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Tuesday, August 27th 2024
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When Gifts Cross the Line: Stalker vibes
When Gifts Cross the Line: My Experience with a Stalker

As an escort, building connections with clients is a big part of what we do. Sometimes, these connections are marked by thoughtful gestures, like gifts left on my doorstep—a bouquet of flowers or I've had actual cat food! These small tokens of appreciation can be sweet reminders of the time we've spent together and appreciated even if there's no note.

However, not all gifts come with good intentions. I recently found myself in a situation where a client’s gestures began to cross the line, turning what was once a kind expression into something far more worrying.

It started innocently enough. The first few gifts were simple and sweet, my favourite yankee candle, vegan sweeties, cat toys. But soon, the gifts became more frequent and personal. There was no accompanying note, just the silent arrival of these items on my doorstep. I began to feel uneasy. The feeling of being watched, even when I was in the comfort of my own home, became overwhelming.

The gifts kept coming—each one more personal than the last. My sense of privacy was invaded, and what had started as a professional relationship seems to be spiraling into something much darker. It became clear that this client had become obsessed, and the situation escalated to the point where I no longer felt safe in my own space.

Eventually, I had to take serious steps to protect myself. I had to take extra measures to ensure my safety, both online and offline. It was a difficult and emotional experience, one that left me shaken but also more aware of the importance of strict boundaries and personal safety.

This experience is a harsh reminder that while my profession is built on creating connections, it’s crucial to maintain a clear line between affection and obsession. For anyone in my line of work, or any profession where personal interaction is key, never underestimate the importance of protecting your privacy and setting firm boundaries.

If you’re reading this as a client, please understand that while your gifts and gestures are appreciated with a note identifying yourself, they should always come with respect for my personal space and boundaries. Mutual respect and safety are non-negotiable in any relationship, professional or otherwise.

To my fellow escorts, stay vigilant and trust your instincts. Your safety and well-being should always come first, no matter how charming or well-intentioned a client may seem. It’s okay to say no, to step back, and to seek help when you need it.

Remember, it’s your life and your safety

Don’t let anyone take that from you.

Side note- This isn't the first time I have experienced this and feedback that 'I should be flattered' are incredibly ignorant. As a woman both in this business and the every day woman, we have the right to our peace and security.
Wednesday, June 12th 2024
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Broken up with by my own clients..
It has come to my attention that I may be the Blind Date tv show because shit me if I havent lost a record amount of clients to relationships! Since before christmas some of my most long standing clients have fallen in love and ended their 'relationship' with me. The thing that is bittersweet is that they go over to tell me in person, isn't that the sweetest thing. Being broken up with in person is prob 100% respectful than almost all personal relationships I have had!

In that vein, every single long term client that I have, have treated me 100% better than any relationship and when clients ask why I have been single for so long, my answer is always the same. After, having terrible relationship after terrible relationship I enjoy the luxury of seeing the absolute best from each man I see.
There are no lies and story telling and as soon as I think there is, I can just go my own way with no regrets!

Problem is, I seem to heal their hearts and fix them for other women! lol.

Maybe I should be relationship counselling agency instead?

Sometimes, in the long time client world we just out grow each other and run out of sexual attraction, run out of care for the other and need a new thrill of new flesh and again, thats cool. You never really find out you're about to be cut loose of course because they just stop texting you, stop caring about your day, stop complementing and buying your photos and before long they are leaving feedback for his latest squeeze and we all move on.
I am lying if I said it doesn't hurt my feelings sometimes a bit, especially when they are 'gold friend' status but thats the game and we all play our part x

Anyway, I am super happy for all my gentlemen who have found love and I pack them off with hope in my heart for them and for myself. I would love to find love that accepts me for who I am, I am 49 and certainly havent yet but theres still time x

Much love R x

Monday, January 15th 2024
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Day in the life of the new year !
I feel like I've made a great start to January this year.

