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Miss Sandy Star's Blog
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Wednesday, April 5th 2023
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Its ok to change direction!
Hi, and thanks for reading!

If you have read any of my blogs before you will know they are true to me and my life as much as they can be posted on here. Those that have met me in person know I don't do BS, I'm straight talking and honest - therefore not a favourite of everyone, but then who is?!

This blog is no different! I am going to share with you why my videos have recently been deleted and my plans to change my content production direction slightly.

(Don't panic I am not giving up seeing clients!)

Earlier on this year I lost someone who was very dear to me. He was my partner for over two years and he died suddenly in January 2023. We had a lot of fun making our Sandy and Peter role play videos and they certainly received a lot of pay per views!

Since he passed away I felt it was the respectful thing to do to remove all content that featured him in it, which has left my content library quite bare and in need of a re-vamp.

Finding decent, honest and hard working people in this industry is probably harder than you might think as a punter reading this. So I have decided for now, I won't be making anymore sex/porn videos to add to my profile. I wouldn't rule it out forever but certainly for now I am taking a break.

I have and still am progessing the other side of my business which is being a DOM, and offering an extended range of services in the BDSM space I have created within my work place.

A number of clients have said they want to be filmed, and are happy to do so in their paid sessions. So from now going forwards I will be looking for client participation in basic filming for Mistress sessions and putting together some naughty dominatrix content.

I will be taking a look at my free and private galleries too - adding and deleting some pics from there as they are a little older now (2019) and I like to keep my pictures fresh and true to how I actually look in real life.

And before I sign off this short blog.....

I recently took part in a national TV documentary , so if you are curious and want to watch me on your screens be sure to check out My5 series ADULTS ONLY and look for the episode "hurts so much" It features me performing some fantasy wrestling and gives an insight into my life as a DOM. If you watch it, enjoy - I had a lot of fun making it!

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed it!

Sandy xxxx

Wednesday, August 11th 2021
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Why book me?
I have chosen to write this on a blog rather than on my main profile, because, well the people who really want to understand why they should book me, over any other Milf/Mistress on this site will most likely study my profile and get a huge amount of enjoyment reading my straight talking blogs!

It is often said to me, in a follow up to text to several of my bookings - Sandy, thank you that was one of if not the best time i've ever had with an escort or a Mistress. I always reply politely, and thank them, I dont blow smoke up my own arse, I save that for those who book me for rimming! (hahaha) you have to know me to laugh at that, as once you've met me you will see me saying it!

But seriously, there are a LOt of things that set me apart from a huge number of sex workers. Here are a few:

A) Apart from having a degree (not literally) of sexual experiences throughout my 20's 30's and 40's I am fucking good at what I do - RUNNING A BUSINESS - the good mistress, good sex by product just puts the icing on the cake.

B) I treat my business like exactly that - My business. I have respectable clients and I respect my clients. I LISTEN to their requests and I deliver not only what they have asked for, but what they are seeking and missing in their lives. SATISFACTION - in the form of Mistress services or sexual experiences. Most will leave almost over satisfied, because of the above.

C) I am not in this just for the money! Of course we all "go to work" because we want money, its a commodity of life we cannot live without, but I get a lot of job satisfaction in knowing my services help men from all walks of life. Yes that right, part of my job I consider helping people. Its what I was born to do. Just because its relieving someone of a fetish or a built up load, a roleplay or a pegging, to me it doesn't matter - I do not judge my customers or think they are weird or disgusting. I am mature enough to understand their intrisic needs, I discuss, understand and deliver. Its that simple. I am passionate about my work, something you cannot manufacture.

D) I am confident, not arrogant. This skill can be mistaken sometimes. The bottom line is, treat my business and me with respect and you will be greatly rewarded.

If you are still unsure as to why you should book me, then please send me an email with your inner thoughts and lets see if I can help you.

I STRONGLY suggest reading my profile before calling or texting on a whim, but understand this, I am straight talking, not rude. Confident not arrogant. Kind but not foolish. Firm but very fair.

Have a great day Love S x
Saturday, March 13th 2021
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Safety for SEX WORKERS – Impossible!
In this week’s news we hear the fate of a woman who chose to walk home alone, and was killed for her decision. I have personally suffered abuse recently and wanted to share my views and thoughts.

As a sex worker, there is always that thought in the back of your mind, a little nag, the butterflies – these are all a reminder that you are a vulnerable woman, potentially at risk that when you agree to see someone. Will I be safe, when the door shuts and you are in a room with someone you know nothing about, you literally become powerless. I have often thought about this, how can I actually make myself safe doing this job the true answer is you can’t.

