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Friday, September 6th 2024
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Channelled Messages
As I have mentioned before I am deeply spiritual and I am currently writing a book, with the messages I channel.

I wanted to share the 2 I channelled today on here:

Forgiving your own Birth 06 September 2024

Having the humility and discipline to forgive your own birth is deeply powerful. As when you can fully embrace the choice of your birth which through forgiveness can take you on that path. You are able to release and surrender to the power of the trauma that is embodied in your birth. Not understanding the trauma can leave you restricted limited and overwhelmed in holding the trauma.
You have to get to a place where you see yourself as choosing the trauma so that you can see how it enables you to be opened and fully aligned with your Dharma which is your life purpose to why you have come to live your life. Your trauma can sometimes be viewed as your Karma. The trauma or suffering in which you feel in this life is all by divine choice working so beautifully together as guides to invoke your power to the earth and the universe. When you can use the trauma/suffering as the gift or guide just as much as you use your natural skills/abilities to guide you through the purpose of your life, you can enter in to a place of deep acceptance and capability to where you are at, or wanting to go on your journey.

My Gift to the Universe 06 September 2024

My chaos, unfiltered nature is a gift to the world it can lead me into pain, suffering and difficulties, alongside enter me at times into heaven, a place of deep serenity, peace and pure acceptance of what is, completely connecting with no time; that the unity of life is complete always there accessible, and able to connect you with your power in one nano second.
I feel as though I never want to retire I want to live my life, and works purpose for as long as my human body allows the completion of this. In one sense there is no time; there is only the place of now, which means we shall all continue with our gifts of purity, unity, connection, heaven, peace, suffering, isolation and disconnection. The greatest gift that I bestow is never forget that power of connection and to always pass that feeling or deep knowing to all people, energy or consciousness in order for all people to realise they are never alone.
Saturday, July 20th 2024
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Connecting to the Rawness of truth and Sex
The truth is we all come from the raw animalist energy, of sex that is disgusting and disturbing yet beautiful passionate and deeply connecting. It is Life creating and is essential to our evolution as humans.
I struggle with disorganisation and feeling insecure not believing in myself and feeling utterly chaotic with my thoughts and emotions at times.
With my work I absolutely love it as I feel free, and because I am allowing myself to be exposed through the webcam and expressive; I feel unjudged as part of my exposure means someone is also exposing themselves and being vulnerable and raw just like me.
I find that if I do a sexual webcam performance where I sexually open myself with someone masturbating to me. It really helps ground my energy I feel able to focus and begin to start a plan for my day.
As I am writing this I am realising with all my understanding of the body, psychology and connection with chakras; and how each chakra connects with different stages in your life they go up in 7 years at a time. So, for example the base chakra which is at the bottom of the spine but also will links with your vagina and sexual organs will be linking with 0-7 , your genitalia will also link with your sacral chakra which is the second chakra. All of the blocked or misunderstood energy that needs to be realised and understood, will limit your productivity, organisation and creativity. For me organisation goes back to being sent to school at a young age and feeling too young to cope without my parents for long periods of time during the day when they work.
When I work on webcam and feel this release of being free to express my rawness disinhibition, vulnerability and creativity, alongside there being a voyeur who is enjoying the performance and also being vulnerable and expressive, in the way that is raw and disinhibited, I feel as though I am connecting with that inner child who wanted to be raw, free, disinhibited but deeply accepted. Your genital is such a sacred part of your body, as it creates life; and could be seen as the most powerful part of your body because of this. When you are being accepted in the most rawest and exposing of ways. It feels deeply grounding and empowering giving you a feeling of deep acceptance of yourself ultimately.
This is the first blog/book entry since I was in the election the exposure with my bikini, the exposure in the press, feeling totally raw and vulnerable. Has given me a greater sense of connection with myself and ultimate belief in myself.
No matter what the nay sayers do or say go for it anyway. You are a powerful and meant to be heard feel able and free to express yourself connect with the power of that; and you will succussed to greatness. However, on the path of greatness you must allow yourself to fail and feel week vulnerable and like a no-body as it is in those true places of surrender you will connect with your inner truth and abundant nature in beauty.
Monday, June 17th 2024
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The First Sex worker to enter British Politics
The First Sex worker to enter British Politics


It's been a while since I have written a blog.
I have been so busy. My partner Marcus has started a new Political Party which I am Co-founder and principal advisor.