In November I had my trip to Copenhagen, I was feeling like I need to make some changes in my health routine. I've always been slightly health obsessed. I've cut so much out of my diet, yet I've been on ADHD medication for around 15 years and more recently woman related medication about 2 years. I drunk 2 litres of Pepsi Max for many, many years and I went to Copenhagen not feeling my very best. So, while away I completely detoxed from all 3 substances. I had also started a terrible vaping habit to help with my ADHD habits and insomnia ( extensive research pages attributed nicotine to be helpful for ADHD symptoms) (don't do it)

So, I'm completely 'clean' and coming to the conclusion that addiction is so prevalent in my family and I thought I'd escaped it but didn't really but to a lesser degree. My pepsi addiction sounds so silly but it falls in line with eating disorders and social anxiety that have plagued me for so long it's in my DNA.

So, January so far has been so successful in terms of chasing happiness from within.

I've been extremely productive and escorting much less and only seeing a few clients that stand out as special. I am spending much more time camming which I love and I have a great camming community of women which preserves my energy and well being and am at the gym at 5am full of the joys of spring rather than relying on ADHD medication to get me through the day. The issue with this is you take it on waking and you're like a sugar graph. Up and down and up and down whereas now I'm level and not rethinking my life choices at 4pm every day lol

Obviously, still over sharing but hey, who cares?!

Life is great and I'm taking it on and you can too xxx
Monday, November 20th 2023
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Dirty Talk and Roleplays
I have gone through so many phases in my life when it comes to sex. I had an extremely early introduction to the world of sexual needs and wants and it resulted in me discovering my body was one of pleasure to other people but also for myself.

As a I used to stand in the shower and rub the boiling hot water from the shower head onto my pussy lips and ultimately would be sitting down, legs spread, full hot water making me cum. I indulged in marriages and relationships and sex was always standard, expected and I haven't ever really been sexually attracted to anyone to any great capacity and sex has always been at others whim rather than mine. I have only really sought pleasure in a relationship once and it still ended as horribly as the rest so I gave up on relationships altogether.

Recently, I feel like I have come alive again with doing cam work and dirty phone chat. I can't tell you how filthy my mouth can be and how much I enjoy the most filthy role-plays and long extended calls going through the smutty details of what I want to do to neighbours, friends, friends husbands, doctors, office workers just to name a few. My toy collection has been doing over time after I get off the phone, cam and in person and pleasure myself just for myself.

Who says sex isn't great after a certain age are not doing it right because the sex I have with myself is mind blowing!
Tuesday, November 14th 2023
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Reviving great moments...

I just returned from a great 8 days in Copenhagen and I feel so refreshed and ready to work hard up until Christmas.

Copenhagen was just as exciting the second time. I had an interesting visit to the 'red light' road which was full of strip clubs and the a sex shop which sold the most enormous dildos I have ever seen. As well as lots of lots of places to eat. As a non meat eater these visits can be challenging but not here as there are so many places to eat.

My second day was a little train ride to Malmo, Sweden which was such an odd place. These people are not friendly, I wondered around a place called 'kicks' which is like a big cosmetic shop. Now, anyone who knows me knows I have a thing for every type of cosmetic, both cheap and expensive. Perfume also is my weakness. I was having the time of my life exploring all the Swedish makes until I became aware I was being followed by the security guard who not very convincingly pretended to busy himself every time I eyeballed him.. I mean I am a very obvious looking person with a big English gob so why he thought I came to his country to shoplift a foundation I am not sure! needless to say I walked round and round in circles with my products in my hand till he must have thought I was mental.. After spending quite a few English pounds and he had to audacity to follow me out of the shop to complain about where I decided to sit my weary bones for 1 minute.. Second spoiler was finding a vegan cafe which told me I was ordering too much having a hot-dog and a burger and that I couldn't remove my food from the cafe to eat later.. wtf.. I did remove MY food and skedaddled back to Copenhagen where the people are friendly!!

I made a wonderful day stop to Free Town Christiania on my last day and had the time of my life. For anyone needing a history lesson, in the 70s a bunch of hippies made a whole in the fence of a Army base and took it over, still living there now it is the most interesting place and Pusher St in particular is a real eye opener. Met some locals and their little dogs and had potato soup in the vegan cafe washed down with hemp beer from their own brewery, I spent some time sitting in the cafe watching people doing their thing with the products they bought from the stalls and I floated home a happy girl.

