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Monday, September 16th 2019
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Thanks for the support!
Ive come back to County Durham and feel much better for being home after what could have been a pleasant weekend turned into a harrowing one I will never forget. Im still in physical pain down there and now again I get flashbacks of the incident with the Pro Basket ball player but due to him allowing his mouth to run away with him, I know the exact club he plays for and his full name and there is even a photo of him on the club website. So if any fellow escorts are reading this and work Aberdeen, London or anywhere else where he may turn up, please ask and I am happy to pass on the details. No girl should be in pain after a booking (unless she asks) and to take back payment is actually theft. However, clearly the £60 meant a lot more to a wellnpaid professional sportsman than to an average joe bloggs like me trying to make ends meet and treat myself occasionally.
I was really touched by a message from another escort and have joined the forum for escorts and will also post on there about the incident. You know who you are as you read my last blog post so thank you.xxx
I was also contacted by an AW user whom I had never met offering support and checking how I was last night and today. It really proves that there are decent people using the site as well as the bad.
Apart from "the incident" the Aberdeen visit was quite pleasant with several acts of kindness. A client I had met before kindly picked me up from the station and took me to the hotel. The hotel has a somwhat poor reputation but although tired and in need of a refurb I found it pleasant, the staff friendly and not intrusive and they upgraded my room. Had a few timewasters and no shows which as frustrating as it is and why they cant take 20 seconds to text and cancel is beyond me is preferable to what that basketball player did. It was so nice to see clients old and new and is some comfort that they all said they would like to see me again so I must be doing something right or they have very poor taste! A special mention goes to the poor lad I saw on Sunday morning just before I left. He was nervous enough and I was still very upset. I explained what had happened only hours before, with tears pouring down my face and he said if youre not up to it just keep the money and i'll go. Of course I didnt let him do that, he was such a nice lad and I pulled myself together. So in hours I had been abused and hurt both physically and mentally and not worthy of £60 by someone who boasted he had enough to look after his family in London, to a lad who Im guessing earned a lot less and was prepared to leave having not had any services and me keeping the money. Evidence that money really doesnt buy decency and kindness.
Catching the bus back into town, the card reader on the bus wasnt working and the driver said dont worry just take a seat. Maybe he could see the state I was in. I dont know. When I got off the bus I offered to.try again or pay in cash and the driver said youre here now, dont worry about it. All of this kindness is what has made Aberdeen a city I love even since the oil crash. The number of lasses that go has diminisjed but most of the lads are so sweet and well mannered.
I was planning on going back to Aberdeen in early October. At the moment Im not sure. I dont want my memories of Aberdeen to be marred by that Cockney cunt but this incident has affected me. Money must be paid upfront and will be hidden and or put in a mobile safe if on tour. Hopefully I will feel more like myself nearer the time and be back.
Thanks again for all the support everyone. Much appreciated.xxx
Sunday, September 15th 2019
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Here I am in Aberdeen which is a place I usually love to visit but will now be forever marred by an experience I had just over an hour ago. I was alseep, it was past 11pm and the phone rang. I answered and he wanted a booking then. I thought oh ok then. It took him over an hour. He seemed like an honest genuine guy. He said he was a pro basket ball player in London. How true that is I dont know but he was from down south.
He said he was after a massage and i instantly said I dont offer that and he said I know its ok. We got down to it and after he stayed for ages when I just wanted to go to sleep. He was waiting for his bus back to his own hotel near the airport. When it was time to leave he hugged me and said I'll look out for you again. At this point he must have noticed that I had left his fee on the bedside table and he said I dont wanna dis your performance but im gonna jack you. He picked the money up and went for the door. I jumped on his back but couldnt stop him him and not being dressed there was little I could do. I was robbed. I did everything he asked for. I feel violated and yes sexually assaulted.
It has really knocked my confidence. If I didnt have some of the lovely clients I have I really would give up at this point. Karma will catch up with him I hope.
I really appreciated the kind words of a regular client who I turned to, to talk it over with. I would really appreciate all of you decent peoples support right now. Im really angry, hurt and upset.