I am also excited to say I am running in the Great Britain 2024 Election for a seat in parliament. I am running for South Dorset constituency. I believe I am the first sex worker to enter British politics!!! So I am making history!!

I am really passionate about our message and what we are doing as a Political Party and movement, we are a radical party we believe in EMPOWERING EVERYONE! Solving every problem and fulfilling every dream. There are over 30 policies that Marcus has written I have contributed to some.

The reason why I am so passionate about our party which is called Everyone is God, because I feel really empowered with where I am at in my life. The policies that we have, Marcus and I have lived by; as we try and take full accountability and responsibility with our lives, and this is at the root of our policies which is at the root of empowerment for all people!

Our party is not religious, we believe that everyone has the power of God inside of them to achieve what they want in their lives and this is the main message with what we are about!!

As part of the campaign I will be walking around London in my union jack bikini! You are more than welcome to join us take photos or follow us on twitter/X it's everyoneisgodpp. If you are interested in looking up our policies, we have a Sex & Psychology Policy, Following your Heart Policy and a Human Darkness Policy this is just a few amongst the more common policies such as Taxation and Fiscal Policy. Look up everyone is God Political Party.

Enjoy some of the photos I've attached but there are so much more!!!

We will be in London on Tuesday or Wednesday this week.

I will also be in my local towns Weymouth, Dorchester, Bridport and Swanage.

I will keep you posted via a tab on my profile, so you can see me in my bikini and boots promoting the party!!!

Lots of love,
Rosie xxx
Friday, January 19th 2024
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Fearlessness: Anal and Sket: Opening Yourself


Since my last post I have been pushing more boundaries within myself. Wanting to explore the endless avenues within, but in an external way.

As I have said before I adore the woods, I feel deeply safe there and open although it can challenge insecurities within.

I am deeply spiritual and I honestly don't think you can separate the spiritual from the psychological and understanding the truth of all aspects of human behaviour.

Something we all do as humans is go to the toilet, I have always found this very connecting, deeply humbling along-side very humiliating and disgusting.
I have recently listened to a podcast on YouTube about Scat; which is a fetish where people get turned on over pooing either smearing it over themselves during sex or even eating it. I personally do not find this at all arousing and it actually makes me feel sick the thought of doing any of those things. I have actually made my own YouTube video about this and urination and explaining the psychology behind it. It is called: #Golden-Showers, #Coprophilia, #weeing or #pooing during #sex or it being arousing why??? On my Channel Rosie Morrell Sex Therapist.
However, there is a whole community out there that really enjoy it, and I believe that if they are following their truth then good for them and I do not judge it, it is just something that I personally would not like.
I did however find this podcast very inspiring; as the way the women describes the whole experience of pooing in front of someone then smearing it all over and enjoying it in sex; as deeply erotic and fundamentally connecting. As you are sharing your excrements in the most intimate way, so there is nothing left to hide between you both
This realisation I had while listening to the podcast made me feel slightly jealous that I can not go to that level not just with myself and my own poo, but with someone else. Even though I had this slight feeling of jealousy I no way want to explore it.

I just feel that it shows how if you can open yourself to deeply humbling experiences in a really intimate way you can access extreme connection.
This leads me on to my anal experience. So, I struggle with anal with my partner Marcus. However, I do love the feeling of it when I am in the mood, it feels slightly painful which can feel arousing as well. The anus is the opening to the kundalini, which is a deeply spiritual aspect within yourself, you can have kundalini awakenings through many different experiences.