I would love to live in Copenhagen, the trains and metros are so clean and every 5 minutes, the towns are lovely, the Christmas markets were in full swing with Tequila Glogg and butterfly chips, strudel, pastries, hot chocolate. To top it off the Max burger had 10 different type of vegan burger as a standard so come on MacDonald!!

So, now I am back and working with added vigor! Anyone wanting to see the pics take a look in Pvt where they will be housed xx

I love you all so much xx
Friday, November 3rd 2023
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Busy Bunny
It never fails to amaze me how sex work can go from being in the lull to an explosion of never ending calls and texts. I myself have worked in this business long enough to know that it is never a constant thing but up and down and round and round like a gentle brook and then crashes into Niagara falls.

So, October was most definitely the falls and I am looking forward to going away for a well earned break! Along side the escorting I have been really enjoying camming to chat with the hard working darlings who have all been such naughty cuties x

I may post some little Copenhagen photos in my private for all that are interested and I shall come back refreshed and ready to work.

Until then, take care x
Sunday, October 1st 2023
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The importance of Boundaries

Establishing boundaries as a person is important in every day life. However, it is particularly important for sex workers to have boundaries around relationships due to the nature of this work.

Setting and enforcing boundaries allows sex workers to maintain autonomy within this relationship. It ensures that needs, desires, and values are respected.

Boundaries also help protect sex workers from physical, emotional, and sexual harm. They provide a clear line between acceptable and unacceptable behaviour, helping to prevent abuse, manipulation, and coercion.

Sex workers,like everyone else, have emotional needs that should be acknowledged and respected. Establishing emotional boundaries allows people working in the sex industry to prioritise their own mental health and emotional well being. It helps prevent emotional exhaustion, and unhealthy dynamics.

Boundaries allow equality and mutual respect within these relationships. They ensure that power and control are balanced, and that decisions are made collaboratively. By establishing boundaries, we can advocate for ourselves and make decisions based on responses from potential clients.

It is important to note that boundaries are not about controlling or manipulating others but rather about setting healthy limits and expectations in what can be a dangerous space. Open communication, mutual consent, and respect are crucial when establishing and enforcing boundaries in any relationship.

When I decide not to see a client because of boundary issues, please accept and move on, using ego to get one's own way is only adding further reasons not to see you!

Peace and love x

Wednesday, September 27th 2023
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The Brand, the gym and the cam
Just a quick one, I'm in the middle of constructing a Brand and freedom of speech blog but it keeps hurting my head! Needless to say as a Gosport local I am extremely disappointed yet impressed with CD for her stunning letter bypassing the criminal due process to colour social media against a man, RB.

I'm back at the gym and it feels so bloody great! After suffering nerve damage 2 summers ago to the point I couldn't drive or get myself dressed, I am gently weight training and trying not to let my ego over take my 48 year old body! Lol

I am also back on cam entertaining you lovely gentlemen. Stop in even if it's just to say hello. I love c2c as I'm a bit of a watcher. Nothing turns me on more than a man with a boner enjoying me and my nonsense. I had a boyfriend once that I used to watch endlessly doing DIY and gardening. I found him extremely sexually attractive but he hated it when he caught me looking, shame! Lol

I'm off to finish watching goodfellas X later my loves x

R x
Friday, September 8th 2023
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A Paradox of Altruism: Is It Still Altruistic?
If you have to tell everyone of your good works?

Happy Friday my people.. my thesis speciality is Altruism, its such a human phenomenon that I've made it my 10,000. It's difficult as much of the papers on it are aimed at charitable giving but I wanted to know about the every day.. the umbrella over the dog you don't own outside morrisons.. not steve Jobs.. jobbs.. who would care?

Altruism - defined as the selfless concern for the well being of others, is a sort after trait that promotes compassion and empathy in society. However, a controversial question arises when individuals who perform good deeds insist on telling everyone about their actions? Lets aim to explore the paradox of altruism and whether it remains truly selfless if the person insists on publicising their deeds. By critically examining this issue, we can gain a deeper understanding of the motivations behind such behaviour and its impact on the perception of altruism.