Does that make me the sex worker, more deserving of a thump, a threat or a nasty comment? Absolutely not. Should I not reply to abusive messages? Because I am “winding” him up after he has called me names, like whore, prostitute and threatened to find me and hurt me.

I can only speak from my own experiences, and thankfully the abuse I have received has always been from a “keyboard” warrior, and not in a face to face situation, (I hope and pray everyday that I NEVER come face to face with someone who actually wants to hurt me) but I know there are women who have experienced violent behaviour because they “chosen” to do sex work.

I cannot imagine that any young lady in her adolescence, or young adulthood longing to be a sex worker. While the money can be attractive, the risk is insurmountable, and is any amount of money worth risking your life? Women become sex workers for a multitude of different reasons, and yes, probably some do just choose to do it, but others are forced, and some are in a situation where they don’t have a choice. It can be a matter of life or death, eat or don’t eat, the list goes on and for this we should not be judged, called names verbally threatened or physically hurt.

I am speaking about men, but not “all men” its always the small minority that spoil it for everyone else, but I want ALL MEN to understand that because women make a choice to offer sexual services, it doesn’t make them a target or more deserving of abuse.

I have a highly successful sex business which I am proud to run, manage and maintain even through times of lockdown and uncertainty. It IS the oldest profession in history, but still in this modern day escorts, prostitutes, whores, slags and sluts ALL live in fear or being hurt or abused. Its wrong. If we chose this as a profession for what ever reason we should not be abused for it. We are not the ones buying the service we are providing it and receiving abuse for doing so (when it suits)

The recent murder has sparked a lot of media hype about how society see things. Protect our daughters? Or teach men to respect women from an early age, no matter what their choices are. Everybody has a why, and until you have understood the why, or walked in the shoes of that person stop and think before you use your tongue your keyboard or your fists in a way that puts shame on you.

If you have enjoyed reading my blog and would like to chat about it, please pop into my cam room or drop me an email on adultwork.

Love Sandy xxx

Saturday, August 8th 2020
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My First post Lockdown tour..... and then what?
Following on from my previous blog.... The calm before the StormyRose!

Remember? If not, get your eyes peeled for some bedtime reading!

Following on from this, my pathway has kinda changed - some may say i'm crazy, but nothing ventured nothing gained. One of the best parts of running your own business and working completely independantly - you can change your mind, nothing is set in stone, and I am my own boss. If this goes wrong, I only have me to blame. Anyway......

I previously said I was going to start a cam agency, to enable others t have the same success as I have, building a client cam base and earning from home 24/7 if you so wish. Well.... having managed people before, and deciding that my life goals need to happen before I am drawing a pension I decided to take the faster route. Notice I said faster not easier BIG DIFFERENCE! Let me tell you why.

With the fear of covid, my mind was set, I am probably not going to escort again. It would be putting me at a huge risk, not only from catching it, but also the risk of escorting again.... if you have read my previous blogs you'll know why I say this. BUT - when you have life goals - some of which are financial and you do your sums, calculate what you can do and how long it will take you the reality is as a top escort I can achieve my goals a lot quicker from returning to the risky business of escorting.

As I mentioned, this is by no means the easy route. Escorting for me means several nights away from my home, my bed, my family and "normal life" - waiting for the phone to ring etc.... no guarantees and for sure, some tours are better than others - BUT it can be very rewarding as well and I am all for telling the positives whilst being very aware of the potential negatives of this business.

July 2020 - I decide to set up my first tour post lockdown! Shit, wtf am I doing? Ah fuck it. Lets do this. (extracts from my head)

Hotels booked - off I go. I want to tell you all the thing I love about touring

My number 1 - Meeting the guys who have cammed with you - this for me, is not only a huge turn on, but I feel in some way I am rewarding them by booking them in and showing them my skills in person, all of those cam customers are hands down my favourite meets EVER! I have quite a few and not allowed to mention in blog, but you know who you are and THANK YOU! Those times were definately the best.

My Number 2 - Meeting new clients, most are blown away (pardon the pun) by my service, my personality and the fact I am a true professional and I do not take any crap. For that I make no apologies.

My number 3 - Getting to go to places I would never normally go. I make a point of giving myself a bit of time to visit towns etc... so it doesnt just feel like I visit a room then leave.

Of course there are things I don't like so much but for the reward I can do it.