While I was in the woods recently, I was in a place where it felt untouched by many humans for a while, slightly eery but also connecting. I had the intuition to use one of dildos to give myself anal it was also very cold as it was snowing slightly this made the whole experience deeply opening, exposing and raw. Feeling as though you break boundaries within yourself in a bit of an extreme way, opens you to aspects which you never knew existed and connects with fearless and deeper power in a humble way. I honestly felt my kundalini energy rise and that I was more connected to the world, the elements and nature. I made a video of the anal in the woods. it is on AdultWork if you are interested in watching under my profile RosieSexTherapist. It is called Cheeky anal in the woods.
My message for this blog is if you are struggling with some form of connection with a relationship, it is more often you are struggling with an aspect of yourself that you do not understand, sometimes it is about being brave and a bit fearless, following your heart and opening yourself to a new experience with yourself, to understand yourself. To then feel a deeper understanding and connection with others around you.
If you have any questions, about the way I work you can reach out through the AW site.
Love Rosie xxx
Tuesday, January 2nd 2024
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Happy New Year 2024
Happy New Year! I feel 2024 is going to be a year of shift and different experience.

2023 was a powerful year for me. I experienced things I never would have anticipated before; they were sexual and deeply connecting. This opened me up to new knowledge and showed me different understanding in life.

Towards the latter part of 2023, I have become so connect to a woodland area. I find this place so enchanting, I feel completely safe and connected there. Although, there are times I connect to unknown parts of myself in the woods, this can feel eery, and slightly uncomfortable, but although I feel slightly unnerved by it sometimes; I welcome it and I enjoy the exploration of nature. The wild the raw and the disinhibited aspects nature, has with the ferocious wind, pouring rain and harshness, I find if you allow yourself to connect with the raw weather it opens you to the rawness and disinhibited parts of yourself.
As always with everything I believe every aspect of your environment is a direct reflection of what you have going on inside of you. I feel when you allow the truth of that experience and surrender to it, it delivers you to far greater knowledge and intimacy with yourself and others.
I also believe sex creates us so it can be at the root of our issues in some form.
I am writing a book at the moment and plan to publish it by the end of the year, I will keep you updated.
My message for everyone is to allow yourself to be more aligned with your whole self, sexual and otherwise, do not be afraid of stepping into the disinhibition or eeriness of yourself, that is where you discover some of your most exciting and intimate loving parts of yourself.

Also Check out my Youtube Channel Rosie Morrel Sex Therapist and Rosie Morrell, I talk about some interesting things, whether porn is bad, and coprophilia and watersports amongst other things. Enjoy!

Enjoy some of my pics from the woods and I also love being glamourous too!
Happy New Year,

Rosie xx
Wednesday, November 1st 2023
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Sissification, Taboo and Power

I have not done a blog post for a while, I have been processing a lot and looking at different areas of my work regarding my therapy and personal research, which has taken me into areas of taboo that I have never experienced, if you are interested in knowing what that is contact me through AW cam or phone chat and I can explain in detail! The taboo has actually been very enlightening and inspiring, I have actually processed deeper parts of my sexuality regarding it over the past few months.

I have Recently uploaded a you tube about one of my clients who I find very inspirational you can check it out on Rosie Morrell Sex Therapist- Its called Humiliation and Sissification. In the video I explain why people may get off on being humiliated and how it can be coded as a form of love, when you are a young child or baby.

Just another thing; My partner Marcus and I are going to do a free live Question and answer session. This will be on Youtube on my channel Rosie Morrell Sex Therapist and on Marcus’s channel Every 1 is God. We are planning on starting it in the later part of November. If you are interested you can message me a question? I am a bit nervous about this, but I am also looking forward to it and finding out if you have any kinky questions..

I have also been going to the woods a lot recently I really love it! I connect with the trees, and feel the energy of nature is so powerful in connecting with the power of all of yourself!

My message here is: even if you feel embarrassed of your penis and you actually partly or completely get off on the thought of it being laughed at or humiliated about. Try to embrace that feeling it can liberate you. From an outsiders perspective by embracing it, shows a level of deeper confidence which can be more attractive than someone who had a larger penis but is not confident about their penis or an aspect about their sexuality.

Embrace the power of your penis it is one of the most powerful tools you have as it creates life.

Lots of love,
Rosie xxxxxxxx
Thursday, January 5th 2023
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The Power of Being Submissive
Happy New Year everyone!

Welcoming in 2023 I am feeling it is more and more about being in the truth of who we are, and really learning to accept all parts of ourselves. Even the parts that feel taboo or that we do not want to accept out of fear of judgment or not being accepted into the society or culture we are living in.