Tuesday, September 3rd 2019
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Putting the Cum in Cumbria
Quite a few lads have commented on how entertained they are by my blog, so here is another instalment of my rants and ramblings of escort life.
Last week I went back to Cumbria where I started all those moons ago. I never get back over as often as I (and maybe some of you Gents) would like. Sadly, I didn't get to see a few of my regulars of old that I had arranged to see due to various reasons but I did see a couple of guys who have known me for some years now. I wasn't firing on all cylinders on the Tuesday which meant I arrived a day later than planned and it transpired that I had missed out on a curry in Egremont which was very disappointing as those who know me, will be aware, I am particularly partial to a curry! That disappointment aside, it was nice to see that my absence has made the cocks grow fonder and I couldn't get to see everyone who had enquired. I did meet some new clients and very nice they were too. I do hope I impressed enough to see them again soon. In fact, I had such a good time I am thinking about coming back Monday and or Tuesday to see those who missed out last week. Of course I am happy to meet the lads I did see last week again but dont want you to break the bank! I will be back towards the end of the month for sure pending any domestic disaster here in Consett.
This week is oil week in Aberdeen and it pains me that I just couldnt get there. The city comes alive and unfortunately with it so do the accommadation prices. I am looking at coming up Friday 13th until Sunday 15th so please drop me a line or txt if you are interested. I do love that city!
I was also asked to visit Chester and as it is such a beautiful place, I am considering it. Anyone from that neck of the woods interested please get in touch.
Here in Consett been messed about a bit (you didnt think you could read a blog post of mine without a whinge did you?). Sunday someone booked for 6.30pm. I heard nothing after getting ready and no show so got changed again and got some dinner to receive a text. Sorry Inwas busy but I can come round now. Er....no you cant. I have a life thank you and not even a word of can I postpone or cannot make it is downright disrespectful and unnacceptable. To those people who exercise this train of thought. Do not treat me like this as I am not desperate enough to put up with it. Consett- you will find your opportunities to see me increasingly limited as I will go to places where I am treated like a human being with a life and feelings!
Saturday, August 10th 2019
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Clients new and old.
So here we are in the middle of the Summer. Has been a busy one for me but not in terms of AW. I haven't had much time for it to be honest and decent sensible clients are somewhat thin on the ground here in County Durham. Either that or they have more taste!!
I will be back in West Cumbria late Tuesday 27th until Thursday 29th August if that is of any interest to the Cumbrian lads.
I have also been asked when I am back in Aberdeen and it has certainly been a while. I found some ideal dates at the beginning of September but was taken aback at the sharp increase in prices. I then realised it was oil week. Deen is always buzzing during these days so would love to be there. If anyone has a flat I could rent or know of any reasonably priced accommadation, please let me know. Otherwise I will either wait for a last minute deal or have to put it off. I have to meet my costs plus extra so the lower the costs, the more likely I am to make it!!
I am still looking for other locations and of course need to get back down to Kent. I met some lovely lads down there and can't wait to see them again.
Would there be much demand in Teeside for me or other areas of the North East? Please let me know.
Still had folks trying to bargain on my prices or wanting 15 minutes despite me clearly saying I am not prepared to do this. I have also been asked about services which I clearly do not offer on my profile. I put as much detail on my profile as possible and do expect it to be read to avoid unnecessary messages and timewasting. As written above I am just too busy with other commitments for this.
Hopefully seeing you all soon, clients new and old!
Thursday, May 9th 2019
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Getting about a bit.
Hello again. A busy time of year for me but it gets my thoughts put out to you all so that you can message me with your requests as I do have a tendancy to get 'get about a bit' and then many of you don't get to see updates on my profile as I am.not in the area at the time.
As things stand I will not be coming to Aberdeen this weekend unless I have enough interest to do so. As for all tours, I need to cover my cost ss well as it being worthwhile for me. I am reluctant to go anywhere on the off chance. So if you are about this weekend and would like me to come up to Deen please get in touch! If I don't go to Aberdeen, their loss will be County Durhams gain.
I have also looked at going back to Kent. I had a good receotion there and met some nice lads who have requested my return. However, the above still applies so please get in touch to make arrangements and try and sort something out.
