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Friday, April 8th 2022
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Room to rent ng10 area
Bedroom to rent in a well appointed two bed apartment in a quiet area. Plenty of free private parking
It’s in longe eaton just a few minutes from junction 25 of the M1 and the A52 with both Asda and Tesco nearby as well as close to the town centre
In a very discreet building that cannot be seen from the road
I’m looking for someone who is discreet and who isn’t into parties etc. I also do not permit illegal drugs of any kind on the premises
I will need a deposit and first months rent on collecting the keys. All bills will be included
Saturday, January 15th 2022
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Hospital again and back to work march
Ah well. I managed to pop to flat today for ten minutes but it was silly I’d me too do so as I wasn’t feeling great and now im back in hospital. Stupid me. I know to rest in bed when I am struggling but really needed to pop over today so like an idiot I did. I’m struggling to breathe a bit atm but am hoping after some treatments I’ll be back to normal. I need a much higher rate of oxygen than my machines can give so im stuck here until my need decreases to levels my home machines can manage.
The joys of being me.
Seriously can’t wait to get a transplant so I don’t feel this way for a while. Being this poorly makes you a bit short tempered at times. I never normally get angry but the past few months I have been doing so over things that normally I’d just be meh about. Not sure if it’s the shortness of breath or the crippling fatigue or both causing it and im trying so hard to stay calm but I get so angry over stupid things.
I’ve been told a terminal diagnosis can cause this but I don’t think it’s that as that doesn’t really bother me anymore. I’ve got all my affairs in order and told everyone I love how I feel and im happy so when I go, I go. I might even get a couple of extra years with a transplant so it’s all good

Anyway im hoping to be back at work by March if all goes well as I’ll have had my fourth vaccine by then

Thursday, June 3rd 2021
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Nasty spiteful ‘escort’
I am really pissed off. I got a text from someone who was ta to come see me saying he had met a certain lady two weeks ago and when asked who else he has seen, he said no one but wanted to see me. This ‘person’ then started saying I do bareback and do bareback gangbangs. Ffs. Who lies like that
The worst part is a very good friend who has been seeing her while I’m off sick believes her and has stopped all contact with me. He started off as a client and turned into a very close friend. We’d meet up for breakfast or lunch regularly. He took me to hospital appointments and knew everything about me but apparently this escort has convinced him of these things. No idea why he’d believe it knowing I’ve not really worked for a very long time and even now won’t be working much once I’m allowed to work

This person I used to do the odd duo with and recently she asked to meet up with me for a drink etc. Really? When you’re saying this shit behind my back?

You’re in your 50s ffs now at school. Spreading lies is for school
Kids not adults.
Doesn’t matter how often you change your name everyone knows who you are and even this client knew enough to contact me and now I know who back talked me to my reg as well. It’s a hard enough job with out us making it harder for each other.
It’s not as if we are in competition as I don’t offer the porn Star experience like you do.
Guys who see me don’t want the fake noises and there is no need to do this crap. Hell right now I’m not working so no competition to your anyway.

Ffs grow up
Monday, May 31st 2021
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Room to rent long eaton. (Notts/derby border)
I rarely work now so have decided to rent out my room in my apartment. I’ll rent it weekly (daily too much hassle and costs not much less tbh)

It is a well appointed room in a private and discreet area. The other room is in use by another girl BUT she doesn’t work everyday

Bookings must be discrete and I don’t want someone who does back to back bookings as that makes it rather obvious what is happening and I’d prefer my neighbours not know.

The apartment has a large open plan kitchen lounge area two bedrooms (one in use) and a nice bathroom with shower etc.

The room is decorated in a jade colour (see my older pics) with a couple of matching bedding sets so you always have a clean one. The room will be move in ready. Their are two black bedside cabinets, a large black dresser, a show rack and a hanging circular rack for whips, cuffs etc

It’s a set weekly price to be paid on the first day of use and is to be paid every Monday in advance. There is deposit which will be the price of one week also due when picking up keys.

If you don’t want to use it very week and just want every other or three days a week every week or a similar arrangement then I’m sure we can work it out (it’ll be much cheaper than a hotel for sure).
However I want it to be a regular thing for at least 6months.