Number 1 Dislike - Timewasters, rude messages and NO SHOWS

All of these 3 things are completely unnessesary, immature and quite frankly drive me insane. What really makes me laugh though is when the old blocked numbers appear on my phone, they think they are going to slip through my net! NOT A CHANCE - Not much gets passed me, least of all a rude idiot that treats me like a worthless escort. I give NO second chances so if you are reading this - BEWARE. Im nice as fuck until you treat me in a disrespectful way, then im not so nice. And dont forget, Im providing a service that you are looking for, not the other way around.

Number 2 Dislike - The fear of the unknown.

Who will be behind that door? Will we connect, sex is about connection not just sex.... luckily I have a decent personality that can adjust to most people so I can talk to anyone, which usually helps especially those that are nervous or new to visiting such characters as escorts.

Number 3 dislike - Being away from home and leading a kinda double life.

So there you have it, here is what I love and hate about this job, the rewards and the fear all rolled into one week! Its exhausting.

Honestly, I'm glad I have returned to escorting. The recent tour has restored my faith in the business and I am going to be doing a fair amount until next year, that is guaranteed.

I hope you have enjoyed reading...... Im going to tell you what else happened in my last stop - Where did I go and who did I meet?

Stay tuned - Stormy_Rose
AKA - Top Escort and Webcammer!

Saturday, August 8th 2020
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CAM Buddies and the future of content!
If you read my profile blogs, they are true to life for me. In fact i'm probably one of the most honest people on this site - but being this way works for me.

If someone had said to me 2 years ago, youll be camming and escorting and make new friends along the way I would have said up yours! NEVER!.....


My cam journey began in an agency, which was short lived, because I am best working to build my own business, not someone elses. So I left and became independant. Downside... Lonely, no girls to bounce from, ask questions and OFFLOAD! Yes, trust me in this job, you need someone who knows what you do, what you go through and can laught about it and not be so shocked they never want to see you again!

So I trawl profiles, (when I have spare time) and sometimes I send emails, sometimes I go into their rooms. Now, if you dont get booted out before youve had a chance to say hi, I am always polite and credit that person, and be nice. Yes, I'm a genuinely nice person. Sometimes you get a response and sometimes you dont.

Im very confident in my skin, so I do not mind for girls to visit my room, as they most likely want to see what im doing, as I am mostly busy when I'm camming full time.

anyway.... back to the story, I needed some cam friends.....

One evening I visit DirtyLittleLucy's room - she's laying on her throne bed! I think WOW! shes super cool. I said hi, etc..... she was super friendly and we then emailed and kept in touch regularly and built up an off cam friendship to which I am very grateful for.

As my last tour ended in Northampton, Lucy and I decided we would meet to discuss a potential duo camming profile, making duo content and touring together to offer duo meets - YES! Can you believe this..... DirtyLittleLucy and Stormy_Rose as a team! What is not to like?

So this week, we MET for a drink and discuss options for future and I can confirm it was a success! We WILL be making content really soon for our profiles, what would you like to see us doing? The possibilities are endless..... Two HOT bitches together what more could you want?

I have now added a couple of pictures to show you guys how we look as a duo, and trust me there is more to come. Couple of pictures added to my free gallery - check it out!

You can visit either of our rooms to ask questions, please keep this to group or private chat - DO NOT BOMBARD US IN FREE (spend your pocket money on two of the hottest on AW)

And not only Lucy...... My other cam friends include

PAWG_NIKKI_BANKS - This girl and I will be touring a little later in the year

HornyHousewife1960 - This GILF is sensational and a true human being that I am proud to call my friend!

I have more, but too many to mention and these ones are the ones who have my back and support me and work with me to develop how we can all be strong together and enjoy this trip.

WATCH THIS SPACE - I know you lot will be gagging to see what we do, I promise it will be awesome.

This journey just keeps getting better and better everyday, meeting Lucy was the perfect end to a great tour!

Love Stormy xxxx

Thursday, June 11th 2020
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The calm before the StormyRose_69!
The most frequent question I’ve had all week – What’s with the name change?

Also im well overdue another decent blog post, one that’s positive informative and written from my heart.

