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Saturday, November 25th 2023
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It's been a while
Hi guys,

It has been a long time since my last post as I haven't had much to say.

So what have I been up to since last time? Honestly not a lot, I started a regular job that can take up a lot of my time but also has a lot of times where there is no work and therefore no money. So I've been applying for other jobs that I can fit around. Bookings and shoots aren't a guaranteed thing so can't rely on those to pay the bills.

Although if there's any rich sugar daddy's looking for a slightly old and decrepit fat bitch for regular bookings then I would love to here from you.

So what else have I been doing? Well I volunteer a couple of days a week, but apart from that if I'm not at my regular job or a booking or a shoot then I am listening to music or watching TV or a film. I went to see the Barbie movie a few months ago along with Oppenheimer. Both were good but I didnt find them amazing.

Currently binging Doctor Who (the modern ones starting from the 10th Doctor). Also seen the band W.A.S.P a few months back and have recently seen the band McFly in concert which was one of if not the best concert I have been to.

If you aren't aware of who McFly are or their music then definitely check them out, especially their Radio:Active album and their newest album Power to Play.

The attached pic was me ready to go see them.

Until next time.

Sunday, July 5th 2020
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Long term impact of Covid
Hi guys, hope everyone is ok and following the rules to ensure both theirs and others health. For many industries Covid has not only impacted upon our livelihoods in the past few months it will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. One industry that it will impact is the escort industry.

For those that offer incalls they will need to fully disinfect any areas clients have been in between clients, this is on top of getting freshened up and redressed. They may be required to take clients details such as name and address, this, of course, may put clients off. Neighbours may now be working from home full time, this could make being discreet a lot harder. If you have a separate apartment for work how do you cover the costs if you have to reduce the amount of clientele you see?

For those that work from hotels, it will be even harder. You can't phone up the cleaners to clean the room in between clients and while yes you can spray down with disinfectant spray you can't exactly change the bedding between clients in a hotel room. There's also whether outside visitors will even be allowed in the hotel. If they are will they be required to sign in and state who they are visiting? If allowed will there be a limit on visitors? i.e. only 1 allowed.

For those that do outcalls, how do you ensure the client's place has been disinfected beforehand? If it's an outcall to a hotel how do you know you won't need to provide your personal details? How do you know that you will be allowed in? You are trusting the client that visitors are allowed.

There is a lot for those who physically see clients to think about in the coming months regarding how they work.

I myself predominately offer outcalls with the rare hotel day. I am having to seriously consider whether it will be at all possible for me to continue to work.

Saturday, March 28th 2020
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COVID19 and what it has shown so far
While this awful pandemic has shown that many of us can band together (figuratively speaking) in order to help stop this awful virus, it has shown that for many they don't care about others, many do not seem to care or they are just being willfully ignorant.

I have seen shops that do not have any distance measures in place, groups of people going to the park or the beach. I have heard of people ordering clothes etc online. Seriously you do not need those new shoes!!

In regards to those that have been bulk buying, you disgust me. Many cannot afford to do this and you buying up months worth of food that you will likely throw out could result in someone not being able to feed their child. Seriously where the hell are you keeping it all anyway and what the hell are you planning to do with a months supply of fresh fruit and veg? And more to the point is your arse that big that you need 100 rolls of toilet paper.

As for my fellow sex workers, while many like myself have stopped offering meetings there are many who are still offering meetings at the risk of everyone's health. I counted 46 workers just in Scotland that were available for meetings today and that was just the ones with their green light on, there may be more.

Seriously no sex worker should be offering meetings. "Oh, but we have bills to pay.", "We have families to feed". We all have bills to pay and many have families to feed, but there are other ways to do so, offer webcam, phone chat, start a private gallery, or if you have one spend the time making new content. What if that last client was a carrier, was the money they paid worth your family having to see you in the hospital or worse having to plan your funeral? A funeral that hardly anyone will be at due the restrictions in place. Is the money worth you potentially passing the virus onto your family? Could you live with yourself if you were responsible for the possible death of your partner or child? Maybe you won't pass it onto family, perhaps you will just pass it onto someone when you inevitably go to the shop for necessary supplies, who will then pass it to others. But hey as long as it doesn't affect you its ok isn't it. Let me tell you this, no it is NOT ok.

As for those clients who are visiting these workers, seriously do you need you bloody balls emptied that badly your willing to risk your life and the lives of everyone you come into contact with? If you are then the world would be better off without your idiocy.

