the next day, but I just know that come the morning I would change my bloody mind.

So, next time I’m meant to be online and I’ve still not appeared, it’s probably because I’m standing here completely naked trying to decide on an outfit! Give me a break!

Caitlin xx
Saturday, March 30th 2013
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Hardware and liquids.
Nope, I'm not going to talk about saturated motherboards! Just that's the two things I've got to mention right now!

Hardware: planning on upgrading my shit next month or so. Going to get a serious motherfucked desktop instead of my Toshiba 17". I haven't done a lot of looking yet, but I know I don't care about brand or appearance, I just want lots of lovely RAM, memory, USBs, great graphics card, and a nice big monitor screen. Then I'll be a happy bunny as I'll be able to do a lot more videos, because with a nice low CPU I'll be able to edit videos and even film them between shows. Woohoo!

Second topic of the day (in case you haven't already read my news section): liquids. Changes to contraception mean I'll now be having periods again. I have no aversion to masturbation and sex when I'm on my period, same as any other day! However, I know it's not everyone's cup of tea, and I know others especially like those days!

I'm going to make it very obvious when I'm "on" with it all over my profile and an appropriate photo for my main profile pic. However, if it's something that interests you, do send me a wee email with a subject of "Period" or simillar, so that I can easily send you a little message when the time comes.

For those who DO enjoy seeing a bit of colour in my shows (lol) I can't promise a huge mess. They can be pretty light. But I also can't promise no mess at all. Basically, if you've ever had a girlfriend in your life, you know how it works. It ebbs and flows, comes and goes... Haha!

Caitlin xx
Tuesday, March 5th 2013
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Hello and I can't believe it's March already!
So here we are!

I had been planning to move around early April but for the moment that plan is on the back burner and we are about to sign a lease for another year here. I do love the house and the town, but hey, I really want fibre optic!! We're not even on the list yet... So planning to move in a year's time. My dear mother (!) is moving in for a bit when she first returns to Scotland until she sorts her shit out, so we figured we'd all be stressed enough without moving at the same time. So there you go. Shall be interesting as I haven't lived with her in 10+ years and she did my nut in then (as much as I do like her lol). Oh well, parents happen huh? What can you do?

As we speak, the other mother (his) is up visiting as of yesterday afternoon until Wednesday midday. She's out right now visiting some friends that she's not seen since she moved away, so I've hopped on cam for a little while. She too knows what I do, but you know, she's here visiting so it's nice to spend time with her while she's here.

That's all right now!

Hope to play with you soon!

Caitlin xx
Friday, February 8th 2013
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February's blog!
Hello! Nothing much to report that I'm allowed to talk about here!

Hope everyone had a great January, or as good a January as Januarys can be! I can't believe it's February already!

I won't be moving in April, sadly, due to family reasons, but I am going to ask my landlord if it's possible for me to just do a 6 month lease then hopefully move later in the year. Fingers crossed.

I have aquired a new, very powerful toy, that a lovely AW gent bought for me. Have you seen it in action yet?

Mmm... yup, that's about all I can think of right now.

Caitlin xx
Friday, January 11th 2013
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So, what do we think?
Of the bright red hair? I've been getting a lot of compliments, my favourite being that I'm like a hotter Little Mermaid! ;-)

Things have been pretty hectic lately. Got a lot of family issues recently, but all should be well in the end...

Hoping to move in March/April, and my choices are narrowed right down as I want to move somewhere where I can get fiber optic broadband. My current internet is really slowing my down. I can cam, no problem, but I can't do anything at the same time. And it takes ages for me to upload videos, which means I don't do as many videos as I would like. So, fingers crossed I find somewhere suitable! The bf has a week off in February, so we'll be house hunting then.

Hope you all had a great "festive period"! ;-) See you on cam soon. xx
Monday, December 10th 2012
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Sorry it's been a while!
But I've been a busy busy girl! Firstly, the bf has been off from work a lot, and I've been doing a little bit of chilling out. I've also been busy in the fetish scene, doing a lot of filming, and I have been working on my own website!

Christmas is going to be fun. Mmm... I will be getting up at 3am, and we are driving down to England to be with his family. I love them to bits, but it's very early, and it's Christmas, and it's cold, and it's far away. And we're going to have to take the pets with us as we'll be forced to stay overnight. And they don't get on with their pet. Joyous. Apart from that (stress, worry) it'll be lovely to see them all, it's been a few years since everyone was there at once.

Spent Saturday filling in my self assessment (tax return). Oh, what a glamorous life I lead! Haha! ;-) Well, it's got to be done and now it's out of the way and I can do more interesting things!

Caitlin xx
Monday, November 19th 2012
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Another Monday morning!
Well, afternoon! I may an early enough riser but I don't get my act together very quickly. Typical woman, I hear you say!

It's been a normal week for me, camming, filming and opening my website. Not always on the go though, watched Breaking Dawn last night (actually not too bad) and had a few evenings out. Going out drinking and me don't go very well together, pub pints get me so pissed, whereas I can drink at home and be fine! Plus, after three drinks my darts' accuracy goes downhill considerably!

It's been sleeting today, wonder if we'll get snow soon..? I might even grow a pair this year and take outdoor snowy naughty photos. We'll see!

You'll have seen it yourselves in freeview, and some of you may be guilty of it, but guys on here calling me "bb" have officially ruined one of my favourite songs ever. Angie by the Rolling Stones. Jagger pronounces "baby" as "beebay" and now I grimace every time that I hear it. Sad times! So yeah, don't call me that! I'm Caitlin, or Scotty, and you can call me baby, sweetcheeks, honey, etc etc. NO BB!! Rant over!