If you are looking for somewhere to work occasionally then this isn’t for you. If you want somewhere all the time or set days/weeks but regularly then it is.
I’m basically looking for someone who is discrete and who wants somewhere on a regular basis for at least 6 months.

Bedrooms are non smoking (I don’t mind one. Own&then for a smoking booking if the room is aired well bit I don’t want the snell of smoke to permeate the property

If interested shoot me an email and I’ll get back to you.
Sunday, May 9th 2021
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Hospital, health and future prospects

Well I’m back in hospital as my oxygen not quite where it should be again. Whilst I’ve been told <2years I’ve been given a little hope. I’ve been put forward to the transplant tram to get on the list. My consultant has decided that even though this disease will attack new lungs it’ll give me a few more years (lungs last 1-10 years mostly 5 & under though) and it’s take longer than that for my disease to cause enough damage to affect me so it’s worth the risk due to my age. So I now have to face months of tests. Lots of different ones. The list is exhausting. I also have to be able to walk 6minutes at a brisk walk with oxygen. At the moment I can do about a minute at an average walk so have lots of lung training to do.
I’m still unsure about a double lung transplant and even worse a heart and double lung (they might decide that’s the better option for me) as the lifestyle afterwards is hard to do. All the foods I eat and drinks I like aren’t allowed. All the food and drink I hate is allowed. FFS. No chocolate even??? Wtf???
I’d also have to quit this job probably as I’ll be on anti rejection meds and immunosuppressants and any virus would make me seriously unwell. I have asked and have been told for the first 6 months I wouldn’t be up to it at all but after that I could see people I trust won’t risk my health.
I have a few of you I know wouldnt put me at risk but not many so I’m still undecided on that one.

However I don’t have to worry about that right now as I’m not even on the list yet and they may not accept me due to my other illnesses. It depends also on how healthy my other organs are considering they have been starved of oxygen on and off for over a year.

must admit I’d just got used to the idea of dying and had finally accepted it and now I’ve been given a little hope of a few more years and I’m uncertain. I’m not sure if it’s worth it. I had everything sorted. My advanced directive. My DNAR. Even the funeral I’ve said I won’t be having.
Now I have to try and accept I may or may not get on the list and then I may or may not get a transplant. It’s an awful feeling when you have to hope a healthy non or former smoker dies. How do you manage knowing you’re only alive because someone else died. That’s hard. I don’t know if I could deal with that.

I’ve been on the donor list since my 18th birthday and have always hoped if I died I could be of some use to others. I never actually thought I’d need someone to die for me

Why am I being told I can be put forward now when in September I was told I’m not a candidate? Hmm I have a feeling they don’t want to wait for me to die to get my lungs. See I’ve said they can have them to study as none of them have ever seen this disease. Hardly anyone worldwide knows much about it as it’s not something many people have suffered from They’ve seen the version in babies born with HIV but the adult version as well as it being caused by nothing at all (idiopathic) are both rare. Adults just don’t get this disease. There 11 of us now although there was 15 worldwide last September. yep I reckon she knows if I get a transplant they can keep my lungs alive for long enough to get a good old look and then get to cut them up afterwards. I think that’s the only reason I’m being put forward. Although she did say without it I won’t be around in 2022 so there’s always that as well (plus if I die and I’m not in her hospital she won’t get my lungs).

So anyway. That’s the update some of you have asked for. I know I’ve not been available often but no one wants to see me on a day where I’m blue as struggling to breathe even with my oxygen. Blue definitely ain’t my colour. I hoped to carry it off but nah, next to my green eyes it looks rather sickly.

No good news to update on as not been anywhere or done anything. I think one of my favourite clients may have died though as we text often and it’s been silent the past few weeks and after 10 years of daily/weekly contact, this is not something that happens. I’m really sad about it as I just don’t know what’s happened. That’s the thing in this job when you get close to people (and we were close. We did lunch and shopping and days out as friends as in not paid) when something happens to them we don’t ever find out what. It just goes silent. It’s quite heartbreaking tbh and I don’t think I’ll ever allow this to happen again. He was an elderly gent and a true friend. He knew more about me than my own family as I told him all my secrets and thoughts. Even the darkest ones. I feel a bit lost without him tbh. Especially after finding out about the transplant option as he was my go to for anything I wasn’t sure about or was anxious about. Right now I really need him and I know that’s selfish as he could be in hospital himself or even dead but it’s how I feel. I need my rock

Ok that’s the doom and gloom over with. Go back and read so holy or sexy blogs as I’m sure there are loads on this site.
Sunday, September 13th 2020
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Room to rent just off A52 derby/Notts border
I have a two bed flat in long eaton to share. I am there two maybe three days a month. The rest of the time you will be on your own.
You have free reign to do as you wish with your room.
I will be asking for a months deposit and one month in advance.

