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Thursday, September 19th 2024
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Hey xx my darlings x I feel oh so pretty today xxx

Happy Thursday

Hru all !

So had my nails done today ! and toes plus pedi such a pretty color plus had a great massage where i normally go so amazing feel great now haha x ! so see my pics ! last night I had 2 really different cam shows ! one which well got me thinking ! he knows who he is! and what the session was but wow is all I can say I never knew I was that way so ! id like to explore further ! popping out for lunch soon so it has been such a beautiful day so far !

Also had an eye test this week which was very long over due ! it always takes me back sitting on the chair reading the alphabet on the opticians wall ! and those funny specs they put on when changing to see what my eye strength is and if they have got any worse ! yes a lazy eye had for 30 years! I wear contacts most time ! but glasses now and then plus sometimes needed on line because I get bad migraines! ! I have so many pairs of glasses ! when i was young I had to wear a patch ! oh it was a funny sight haha x well ! so now I am choosing new specs oh my there are so many styles wow ! which to choose from ! I may get designer ones ! we will see which ones !

Today I feel so pretty I feel so good in myself ! and I feel a spring in my step ! it is great to feel like this isn't it ! popped into a music shop in town ! and I have enquired about guitar lessons refresher mind ! So they will get back to me when i have my first refresher lesson ! and this will take me back to my youth when playing ! so that will be an amazing thing to start again !

Can you believe Christmas is nearly here ! just wow where has the time gone ! I have plans already so i know when i am breaking up to what I am doing ! I like to be super organized ! as to new years resolutions I do not make them ! I just make changes through out the year ! that what works best for me!

I have also been somewhere else today ! and they have given me some great advice and other things to ! So I will follow this advice ! and do what they have told me to do ! some times it is great having knowledge especially around Law ! and well other things !knowledge is power ! Plus I have friends in this profession too ! whom i trained with!

So my down week as discussed in my previous blogs 20th until 27th September so i do not need to repeat this ! I am still at home but just can't commit to that week as have loads of other things going on and things i need to do ! all being well i will try and sort a cam schedule but if not from 28th September we will see how that one works out hey x It is for some things i need to do ! that will mean i will be very productive that week ! and spending time with family and friends ! which I can't wait ! so much more content pics etc to come ! so excited about that to xx my darlings x oh heck further education soon soooo flipping excited for this and to ma

Thanks again for all the support I receive all the followers I receive ! and all the amazing feedback ! I couldn't do it without u guys x thanks again for all the gifts whilst not expected it is still nice to feel that love ! so thanks sooooooooooooooo much love u all u know who u r ! had a great catch up with my bestie Lady Rochelle love u I do you always cheer me up even on the shitty days always there on the phone always ! giving me advice making me laugh x ur like family to me aswell x yes u are x so nice to have a bestie like this x we talk about life in general ! funny stories ! and cam can be isolating at times so it is nice to have this with you ! you are great you no that x

As Dory says from nemo " just keep swimming ! x which i will x x

Part 3 part 4 to come x

Have a wonderful day x

All my love

Sophia Crystal Tease


Tuesday, September 17th 2024
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keep the light burning and never let it dim out !
Hey all

Happy Tuesday what a great sunny and sparkling day wow ! just wow what a week ! so far ! some interesting things happened ! lol

Thank you to a fellow cam lady ! for emailing me ! I thought id mention you ! what an absolute pleasure to meet you my darling it really is ! thank you for your email your kind words ! and that I inspire you ! Just wow ! thanks so much ! I am truly touched ! and then thanks to a gentleman that also emailed me ! saying how much he loves my profile and my blogs ! so I will keep doing them ! as you know I love writing ! so again I do come across some lovely amazing people! all my profile and blogs are from the heart that is me really ! In an event of not niceness ! well silence is golden and a great thing! use logic !