That's about it for just now folks,

Caitlin xx
Monday, November 12th 2012
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All seems well..?
No catastrophies, boiler seems to be holding it together. Fingers crossed! Everything seems to be ok... Mmm... odd. Time for something to give! Lol. That's the way of it though, every time it's all good, something goes and bloody happens. ;-)

This past week there's been a couple of times that I have been on cam later, 9-11pm ish. I've really enjoyed being on cam then, and would perhaps like to do it more often, and even later. The problem is, I have a boyfriend who works early in the morning so I can't be keeping him up (I do that at other times of day!). And as you may have noticed, I can be a little loud on cam! So I'm wondering what to do. The house doesn't really support soundproofing - firstly, all the doors are frosted glass affairs, and secondly, using ethernet cables doesn't let me completely shut doors (I get through ethernets at an alarming rate, with doors being accidentally shut on them).

So I'm wondering what to do about this..? Have audio on but try to be quiet? Have audio off late at night and but still do phone in private chats, for quieter dirty talk? Would you boys not mind me not having audio at these times? Or would it mostly be different guys anyway, that I haven't already met, who won't know the difference? Mmm... decisions decisions. Wouldn't mind hearing thoughts on this either! Use a different room, perhaps, I hear you say? Mmm... you can pretty much hear everything everywhere. It's a big enough house, but pretty much a sieve noise wise.
See you soon.
Caitlin xxx
Monday, November 5th 2012
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About last week...
Sorry about last week guys! As you may have seen in my availability section, my boiler broke. No heating, no hot water. Frosty freezing fecking Scotland in November. On day one, I was cold and pissed off waiting to hear back from landlord, on the second day I was cold and pissed off waiting for the gas guy to turn up (I'd been told between 12-6 and he came just before 6), and on the third day I was cold and pissed off (had been told 2-4 and he came at 6). But at least then it was fixed! Which followed by me having the heating on for so long (greedy me) that I over cooked myself and gave myself a banging headache. Hey ho, all good now and I'm back!

However, a funny thing happened. I had different guys each day from the gas board, and on the first evening, the guy recognised me from camming here on Adultwork, and he was pretty sure he'd had a show with me too! No, he wasn't being sleezy and unprofessional! He'd asked me what I do for work (as I'd already mentioned that I worked at home) so I told him that I get paid by the minute. Then recognition dawned on his face, as he'd previously said that I look familiar! It was the first time I had met someone from cam, and I'd previously wondered how I might react when the day came! It wasn't actually awkward or weird, just bloody funny really.

And it just goes to show what a damn small world it is! I don't normally have a lot of people over, certainly not people who don't know what I do, and certainly not people who are going to be going into my cam room. I was thinking in the morning, about the engineer coming over, that I hope they wouldn't recognise my cam room (yes, I had hidden my toy collection and other dodgy items!). What's the chances that that would happen?! Crazy!

So, if you are reading, Mr Boiler Inspector, very nice to meet you!

Went out to watch fireworks on Saturday night. They always put on a good show where we go. £2000 of fireworks, 15 minute show, hotdogs, burgers, beer - yup because ice cold lager is just what you want when you are standing in artic conditions!
Monday, October 29th 2012
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Almost November!
Wow! Where has the year gone?! Already that's about a year and a half since I first started camming. Crazy! First year and a half of many I hope!

Clocks back, cold and dark. Love it. I like the warm snuggly feeling of winter. Can't wait for some snow, although I hear that some people in various parts of the UK have already seen a light covering. Here's hoping we get a horrible nasty winter, so we can have a decent summer next year so that I get to spend more time outside with you boys, my laptop and my toys! Here's hoping!

Fingers crossed for Wednesday. I'm supposed to be getting a removals' van turning up to take away my friend's stuff that I've been storing in my spare room. Just waiting today to be told of a timeframe for it, then I'll know better what's happening on Wednesday. Be great to have the room back. Depending on noise levels in there, I may use it so that I can cam in the late evenings/early mornings. Depends what it's like. I'm a nice girl and don't like to keep folk from sleeping at night when they need to get up early for work!

Monday, October 22nd 2012
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Sad times
Like I said in my news section (DO always remember to check that out, by the way) I won't be on long tomorrow and possibly not at all on Wednesday. The boyfriend's mother is coming up to visit. Lovely to see her, but I hate house guests, and I hate not being able to get on cam! Doesn't help that at the moment, my spare room is full of a friend's stuff and not usable as a guest room, so there goes my cam room. Better change the sheets, huh? lol

I might be able to get on for select few who book long shows and it's worth occupying her with something/setting up somewhere to cam, and might be on for some DirectIM at some point, but that's all.

On a happier note, the boyfriend is off all this week and we're going to have a photo afternoon/evening at some point, and take lots and lots of new dirty pics for you to wank over! . I love doing photos, but normally hate editing and uploading, but now I have discovered a great new editor which lets me do it in batches! Yay! Hence you've no doubt noticed me updating both private and free gallery pics way more often recently.

Tuesday, October 16th 2012
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My two new hot and sexy corsets arrived today! Sadly I can't wear them on cam yet, as I need to do a little modification, plus I'm thinking of getting rid of the eyes and hooks and replace them with good old fashioned zips for ease of undressing! ;-) Hence I don't wear the corset that I already have on cam, too much hassle to get in and out of, especially when you guys are getting over excited and don't last very long! ;-)

I've been slacking with my videos at the moment, I have a long long list of things that I want to do, but I'm just not finding the time at the moment. I'm pretty sure there's always time for everything that I want to get done, but I am such a terrible procrastinator that sometimes, before I know it, the day is over and I haven't done nearly as much as I would have liked!

The boyfriend is on holiday as of Saturday for over a week, so I'm going to make sure that we have a photo evening, and get lots of new saucy pics for my private gallery for you to enjoy. Some good old fashioned fucking and sucking videos also in order, so look out!

Caitlin xx

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