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Monday, January 20th 2020
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Here it is!

Happy 2020 to everyone for starters!

Here's a long overdue blog. Well, 2019 was an amazing year for me. It came and went so fast I didn't even notice when it ended. I had a lot of fun both touring and working from home. Entertaining all those lovely gents whom I've been meeting for the last few years now, and those that I met for the first time. I feel very flattered that you chose me out of all the beautiful women out there:)

Which is why I would like to say thank you for making our RDVs so special and so enjoyable. Also, I would really like to say thank you to all those who have been spoiling me with presents. Thank you for flowers, chocolates, lingerie, wine... Icecream (I loved it!). Thank you to those who know how much I love my raspberries, and my Perrier and St Pellegrino. And all the cards, perfume, and other tokens of affection I'm certainly forgetting here. And I always feel very flattered by those of you who make appointments with me for your birthdays and special occasions, I am really happy to see that you want to celebrate in my company!

One of the main reasons I enjoy my job that much is because I get to meet so many interesting, funny and great guys who know how to treat me. Meeting and entertaining like-minded gents allows me to be myself, relaxed and natural, and I truly hope that my services are up to your expectations! I am much looking forward to 2020 being at least as good as 2019, or even better. And I wish you the same.
Wednesday, June 13th 2018
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It's hot out there...
It's all in the title:)

I love summer.
I love the sun. Sun brings the best out of me. My happy mood and my will to share my overwhelming feeling of wellbeing with others.

I love feeling my face touched by hot rays of sunshine, and I love feeling my body bathe in warm temperature. Actually, the hotter the better.

Hot weather also makes my sex drive sky rocket. I just get hot... A lot... Heat awakens all of my senses. Heightens my desires. Makes me even more responsive to my lover's touch... Makes me crave intimacy and keeps my sexuality permanently on the edge...

I love the hot spontaneous summer sex and I love the way that the heat works its sexual magic on me...

I hope to see you soon:)

Ps: I have a good fan to keep us chilled:)
Wednesday, February 21st 2018
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Long time no see...
Hello my little blog friend,

I have been a bad friend to you. Sorry, mate:)
Well, this one is long overdue and I was recently told that if I don't write something here I may get a good spanking (good morning, Mister!)
The whole spanking threat comes from Glasgow when I toured 2 weeks ago. I was very happy to go back there, and thank you all for coming seeing me, it was really lovely to catch up again after such a long time! I promise I will come back more often, especially now that spring is coming so I'm out of my hybernating mode:)
There's a lot of good things about Glasgow. It's a lovely city with lovely gentlemen, very nice city centre and great restaurants. And the hotel beds are top quality. That poor bed in my room was very solid, I've had it thouroughly tested with a few of you. It also so happened that a wonderful friend of mine happened to be in Glasgow at the same time as me, and we decided to put the bed through even more testing during a torrid threesome... The bed did not even move! Very very impressed! I was thinking about complimenting the hotel on tripadvisor but, well, not sure it goes with my "discretion is paramount" policy:)))
My friend and I may occasionally be able to treat some of you to our explosive duo. Trust me, it's a "mind blowing" experience;))))

Have a lovely day and see you soon,
Charlotte xxx
Wednesday, May 18th 2016
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Morning thoughts...
Good Morning, and an early one too.

A few very random and very early thoughts on my latest whereabouts... while I'm sitting on my bed sipping coffee from this very crazy mug I got for my birthday:)))

So far May has been absolutely lovely. Well it is my birthday month plus full blown spring month so my mood is a sort of complete bliss and happiness. My frequent walks in the park plus occasional stops for a glass of wine have contributed to this whole feeling of peaceful ivresse and don't be surprised when you call me if you hear me saying that I may need a bit of notice, I have been restless really.
Spring tends to wake me up and I feel sensual and passionate and playful even more than usual. I also had an amazing time escorting this week, intense and torrid meeting with a gentleman who took my breath away for quite the rest of the day (I know he will read this). Plus quite a lot of fun on the phone chat, especially the one I had with a role play over the phone and it was just incredible.
Being insomniac has a big advantage of giving me plenty of time so you'll be soon noticing a few changes on my profile, especially in the role play and phone chat department. Plus my new blog that will be upcoming with my very own and almost-ready website, quite an adventure since I have decided to learn and do the whole thing myself so that I get exactly what I want down to each tiniest detail. It's very creative and learning to make websites is something I've always wanted.
Well right now I'm off for an early shower and then watch the latest GoT episode. See, you already know what my next blog will be about:))))

