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Wednesday, June 26th 2024
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For my harloteers
Hello my harloteers!

Anyone still upset over the Scotland results or should I not even mention it? Moving on… this blog is going to be a little less sexy than the last one and a bit more administrative. As we approach the end of June, one of the quietest months I’ve ever had, we’re launching into two months where my personal life is looking potentially hectic and as usual, that will affect my availability :).

For anyone looking for touring updates, I had hoped to come through to Glasgow in summer but when I looked at accommodation prices I just could not take the risk of booking it. For now I’m hoping to make it back to Glasgow in September. If you check out the touring tab on my profile, you’ll see my plans that aren’t booked yet but what I’m thinking about. The good news is that I did finally get round to booking a trip to London! I’m coming down at the end of July for a few days and I’ve decided to make this mostly a holiday because there is so much I want to see and do in London! I think it’s at least 11 years since I was last down! I have limited availability for evening bookings while I’m down but I’m holding off before I take any bookings until July while I settle on my own London itinerary. If you have any recommendations, I’m excited to hear them :).

Other than my London trip, July has a few other dates that are booked up with visits from friends, a camping trip and a few other plans that are currently in the works. If you are looking to see me in July, I would definitely recommend arranging sessions in advance. As usual though, if you see my available today/green light on then I am happy to take same day sessions where I can.

Finally, the countdown is on. The programme was finalised earlier this month and I have started making my way through it. The Fringe is back, bebe! Or it will be in August and I cannot wait! If you don’t know what I’m talking about, you might like to scroll back to some of my blogs from last summer or the summer before. The Edinburgh Fringe is the biggest arts festival in the world and I absolutely love it. Last year I hit 37 shows and this year my goal is 40! This means during August, I also take time off here and there to see shows. I have friends staying with me for a few nights throughout the month and this all affects my availability so like with July, advance bookings are recommended.

I will no doubt be writing more about the Fringe in the run up and during August, live comedy is just one of my favourite things! If you’d fancy going to a fringe show with me, I would absolutely be up for it. Next month I’ll likely post some shows I’d like to go to in case any appeal but I’m also open to ideas from you :). And if you’d like to treat me to shows, the fringe website does offer gift vouchers that you can email me and I can’t tell you how much I’d adore that!

For now, I need to shuffle off to the dentist which I hate but at least there are exciting things to look forward to!

Frightfully yours,

GothHarlotBBW x
Wednesday, June 19th 2024
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I don't mean to be sexy but...
Writing a blog with the taste of cock still fresh in my mouth and the echo of being told what a good slut I am is my ideal writing condition. I said last time that my next blog might be a bit sexier and here we go… Today I want to talk to you about edging and what cock worship means to me ;).

I’ve always been a bit of a slut. In my years before joining AW and the world of sex work, I like to think I put in the time that led to the curvy cock hungry whore you see on my profile with the skills to make you weak at the knees. My wee tagline on my profile has always mentioned cock worship and after a recent session where I was asked for a long teasing and edging session, I started to wonder where I think edging and cock worship meet.

One of my favourite types of sessions is for you to lie back and let me play with your cock. I want to stroke it, lick it, kiss it, suck it, gag on it, tease it, slowly wank you off while my tits sway, building up the intensity until I can’t help but choke on it some more. I want to touch every part. If your balls are smooth, I want them in my mouth, I want to use my tongue on them and I want to play with them. (But smooth only, hairy things don’t go in my mouth or anywhere near my tongue!) I want to make sure you feel my tongue bar all over your hard cock. I don’t mind if it’s 15 minutes, an hour or more. The kind of session where I get to play and play, only thinking about your pleasure and how close I get you to orgasm and when you’re ready, I absolutely cannot wait to bring you there!

Now you might be reading that thinking that’s a perfectly adequate description of edging and I think it probably is but I’ve only recently realised this because in my head, this is exactly what cock worship means to me! Maybe it’s because my default mode is submissive and everything I describe above is meant with absolute adoration of cock and excitement over getting to please a man until he says it’s time to cum. Whereas I’ve always thought about edging as denial until I’m ready for him to cum while I tease the fuck out of this mystery man in the process. But are these sort of different sides of the same coin? I’m sure I’m late to the party on this or maybe I’m just missing something entirely here, answers on a postcard please.