The flat is discrete in a quiet area and is clean and well appointed.

I’m looking for someone who understands discretion, who doesn’t use party substances and who is reliable. I don’t really have many rules bar being discreet so obviously not suited to someone who does gangbangs etc

I’m out of the country until the 20th but can arrange to show the place from then onwards

About me. I’m easy going and laid back and won’t be there much at all.
If interested give me a quick message and I’ll send my phone number so we can arrange a viewing

Monday, June 22nd 2020
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Aftermath and bad news
Woow. I’m surprised. I decided this week to come back to work as I can’t catch or pass on the virus now (yay me) and I’m shocked by how busy it is. I thought I might get an odd booking but both days I have advertised are fully booked already (bar one time slot tomorrow). It’s a bit different for me though as I don’t (can’t) take back to back bookings as I need a little time to get ready and rest between bookings.
I am really surprised though that so many people want bookings. I know the lockdown has been hard on everyone but I also knew some girls worked right through lockdown so didn’t expect it to be so busy now.

I admit I was far too scared to work during it as the risk of catching or spreading it was a risk too far for me as I’d have hated to pass it on to a client and kill them. Thankfully I can’t do that anymore so I’m happy to come back.

Although I’m upset as my roots really need doing and no hairdresser is open arghhh. It’s a nightmare. There’s going to be a lot of rough looking ladies out working as no hair/nails/brows/Botox/fillers etc. What’s a girl to do when all your beauty services (needs in my case) are closed. Some of us NEED these services. They are essential so that I don’t scare everyone half to death.

On a not so light note the past few weeks have been non stop emergency hospital and doctor visits. I had a bit of trouble breathing so had emergency X-ray. From there it went crazy with emergency bloods CTs and phone consults with a consultant. It seems on top of everything else they have found a problem in my lungs. It’s a big problem. One that means I’ll probably have to retire sooner than I wanted and hoped for as can’t really see clients wearing oxygen as not really the done thing. Gutted as never want to quit this job. I had visions of one day being the oldest hooker on AW. I always said they’d bury me in my stockings. So yeah not the best news to get so that put a bit of a damper on things. Life can suck sometimes

Anyway I’m off as have a busy day ahead
Monday, March 30th 2020
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I must say I’m gobsmacked at not only the amount of lovely ladies still working but also the amount of calls and texts I have received from previous clients trying to book me as they ‘know’ I’m safe as they know I’m high risk and have regular blood tests etc. How the F**K can that make me safe? Plus if you know my illness makes me high risk WHY THE EFF are you trying to see me when you don’t know if you have it or not. 40% of people who get it will have NO symptoms. None!! You won’t know if you pass it on and end up being the cause of someone else dying
I’m sorry but NAH. I’m not willing to risk it. Not until they bring out the antibody test so people can show it to me to prove they are safe to see. I’m happy to chat via text or give pin code to one of my galleries to previous clients. That’s it though until further notice as believe it or not, I rather enjoy being alive.
I really really really never want to have to go on a respirator ever again. I did it in 2007 and that period of time was enough for me. I’m surprised so many are willing to risk it tbh as the survival rate of coming off a ventilator isn’t that great (for any illness needing it) as your body struggles to remember how to breathe. Yeah no thanks.
Please guys and gals be careful. I know the argument if flu has killed more people this year BUT flu doesn’t spread as fast as this does. If you have flu you will infect around 1.7 people. If you have this it’ll be around 3.6 so the spread is much more meaning a lot more will die in the coming weeks. We can’t stop it but we can delay or even starve it of victims. Yeah it’s a pain the the Arse not having intimate time but a quick session isn’t worth maybe killing a member of your own family.