Finally, my original area in Cumbria. Oh how I have neglected you over the Winter. Getting back has been very difficult due to various reasons but pending any disaster, I will be coming over on 21st June and.staying over until 22nd July. It would be great to see as many of you as possible.
So, back to my usual whinging about clients. My blog just wouldn't be the same without it. So, I have had a message asking about wrestling. Anyone who had read my profile would know that this is something I would not partake in. I am a fat lass but vanilla does not involve throwing people to the floor and theatricals. There is also a lad who has made 4 bookings so far and has bottled every time. This is timewasting. Just leave me alone. I have said I am not prepared to arrange another booking without payment jn advance. Therefore no show and I still get paid. Needless to say his response was 'I'll just leave it thanks.' Aye I bet you will bonny lad. Very sad that someone gets off and thinks it is acceptable to keep wasting someones time.
On a final note, if my phone number isn't showing it doesn't mean I amnot available but I haven't paid for credits for it to be shown or people haven't viewed my private gallery. I'm not that popular!lol. So, please don't let that out you off and check my profile what I offer page for availability. I try to keep the first sentences updated.
I look forward to hearing from you all regarding tours and seeing everyone back in Cumbria soon!x
Sunday, March 24th 2019
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How thoughtless? An absolute liability
I am in a state of shock. In almost 10 years of escorting in various locations throughout the UK, I have never encountered someone so stupid as to bring their dogs with them to a booking AND NOT EVEN MENTION IT!!! I am aware the lad snorts cocaine and told me tonight he had been drinking which I said I was not happy about and I do not want any trace of any drugs on my premises. He got someone to drop him off nearby so who knows what he told them. I opened my door and a terrier was running over my front step. He said can I put the dogs in your back garden. NO YOU CAN'T!! GO AWAY and I locked the door. I am a dog lover myself and have no problem with dogs at all but to a booking???Someone you have never met before?! This idiot now knows where I live and I am worried what thoughtless deed he will conduct next. I have told him never to contact me again even minus the drink drugs and dogs. Absolutely unbelievable.
Then I have a lad who keeps on and on trying to get a bargain basement. I have told him more than 10 times I do not do special offers or 15 minutes. I have blocked his number and numerous aw profiles but he just sets up more and starts harassing me again. He pretends that he has never seen an escort before but he isn't particularly intelligent either and lets things slip and I know exactly who he is. It doesn't matter how much I tell him he continues in the same vein. It is pitiful really. I have told him to look elsewhere so many times.
The worst of all is Wolsingham Timewaster who has been renamed as the Wolsingham Psycho. I have written before about his appalling before and verbal abuse. Last weekend it was the worst I have ever known and again for the first time am contemplating taking out an injunction against him. He called me various derrogatory names but his favourite was childish lunatic who wasn' taking her meds. I do suffer from depression and anxiety and yes I do take medication so this behaviour was deplorable. It was all because he had text me last Saturday asking when I was next available. I said the following Monday and Tuesday. This isn't what he wanted to hear so text me on Sunday whilst I was eating my lunch and then getting ready for my regular full time job. He then rang when i said no. I told him I was getting ready for work and again he said can't you see me now. I can only see you today. For the third time I said no. He then got aggressive and started having what can only be described as a toddler tantrum and being extremely abusive. He has done this before and I know he will get in touch in a couple of months like nothing has happened and it awas all a misunderstanding. It is not a misunderstanding. I told him and meant when I said I thought he was a sociopath. I have blocked his number on my phone for calls and texts and had already blocked his profile on aw. I sought advice on how to take out an injunction but hope the blocking will be enough. He is unhealthily obsessed with me and I want nothing to do with him whatsoever. He doesn't know my address but i do know his. Sadly, I know this isn't the last of this torture. All of the above make me sit and cry and ask myself whether this is worth it. Times like these make me just want a genuine hug.
I was reminded of why I kept going when I heard from one of the Aberdeen lads asking if I would go back North as there was a shortage of good lasses up there. He said the sex was amazing with me and like having sex with a friend not like other escorts. I was really flattered and touched and came at the right time. Of course I will try and get back up to you all in Deen soon. I do love it up there. I had explained the psycho situation to a seasoned punter who has been on the scene for some time who said it was karma. I guess he was right.x
Friday, March 1st 2019
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Frolics in Folkestone
I thought it was maybe time for another one of my blog posts.