Charlotte xoxo
Saturday, May 7th 2016
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Shall I tease you? Tie you?
Good Afternoon,

Yes. It is indeed a picture of strawberries I just had for lunch.
I have been developing my role plays and somehow it naturally led to giving more attention to Tie&Tease sessions.
For me it's above all the Teasing part. I am a real flirt and tease and I love playing and I guess this is how I ended trying out T&T a few times. Loved it. My "subjects" loved it too.
Why strawberries? Well I have decided to sort of "customise" my Tie&Tease. I am a real gourmande of course. So while sure I will Tie you I will also introduce different sensations feeding you fruit or licking something off you (ice cream? Honey?), I just want both of us to have fun experimenting various savours and sensations.
The thing I most certainly don't like though is any form of domination, giving pain etc. I am sensual, I thrill on the feeling of the 2 bodies coming together but there's things that are just not for me and don't turn me on.
Now running my fingers slowly all over you while your eyes are blindfolded or slowly feeding you a sweet strawberry that's really my thing...:)

Charlotte xoxo
Friday, May 6th 2016
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What Tigers like best!
Hello Gents,

This week I haven't been up to much. Working, escorting and going for long walks soaking in as much sun as possible, hydrating myself with a pims every now and then or mojito. So far so good...
But this is not what I want to talk about. Back to the topic, Charlotte!
I had a booking with an absolutely lovely gentleman yesterday who requested one of my role plays, the "could I use your shower" one. I am definitively going through my role plays period. I used to offer those oral sessions that I stopped, obviously blow jobs are still my number one talent but... Back to role plays: I do not offer too many but I just love acting out the ones I offer, jumping into a skin of a horny wife or a lonely single woman seducing her neighbour just from the very moment I open the door, it is refreshing and exciting and so much fun!
I always give indications by text because I need my partner to play the game just as well. So yesterday, we start, chat, follow the scenario and get to that part when I start the whole "slide my fingers down his trousers" thing and sexy smiles and hint at us "getting naughty, I will not tell your wife". And my lovely client just goes for it! So I start giggling say "hey you're supposed to resist at least a bit" and he says "oh but i just have no will power" and the next second we were in my bedroom!
Sure he did have a REAL shower but that was once we were done being naughty. And sure, I won't tell his wife hahaha.
Have a lovely day,
Charlotte xoxo
Sunday, May 1st 2016
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The Rooster and the Donkey
Good Morning,

Insomnia is making me creative;) So I thought I would share a few thoughts with you... About animals this time...

I am much of the rooster and the donkey person.
I know, right now you must think my taste is quite weird and why on earth would I be into these two... Well..
Let me explain myself.
My English is good. Well I like to believe that it is very good even, my accent is not too bad either. However sometimes I make mistakes... So I thought I would give you a small explanation.
Recently I was trying to compliment a lovely gentleman by implying I do not see idiots but lovely people only. Turned out I told him I wouldn't see him because he was an idiot:)
Then there is our "dommage" which is "shame" and in English translates in most situations as "it's too bad"... I used to often "shame" people until I started being more careful about it...
Now yesterday I was trying to explain to a dear friend of mine the whole rooster and donkey story. My friend just thought I am mental. The whole situation was fairly funny because I was there having coffee and chatting with my mates, kept changing topics, just JUMPING FROM TOPIC TO TOPIC and of course told them I apologise I always go from the rooster to the donkey... There was this complete moment of silence as I was with native English speakers so I started explaining and explaining and just kept getting deeper and deeper into my own grave...
True, our "Sauter du coq à l’âne" only translates as jumping from topic to topic in conversation. And that's a thing I kind of enjoy doing too. I am not always easy to follow but at least no chances of falling asleep in my company, sure as hell I will keep you...awake:)

Enjoy your Sunday;)
Charlotte xoxo
Thursday, April 28th 2016
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Oops! I did it again!!!
Rain rain go away..