So let me illiterate: Sex workers should not be offering meetings and clients should not be asking for meetings.
Tuesday, October 1st 2019
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Hi, from Scotlands bustiest bbw
Hi everyone, hope everyone is doing well. Had a good summer? Been on any holidays, or away on any day trips? All set for Santa? (Just kidding lol). Haha but seriously if you fancy treating me for Xmas I wouldn't say no 😁.

So I am back at College (4th and final year) and at the grand old age of 35-36 I am actually contemplating applying for University. I just need to work out if I would manage the work if I got in as I know the timetables can be very staggered and you can end up being in every day. Which of course doesn't leave much time for revision and definitely no time for seeing any lovely gentlemen.

In other major news:


Have recently came across this amazing discount site called Gogroopie, got myself a new memory foam mattress for £79 (£99 with delivery), down from £479 and got my son a new watch for £29.99, down from around £600.

Seen Patent Pending (American Pop Punk band) in August who are awesome. And recently discovered the band Marianas Trench thanks to Spotify.

Going to see Bowling for Soup in February and also going to the Vienna show of the Hella Mega Tour.

Will be visiting friends in London soon, hopefully will make new friends as well.
Thursday, June 13th 2019
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Booking Etiquette
After a ridiculous number of no shows on my recent tour, I feel this has to be said. DON'T CONFIRM YOU WILL BE THERE THEN DON'T SHOW. Seriously the reason we have confirmation times is so we know whether or not that slot can be given to someone else if you are unable to make it.

By confirming then just not showing, do you know what will happen? I will tell you. We will get fed up with being messed around and will start to charge deposits or decide NOT to tour at all. Seriously all you are doing is ruining the chances of ladies continuing to visit your area.

So if you want ladies to continue to tour and offer their services, then you need to realise that this their livelihood, we are not doing this for fun, it is how we pay the bills.

In regards to those who do show up, if your booking is for 4pm then you should be outside their room/apartment door at 4pm, not just parking up. I mean if you turned up for a dentist/doctors appointment late then chances are you will be told you have missed your appointment time, it is no different when visiting sex workers.

During bookings it is NOT ok to mark us without our permission (that includes hickeys). It is rude and no better than pushing for services the lady doesnt offer.

Anyway to summarise.





Tuesday, April 2nd 2019
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Update from Scotlands bustiest bbw escort
Hi, I am back with another little update on what I've been up to.

I went on holiday in February to Turkey. Arrived got out the airport and found my shuttle, only to be told that my hotel was closed. Queue having to phone the booking company and 3 hours of sitting about outside the airport while another hotel was found. Then having to find transport to get me to the new hotel and a 2 and a half hour drive. Apart from that I had an ok time.

I am looking to visit my friends in London during the Easter hols, maybe have a wander about and see the sights and meet some new friends.

I am getting my hair cut this weekend, then I am thinking of dyeing it either red or purple.

I went to see Captain Marvel and I am super excited for Endgame to come out this month.

Until next time
Saturday, January 5th 2019
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Happy New Year
Hi, I hope everyone had a good Christmas and New Year.

For my Christmas I got a nice new pair of boots, a bottle of perfume, lip balm set, bathing set, a box of Roses and Quality Street, a necklace and my favourite thing a bottle of Jack Daniels (honey).

What have I been up to?

Well I saw both Bohemian Rhapsody and A Star Is Born at the cinema (or the pictures as they call it here). I am impatiently waiting for Avengers: Endgame to come out (despite the fact it will most likely have me in tears. I have been going insane with my College Course (it is a lot harder than previous years and I am actually struggling).

Whats coming up?

Well I will soon be visiting friends and trying to do some sight seeing in London. I am off on holiday in February to Turkey (weather will likely be rubbish but oh well). I will also be 5 years away from the big 40 in February (yes you read that correctly, I will be turning 35).

Monday, May 21st 2018
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Update from Scotland's Bustiest Bbw
What have I been up to since my last post? Well I saw Black Panther and Infinity War and can I just say OMG both were sooooooo good, although Bucky better not be dead dead 😠. Been watching the new show with Chris Noth called Gone, really enjoying it so far. The Resident looks good too and OMG what was with the cliff hanger on Criminal Minds, better not mess with Baby Girl 😠.

