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Wednesday, September 25th 2024
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Fond Farewell
I have a moving out date! I will be leaving Chester at the end of November so that means I have 2 more months to say a fond farewell to some lovely gents. It feels like perfect timing so I can close the door before Christmas and then start fully on my new path in the new year.

As one door closes another opens and I am very keen to see where this new door will take me!

You are of course welcome to follow, if you enjoy my content and blogs then there will be plenty more of those incoming plus more Tantra sharings. My passion still lies with Tantra, it's just moved away from the giving of bodywork and in to courses, blogs and a membership page. Sharing with my words and voice rather than my body.

I started my escort days when I was 19! You can read the start of what I plan to be a book over on my erotica section and overall I've been in and out of escorting for nearly 20 years.

This time it feels like it's going to be a firm door closed on this part of my life. I came back to the work a couple of years ago which I can see now was to complete my own personal journey of self awareness and boundaries within this work. That now feels complete and I am thankfully ending on a high note.

I intend to celebrate every moment I have left in Chester so get in touch if you would like to personally say a fond farewell!

Love S xx
Monday, September 16th 2024
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Change is in the air....
I was starting to really feel the change in seasons and within that feeling I was starting to feel the change in myself.

However fast forward to today and it feels like we are back in summer baby!! The summer dress is back out, the woolly jumper has been put away again and I'm feeling all summery. Now that being said you can still feel the change in the air, the mornings and evenings have definitely been crisper and some of the trees are starting to turn.

How do you feel about Autumn?

I love the change in seasons, it feels like a gentle reminder to welcome change and new beginnings into my life. Change is inevitable and it feels a lot easier to embrace it rather than try and fight it.

My biggest change is that I will be leaving my studio in Chester sometime soon. I've given my notice and the landlord is looking for a new tenant so as soon as I can I will be leaving.

Four months at home with the kitties has made me really value my time at home and travelling back and to doesn't feel good anymore. The online side of my work has thankfully got busier, I've been at it for over a year now and I love it.
If you would like to know more about that then check out my website link or drop me an email.

Enjoy the sunshine, it may be the last for this year!

Love Sari x

Friday, July 5th 2024
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Crazy Cat Lady
Hello to you

I am 8 weeks in to being a crazy cat lady and I love it!

I've been really enjoying all the online connections especially as I don't have to leave the house! I'm introverted if you didn't know..... I posted that somewhere and a guy commented that I couldn't possibly be introverted in my job. Hmmm 'Yes I can be' I replied.

Believe it or not I was very shy in my teens and early 20's, I've been able to work through that over the years and now I mostly feel confident around people. I am much better on a 1-2-1 basis, hence why I can do this work but I struggle in large social groups. No gangbangs for me I need time at home with my beloved and family of cats to recharge my batteries! Hands up if you are introverted too?

Anyway in other news I am off down to Pembrokshire this weekend leaving my gang of kitties with my beloved. I am really looking forward to seeing the sea and relaxing.
I am hoping that I can convince my friend to watch the footie...... Come on England!

Oh and obviously it is the big General Election Result today which coincidentally falls on a new moon. A new moon means a new start, a new beginning and is the perfect time to start a fresh. Coincidence? I think not.

To celebrate this new energy I am having a sale on my videos, let me know your favourite

Love Sari
Monday, May 6th 2024
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Good and Bad
I believe that life is always about balance, in absolutely everything we do!

A couple of weeks ago I was out walking my dog thinking how great everything was and in the back of mind a little voice said, oooh don't forget about the balance. Now balance to me doesn't mean bad or negative I've learnt to see everything as something to learn from and from past experience when life is really good something usually comes a long to give you a little test.

In this case the challenge was me writing off my car, in a split second I'd gone from being on top of the world to 'Oh fuck what just happened'! Luckily I was fine but the car was not. So began a pain the in the ass time of trying to sort all that out and buy a new car in time for my trip up to Scotland. The whole thing came with challenges and yep it stressed me out BUT I dealt with it.