As I said, my default is submissive and I think that’s always where I’ll be my best slutty self. But do I increasingly have switchy dominant ideas coming into my head? Absolutely. The idea of inflicting pain on someone, beyond a little light biting or scratching, really makes me uncomfortable. And I’m still not going down the road of pegging. But edging and taking control of your orgasm is definitely a playground I want to try out.

If you read this and want to explore a cock worship session with the submissive harlot or an edging session with a more in charge BBW, I hope I’ll hear from you soon. Or even just with what you think the difference is between cock worship and edging. Is what I describe neither?

Frightfully yours,

GothHarlotBBW x
Friday, May 31st 2024
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It might make you cringe.
Hello handsome, how you doin’?

Rate that blog intro! Where 1 is it makes you cringe so hard you’re going to scrub your brain and soul so clean that the words goth, harlot and bbw never enter them again! Up to 10 where it made you blush and you’ll have a boner the rest of the day :p.

Awkward greetings aside, how has your May been? Mine has been pretty great. A second camping trip of the year, a trip to one of my favourite places, some live comedy and some extra chill time at home thanks to no touring :). I’m sitting with hair dye stewing, waiting for my leftovers to heat up and thought I’d take the time to tell you all about it.

Remember that weekend everyone was going crazy for the sky and posting pictures all over social media for the aurora? I was lucky enough to be camping that weekend near Inverness and we had a pretty great night watching the sky with the campfire crackling in the background. I maybe shouldn’t mention that me and my friend almost forgot about the whole thing until we looked up and tried pointing our phones at it for a better look! The rest of the weekend was fairly chill, a very slow hike and a visit to a gorgeous arboretum. I was a broken woman on Sunday for no real reason, guess that’s just life when you’re 30+ :p.

A week to recover and I was off to Arran for a night with my bestie :). It was their first trip so I got to plan a fun wee taster of the island for our 30 or so hours that we spent there. Brodick Castle Gardens are some of my favourite gardens to daunder about so that was the first stop. A drive around the north side of the island to get a feel for the place. Checking in to our adorable bnb before heading to the pub for food and a lot more drinks than we’d planned for… the walk home definitely took us longer than the walk there :p. The next morning started with a great breakfast and I got to drag my friend up to see one of my favourite waterfalls, Eas Mor. I think being able to stand at the viewpoint and watch the waterfall while looking over the treetops is just one of the most magical feelings (and if that makes you cringe harder than my intro, just wait until I write a blog about tree hugging ;)). A quick stop at some shops before we had a ride in a unimog to see even more of the island before eating pizza on the beach before our ferry home. I know I’m biased but I think I can plan a good trip :p.

Anyway, my leftovers are ready and this hair dye needs to be washed out. If you notice my ears are stained in the coming week, be polite and don’t mention it :p. My next blog might be a bit sexier, I’ve been thinking lots about edging recently. And cock worship and what that means to me. And maybe I’ll eventually get round to booking some more tour dates…

Frightfully yours,

GothHarlotBBW x
Tuesday, April 30th 2024
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This Harlot's wholesome week off
Hi-de-hi! Look who’s back after her week off feeling all refreshed and ready for shenanigans! It’s me, your (hopefully) favourite plus size gothic harlot!

How do you imagine I spend a week off? I bet it was a lot more wholesome than you think it was you wee perv :p. Here’s how I spent my week…

For my birthday this year, my closest friends got me a voucher to feed the giraffes at Edinburgh zoo. I love giraffes! When I went to the zoo with my friend last year, I was so taken with seeing them that she knew what I was getting for my next birthday and honestly, it was fucking awesome :). I had such a gorgeous time with them, the keeper was amazing and was not put off by my questions and chatter about them! You are given instructions not to pat them and honestly that was pretty hard, they look perfect for giving a wee boop on the nose but I contained myself! Overall, it was a perfect start to my week off to spend lunchtime feeding them and then the rest of the day at the zoo with one of my besties who came for a wee visit. I felt so lucky :).

I’d been swithering over a few nights away because honestly, as much as I love life in Edinburgh, I just need time out of the city and to be more remote! After much procrastination, I finally booked a hire car and decided I was going to go camping in the Borders which I’d never spent much time in before. I ended up in a gorgeous campsite and the extra bonus was that I had the whole place to myself for the first two nights! There was nothing to listen to but the birds and lambs, nothing to see but the cherry blossoms and fields by day and the full moon and stars when the night was clear! It was so dreamy. Add on to that a visit to some gardens, a forest hike, ruins of a castle and two abbeys plus two museums… It was an awesome few days! Sitting next to the fire, watching the sky turn dark across the evening with a cheeky wee cider in hand, that’s a pretty great evening to me. Sure, layering up with multiple jumpers and a hat and gloves to go to sleep in wasn’t ideal but that’s camping ;). And I fucking love it :).