People who insist on telling everyone about their good deeds may have various motivations for doing so. Firstly, they might seek validation and praise from others, as public recognition can be seen as a form of affirmation for their moral character. Secondly, individuals may share their actions to inspire others, hoping that their deeds will serve as a catalyst for positive change in society. Lastly, some may publicise their good work to raise awareness about a particular cause, aiming to garner support or donations for a worthy cause. While these motivations may be well-intentioned, the insistence on publicising altruistic acts raises questions about the authenticity of their selflessness.

When individuals insist on telling everyone about their good deeds, it can lead to skepticism and doubt regarding their true intentions. Altruism, by its very nature, is expected to be selfless and devoid of any ulterior motives. However, the act of publicising one's actions can create a perception that the primary objective is personal gain or recognition. Consequently, the altruistic act may be overshadowed by the individual's desire for attention, undermining the purity of their intentions. This can lead to cynicism and skepticism among others, potentially diminishing the overall impact and effectiveness of altruistic acts.

Humility is an essential aspect of true altruism. It involves performing good deeds without seeking attention or personal gain. By remaining humble, individuals can ensure that their actions are driven solely by the desire to help others, rather than to boost their own ego. Publicising altruistic acts can often be seen as a departure from humility, as it shifts the focus from the act itself to the individual performing it. Therefore, insisting on telling everyone about one's good deeds may compromise the essence of altruism, as it introduces an element of self-promotion that detracts from the selfless nature of the act.

In conclusion, the paradox of altruism arises when individuals insist on telling everyone about their good deeds. While their motivations may be well-intentioned, the act of publicising altruistic acts raises questions about the authenticity of their selflessness. It can lead to skepticism, doubt, and a perception that personal gain or recognition is the primary objective. To preserve the essence of altruism, it is crucial to remain humble and prioritise the well-being of others over personal recognition. By doing so, the true spirit of selflessness can be upheld, ensuring that altruistic acts have a genuine and lasting impact on society.

What is others view? I'd love to hear it.
Sunday, August 27th 2023
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Summer is gone..
In the words of Morten Harket... summer is almost over..

I won't lie, this summer has been some what of a disappointment. Rare bbq, sitting outside drinking tequila.. laughs and drunken evenings with my favourite people. My garden is standing looking, frankly messy. My courgette plants have also had enough and already started to turn yellow. I have 1 pumpkin which is also disappointing.

On the upside, this horrible weather has made me rip up carpets, sand and varnish floors, repaint rooms, empty my kitchen and deep clean and organise everything to the annoyance of everyone else in my home!

My car passed its MOT which is also a plus considering its been hit twice while parked and bumped on the A34! A tank of a car!

So, as we go into September, I am collecting pine cones with my little and thinking of wreaths and pumpkins and about to enter my favourite time of year.

To all that have asked; I am not at victorious this year! I didn't want to go and have enjoyed a quiet weekend for a change just working and pottering around.

Love to you all xxx

Ps. I am on my mobile so forgive spelling and grammar mistakes.
Tuesday, May 30th 2023
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Burnout in the Sex Industry.
Burnout in the Sex Industry.

Burnout, the overwhelming state of chronic physical and emotional exhaustion, anxiety, and negativity, is undeniably one of the most detrimental afflictions in any profession. While almost every individual, at some point in their career, faces the debilitating effects of burnout, the phenomenon is notably pervasive and pernicious in the sex work industry. Sex work, although commonly misunderstood and stigmatised, constitutes a critical aspect of the society. It harbours the potential to bolster the economy, champions the rights of marginalised communities, and caters to a primal human need. Nevertheless, the occurrence of burnout in this industry, due to stigma, uncertain working conditions, and issues of legality and morality, must be addressed to ensure the well-being of sex workers.

