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Sunday, May 1st 2022
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Phone issues
I still have guys texting me atm and I just wanna point out that A) I don’t currently have credit to reply and B) my phone completely died on me on Wednesday and even though I managed to source a new one, I can’t access my numbers so if you message me I don’t have a clue who you are unless you tell me in your messages!!

If you text me I will get back to you when I manage to sort my credit out xxxxXx
Sunday, May 1st 2022
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Sick leave xx
Imagine being 4hrs post-op and one of my friendly subs calls me and asks if there’s anything he can do for me….

Having such a sweet tooth and the hospital pretty much starving this hungry girl for 24hrs I did ask for some haribo sweeties and crisps and he made a short booking to come and suck my toes and massage my feet!!

I love that some of my clients are so caring and friendly, people who I chat to often and check up on me at times more often than my friends and family.

I’ve had some well wishes from a few guys from AW, how sweet… but no flowers… YET lollll!!

Anyway…. Thanks to the guys who made an effort to send well wishes and to the kindness of my toe sucking sub too!! I haven’t yet made my way through these sweets, but I’m sure it won’t take me long xxx
Sunday, May 1st 2022
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Taking some leave

Guys, I’m taking some time out after having minor surgery. But don’t worry…. I’ll be back as soon as im well enough.

I hate being out of ‘the game’ I really do, and at times like this I miss having a boyfriend to take care of me!! But it won’t be long and I’ll have many boyfriends again, giving the best GFE you will find on the east coast!!

I may get on the cam once I feel a little better, and answer a few calls so I can chat to a few of my favourites!! Hopefully I’ll be able to play soon enough too.



Monday, April 5th 2021
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Ballbusting.... and other kinks xx
For years I’ve been approached with the request for ballbusting... but I’ve always been a little bit scared as not wanting to seriously hurt someone!! I always knew I’d enjoy it but after having my first experience I couldn’t believe how much I actually got out of it!!
The thought of how many times I’d turned away these requests thinking it’s ‘a bit weird’ but the older I get the more curious and open minded I become. Now I’m kicking myself... lol... at the thought of all the fun I’ve missed.

I’m still yet to try foot worship, but I’m not overly fond of my feet so I have to get over that.
Trampling is another on my bucket list, which again I thought was a bit strange but I can imagine i would enjoy that as much as ballbusting, if not more.
Face sitting I enjoy immensely, for obvious reasons, but I’ve tried that a few times now so I’m intrigued to find out more about other kinks to find what I enjoy the most!!

I can say for sure that hardsports is definitely not on my agenda nor anything illegal, which I have had various very strange and very illegal requests!!

I do hope you lovely lot are enjoying the bank holiday!!

Kisses.... N xx
Thursday, November 5th 2020
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Missing you guys xxz
Hi guys...
I hope you haven’t missed me too much lol!! I haven’t been around much as I’ve had a few personal issues... I make no secret that I suffer from mental health issues and with 2020 being what it has been so far I’m sure many of you will appreciate that it has had an effect on people who don’t suffer from MH so for me I’ve had to really focus to stay positive.

I’m trying to get myself motivated to come back on here consistently, however it seems that every time I adjust myself to what’s happening around us, there is another change.

If you are one of my friends on here and I haven’t said hi for a little while, please accept my sincerest apologies and I hope we chat chat soon when I’m feeling much better xxx
Wednesday, February 12th 2020
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Recent absence... sorry guys xxxx
I want to apologise for my absence recently, truthfully I’m quite poorly with a chest infection, sinusitis and my asthma and allergies are making it all 100 times worse than it should be!!
The doctor has given half the stock of the pharmacy it seems so I’m hoping I’ll be tip top as soon as possible... (tomorrow hopefully) but I also want to reassure you that it’s absolutely not contagious. It’s something I’m prone too at this time of year.
If you have tried to contact me, unsuccessfully, my sincerest apologies.... I’m not ignoring any single one of you lovely lot... if I was ... it would be via a BLOCK button as opposed to just not answering xxxx
Monday, January 13th 2020
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Annnddd breathe!!!!

Wow... it’s over!! Yes I mean Christmas!!
I used to be all about Christmas but 2018 and 2019 were horrific to say the least!!

As quite a positive person I hate to dwell on negative situations but I also believe we have to take the rough with the smooth and try to find a lesson in our harder times and you can’t do that unless you think about them.

I’m already planning Christmas this year and I’ve decided to bear in mind that expectation is the main cause of disappointment, maybe it’s better to expect a few hiccups (not catastrophic ones) and in the unlikely event that Christmas runs smoothly I will be pleasantly surprised rather than massively disappointed!

Have I started buying Xmas presents already? Damn right I have! Yes I know how mad this sounds because I usually take a mans approach and leave everything until the last minute. Well... not this fucking year!

And I won’t be doing it all on my own, because I’m gonna need your help....
I bet there’s a couple of ‘what the fuck you on about’ right now!!
Of course what I mean is you will be paying for my Christmas.... obviously this won’t go unrewarded... I’m on this site for a reason so, without going round the houses too much, there will be plenty of fucking and sucking going on this year!! And lots of cam fun too!! Oh it’s going to be fun sorting Xmas out this year and I don’t just mean fun for me!!

