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Tuesday, July 25th 2023
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Celebrate your wins! - July 2023
Greeting fellow kinksters,

Celebrate your wins!...

It didn't rain on my washing yesterday, win!!
I've given up eating meat and feel much healthier, win!!
I have installed 2 solar panels in my garden and enjoy daily free electricity, win!!
My house is now 70% decorated, win!!
I'm back out on the scene and enjoying attending regular events, win!!

The little things can change your day, add a spring to your step and generally make life a bit more enjoyable. Whatever your doing, make sure it includes something that makes you smile because we all deserve the win!!

If our paths happen to cross at a kink event or munch feel free to say hi, our community is a pretty awesome place to play and we should all celebrate the fact that we are free enough to be in it.

Play safe and stay safe...x

Come and play...x


Thursday, December 2nd 2021
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December update
Greetings fellow kinksters...

Here we are again at the season of good will & indulgence as overspending is rammed down our throats at every turn.
I for one am having a quiet festive break with no decorations in sight, not for want of knowing where my plucky spruce has been hidden in the house move but simply because I'm giving it all a rest.
Time out from all the hum drum is good for the soul, there's nothing better than doing a good job of taking care of yourself. We are led to believe that putting ourselves first is selfish but sometimes it's a must, if we are to put our best foot forward then surely it needs to be a well pedicured one!

Hoping you have a very merry Christmas & a wonderful new year...x

Tuesday, July 6th 2021
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July - A dedication to the Bondage lovers...x
This month I'm dedicating my blog to the fellow lovers of Bondage, being my 1st Bdsm love & the introduction to my journey it will always be something that I hold very close to my heart.

The burn of a rope, chill of chains, sweating in plastic wrap, however, whenever, wherever, there's something in it for everyone. Power play for me feels at it's greatest when I have total control, submit to my desires by all means but struggle whilst I'm tightly restraining you & you will add another level to my enjoyment.

There's something about a struggle, for power, freedom, it's not about winning, more of the actual act of defiance.

For those who submit I thank you, for the players past, present & future, all are most welcome!
Monday, March 1st 2021
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Thought provoking as usual - March 2021
Greetings fellow travellers on the journey of Bdsm...

I had an e-mail at the weekend asking if I'd read the news about non-fatal strangulation on the domestic abuse bill & what I thought about it.
Hmmmm, where to begin I ask myself??
There is always going to be a tightrope that we Bdsm lovers walk when we play our adult games, but in my opinion the key is consent.
Simplified, I never play without safe words & consent as a standard practice, be it professionally or in private.
Domestic abuse is exactly that, non consent can easily turn in to assault as in the law, that is what it is!

As that is what we are talking about those are indeed the facts as I see them, there are grey areas but again we will always find ourselves referred to as in the wrong for doing/thinking what we enjoy.
That side of things will never change as you cannot educate people with prejudice, haters will hate & spread their form of misinformation as the truth.
I do however think it unfair that we are grouped together with those who think it is perfectly fine to express their feelings/frustrations/anger by causing others distress, be it physical or mental, abuse is abuse on that score.
Will the addition to the domestic abuse law of non-fatal strangulation carrying 5 years in prison, change the way that I play? No.
As long as it is consensual play, hard limits are respected & safe words are listened to, I will play, push boundaries & continue as usual.
If you don't agree with me that is your right to have your own opinion, however I would not respect anybody who denied me my right to have my opinion heard.

Monday, January 4th 2021
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January update
Happy new year fellow kinksters!

I don't remember a new year ever being more welcome!...

With Lincoln being thrust into tier 4 it isn't possible to arrange real time session appointments at the moment, keeping myself & my visitors safe is paramount.

You can however still make appointments for online sessions, drop me a message including details of day/date/time preferences & we can go from there.

I'm also available for phone chat sessions, if I'm not online drop me a message & I'll get back to you. If you allow 24hrs notice then you are more likely to get a time that suits you.

As for me, I'm very well, rested & available for all of your usual (or unusual) kinkster Bdsm fun...