I allowed myself to feel sad, angry and frustrated which meant those emotions quickly moved through my body rather than what I had done in the past of pushing it away and it building up and up. We have these emotions for a reason and that is to FEEL them but not hold on to them.
I strongly believe that if we push feelings away they build up in the body and cause illness within ourselves, that's why I love bodywork so much as it helps us to release things without always having to delve too deeply into the psyche.
There were multiple lessons and positives that came from this challenge, it really is how you look at things that can make such a difference and that can take practise but once you have it, it's life changing.

The next challenge is what is going to be keeping me at home in the coming months. It was a secret wish but now the reality is kicking in....

One of my kittycats is going to have kittens! The local Big Tom has had his wicked way with her and now my house is going to be full of cats....I am one step closer to becoming the crazy cat lady
She is due anytime soon so I am waiting in constant anticipation and excitement!

Here is a quote from one of my favourite TV shows that pretty much sums up the above:

'All life is a series of problems which we must try and solve, first one and then the next and then the next, until at last we die' Violet, Downton Abbey

I love this quote as it really is true and with a positive thinking approach, life gives us so much opportunity to grow and life is all about change and choice. Embracing it is so much easier than fighting it.

Love Sari x
Sunday, April 7th 2024
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Au Naturale
As you may or may not have noticed I've been embracing the au naturale look with my yoni since last summer, more recently I've been also been letting my armpit hair grow I really don't think I have ever had full hair under there and I'm quite interested to see what happens with it, so far I've let it grow for a week and then I decided to shave so we shall see what happens..... see my movies and gallery for armpit shares!!

I've got a few weeks off coming up so I'm planning on letting it grow in that time and seeing what 2 weeks growth looks like!!!

This also may be a good time to share that I love hairy men!

Love Sari x
Thursday, March 14th 2024
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Stirrings of Spring
It's starting to feel a little bit more like spring, finally! I'm noticing the change of colours in the forest, the buds on the trees and I have some spring flowers in my garden. I really love this time of year, it feels like I'm shedding a thick winter coat, ready for a new beginning and the joys of this amazing time of the year. Oh and I'm dreaming of wearing hotpants and dresses again.....

How has your first part of the year gone? It's the Spring Equinox on Wednesday so now is a good time to start to think about any seeds that you want to plant for the rest of the year.
I'm planting some seeds for my online creations and my fitness. I joined a martial arts club this year and I have my first belt! Next challenge is to get back in to hiking so I'm back walking the hills in preparation for a big mountain challenge in the summer.
I'm thinking Scafell Pike or even Ben Nevis - what do you think?

My online stuff is going well especially the video calls! I recently had a naughty little video call whilst I was in the shower. It was a lot of fun and is a great way for some morning mutual fun?
Fancy it?

I love giving my massages and I recently added 'Sensual Lingham Massage' which is a cross over between the sensual massage and my tantra massage. The Lingham (genital) massage is a popular part of the tantra, it's a slow touch of the lingham exploring that area with the focus on relaxation and pleasure.

So in other exciting news I'm starting a Tantra book club!
This is for you if you feel like Tantra is calling to you and you want to learn a little bit more and also be able to ask some questions. I don't claim to have all the knowledge but I feel that by reading a book together we can really take a deep dive into Tantra together and hopefully have some revelations. Get in touch for all the info.

Spring Blessings to you

Get out in nature, breathe in some fresh air and make a little time for yourself.
In the relaxation comes a little inner peace!

Love Sari x

Thursday, January 11th 2024
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Happy New Year!
I'm a little late with the new year greetings but Happy New Year to you.

I had a great Christmas but with nearly 3 weeks off it's taking me a while to get back in to the routine this week. Monday was a shock to the system, I started a new fitness class which my muscles didn't like as I've done f all since well before Christmas so I ached like hell and could barely move
I think I am over the worst and fingers crossed that Saturdays class won't be as bad!!

I'm still dabbling in the cam work and I'm loving making the movies now I've found a delightful gent to work with so I hope you are enjoying them too.

I think this month is going to be a slow ease back in to everything and of course exploring new avenues, a podcast is my latest idea! What do you think???