Any how,,,

Thank you to my client / my dear friend for bringing me flowers and chocolates that is is so kind ! thank you so much ! whilst this is not expected ! today has been such a boost really that many do appreciate me ! and they see the hard work I put in ! and are showing me love and appreciation ! I love you guys so much ! true life long friends too ! x I really do love all our different connections ! through meets and online ! it is so magical, genuine and real x

So moving forward

On my down week from meets/ mentioned in my previous blog ! I will be having a total switch around of things in my area/ space ! especially my cam space ! it needs more doing to it ! but that I will keep off ! etc and you can see what i have done to it when you come in my cam room ! my creative brain has only just began and there is plenty more where this came from ! I will keep pics of the new design off here think that's for best going forward hey just keep that for me and my clients ! regs and newbies x over 4 years I have had loads of cam room designs and have done different things to it ! I have a new LOVENSE TOY AGAIN IT'S BEEN IN THE BOX FOR FEW WEEKS LOL SO NEED TO GET IT OUT AND USE IT LOL ! SO POP IN MY ROOM WHEN IT IS SET UP AND HAVE SOME HOT WILD FUN WITH IT OR EVEN ON MEETS LOL ! my cam space is energetic ! inviting ! with a different twist with loads of fun and laughter to be had and well to try meet your kinks as best i can and where i can x


Part 2 of my blog will be done tomorrow

But thank you for a great positive and full filled happy day loved today so so much xc so thank u again x

love to you all

All my love Sophia x

Tuesday, September 17th 2024
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Standing out !!thanks so much xfor these so beautf
Hey again.

Thanks so much my beautiful client ! Dear friend for these today just wow whilst I do not expect ! Thanks so much love flowers I do have a few favourites ! My reg client you know what they are lol x

Thanks for an amazing day again. Thanks so so much I really appreciate you so much xxxx

Ways to stand out from the crowd

From sources across the web
Show some grit and resilience
Emphasize your soft skills
Demonstrate a growth mindset
Show your creativity
Add a personal touch
Start doing the job already
Know yourself
Be confident
Be disciplined
Be kind to everyone
Cultivate emotional intelligence
Practice listening
Always be of service
Be a master collaborator
Be responsive
Lead with excellence
Take yourself seriously
Talk to someone
Be Prepared
Customize your job applications
Don't make everything about you

Embrace your authenticity. The first step to standing out from the crowd is to embrace your true self. By being genuine and authentic, you instantly differentiate yourself from others who may be trying too hard to fit in or follow the crowd. Your uniqueness is your strength, and it sets you apart from everyone else.

More importantly be you ! Be who you are allow yourself to be! creative plus imagination is a great thing lol one of my greatest assets lol keep standing out for the right reasons ! Embrace who you are the rest will follow !!!

A few things I have learnt in life is be emotionally intelligent and be one step head again the rest will flow and follow x

Any how I will write another blog soon ! that is it for now my sweethearts

you vous remplissez mon cœur plein de joie et plein d'amour mes chéris ! x

All my love

Sophia xxx Crystal-Tease xxx

Sophia where has this come from ! I deeply no why this name I chose to add to my name ! it is deep within and I only I no this deep sadness why ! as some of my clients no so I want to keep this name alive for this reason which fills me full of love that is why ! and keeps this memory alive ! and it is such a pretty name too x

And would have been the name given so there we have it !

Sophia is a feminine name that comes from the Greek word sophia. It's also spelled Sofia, and other forms include Sophie, Sophy, and Sofie. The name was first recorded in the early 4th century and became popular in the West in the 1990s.

Sophia is a popular girl's name that means “wisdom.” From the Greek σοφία, Sophia was an important Hellenistic, Platonic, and Gnostic concept denoting cleverness, intelligence, and wisdom—even forming the root of the word philosophy, meaning “love of wisdom.” In the contemporary English-speaking world, Sophia has ...
It also connotes knowledge, power, and bravery.

Monday, September 16th 2024
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Down week Meets ! September 2024
Hey xx

Happy Monday

So from Friday 20th September - 27th September I am taking what you call a selfcare week away from meets ! as I can not commit to that week ! the things I intended to do that week !