When are you coming to play?...x
Monday, August 3rd 2020
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August update - Opinions are not facts!
Greetings fellow Bdsmers, there seems to be an influx of books newly released after being written in lock down. I'm never very far away from a good read & on many an occasion a pretty bad one, if this is where we are supposed to escape to then it has to be said that some authors imagination will take us no further than social distancing!

I'm bar far no way a critic of the written word but when I read something that is scripted as fact I amongst others expect it to be an actual fact.

The fact in question is (& I quote) "Fetish & professional photography are two totally different things!"...

I was actually stuck for words at first, how on earth can that be a fact on any level??

Being a professional photographer myself (as in I actually get paid for what I do) & specialising in Fetish photography does that mean that I am not a professional at all?, let alone the artistic perspective, world wide industry, studios, models etc.

Obviously I believe that everyone is entitled to their opinion, but an opinion dressed up as an actual fact, now come on!!!

Tempted as I was to name & shame said "opinion giver", the one thing that stopped me was the belief that if you give somebody enough rope they will eventually hang themselves.

With this in mind, I fully intend to enjoy the show when they do, or better still have my hand on the lever of the trap door!...x
Wednesday, July 1st 2020
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July update

Greetings kinky peeps, how's it hanging? Loose enough to be kicked I hope or chaste where it belongs!

As usual I'm still getting my kink on at every opportunity & whip in hand I'm loving our online antics.

Missing you all terribly from real time sessions, however I will not be resuming one-to-one appointments for the rest of the year. It has been a difficult decision to make but I feel at this time it is the right one for me.

I have no intentions of dropping off the scene or stopping what I love to do any time soon!

Planning as always my next adventure I'm toying with the idea of a tour, there are a great many places that I would love to visit & what could be better than catching a few of you lovely lot along the way? So get your fingers on your keyboards & let me know why I should come to a town/city near you...x
Monday, June 8th 2020
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June update 2020
Good afternoon you kinky lot, I hope that you are all well & staying safe.
One to one meets are still a no no which means that you will have to settle for web cam & phone chat for the time being.
I know that there are those who are offering meet ups but you can only be sure of one thing, THEY DO NOT VALUE THEIR SAFETY OR YOURS!!

10 Weeks in isolation has had its moments but you can be sure that I have been keeping busy. Spending my time chatting, camming & making clips & content for my lovely fans.
If there is something that you would like to see, you have an idea, or fantasy, drop me a line & we can begin making your kinks a reality. I have a house subby who is more than willing to help out with filming & being filmed.
My St Andrews cross has finally found its rightful place & has been secured to accommodate willing victims. Along with the isolation box, bondage bench, steel desk cage, vacbed & many more ways to entertain my creative imagination.
There are no lengths that I won't go to, the only limits are yours!

Play safe & stay safe...x

Monday, March 30th 2020
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The silent caller...x
Good afternoon you kinky lot, I hope that you are well & getting in just the right amount of trouble.
With a lot of the country in isolation & restrictions on privacy at home, I am still going to be here to torment you.
You can call me on the phone chat lines, stating "Silent caller" & I will do the rest. You will not be expected to speak unless you want to, that way I can say absolutely anything I like to you & nobody else will hear us.
You can just sit back & listen to what I have in store for you, instructional tasks, motivational propositions, story time, what I'd like to do to you...

When are you coming to play?...x
Monday, March 2nd 2020
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March 2020 - Get your kink on...x
Welcome to the Bdsm & fetish world of Mistress Wilamena

Springing into March with the gusto of an olympic athlete here at M.W head quarters, getting the kink well & truly out there.
Appointments for outcalls are filling up the diary, if you have a place to host your fantasy session then there is no time like the present to invite me to come & play.
This month has a special place for plastic wrap, partial & full body versions, plenty of breath play & a massive side order of rope bondage, quite the menu for you if you're hungry enough.
Word of the month is moist, from staying hydrated to getting your sweat on in pvc, keeping it kinky is the key, lets face it, who doesn't like getting wet?

It's never been a better time to play, join me, you'll love it, honest!

Come & play....x
Monday, January 6th 2020
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Keep it up!!
Happy New year...x
Lets start the new year as we mean to go on, with a new decade under way it's time for getting out there & experiencing all that life has to offer.
Where ever you are on you journey of kink there is no better time to take the next step, set your plans into motion & go for it!