I ended my week off with a gorgeous day spent in Glasgow with another bestie! We went to a witchy market where I spent way too much money, a visit to the Hunterian museum for the first time, cocktails and food and then a new set of nails. It was such a great fucking week and I feel awesome after a wee refresh and some time outdoors doing my favourite things and seeing my favourite people!

After such a wholesome week off though, a girl does desire some debauchery. So who is coming to make this week more about holes than wholesome? :p

Frightfully yours,

GothHarlotBBW x
Monday, April 22nd 2024
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Touring troubles and a week off!

I’ve been a bit behind on the old blogs the past few months and this one is really going to be a quickie. I actually really enjoy writing them when I find the time for it but I definitely don’t have the time right now. Obviously I have things to do that I’ve left to the last minute because why change the habit of a lifetime!

Since my last blog, I’ve been on tour in Inverness and Glasgow. I’ve said it plenty of times before but I love going up to Inverness for tours, it’s one of my favourite places to visit but while I love Glasgow, I just never seem to do very well there and am often left feeling a bit unloved. (I know, can you hear the begging for sympathy :p!) But on these last two tours, it ended up being the reverse!

My Inverness trip felt plagued with problems! Phantom deposits, short notice cancellations, travel fuck ups and 3 no shows in a row on a perfectly lovely day that I would have rathered spent my time daundering about. For the guys that did show, I had a great time and I really appreciate the folk that made the effort to see me :). The way my year is looking and because I’ve been increasingly quiet on my Inverness trips, I don’t think I’ll be back until November. My plans are not set in stone though so who knows, especially if a camping trip brings me back north, I might be able to make a wee detour ;).

Glasgow on the other hand was probably my best tour there yet :). I met some really lovely guys and genuinely just had a great few days and now I can’t wait to come back! Originally I was thinking of December but I think I’ll try and come back in summer depending on how my plans go :). I was swithering over taking a break from tours for a few months because as much as I love it, I want to focus on getting out camping this summer. I’ve said that the last few years and only made it on 3 trips but this year I want more time outside. (If anyone has campsite suggestions or areas to explore, hit me up! Bonus points if it’s accessible by public transport because hiring a car gets expensive!)

Speaking of camping, I’m taking this week off and optimistically thinking I might go camping for a couple of nights. It’s still a bit cold overnight which has been putting me off a little bit but I feel like I really need a few days in nature. When I’m back, I’m going to try and plan what tours I’m doing over the next few months. London is still a plan, I’m just procrastinating hard over accommodation options! There are so many choices!

I guess that wasn’t such a quickie afterall…

Frightfully yours,

GothHarlotBBW x
Thursday, March 14th 2024
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Procrastination fodder

I’ve been trying to get a new blog written for ages and I just haven’t found the time but here I am… So don’t worry, now you’ve got something to read when you’re struggling to sleep tonight or need something to aid procrastination ;).

February felt like it absolutely flew by. And the start of March too! What have I been up to I hear no one ask?! Here’s a wee run down of the main events since my last blog!

My first live poetry show. My first duo with a domme. A hellish train journey from Glasgow to Edinburgh surrounded by drunk folk and having to stand for half the journey. Overnight ghost hunting in the Edinburgh vaults! One bestie visiting for a long weekend. A broken shower. A tour to Aberdeen where I got to see some lovely clients and catch up with friends! My first spa break with my other two besties. My first massage. My first steak. An overnight in Glasgow featuring a visit to an alternative/fetish market, delicious food and more delicious bedroom time ;). Embracing the gym again! A wee issue at home.

When I type it all out like that, it felt like quite the month and quite a few firsts. I hardly know what to write about… What would you like to hear more about in a future blog? I can’t fit it all in here. Or I could but I do try not to make my blogs too long so how about if there is something listed above that you’d like to hear more about, you drop me a wee message and tell me and I’ll make sure to write more about it in a future blog! This goes for anything, if there’s something you’d like to see me write about or share stuff about, please drop me a message because I love hearing ideas! Also, I can’t tell how many (if any) people read my blogs so it’s always nice to hear from folk that do :).