Got a holiday planned for next year (could be doing with 1 sooner), hopefully get some good pics then. Visiting friends in London soon, hopefully get some sight seeing done.
Friday, March 2nd 2018
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Update from Scotland's Bustiest Bbw
Hi all, its been a while ☺. So happy to see the majority of people helping others out in this terrible weather from going out with supplies for those stranded on the roads, to helping people get some shopping, to helping hospital staff and other emergency service staff get to work.

Sad to see the US still being silly in regards to gun laws, seriously there is absolutely no need for anyone to have those type of guns in their home. Guns are NOT more important than peoples lives.

So what have I been up? Well I am still at College, this is my 2nd year now. Slowly struggling my way through it lol. Finally watching The Walking Dead (I know, I know), Im up to season 5 so a little bit to go to catch up. LOVE LOVE LOVE Daryl 😀

Went to see Three Billboards Outside Ebbing Missouri and Darkest Hour last week, both amazing films, and well worth their award nominations/wins.

This week I went to see Black Panther only for it to be cancelled (literally as went to walk into screening room 😞) as they were closing Cinema due to the weather. So still need to see that, plus I want to see I Tonya (love Sebastian Stan 😀). Will definitely be seeing Infinity War when it comes out, seriously excited for that one 😀.

Have treated myself recently to new phone, new underwear and one or two new outfits.

I have a nice trip planned to London to visit some good friends.

Finally I have a nice holiday planned for next year.

Until next time

Wednesday, November 22nd 2017
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Update from Scotland's bustiest bbw
Hi, well as you can see I haven't retired yet lol.

So what have I been up to this year?

I have been doing shoots for Secret Handful down in London, so done a couple of bukkakes which haven't quite worked out as expected. Seriously don't book to come to an event then don't show, it is just rude and ruins it for everyone else.

I have been to the movies a few times, seen Guardians of the Galaxy 2, Spiderman Homecoming & most recently Thor Raknarok. Have finally got round to watching The Walking Dead (I know better late than never.

I have went back to College for a 2nd year, continuing with Business (I am regretting it already, although have passed the 1st block).

I recently got my hair chopped off so now got short hair and my baby has went off to the Army (one very proud mum)

Till next time
Thursday, April 20th 2017
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Retiring June 2017
Hi, everyone I have some very sad to say that due to my new work commitments as both a Model & Marketing & Recruitment Manager for new huge boob organisation Secret Handful (website launching Autumn), I will be taking a step back from Escorting in June.

While I may still be doing the occasional tour, I will no longer be escorting on a full time basis for the foreseeable future.

I have had a great time over these last few years and have been some amazing places and met some amazing people.

So if you have wanted to see me, don't lose this chance.
Thursday, September 15th 2016
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Summer 2016
Well I have had a very good summer, met some nice new friends.

Bought my very first laptop (Yes at the grand old age of 32 I own a laptop). It is just a cheap refurbished one but it does the job.

Started a Business course at college, which I am finding very exciting although also very challenging, having never written a report or anything like that in my life, plus my computer skills aren't great.

Went to the Scottish air show, weather wasn't great so ended up leaving early so sadly missed the Red Arrows who were on near the end.

Would love to go the Royal International Air Tattoo but for what it costs I could have a weeks holiday abroad.
Monday, April 4th 2016
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Had a great holiday
Hi all well since my last post I have been to Kuala Lumpur and to the beautiful island of Langkawi which was amazing.

Seriously if you ever get the chance to go to Langkawi, dont miss out, it is a gorgeous place, I actually had monkeys right outside the villa I was staying at.

Two days just relaxing in the sun, a scorching 37 degrees Celsius.

Have uploaded some pics to my free gallery and will be uploading more to my private gallery as well.

On my return I had a 9 hour layover in Dubai which was not good lol.

I am now recovered and visiting friends in Glasgow and later London.

Hope to see you all soon.
Wednesday, March 9th 2016
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Update from Scotland's bustiest bbw
Hi everyone, it's been a while since my last update.

So what have I been up to?

Well I visited friends in London, had a lovely trip to Vienna where I also did a photo/video shoot.

I went to see the new Robert De Niro, Zac Efron movie which was absolutely hilarious.

I also saw Deadpool which was brilliant.

Went to see Bowling for Soup, absolutely brilliant live.

Went to see X Factor Live, was quite good.

Had another birthday (boo).

So that's what I have been up to, but what about what I have planned in the near future?

Well I am off on a short trip to Malaysia, hopefully catch some sun.

I am also planning to visit friend's in London again in both April and May.

I am planning on going on a nice break to Cardiff in May and to Birmingham in June.

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