As advertised I was down in Folkestone for work for a fortnight and took the opportunity in the evenings to meet the local lads! I had messaged another bbw working down there but the message was read with no reply. This demonstrated to me that us lasses up north are much friendlier and do message each other from time to time about business and clients as I am aware that lads do about us lasses and the services we offer. Needless to say I had no problems taking her business as she couldn't be bothered to reply!
I met some lovely lads down there and as is so often the case, I couldn't see everyone and was asked if I would go back. Folkestone really is some distance away and it is unlikely I will be back unless I need to undertake further training in my proper job! I did see one man twice and I was very flattered until he shorted me ten pounds. I thought this was a dirty trick to play given he had already seen me once and was well aware of the prices. He has made no effort to pay the difference. So he is fortunate that it is unlikely I will be down in the area as refusal of service never sits well with people!
Talking of refusal of service I had a lad who was wanting to try the escorting scene for the first time. I had no problem with this and have seen many punting virgins over the years! However, he turned up loitering outside my house and asking for face pics cos he was nervous. This isn't acceptable. Discretion is a must and messing a lass about in this way isn't fair. I had spent time getting ready as well as accommodating his request for the booking to be brought forward. Y an hour. He then said he would return in an hr and didn't show. Then he tried again the following morning and was refused service. If you are visiting for the first time you are bound to be nervous and so are we!! Many lasses don't put their face on and we have our reasons for this. We also have no idea what you look like!! If a face pic is a must for you, I am not for you. You must not book unless you are entirely sure I am what you are looking for. On this occasion I actually lost another booking due to this messing about.
I really wish some of you lads would treat us with respect. I have a life and work a regular job full time. I try as far as possible to keep my availability updated in the first line of my profile and too often it is the case this hasn't been read. If you can't even be bothered to read the first line of my profile, please tell me why I should make the effort for you?! I do not need to do this out of necessity and I think this is often forgotten amongst you. I'll just leave that out there.
I will be back in Gloucester for the Cheltenham Festival and although time will be very limited I will try and see as many of you as I can.x
Thursday, January 24th 2019
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Tough at the Top
I realise it's been a long time since I last wrote a blog post and a lot has happened. Events which I thought, oh I could write about that, I have probably forgotten about.
Firstly, I must apologise to the guys in Cumbria. It has been a long time since I was back over West. The weather puts me off. I am trying to muster the strength to brave the cold or it will be March or so before I make it back over.
Just before Christmas I was back in Edinurgh before an early flight and although I didn't get to see anyone, I was really flattered that some of my regular clients in Fife requested to see me again. I will try and get up there soon. Will be lovely to see some of you again.
In February I will be training in Folkestone, so look forward to experiencing some of the southern comforts on offer.
March takes me back to Gloucester/Cheltenham for the racing festival. Available time will be limited but I will do my best to see as many of you as I can.
The same old issues continue at home. I write a profile to give as much information as possible. I also try to keep the first line of my profile up to date with my availability. It therefore gets frustrating when I am asked if I am available and it clearly states I am not or asked for a service I do not. An example of this was a potential client asked for a service I didn't offer. I told him so and he said he would write bad feedback for being a timewaster. He had already cancelled twice already before this time. This is ridiculous and told him if he did so I would do the same for him. I am still to receive said feedback but was angry that I try to be as honest as possible with people.
I also have one client who I was prepared to give one final chance before Christmas. I then spoke to him on the phone and for the upteenth time decided to ask for a christmas discount!! I am not a bargain basement and if you ask for it you either don't deserve to see me or you can't afford to see me so don't insult me by asking. He keeps setting up new profiles and pretending he is new. I know damn well who he is as he is the only one who behaves in such an unacceptable manner. His phone number is also blocked. This leads me on to serial callers and texters. If I do not answer the phone like everyone else, I am busy. Therefore do not ring over and over again. This also goes for texts. It really isn't rocket science to realise if I don't reply I am not available to speak. As a direct result of such a lack of discretion, I have had to leave my AW phone at home whilst I am at work. This means even less time to make arrangements.