Here goes……

Im now almost 18 months into my “sex industry” career, as most of you know I have been in fitness coaching for 18 years, as a business owner, trainer, coach mentor & friend to a number of long standing clients I have helped. But that is not my industry now, this is and I cannot help myself, I was born to be a leader, and this is no different.
Previously known as Miss_Star_Milf served me well. Star was my stage name from way back when I was a lap dancer at spearmint rhino’s (when I was young!!!) When I joined AW, it was the only thing I could think off quickly to give myself a name that wasn’t my name. And now, yes I am a fully fledged MILF with honours, and being addressed as Miss has always been my prefix as yet I have to meet my one and be Mrs…. But even Mrs Milf wouldn’t be right for me, however being a “Milf” is in my opinion a title, a segregation, there is no brand there, no real name so its life expectancy is short, you are in the Milf category and potentially no other. I have much more to give, so please read on.

In my quest for business development I have decided to branch out to reach my ultimate goal of a revenue stream business by where you can earn money when sleeping. Yes, this is possible, but not everyone does it because quite simply they give up when it comes to the daily grind of what needs to be done. I on the other hand have invested my time and my money wisely into building content, making contacts and understanding how to reach a lot of people at once and build a fan base that can only grow with me. As I’m blogging on AW its difficult to mention other platforms, but rest assured you can find me if you look.

So Stormy Rose has been born. She cams with passion, she photographs well and it not afraid of the camera for producing pornographic content. My regular cam customers have said, my body and mind is built for sex and I 100% totally AGREE.
Stormy’s potential to grow and help others become successful in webcam and content production is limitless and this is where I up my game. I’m about to build my own group of ladies to mentor, support, guide, encourage and motivate through the process of becoming a successful webcam model.

Having a lockdown has made me sit back, think, ponder and decide how I want to run my business and life in the sex industry. There are things I absolutely love about it, and some things I hate, but I can never change so I have to find away to get around these and still be successful and happy.

Having never wanting to be a full time escort, lockdown time has meant I have decided to put the brakes on this side of the business and only see a selected few. I do not chase money, and blind meets, incalls multiple partners in one day doesn’t suit my personality, or my mind – connection is a big thing for me so there will be no more daily incall services, my time will be given to those that want to invest in connection and professionalism and a first class service.

I will develop my webcam business and my additional platforms to provide something for every kind of budget. So COVID-19 has actually done me a great big favour, its made me look at me, its pushed me to do something ive been thinking over for a long time, so now I have had no excuse – nowhere to go but my house, I have invested this time when I’m not serving my cam to write my content research my competitors and come up with something different – a personal approach to mentoring and a great development plan for my future in the industry, and the result of all of this is for me to enjoy my life, love my work and be proud of who I am.

Im genuine and I write from my core, I hope you have enjoyed reading about my plans – apologies that this post was not some fantasy cuckold party I went to where I got fucked by a 1000 virgins, then I drank from a CUM fountain whilst having my arse rimmed by 5 people at the same time – but I am a real person, I don’t write shit, I write what makes me happy! Wish me luck, There literally is no stopping me now.

Love Stormy xxx
Saturday, April 4th 2020
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My First Custom Video - That was fun!
In these strange times, im finding the process of camming a little odd at times. Men are becoming even more frustrated, almost like the pshycology of when you cant have something you want it more.

The wives, the girlfriends, the kids are suddenly thrust into your world 24 hours a day. You cannot even have a quiet wank on AW with your favourite cam girl. What to do?

Well, one of my lovliest, naughtiest, horniest, hardest cam customers messaged me in his desperation to see me naked, but due to his private time being restricted now, we had to think of a plan B - as his private time, could be 2am these days!!! And if I'm not camming then, hes pretty screwed (or not as the case maybe!!!) So he asked for a custom video.

I asked for a detailed description of the roleplay scenario he wanted me to act out...... As we had discussed many times, the possibility of a meet, but not just us, a male male female threesome.

I was elated at the thought of 2 cocks filling my holes at once, even if it was a solo roleplay. It turns me on so much to know he will be wanking hard over my naughty video - ALL HOLES FILLED!

So, here we go. I put my lovesense toy in to get my pussy nice and wet.... mmmmmm I arrange all of my toys so that I can use everything for my pleasure ans his watching and wanking pleasure.

I continue the video by using my wand on my clit while my lovesense still wets my pussy ready for DP.....

Once i have made myself cum hard with my wand, I need a good pussy fuck. While im fucking my pussy, i finger my ass, ready for when our guest arrives.

There is a knock at the door .... he is here. Now the dirty filth begins.

I take both cocks, deep in my ass and my pussy, I fuck myself hard in both holes in lots of positions and have so much dirty fun I almost explode.

Well..... he did

The End


For custom video prices, check my SPECIAL OFFERS on my profile page.