I have recently uploaded a new YouTube video it is called the Power of being Submissive. I talk about how I feel personally very submissive, and how I feel deeply empowered by really surrendering to that fact. I also explain how in the past I perceived the word submissive with such negative connotations. In that it meant you were unable to stand up for yourself or what believed in and you were a passive person with no drive or leadership skills.

However, having really surrendered to this part of myself actually makes me feel more grounded and in control and actually enables me to take the lead in areas of my life where I feel more dominant in a balanced and grounded way, so it is the opposite of how I felt before.

I wanted to express this and really own it, as It has been deeply empowering for me and I wish to encourage other people to really own parts of themselves that they may have felt embarrassed or ashamed to share. As it really helps ground and connect with every part of yourself to feel whole, integral and that you are in full command of your of life.

If you have any questions about what I do or would like to set up a session please phone, webcam or email through the AdultWork site.

Lots of Love Always,
Rosie xx

#submissive #powerofbeingsubmissive #steppingintothtruth #ses #truth #adultwork
Wednesday, November 16th 2022
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The Power of Embracing Your Age

Welcome, I hope you are all keeping ok. It has been while since my last blog.

In August 2022 I turned 39. I have made a YouTube video called embracing the power of your age, if you are interested you can check it out on my channel: Rosie Morrell. I talk about how I feel a lot more accepting and welcoming of getting older. I am actually looking forward to turning 40 next year.

I feel as a society we should really encourage embracing our age as we get older, instead of feeling it’s something we may have to hide or be ashamed of.

As I have got in to my later 30’s sexually I feel a lot more explorative and open, and although I am in a heterosexual relationship, I am feeling more pan-sexual where I feel more attracted to energy than who someone physically is.

I said to my partner Marcus that if him and I split up I could see myself being with anyone from an 18 yr. old young man to a 90-year-old woman. As I literally feel it is more about the connection you have not so much the physical appearance and as I have gotten older the superficial qualities, I used to look for in partners seem less important.

So, my message is as always embrace all aspects of yourself, and try to be proud of every aspect, and if it is not something you feel you can be proud of maybe consider why that is; and think about ways in which you could resolve that for yourself. As if there are parts of yourself you do not feel fully comfortable with, this will have a subtle but detrimental effect on other aspects of your life.

If you are interested in what I do you can call, webcam or email through the Adult Work site.

Lots of Love,
Rosie xxx
Thursday, September 15th 2022
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Understanding Yourself and Small Penis Humilation

It has been a few weeks since my last blog. I have been really busy with my clients also processing deeper inner issues, which can take its toll emotionally.

However, as I have said before the more I understand, and process within myself the more I am able to hold and help my clients process and understand themselves.

I have a lot of experience with a range of issues, from really vanilla to really dark, and nothing phases me. This, I believe is because I am able to hold and understand the darkness within myself, as we all have a dark side!!

I have uploaded my latest YouTube video, it is called Small Penis Humiliation

In this video I give an explanation of what small penis humiliation is.

I then give a psychological explanation of why men may have that sexual fetish and really get off on it.

If you are interested check it out on my channel Rosie Morrell Sex Therapist.

I have taken some pictures of the September 2022 full moon which is the Harvest Moon. I found this very releasing to purge aspects of miss understood emotions that were holding me back. When you purge yourself of different emotional issues, at a sexual level this can help you have a deeper more fulfilling orgasm.

Any questions let me know, either through, webcam, phone or email.

Lots of love,

Rosie xxx
Wednesday, August 10th 2022
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Pain, Passion and Wanting to be a Mother

I hope you are all ok.

I have uploaded a new youtube video to my Channel Rosie Morrell its called pain passion and wanting to be a mother update.

As a sex and relationship therapist with a degree in psychology I give a personal update from my first ever you tube video that I filmed 3 years ago, Pain, passion and wanting to be a mother! - where I talk about really wanting to be a Mother.

In the recent video I explain how my feelings have changed a lot and I am actually grateful I do not have children. I also give an explanation of how different experiences in your childhood can deeply affect you as an adult, from my own personal occurrences alongside reflecting on working with nearly 600 clients and their issues as adults.

