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Sunday, June 23rd 2024
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MissLusciousLorna ~ Bride of Frankenstein
Hi there

I was recently looking through photographs of a family event and found none of myself that I particularly liked.
No matter how hard I try I struggle to smile properly in them. The minute someone says cheese I manage to twist my face into some kind of hideous grimace! The only ones of me that have a nice smile are the very natural ones when I'm not trying, knowing this I told someone recently to take a photograph quickly so that I didn't have time to think about it but she, very briefly, paused and in that second my smile managed to contort itself so I looked like the bride of frankenstein I know it's easy to keep retaking pictures but the more I try the worse it gets
Perhaps if I practised in the mirror for hours I'd manage something half decent but, to be honest, I have better things to be doing with my life So I'll just go with pot luck and I'll keep adding to my collection of twisted grimacing photos of myself......maybe I'll make a collage of them all

However this is not why I don't have any pictures of my face on here, looking at others photographs not many smile anyway. No, I choose not to for personal reasons and is the same reason I don't allow any photography or videoing. Once you make a mistake like that you're not likely to ever make it again.

Lorna x
Wednesday, June 12th 2024
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MissLusciousLorna ~ Boobs too big!
Hi there

I was recently visited by a lovely man who wanted to give me a massage.....well who was I to refuse?
He covered every inch of my back, legs and arms including fingers! Even my feet received the treatment along with every single toe.
I do love a foot massage and it reminded me of the time I had booked a reflexology appointment, it was wonderfully relaxing. I felt I was drifting in and out of consciousness in a sort of day dream state when all of a sudden my leg shot straight into the air with my foot narrowly missing kicking her face Needless to say I didn't go back there

The saga of trying to find a new outfit I like goes on. I finally ordered a couple of sexy little numbers online, one in red and the other black. The first problem was the wait, it felt like months since I'd ordered them before they finally arrived. Now, they were both the exact same style, same size and from the same company but when it came to trying them on the black fitted perfectly and the red wouldn't fit over my boobs....I didn't think they were that big
So if you think I mostly wear black perhaps this is part of the reason

Yesterday I ordered something else, lets see how long it takes to arrive!

Lorna x
Sunday, June 2nd 2024
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MissLusciousLorna ~ What roleplay?
Hi there

I've mentioned here once or twice that I do love a bit of roleplay, it's a little bit of escapism and lots of fun. I like to get carried away with the narrative of it despite an odd once or twice finding it hard to keep a straight face

What I'm not so keen on is when I'm asked to choose what the roleplay is going to be.
There's all sorts of factors to be taken into account like what turns someone on, what are the boundaries, do you like to be in control of the narrative or want me to be?

I might suggest a bored housewife who wants to seduce a workman but the person in question has had personal experience of that and is furthest from their wishes or that I'm their boss who is going to be demanding but it turns out that's their everyday and they want to take control.

Roleplay is mostly a personal choice and I find it extremely difficult to read minds It's not so bad if I know the person then I already have an idea of what they like so it's a little easier. I once had someone I'd never met before wanting to argue with me by text because I wouldn't pick a roleplay for them......I'd really rather do neither

Lorna x
Sunday, May 19th 2024
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MissLusciousLorna ~ 2 firsts 1 week!
Hi there

Something happened this week I thought would never happen again! I was introduced to a new sexual position......not only once but twice
The second one was a position for receiving oral which I rather enjoyed, bit difficult to explain so it's easier I just show you in person

I thought my days of firsts were long gone but then I was reminded that every day was, indeed, a new school day

I hope you're enjoying the sunshine and not forgetting the sunscreen. I've managed to give myself too many things to be keeping busy with that I've not had time to chill and enjoy it but I do get itchy feet and like to keep on the go.......I'm my own worst enemy

Lorna x
Monday, May 13th 2024
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MissLusciousLorna ~ Eeny, meeny, miny.....
Hi there

If you've been following my blogs at all you will already know how much I love anal. One of the questions I'm often asked is which do I enjoy best....traditional vaginal sex or anal sex? The simple answer is I have no favourite, both are great!
They're quite different sensations so very difficult to compare but equally enjoyable.

Neither are a must though, I know everyone has their own preferences and that's absolutely fine with me. But if I were given the option of which I wanted I would have to say both because I'm a bit greedy that way

Lorna x
Sunday, April 28th 2024
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MissLusciousLorna ~ Tech problems
Hi there

I really do have to apologise to anyone who tried to contact me on Friday as I couldn't use my phone. The frustrating this was I could see messages coming but couldn't reply to them!

It began with a change that was to make things better and turned into a nightmare
Thankfully all has been sorted with no more problems.......fingers crossed!

Technology hasn't been particularly kind to me all weekend in fact, they do say things come in 3's but that's a lie
I'm hoping I've turned a corner now though and looking forward to a week of things running smoothly.

Lorna x
Monday, April 15th 2024
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MissLusciousLorna ~ Talking of Toys
Hi there

I think I may have mentioned my love of my toys.....maybe just once or twice I do like to use multiple toys together, at least two and ,on the odd occasion, three
It's always fun when others want to help me use them but I have noticed if someone else is using the magic wand on my clit they tend to move it around a lot. Now, don't get me wrong, it's all good and there's no right or wrong way for this but it really doesn't need to be moved. There has been the once or twice I've been really close to a climax when it's moved so much it's come away from my clit altogether and the moment is lost There's definitely enough vibration in that toy to provide all that's needed without being moved an inch!
Now, fingers and tongue are a completely different ball game.....the more they move the better lol

After all that talk of my toys has got me squirming in my seat.....I may just go and check they're working ok.....