I was there, sitting and sipping my lovely Pinot when my phone rang. I pick up and hear this absolutely lovely warm woman's voice, deep, vibrating, promising... Oh well! You all know how the story starts and how the story ends: I kissed a girl (everywhere and more than kissed), I liked it (I LOVED it), I am addicted and the girl in question was all softness and seduction and just what I needed on that cold rainy afternoon.
I am very eclectic. I like to simply pick up as I go, choose whatever suits me when it suits me and be open to opportunities without prejudice. I guess this is why I am bisexual because it is not about whether those lips belong to a man or a woman, it is about how those lips talk-smile-kiss. I love those warm, deep, vibrating voices full of promises full of desire full of laughter (no commas here, I know). And eyes, I love that deep look and those funny tiny laughing wrinkles we all have when we smile and suddenly the whole world stops turning.
Well yes, I am back. This is me jumping from one subject to another but basically still to the point: being myself. Tremendously enjoying each moment of my life. Loving escorting and each other of my daily activities. Binge watching Netflix, reading Le Monde before going to sleep, going for my daily walks and drinking way too much coffee in the morning. So now it's 22:30 and I am wide awake thank god sharing my thoughts with the world here.
see you soon
Charlotte xoxo
Friday, June 12th 2015
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Of Women and Dragons
Here's a little update on my recent whereabouts.

So I did it! Yes I ordered the entire Game of Thrones book series.

The books are supposed to be even better than the show and while I was at it (ordering the books I mean), I also ordered a few sets of new lingerie. Yes, today has started very well!

Dragons and swords are just what I like best. I may not know much about Oriental myths and culture but I've always been amazed by mystical creatures of power. And dragons' capacity to fly immensely speaks to my imagination.

Today is Friday and of course I can't wait for Sunday's S5 Finale. A while back I wrote about my admiration for Claire Underwood, I haven't mentioned yet my sympathy for the "dark and twisted/bright and shiny" Meredith Grey; at the moment I am hooked on GoT though I wouldn't choose one female character in particular, I rather enjoy the inextricably complex female power games in the show.

It's great to have so many TV shows featuring independent strong willed females. I'm saying this and laughing thinking about that poster for "Un moment d'egarement" (Ouch, can't find accents on my Qwerty keyboard!) we just had in France, it doesn't even mention the actresses' names, just the actors'!
As I said I don't really have any preferences when it comes to GoT ladies. I even started to like Sansa recently, she is growing less passive and hopefully will turn malevolent:) Women in GoT dominate the scene. Whether through reigning, plotting, whoring, poisoning, getting married (and then poisoning), you name it, those women take control and hold on to it. Whilst men fight and die, men come and go, women remain in power throughout the storyline connecting to each other through blood or allegiance. And when sometimes put into danger, they all find their ways to fight though it.

Which brings me back to dragons. No need to linger on the Queen Mother, the perfect example of how to grab on to each and every inch of power one can get, expand it and hold on to it no matter costs and consequences. But last weekend The Mother of Dragons spread her wings, literally. Daenerys's control over her dragons has occasionally been questioned but last weekend Drogon came to her rescue. The young queen got to ride her dragon and fly away saving herself but also showing control over uncontrollable. A woman taming a dragon is a much more powerful image than a girl riding a poney. A woman mastering a sword is much more appealing than a woman cooking a meal...

Some people say GoT is too much violence and too much politics. Which is true but what I love about GoT is that it doesn't portray women as victims of violence and politics, it rather makes them protagonists. Oh my, I'm getting carried away... All this to say I'd love to have a dragon. Though they must be a nightmare to feed!

Have a lovely weekend, Gentlemen xxx
Thursday, April 16th 2015
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Intoxicating Weather!!!!
Hello Gentlemen,

Spring has suddenly (finally) shown her pretty face and it's just intoxicating me.