1. cam if i can or direct IM chat we will see ( schedule for this )
2. Modelling projects
3. More content and pictures
4. Some more time on profile. It is too long ! so need to take lots out and shorten it but still keep the info that is needed ! so I feel I need to focus on this during this week !
5. My dedicated cam space needing some things tweaking / things to put up put together that have been in boxes for ages ! So the space will be even better for my cam ideas I am so super excited about this ! Plus needs re organizing and re organising of my equipment etc. which will be sorted !
6. Plus further education ! but do not worry !I will work a schedule where i can work around it ! So I am still fully committed to MEETS / CAM very much so !
7. Plus helping mom where I can with appointments good food ! some real care as been slacking here ! Family are more important than loads of money ! So that is what I will do ! I will take my number off my profile for that week you can still email and I will try and reply where I can as you can imagine I receive loads lol ! But you can still pre book for the rest of September / October/ November and December !

My studies I am super excited to be doing ! and will be opening many new things/ possibilities ! So super excited for this ! Plus some more modelling so keep eyes peeled for some more great pictures and when I will be doing this ! Next year ! my weight loss journey is going to be more intense and introduce less calories etc! AS I want to concentrate on the toning up and some more weight loss ! anything in life I believe is and can be achieved

That is all really ! for now Part 1 of my blog as haven't time this morning to write more but will do a Part 2 blog this afternoon ok x

I need to discuss introducing a deposit system for meets etc also ! as there seems to be to many time wasters atm ! I am getting very irritated by this so this needs to be changed x but yes it is part and parcel of this job and so I will find ways to stop this as this is a profession like others and needs to be treated like this! some forget this and take the p** any how ! lol I am going off the point lol

I have dedicated the down week for all the changes above ! I am so sick of rushing around and not taking any time to think! re group etc ! so I will do just that!

Have a great Monday ! Love to you all

All my love

Sophia Crystal-Tease

X x x

Sunday, September 15th 2024
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Dare to be bold x feedback thanks so much x

Happy Sunday

I hope your weekend has been a good one ! it has nearly ended so quickly hasn't it ! lol soooo....................

Dare to be bold ! Dare to be different !

Is it truly important to dare to be different?

Daring to be different is a really interesting and important subject because, by definition, to be creative and innovative at work, we need to be different and do things differently, and that's not always easy!

Dare to be different it's beautiful meaning?

Dare to be different actually means dare to be yourself. Social conditioning makes everyone the same, so by being yourself you are being different than everyone el*** !

At the moment I am trying some recreating ideas ! with pictures . content etc more to come and you know I am actually loving creating things ! It's really good fun ! seeing what to come up with next !

Dare to be different quotes short?

Dare to be different. ' Dare to accept yourself for who YOU are.' ' Dare to live your life without limits.' and ' Dare to follow YOUR dreams'.

I can not believe how much I have fell more in love with camming ! it's been so good to catch up with my regs it really has ! and some new and interesting sessions thanks so much for bringing some diverseness to my weekend lol thanks so so so much ......


Individuals are different from each other. They have special worth in their society because they are different. They can make contributions that help others and develop things that make it into a society. This is because they are different.

If we are all the same, there would be no difference between us. If everyone wore blue jeans and T-shirts all the time, that would not help society evolve. We need to develop a sense of our own identity and still feel good about who we are as individual members of society.

Variety is the spice of life, as the expression all around the world goes. And where would the world be without varieties of colors, people and cultures in it?


1.Accept who you are. It’s difficult to be different if you refuse to accept your identity.
2.Everyone has a story to tell, listen to them and find your own.
3.Stop trying to compromise on who you are.
4.Find your crowd and people with similar interests.
5.Embrace your talents and skills and accept them for what they are.
6.Embrace your beliefs and don’t change them to fit other’s views.
7.Spend time doing what you love and not just what you have to do.
8.Accept criticism and encompass it into your life.


When you are in a state of uniqueness, you are allowing your soul to express itself. You allow others to see a little bit of what makes up your soul. And when people see this, they want more and want to be a part of it. They feel like they can learn from you because you have something unique that they don’t have..