With many great things to come this year I am really excited to meet many more of my fellow kinksters & share their experiences.
Last year saw a lot of changes for me professionally with relocation but never fear, where ever I am I will never stop what I love doing most & keeping it kinky.

As with everyone in the adult industry, we are who we are because we have your support & appreciation for what we do.
You fuel our creativity, everything we do is for you & with you in mind.
Keep it up!!!

Mistress Wilamena

Monday, October 7th 2019
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Locktober celebrates all things Chastity!!
A favourite torment of mine, Chastity is the ultimate sacrifice in personal time.
We all appreciate a well deserved release, having earned the privilege is serving a Mistress to the full.
Devices are so widely available the market is flooded with numerous pieces in every price range, finding one that suites you is the real key.
Getting used to any piece of personal kit is a learning curve & not for the faint hearted, like everything new, you need to be realistic about the time frame. If you're lucky you'll find the perfect fit on the first attempt but this is rare, it is not uncommon to try on several occasions to get it right.
Discomfort, rubbing, pinching, etc are the normal course of breaking in your kit, stick with it, you will get there!
Remember that you are serving, if it was easy it wouldn't be as greatly appreciated as it is.
Giving somebody your key to hold is sacrificing your sexual freedom for them, a pledge of trust, make sure that they deserve it.!
Thursday, September 12th 2019
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The realist
Back to school for the masses & a constant learning curve for all of us, welcome to my blog.
Today brings me to thoughts of improving the mind, as I start another good read. Being rather fond of serial killers, I love nothing more than getting lost in a plot fuelled by a sadistic imagination.
Finding a character believable & wanting them to progress is half of the battle, but when you are in the midst of a scene there has to be relevant content with which you can associate.
The same can be said for any situation where a connection of being in the moment & reacting to a fantasy exists.
We all have dreams of something other than that of the everyday, it's what keeps us going, the likelihood of attaining such goals is in the details.

Being realistic about what can be achieved is the key, a good example of this is war & peace length e-mails about what you want to happen in an appointment. I rarely take them seriously because they are pure fantasy, interesting though they can be it isn't a viable approach to getting what you want.
Turning something into a form of reality requires compromise, don't expect ever single box ticked instantly, if you have many interests you need to explore them separately until you can figure out which go together & which work for you.
Taking the time to invest it in your own self discovery is an amazing journey, why rush it?
Thursday, June 6th 2019
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Get back to you!...x

Greetings fellow kinksters, 6 months into the year already & by the looks of things we'll be in 2020 before we can blink!
Time goes so quickly that everyday life has a habit of hampering our play plans, however you spend your down time make sure that you do indeed get some. "Burn out" is getting even more common & can sneak up on you, before you know where you are the dreaded lurgy bugs & virures strike you down in their path. Personally I believe this to be your body fighting back & making you take a break or at the very least a back seat for a while.
Spending our time making sure that those around us are alright, that late night at work turns into 5, e-mails before you even leave your bed in the morning & phone in hand nodding off at night. It all stacks up to us not taking proper care of ourselves, the off mode long disappeared.
One of the hardest things I find is to allow some quality "me" time into my schedule, coffee breaks turn into e-mail, message & call back catch ups instead of a recharge I end up brain fried.
Being self employed has many advantages in that I get to manage my time my way, there is however the need to make the figures work. I therefore find myself busier & working longer hours than if I worked for somebody else if I'm not careful.
Being a control freak I need to set myself boundaries, having others respect those is another matter but the least I could do for me was stick to them. After 6pm I do not answer work related contacts until the next working day, I've also made Sunday myday, be it at the Spa or with a book in the bath however I spend it is my choice.
Life is about making choices & I for one choose my life my way, work hard to play hard.
Take your life back, watch that bad tv, read the book, visit the friend, catch up on what you have been missing & in turn you will find yourself caught up with you.

I cater for all levels of kink no matter the newbie from the frequent visitor, Bdsm is whatever you want it to be, pain & pleasure walk a very fine line often straying across their boundaries, come & join me to begin your journey of exploration.

Mistress Wilamena - Come and play...x

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