I also go into more detail about different traumas from my childhood, and explain how it has affected me and how I feel I have become addicted to pain in a certain way; and how I am really unpicking this process at the moment.

I always find it so interesting how even at a conscious level when you do not want to experience certain situations because the feeling can be so terrible within yourself; that you can still find yourself in a situation that you really did not think you would want to be in. This is because the subconscious is desperately trying to resolve the issue. Therefore, you can find yourself re-creating the same feeling just a different circumstance.

However, from my own experience and that of my clients you can definitely resolve and overcome all issues within yourself; you just need to have termination to resolve it and not allow yourself to go into a coping mechanism of distraction in some form.

If you are interested in understanding this, please either contact me through Adult work email, phone or webcam.

Look after yourselves,

Lots of love, Rosie xxx
Tuesday, August 2nd 2022
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Erectile Dysfunction

I hope you are all keeping ok?

I have uploaded a new you tube video to my channel Rosie Morrell Sex Therapist called: “Erectile Dysfunction”.

Having worked on Adult work as a Sex and Relationship Therapist, and collected confidential data on nearly 600 clients over nearly 3 years; I have a come across a few clients with erectile dysfunction. In the video I also answer a question a gentleman asked me: "why is he able to maintain erections with escorts, but not his wife?". I also explain the reasons why, from a psychological perspective men can struggle with issues such as erectile dysfunction.

While I was filming the video; even though I am aware of this phenomenon anyway, it dawned on me how we all have different issues or problems that we struggle with. Its only when we do the inner work, we see how on the surface an unrelated issue can go back to something really random in our childhood, that before doing the inner work we would have had no idea why we struggle with such a problematic issue. As all of our childhood experience really shapes who we are as adults.

My partner Marcus and I work together, and have come up many theories and perspectives from all the research we have compiled along with collecting our confidential data, about a range of issues.

If you have any questions or are interested in the work Marcus and I do please contact me through the AW site either through the phone, webcam or email.

Look after yourselves, and remember if you have the determination and dedication, you can resolve many issues even if you have been struggling with them for a while.

Lots of Love,
Rosie xxx
Tuesday, July 19th 2022
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Sexual Liberation

I have recently filmed and uploaded another YouTube Video. Where I explain how working as a Sex and Relationship Therapist on Adult Work, has really liberated me and connected me with an even deeper love of myself. I then go on to describe how I have connected to myself more as a sexual being who feels deeply empowered; even though I have not got the perfect body. I have a bit of belly fat with saggy breasts, I still really feel empowered and liberated by doing this work. I really feel as though I am using my body to its full protentional. It has really helped me begin to break down even deeper elements of shame within myself, linked to not having the perfect body even though I regularly work out and eat reasonably healthy.

I also explain how I feel combining sexual performance with therapy, really enables my clients to open up and feel safer with me more rapidly, than if we were doing the sexual therapy in a more mainstream way. As I have had a lot of positive feedback from working in this way on Adult-Work using this modality. Men, for example who have struggled with a range of issues; such as porn addiction, shame relating to a taboo sexual topic, low self-esteem, confidence finding a partner or in a relationship etc…. After even one session, they often say their orgasm is deeper, and they feel they have shifted something within themselves; that when they use Adult Work to masturbate with another cam model, who is not trained in therapy the way I am, they seem to not have such a profound experience.

I also give a short clip of how I have developed a modality which combines sexual therapy and performance, where I am in my lingerie. This around about 4-5 mins into the video. (please see my Rosie Morrell Sex Therapist channel where I explain more.).

I have mentioned before that I collect comprehensive, confidential data that I only share with my partner Marcus as he is my mentor. If you are interested in finding out about this, please either contact me through Adult work phone chat, webcam, email or check out my YouTube channel called Rosie Morrell Sex Therapist and the video that is called Sex Therapist- Sexual M Healing.

Hope you’re all having a good week, please do let me know if you have any questions about what I do.

Lots of love,
Rosie xxx

#sex #sexual #sexualliberation #sexuality #love #loveyourself #loveyou #Rosiemorrell #rosie #rosiesextherapist
Thursday, July 14th 2022
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Nurturing Sexual Taboo Healing

It's been a couple of months since my last blog.