Being unique makes it easier for you to stand out from the crowd and show your true self. You can feel good about yourself because you know what it is that makes you unique and embrace this.
Once the uniqueness is embraced, other people are drawn to it and want to be part of it. This allows you to attract people who will contribute positively to your life and help in your goals.

Every cam show/ meet I will bring to you exactly this ! I love what i do I truly do ! it brings me great pleasure to see I meet your needs your fantasizes and more ! I love seeing the connection build ! the excitement ,,,,, well lets leave some for us hey lol



Can I please ask if you feel our meet/cam session has been amazing can i ask that you leave feedback i would really appreciate this ! reviews are good for others to see too ! and for people to make up there mind if they want to choose me as there meets/ cam lady ! I really should have more feedback than I do have! as not all are leaving feedback please please can you ! it takes like 1-2 mins of your time ! thanks so so much ! I am so grateful for the current feedback and field reports that have been created thanks sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much ! thanks for continuous support ! thanks so much again i love you so so much !


So keep on being you bold bright sexy and well .........................

Have a great Sunday xxx / evening time x

All the best and best wishes x

love your Sophia xxx Crystal - Tease xxx
Friday, September 13th 2024
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Red x one of my fav colours x why x

Why the color red ! why it is one of my fav colors x

In red provokes the strongest emotions of any color. While cool colors like green and blue are generally considered peaceful and calming, the color red is considered the warmest and most contradictory of the colors.

In fact, this fiery hue has more opposing emotional associations than any other color: Red is linked to passion and love as well as power and anger.1 Here are some of the most common feelings and qualities that the color red can stimulate ones mind !

The Color Red Conveys Danger and Warning
Thanks to its long wavelength, red is one of the most visible colors in the color spectrum (second only to yellow). Its ability to instantly grab people's attention is the reason why it's often used to warn people of impending danger. Think: stop signs, sirens, fire engines, and red traffic lights.

Red is also used to convey danger in a non-literal way. Some examples include using the phrase "in the red" to describe financial loss or "red flag" to indicate when something is wrong with a person or situation.

People tend to associate red with negative, danger-bearing emotions. This could be because it is the color of fire, blood, and sometimes poisonous or dangerous animals.

The Color Red Stimulates Excitement and Energy
This stimulating color is also associated with excitement.

Studies show that being exposed to or wearing red can cause some of the following physical effects:2

Elevated blood pressure
Enhanced metabolism
Increased heart rate
Increased respiration rate
All of these physiological changes naturally cause your energy levels to spike.

The color is also known to increase your appetite by increasing your metabolism, which is why red is such a popular color in restaurants.3

Red Color Psychology and Aggression
Across cultures, people intuitively associate red with the concept of anger. This relationship makes sense given that many people get red in the face from increased blood flow when they're angry.4

The expression "seeing red" is thought to be based on the physical characteristics associated with anger, including redness of the face and neck, which are caused by elevated blood pressure.5

What Is Aggression?
The Color Red Is Associated With Dominance
It's not just mood and emotions that the color red can affect. In the arena of sports, wearing the color red can also increase your chances of winning.

In the 2004 Olympics in Athens, competitors in four sports—boxing, Greco-Roman wrestling, freestyle wrestling, and taekwondo—were randomly assigned red or blue clothing. In all four competitions, red-clad contestants won more fights.6

Many think these results are due to the link between red and perceived dominance. For instance, donning a red uniform may cause an athlete to feel dominant and perform more aggressively. Alternatively, athletes in red may be seen as more aggressive, more dominant, and more likely to win a physical competition not only by their opponents but also by the referees.7

Whatever the reason, it is clear that red-clad athletes tend to have a significant advantage over their opponents. (Maybe this is why so many athletes, including the great Tiger Woods, wear red clothing when they compete.)

The Color Red Symbolizes Passion and Desire

But red does not always signal danger and aggression. Perhaps not surprisingly, red also symbolizes passion, love, and desire. These associations could explain why people wearing red are consistently rated as more attractive by the opposite sex.