Before I shuffle off to polish my favourite dildo, a quick shout out to any Aberdonians that might be interested! I have some social plans in the granite city at the end of the month and I could make myself available for a session or two. Check my profile for details and drop me a message if you’d like to arrange something :).

And if you haven’t seen it yet, I’m on tour in Inverness this month! Details on my profile. I’m currently thinking about where to tour in April and May and I’ve a wee poll going on my twitter :). That’s it for now though, I hope this sends you off to a peaceful slumber or you realise that task you’ve been putting off isn’t looking so boring after all!

Frightfully yours,

GothHarlotBBW x
Saturday, February 3rd 2024
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Birthday celebrations & an orgasmic overnight!
Did you cope with January? Does it feel like the storms blew you straight through to February or did it last forever and you were glad to see the back of it?

For me, January had a peaceful start and since my last blog, I’ve had lots of fun stuff going on! In my last ramblings, I mentioned I had a weekend ahead of me with friends and the plans were all a surprise for some early birthday shenanigans. It ended up being such a wonderful weekend, just me and my three besties :). We started out with Mexican food and a visit to the Absent Ear in Glasgow for cocktails. I had no idea where we were going when my friend told me to ring the bell and gave me the entry code for the day… but I was chuffed to see where we ended up and we spent the night drinking cocktails before going back to my friends for more drinks and blethering late into the night!

Saturday was for playing drinking games inspired by Taskmaster and Tiktok before a trip to the Glasgow Stand for their comedy lineup. This was honestly the perfect thing for me because this year I’ve decided I want to see more comedy throughout the year (and not just pack it all in at the Fringe in August… not that I won’t still be packing in the Fringe shows!)! It left us with a chilled out (and a little hungover) Sunday. Just a really great weekend with even better company :).

The other exciting plans I mentioned in my last bit of chatter, was my first overnight! For a number of reasons, I’ve never said yes to an overnight before but with this client, everything felt right and I knew I’d love to spend more time with them. He arranged everything from the gorgeous hotel with a bath for me to enjoy a soak in, to dinner and breakfast out. I felt so spoiled and taken care of in all the best ways :). Knowing we had all night to spend together definitely made for some fun teasing and a build up to some intense fun… But I’m keeping all the juicy details for the two of us ;). But one thing I’ll say is that I forgot how great it is to both fall asleep then wake up with multiple orgasms. I couldn’t have asked for a better first overnight experience :).

Before anyone gets excited, I’m not adding overnights to the menu just yet. But I’m happy to cater to longer sessions than my profile suggests if we’ve met before. Just drop me a message to discuss and we can take it from there :).

I want to say a massive thank you to everyone that wished me a happy birthday, gave me a card or a gift, sent a tip and just genuinely anyone that takes the time to read these blogs too! I had a lovely birthday and I feel thoroughly spoiled and I appreciate everyone that helped make that happen :).

I better wheesht now but before I do, Aberdeen I am coming back for a tour! You’ll find the dates on my profile and please drop me a message to arrange a session. I love a wee trip up the road and having not been up since August, I’m hoping for a fun filled week in the granite city!

Frightfully yours,

GothHarlotBBW x
Monday, January 15th 2024
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Birthday blethering
Hello! It’s my first blog of 2024 and about time too since we’re in the middle of January!

I hope 2024 has been off to a good start for you :). I spent the first few days of the year with my closest friends in a wee cottage in Angus and it was the perfect relaxed start to the year. We had a great view of the coast, drinks were flowing and the fire kept us cosy! Getting out on the beach for a breezy daunder on the 3rd before I travelled home was a nice wake up!

I’ve had a quiet couple of weeks since then but that’s all going to change this weekend with some early birthday celebrations! My birthday is at the end of the month but often me and my friend do a wee shared thing since she’s another January birthday. This year I haven’t done any of the planning, so it’s all a surprise and I’m excited! I’m not expecting anything wild but just a few days of fun with my favourite folk is more than enough for me :). I am taking a long weekend so I won’t be available for sessions from Friday 19th - Tuesday 23rd.

Then I’m super excited to be doing my first overnight this month! I’ve considered offering overnights before but I’ve always decided against it. I’m really excited though for a night with this client and it’s going to be such a great way to spend the weekend before my birthday :). If you’re reading this and thinking you’d like to spend a night with me, I might have to disappoint you though. It’s something I would only offer in special circumstances :). But I’m sure I’ll have something to say on a future blog about my experience!