By the way, there's a great YSL perfume called Yvresse, originally called Champagne but that caused quite a legal battle and a huge lawsuit that YSL lost so the perfume's name was changed to Yvresse (ivresse = intoxication and well yes, drunkenness but doesn't intoxication sound much better in this gorgeous weather???)

My grandfather who was a pure Corsican used to say that it's a sin to work in a weather like this! This is easier said than done but yes this weather just makes me want to grab a newspaper or a book, buy a glass of rose (no accents on my new laptop) and go sit in the sunshine:)))

And buy or get all things RED! MY new laptop is red of course! My this week's manicure is red as well! I'm planning a red pedicure as well and even thinking about a RED handbag!!!!

This weather is amazing!!! I hope it will last until the end of the Year! I hope it brings smile on your face and makes you feel happy and relaxed and full of energy!!!! Now if you want to burn a bit of that energy with me then well... You know where to find me... Yes I might be wearing RED lingerie of course:)))

Charlotte xxxx

Thursday, March 26th 2015
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Silence is gold. Is it????
Well it looks like I'm keeping up with my procrastination process.

Here's a thing that happened to me a few weeks ago and I'm still thinking about it. I went "mute".

So I have a bit of asthma. Then someone brought those 2 absolutely adorable cutest ever puppies to the office and I had a really weird allergic reaction. Long story short I simply lost my voice for 5 days. Take a remote control, hit mute and there I was. No sound at all.
Being a full time chatterbox this was just awful, I saw a doctor, they said stay home, drink lot of hot tea, honey etc and wait. Right... Wait...
There was only so much waiting I could do while not talking so I resolved to whatever activities I could resolve to while trying not to use my mouth (ok, this sounds a bit dirty...).

Here's a short list of what you can do when you can't TALK:

1) you can TEXT. But there is only so many texts you can send and while people you text are very understanding at first they quickly get annoyed and then they CALL you telling you to STOP. That's very mean of them since they know very well it's a one way conversation and you won't really be able to reply "oh but I'm so bloody booored please keep replying to my silly texts" So you try to make some sounds and noises trying to express your discontent and then you hear "remember, save your voice!" Mean! Well, mean and smart:)

2) you can watch series. You can start with House of Cards (I've already mentioned this one). You can move on to Game of Thrones and watch all THREE seasons and then keep frenetically posting on Facebook about how you love swords and dragons and would love to have one (one of each). I promise a blog about GoT soon, it's really great. You can watch Homeland once again. You can then move on to your other favorite subject and watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer, True Blood, The Vampire Diaries and The Originals (Yes, I have an extremely eclectic taste).

3) And probably most disastrous of all. You can start with face masks and plucking your eye brows and end up dying your hair! Suddenly when the only option you have is the INTERNAL monologue with yourself to yourself you start thinking why not go from fair blonde to honey blonde... You go for it... Ouch!!! Big ouch like in OMG what now???? Why is it orange blonde???? Sort of prison uniform that glows in the dark???? Well then you think why not go back to your fair blonde? Was it Britney Spears who said "Oops I did it again"? Well it was a bloody big oops!

The first thing I did once I got my voice back was a visit to a lovely fellow French hairdresser. I got a lovely color back and kind of shortish cut since we had to save whatever there was left of my hair to be saved. It took almost 5 hours and I did all the talking. Boy it felt good:))))

On a more serious note I can't imagine my life without being able to talk. I cannot imagine how difficult life must be for those who cannot talk at all. NEVER. Im not exactly a charity person, I won't give money to people in the street since I never know if it's for food or drugs. I'd rather buy them a sandwich. I always try to help here and there, it just seems to be the right thing to do, like when they collect food in supermarkets, as long as it is some "direct" charity action I make sure I participate because it's important to me. So those few days without being able to use my voice really got me thinking and I decided to get more active into a charity of my choice, volunteering or something, something that seems just right for me.

have a good day, gentlemen xxx
Saturday, March 21st 2015
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That thing about Claire...
Here's a question: what is a queen without her king?
Well, she's still a queen.And there's one Queen Bee I admire and want to talk about. A bit of introduction first though.

