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Monday, April 21st 2014
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Back In Bournemouth and ready to play!!!

I must apologies as I did promise to write my blog a lot sooner than I am writing it, but better late than never I suppose.

Firstly where does one begin to write about their stories of their amazing travels? Well probably the first country I started in is a good place to begin with Australia.

I started up in Queensland on a beautiful small island called magnetic island it was paradise, unfortunately it was stinger seasons so I did not get to experience the sea but it was beautiful and crystal clear just what you would expect from a beautiful island off the great barrier reef. I spent my time there feeding wallabies, holding kola bears stroking possums, which I think they are a bit of a nuisance in Australia but are in fact the cutest animals I have ever Laid my eyes on. So after a nice relaxing week in hot tropical weather I'm talking temperatures of 36 degrees plus every day it was time to move on and really start the adventure.

So I repack my extremely small rucksack. I decided to travel light this time, other times I have been travelling unpacking and repacking huge rucksacks just gets annoying and you only end up wearing a small amount of the clothes you bought anyway. So with the heat beating down on my shoulders and thinking well its Australias summer no way am I possibly going to get cold I throw away the two jumpers, Ruck sack lighter now happier.

I then travel down by bus to Ailey beach find the hostel I'm staying at. I speak to receptionist she says oh your dorm room is here she shows me on a little map, its a very big hostel site so try and remember the directions she has told me.

So I leave the reception, I turn right and go around and try and find my room. Half an hour of looking I could not find my room at all in fact none of the numbers to the rooms made any sense, so after getting slightly frustrated at this I went back to the reception and said "I cant find my room" and the same lady replies oh thats because you went right instead of left and went into a completely different hostel thats the reason you couldn't find your room So this woman, I'm not going to judge her intellectual ability, but she was no Stephen Hawkins, watched me leave the reception room the wrong way and go to a completely different hostel and didn't think to come after me and tell me. She just to let me wonder around a different hostel/camp site asking random folks if they had any idea where my room might be for half an hour.

Anyway this time she shows and sends me through a completely different door and I'm on the right tracks and I find my room finally Yay!!!

The next few days were spent on boats rides and going to the whit Sundays which has 99% pure sand and is the whitest sand you will ever see it even hurts your eyes to look at. It somewhere everyone should see, but dont make my fatal mistake and not use enough sun cream and got extremely burnt on my face and scalp it was not a pretty sight and hurt for days.

I'm having such a great time that I forget I have a sky dive booked in Sydney the next day. Sydney is 2039km its a long way away. Look at flights too expensive and Ailey beach does not have its own airport, so I would have to travel to that airport as well. Not only that but I have another boat trip booked on that day. I do my final boat trip which finishes at 4:30 then run and manage to get to the rental car place just in time before it closes, awesome, now all I have to do is drive 2039km drop the car off and skydive simple, except for the fact Australia is one of the biggest countries it the world and it has some of the slowest speed limits ever. Their top speed on their motorway is 100km an hour that is ridiculous and there is not a chance in hell I'm missing my sky dive anyway so pedal to the metal managed to make it all the way to Sydney find the hostel ready for the sky dive.

Skydiving what can I say except everyone should do it!!! in fact I did it twice and my instructor was absolutely mental, but also extremely instructive. The second time I jumped we went out backwards did turns then put our arms next to our bodies so we fell so fast he showed me his watch and it said 120 on it mph I think but not 100%. It really hurt my face going through the clouds at that speed but totally worth every penny. Thats the picture of me skydiving I put up for you to see. Seriously in the words of Baz Lhurrmann do one thing every day that scares you make sky diving one of those days.

So then saw a few of the sights in Sydney a lovely place. Then it was a flight to Melbourne one of the best cities to live in, in the world, the only thing they dont mention or if they did manage to, then I did not to hear about it, is the weather and how schizophrenic it is (how extremely British of me to moan about the weather) If you recall earlier in my blog I mentioned how I threw away my two jumpers to travel lighter because the whole of Australia is in summer right now.