I have been busy with work both on myself and with my clients, which I love.

As I have mentioned before I collect comprehensive confidential data, that is just shared between Marcus (my partner) and myself, as he is my mentor and I wouldn't be able to do all of this work without him.

I have actually worked and collected data on nearly 600 clients in just under 3 years since opening my profile on Adult work, back in September 2019.

I may have mentioned before that the highest fantasy I have come across since collecting data is men wanting their biological mother!

I have complied a YouTube video explaining why Marcus and I believe this to be the case.

If you are interested it is on my Rosie Morrell Sex Therapist YouTube channel, there is also a short clip of how I carry out therapy and performance, on the video.

I have taken some photos of myself and the beautiful scenery near where I'm really lucky to live. I hope they attach to my blog, if not please check in my free gallery on adult work.

I hope you're all keeping ok, and managing to enjoy this weather at the moment.

Look after yourselves and your fantasies, remember they are part of you, no matter how dark, or Taboo they are! :-)

Lots of love,

Rosie xxxx

Thursday, May 19th 2022
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Ending Relationships

Welcome, it has been a while since I have updated my blog. I have had a lot of life events occurring and have made some major changes in my life.

I talk about some of the changes I have made in my latest YouTube Video “Doing the hardest thing can be the kindest and safest thing.” On my YouTube channel Rosie Morrell.

In the video I explain how I have ended a lot of close relationships in my life. Including my blood relatives and close friends. (I am still with my partner Marcus.)

As I mention in previous blog’s I am constantly doing the inner work on myself in order to lead the most fulfilling life with high integrity, as I believe that is what leads to a life of abundance in all areas.

However, to have full integrity over yourself and your life it can mean that you have to make challenging choices, which can feel very hard and painful at the time, but in the long run can be better all round.

The majority of the relationships I have recently ended, have not been because the people were bad in anyway, in fact the opposite they were all lovely, it just felt like we were going on different paths, which meant I felt under pressure to fit in to past expectation of the person I used to be. It was putting them under pressure also. Which in long run can actually be a mild form of abuse to both parties as people are trying to be something they are not.

In our society it is not really encouraged to end relationships, if on the surface there are no major issues. In fact, I feel that we a taught to be governed by duty and loyalty to people due to longevity. Instead of accepting that people change, and maybe the most loving and healthy thing for everyone is to go on your separate paths.

In my role as a sex and relationship therapist, I work with a lot of men and there are a good portion of those men, who are married and come to me saying: their wives are not giving them the sex they want, and they are paying for escorts or cam girls in secret. However, it often transpires that they don’t want to get a divorce as there are complications like children and finances involved.

Occasionally, these men will also say: “everything else is good in our marriage, it’s just in the bedroom”, and that is another reason why they do not want to leave the marriage. If you are one of theses men, please do not feel offended, I am simply trying to help, by offering an alternative view.

In my view and according to the research I have done. When you are maintaining a relationship where you cannot be your full self or you have secrets, this actually creates other problems in your life for example: health issues, work or financial etc… as you are not being 100% with the closest person or people to you (this includes friends). Therefore, you are saying I am not worth 100%, as you are holding back parts of yourself from those people, but still choosing to maintain a relationship with them.

I know ending relationships, or speaking your full truth in a relationship can feel very daunting and challenging. However, from my experience where I have ended a whole range of different relationships: including long-term romantic relationships where a mortgage and marriage plans have been involved, to close blood relatives and really close lifelong friends. I feel at the age of 38, where I have no blood relatives or friends in my life (a part from my partner Marcus and his daughter) the truest and liberated I have ever felt in my whole adult life. Some food for thought if you are struggling in any relationship.

I have taken some photos of being out on some of the walks I have been on near where I live enjoy!!

Thank you for your interest, if you have any interest in what I do you can contact me.

Wishing you all well,

Lots of Love,

Rosie xxx

#relationships #ending relationships #beingtruetoyourself #rosiemorrellsextherapist #beingwhole #integrity #sex #sexattherootofeverything


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