In a landmark study published in 2008, researchers showed men an image of a woman and asked them to rate her attractiveness. Some men saw a woman wearing a red shirt while others saw the same woman wearing a blue shirt. Results showed that men rated the woman in red as more sexually desirable than the same woman in blue.8
Elliot AJ, Niesta D. Romantic rehol. 2008;95(5):1150-1164. doi:10.1037/0022-3514.95.5.1150d: Red enhances men’s attraction to women. J Pers Soc Psyc

Some researchers theorize that the reason the color red is associated with sexual arousal is that blood flow increases during arousal, leaving the skin—particularly the face—with a reddish tone.9
Red Color Psychology and Power
Red can also represent power, a relationship that can be found all over modern-day society. The "power tie" worn by businessmen across the globe is, traditionally, red. And don't forget the hallowed "red carpet" that is only rolled out for the most prestigious celebrities and dignitaries.

According to some, this association with power and wealth is the reason why women find men dressed in red so attractive.10

One potential explanation for the color red being associated with power is that this color is often used to draw attention.9 This increased attention signifies that something is important, and power and importance often go hand in hand.
A Word From Very well,

Like other colors, responses to red often depend upon past experiences and cultural influences. Some may find red fun and playful, while others feel it is too bold, exciting, or even dominating. Consider your own feelings for the color red and think about how these factors may have contributed to your reaction (or lack of one) to this color.

Happy Friday all have a wicked weekend


Sophia Crystal Tease
Friday, September 13th 2024
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Sophia's updated life x thanks for a great day xx
Hey all

Happy Friday

Thanks for a flipping great day on cam, it's been a while since I have spent a solid day on here ! but have I missed it ! missed u all ! and wanted to dedicate most of my day to cam! that i have achieved ! thanks to all my regs for coming and wow some hot new ones too just wow blew me away ! again thanks for a fab camming day ! cant wait to do more tomorrow ! lol x

I have felt so back at home and fell in love again with camming thanks so so much love u all ! I will be on line tomorrow on and off around meets too ! you know what I can not wait to see you again !I have a surprise for u tomorrow to haha u will see when online ahha x

So my life so far well so much to tell you .........but i will save that for part 2 of my blog over the weekend ! I am soon starting my studies again ! I can not wait ! it will bring so many new possibilities and more ! So much to tell you ! but I will leave that for another time!

That's it for now I need to go eat sleep and have a bath ! lol hehe if I wasn't up so early tomorrow morning I would have stayed on some more that's how much I have loved it ! lol x

See u tomorrow my darlings have a great night lots of kisses and well lol ....

All my love

Sophia Crystal-Tease

Monday, September 9th 2024
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Cam schedule ! My diary overall
Happy Monday

An update on my cam schedule! I am now going to do it for the day not all week !With pre booking’s etc ! I can not put exact times ! This is due to life commitments bookings my clients plus studying again soon very excited btw to bring great things !!!!

I need to base around my life my commitments etc as spoken about previously! It is not to mess anyone around ! As before I was putting times up I couldn’t stick too !

So I am trying to find away that works for all !! The best way is to do it as and when I know ! I am still camming and still enjoy doing it ! I just may not get on as much as I like atm again due to life commitments! I have to do things that are right for me my clients and other life commitments!!

Please email here to try book a cam session I will do my very best to accommodate for you as best I can !

Have a great Monday sending loads of positive vibes xxx

Blog part 1 I will do part 2 later on

All my love Sophia xx

Sunday, September 8th 2024
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Shout out to this special gentleman !U no who u r

Happy Sunday

Hope you are well and this blog finds you well !

Thanks for some great bookings this weekend and this morning ! one particular this morning thanks so much ! it is always electric when we get together we never fail to have a good conversation etc. lol I am so thankful to meet you and that we have met and our paths have crossed ! Just you are such an amazing man ! gentleman and all round great person ! I will always have you in my life ! always ok ! whatever happens ok x Your so special to me you really are ! thanks for always being there for me whenever thanks so much i appreciate you so so much ! more than you know ! your my good friend and ...... x your special such a charming young man your such a great person you really are !