Anyway, happy new year folks and I hope to see as many of you as possible in 2019.xx
Friday, August 3rd 2018
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BigBustyBrunette2 back on tour 2018
Evening all!
I know it has been over 7 months since my last blog post. I'm sure I have plenty to share and it may take several posts as I am bound to forget all my tales in this post.
The biggest news is that after a few years of being a home bird, I have decided to go back on tour at my two favourite locations:Gloucester and Aberdeen. The details are on my profile page or the tours page. Bookings are being taken now. I look forward to seeing you all again. I just hope you all remember me! I am willing to try new places as demand dictates so if any of you Gents feel that I am neglecting you, let me know your location and whether it is worth me paying a visit to your home town.
I shall be back in Cumbria next week. Hopefully Tues through to Thurs. Please do not mess me arounfld guys. It just messes everything up for me and for others. I am still desperate for some new and replacement photos. I know the fully clothed ones on the fells from when I first started are missed so if anyone can help next week I would be grateful and have a couple of other ideas as well.
I had another run in with the Wolsingham timewaster with attitude. I was going to give him one last chance and gave me attitude again so that is game over for him. This is a reminder that this is just additional funds for me to enjoy my hobbies more. I am not desperate or do this full time. I work full time.in a decent job and this allows me to pick and choose who I see. You need to sell yourself to me as I do to.you. bad manners and the classic "are you free" text are unlikely to endear yourselves to me. This is in addition to the "do you do 15 mins". No I do not. I have had one lad who played a soft story and so I gave in and has harassed me ever since for 15mins and even trying the I'll book 30 mins only to get the oh I've only got 30 on me. That means you can't afford it then doesn't it! Frankly I would not embaress myself in that position! I don't people coming in and out of my house like a drs surgery and 15 mins is hardly a decent time for anything. My prices are on my profile so if I am asked for prices assume you have not bothered to read my profile and there is a high chance I am not for you. I am.not the classic porn star dolled up kind of girl, more the natural girl next door kind of lass.
I have also today verified myself again. Why this has to be renewed I don't know, but in case there was any doubt in anyones mind, I am me and hope this verification gives the reassurance I am a genuine English Girl.
Tuesday, December 12th 2017
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Tinsel and timewasters
So I do now have a few outfits here in Consett including boots and stockings.
I am annoyed that I should have had 5 bookings today and every one of them was a bo show. These are my days off from my full time job and I have other things to attend to as anyone does.
The first was someone who was early and i wasnt ready so asked if he could give me 5 mins to finish getting ready and refused to answer the phone or respond to text messages after that. Hardly unreasonable as I was ready on time. The second fell asleep and the others just didnt bother. I often wonder whether it is time to give up or just stick to regular reliable clients.
My topntimewaster from Weardale came back to haunt me again and I gave him another chance. Needless to say he let me down again as Insaid I should get home from work at around 7pm and text him that I was leaving work at 18.40. He didnt reply and of course didnt show up. I hoped this would be the last of it but alas he started again last week when I would not do an outcall with no notice as i was due on nightshift in 2 hours, I got a load of abuse and the twisting of facts because he didnt get his own way. I have told him repeatedly to look elsewhere and for me to even consider seeing him he would need to pay in total in advance. Of course, he isnt genuine so he will never do tha. It ended on him telling me to stop messaging him. My last text merely said thank you and goodbye. He needed the last word and who am I to deny him this so gladly did so. I sincerely hope he stops harassing me. I am not interested.
I received a phone call this afternoon from someone who had just asked his friend for an escort number. He had no details about me, what I looked like or my rates. I said so you are not interested in who you are seeing or what they like? I refused service.
My last whinge is being asked for details which are on my profile. My rates are on my profile and try to keep up to date with my availability. This saves wasting everyones time. It is getting to the stage that some og these messages are being ignored as I just dont have the time to reoeat myself over and over again.
It was nice to see clients from Cumbria when I was back over last week and hope to be back over there again soon
I am still looking for some photos but would prefer it if it was someone with some experience in this area.