Melbourne has a climate of its own I'm not joking one minute it will be 30 degrees super-hot and then the next minute it will be harsh wind and rain and down to 12 degrees. How anyone in Melbourne ever knows what to wear and stay warm and dry is beyond me. Im walking around this city dressed for the tropics and freezing my tits off. Besides that its a beautiful city so much art and amazing little secret lanes, with secret bars and restaurants defiantly a place everyone should visit.

I then go to Bangkok, one of my favourite places in the world and get myself a bus across the border to Cambodia. Getting across the border was something I have never experienced before and something so hard to explain. All I can say is there are a lot of people all wanting money from you offering you a quicker way to get your visa and get past the border. I just stood my ground and waited it was a long wait but it was worth it in the end.

Cambodia a stunning country like Thailand but untouched by western travellers unfortunately it probably will not stay like that for too long but I'm glad I got to see it.

I got to see Angkor wat its an amazing piece of human architecture, just magnificent. I got to see so many amazing temples. Unfortunately I still had my Australia head on and not my South East Asia head on. I get to one of these temples and these women call me over because I'm wearing shorts and you are not allowed to show leg in the temple and they want to sell me trousers, which isn't something out of the ordinary. Anyway just a quick side note Cambodia accepts Thai baht. Cambodian riel and US dollar, I know super confusing, anyway I had 5000 baht in one part of my bag and Cambodian riel in the other part. I stupidly open the wrong part of my bag with the baht in it, these woman eyes light up and start grabbing my money while putting the trousers on me and giving me a hat and a bottle of water and I'm saying no but before I could do anything they had gone.

I'm walking around this temple with this hat on and trousers and water and noticing other people showing their legs and shoulders I got hustled.

I then start trying to work out how much 5000 baht is, works out to about 100. I'm sure most of you would be very angry at this, but I see it as something called "Optimism Tax" this is what I pay in order to live in a world where I can trust people. I sporadically pay this fee when people take advantage of my trust in others' goodness. The loss of some replaceable stuff is meaningless compared to being able to focus on all the awesome in the world. Living in fear and distrust is WAY more expensive and the trousers were super comfy and totally worth it. Those women could probably live like princesses on that amount of money so no harm no foul.

So I travel around Cambodia I see it all its amazing. I go to some of the island down south and just had the most fantastic time. Met some great people got a fantastic tan. I would defiantly recommend going there before it becomes all westernised.

So I'm travelling home and as you guys know with me nothing is ever simple. I land at Heathrow and I'm waiting to collect my bag, I hear over the speaker a lot of middle eastern sounding names asking to come to baggage to collection point, I then hear my name and I panic not that I smuggled loads of drugs with me, but just in case someone had put something in my bag, you just dont know. So I go up to baggage collection point thinking of all possibilities and it turns out they just left my luggage in Dubai, I was like thats wonderful! Dont think they have ever seen any one so happy to have their luggage left in a different country. I received my luggage the next day extremely impressed.

So I'm waiting for my bus home and it finally arrives its pretty late at night and it absolutely freezing. What I usually do on nationally express buses is I go right to the back where there are three seats so I can lie down and sleep until I get to Bournemouth. I have never had an issue with this situation in the past. Anyway the bus driver says a good 3 times about putting your seat belt on for your own safety, I'm like its 12 o'clock what could possibly go wrong. I dont know if the driver did this on purpose or he really did need to slam his breaks on, but as he slammed his breaks on I come sliding off the three seats I'm lying on and crack my head on the seats in front of me. I have a gash on my head and its bleeding, but I feel like I cant really say anything because he did warn me 3 times about the safety of wearing a seat belt. So I certainly learnt something that night it may be caused me to have a mild concussion but from now on I will always wear a seat belt.

Anyway sorry to bore you all with another extremely long blog. I do end up going on and on. I just wanted you who read my blogs to know what I have been up to and all of you to know that I'm back working now from tomorrow and I look forward to seeing all your beautiful faces once more.