I would love to make your lockdown "harder" if you know what I mean.....

Love Miss Star Milf xxxxx

Saturday, March 28th 2020
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The world of FREELOADING on AW!
Sitting in FREE chat is something that should be fun and engaging. Lately, I completely understand there are a lot of bored men hanging around the house possibly with wives or gf's who are annoying them! But please dont come into my free room and keep annoying me.

This is a polite reminder that I offer free "chat" to guys who perhaps aren't flush with cash right now, and also for a preeview of what i look like, how I chat and to see whether you might like to cam or phone chat with me. It is not your right to bark at me, abuse me, be rude to me or argue with me.

The following requests are ignored, not because i'm rude, but because I give away a lot of my time for FREE, and therefore i firmly object to you trying to get your wank for "FREE" by asking me any of the following:

BARK - "STAND UP PLEASE" - What difference will this make to you? Back in the days when I used to be a little performing seal, I can honestly say, its just your way of getting a "FREE" peek, you have no intention of paying a per minute price to take me into a room, imagine in I did this ALL day long. I prefer to spend my energy giving 100% to those who will click the button.

"GIVE ME A TWIRL" - Why? A twirl, seriously...... so you want me to stand up and spin around for you for FREE? so you can wank over me for FREE?

"SHOW ME YOUR ASS" - Why should I? I am working, trying to earn a living for myself and my family - please give me a good reason as to why I should show my body off to you for FREE?

There are 1000's of girls on here, who may do these things, but please i'm asking nicely, please just respect my time and don't keep asking such ridiculous things for your benefit. And a word on the nasty men who come in and abuse me....... you ip addresses are tracked, and noted and I report all abuse to AW. I don't actually deserve it, and it is unnecessary so please I ask you again, STOP being nasty and rude to me. If you don't like me, don't come into my free room - NOBODY is asking you too.

Im offering my time to you for FREE - if you would like my body, my ass, my pussy or a show, then it is going to cost you some money. If you hav not got the money, thats fine just come in and say hello.

Im not rude to people unless they are rude to me, which sadly is happening more and more frequently on AW especially in free chat. It makes you not want to do it some days, some men are just vile to me and it can be very upsetting.

Please just have some respect at these times, we are all suffering in some way.

Love Star x

Friday, March 20th 2020
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Its really sad that yet again i'm writing a blog to speak of my experiences on Adultwork, of being threatened by a member who I will not meet due to Coronavirus.

As it has clearly stated on my profile for over a week now, MY DECISION to halt escorting I have stated so people can see that i'm unavailable, I have not had my green light on, but yet i'm still pestered to an unimaginable degree, by calls, text, FREE cammers and email. It gets very draining.

My experience this afternoon is from a response to an email that has actually disturbed me, he has threatened to rape me and go on to tell me that he knows where I live.

Let me share the email conversation with you to draw your own conclusions:

Message 1 - From said member:
Hello hope all is well. If possible could we arrange a meet? I’m willing to pay you good money and also willing to meet you on cam as you have requested. Kind regards

All seems very nice right? This member has ZERO feedback. (just saying)

My reply:


Can I please ask if you have read my current profile update?

You have not suggested when, I hope to god you are not asking for soon, or based on my profile I think you know what my response is going to be.

Many THanks

Polite? I think so. Thats why my profile is there. To give information.

His response:
I apologise if i have caused any inconvenience. I have read your profile thoroughly and i’m genuine after a real meet. IF you can do tomorrow than great.... if not than i’ll wait when you are free. Please understand i’m serious and not here to waste your time. X

At this point im aggitated, as he obviously hasnt read my profile, so I respond again with a somewhat frustrated response, I have placed my feelings on my profile, but he has not read it.

My Response:

Are you actually being serious, TOMORROW?

Please go back again and READ my profile. Now I am deeply offended, that yet ANOTHER man from this site, thinks only of himself.

This maybe a joke to you, but let me tell you, there is NO amount of money on this earth that would risk me catching this virus, presenting no symptomes but then giving my high risk mum a cuddle and basically setting her death sentence.

If thats not enough of a reason to tell you to fuck off, then I have no idea what is.

I wont be meeting you. EVER.

In my response, I have not been abusive, I have been direct and yes, told him to fuck off, because i'm astounded at the audacity and pure ignorance of this man. I receive a huge number of emails, calls, texts and FREE cammers each day asking the same things, and when you say no, its like your some sort of freak.