Anyway, I know it’s a little bit late, but HAPPY NEW YEAR YOU RANDY BUNCH


Nicky xxx
Friday, November 29th 2019
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Christmas is approaching rapidly and I can certainly say I wouldn’t mind postponing until January 25th! More so with my recent availability issues!
However this isn’t possible so I’m gonna have to grin and bear it whilst the family will be grateful, I’m sure, of getting a pair of socks each as opposed to the lump of coal or satsuma.
I’m used to being non stop and busy busy busy so it’s been fairly difficult to adjust my daily habits and sit back and watch peppa pig over and over again. I’m not joking.... I have even started analysing the characters and let me tell you this... peppa is a spoiled little c***
Yes I’m shocked my sanity is reaching an all time low too!!
I have been eating a lot to pass the time and occasionally taking a few pics for my private gallery.... which are majorly explicit, I’m not really into having my money maker all over the internet these days, so I’ll leave that to your imagination until you have the chance to sample it yourself!!
Once I’m able to take booking again I will remind you that it’s the season of giving.... and if you’re wanting to get me something I’ll give you a couple of pointers.... haha!!
I love pink.... gin, wine and nice candles!!

Am I cheeky? You betcha!! But it’s one of my nicer personality traits, don’t ask about the rest lol!!

I’m trying to get on cam when possible, lord knows I need a break from peppa pig so help a girl out and save me from the endless grunting and stupid theme tune constantly play over in my head!!

You never know I might dazzle you with my sparkling personality and make your day too!! Don’t be shocked if I’m cooking dinner in jogging bottoms.... I am a real woman... I can multitask... you might get a good recipe rom me too!! Not al heroes wear capes so it seems!!

Anyway you lovely lot... enjoy your weekend....

Thursday, November 21st 2019
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What’s new?

I’ve been having a few issues with my personal life recently, come on I’m a woman... it’s not unheard of!

As a result I have had very little time to be available on cam or in person, which is unfortunate because I really enjoy doing what I do!

What have I been doing in the meantime?
I’m quite family orientated so I’ve had lots and lots of time with my loved ones, which also means lots of cooking!!

Have I ever mentioned how much I love food? Lol! In case you have never heard me say before.... I LOVE FOOD.... love love love it!! I may possibly have eaten my body weight in dark chocolate and ready salted crisps in the last couple of weeks!! So so naughty but time to eat healthy before I have no lingerie thats my size!! I might just mention.... my boobies are increasing in size... as is my butt!!

It’s hard at this time of the year though, I just want to have some type of stew or casserole on the go every day, with dumplings too!! Oh myyy....

Not exactly chicken salad weather is it?

I’m quite good in the kitchen though, YESSS the kitchen and the bedroom!! I know I’m the woman of your dreams right?? I can also talk the hind legs off a donkey, but nobody’s perfect are they!?

I’m hoping to make myself more available in the coming weeks and more so in the new year. I’m missing talking to and seeing (playing) with my friends from AW!!

And if you aren’t missing me then you need to have a few words with yourself!!

Xxxxx Niic xxxxx
Saturday, November 2nd 2019
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Saturday morning ramblings

I’ve been wanting to get a dog for a few years now, I’m pretty bad with having real human companionship, I kinda given up on that front. But a four legged best friend?? Ohhh I would love nothing more!! I’m not entering into the decision lightly though. I don’t want a puppy, I would much rather rescue one that someone else was unable to give the love they deserve and I would really prefer them to already be house trained!!
I feel like I need to be 100% certain I’m able to look after one the way they deserve too!! So I’d rather wait!!
I didn’t grow up as a big animal lover, however recently I see dogs and pups everywhere I go and they almost make my heart burst and my smile is so big I’m sure that my face is almost too small for such a big smile!! Oh they are just so lovely.

Ok why am I blogging about dogs? I had a message on here and dogs were mentioned, so I’m sat googling breeds of spaniel at 7am!!
Do you have dogs? Which breeds possess different qualities? What do you think are your responsibilities as a dog owner? And how do they bring fulfilment to your life??

Happy Saturday
Nicky xxx
Friday, November 1st 2019
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Silver linings

Had a call this morning from a potential client, upon asking each other how we each are (I’m usually pretty good anyway) I had the response ‘could be better, this bloody weather’

Okayyy.... I love rain, actually love love love it!! Aside from the fact I was born in the north and have some fond childhood memories of pretty soggy weather and that feeling when you are soaking wet and you get home into a nice hot bath HEAVEN!! I actually think about rain in a very logical way, also in a positive way.... NO RAIN, NO FLOWERS, NO PLANTS, NO FOOD, NO LIFE. Which was exactly my answer.

It’s true.... we should love the rain, everybody should love the rain!! But it makes us all a little cold and wet, uncomfortable!! Who cares.... you can have a million good things going on in your life, I mean for starters... YOU’RE ALIVE!! And you have Learnt that rain is negative.... it is not a negative thing!!