Sorry I know that turned into a lecture but I’ll admit I’m a little scared. I’m high risk due to autoimmune illness so I have a bit of a right to be scared. I’m also scared that people I know via here might become very unwell also. Some of you have become friends and I care. Ok lecture over
Stay safe
Wednesday, September 11th 2019
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New look new me
Well as most of you know by now I have lost 7 stone so am a much smaller me. To go with that I have decided to have my extremely long and awfully curly hair straightened so I can wear it down without it strangling a client. I’m having it done Friday and after that I will definitely be doing new photos although that might be next week as I’m decorating at home at the moment. Oh joy that’s fun...not. I hate glossing and I have a lot of it to do as have a weird staircase in my lounge with an awful amount of glossed wood on it.
The walls are easier as I have a spray gun to do them so it’s a quick spray and done. Not even started wallpaper on feature wall yet.

That’s pretty much all the news I have for now so I’ll shut up now
Thursday, June 6th 2019
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All healed yay
Well I can now open my mouth yayy. Not all the way but enough to manage an average sized cock. Eating has been hard as could only open my mouth a centimetre. Not fun at all

Had some bad news in that I have to have another breast surgery this year as although the reconstruction went well it hasn’t gone well enough for the doc. So I’m going to try to book it for December as both December and January are the quieter months. Not looking forward to having a third surgery on them but I do want them perfect and a bit bigger as I was always big breasted before the first surgery so another fat transfer. That’s going to be hard as I don’t really have any fatty areas left and they need to take it from various parts of my body

I won’t be putting my green light on very often but you will know if I’m working as I always write the date and times at the top of my main section on my profile

Please stop texting if I have not met you before as I won’t text back also please stop with the “are you available right now” as I never am. I need at least 30 minutes to get ready
Wednesday, May 8th 2019
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A ramble
Well my eyebrows have settled down finally. Dreading the top up in few weeks as having lips tattooed as well. Don’t want fillers in them but don’t want to lose their shape as when you get to 40 your lips start to lose the colour on the edges making the lips look thinner.
I’m also dreading next week as get a few facial tweaks done. One of which is apparently rather painful. It has to be done though as I lost so much weight even my face got thinner so I have a little bit of stretched skin than needs forming up. I’m sat at home getting really nervous about it.

I’m still only working two days a week so it really is better to book in advance as the days I work depend on what two days I get advance bookings for. It makes it easier for me to know what days I’ll be in as I can rest well before hand so I’m at my best on the day. I really miss working full time. I miss going on tour as well but it’s not worthwhile doing so now as can’t work the hours needed to make it worthwhile. On tour I could happily work 18 hour days. Now I can manage a couple of hours every few days. It’s quite sad as I made some lovely regs on tour. Guys who I got to know really well. Maybe if I’m in the area for another reason I might do a few hours who knows. I know I miss it though.

I’m off to stay with my daughter in a couple of weeks so I’m sure I’ll come home knackered and broke as my daughter loves to shop with her mums money. She is such a sweet girl. Still very innocent and naive which is surprising considering my boys are all worldly wise. Maybe I pampered her a little. Although I think it’s just her nature. She is the only one who doesn’t know what I do as I don’t want her thinking it’s a good idea to do this job. She is not the right type of person for this so I and the rest of my family ensure it is never mentioned in front of her. I am so looking forward to staying with her as it’s been awhile since I saw her due to my bloody body letting me down.

This effing pleurisy is still annoying the hell out of me so I’m going for a long hot shower to try and ease the pain a little as it makes my ribs hurt
Tuesday, April 30th 2019
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Well the pleurisy that was supposed to be all better by now is much bloody worse but you have to know three weeks in advance if you want to see a doctor at my surgery. Who knows they will need a doctor three weeks in advance. It’s stupid. However some people book doctors appointments over silly things. Have a cold? Book a GP. Splinter? GP. I’m not joking either. Last time I saw my GP she apologised and said over 60% of people she had seen that month could have gone to a pharmacy as didn’t need a GP. It was colds, 24hour bug etc etc
It’s no wonder our NHS is f***ed. I only go to GP when I have tried every other avenue. Home remedies first, then pharmacy, then natural remedies and only after that do I see a GP (unless it’s something that I know is dangerous to wait for treatment or that I know none of the others will help with). I know I’m moaning but I really need to see a doc badly and have had to wait and wait and wait so I’m now at the point where it is has gotten so bad I have to choose between moving or breathing as can’t do both at the same time and the pain when I try is almost as bad as feeling like I’m suffocating. If I had seen a GP last week I probably wouldn’t be this unwell now. Or if hadn’t seen that idiotic one first of all. DR ‘yes pleurisy have cream for muscle’. Grrrr.