I Just wanted to give you a shout out and say i appreciate you ! so so much !

Some times we meet special people in life and they are sent to us for a reason ! that is you my Darling !

Your worth so much and deserve the very very best in life ! because your amazing you are and you don't realize! just how much !

Have a great Sunday

All my love

Sophia Crystal-Tease

X x x

Saturday, September 7th 2024
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Happy Saturday ! Strength from pain x
Hey all

Happy Saturday feeling back to good spirits again today ! no stopping me i do not stay knocked down forever! it is life and i have to get on with it! and be positive no matter what the outcome is! and that is me ! strong and resilient !

So i have been to my happy place again ! so feel grounded and level again lol

The strength in the pain.

Observation: People are scared of everything.
I cannot say I am fearless.
But here's the thing.
I believe that we find ourselves in the pain and the ****.
Why are we so scared to feel?
Those happy moments, they're great.
Who doesn't love to be loved and to have smiles and laughs surrounding them affectionately?
But to be so low, to let yourself feel the gut-wrenching, dreadful, anxious, grieving, suffering, numbing pain,
it makes those moments of happiness even greater.
It's no longer a happy moment, it's an exhilarating one.
I swear you'll feel so happy that you wouldn't even care if it was your last moment on earth.
It's no longer a laugh, but a bellow that makes your insides scream of joy.
It's no longer just a b*** laughing, it's a beautiful little soul that makes your whole day a little brighter.
It's no longer just a song, it's a beautifully crafted symphony that makes your ears explode.
It's not longer just a day to you, it will be a day in which you do everything possible to take that happiness and spread it to others. And that can be every day.
But to feel this, the truth is that you have to go through the **** first. You have to let yourself be depressed and anxious and moody and angry and sad, because once you've felt it all you'll know that you can get yourself out. And that everything will be okay. And that being lost will get you found again. You can't give up on yourself because I'm telling you this: You can find strength in every pain.

So here's to you life, keep pushing me down and pushing back at me. Because it just makes me want to keep being stronger.

Written by

The spicy dandelion

what a beautiful poem so raw but true ! x

Have a fab weekend sending lots of love and positive vibes your way x

All my love

Sophia Crystal-Tease

Saturday, September 7th 2024
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Cam schedule update xxx

Just an update on cam schedule with the given situation I need to plan around meets plus helping my mom at such a time when she needs me !! So my cam schedule will be a-bit unpredictable atm !this I am sorry it can not be helped ! My mom again comes first above everything!!

I will do my upmost best to keep times as upto date as I can ! I think going forward just to do it for everyday my cam times !Because I have to get mom to hospital appointments tests etc my mom is my main priority to make sure she gets the help needed !!

I am still very much here still cam still doing meets ! This week I Havent been able to stick to times ! On cam so much ! Due to mom needing me ! So times haven’t been stuck to ‘ this is not my fault ‘ my mom comes first ! I can only apologise to my reg clients so sorry !! But in the given situation this again was unforeseen not of my fault ! These things happen!!!

As to giving exact times atm I can’t sorry about this guys ! I will try update where I can ‘ when I can and as soon as I no !

I am still very strong ‘ in an excellent head space so thankful and blessed to be in this strong position to help my mom ! I’m feeling positive!!very strong and able to face anything life throws at me !! Xxx but whatever my mom needs she will get. My mom carried me for 9 months gave birth too me and gave me life ! I owe my mom everything! And more ! The respect I have is immense my mom looked after me all that time ‘ now it’s time for me to give something back to my mom !!that I will do my upmost best x

Have a great Saturday I just wanted to explain the unpredictability of my cam schedule this week plus it will be unpredictable for a few weeks or so ! for a-little while I will update as best I can ! Sorry again I can only apologise xx tomorrow I will be on more and hopefully Monday! Xx

Thanks for understanding

All my love

Sophia Crystal-Tease

X x x

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