Burnout is a tricky subject to discuss in relation to the sex work industry, as it involves peeling back several layers of physical, emotional, and mental strains. An understanding of the occupation's perils and the factors that play into the development of burnout is vital to appreciate its gravity.

a) Physical strains imparted by the nature of sex work

At the core of this profession lies the human body, which is subject to intense physical stress. The expectations of clients, combined with arduous work routines, can put sex workers under enormous pressure, leading to exhaustion. This exhaustion sets the groundwork for burnout, which, if left unchecked, predisposes individuals to severe physical illnesses.

b) The emotional and psychological toll of sex work

Sex workers often find themselves marred by negative emotions, such as guilt, shame, and anxiety – all of which can pave the way for burnout. These emotions become intertwined with the challenges of maintaining a work-life balance, which can prove to be exceedingly strenuous for sex workers. False perceptions that are prevalent in society contribute to a sense of isolation, and ingraining these beliefs makes it increasingly difficult to seek help and understanding from friends, family members, or professionals.

Burnout in the sex work industry mutates into multiple embodiments, impacting workers on various levels. These manifestations reveal the urgency to address burnout and, more importantly, understand its repercussions.

1) Drug and alcohol dependence

For many sex workers, the descent into drug and alcohol dependence is quite easy, given how these substances enable an escape from reality, even if temporarily. However, the risk of addiction looms ominously, thereby becoming a substitute for rest, relaxation, or healthy coping mechanisms.

2) Troubled relationships and mental health

The workers, often plagued by damaging emotions, may succumb to deteriorating mental health and relationships. This turbulent state may spill over to their personal lives, affecting trust and intimacy. This, in turn, heightens the risk of withdrawal, further isolation, and an inability to form meaningful connections.

3) Devaluation of self-worth and integrity

Given the harsh reality of stigmatisation, sex workers may begin to internalise these adverse perceptions and manifest a belief in their own lowered worth. Such internal struggles may lead to self-doubt, questioning of their values and a compromised sense of integrity.

The implications of burnout within the sex work industry are undoubtedly distressing. Therefore, it is crucial to address these pressing issues and devise ways of mitigating the devastating consequences in the lives of these workers:

i) Legalisation and regulation

Legalising and regulating sex work could pave the way for enhanced work conditions, minimising the factors that contribute to burnout. By ensuring workers’ protection from exploitation and violence, a legal framework could foster a better working environment and stimulate a positive transformation in societal attitudes towards the industry.

ii) Access to mental health resources

Promoting access to mental health resources plays a crucial role in combating burnout amongst sex workers. By providing them with guidance and resources on self-care, counselling, and stress management, the industry can empower workers to safeguard their emotional well-being in a highly demanding profession.

iii) Building a supportive community

A supportive community that encourages open dialogue and non-judgmental communication amongst sex workers could help break isolation and provide an avenue for mutual understanding and empathy to thwart burnout. Furthermore, collaboration with non-profit organisations focused on workers’ rights and well-being could aid in creating a comprehensive support structure.

Burnout, as a menacing mix of physical, emotional, and psychological exhaustion, can no longer be overlooked in the sex work industry. The time to shed light on the tribulations faced by sex workers and address the ramifications of burnout is crucial. By embracing legalisation, improving mental health resources, and nurturing supportive communities, we can hope to alleviate burnout in the industry, diminishing its traumatic effects on the well-being of the workers. Undeniably, any profession, be it morally or legally contentious, demands that we put paramount importance on to the individuals' welfare and the absolute right to dignity and respect.
Tuesday, May 30th 2023
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High Rates on Services provided by Sex Workers
The Impact of High Rates on Services provided by Sex Workers

The world of sex work is diverse and multifaceted, with a multitude of factors that come into play regarding the services provided and the experiences of clients. One key topic for discussion and debate within this industry is the correlation between the prices charged by sex workers and the quality of service offered to their clients. However, this is a contentious issue, as some argue that higher rates translate to superior service, while others maintain that there is little or no co-relation between the two. This essay aims to explore this issue and analyse the underlying influences that impact both the fees and the services in the world of sex work.