I was hoping to be back at work this afternoon but the more I move around today the worse I’m feeling so don’t think that will be happening as I’m seeing my normal doc and she doesn’t mess around so I have a feeling where I will end up today although I’m hoping not as I hate having to cancel bookings especially after having so long off work. I need to work. I want to work. I also need to be on top form for a booking as don’t want to give a half arsed service because I feel lousy. I’d sooner a client annoyed I cancelled than pissed off that I’d taken his money then laid there like a dead fish which tbh is about all I can do right now lol
Fingers crossed my doc can help so I can get back to my job. Extra strong antibiotics and extra strong pain meds might help

I really don’t know anymore as it seems to be one thing after another. Pleurisy, broken phone pleurisy gets worse. I would like one week where everything is great and I can come to work without any problems. I have my fingers crossed for next week
Thursday, April 25th 2019
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At last
As some of you know awhile ago I needed medication that made my eyebrows fall out and they never regrew. So years ago I had them tattooed on but one had no arch and was just a straight line and the ink turned blue after a few weeks. Well things have come a long way since then and so have prices. What was £400 only cost me £100 today. A set of tattooed brows that look as natural as they can. I had microblading and shading. They look fantastic as she even managed to turn that straight line eyebrow into a gorgeous arch brow. I’m over the moon. Just one problem. It seems I’m one of those people who are immune to lidocaine cream. She used the strongest you can buy and tried it on my lip and it went numb but on my skin. Nope not a thing. I can say the I heard the noise as each blade cut through my skin with a crunch and I felt it too. Every slice of the blade. It’s really hard to be in agony and not scrunch your brows in pain. I was fists clenched and legs in the air kicking as it was that bad. I’ve had major surgery that hurt less. It was worth it though. Although for my six week top up I may ask my doc for local anaesthetic injections as the blading was bad but the shading was worse as was already sore by then. Still worth it though as eyebrows frame your face and I didn’t have that. It makes a huge difference to finally have brows that I don’t draw in in the morning.
I’m now wondering how the hell I will sleep as can’t doze of without my eye mask on and ear plugs in. I can wear the plugs but can’t have anything touching my brows for a week so the mask is out. I do know I’m exhausted now as all that arching my body off the bed and kicking out has worn me out
Wednesday, April 24th 2019
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Update on face and photos
Ok. I’ve booked my facial work for the 14th of May so I will have photo shoot the weekend of the 18th. As I said I’m not going to lie about having a few tweaks here and there. I lost a lot of weight so I was bound to have loose skin on parts of me. I’m also not going to pretend I have never needed the odd tweak. I’m seriously not sure why so many women do it then deny it. It baffles me. To stay in this game we alot of us need a little help now and then after we hit the big 40. It’s nust one of those things we do to take care of how we look.
I’m also getting my eyebrows redone this week.
If I’m coming back to work properly then I want to look my very best so that means I need a tweak. I’m dreading it though. I can cope with Botox and fillers as don’t hurt that much but apparently a thread lift really bloody hurts. Especially as I need six on each side. I’m shitting myself to be really honest. My facial Dr is well renowned for his work and also teaches these lifts all over the country so I know it should be a good job that looks natural.

Once that is done I will do a photo shoot so you get a better idea of how I look as the few I do have aren’t the best of photos.

That’s about it really. Nothing exciting as have been laid up with pleurisy which hasn’t been much fun. It’s not really getting better either so back to see a medical professional. Hopefully one that understand what the hell im saying this time and doesn’t give me a muscle cream for a lung problem.

I’m back on Thursday for the day so taking advance bookings. Xxx

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