I often get asked what my PhD is about. It is Victorian Literature, centered on female characters. I get asked if I'm a feminist. The answer is no, I'm not though I do use Women's Studies sources for my research. Or, should I rather say for my joyful procrastination. I thought I'd stay here in London and focus more on my research. Well it looks like I keep taking breaks from taking breaks and oh boy I'm so good at it;)))

So I may not be a feminist, please keep opening the door for me and bring me flowers, but true I do admire strong female characters/personalities and have always been attracted to strong men and women, having a lot of personality and a bit of temper myself. And this is how Claire has bewitched me.

Claire is bewitching and enchanting. And scary. For me she's much of equal protagonist in the show, right there next to Frank. Claire is oh so soft spoken and restrained. And simply absolutely heartless. And this makes her just breathtaking.

Here's what Claire recently said to Frank:
"I should have never made you a president." This after he told her he shouldn't have made her an ambassador. Now he did make her an ambassador but lets be honest he didn't really have much choice. Claire gets what she wants because she seems actually be the only one to hold power over her husband. Frank wouldn't and couldn't exist without Claire, he constantly seeks her validation, while I'm convinced that Claire would easily be able to exist without Frank.

Claire is ruthless. She is simply heartless and calculating and she slowly and calmly moves forward and does whatever it takes to achieve her goals. The evolution of Claire is hypnotizing. And the most impressive thing about her is that she's actually a very human person. I've grown to admire her and to like her because while her actions are clearly morally debatable she often shows her moments of doubt and her weaknesses and this makes her even more complex. She's an ice queen and yet she's fragile.

House of Cards passes Bechdel Test with flying colors, not only because of Claire. Jackie is great, Zoe was a bit pathetic I think. House of Cards is full of strong female characters and Claire is definitively the one that reigns. She just had her hair dyed to dark brown....

Hope you're having a good Saturday... Charlotte xxx
Monday, August 18th 2014
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Things you can expect...Good things are to come...
Hmmmm I've been thinking...
Thinking is what I do, 24/7, non stop... Thinking is probably the only sport I enjoy;))))

Here are a few things to come. My thoughts/impressions/feelings on Victorian literature in general, but also Iron Man, Star Trek, X Men (you better not get me started!), Jane Austen and Bront sisters more specifically... Oh, and McDonald's commercials!

Yes, I did put all those in just one sentence. And even if it seems extravagant trust me I can pull it off;) I'm a chatterbox by definition and I can write/talk/think just about anything.

Curious? Come back tomorrow. I have my coffee around 9am, puts me in good mood and makes me want share my thoughts.

Have a lovely evening, Reader.
(Ps: one of the greatest novels ever ends with "Reader..." Care to tell me which one?
Saturday, August 16th 2014
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A bit of this, a bit of that...
I promised I'd write about my PhD today but I'm in no serious mood.

So here are a few things you may like to know about me.

I believe that la vie est belle. Good food, good wine, good sex and...good conversation are what makes me happy.

Reading... Reading is something I'd not be able to live without. I always read before I fall asleep. I'll read once again that novel I've already read ten thousand times. Good thing is I don't have to start at the beginning, can just jump into the chapter I particularly like.

Coffee. The only hot drink of the day I have is coffee in the morning. Thank god for latte. I like it when I wake up, with a croissant or pain au chocolat. I love eggs for breakfast but beans no way, I'll never get used to it!

Coffee in the morning is sacred. Trust me, you don't want to talk to me before I had my morning latte.

Coffee in Rome is pure happiness. What I love about Home and about Rome is leaving for work in the morning but stopping somewhere first for coffee. My last job in Paris was with errrr one of those Maisons on Place Vendôme. So I'd just stop at Café de la Paix before work. Yes, it is utterly shockingly scandalously overpriced. But it's just that magic moment before you start your day.

And whilst you occasionally sit inside because of the rain, you're always sure to sit outside in Rome.

I've seen a few beautiful things in my life but for the moment the sun rising over Vatican is the most beautiful, stunningly breathtaking view I've ever seen. Rome and its energy, wisdom and mystery emanating from les vieilles pierres (old stones?) are something that takes my breath away...

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