As for my actual birthday (31st Jan), I haven’t quite decided what to do! So if you think you’d like to come and see me for a birthday bang, I hope you’ll get in touch ;). Last year I was actually no showed on my birthday :(. So I am hoping I only get genuine enquiries this year or I might decide to take the day off. If you’d like to get me a birthday gift, I would adore that so much! Some things I love are candles, incense, spiced rum, milk chocolate or gift vouchers to my favourite stores like Killstar, Black Moon Botanica, Hotel Chocolat or the Isle of Skye Candle Company. Or just a wee message to wish me a happy birthday will put a smile on my face :).

I’ll wheesht for now but I’ll be back later in the month, perhaps with an update on how my birthday surprises and overnight go but definitely with an update on my first tour for 2024! Aberdonians, I’m coming for you!

Frightfully yours,

GothHarlotBBW x
Sunday, December 31st 2023
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Happy Hogmanay!
Happy Hogmanay!

I’ve been a bit quiet on the old blogs this month. I love the feeling of cosying up and settling in for winter in December, even if it can make me a little lethargic at times :P.

But now it’s the 31st and I am ready to spend a few days with friends, over indulging and having a laugh. I’m excited to bring in the new year with the people I am closest to and see what everyone is planning for 2024 :). I will be back to sessions on the 4th of January but will try and catch up on any messages before that. I’m excited to see who will be first to come see me!

It’s a little cliche but I still think it’s nice to reflect a little on the past year around now as well as setting some intentions for next year. I want to thank all the people that have come to see me this year! Whether you’re a regular, someone I’ve only met once or somewhere in between, I honestly really appreciate you choosing me for a session! I love what I do and I feel really grateful to be able to keep doing it.

I’m gonna leave it there for this blog but however you might be spending the final hours of 2023, I hope it’s a great day and 2024 will be an amazing time for you :).

Frightfully yours,

GothHarlotBBW x
Thursday, November 30th 2023
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St Andrews Day Admin
Hello and happy St Andrew’s Day if you happen to read this on the day I’m posting it! This blog is mostly because I have a little admin to catch up on so whether you’re a regular or someone new looking for a meet in December, it’s a good idea to read this one. I’ll try and keep it concise :).

Phone Number
I’ve decided that I’m going to trial advertising a phone number on AW on days that I’m available. This is a brand new phone number I’ve got on a temporary basis. If you have my current work number or would prefer to contact me through AW messages, please use this. I will always prioritise people I’ve met before and people that contact me through the messaging system. The number I’ll be advertising is a temporary number to test out to see how it goes. I’ll give it a month or 2 then decide if I want to keep it advertised. But I will prioritise my current number so regs - please don’t switch phone numbers, just keep using the number you already have for me :).

Glasgow Tour
I am going to be in Glasgow next week! There are more details on my page or drop me a message if you’d like more info but I’m looking forward to coming back for my last tour of 2023 :).

December Availability
December is typically a crazy month for folk. Work night outs, catching up with relatives you only see a few times a year, that weird limbo period between Christmas and Hogmanay where no one knows what the fuck is going on. I will be taking a little time off this month, not for any Christmas shenanigans but because I’m getting a hefty bit of tattooing done! My tattoo artist has advised I plan to take off a few days to a week afterward to allow for healing. So at the moment I’ve left a chunk of time between the 20th - 26th of December off my availability. On those dates, I’ll be waiting to see how I feel and updating nearer the time :).

I’m very excited about this next tattoo project and if anyone is feeling extra generous and fancies contributing, I would love that so much :). Every time I get tattooed, I feel a little more comfortable in my skin, a little happier, they really are a big part of me :). Otherwise, hopefully you’ll be able to admire my new addition in the flesh!

Bah Humbug.
Christmas ain’t my thing. I wrote more about this in a blog last year, check out “C-bombs away!” from last December if you’re interested to hear what I think about this holiday but for the sake of this blog, it’s just not for me. (No hate on folk that love it though ;)!) So if you’re looking for a little respite from carols, the twinkling of decorations or just the boring old question of have you finished your Christmas shopping yet? Then my place is the place to be! I promise not to mention the dreaded C word and the only trees spotted here are the ficuses growing all year round.

I think that’s me caught up with the admin for now. Hopefully it wasn’t too much of a snooze ;).

Frightfully yours,

GothHarlotBBW x
Tuesday, November 21st 2023
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No ingredients for waffles. Just waffle.