Right I'm off to get a kebab, it's my new thing to try every kebab shop in Chester and decide on my favourite. Lamb kebabs all the way!

Love S xxx
Wednesday, November 22nd 2023
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Countdown to Christmas
That's it, I am officially starting my Christmas countdown!

I visited a Christmas forest on Saturday and yesterday I had my first mince pie and I have to admit that I've been listening to Christmas music and I've pretty much eaten a whole Christmas cake already. Hmmm let's hope I don't peak too early

So this week I am back at the apartment for 10 days which is a lot of fun as always, it's great these days as I can mix it up with a bit of direct cam and phone chat. Have we chatted online together yet?

I've also started a collab with a new male friend so there will be some new cock sucking and fucking videos coming soon. Thanks to everyone for buying my Tantra video, I'm planning on doing more of these guided style vids so keep your eyes peeled.

Away from my busy sex work life I'm progressing well at my Ariel fitness, it is so rewarding and I'm very impressed with what my body can now do. I've been busy down at the range enjoying my new toy and I'm looking forward to a Christmas market weekend away very soon.

How many days is it until Christmas?

Love Sari xx

P.S The boots from this photo sadly had to be binned yesterday! I took them out of storage to wear for a naughty gent and they fell apart! Sad times as I've had a lot of fun with them. Did I wear them for you?
Tuesday, September 12th 2023
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The end of summer
That went fast! It only feels a second ago that I was starting back at the apartment and enjoying that first glint of summer. It's been a weird weather summer but I've felt ready to embrace autumn for a while now so I'm glad we are nearly there. For me summer has been all about getting out there, being busy and rediscovering my love for the work I do.

Being back at the apartment has been FUN! I'm starting to settle in to a good routine of being there and also being at my studio, this time round it feels really good to have both things to offer and my tantra work really nourishes my soul. I am about to embark on the next part of my qualification so for the next 6 months or so I'm going to be pretty busy with that and of course having my fun at the apartment as well

In other news I am having a big declutter at the moment, it feels so good to get rid of 'stuff'. The cats are also helping as they continuously knock things off the shelves therefore another reason to streamline!
I've got a new hobby - Ariel Fitness! I love it and whilst it is tough it is very rewarding to progress. I've posted a photo in my PG if you are interested.
I haven't climbed any more mountains this summer but I did have a go bouldering which was fun, has anyone tried it?
I'm also planning my first holiday abroad in about 5 years!!! We've only been away around the UK due to pet commitments but now we have a little more freedom so it's time to renew the passport and start the travelling once again

That's it for the big news! Life is good, I'm grateful for now and I'm looking forward to the next couple of months and of course the big C looms nearer. I won't say the word just yet!!!

Love Sari xx

P.S I also found my first four leaf clover in years!! Photo on this blog.
Tuesday, June 27th 2023
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My boob job!
Ok guys I have to be honest about something now.....

Several people have commented over the past month about my boobs looking a lot bigger! I can't hide it anymore, yes my boobs are a lot bigger. Considerably bigger than from when I started on here 10 years ago so it's time to come clean about my boobs...I've put on weight!! Yep that's honestly all it is

i'm no longer the 20 something girl who can eat anything, rave all weekend and still look great! Unfortunately I now have to work at it so my weight has fluctuated a bit over the past few years so I would say I'm a more curvy size 10 now rather than a skinny size 8.

I'm back in the gym and eating healthier again but this time I'm taking it slow and honouring my body with all it needs rather than having a weight goal. I love my body and my new boobs! However I do know that the bigger boobs will not be around for long as I will be toning up and the fat will unfortunately come off them first

If you are a fan of my new boobs I suggest that you come and visit them (and me) over the summer as once that sun starts to disappear I imagine so will my boobs.

Love Sari xx
Sunday, June 25th 2023
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Late night epiphany
Let me set the scene...

I'd just got in to bed, turned the lights off, snuggled down with the cat and I felt a sudden wave of gratitude for my life right now then this realisation came.

I realised that this time round there is so much more to me than just offering GFE and erotic content. What I mean by that is because of the journey I've been on over the past 6 years there is so much more healing that I can offer within this role of the 'escort'. I understand it better now and I have a deeper awareness of my self and my boundaries for sure.