Now we go to the complete abuse, threats and vile language from an absolute pig of a human whom I can not even call a man.

His Reply:

I’m so sad. That you won’t meet me. Fucking whore. Would have shoved my dick into your butthole and buttraped the fuck out of you. Cheap little whore. I’m a taxi driver and have picked u up a few times. I no u .

So this is how we get treated by men who want to employ their power over us, becasue we provide a service that they want, but when we say no, which is our choice this is how we are spoken too.

I have of course responded to tell him, I have CCTV at my home, which will hopefully proftect me against being raped by someone, whom I just said no to.

So I continue to live in fear to a point because of this. It is wrong and something needs to be done, men cannot believe that just because they have money to pay, they can speak, and treat us how it suits them.

I hope to god that he will receive something from the universe for his dispicable vile threats to me.

I know what I am, a service provider of sex, yes - but it doesnt make me anymore deserving of this kind of behaviour.

I would love to hear your thoughts on what I have written here, I know not all of you are the same, but because I stood up for myself in the last 2 weeks i've been treatened twice.

Its so wrong.

Star x

Wednesday, March 11th 2020
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The Fun, the FEAR and the reality of escorting
I wanted to write this blog , as I had a recent "tour" to Liverpool. One that I was massively looking forward too as I had such a lot of interest in the build up to my journey.

I'm no fool, I understand the risk involved with being an escort - but in truth, I do enjoy it (sometimes) and I choose to do it only when it suits me and not a full time career.

Playing your whole life out in front of webcam can also be.... well... tedious. And I dont mean that in a nasty way, as I have some absolutely fantastic web cam customers whom I truly grateful too for EVERY single call - HOWEVER - when you work from home it can feel lonely, so stepping outside to increase your earning potential and meet some nice chaps can be a very rewarding experience, for both parties. By touring you can also get to see some places you may not have been too before, which is also a really nice thing to do.

So, I arrive in Liverpool on Sunday (phone not stopped ringing all day) I see some clients on sunday evening (not all for sex btw) there are many strings to my bow and not everyone wants to just fuck. Im a versatile human and can adapt myself to meet the needs of the paying customer.

Monday, goes really well. Again, meet some genuine fellas who are willing and happy to pay for my time in what ever context suits us both.

Tuesday comes and I get a message regarding a booking. I agree. Once I have given my location, I get a message which I personally felt was aggressive in its tone. Demanding I be naked when he arrives so he can get access immediately. Specifically stating no suspenders, no dress I want instant access..... I feel uneasy straight away. My gut says no.

Well firstly, I dress how I want to to dress, unless im asked nicely and someone has a specific requiremnent for an outfit. I feel uneasy about this message so I cancel the booking and explain I felt he was aggressive in his approach. Surely I have a right to do this, maybe he didnt realise he had no manners. I did't swear, I just said what I said. Booking cancelled I don't like the tone of the message.

I was then called weird, to which I responded this person should perhaps get some manners. I am then messaged several times with threats that he will see me, he will contacat me from different numbers so I will not know its him. A lot of hahahah's in the message - really trying to scare me.

I ask him because I'm genuinely curious as to why he would be so nasty to me for what I had said. " feeling good" by frighteneing me. He reply's not as good as I will feel when i'm between your legs. He also tells me I should continue going to the gym so I can protect myself against bad men like him. He tells me there's a lot of nasty people around.

These messages of course threw me into complete meltdown, fear and anxiety. I had to move to another location, as I had previously given him the address, and a friend very kindly paid for a hotel for me so I could move immediately.

When you travel a long way, invest your time and money into a tour, and all the things that go with it, (timewasters, no shows, hagglers etc...) the last thing you need is that. I know that I could have carried on, but the fear was just too great. What if he did visit me by using another number. It could have been a lot worse than just a few texts.

I am strong, but as a female, I simply couldn't fight off a fully grown man. EVER. Just not possible.

So, I write this blog to share my experiences and my thoughts on how I feel about this. It frightened me so much I am re thinking how I can continue to escort occassionally and be safe.

Of course staying in a hotel is one option, there is CCTV everywhere in most, but when that door opens and closes it doesn't matter where you are ANYTHING could happen.

Sadly when you work as an independent you don't really have any way to vet people, to know if they have anger issues against women/or anyone, if they have a violent temper so its left a seriously bad taste in my mouth for this type of work going forwards.

I'm genuinely sad by whats happened, but everything in life teaches you something, so I have taken some positives from this - and one is, if i'm to carry on, I need to be safer than I have been in where I choose to stay.