Kind Regards
Wednesday, October 2nd 2013
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Don't be so hard on yourself!!
I have decided to write a slightly more serious blog than my usual blogs about my sexapades. This feeling of guilt many men have about seeing an escort while married or in a long term relationship affects a lot of my gentlemen callers and something I feel strongly about. Hopefully reading this blog from the way I see things might help you not feel so guilty about something that you shouldn’t feel bad about. Well here goes………

The way I see it is that monogamy is failing men. Not only is it failing them but it’s the socially compelled sexual incarceration that can lead to a life of anger and contempt.

Monogamy is stronghold in our beliefs, to stray from its boundaries brings ostracism and judgement to that person, but why do we stigmatise someone who sees an escort more than couples that divorce throwing marriages rich in love and history, upsetting kids lives over something like sex. Contrary to what many people think, most men, aren’t seeing escorts because they don’t love their partners but because they want to have sex with others and society shouldn’t look down on that.

The married men that I see and speak to it’s clear to me that they want to be emotionally monogamous but their bodies crave sex with other people somatically. Much like people crave food, drugs and booze. So you might think how come people can have self-control when it comes to other cravings but men can’t control their body urges?

If we are truly honest with ourselves we are all pretty lousy at controlling our bodies’ desires. I for one am, the amount of times I have said I don’t want a snickers bar but really I want to eat it, so I eat it, then feel guilty about it then promise to never eat one again, but I always bloody do! I just can’t resist that nutty, nougat and caramel goodness. Its exactly the same phenomenon only with sex.

What I gather from clients in relationships and close friends in long term relationships is that usually after 2- 5 monogamous years there is a decrease in the frequency and enjoyment of sex. So if you have managed longer than that well done you because it seems extremely difficult.

These next few paragraphs might be a bit of a way out view and maybe I'm not qualified to have these types of views as I have never been in a relationship, but from the people I have met in marriages and long term relationships this is what I have come up with.

. It may be a good thing that the sexual desire for one’s partner weans because it means you end up staying with your long term partners for the socioemotional connection and not just for the sex. Even though highly sexual charged relationships are very thrilling, if you are going to raise a family it’s the emotional connection that counts and not the sexual one.

. Men’s physical desires don’t die they just change from their partners to other people other than their partner.

.People falsely believes that when the sex dies the relationship also dies, but I see it as the complete opposite. When the sex dies the relationship has just begun.

. A long term relationship can make the small amount of sex you have a lot deeper and meaningful as the diminution of sex is simultaneous to one’s emotional bond growing stronger. when men see a girl that turns them on it’s not the intimate and meaningful sex they are craving it’s the carnal fucking that they want.

One of the reasons you might have crippling guilt is the deception and lying around seeing an escort. There are good reasons to lie about this, it’s essential for keeping the community and relationship peace. If you did tell your partner the truth about wanting to see an escort to fulfil your sexual desires because the sex within the marriage/relationship isn't cutting it any more it’s a sure fire way of achieving relationship termination.

When you see an escort for recreational sex…NOT AFFAIRS… you DO love your partner because if you didn't you would break up with them.

To sum up my long ramblings seeing an escort for casual meaningless hot sex allows you to have the long term emotional stability you psychologically desire, alongside the hot carnal sex you desire somatically. This to me makes more sense than having an affair or breaking up with someone simply because you want someone else body for an hour.

So don’t be so hard on yourself and just enjoy it!!!

Thanks for reading.

Kind Regards

Thursday, February 28th 2013
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"voulez-vous coucher avec moi ce soir?"
Hello Boys and Girls,

Have not written a blog for a while, not even sure if anybody reads them? anyho will just catch you up on the latest news.

I have just arrived back from a wonderful naughty randevú in Paris, what can I say a beautiful city and such wonderful culture.

You may now be asking yourself why the picture (please excuse the poor quality) of myself and why not of something a little bit more French like the Eiffel Tower. Well one of the the requests was to be in the Paris Orly airport in some rather sexy underwear and a trench coat.