Lorna x

Wednesday, April 10th 2024
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MissLusciousLorna ~ A lot of nothingness
Hi there

I am so looking forward to the weekend! Not for any big reason, there's no special event happening, no big night out, no trip away......and that's exactly why I can't wait.
The past month and a half have been filled with nights out, fun trip away and family stuff, every weekend has been jam packed with good stuff but I'm now in desperate need of a whole lot of nothingness. My feet will be up, comfys on and I'll watch a movie or two or perhaps even a dozen and just relax.

On a wee side note I thought I'd just take the opportunity to say I have nothing to do with the new feature which has appeared on my page here and I don't seem to be able to remove it.....despite supposedly being my own content creator
Asking people for a tip is just a bit too much like begging for my liking

Lorna x
Monday, April 1st 2024
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MissLusciousLorna ~ Not being a killjoy
Hi there

Every so often someone will ask me if I'll have a drink with them when they visit. I used to say I'd have a little just to be polite and only take a sip but I felt it was wasteful and I also wanted to be true to myself.

It's not that I want to be a killjoy or am boring.....believe me I'm anything but boring! It's due to a series of things, safety for myself is high on my list of priorities and if my senses are dulled by alcohol I'm not as aware of what's going on around me. I also don't want my breath to smelling of alcohol for the rest of the day which would be very off putting to others. All that aside I drive home and I definitely don't drink and drive

A very lovely gentleman gave me a great gift recently of a tool to help me take pictures of myself, I'm planning on having a go with it very soon and, who knows, maybe I'll manage to get it to work

Lorna x
Monday, March 25th 2024
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MissLusciousLorna ~ Fantasy or reality?
Hi there

I love to join in on others fantasies, it gives me quite a thrill but sometimes I'm not entirely sure if their suggestions are fantasy or real.

A prime example of that is someone recently telling me they had been thinking how good it would be to have a shower together and I could rub them all over with soap. Instead of joining in with the scenario my head went straight to the practicalities of the suggestion and immediately said 'Have you seen the size of that shower? There's barely room for one!'
The problem is that, unless spoken about beforehand, it can be difficult to know when it's pure fantasy or reality. I've also had occasions where I've joined in and it turns out the person actually wants to do something which isn't possible or it's something I'm not willing to do for real. I don't like to string someone along just to then disappoint so I err on the side of caution.
Either that or it takes my brain a few seconds before clicking into fantasy mode

Lorna x
Tuesday, March 19th 2024
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MissLusciousLorna ~ Off and buzzing!
Hi there

I had a bit of a panic this week!

At the end of last week I changed the batteries in my favourite dildo then packed it away ready to use next time. Yesterday I got it ready for a nice little bit of dp when I was horrified to discover it wouldn't work properly It began to vibrate but the minute I tried upping the speed (fastest for me ) it just switched off. I retried but the same happened until it just wouldn't switch on at all.
I was gutted as I've had it a long time and am pretty sure I won't be able to get the same one again, then it's a case of hoping I can find one I like just as much.....not so easy!

Today I decided to have a proper look at it and was prepared to change batteries just in case of faulty ones when I discovered the top wasn't quite aligned properly and wasn't connecting, once I sorted that it was off and running again.....or should I say buzzing

Lorna x
Monday, March 11th 2024
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MissLusciousLorna ~ Pulsing!
Hi there

After I had children I focused a lot on pelvic floor exercises, the ramifications of not doing so scared me so much! Well, all those times standing doing the dishes and squeezing away have stood me in very good stead in more ways than one.
If the opportunity arises during sex I like to squeeze my pelvic floor so that it tightens, grips and releases multiple times giving a pulsing sensation which has caused many a gasp of pleasure!

I like pleasure a hell of a lot, giving and receiving of course. That's why I love Mondays......and Tuesdays and.......

Lorna x
Monday, February 26th 2024
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MissLusciousLorna ~ Being Bold
Hi there

I've been wondering why I was so hesitant about writing the blog about anal bleaching as it is the blog I have received the most feedback from and none of it negative

I've been told it was funny, informative and honest and it's been nice hearing everyone's comments. In fact I've been thinking I should be more bold in choosing what to write about here in future

On a side note, I paid a visit to my usual store for new outfits and was disappointed at the lack of anything new I liked. Looks like I'm going to have to risk going online and fingers I don't end up with something that looks cheap and nasty!

Lorna x
Sunday, February 11th 2024
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MissLusciousLorna ~ I love that buzz!
Hi there

Every now and then I have to take day off, there's various reasons...a weekend away....family stuff...etc. I go out my way to make sure I don't take a Monday off though, I like Monday's too much.
Last week I had to take Monday off, there wasn't a problem but just something I had to do and no other day would do. I wasn't happy about it but tried to console myself with the thought that it would be nice not to have that Sunday night feeling of having to get up early in the morning.

Turns out I don't have that Sunday night dread of a Monday morning, I actually have a buzz for a Monday morning and I missed it a lot. I then realised how lucky am I! There's probably not that many people that have that and tonight I'm revelling in that very buzz

Lorna x

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