From the escorts point of view, yes we are charging for our time and our services, but we shouldn't be treated like this. We are providing a service so we can live our lives, and better our futures - possibly for our family or even just us. It doesn't matter why, but men look for decent girls to escort with because they have a need for us - so why kill us off with threats and bad behaviour.

Truly decent people are hard to find. I dont rip people off, Im upfront and honest about what I will and wont do - but still some people just ruin it for everyone.

Im sure I will regain my mojo, but for now, you can see me behind the safety of my camera at home! Where I provide a very explicit show for you to wank over!

I look forward to seeing you there in the near future and who knows..... maybe for a meet one day.

Love Star xxxx

Thursday, December 19th 2019
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The nature of this business!
Having always been one to push myself outside of my comfort zone, this year has been no exception.

Joining the sex industry in March 2019 has been a lot of things including fun, scary, enlightening, hard work, interesting, to mention a few!

Taking the decision to become an escort was a very big decision for me but I can safely say I have mostly enjoyed it - until i decided to accomodate incalls.

Why fix something that is not broken? I was earning good money from my webcam and occasional outcall booking.

Well.... its not that I wanted to fix something, but I wanted to live out my dream of going to Thailand for an extended holiday. The only way to do this is to earn extra money. Lets push the boundaries again!

Ok, so how shall I do this? I cannot accomodate this service from my home, so the only possible way is to pay for a hotel and hope for the best. The ideas that you want to have bookings and deposits is great in theory but the reality is IT RARELY HAPPENS! You are solely relying upon people being honest, courteous, reliable and safe.

Welcome to the wonderful world of the TIMEWASTER! Definition of this person:

Lives in a fantasy world
Will never let you know if they cannot make it
Mostly rude, but occasionally polite to try to make you believe they are genuine
Try to negotiate your prices
Talk a good talk (never walk the walk)
Void of BALLS - to actually tell you they cannot make the booking
Get surprised when you verbally abuse them, and block them.... UM... HELLO!

Having manners costs nothing, as does sending a polite message these days, so if someone reads this blog and can tell me why in this day and age people have lost the ability to have manners be polite and curteous I would love to hear your point of view.

Im painting a bad picture here, but this is THE NATURE OF THIS BUSINESS! I have also had the pleasure of meeting some really nice people from doing this, but the timewaster will continue to be the biggest thorn in my side. It has provoked a lot of food for thought for how I will run my business in 2020.

Im getting more established on AW, and my service is top draw so I don't need to "chase" the money as such. Whilst I will potentially be continuing to escort in the new year, im having a re think on how I will do it.

Those that have been all the good things about this job, will continue to receive a top service amongst other nice treats from the best Milf on AW.

If you've been blocked, there are rarely second chances, so you have lost out.

I hope the nature of this business improves one day. But until then, have a plentiful christmas everyone, spend wisely and i'll be catching up with you in 2020 when im back from my adventures!

A very big thank you to everyone who has made the appointments, cammed with me and enabled me to live out my dream holiday in my 45th year. This basically means I can stay in nice accomodation and relax for a few weeks. THANK YOU xxxxx

Friday, September 13th 2019
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My definition of the PURRRFECT MILF!
What is a MILF?

The technical term is a MUM I'D LIKE to FUCK

As far as I can remember the "MILF" was born when the film american pie released some years ago, I think back in the 90's - Stifflers mum was "a milf"

I have been called this many times, as I'm sure you can imagine..... possibly by the younger boys at my sons school when he attended high school, if ever I was to walk thorough the school, I could feel the eyes watching me. My son hated it, and I can see why - but it used to make me chuckle inside! I think ive always had that naughty streak!!

Having always kept my body in mint condition, my career as a personal trainer has enabled me to hold this title for the last 21 years!

But what is a man looking for in a MILF?

An older woman with experience who is hot and knows what she wants! Well that is definitely me. Yes, I have given birth but from then, I have never "let myself go" So I have all the MILF traits that I believe you are looking for when you hit that search key.....

I'm a mum - that's a good start
I have a mind that can communicate on a level
I have approximately 30 years of sexual experience encounters
I have experienced several sexual partners
I can be filthy, flirty and fun
I am confident with my appearance to get naked in front of men & experiment new things
I'm not afraid to direct a man to pleasure me (if hes younger of course)
I have the body of a younger lady ("tight and toned")
I am not fake - No botox, my hair and teeth belong to me (my only enhancement is my boobs and they are firm, pirt and bouncy at the same time)
I have a genuine personality, fun to be around and extremely whitty
I take pride in how I look and behave

How many milfs have you met with all of the above? I'm curious to know

If you have read this and believe there are more "MILF" traits please feel free to email me! I love hearing about your Milf experiences..... what do you want in a milf? Have you fucked a MILF - Have you been seduced by an older woman?