Hello, ahoy and welcome to the latest edition of my shite patter! I hope you’re as comfy and cosy as I am writing this. The vibe is a big hoodie, candles lit on every available surface and the low growl of my belly since I’m currently procrastinating over what to cook. Maybe I’ll have decided by the end of this blog, is that enough to entice you to read the whole thing? The suspense has got you hooked.

I’ve been up to all sorts of fun since my last blog! Personally and professionally which has made me pretty happy after having a bit of a pants time (another story for another time). Honestly I think the most exciting thing was my very first trip where I travelled to see a client! I don’t just mean an outcall to some other part of Edinburgh, but an actual other city. It’s not something that anyone has made a (genuine) enquiry for before and I was so excited to be asked, especially having had such an incredible first session with them earlier this year! The session was planned well in advance and by the time the day came along, I was so ready to get into that hotel room and have some fireworks of our own ;). I’ll leave the details between us but needless to say, our second session was just as intense as our first and I am keeping my fingers crossed for a third! Grabbing dinner before catching the train home was just the icing on my favourite kinda cake :).

Talking of… should I have cake for dinner? No… I’ll keep procrastinating.

The next exciting stop this month was my trip north to Inverness! I love visiting Inverness. I find it such a peaceful city to spend time in. Although my tour was quiet, my sessions were fun and I’m already looking forward to next time! (Probably spring 2024) I was home barely a weekend before I was through spending a night with one of my best friends. A few cocktail cans, cuddling her dog and sharing some gossip makes for a good Monday night. All this before a wee jaunt to Dundee the following evening for a tour down to the vaults. Yes, Dundee has vaults! I’m yet to talk to anyone about them that’s heard they exist before! If you like nerding up on history a bit, I would say it’s worth a trip. If you’re a fan of the Edinburgh vaults (guilty!), then it’s not the same vibe but really interesting and cool to learn some local history :).

I accept I’m waving my nerd flag here and some of you are just clinging on the cliffhanger of what am I going to make for tea! Soup? I’ve had too much soup recently. Noodles? I love noodles.

The last bit of waffle before I sign off from this blog (and greet over not having the right ingredients for waffles), I have posted details for my last tour of 2023 and I’m coming back to Glasgow baby! Check out my profile for the details :).

I think that’s everything I had to say. Time for the all important sign off…

Frightfully yours,

GothHarlotBBW x

PS I'm making toasties :p
Tuesday, October 31st 2023
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Halloween hauntings and Samhain spooks!
Welcome to my creepy corner of the internet where all year round, I like to lurk in the shadows and get a little ooky spooky, probably with my boobs out ;).

In my last blog, I was talking about getting some Halloween content made with grand plans of posting it over spooky season. Has it happened? Has it fuck. I don’t know what happened to October but something did. Maybe a ghoul made me lose all sense of time or a witch cast some sort of spell on me to make me forget all my plans. Whatever it is, I’ve decided I’ll still be making Halloween content… just not for Halloween. I want to live the ooky spooky life all year round baby!

So other than losing all sense of time, where have I been since my last blog? I know there are at least 2 people just vaguely interested in hearing about it. That might be putting it too strongly, politely curious? Willing to waste some time reading this waffle?

October has been a busy month for me! A weekend away with friends and another friend visiting for a weekend. Throw in a couple of night outs, dates and daily life and it makes for a busy harlot! I loved my weekend away with my friends. Hot tub, failing miserably at pool and watching some truly daft horror films, including one partly filmed in Aberdeen where we had fun trying to spot places we recognised. It was the best kind of weekend :).

On the weekend just passed, me and my bestie were looking for some Halloween horrors! I love scary stuff and the kind of nonsense with jump scares and anything a wee bit spooky! One stop on the weekend took us to a horror walk through in Dundee. I jumped just at the desk for booking in! Back in Edinburgh, we went on a couple of ghost walks that took us down into the vaults. Well worth reading about if you’re interested in that sort of thing. I didn’t see any ghosts but I was suitably enthralled ;). Throw in a couple of graveyard visits and a lot of time spent just blethering, I loved it!

Talking of blethering, I’m shutting up for now :p. If you read this in time, have a gorgeous Halloween! It’s a beautiful time of year to drink in nature and relax, get cosy and of course find a naked body to cuddle ;). And if you are looking for such a naked body, I can promise mine gives the best bosies!