Services Provided by Sex Workers

Before delving into the debate around the impact of high prices on service quality, it is crucial to outline the scope of services offered in the sex industry. The spectrum of services ranges from escort services and girlfriend experiences to submissive and dominant experiences. Some workers specialize in specific niche markets such as BDSM, foot fetish, or role-playing, positioning themselves as experts within these fields. Irrespective of the individual's preferences or desires, clients typically seek to experience an intimate connection, companionship, or an opportunity to explore their fantasies.

Factors Influencing the Rates Charged by Sex Workers

Numerous variables determine the fees charged by sex workers, such as geographical location, personal appearance, education, professional experience, and the provider's age and ethnicity. Also, worker's beliefs about their value and worth play an essential role in establishing their prices. For example, a highly educated and well-spoken worker might charge higher rates based on their level of cultural capital.

High Rates and Quality of Services: The Proponents' Perspective

Subscribers to the notion that a higher rate signifies a greater quality of service might stress that the two aspects are deeply interlinked. There are several underlying premises that this group uses as evidence for their viewpoint:

1. The investment in personal and professional development: Many suggest that higher-income sex workers invest significant time and resources in maintaining their appearance and personality, allowing them to offer an exceptional experience. This might include routines surrounding exercise, dietary modifications, and visits to salons and education.

2. Customised, client-centric approach: This perspective posits that when connoisseurs of the sex industry pay steep fees, they receive an experience tailored explicitly to their desires. These higher-rated workers often schedule fewer clients and are, thus, able to grant greater attention to individual requests and take the time to discuss and understand the client's emotional and physical needs.

3. Safe and discreet environments: Advocates for the correlation between high rates and excellent services argue that workers who charge hefty fees tend to operate in more upmarket, controlled surroundings. This might involve booking five-star hotels or offering services within a luxurious apartment, thereby ensuring a discreet, secure environment that allows the client to feel at ease and enjoy the experience.

High Rates Vs. Quality of Services: The Opposition's Perspective

Conversely, there are those who argue that the correlation between high rates and exceptional services is spurious and misleading. Critics of this viewpoint highlight several issues that counteract the notion that higher fees ensure a superior experience.

1. Subjective personal experience: The primary argument against the supposed correlation between fees and quality of service is the subjective nature of personal experiences. What one client might consider a premium service, another might find underwhelming or even disappointing. Thus, deciding the quality of service based on rates alone becomes impractical.

2. The role of marketing and self-promotion: Many sex workers employ sophisticated marketing techniques and professional branding to craft an image that reflects the desired high-quality experience. Critics express that this approach can create exaggerated expectations, which might not necessarily be met in reality. Consequently, clients may end up paying premium rates without enjoying a genuinely commensurate level of service.

3. Emotional and interpersonal connections: Another consideration relates to the human and emotional element within sex work. Clients who place significant importance on the establishment of genuine connections might find these experiences lacking when engaging with workers who charge high rates based on appearances or professionalism alone. In this context, a more affordable provider who is empathetic and affectionate may offer a superior experience.

The conclusion? The relationship between high rates and service quality within the sex work industry is both complex and multifaceted. There is no doubt that certain aspects, such as the investment in personal and professional development, may have a direct impact on service quality. However, components like individual preferences, emotional connections, and marketing techniques play crucial roles in shaping the overall experience. Ultimately, each client's experience is subjective, and ascertaining the quality of service based on fees alone might not necessarily guarantee an exceptional, fulfilling experience.
Tuesday, May 23rd 2023
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Using reviews to degrade sex workers
The Practice of Men Using Reviews to Degrade Sex Workers

Sex work has been a contentious topic that has led to many debates around the concept of consent, exploitation, the role of patriarchy, and the right of a person to control their body. Despite these provocations, us sex workers persist as a resilient and spirited group of people, refusing to lose our grip on dignity and mutual respect. However, one development in the world of sex work that has emerged with comparatively little histrionic outrage is the phenomenon of men resorting to reviews where they publicly degrade and belittle sex workers, reinforcing existing prejudices. Let's try and dissect the motivations of men using reviews to degrade sex workers to understand the roots of this noxious approach.