I absolutely love being a milf, I wouldn't change it for the world, there is mileage in it, teasing & tantilising young men from all over the world on the wonderful world of AW!

Next time your searching for the perfect MILF jump into my cam room and feel free to give me your definition of a MILF!

But for now, i'm off to continue to be a filthy, milfy and pleasure my cam room cummers!

Love Miss Star Milf
Sunday, September 8th 2019
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Making my porn profile videos.....
Amateur porn at its finest, but fuck its so horny.....

An old friend has been desperate to fuck me for as long as I can remember. So now i am a cam girl and I need a man to make my videos.... why not!

I love a man that has tattoos so, this man is perfect for the job.

First time he comes around.... we record him licking my pussy and then me sucking him off with my porn star blow job. Perfect.....

I place them on to my profile, wanting more.... I ask him again, can we do another video I want your cum in my face next time. I want to taste it, and get a facial.... of course he agrees.

So after a couple of drinks, he comes around, we start by kissing passionately on my front room, which is also my cam room. Then we fuck on my rug, he puts me into doggy position and feeling my tight little pussy around his cock, it is not long before he wants to shoot his 4 day load over my pretty little face.

I start to suck his cock and there we go, the cum shot, in my mouth in my face and literally everywhere.

As im asked to do this a lot when I meet clients, and sadly I wont do it with strangers, I hope the video keeps you entertained and horny for a few days.

What will naughty Miss Star Milf get up too next and which friend will she ask to fuck her up the arse again?

Star tuned.... cumming soon

Monday, September 2nd 2019
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My recent photoshoots.... SO MUCH FUN
WOW! Just fucking WOW....

In the last two weeks I arranged 2 photoshoots to improve my profile and show exactly what I have to offer on and off cam. The results speak for themselves...I hope you will agree?

My first shoot was with someone whom I have cammed with, after talking we realised he lived just down the road and his passion i photography.... namely wedding stuff, so when I asked if he would photograph me, authentically in my own cam room with my outfits, my lighting and my laptop - HE SAID YES!

Upon his suggestion that I purchase a cowboy hat, as my favourite position is cowgirl and reverse cowgirl , I knew immediately how much fun we would have doing the shoot.

He arrived, when I was on a cam call.... I ushered him into my home and said just start taking pics... and so he did. He snapped away to the natural beat of me talking to my regular cam guys, who I absolutely love and respect for the amount of time they give to me, when quite frankly they could choose anyone on AW.

After I've taken a couple of calls, I switch of the cam and we discuss the rest of the shoot. Pretty much all his ideas for how to shoot me, in the best light and give the best idea of what I can offer.

I now have a new, absolutely fantastic, sexy, hot, sultry, bunch of pictures I will be sharing with you all this month.

I wanted the shoot to have authenticity, with some posing too, and thats exactly what I got.

Lots of me, my boobs, my pussy and my ass..... perfect for my regulars to wank over. And I have placed a number of them inot my free gallery too, for everyones pleasure..... please enjoy the pictures and I would love to hear your htoughts on them.

THEN..... off i go to a dungeon I rent for my live dominatrix sessions. I have a regular client I use there, and he was more than happy to oblige to be my slave for the day. He got to serve, worship and be the sissy he is. I got, some great pictures to show off my split personlaity from being a sexy cam girl, into a sultry, dominatirx who likes to spank, tie, tease and much much more.

My favourite part about being a DOM is that I get to dress up in some of the sexiest clothing on the planet, be serious, but super sexy in my approach to dominate the sissy, the server ALL FOR MY PLEASURE! hahahahah

My pictures tell a 1000 words, i'm strong, a force not to be rekoned with, a brutal but beautiful Mistress who can be worshipped and served until her heart is content.

With enough equipment to sink a battleship at my disposal, my only question is are you brave enough to meet me at the dungeon?

My strength will win you over, my charm will seductively seduce you and you will be begging me for more.

BUT only will you be granted more when you have earnt it.

Not for the feint hearted, so book at your peril.

Enjoy the pictures, I hope you love them as much as I do.

Miss Star Milf x

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