Hope everyone has a nice Christmas and look forward to meeting new genuine clients and old. Timewasters- i wish I had your time but would put it to better use than irritating and disturbing others!!
Thursday, November 16th 2017
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Cumming to Consett
I have now been in Consett for just over 2 months. I have met some lovely people but as usual I have also come across the not so nice and timewasters.
You've got to love the timewasters for their perserverance. I have been valled numerous times by someone who claims they are a marine and would like to book me for 2 hours or more. This is has gone on for years and when it comes to the day is nowhere to be heard! He tries to get free photos etc to no avail. He has now tried to contact me in Consett but I am now ignoring his calls and unfortunately this is now the fate of some others as well.
This week I was called a liar and had caused offence by someone in Weardale who a few weeks ago had plagued me with text messages to see me on my day off and I was out busy with day to day business. He kept on asking when I would be home and even said he could be at my house when I returned!! This is totally unacceptable and my private life should be respected as I respect yours. He completely stressed me out that Sunday and then made a booking last week to then just disappear just one hour before his booking after a text saying he was going to the bank. This week I got an apology for disappearing and wasting my time and subsequently letting some of my reliable, long standing clients in Cumbria down. Not entirely believing the "i dropped my phone on the way to the bank" story, I explained that I was told all sorts of tales by timewasters and refer to the "marine" above. He said if he wasnt genuine he would not have got back in contact and in now way harassed me the other Sunday and did not have a problem with offering to be at my home when I returned from the shops. He accused me of being a liar and offensive and I should read my messages properly. I must regularly delete my messages as i get so many pointless and meaningless messages that my inbox gets full very quickly. In order to make a booking all that is required is a date/time/length of booking and what you are looking for is fine. Constant harassment asking when I will be home etc is not on and I am VERY ANGRY with this individual, especially when I told him to look elsewhere and he continued to try and pick a fight with me. I ignored his further messages. I cannot be bothered and have better things to do with my time. Please bear in mind, this is more like a hobby to me. I do not need to do it and am certainly not desperate. I can pick and choose who I see and if you are rude or I am not impressed with your attitude or how you speak to me, I will not see you. Respect goes both ways. I am polite to you as long as you are to me.
I have had another dreamer who wanted an overnight at Ramside Hall and gave me all sorts of instructions on what he wanted. I was rightfully sceptical. As soon as the call ended he continued to text me about his large cock and what we would do with no intention of a booking. His texts were ignored and needless to say the overnight booking was all just a figment of his imagination.
I have had a couple of offers for photographs but my stockings and heels are still in Cumbria despite me having bought some new bits over the last few weeks. I am coming back to Cumbria on Sunday to pick up some more stuff. Of course if any of you Cumbrian Gents would like to see me, you are more than welcome!
Please watch this space for some more photos soon!x
Wednesday, October 4th 2017
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Nightmare neighbours...
Once again I have neglected the blog which I know keeps you boys entertained far and wide across the Country. I am glad my chaotic and life and daily mishaps can make you all chuckle.
I moved from Northumberland due my nightmare neighbour. I have never lived next door to someone so noisy. That and the fact I was convinced he was Nasty Nick from Eastenders and was always waiting for him to say "hello Ma".
So after a tough month in August and my usual car failures, I moved to County Durham near Consett. It has been a mixed bag so far. Ive met some lovely new clients who I hope to see again and then there are those who make me question why I even bother. Ignorant and rude, quite often lead to personal insults being thrown at me and last night and today I have been threatened. If you wish to report me to the police or write bad reviews about me either on here or your "network" please do so. I only see this as a reflection on you. I am a decent down to earth girl who works a full time job, runs 2 houses and do this as a hobby really, not to fund a drug or alcohol habit or because I am unable to do anything else. I expect to be treated with respect and with manners. If you fail to do this, I am not prepared to see you. I do not hvave men coming in and out of my home like a drop in centre. If you are wasting my time by asking my rates, how old I am and for pictures, all of which are on my profile, only highlights to me you have not bothered to read my profile. Therefore I do not see this as a genuinely interested client.