There is so much healing in this work which can come from the sensual loving touch of the massage, the hugs that connect our physical and spiritual bodies, the kisses that unite our sexual being or from the passion and pleasure that arise from the sexual connection.

I've explored and practised so many different holistic and spiritual modalities over these past few years but I have repeatedly been called back to the sex work. However each time I tried to do it something would get in the way and it didn't work out. I wasn't even sure I wanted to do it anymore, with reflection I can see that each time took me a little bit deeper in exploring the reasons why I do this work and how it really feels within my body and soul.
Now I can see that this is the healing work that I am here to do! It brings me pleasure, fun, laughter, friendship, connection and empowerment and that's what I hope to bring to the people I meet too.

I had a conversation with a friend about embracing your true self and it made me realise that it's only the past few months that I've really felt like the truest version of me. I've spoke my truth, I've put my face to my work, I confided in a friend and more than anything I've embraced all parts of me and shown these to the world. It's time to come out of the shadows and stand in my power as an escort, sex worker or whatever you want to call me, it's what I'm here to do!

Just like that the wind shifts and I feel like I'm that bit closer to where I'm meant to be.

These words just flowed out of me so I had to share it!

Sleep time now, sweet dreams.
Love S xx
Friday, June 23rd 2023
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Escorting back in Chester!
Hello hello hello

Yesterday I had my first afternoon working from an apartment. I have to admit that I was a little bit nervous at first but once there I felt excited, horny and ready to embark on this journey back in to escorting!

So if you have been following me for a while you will know that I moved away from Chester about 4 years ago and started to focus on my holistic therapies then just before covid I dipped back into the escorting but since then I've been mainly offering sensual massages and Tantra massages.

Honestly I needed a break, not just from escorting but from the busyness of life, covid brought me that break and the rest that I needed. For me it was a rejuvenating and life changing time, fast forward to today and with reflection I can see that the past couple of years have been a slow build back in to the sex industry world. My Tantra journey has brought me a lot of self awareness around my escorting and it's now from that place I feel ready to embark on this next stage. I feel great about it and that of course is the best place to do this work from.

I'm also embracing the openness it, I don't want to be in the shadows anymore. I'm not ashamed of this part of my life and by embracing my sexual energy and honouring it I can achieve so much more. Sexual energy is powerful!!

I am feeling empowered, can you tell!?

Love Sari. xx

Wednesday, May 17th 2023
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Sari Rivers
Just quickie......

I've had to change my name AGAIN! I'm moving in a direction where I didn't want to have a name that was already linked to someone else and you may have noticed there was already a Sari Fox mindset coach so to avoid any legal disputes I'm now officially known as Sari Rivers!

I've linked my website on here now so have a look at that for my latest interesting offering.

It's sunny, I'm happy and I'm about to have my morning brew and sit in the garden enjoying the gorgeous scents from the flowering hawthorn bushes, it's the best way to start to the day.

Lots of love
Sari xx
Monday, May 8th 2023
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My old videos
Hello my lovelies

It's another bank holiday weekend, did any of you watch the coronation? I watched a little of it with a slight hangover after celebrating Friday nights full moon with a fire and a little bit too much red wine!

Last week I went on an amazing hike with my beloved! It was intense, challenging and gruelling at times but I felt bloody fantastic at the end of it and the best part was that it quietened my mind. I've been very caught up in the creative process the past few weeks which for me means lots of ideas and hours spent at the laptop, it's difficult to switch my mind off sometimes but after the hike I felt so chilled and relaxed for 2 days and the buzz may have lasted longer if i hadn't have drunk so much red wine on Friday

In other news, I recently rediscovered some of my old videos on a very old laptop of mine. It's a slow beast so it's taken me ages to go through them all and find a couple of suitable ones to upload however now I've hit a problem as they are that old they are very low quality! Does anyone have the skills to enhance these or can anyone recommend a good enhancer app? I've tried imovie and picsart but they are still fuzzy. Any suggestions welcome! :-)

Love Sari. x

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