This trench coat barely went over my pert bum cheeks, so you can imagine some of the looks I was getting off many of the French men and woman in the airport. Even though I thought the Europeans were meant to be way more sexually liberal, apparently not according to the filthy looks I was receiving. But for ever the exhibitionist these looks only thrilled me more.

Now this is where you would think the story would end and the beautiful weekend would of begin but as some of you know Well in true Ava fashion nothing ever goes quite so simply.

Firstly I sleep through my alarm. I wake up 15 minutes before my bus was meant to leave, luckily I packed everything the night before. Even more lucky the taxi man had waited and kept buzzing my apartment.
I quickly throw some clothes on make sure I have my passport jump in the taxi and tell him to put his foot down, which he did very well.

I get to the airport on time everything is going well, until I go threw security. In my haste I had left an aerosol can of deodorant in my hand luggage, which happened to be at the bottom of the bag, meaning the lady had to pull everything out to find the can this included; killer healers, French Knickers, stockings, suspenders and one very sexy corset. What else could I do as she was pulling all these items out one by one very slowly, while lots of the security men and other customers were having a good look, except smile and have a little giggle. Aerosol can now found and disposed of.

I now fly and arrive at Paris airport. I then take to the toilets to get changed into my sexy attire, which I like to take my time doing as dolling my self up is such a turn on I could feel how excited I was getting.

Satisfied with how incredibly horny I was looking and feeling I go to leave the toilet. On my departure from the toilet in front of about 6 people, in only an Ava style elegant manner, could I trip and fall flat onto my face, not only exposes my very raunchy underwear, but also leaving me with some rather nasty bruises over my legs and arms.

FYI for future reference airport floors are really hard and super high heels might not of been the best choice after drinking bloody marys and white wine spritzers from the time I arrived at the airport and the whole flight. I'm sure there is something they say about high altitude and alcohol in your blood.

Anyway sorry for such a long blog. If you have still carried on reading until the end I just thought I would share this funny story with you and hopefully give you a little giggle at my clumsiness.

I hope to see you all very soon.
Kind regards
Tuesday, November 6th 2012
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Back from holiday!!!

Yes I decided that with all the studying and the ever impending miserable cold, wet and dark evenings to sneak off for a cheeky 3 week holiday and it was fabulous. I had the best three weeks in the sun drinking a lot, probably too many cocktails, and tanning my beautiful slender body.

I am now back and it is even colder than when I left!! So if you would like to come and check out my naughty tan lines then please feel free to get in touch.

I am in the stages of moving apartments but should have a beautiful new apartment in the next couple of weeks so I can only offer outcalls for the time being, but if you are willing to hold on, I promise the tan lines will not have faded, then you can come check out my beautiful new apartment and very sexy tan!

Anyway hope all is well in your lives and you are having as much fun as i am having.

Kind Regards
Monday, September 10th 2012
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Long time no speak.

I am very sorry for being utterly useless at responding to your calls and emails university has been incredibly busy recently and I'm just finishing the second year and heading into the third year, I can only imagine that it might get a little more stressful. That is why for the next couple of weeks I am relaxing and would be more than happy for some lucky man to join me in the chilling out time.

Just want to say thank you for bearing with me I realise that there are plenty of non-genuine girls on this site which just waste your very precious time. I would just like to state I am not one of them, its just my education and degree come first.

Anyway enough of the boring chat! hope you are all having fun and would love to have you join me in the very near future.

Many thanks
Tuesday, July 31st 2012
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In a new city and staying at a lush new apartment for a few days, as you can see from my photo it has an amazing balcony which could be used for some very naughty things and also an amazing view ;)

Enjoying the hustle and bustle of the city life, makes things a lot more interesting! Do not worry though the folks back in Bournemouth I will be returning, can not keep me away from the seaside and hopefully some good British summer weather!