For some reason I cannot upload profile pictures but there are 3 in my public gallery and a further 31 in my private gallery. There are also videos. If you cannot afford the 2.40 for my private gallery and you expect me to send further photos (which I will not do), then I will again question your seriousness about a booking. I really hope the quality of clientele in Durham improves but if not it was lovely to be back in Cumbria for a month where I was inundated and thanked for coming home by my old (not in age of course!) regulars. It's nice to know I am appreciated somewhere!! I still plan on coming back for odd days and will try and update on AW when I am back. Please also contact me in advance if you wish to see me but please bear in mind I am 2 hours away so if I make a special trip, I will need a guarentee you still want your booking.
Weather permitting I also definitely need to get some more photos sorted as so many got lost when my profile was hacked. I need to arrange this with my photographer in Cumbria. However if there are also keen togs in Durham I am open to offers.x
Sunday, January 22nd 2017
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Coming full circle
It has been ages since I posted here and has been a busy time. I left Fife after a year when offered a transfer to where I call home the North East of England. I still have my place in West Cumbria and do need to get back there soon.
Of course moving again means that things have been busy for me personally (although I am generally) and the escorting has been quiet.
However, as usual and as I find when I move to a new area, teething problems arise such as lads asking for bookings immediately which I cant do as I work full time on shifts so on my days off I need to do things like normal people would do. Also on the theme of my regular full time job, lads have rung repeatedly when I am not available and causing embaressment for me. Surely it is common sense that if I do not answerthe phone it means I am busy and not available. Ringing every 15 mins or more regularly just isnt productive. I also received a message saying simply "a booking". I find this rude and have no idea how to respond. What about a booking? Is it reaaly so difficult to write a polite message detailing your requirements? If you cannot be bothered, why should I be? Just as you judge me by my profile, I judge you by your contact with me. I am fortunate that I am not desperate, I do not rely on money from escorting and as such pick and choose who I see. If I don't like the message, I will not see you. Other requests are will you give me a blow job for a tenner. The response was what planet are you on? I was also asked on a seperate occasion was offered a few lines if I took a late night booking. I do not do drugs and do not want to be near them under any circumstances. If I suspect you are involved in drugs in anyway I will not see you and if you are with me the booking will be terminated at your cost. Drugs are your choice, but do not involve me.
I was surprised one night before Christmas by a client I had met several times on my Aberdeen trips. He had travelled south to pick something up. It was a pleasant surprise and do miss those trips to Aberdeen. On the whole the lads are lovely.
I do desperately need to build my profile up again and do need some more photos and videos. One gent said he loved the pics of me when I first started in cumbria wearing boots and Jeans and just being myself. Im not a fancy porn star, i am very much the girl next door. So if there is anyone in the North east that can help with the photos please let me know!.
Saturday, March 5th 2016
Previous Entry 
You cannot be serious!!
I am so sick and tired of how I get treated, I thought I would give you a flavour of what a day in my life of escorting was like. It started with drunken calls through the night which were obviously ignored. I was called at 12pm by someone wanting a booking at 2pm. This was very short notice but i got everything ready. He then asked for a sbower when he got here. You really should turn up clean and ready to go as this just eats into my time, which it seems you think I have an abundance of. He then decided not to turn up at all and not let me know, so it was all for nothing. I then got a call at 3.30pm calling for a booking with half an hour notice!!!As if this was not bad enough, he then declared he wanted me all dressed up to the nines and run around like a blue arsed fly for him, because he couldn't be bothered to give me sufficient notice. I said no and would need sufficient notice if he had special requests.
I am also frequently asked if men can see me as a friend with benefits. NO!! I do this so that I get something out of it as many of you lads are selfish and just want to satisfy yourselves. If you pay me this is fine. I do not want fuck buddies, so please.do not cause yourselves the embaressment of asking as the answer is no.
If you do not turn up for a booking without cancelling and you want to make another booking, there will be an additional charge of £20 for letting me down without notice. Be mindful of thia before you contact me again. If you dont want to pay this, dont contact me again and look elsewhere for service.
I am sorry to the decent and honest clients I see. I value you and appreciate your consideration no end and as a result you get far more from me than the thoughtless/selfish clowns desbribed above!

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