I used to be a very negative person and moan about absolute shit constantly, could you actually imagine how amazing life would be if we stopped ourselves every time we were thinking on a negative level and asked ourselves, or each other, what is positive about this? Or even if we can’t think of something positive then ask ourselves what can I learn from this? How can I change this or stop this happening in the future?

Life is a learning curve and sometimes it’s pretty damn shit.... and we fall into an automatic negative response, not everyone but there are a lot who do. If we start to train ourselves to automatically look for the positives life can be so much better!! And positive energy is infectious!!

Start to find your silver linings today!!

You have nothing to lose by trying it out!!
Friday, August 30th 2019
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The rough with the smooth!
As the old saying goes that you gotta take the rough with the smooth and I completely believe that saying.
My life has had a lot of good things going on recently but ie had a pretty rubbish week this week.
My laptop has packed up so I can’t get online to play you lovely guys and girls... which is extremely disappointing for me. I decided to try focusing on the escorting side of things this week however I’ve had every single booking cancelled or in other cases I’ve had to cancel myself due to safety concerns. I would usually throw myself a little pity party with the old ‘boohoo life’s not fair’ but I actually think that maybe this is life’s little way of telling me to stop taking things so seriously... and maybe just get outside and enjoy the lovely weather while it’s here.
Maybe next week it will rain and I will hide in bed having fun with one or two of my favourite friends and maybe a new face or two...?
Whatever happens, I’m sure I will be back on the cam as soon as I’ve sorted a new laptop!!
Just remembering to find the silver lining in every cloud.... there’s always positive to find in every negative!!
I hope you all have a fantastic day... xxx
Thursday, September 27th 2018
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Up to my elbows....
What lovely weather we had today... just as I was ready to pack my summer clothes away we had a little farewell visit from the sunshine!
It’s not as though I had chance to get any of my short shorts or summer dresses back out if I’m honest. I had a call from a very good friend/client of mine who was in desperate need of my services.

I only see the odd client at the moment, there are a few I became rather fond of over the last few years and I quite enjoy their company as well as the fun we have... also a girl has needs too, so when I got the call today from (we shall call him) Neil, I dropped all of today’s plans and went to meet him at his house. We used to meet at a hotel but as I say, I’m rather fond of Neil and we have a great little ‘relationship’ between us so I’ve been visiting him at home for a while.

Neil has always been rather adventurous and has quite some stamina for a 57 year old gentleman so he absolutely wears me out, to say the least. He is a very generous and attentive host and I need for nothing during my visits. It seems he has quite a collection of toys and every time we meet he brings something new to play with. I used to be quite reserved when it came to GIVING any kind of anal pleasure to a man (although rather enjoy with a woman).

Over the years we started off small with fingers and small toys, whilst sucking his cock slowly sliding a finger or two I’d really get off on how much pleasure he was getting. He sure broke me in gently... what a guy!
After a while He brought a strap on (to my horror) but as always he reassured me that I’d enjoy it, and boy did I!? I loved it but it did take a little getting used to. One day he took out a speculum as I’d arrived... on this occasion I opted out of the new toy play... as much as I enjoyed exploring my sexual boundaries, I absolutely DID NOT want to look at his insides!

Today Neil has bent me every which way you could imagine, who needs yoga with friends like this? He’s been super stressed with work he said and really wanted his arse to take a pounding, as he can’t ejaculate without anal penetration.

We spent a little while drinking wine, listening to some good old proper music, kissing and cuddling before he started to give me oral, immediately I returned the favour although I find it hard to concentrate on my orgasm when I have my mouth full... I think we must have demonstrated every single position in the karma sutra... and for the grande finale... I was up to my elbows, (I may be exaggerating slightly) in other words he managed to squeeze my (not so big) fist in his arsehole! This was kind of tricky whilst sucking his cock... but as we had already had the ‘yoga’ session I could have tied myself in a knot with ease. It seemed to do the trick for him, as he shot his load with my fist fairly far in his arse and his cock in my mouth.

I can’t believe how far I got my arm in there... there were a few jokes about puppets as I was leaving... I like to have a joke with my guys and we seem to get each other’s warped humour.

With a lovely kiss and a goodbye for now, I left him with a smile on his face.... and me..? Did I orgasm? Only a couple of times, I absolutely love the perks of my job.

Wednesday, September 19th 2018
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The weird and the wonderful
I’ve been doing webcam for a few years on and off now... and I love the little stories I have collected along the way.

Some of you guys have a lovely collection of fetishes!

When I tell people what I do on AW they always love to hear my stories of the weird and the wonderful. I really think you have to be a certain kind of person to do this if I’m honest... there really isn’t a lot that will shock me and I think that will go for so many of the lovely ladies on AW.

If you think you can shock me OR if you would like to hear some shocking stories, I’d love to chat!

Ask me what is the most shocking experience I’ve had as a webcammer...?

That’s a fantastic story.... as long as you don’t have a weak stomach


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