If you are in Birmingham I would love for you to come and see my gorgeous apartment and have some sexy fun with me, as you would not want me to get all lonely by myself!!

Hope all is going well in your worlds and you are having as much fun as I am having.

Kind Regards
Wednesday, July 11th 2012
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Where is all the sun!!
I want to be down the beach wearing my very short, shorts and a bikini, like in the picture. Maybe the sun has stayed away because I have been dancing and singing around my new flat, that I am currently doing incalls from.

Some people might describe me as pretty, but strangely I have never had many compliments on my voice, so if this crazy weather is down to my appalling singing I am incredibly sorry. I'm just so excited about my beautiful new flat and I just love a good old dance and sing song how ever awful I sound, just feel sorry for the neighbours.

Anyway hope all is well in your worlds as it it is in mine, come and check out my new digs and my singing if you think you are brave enough to put your ears through that, Or we could just scrap the singing and have some naughty fun as I'm sure my moans of pleasure sound a lot more enticing!!

Ava xx
Thursday, July 5th 2012
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Sorry I have been quiet.
Sorry for the long delays on replies ladies and gentlemen I have been very busy with studies as it has finally come to the end of the year yay!! which means I can get to relax and have some fun, just need some sun and some very lucky horny gentlemen.

I have a new place to offer incalls from, so you should defiantly come and have some fun and come play with me here.

Thank you for all your lovely emails but I'm back now and ready for some naughtiness so please do not hesitate to email me, as i will be replying and be checking my AW on a regular basis.

Kind regards
Ava xx
Thursday, June 7th 2012
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Photo shoot!
Finally had my photo shoot Yay!

I bought so much stuff with me that when I was getting everything out of the car I put my huge traveling ruck sack on my back and actually fell over onto the floor, like a right tit and my bum was soaked because of all this awful rain but i found it funny and sat there for a while giggling because i looked so silly.

But managed to take lots and lots of photos so fingers crossed some of them will be good enough to put on my profile. I also decided to do some extra naughty ones for my private gallery so make sure you check them out when I put them up. The photographer said I should have all the pictures by friday/saturday so you will get to see them then.

Thanks for reading
Thursday, May 31st 2012
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Boring student work
Hello boys and girls,

I'm so sorry I have been away for a while, I have been busy doing university work instead of having lots of the fun in the sun. Anyway presentation handed in and now I'm dying to have some fun with a lucky gentleman so please don't hesitate to get in touch. As all this hot weather has been making me feeling rather frisky. but as much as I would have loved to be frolicking around with a man in the sun having ice cream licked from my naughty areas university work comes first. Anyway having my photo shoot done on the 7th so super excited about how they turn out, so make sure you come look at the new pics.

Ava x
Friday, May 25th 2012
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Naughty student!
So i have to be at my lectures at 10 and I'm all ready to leave the house by 9:30, but there have been these pair of shoes that i have been thinking about since I saw them the other day

So you can guess what happened next I decided to take a detour to my favorite shoe shop and buy them. A girl can not resist a pair of beautiful heels and I'm sure my tutors would completely understand why I was so late if they saw them.

I bought them took them home and was an hour late for my lecture whoops! but now i have a killer pair of heels that I absolutely love so it was totally worth it.

I have added a picture so let me know what you think maybe I can wear them when we meet up for some naughty fun. Heels always make me feel sexy and are such a turn on!

Thursday, May 24th 2012
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New Profile.
Finally set up my profile just looking forward to having some decent pictures on it because at the moment they are not very good, but I thought even rubbish photos are better than no photos and I have been so eager to set up my profile.

Had a good day went to the gym for some reason spinning makes me very horning I think its all that movement on the bicycle near my private area, I leave just wanting to straddle someone and have my wicked way with them.

Already had a lot of views on my profile and that makes me a very happy young lady hopefully some bookings will follow because some sex with a stranger is really what a fancy right now, so email me as soon as possible and be that stranger I can have some very sexy fun with.

Anyway thank you for reading and hopefully there will be more blogs to come.


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