Frightfully yours,

GothHarlotBBW x
Thursday, September 14th 2023
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I’m a friendly kinda spook
Halfway through September, are you feeling spooky yet? I’m always a little spooky, it’s for life not just for October :p!

I wanna do some Halloween content this year and I’ve started thinking about it because these things do take time and planning. Last year I wanted to go all out but then just ran out of time, money, inspiration? All the stuff you need!

So while I’m thinking about it and what I’m gonna do for next month, I’d love to ask for your ideas! Is there a horror character you’d love to see me dress up as? Fancy watching me carve a pumpkin while I chat a little filth? Maybe there’s a classic halloween costume you think I’d look fuckable in? I would love to hear what you think! I have some ideas that I’m working on already but I’m still looking for more. If you have an idea that you think would suit me, drop me a message!

And content aside, I’m down for all things spooky! If you’ve got some spooky chat for me, I’m here for it. And if this blog has you scared of coming to see me, I promise I’m a friendly kinda spook ;). More casper than Bloody Mary. A little hocus pocus rather than the Blair Witch. I’ll always be the wannabe Morticia before I’m Annie Wilkes!

Before I wrap this up, I just wanted to add a quick comment about touring! I’ve had a few messages about Inverness and Glasgow recently. I had wanted to try and make it to either or both in September but unfortunately accommodation was either really booked up or just too expensive for me in both places. I’m hoping to make it to Inverness in November and maybe Glasgow in November or early December.

I’m still hopeful I’ll be able to go to London next month. It’s been a really expensive time for me recently so I’ve a few barriers between me and booking travel or accommodation but as always, AW will be the first place I post any touring info so keep an eye here :). I should be in Aberdeen from the 21st - 23rd of September though and I still have availability for anyone looking to see me then :).

Frightfully yours,

GothHarlotBBW x
Thursday, August 31st 2023
Previous Entry 
It's all over :(
The pop up bars and seating areas are being dismantled. The food trucks have scuttled off to the next big event. The stages have been cleared. The Edinburgh Fringe 2023 finished this week. That’s it for another year.

But it’s not so sad, I had the most incredible month packing in 37 shows! And cheese eating aside, I’m glad to have seen all of them! So bear with me for one final fringe blog before I shut up about it for another 10 months or so ;).

In my last blog, I mentioned some favourites so far but now that I’ve got a much bigger list, I’ve been trying to whittle it down to a top 5! I’d say I saw a bit more of a mix of shows this year. Definitely heavily comedy based but with a little cabaret, theatre and drag thrown in too which was great to get a little variety. So here is my top 5… in no particular order as they were all fucking great:

Daniel Downie: Jacobite
Sofie Hagen: Banglord
Susan Morrison is walking funny
Nish Kumar: WIP
Ask a Stripper

I saw Daniel Downie at the Fringe last year for the first time and his show was my favourite and honestly, I have to say his show this year was my favourite too! My friends and I were all in the front row and got picked on a wee bit, which I kinda love :p. Sofie Hagen is one of my favourite comedians and this is the 3rd time I’ve seen them live! I would so recommend them if you like left wing comedians that talk about fat phobia, feminism and trans rights all under their benevolent dictatorship!

I spoke about Susan Morrison’s show in my last blog, it still stands out as one of my very favourites from this year and I’ll definitely be trying to catch one of her shows again! Nish Kumar is probably one of the best known comedians I’ve seen this year, I’ve seen him live a couple of times before as well and he’s probably my favourite political comedian. I was so chuffed I got to catch him on the short run he did this year and will definitely try and catch him on future tours!

In choosing my top 5, I was split between two other comedians so instead of making myself choose between the two, I put in a different show altogether, ask a stripper! I wasn’t sure what to expect from this show, especially when we turned up at the venue which was a yurt. But I really loved it! Hearing two women from a different sector of sex work talk about their experiences and openly answering questions (completely naked) was so great! I love sex work and I love hearing about all the parts that I’ve never ventured into! (Because no, I will never be a stripper, I have zero coordination :p!)

And if anyone is wondering who the two comedians that I couldn’t decide between were, it was Joe McTernan and Christopher Macarthur-Boyd. But really, I could list more of the shows I saw this year! Even the shows that weren’t as good as I was hoping they’d be, none were a disappointment and I just had a fucking great time in August :).

Time for a much quieter, more chilled out September though. It’s time to welcome in Autumn and get ready for spooky season!

Frightfully yours,

GothHarlotBBW x

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