First and foremost, it is impossible to contemplate this issue without acknowledging the firm grip that patriarchy has on society. The patriarchal structure instils the belief that women must be subservient to men, thus fostering an environment in which men feel entitled to dominate not only their environments but also their interactions with women. Within this construct, the act of men leaving demeaning reviews about sex workers may be explained as a means of exerting control, an attempt to further suppress and marginalise the already marginalised group, and a tactic to sustain power over the sex worker, who otherwise retains control over the terms of the physical transaction.

Objectification and Dehumanisation?
It is a genuinely tragic truth that sex workers experience objectification and dehumanisation, often being considered as mere vessels for fulfilling desires and disregarded as individual human beings with thoughts, feelings, and aspirations. Leaving degrading reviews about sex workers is effectively an extension of this objectifying mindset. When men reduce sex workers to their exchangeable sexual services, they strip away the person's complexity and significance. The act of leaving derogatory comments is thus a public reflection of this reductionist attitude, turning a person into a commodity that can be evaluated and disposed of without sentiment.

The societal pressure on men to demonstrate their masculinity through objectifying women is another element at play. One need not look too far into popular culture and media to observe the exaltation of men who display aggressive, domineering behaviour and conquer multiple sexual partners – while women displaying similar behaviours suffer criticism. It is worth considering that some men take to reviewing and degrading sex workers as a misguided attempt at displaying their masculinity. The men who engage in this behaviour seek a perverse sense of validation and social standing in the perpetuation of demeaning assessments, which in turn contributes to societal expectations that can be likened to a vicious cycle.

With the rapid advance of technology, the digital world allows for anonymity and a false sense of impunity. Many social media platforms and online review sites permit users to hide behind pseudonyms or fake profiles, fostering an environment where civility and empathy are obliterated. Men who use reviews to degrade sex workers harness this shield of anonymity to indulge in cruel, destructive behaviour that can result in dire consequences for the sex worker. In essence, the online world allows these men to explore and act upon the darker impulses of their psyche, harming and demeaning others without repercussions.

The Demonised Image of Sex Work?
Finally, the rampant societal stigmatisation of sex work contributes significantly to the prevalence of degrading reviews. The profession is often cast as morally contemptible, deplorable, and destructive. However, this presupposition oversimplifies a complex social phenomenon that operates at the confluence of factors such as poverty, gender inequality, and social exclusion. The demonised image of sex work lends men a sense of legitimacy in their efforts to marginalise sex workers through the vehicle of online reviews, allowing them to perpetuate the familiar narrative of immorality and deviance while reinforcing their superiority.

The many factors highlighted above – patriarchy, objectification, societal perceptions of masculinity, the anonymous nature of the internet, and the distorted narrative of sex work – culminate in the malevolent practice of using reviews to degrade sex workers. To combat this alarming trend, we must untangle these factors and confront their roots through a radical reimagining of power structures, traditional gender roles, and empathy. Acknowledging the humanity of sex workers and the complexities of their profession is the first step towards escaping dehumanisation.
Sunday, May 21st 2023
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Keeping it real!
I like to post on this blog well thought out and well written blogs and mixed in with that is the casual shit and this appears to be a less thought out, just casual blog which I hope you equally appreciate.

I've been juggling so much lately that I've considered having a break from this to just concentrate on other things and then I remember that actually you guys are the glue that holds me together. I feel that there are great guys out there and I've been lucky enough to know some of you and puts my faith back in humanity!

I had my first no show in years yesterday and quickly had him replaced with a proper down to earth funny guy and I'm a big believer in fate and karma and that was just how it was meant to be.

My plans today were to spend the morning on my allotment but unfortunately that has been squashed by the fact my key is in my car and my car is in a garage in eastleigh! So, working instead and pottering around opening windows. I remember as a kid summer days, my mum going round opening windows and always having the front door open when it was hot and sunny and despite people questioning if that makes the house hotter; I don't care!! It makes me feel great and that's what matters to me. I like light and air and watching my curtains blow in the wind makes me very happy.

I've been asked a couple of times now about my hair and let's make this clear once again. My hair is all mine, it's not a wig or extensions. It is all mine, obviously the colour isn't but it suits my personality!

I hope you all have a wonderful coming week and long may the sun continue.



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